





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7390 字

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Chengde, a famous place of geomantic omen. ImYang Xiaoer, the tour guide of Fengcai travel agency. You can call me Xiao er.On my right is our driver, master Chen from Xingxing. Its a great honor formaster Chen and I to serve you on this trip. Our destination today is the summerresort. If you have any needs or suggestions, please tell me at any time that Iwill try my best to help you. Of course, in order to provide you with the mostdetailed explanation and the best service, please unite closely around the YouthLeague Central Committee with Xiaoer as the core.

You must have been to many places, in the wilderness of Liaoyuan, in themountains and gullies, in the snow mountain sky, in the sea and sky line,perhaps, will leave your footprints. Today, lets open the gate of Huangfengdiyun and Jinxiu Chengde, and leave your most brilliant smile in the summerresort, the brightest place of Zisai pearl. In the northern part of China, theprecipitous Yanshan Mountains, among the majestic mountains and under the shadowof towering trees, reveal a completely different landscape from the surroundingprecipitous mountains. There is a garden, which is twice the size of the summerpalace in Beijing and eight times the size of the Forbidden City. It is Chengdesummer resort, which records a glorious period of the Qing Dynasty. Just as wearrived at our destination, please take your belongings and get off with me.

The worlds largest existing classical royal garden, taking the nature ofnatural landscape and the scenery of northern and southern China, is like arealistic painting exhibition in the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong. Li zhengmen,the first of the nine gates, is a city gate with three rectangular arches. Youcan see that there is a stone plaque on the top of the middle gate. On the topis Li zhengmen written by Emperor Qianlong in Manchu, Tibetan, Han, Uygur andMongolian characters. Why are they written in five characters? Because, ah, hesymbolizes that the motherland is a multi-ethnic country. There are two dismounttablets on the left and right sides. Why is it called dismount tablet? Becauseit says "officials and people wait to get off here", so it gets its name.

Please follow me into the main entrance of Li, and pass through the readingand shooting Hall of Kangxi Yubi summer resort. Now we are in front of the mainhall of Danbo Jingcheng in the main palace area of the summer resort. The word"Danbo" comes from the book of changes, which is not bothered or disturbed. Inhis book of admonishment, Zhuge Liang said that "there is no ambition withoutindifference, and there is no ambition without tranquility.". Emperor Kangxisfour words of indifference, respect and sincerity implicitly expressed histhoughts of thinking of danger in times of peace and advocating thrift. Thishall is the place where the Qing emperors dealt with the Court Affairs and heldthe grand ceremony when they lived in the villa. It is equivalent to the TaiheHall of the Palace Museum in Beijing. Compared with the magnificent andmagnificent palace museum in Beijing, the wooden pillars there are simple andunsophisticated, with grey bricks and tiles, and the 48 big nanmu pillars aroundare bright after being waxed. The whole hall is more elegant against thebackdrop of the pines in the courtyard.

Emperor Qianlong also met with the leaders of ethnic minorities there. In1780, the sixth Panchen Lama traveled eastward to Chengde to celebrate EmperorQianlongs birthday. For this reason, Emperor Qianlong also held a grandceremony there and talked with Panchen Lama in Tibetan: "its hard work totravel a long distance.". The sixth Panchen Lama replied, "far away, have a safejourney." This shows Emperor Qianlongs concern and love for the sixth PanchenLama, and the close relationship between Tibet and the central government of theQing Dynasty. Looking back on history, on the political stage of the DanboJingcheng hall, there were plays that had a great influence on the unificationof the Qing Dynasty, and composed songs of national unity.

Lets follow me. Lets see where the mountains are rolling and where thepines are. With the calm of the lake, do you feel very peaceful? Look, thatsWenjin Pavilion. Can you guess who this person is? Yes, the big brother in blueclothes is right. He is Ji Xiaolan. He is no stranger to watching TV series. Helikes smoking. His name is Jida Yandai. What makes him famous most is hiscompilation of the largest series of Royal books, Sikuquanshu. Sikuquanshu is anunprecedented series of Royal books in the history of Chinese politeness.

There are a total of seven libraries in front of and behind. What we cometo now is Wenjin Pavilion, the first one that has been repaired. Just coming in,there is a big rockery. If you want to see Wenjin Pavilion, you have to gothrough this rockery. Come with me. When he built this rockery, He Lin designeda small cave for Emperor Qianlong, which is the one above. Whats the use of it?Please follow me, follow the direction of my fingers, see that little crescent?He was in the small cave in the rockery. The meaning of He Lins design was thatthere was a sun in the sky and a moon in the water, representing "the sun andthe moon shine together". Qianlong was very happy to see nature.

Please look at this Wenjin Pavilion. It looks like a two-story building. Infact, its a three-story building. There is a partition hidden under the longeaves. This partition is the real place for collecting books. The long eaves canavoid direct sunlight. In that partition, all the homes and bookcases are madeof Phoebe. Its a perfect place to prevent insects and moths A good place tocollect books. But now there is no one. Whats the matter? About 100 years ago,Beijing asked Rehe Dutong "Jiang Guiti" to transport all the four complete booksof Wenjin pavilion to the newly built Beijing Library. At that time, the personin charge of this matter of the Ministry of education was Mr. Lu Xun. However,after the books arrived in Beijing, they were not given to the Ministry ofeducation, but to the Ministry of internal affairs. Through the continuousefforts of Mr. Lu Xun and the Ministry of education, all the books of wenjingewere finally stored in the Beijing Library, which is now the National Library ofBeijing. This book has become the most complete and perfect four library book,which is the National Library of China The treasure of the town hall.

As a work of the Qing Dynasty in its heyday, the summer resort took nearly90 spring and autumn years. It has experienced 300 years of rain, snow, wind andfrost with the people of Chengde. The summer resort witnessed the prosperity anddecline of the Qing Dynasty.

Dear friends, our journey is coming to an end. We have visited the DanboJingcheng hall and Wenjin Pavilion. I believe we have all left a deep impressionon you, and we have also forged a profound friendship. At this moment ofparting, first of all, I would like to thank you for your support for my workand your tolerance for me. If there is anything that is not well cared for,please forgive me. At the same time, I would like to leave you with yourvaluable opinions. As the saying goes, "to send you a thousand miles, you mustleave me at last." I wish you all the best in your next journey. I also wish youall the best in the days to come. I hope you will come back to Chengde and beyour guide! Goodbye ~!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 37264 字

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Tianshan Tianchi, known as "yaochi" in ancient times, is located in FukangCity, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang, on the north side of Bogda peak. It is about110 kilometers away from Urumqi city. It is a famous tourist attraction inXinjiang. In ancient Chinese mythology, it was also the place where the queenmother of the Western Heaven bathed.

Tianchi Lake is 1910 meters above sea level, and the deepest reaches 105meters. The lake reflects Bogda peak, surrounded by spruce, and the scenery islike a fairyland. The scenic area includes mountain lakes, wetland meadows,forest canyons and other natural landscapes. In 20__, the scenic spot was alsorated as a national geopark by the state.

There are three water surfaces in Tianchi scenic area. In addition to themain lake, there are two water surfaces on the East and west sides. On the eastside is "dongxiaotianchi", also known as Heilongtan. It is 500 meters to theeast of Tianchi. At the bottom of the pool is a hundred Zhang cliff. There arewaterfalls flying down like a long rainbow. The scenic spot is called "XuanquanYaohong". On the west side is the "West small Tianchi", also known as the jadepond. It is about two kilometers northwest of Tianchi. Because the shape of thepond is like a full moon, surrounded by tasong around it, if you encounter thebright moon in the sky, the static shadow will sink into the wall, so it isnamed "Longtan Biyue". On the side of the pool, there is also a waterfall, whichis tens of meters high. The water flows like the Milky way and falls to theground. The scenery is called "jade belt and silver curtain". There is WentaoPavilion on the pool. Its very interesting to watch the waterfall in thepavilion. The scenic spots in the scenic area are connected by plank road, whichcan be reached on foot.

On the East Bank of Tianchi, there is the West tianwangmu temple, which wasfirst built in the Yuan Dynasty. What we see now is the building rebuilt on theoriginal Temple site in 1999, where the queen mother is worshipped, so it isalso called "Niangniang Temple". The bus stop is close to the East Bank ofTianchi. Walk along the plank road to the Queen Mother Temple on the West Bankfor about 1.5 hours. Compared with the beautiful natural scenery of Tianchiscenic spot, this temple is not very worthwhile to spend time visiting.

From mid November to the end of March of the next year, "Tianshan Tianchiice and Snow Festival" will be held. At that time, tourists can go to theTianshan ski resort near the scenic spot for skiing and other ice and snowprojects.

The Kazakh tents in the scenic area can be used for accommodation, but mosttourists return to the urban area on the same day after the tour. Most of thetourists outside Xinjiang start from Urumqi to visit Tianchi, and they canreturn to the urban area of Urumqi for accommodation on the same day. There arelocal meals in the scenic area, but the price is higher than that outside thescenic area, and the quality of food is also worse than that outside the scenicarea. It is suggested that tourists bring their own food and wait to return tothe city to enjoy Xinjiang food in the city.


Tianshan lake, which enjoys the reputation of "the Pearl of Tianshan", is anatural alpine lake. It is located in the middle of the mountain below Bogdapeak in the eastern part of North Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1980meters. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters and a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, covering an area of 4.9 square kilometers. The lake isseveral to 105 meters deep. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains,green grass and wild flowers. Tall and straight, green spruce, tasong, all overthe mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchi is the majestic main peakof Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan and Shengshan), with an altitudeof 5445 meters. There are two peaks on both sides of the main peak. Looking upfrom afar, the three peaks rise together, suddenly, like a penholder. Theglaciers and snow on the top of the peak are shining with silver light, and thewater of Tianchi Lake is blue and clear, forming a colorful natural landscape ofthis high mountain Pinghu Lake.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Geoscientists believe that: since theQuaternary, the global climate has experienced many severe cold and warmmovements. As far as 200000 years ago, the earths climate turned cold for thethird time, and the ice age came, and the spectacular valley glaciers developedin the Tianchi area. The glaciers carry gravels and move slowly down the valley.They strongly erode the ice bed. They excavate and carve the valley and form avariety of ice erosion terrain. The Tianchi Valley becomes a huge ice cellar.The front end of the glacier tongue gradually stops and accumulates due toextrusion, melting water and discharge, and becomes the end moraine of thevalley. After that, the climate became warmer and the glaciers subsided and thelake became _. It is todays Tianshan Tianchi. According to historical records,from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Tianchi had the names of Bingchi,Longqiu, Longtan, Shenchi, etc., but there are few records about the trueappearance of Tianchi in historical records. In fact, it is difficult forancient people to reach Tianchi.

In the feudal era of Da - Zhong, who really visited Tianchi, and namedTianchi for the first time was Ming Liang, a former Minister of Urumqi in 200years. In 1783, he climbed up Bogda mountain and found the Tianchi Lake. He dugthe water outlet to irrigate the farmland. He named the lake after the word"Tianchi" in the inscription on the sparse canal in Lingshan Tianchi, whichdescribes the event. It is said that later some officials and rich people whoworshiped Lingshan and Tianchi built eight temples near Tianchi, such as Fushoutemple, Wangmu temple, Wuji temple and Zhenren temple, for mountain visitors toburn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, these ancient temple relics havebeen destroyed one after another, and the Qing Dynasty ministers bright stonetablet can not be found. Today, people can only see some general informationfrom historical data. In the past, due to the high mountains and dangerousroads, only the bold, ambitious and skilled riders could explore the TianchiLake.

After the 1950s, the peoples Government specially allocated funds to buildthe Panshan road leading to the Tianchi Lake, and built unique pavilions,waterside pavilions, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities on thelakeside, opening this famous tourist resort to Chinese and foreign tourists. In1982, the State Council listed Tianshan Tianchi as the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots. Tianchi is 90km away from Urumqi. In the early morning, thetourists get on the bus from Urumqi and enter the mountain pass after two hoursof eastward travel. The bus spirals up the mountain side road. On the side ofthe road, there are cliffs, craggy rocks, secluded woods and streams, flowersand birds. On the right side of the road, there is a small round pool with aradius of tens of meters. On the side of the pool, there is a waterfall with aheight of several feet. It spits out beads and splashes jade. This is commonlyknown as "Xiaotianchi". Then hover up the mountain, climb the broad ridge,Tianchi suddenly in front of you. Visitors here will sigh for the wonderfulscenery of lakes and mountains. Here, people can enjoy the gift of nature. Youcan climb the mountain together, walk through the dense forest, climb themountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Tianchi Lake; you can also take ayacht to break the waves and enjoy the "sea" style of the plateau beyond thegreat wall; you can also come to the restaurant building by the pool, drink bythe window, enjoy the distant mountains and waters, paint and write poems, andpour out your intoxication. Over the years, many poets and painters have beeninspired here. When Guo Moruo visited Tianchi in September 1971, he wrote thispoem impromptu

Visit Riga,

The scenery here is better than before.

Singing and dancing at the water,

Cloud paper in the sky waiting for a new chapter.

A pool of thick inkstone,

Wan Mu Chang has a pen

More like this mornings double roe deer,

Feast and wine are like springs

Tianchi is not only a summer resort for Chinese and foreign tourists everysummer, but also an ideal Alpine skating rink in winter. Every time the lakewater freezes, ice athletes from Xinjiang or other provinces gather here. On thebroad lake, they are bathed in bright sunshine and fresh air for skatingtraining and competition. The mountains surrounding the Tianchi Lake are also"baibaoshan" with rich resources. There are fattening pastures for cattle andsheep, forest farms for logging and deer farms for artificial breeding. Thereare Saussurea involucrata and Snowcock growing on the snow line, roe deer in thepine forest, mushrooms everywhere, and dangshen, Huangqi, Fritillaria and othermedicinal materials. There are rare birds and animals in the valleys, fish andwater birds in the lake area, modern glaciers on the top of the peaks, andcopper, iron, mica and other minerals buried under the mountains. The abundantresources and unique natural landscape in Tianchi area are more attractive tothe biological, geological and geographical workers who are keen on fieldinvestigation. Tianchi is indeed a place that people in Xinjiang have tovisit.


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tianchi mountain. Tianshan Tianchi nationalscenic spot is located 33 kilometers south of Fukang City, Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region. Tianshan Tianchi is located in the middle of the mountainbelow Bogda peak in Fukang County, 110 kilometers east of Urumqi, with analtitude of 1980 meters. With different altitudes, it can be divided into fournatural zones: Glacier snow zone, alpine subalpine zone, mountain coniferousforest zone and low mountain zone. At the same time, you can enjoy the sceneryof snow mountain, forest, clear water, lawn and flowers. Its a natural mountainlake. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters, a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, and a maximum depth of105 meters. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains, green grass andwild flowers. It is known as the "Pearl of Tianshan". Tall and straight, greenspruce, tasong, all over the mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchiis the majestic main peak of Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan,Shengshan), with an altitude of 5445 meters. There are two peaks on the left andright of the main peak. Looking up from afar, the three peaks rise together,suddenly, like a penholder. The glacier and snow on the top of the peak areshining with silver light, which is in contrast with the clear water of theTianchi Lake, forming a colorful natural landscape of the high mountain PinghuLake. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots announced by theState Council. Tianchi Lake is an alpine moraine lake formed in the Quaternaryglacial activities more than two million years ago. The lake is 1980 metersabove sea level. The lake is half moon shaped, 3400 meters long from north tosouth, 1500 meters wide at the widest, covering an area of 4.9 squarekilometers. The average depth of the Lake is 40 meters, 105 meters deep at thedeepest, with a total water storage of 160 million cubic meters. It is aworld-famous alpine lake. It was listed as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in 1982 In ancient times, Tianchi was called "yaochi". It issaid that the queen mother of China and the West entertained King Mu of Zhou. LiShangyin, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem: "yaochis mothersbeautiful window is open, the yellow bamboos singing is moving, and the eightsteeds travel 30000 Li a day. Why doesnt King Mu come back?" it is said thatTiandi is the silver mirror on the dressing table of Queen Mother of West, andit is also called the bathing pool of Queen Mother of West. The clouds and fogaround heaven and earth are the neon clothes and feathers of Queen Mother ofWest Xiaotianchi is the foot basin of Queen Mother of the West These wonderfulmyths and legends give a mysterious color to the beautiful natural scenery ofTianchi Lake. In summer, it is an excellent summer resort with beautifulmountains and rivers, fresh and pleasant. Visitors can climb mountains, passthrough dense forests, and have a panoramic view of the world. They can alsosail across the vast blue water of the lake to enjoy the scenery of the lakesand mountains. In winter, Tianchi Lake is covered with snow, snow and snow. Thelake is as ice as jade. It is a rare mountain skating rink in China. The naturalscenery of heaven and earth is summarized as "Shimen line", "Longtan Biyue","Dingtian Sanshi", "Dinghai Shenzhen", "Nanshan wangxue", "Xishan xiansong","Haifeng Exhibition" Xuanquan waterfall ". Every year, the world attracts alarge number of Chinese and foreign tourists. Longtan Biyue Longtan refers tothe "West small Tianchi" which is located about 2 kilometers below Tianchi and1660 meters above sea level on the west side of Panshan highway. It is said thatit was a foot basin used by Queen Mother of the West. In fact, it was a deeppool of stagnant water formed in the low-lying area where the water of TianchiLake leaked through the thick ice stains of the underground dam. At night, thebright moon is in the sky, and the shadow of the trees and the blue moon arereflected in the pool. The still shadow sinks into the wall, and the shadow ofthe moon trembles slightly. A poem praises "a great green flows into the dragonpool, green pines and white snow inlaid with green plates, and the golden autumnmoon sinks into the bottom of the wall. It is suspected that Change is out ofthe cold." Looking at the snow in Nanshan, tourists stand on the moraine dam ofTianchi, looking south at Bogda snow mountain, but see "snow in the distance,pine near, wild flowers like brocade, green and red. The scenery of lakes andmountains is splashed with ink, and the scenery of spring, summer, autumn andwinter melts together "(Xie Yukang). The view of this scenic spot is like afairyland. According to the legend of dinghaishen needle, the great sage of QiTian returned the golden cudgel to the Dragon King of the East China Sea aspromised after he got the Sutra. There is a water monster in the Tianchi Lake,who often uses lewd power to make waves. The water of the Tianchi lake rises andinundates the residents, leaving the people homeless and wandering around. Oneyear, the queen mother held a grand peach party in Tiangong. At the meeting, allkinds of immortals were invited, but the water monster of Tianchi was forgottento be invited. The water monster is not happy, vent his anger. In an instant,the muddy waves were surging and the floods overflowed. The heavenly soldierreported to the queen mother, who was very angry. She immediately took out thesea calming needle and put it into the lake. All at once, the wind was calm andthe water was back. The golden cudgel became an elm. From then on, he grew upbeside the water of Tianchi and became the treasure of Zhenshui. This elm waslater known as the "dinghaishen needle". The west side of guansongtianchi inXishan Mountain is relatively gentle, and it is also located on the shady slope.The slope composed of moraine and debris flow deposits is relatively loose, withgood water storage conditions, especially suitable for the growth of trees. ThePicea forest here is the best place for tourism. "Xishan pine" is a kind ofpleasant and refreshing. In the morning of Haifeng, watching the sunrise inTianchi is more interesting than watching the sunrise in Mount Tai. In themorning light, the iceberg, fir forest and colorful lake of Tianshan areintegrated, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. There is a poempraising that "the clouds cover the fog, and thousands of people are hidden, andthe dawn is beginning to show, and the scenery is new.". A man-made sluice isbuilt on the end moraine dike of the glacier in the northeast of the lowerreaches of the Tianchi Lake, and the water from the Tianchi Lake forms awaterfall. The waterfall runs straight down the rocky rapids. It is called"dongxiaotianchi" because of the sound of the waterfall. The environment here isvery secluded. The North Bank of dongxiaotianchi is a precipice with a height of100 meters. It flows silver and jade. The sound of the waterfall is likethunder. Under the sunlight, the rainbow dances, forming a beautiful scene of"hanging spring and waterfall". There is a poem that "Pearl number spring ishanging in the air, silver chain is hanging high and foggy. The misty water ischarming and bright, and the rainbow is flying among the green hills. "


Dear tourists

In Xinjiang, there is a place to explore and explore. It integratesmythology, geology, biology and human landscape, and is known as the "Pearl ofthe plateau". It is the Tianshan Tianchi lake that we are going to visittoday.

Tianchi is located in the mountains of Tianshan Mountains to the south ofFukang County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 110 kilometers away fromUrumqi. Its about 2 hours drive from Urumqi to Tianchi. Along the way, we willenjoy the magnificent scenery around Tianchi and the ethnic customs of Kazak andUygur. I believe the trip to Tianchi will leave you a deep impression. Now Iwould like to introduce the general situation of Tianchi.

[overview of Tianchi Lake]

Tianchi, about 41 kilometers away from Fukang City, is located on thehillside of Bogda peak in the east of Tianshan Mountain. Tianchi natural scenicarea has a total area of 158 square kilometers, including 87 square kilometersof scenic area. It is a typical mountain natural landscape in arid areas ofNorthwest China. The snow mountains, glaciers, forests, grasslands, highmountains and lakes in the scenic area reflect each other, and are harmoniouslyintegrated with the long-standing myths and legends and the local Kazakhcustoms. In 1982, the State Council listed it as one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots. The beauty of Tianchi can be summed up by "thousandsof years of scenery and thousands of Customs", which is comparable to GenevaLake in Switzerland. She shows people a strange world of central and WesternAsia. Jiang once praised: "Im afraid there are few scenery like Tianchi in theworld." Its true.

[scenery along the way → Kazakh yurt]

Tourists, now our car has entered Tianchi scenic spot. Looking from thewindow, we can see that the water of Sangong River flows down from a distance.The water comes from the melting water of ice and snow on Tianshan Mountain. Itis clear and refreshing. The blue sky, white clouds and fresh air make usrelaxed and happy. In this beautiful place, there are hardworking, brave, simpleand friendly Kazakh people.

As Tianchi gets closer and closer, we can see that there are more and moreyurts living along the river. They are the homes of Kazakh herdsmen living onthe banks of Sangong River. These white yurts are called "prairie hostels". Itis said that the white swan is the ancestor of Kazakh, so they have the customof worshiping white, which symbolizes purity, auspiciousness and happiness. TheKazakh people, who live by water and grass, are hospitable, United and mutualaid. Usually in front of the mountain, dozens of families gather together toform a "awul", that is, a small tribe and village, engaged in animal husbandry.They are also good at singing and dancing. There is a saying that "horse andsong are the two wings of Kazakh."

[Shimen line → eight sceneries of Tianchi → West small Tianchi]

Unconsciously, we have come to the first scenic spot of Tianchi, Shimen.The width of the two sides of the gate is about 100 meters, and the narrowestpart is only more than 10 meters. The two peaks are facing each other, and thereis a line between them, just like two open gates, so it is called "Shimen line".Geologically speaking, Shimen is a gorge formed by ancient river cutting, so itis also called "Shixia". After entering the stone gate, the Sangong River on theleft side is turbulent, with its peaks and paths turning and its sound vibratingthe valley. It can be said that "the two cliffs of the mountain are opposite,and the Tianmen gate is connected by a line". Before we get to the Tianchi Lake,we can already enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Tianchi Lake.

Tourists, the stone gate line we saw just now is one of the eight scenicspots of Tianchi. The beautiful Tianchi scenic spot is famous for its naturallandscape. Among them, the most famous are Shimen line, Longtan Biyue, XuanquanYaohong, Dinghai Shenzhen, Haifeng Chengan, Xishan Hansong, Dingtian Sanshi andQingtian Xuefeng. I will introduce them one by one in the following tour.

Now our car has been driving at an altitude of 1660 meters. From the footof the mountain to this place, there are more than 50 bays on the windingmountain road, so it is also called "Fifty dishes". Please look at the rightwindow. In front of you is a pool with a diameter of tens of meters, which isthe famous West Xiaotian pool. It is said that the water of the pool here isfrom Tianchi Lake, which seeps into the pool from the ground. The place wherethe spring comes out is like a cave, but not a cave. It is hard to find. It iscommonly known as "yinru cave", also known as "Yongquan cave". Because thespring from the ground is clean and sweet, the queen mother once came here tocomb, so it is also known as "comb cave". At the top of the pool, there is awaterfall, tens of meters high, flying down into the deep pool, forming a "JadePool silver curtain" landscape.

[the shape of Tianchi → the magic water → the cause of Tianchi]

Dear tourists, our car has reached the peak parking lot. Please get off andfollow me to Tianchi.

Now in front of you is the beautiful Tianchi Lake. We stand here at analtitude of 1910 meters. The appearance of such a strange lake on such a highmountain really makes us sigh about the natural craftsmanship of nature. Pleasesee: Tianchi is as flat as a mirror. The water surface is open and half moonshaped. It is about 3400 meters long from north to south, 1500 meters wide fromeast to west, with an average width of about 1000 meters. The perimeter of thelake is 9700 meters. The area of Tianchi Lake in wet season is 4.9 squarekilometers, usually 3.55 square kilometers.

Looking at this magical pool water, perhaps you will think, where does thewater of Tianchi come from? Of course, I want to explain to you. Tianta water isformed by melting ice and snow in Bogda mountain and the main water source isthe confluence of four tributaries. In the middle of April every year, therainfall increases, the rain water flows into the pool with snow, and the poolwater rises. After the last ten days of August, the climate changes from warm tocold, the temperature drops gradually, and glaciers begin to appear. The riverwater at the source decreases, and the water level of the pool drops gradually.This stage will last until April of the next year, which is just a cycle ofreincarnation. Therefore, the water temperature of Tianchi is low all yearround, with an average of 7.4 ℃. In ancient times, the water of Tianchi wasregarded as "divine water". Kazakh people said that it was "holy water". Interms of water quality, it basically maintained the chemical state of naturalwater, and was indeed very pure and holy.

After explaining the source of water, I will introduce the depth andcapacity of the water. In the west of Tianchi, the slope is relatively large,and the water depth is about 20 meters. In the northeast, the funnel-shapedcenter is the deepest, and the maximum water depth is 102 meters. Therefore, itis estimated that the normal water storage capacity of Tianchi is 160 millioncubic meters, and the maximum water capacity is 200 million cubic meters.

After talking about the shape and water of Tianchi, let me reveal to youthe mystery of the formation of Tianchi.

Tianchi is a moraine lake. Most of the alpine lakes in Xinjiang are formedby the change of valley by external forces. As early as 280 million years ago inthe Paleozoic era, it was once a vast ocean. Later, due to the movement of theearths crust, the bottom of the sea became a land, forming the original outlineof Bogda mountain. In the past two million years, the climate change has causedthe Bogda mountain to be eroded, eroded and cut while it is rising, forming amountain landform with many gullies and peaks. A large amount of material istransported to the front of the mountain by running water, and accumulated intofan-shaped land and vast plain. The Tianchi Lake was formed and developed in theQuaternary ancient glacial trough of Sangonghe River Basin. Huge glaciers sweptover the dam body and covered it with huge rocks. It was again blocked and thewater level rose. Due to the geological formation conditions of Tianchi, theunique and complete natural vertical landscape belt and modern glacier landformof Tianchi scenic area are formed. Therefore, the landscape value and status ofTianhe are incomparable and irreplaceable by any other scenic spots. If youdont visit Tianchi in Xinjiang, you will arrive in Xinjiang in vain.

[myth of Tianchi → origin of Tianchis name]

Tianchi is so beautiful that it naturally produces many beautiful myths andlegends among the people. The most famous one is the story of the meeting ofQueen Mother of the West and Mu Tianzi in Tianchi. Tianchi was called "yaochi"in ancient times. It is said that around the 10th century BC, King Jiman, alsoknown as emperor mu, the fifth generation monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, drove tothe state of Queen Mother of the West and met her. This queen mother is thefemale chief of a matriarchal clan in Xinjiang. She hosted a banquet for muTianzi and his party in the beautiful yaochi lake. During the banquet, the queenmother of the West and the emperor Mu exchanged gifts and invited the emperor Muto visit the scenic spots of yaochi and the mother country of the West. When heleft, Emperor Mu was reluctant to give up. He shook hands when he met, and hewas very glad to see his clothes stained with tears. We can imagine that thissituation, this scene and this person must be very infectious.

Tianchi is also known as Bingchi, Shenchi, Longqiu and Longtan. Qiu Chuji,a famous Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty, visited the Tianchi Lake, which means "iceand snow shining on the sun". In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan also called thiswater the hiding place of mosquito dragon, and named it Longqiu. In fact, beforethese two celebrities, Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem:"please redeem the emperor mu, you can still dance in Tianchi." Li Baisoriginal intention is that Tianchi is located on the top of a high mountain,implying that "the pool is higher than the sky". Therefore, it should be Li Baiwho changed the name of "yaochi" to "Tianchi".

[climate of Tianchi → four seasons of Tianchi]

A tourist asked: whats the climate like in Tianchi? When is the best timeto come to Tianchi?

The climate in Tianchi scenic spot varies greatly with the terrain. Tianchiis located in the inversion layer of Tianshan Mountain in winter. Due to theinfluence of atmospheric reflux, the temperature is relatively stable. Theannual average temperature is 2 ℃, the coldest in January, the averagetemperature is - 11.9 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 15.5 ℃. Inwinter, it generally snows in Tianchi scenic area, and the snowfall period canbe from late September to early April of the next year. After the middle ofNovember every year, the pool water freezes, and the ice layer is more than 100cm thick. The ice breaking period is at the end of April of the next year.Therefore, the best season to visit Tianchi is from the first ten days of May tothe last ten days of October every year. At this time, the Tianchi Lake is arare summer resort because of its melting ice and pleasant climate.

Although Tianchi is cool all year round, the landscape of the four seasonsis changeable. When spring comes to Tianchi Lake, ice and snow melt away. Thelake water is clear and crystal clear as jade. The mountains around the lake areemerald. Spruce is like a sea. The lakeside is green as grass. Birds are singingand jumping. Its really beautiful. In summer, the flowers and trees in Tianchiare more colorful. The orange Saussurea, the golden Trollius, the red valerianand thyme, the blue gentian and blue orchid, and the white plum blossom are allcompeting for splendor. Visitors here seem to walk into a beautiful big garden.At this moment, boating in high mountains and lakes, walking in the woods,exploring the snow peak plateau, or riding up the Tianshan Mountains, people aredizzying and happy. This season is the peak of sightseeing. Tianchi in autumn,the summer to frost, ushered in the brilliant season of frost leaves red sky,blue sky, golden leaves, dark green pine tower, reflected in the autumn water,colorful, gorgeous, just like a natural picture. In severe winter, Tianchi Lakeis covered with thick ice, which makes it a good skating rink. Overlooking Bogdapeak, the lake is covered with silver, adding a magnificent northern scenery tothe silent Tianchi Lake.

[Bogda mountain peak → wonderful landscape]

Tourists, the beautiful Tianchi Lake and Bogda peak shine together. Bogdamountain is the main peak of Bogda mountain. Bogda mountain is a natural barrierof Tianchi Lake. Hengdou is in the east of Tianshan Mountain, stretching formore than 300 Li. The peaks overlap and fluctuate vertically and horizontally.The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. Overlooking themountain, it can be said that "the snow on Tianshan Mountain is high in the sky,rolling silver waves straight from the ground", which is magnificent. Bogdamountain is called "Lingshan" and "Shengshan" because it means "spirit" inJunggar. Three peaks stand side by side on the top of the mountain. The mainpeak is Bogda peak, which is 5445 meters above sea level. It is famous for itswonder and danger. It is known as "the first peak of Eastern Tianshan Mountain".In the minds of the ancient herdsmen, Bogda peak was respected as "Zufeng". TheEast peak is 5287 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Lingfeng", whilethe West Peak is 5213 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Shengfeng", andknown as "three peaks in the snow sea". Qiu Chuji, a Taoist of the Yuan Dynasty,wrote a poem praising: "the three peaks rise together, the clouds are cold, andthe four walls are arranged in a horizontal way. If the heaven and man are notin the snow range, it is hard to see the ice pool shining on the sun and thecustom. " Today, however, its not difficult to climb Bogda. Its only 18kilometers from the southeast of Tianchi. Bogda has become one of the 10mountaineering peaks open to the outside world, attracting countlessclimbers.

After seeing the mountains, lets enjoy the scenery around Tianchi. Tianchiscenic spot rises from the mountain pass along Sangong River to Bogda peak. Itsvertical height rises from 1200 meters above sea level to 5445 meters, with arelative height difference of 4245 meters. Its geomorphic landscape presentsobvious zonal distribution. I will introduce it one by one from bottom to top.At an altitude of 1200 meters to 1500 meters, due to the weathering of rocks,there are many stone peaks, jagged rocks, tufted water and grass, and lushvegetation. Elms are tall on the beach, and the river terraces are covered withfelts on the roof. It is close to the mountains and rivers. "Cattle and sheepcan be seen in the grass when the wind blows." it is a pastoral village scenery,known as the grass belt on the low mountain platform. Between 1500 meters and2700 meters above sea level, the mountain is composed of massive andesite andtuff. Ancient glaciers are extremely eroded and scoured by flowing water. It isa "wet island" in arid areas with undulating mountains, crisscross gullies, warmand humid climate and abundant rainfall. There are dense spruce trees growing inthe area, and the shady slope in the lower part of it often intersects withmountain meadow grassland, becoming a park like sparse forest landscape, whichbelongs to the forest belt of Zhongshan gorge. Tourists, please look up again.Below the snow line, between 2800 and 3500 meters above sea level, most of themountains are gentle slopes, where ancient glacial sites, glacial troughs,glacial lakes, swimming pools and other landforms are well developed. Theclimate is cold and humid, the ice and snow melt in spring, and the water isabundant. There are cold resistant Laoguan grass, edelweiss, raincoat grass andTrollius. In summer, the grass becomes shady and full of vitality. It is anatural pasture and becomes the original grass belt of Alpine platform. Finally,lets take a look at the extremely high mountain permanent ice belt above 3500meters above sea level. The climate is very cold, with perennial snow, permanentice, and steep terrain. Glacial landforms such as knife ridge, horn peak, icedebt dike and snake shaped mound are everywhere. The huge glacier is like agiant dragon, perched between the iceberg and the surrounding valley, stretchingin the trough. The cold light twinkles, crystal clear as jade, and the icecovered silver world is amazing.


Tourists, the Tianchi Lake and its surrounding landscape can be enjoyedhere. Lets go to the East Xiaotianchi lake to enjoy the magnificent waterfallswith endless aftertaste.

After about half a kilometers trek, we now come to the East small Tianchi,which is located in the northeast of Tianchi. The scenic area here is about10000 square meters, with an altitude of 1860 meters. Dongxiaotianchi is formedwhen the water of Tianchi passes through bailongba on the north bank and thenflows into bailongzha to form a 10 meter high waterfall and splashes into thevalley. The flowing water looks like a white dragon, with a hundred curtains,forming a "Xuanquan Yaohong", one of the eight scenic spots in Tianchi. Togetherwith the "Yutan silver curtain" of the West small Tianchi and the "three pearlsof the white dragon" of the bailongzha, it is called the three waterfalls ofTianchi.

Here, you may already understand that there are three pools in Tianchi. Thethree pools are connected by veins. The West small Tianchi, the East smallTianchi and Tianchi can be called "mother daughter pools". The big Tianchi isthe mother, and the small Tianchi in the East and West is the daughter.Therefore, the East and West small Tianchi are also known as "sister pool". TheEast small Tianchi is located in the East with high terrain and slightly largerpool, which is the "big sister"; the West small Tianchi is located in the Westwith low terrain and the smallest pool, which is the "little sister". Inaddition, there are legends that the big Tianchi is the bathing pool of thequeen mother of the west, and the small Tianchi is the foot basin of the queenmother of the West. These legends have brought people beautiful reverie.

Dear tourists, the tour of Tianchi and Xiaotianchi is coming to an end. Thebeauty of the Tianchi Lake is not only hidden, but also full of spirit. It isbeyond the pen and ink. It is beyond the words. I think its left for you tosavor


Dear friends, with the rolling wheels, we have come to the foot of themagnificent Tianshan Mountain in the twinkling of an eye. There are snow peaks,overlapping peaks, cliffs, connected canyons, lush trees, flowers and plants allover the slope, gurgling springs and fresh air. Here live hard-working and braveKazakh herdsmen. You can enjoy the rough and bold Kazakh customs.

From the beginning of entering the mountain, the natural landscape ofTianshan mountain can be roughly divided into four natural landscape zones: lowmountain zone, low mountain coniferous forest zone, high mountain and subalpinezone, glacier and snow zone. It is not difficult to find that the trees onTianshan Mountain are luxuriant and various, and most of them grow on the northslope of Tianshan Mountain. This is because the water vapor over Xinjiang mainlycomes from the westerly and northerly air currents. The tall Tianshan mountaincan intercept more upper air currents, and there is more precipitation on thewindward slope, forming a unique natural landscape.

Now, we have come to the Tianchi Lake, which you have been fascinated byfor a long time. The broad surface of the lake is in the shape of a half moon.The elevation of the lake is 1980 meters, the length of the lake is more than3000 meters from north to south, and the widest part from east to west is 1500meters. The area of the lake reaches 49000 square kilometers when the water isflowing, the deepest part is 105 meters, and the total water storage is 160million cubic meters. This is a high mountain moraine lake formed in theQuaternary glacial activities two million years ago, and the natural water onits north bank A dam is a moraine.

Tianchi is the fairyland of yaochi in mythology. It is said that 3000 yearsago, Mu Tianzi had a banquet with Xiwangs mother in Tianchi, leaving a goodstory for thousands of years. Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, oncewrote poems on it“



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Welcome to Jiangxi! Jiangxi is a good place with beautiful mountains,beautiful water, beautiful people and fragrant tea. Today we are going to visitWuyuan, the most beautiful village in China.

Wuyuan is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. The county wasestablished in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740 A.D.) in Tang Dynasty. It is anancient county administrative region with a long history of more than 1200years. It got its name because it was the source of Wushui.

Wuyuan is adjacent to Anhui Province and Zhejiang Province. It is full ofcultural atmosphere and historic sites, especially the ancient buildings of Mingand Qing Dynasties. It is surrounded by countryside, streams, ancient trees andbamboos. Waterfalls, post roads, road pavilions and arch bridges are scatteredin the countryside The natural scenery is poetic and picturesque. It has richcultural and natural scenery.

Fangyuan, a county of Wuyuan County, covers an area of 2947 squarekilometers, with 11 towns and 15 townships under its jurisdiction. It is knownas the saying of "half mountain, half field, half waterway and Manor".

This is the area affected by the subtropical monsoon climate. The annualaverage temperature is 16.7 ℃ and the annual average precipitation is more than1821 mm. Wuyuan is a fast-growing and high-yield forest base county and one ofthe advanced ecological agriculture counties in modern China. It has the laurelsof "national top 100 green counties" and "National Folk Culture Village".

This is the hometown of Chinese tea, the hometown of Chinese teaculture

From Tang Dynasty to five dynasties, Wuyuan County was subordinate toShezhou, Jiangnan Road. In Song Dynasty, it belonged to Xinan County ofHuizhou. In Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to Huizhou road. In Ming and QingDynasties, it belonged to Huizhou capital This is one of the birthplaces ofHuizhou merchants. In those years, merchants made money outside and went home toinvest in school. They broke through the complex of rejecting merchants in thefeudal political system and found a way to make money by "cultivatingConfucianism with commerce", "promoting commerce with Confucianism" and"complementing Confucianism and merchants". In Wuyuan, there were manybusinessmen, many scholars and many officials. Under the instruction of "goodstudy, good business, good effect", Wuyuan "must have talents in the room".Under the influence of instructions, Wuyuan peoples reading became popular andflourished for a long time. From the good atmosphere of reading, we came out ofZhu Bian, a litterateur in Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi, an educationist in SouthernSong Dynasty, he Zhen, a compiler, Zhan Tianyou, the father of Chinese railway,Hu Shi, a modern university, Jiang Qian, a modern educationist, and Chengmenxue, a famous modern medical scientist. According to historical records: fromthe Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were 550 Jinshicandidates and 2665 officials at all levels in Wuyuan County. There were "nineJinshi in one school, four Shangshu in six departments" and "three palacewriters in Lianke, four Hanlin in ten li".

Since ancient times, "there is no business without an emblem". However,Wuyuan is the main force among Huizhou merchants. In those years, there was asaying that "there is no emblem without an emblem". The merchants from Wuyuanwere the leaders of wood merchants and tea merchants. This is enough to explainthe status of Wuyuan merchants.

This also makes todays Wuyuan, Ming and Qing architecture throughout thecounty. There are many kinds of houses, such as official mansion, familyancestral hall, businessmans residence and villagers former residence. Amongthese buildings, the front hall and the back hall are in sequence, and there aredozens of connected buildings. The streets and alleys are paved with bluestoneslabs. Stone buildings are more concentrated in some villages of tuochuan,Sikou, Jiangwan, liutou, Zheyuan, Longshan, Xucun and Qinghua. In addition,there are covered bridges, road pavilions, gatehouses, storefronts and theatres.Wuyuan is one of the best preserved places of ancient buildings in China. Amongthe ancient trees in the green forest, there are many dwellings with cornicesand angles. Here is "the last Shangri La".

Wuyuan is rich in natural resources. The local green tea "Wulu" is atribute of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; the unique purse red carp is a treasureat the state banquet; Longwei inkstone is one of the four famous inkstones inChinese tradition; Jiangwan Sydney is known as the "pear king in Jiangnan".

Wuyuan culture and ecotourism zone has opened 20 scenic spots with "onezone and four lines". Here we can enjoy the charm of Hui opera, the original"dance fossil" Nuo dance, and the tea performance of pure and charming villagegirls.



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Dear friends,

How do you do! Welcome to south yue hengshan!

Hengshan is one of the famous five mountains in our country, known as"wuyue duoxiu" and "China shouyue". Nanyue is known as "wuyue duxiu", with "xiu"as the main landscape features. As you can see, there are a lot of mountains,trees and trees, clouds and fog, which are "five different views, ten li and twobig days"! The scenery of hengshan is beautiful and numerous, the most famous ofwhich is "hengshan four unique" : the show of Tibetan classics, the deep offangguang temple, the height of zhu rongfeng and the water curtain cave.

As the saying goes, "there are many monks in the world." Hengshan is notonly a scenic mountain, but also a sacred mountain. However, compared with othersacred mountains, hengshan is unique in that it is the coexistence of Buddharoad in the mountains, which is mutually revealing and mutually exclusive.Hengshan ancient Taoist mountains, according to "le chi" records, high inhistory there have been many famous hunan seclusion, such as the western jindynasty period of Taoism on qing sent complete master, Chinas first female monkwei hua monastery Yu Hengshan Huang Tingguan and so on. If Taoism makes hengshanthe moon, Buddhism will make the nan yue a day. Zen Buddhism, in particular, hasbeen derived in the economy, cao cave, the cloud gate, a distraction, weishanback five sects, spread across the country and even overseas regions such asKorea, Japan, known as the "five leaves a flower" doctrines.

Now it is in front of us that the largest temple of the south yue temple insouthern China. The grand temple of nanyue is a collection of ancientarchitectural groups, including the temple of the folk temple, the buddhisttemple, the Taoist temple, and the imperial palace. It is also the largesttemple in the south and the five sacred mountains in China. The existingbuildings in the temple have nine ingot, four courts, eight temples and eightviews, with a depth of 375 meters. Its central axis as the Confucian style,eight Taoist temple, to the east to the west for the eight buddhist temple, likeConfucianism, Taoism and Buddhism three religions coexist in a temple, in thecountry and the world is unique. Now standing in front of you is the firstbuilding of the central axis of the south yue temple -- lattice star gate. Thedoor of the gate with lattice stars, meaning hope talented person prosperous,country prosperous. This is the second building on the central axis of thesouthern yue temple. In the pavilion, the original star of the star of the starof the star, a symbol of chongwen, a lot of the parents of the chans parentsoften brought their children to pray. In the middle of the second courtyard ofthe great temple, the center of the courtyard is the imperial pavilion, which isthe fourth building on the axis of the grand temple. In the pavilion, theemperor kangxi wrote the qing stone tablet. Bypassing the royal pavilion, thisis the fifth building on the axis of the grand temple. "Jiying" is an ancientinstrument used to greet guests from afar. The third courtyard behind the gatewas the main courtyard of the great temple of nanyue, consisting of the imperialpalace, the main hall, the bedchamber and the long corridor, with a total of 58rooms. Through the building of the imperial palace, the hall of the palace oftaihe, which is similar to the imperial palace in Beijing, is the core of thegreat temple -- the main hall. The whole hall is full of views andeverywhere.

Now we come to the valiant ones shrine, the valiant ones shrine is ourcountry construction time is one of the largest and earliest Anti-Japanese Warmemorial, is also the national government in mainland China the only preservedthe memory the large cemetery of martyrs of the war. The zhongling temple wasbuilt in imitation of the mausoleum in nanjing. It was built in the north of thesouth and built with the mountains. It was symmetrical and distinct. It isdivided along the central axis into the memorial, memorial, memorial hall,tribute and the five sections. In this place, the Anti-Japanese War dead in theninth war zone of the kuomintang and the sixth war zone, is the state keycultural relic protection unit.

Friends, this is the front door of the faithful temple. This is made ofgranite stone, is at the top of the white marble stone plaque with the original,chairman of the kuomintang government of hunan province and the ninth theatercommander Sir Hsueh yueh inscribed the "mount the valiant ones shrine" fivegold-filled characters.

Standing at the center of the square, you will surely be attracted to thisbizarre sculpture, which is the seven - seven monument. It was composed of fiveinverted stone shells, a large number of four small, representing the fivepeoples of our country -- han, manchu, Mongolian, hui and Tibetan. Positive andleft and right sides of the sculpture, with white marble build by laying bricksor stones of the "two words, a symbol of the from July 7, 1937, the lugouqiaoincident broke out, the Chinese people is indispensable, of the nationalanti-japanese national outrage.

Now we come to the memorial hall, the third building of the faithfulshrine. In the center of the memorial hall, this white marble stone tablet,which is up to 6 meters high, is inscribed with the inscription of the memorialhall of the south yue zhongling memorial, written by general xue yue, and thehistorical background and history of the building of the temple. The two sidesof the memorial hall are now opened as exhibition rooms, displaying some imagesof the south yue and the Anti-Japanese War.

On the steps, we come to the temple of zhongli and the most importantbuilding, the hall. Hanging above the main entrance of the hall is thegold-plating plaque "loyalty hall", which is the true trace of Chiangkai-shek.

We have now reached the highest peak of the seventy-two peaks of hengshan -zhu rongfeng. Zhu rongfeng is 1290 meters above sea level. Standing here withthe view of the month, will feel the cloud low month close, like the doorgeneral, make the visitor heart and soul, soul travel! Well, after visiting thesummit, your trip to south yue is coming to an end. I hope south yue hengshan -this pearl in the south will leave a good memory for you. Thank you!



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Tianmen Mountain is the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie, only 8 kilometersaway from the city. It is named after Tianmen cave, a natural wonder. TianmenMountain, formerly known as Songliang mountain, also known as Yunmeng Mountainand fanghu mountain, is the first famous mountain in Zhangjiajies history. Itsmain peak is 1518.6 meters. It was approved as a National Forest Park in July1992.

Jinggangshan was the territory of Luling County in Jiujiang group since QinDynasty established Qun county system in 221 B.C., but the development of Cipingwas after 668 A.D., and the village of xiaowujing was built after 1644 A.D.,which belongs to Yongxin County and Longquan county (now Zhuchuan county). Itwas not until 1928, during the period of Jinggangshan struggle, that anindependent administrative system was set up here. Jinggangshan AdministrationBureau of Jiangxi Province was established in 1955 and changed to JinggangshanCity in 1984.

(Tianzi Pavilion) friends, before you go upstairs, you might as well readthe Tianzi Pavilion Fu at the gate. Attention, Mr. Guan Shanyue, the master ofvertical painting on this plaque, wrote this inscription. On May 20, 1998, Mr.Guan Shanyue, who was over 90 years old, boarded the emperors pavilion. He wasthinking of flying over the pavilion, smiling and writing for the pavilionhappily. Later, he made a long scroll map of Zhangjiajie, which was launched inHong Kong and caused a sensation in Hong Kong. Some people say that GuanShanyues artistic brilliance in her later years was completed inZhangjiajie.



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Set on the coast some 280 km east of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort ofBeidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place torecuperate after illness, but also as one of the best places in the world to seemigratory birds.

China’’s Yanshan Mountain Range winds its way thousands of miles from thewest to the eastern seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe,Daihe, Yanghe and Luanhe rivers down to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create avast area of wetlands, mud-banks, and lagoons with rich feeding and good placesfor birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonalrivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australiaand even far off east Africa.

Nature has richly endowed Beidaihe with bird species and of the 1,198 foundin China, 416 have been recorded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world thatplays host to eighteen species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cranes.

Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of thetime when as many as 2,729 oriental white storks were recorded in Beidaihe,doubling the previous world record.

Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November everyyear and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crowned cranes and whitecranes.

The year from May 1999 to May 20__ saw ten new bird species added to thelist for Beidaihe.

Back in the 1940s Danish scientist, Axel Hemmingsen, published a reportsaying that he had seen large numbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followedup on this at the time. Then in 1985 guided by Hemmingsen’’s report, Britishornithologist Doctor Martin Williams first came to Beidaihe. With the help of anofficial from the Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited ShijiutuoIsland in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far beyond hisexpectations and he found many new kinds of birds. Since then, accompanied byhis Chinese counterpart, Xu Weishu, he has brought many overseas professionalstogether in Beidaihe every year to enjoy watching the birds and carry outresearch.

Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watching groups goingthere on vacation.

Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 1893. It was then that aBritish engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its lowhills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escapethe summer heat of the interior. On his recommendation, the first holidaymakersarrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing village, quickly became popularwith diplomats, merchants, missionaries, and well off Chinese.

Meanwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls areeasily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguish among thebewildering variety in the skies over Beidaihe. Many different birds passthrough here as the seasons come and go and every year still sees fresh speciesspotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranespass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have beendecreasing in number.



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The places of historic interest and scenic beauty are the Yu Garden,located in the northeast of Shanghai, old Chengxiang, North Road, Anren street,southwest and Shanghai old temple.

In the park, there are three famous stones of the south of the YangtzeRiver called the jade Linglong, the command point of the 1853 knives uprising,the spring hall, and the tourist attractions of Town Gods Temple and shoppingstreet on the side of the park.

Yu Garden began to open to the public in 1961. In 1982, it was listed as anational key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

Yu Garden was originally a private garden in the Ming Dynasty. It was builtin Jiajing and Wanli years. It has been over four hundred years as of 20__.

Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, was the chief minister of Sichuan.His father pan en, whose name is Zi Ren, was named Lijiang. He was an officialin duchayuan, the censor of zuodou and the Minister of punishment. The panfamily was the wangmen family in Shanghai at that time. In 1553 (the 32nd yearof Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty), the nine mile long wall of Shanghai wasbuilt, which gradually calmed down the Japanese invasion along the southeastcoast. For more than 20 years, the people of Shanghai, whose lives and propertywere often threatened, gained a little stability, and the social economyrecovered and began to prosper. The literati built gardens one afteranother.

Pan en resigned in his old age and returned to his hometown. In order tolet his father live in his old age, pan yunduan began to build gardens onseveral vegetable fields in the west of the Shichun Hall of the pan familyshouse in 1559. After more than twenty years of painstaking efforts, Yu Gardenhas been built. "Yu" has the meaning of "peace" and "Antai". It is named "YuGarden" and has the meaning of "Yuyue old relatives".

At that time, the Yu Garden was over 70 acres, designed by Zhang Nanyang, afamous gardener in Ming Dynasty, and personally involved in the construction.The ancients praised Yu Garden "Qi Xiu Jia in Southeast" and "southeast famousgarden crown".

Pan yunduans family declined in his later years. Pan yunduan died in1620__ (the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty), and his family graduallydeclined, unable to bear the huge expenses of garden repair and management. Atthe end of the Ming Dynasty, Yu Garden was made for Zhang Zhaolin. From then to1760 (twenty-five years of Qianlong emperor), in order not to annihilate thisscenic spot, some local gentry merchants gathered money to buy Yu Garden, andspent more than twenty years to rebuild the terrace and build the mountainstone. At that time, the East Garden in Town Gods Temple was East, that is,todays inner garden, and the Yu Garden was slightly West. Shanghai Yu Gardenancient pavilion landscape

In 1842, twenty-two years ago, the first Opium War broke out, and foreigninvaders invaded Shanghai. The British army took over the Yu Garden and ravagedit. In 1853, in response to the Taiping Revolution, Shanghai Xiaodao Societylaunched an uprising in Shanghai. After the uprising failed, the Qing soldiersburned and looted in the city, and the Yu Garden was severely damaged. Thebuildings such as the spring hall, the fragrant snow hall, the osmanthus flowerhall, the moon house and so on were all on fire.

In 1860 (ten years of Qing Xianfeng), the Taiping Army marched intoShanghai. The Manchu government colluded with the British and French invaders,took Town Gods Temple and Yu Garden as a garrison outside the army, excavatedstones and filled pools in the garden, and built western style military houses.After 1875, the whole garden was divided into more than 20 industrial andcommercial industries in Shanghai, such as bean and rice industry, sugarindustry, cloth industry and so on. On the eve of liberation, the Yu Gardenpavilions were dilapidated, the rockery collapsed, the pool dried up, the treeswithered, and the old landscapes were gradually annihilated.

Since 1956, Yu Garden has carried out a large-scale renovation, whichlasted for five years and opened to the public in September 1961. Now Yu Gardenoccupies an area of over thirty acres, with varied pavilions, lofty mountainsand trees, and green trees. It is beautiful and exquisite, exquisitely carvedand long, and has the characteristics of small and medium sized. It reflects theartistic style of the two dynasties Jiangnan garden architecture in Ming andQing Dynasties.

Yu Garden was listed as a municipal cultural relic protection unit in 1959.Yu Garden was opened to the public in 1961. In February 1982, it was publishedby the State Council as a national key cultural relic protection unit.

Cuixiu hall was built in 1760. It is hidden deep in the north foot of therockery. It faces a cliff and faces a high wall in the north. It is surroundedby ancient wood and beautiful flowers. The environment is quiet and elegant. Youcan have a close view of the rockery by pushing the window in the hall. Nowthere is an antique shop.

"Gradually getting better" comes from the biography of Gu Kai in the bookof Jin, which is fascinating. The corridor is paved with stone slabs, with asmall bridge in the middle and geese on both sides. You can watch the scenery ofthe mountains and rivers. In the middle of the corridor stands a Taihu Lakestone peak, about 2.3 meters high and graceful, so it is called "beautywaist".

The iron lion of the Yuan Dynasty is located in front of the corridor of"getting better". Left female and right male, cast in 1290, the base bears theinscription of "Zhao Zhang, craftsman of Tongshan Town, Anyang County, ZhangdePrefecture" and "xigengyin, 27 years old from the state of yuan, October28".

Built with thousands of tons of Huangshi from Wukang, Zhejiang Province,the rockery was carefully designed and built by Zhang Nanyang, a famous mountainmaker in the Ming Dynasty. It is also his only surviving work. The height of themountain is about 14 meters. Pan Yunduans evaluation of the big rockery in thebook of Yu Garden is: "it is very pleasant to watch."

Yangshan hall is composed of five couplets. In the north, there is anambulatory and a curving sill near the pool. You can sit and rest. In the hall,there is a plaque of "here are lofty mountains" recorded in the preface toLanting by Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty. The name of juanyu building comes from thepoem "the curtain of pearls is rolling rain in the West Mountain" in tengwanggeby Wang Bo, a poet of the early Tang Dynasty.

Sansui hall was built in 1760 when the west garden was rebuilt. It is 9meters high. It is one of the main buildings in the garden. In the Qing Dynasty,it was a place for official celebrations and "preaching the oracle", and also agathering place for the local gentry.

The "famous Marine Park" was held in May 18, 1999 by Comrade __ of the CPCCentral Committee and __ and __ to celebrate the 440th anniversary issue of YuGarden construction.

Ginkgo tree is 21 meters high, with dense branches and leaves. It is saidthat it was planted by the owner of the garden for more than 400 years.

The four corners of Wanhua building have the pattern of plum, orchid,bamboo and chrysanthemum, and the four windows are leaky. There are many windingsills around the corridor. Beside the white wall, there are stone peaks andgreen bamboos.

There is a small pavilion at the east end of the corridor. When you lookdown on it, you can see the clear spring like a mirror. When you look across thecliff, you can see the stone peak standing on the wall. Facing the mountain andfacing the water, you can see the ancient peoples taste of "two suitable formountain and water". So its called liangyixuan. In the north there is abuilding named Yifang, which is shaped like an ancient boat.

The corridor is separated by a wall in the middle and can walk on bothsides. There are leaky windows of different shapes on the wall. From the leakywindows, you can see the terrace on the left and the peak stone on the right,just like a picture sketch. The west end of the corridor is connected with aSquare Pavilion. There is a plaque in the pavilion, which says "understanding isnot far away".

Around the Yule Pavilion, there are towering ancient trees. You can see thefish swimming in the pool by the fence. The watersheds on XieJian stream reflectthe characteristics of Jiangnan gardens. The stream is only a few feet long. Theflower wall divides the stream into two. There are leaky windows andsemicircular openings on the wall. Next to the fish Pavilion, there is aWisteria tree that has passed more than three hundred years of spring andautumn. In the early spring of each year, its branches are full of small whiteflowers.

Genial hall and Dianchun hall are separated from each other by water. Thehall is square and open around. A set of furniture on display in the hall,including tables, chairs, tables and decorative Phoenix and Kirin, are all madeof banyan roots and have a history of more than 100 years. There are stone stepsleading to the listening Oriole Pavilion.

"Da Chang Tai" is also called "Feng Wu Luan Yin". The stage is close to themountain and water. The eaves in front of the stage are exquisitely carved andpainted with gold and color. On the stone pillars around the stage, there arecouplets depicting the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In the southeast of dianchuntang, there are lakes, rocks, rockeries,clouds, water and rocks, and deep caves. On the mountain, there are double-layerpavilions; the upper layer is called Kuailu, and the lower layer is calledYanshuang Pavilion. From Kuailu to the south, there are jingyixuan and TingliPavilion, surrounded by flower walls, forming a small courtyard.

Chuanyun dragon wall is located in the west of Dianchun hall. The dragonhead is made of clay, and the dragon body is made of tiles. There are alsoseveral dragon walls in the garden: Wolong behind the rockery, Shuanglong Xizhuin the west of the genial hall, and mianlong in front of the inner garden.

The whole building of Dianchun hall is a five bay hall with characterscarved on the fans. The beams and columns are of peculiar shapes and decoratedwith gold foil. After the hall, there is a water Pavilion in linchi, on whichthere is a plaque saying "feifeiyue". Dianchun hall was built in the early yearsof Daoguang reign in the Qing Dynasty. It was once the place for Fujian foreignmerchants to worship gods in Shanghai. It is commonly known as "HuatangGongshu". During the Xiaodaohui uprising, this was the headquarters of theuprising army in the north of the city. One of the leaders of the Xiaodaohui,the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, recruited Marshal Chen Alin to work here andissued a decree, which was called "dianchuntang mansion". After the failure ofthe uprising, Dianchun hall was seriously damaged. In 1868, it was rebuilt andcompleted in four years. There is a large traditional Chinese painting "swordview" by Ren Bonian, a painter of the late Qing Dynasty. On both sides of thepainting are couplets written by the calligrapher Shen Yinmo: "courage embracesemptiness, and heart is the source of essence.". The hall also displays theweapons used by the rebel army, self coined coins, sun and moon coins, as wellas the announcement and other cultural relics.

Because both sides of the pavilion are facing water, the meaning of"flowing cup and flowing water" is taken from preface to Lanting. On the side ofthe pavilion, there are three curved slab bridges, built with water. West ofSanqu Banqiao is Huanyun rockery. The mountain is made of Lake stones, withdeyuelou in the north and Qingquan in the West. There are springs in the cave,and streams flow out of the cave.



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First of all, Id like to introduce the legend of Taimu mountain: Taimumountain was originally called Caishan. Its said that there is a village at thefoot of the mountain. There is a very poor family in the village, and the familyhopes to become rich. One day, a man told him that there was an immortal on themountain who would bring wealth to people. The poor man immediately set out onthe road and came to the top of the mountain. The poor man found the immortaland told him what he thought. The immortal waved his hand and said, "you havebecome rich, you can go back." After thanking him, the poor man went home. Assoon as he got home, he was surprised. The thatched cottage turned into aluxurious building. His wife and son swam in the golden pool. After a few days,the poor man thought of the immortal and went to see him. When he came to thetop of the mountain, he found that the immortal had passed away. In order tothank the old immortal, the poor changed Caishan to Taimu mountain. Tourists,this is it

Taimu mountain is a beautiful legend. There are many scenic spots in Taimumountain, such as jade rabbit watching the tide, camel hump, golden turtleclimbing the wall and a line of sky.

When you enter Taimu mountain, you can go to the entrance of mountainclimbing by taking a special car. When you climb up the mountain, you can seethe camels hump, which is like the camels hump. When you walk through thecamels hump, you can see the golden tortoise climbing the wall. Please see, thegolden tortoise is climbing slowly on the stone wall. There is another day, youshould be careful when you walk, otherwise you will be stuck in the crack of therock In the middle.



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Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x.For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me firstintroduce you.

Changsha media power is can not be ignored, the domestic mainstream media"hunan TV station in changsha kaifu district is located in the" horse barmountain, in addition, changsha, outdoor media, newspapers and magazines inmedia, and digital network media has hugely increased, changsha entertainmentmedia has been becoming a powerful media of mainland China, and even the world.Hunan satellite TV to mainland China earning the most-watched local TV stations,and the snare a large number of famous host and media workers. The main worksare "happy camp", "day day up", "Im a singer" "where dad" drama "the princesshuanzhu", etc.

"Super girl" and "happy boys" talent show held successfully and "dae janggeum", "xuanyuan sword", "(and) see the meteor shower together the mostbeautiful time, such as TV broadcast and further enhance the influence. Hunaneconomic TV as one of the most popular television hunan native, its ratings andsupport all does not matched with hunan satellite TV. Hunan via visual focus onlocal audience, so there are often broadcast with local characteristics ofhunan. Such as variety show more policy more happy, family film "a last-bornsrushed forward" and so on. With qinghai TV in 20__ launched a talent showblossoming flowers, it is a new revision test broadcasts in 20__ launched acivil draft activities, aimed at mining the excellent talents, provide theplatform. The development of Chinas domestic animation in changsha is quickly,this also makes the government is determined to build animation. Stateadministration of radio, film and the first approval of nine animation industrybase, changsha two exclusive.

Golden eagle TV festival in China, changsha as the permanent home, the goldis one of the most important award for Chinese film and television. Changshainfluential newspaper issued by the local newspaper "sansho metropolis daily","changsha evening news", "xiaoxiang morning post, a national newspaper Titansports, and female today newspaper, have repeatedly received" national localnewspaper management advanced unit "title. Titan sports for sports, Chinasbiggest circulation newspaper.

With the continuous development of Internet and computer technology, thetraditional media is turning to the Internet development, major newspapers haveintroduced electronic web version, make people read more efficient, moreconvenient access to information channels, including "sansho metropolis daily","hua sheng electronic online", "xiaoxiang morning herald", "changsha eveningnews", "stars online electronic loved by people. At the same time variousnetworks and changsha, changsha classified information network, Massachusettsare constantly emerging, common prosperity with changsha Internet economy.

Changsha of Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, protestantism, Islam, five majorreligions, religious staff of nearly 300 people, tens of thousands of people, bebaptized and to convert believers followers more than 100000 people. Yamaderafoothill, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple, cloud palace, scroll view,green yangshan monastery where foothill, mosques, Catholic church and theChristian north hall 10 religious site is listed as key religious activityplaces at or above the provincial level, the foot yamadera, kaifu temple,temple, stone frost temple monastery, one thousand of which yamadera foothilland kaifu temple is one national key temples of Buddhism in the han nationality;Yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, narathiwat temple, north main street tothe north of the Catholic church, Christian church and Christianity church 7 inreligious activities such as site is listed as key cultural relics protectionunits in hunan province. As the provincial capital, changsha is a municipalreligious group is located, is also the seat of the provincial religious groups,religious people are relatively concentrated.

During the period of the republic of China, changsha have GuKaiFu temple,west yamadera, waring temple, temple, grace temple Lin, valley yamadera, GaoShantemple and tung creek temple known as the "changsha eight big jungle". Becauseexperience Wen Xi fire, after four changsha battle, the "cultural revolution",such as disaster, many temples were destroyed, in recent years, there is a smallpart of the temple rebuilt, such as the taniyama Po lam temple. Very strongGuKaiFu temple, incense every year. Also have the foot of the ancient capitalcity yamadera; Hongshan temple area YouHong yamadera; Ningxiang has a secrettemple, etc., are all important temples in changsha area. Changsha people alsolove to hengshan nanyue temple incense worshipping Buddha, for the purpose ofprayer. Taoist shrine in xingsha Lang pear town narathiwat temple, began in thenorthern and southern dynasties, more than 1500 years ago.

Due to the eight years war of resistance, Wen Xi fire and brokencapitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. In1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapiddevelopment of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of thehistorical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and culturalblocks, the remaining four complete granite street. Begin to pay close attentionto in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue"historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street,small order, Simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.

Changsha rich underground cultural relics, important archaeological findshave writing in changsha, ningxiang charcoal relics of bronze ware in the river,but floor slips of changsha, the spring and autumn period and the warring statesperiod age hunan, copper kiln, etc.



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On a sunny Friday, the school organized all the teachers and students tohave a spring outing in Beigu mountain.

Spring outing that morning, we are very excited, just walked into theclassroom to see the students get together to imagine what spring outing willlook like. We walk to Beigu mountain. Along the way, the laughter of thestudents broke through the clouds, and everyones face was filled with a smileof expectation.

Entering the gate of Beigu mountain, we first went through a piece ofgrass, and then walked in, we saw a beautiful scene: a middle-aged uncle sittingon a big stone fishing, a stone bridge on the river, the gurgling water fromtime to time issued a clattering sound, as if to say to us: Welcome to Beigumountain. The green willows on the bank sprout. There are yellow, purple andwhite flowers on the bank, on the grass and under the corner Countless,beautiful! A breeze, the flowers issued a intoxicating fragrance.

After a tour in Beigu mountain, we found a wide place to camp. At first, wewere eating all the time, and sometimes we sent some to our teacher. But wecant eat all the time in spring outing. After teacher Lis suggestion, weplayed the traditional game - jumping cows rubber band. Song ruiyin took thelead. We jumped one by one. After standing, our feet couldnt move. If we moved,we would die. After a long time, we kicked shuttlecock again. Because everyonecan only play plastic shuttlecock, so no one dares to take the lead in kickingthis kind of feather shuttlecock. Everyone pushes it around. Miss Li hits athousand purple and she kicks three. Because someone started, the atmospherebecame active. I volunteered to raise my hand, but I only kicked two. Towardsnoon, we were ready to return. When we walked out of the gate, we reluctantlyshook hands with Beigu mountain.

This years spring outing is really interesting. Im looking forward tothis years autumn outing.



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Panshan is located in the northwest of Tianjin. "If I had known that therewere Panshan, why should I go to Jiangnan?". Emperor Qianlongs confessionproperly shows that Panshan is not only beautiful in scenery, but also has aprofound cultural connotation.

From Jingji villa to Cuiping peak. There are many springs here. Theexquisite spring water has experienced a cold winter. It is said that it justcame out from the dreary. It should be flowing slowly. But there are manystrange rocks here, which make the gentle stream jump and laugh all the way. Itgradually becomes passionate and full of water. Finally, it condenses into awaterfall and flows down, leaving the tourists who are stunned on the naildrying stone far behind.

Go up and see more and more strange stones. Some look like a big bluemushroom, some look like a small gray animal, and some just lie between tworocks. No one can worry about it. Panshan not only has different grotesquerocks, but also has many allusions, which makes people feel and yearn forhistory.

Up again, the mountain is full of vigorous pine trees. I didnt understandwhy pine trees grew in rocks until Panshan finally got the answer. The originalfour mountains are full of charming flowers, pink roses, blue morning glory,golden spring, all over the mountains. The simple pine trees had to take root inthe stone cracks. Its a pity that the flowers bloom and wither all the yearround. Only these strong pines have deep roots, and they are always leisurelyand contented in the clouds. A burst of spring breeze blowing, pine branchesstretch out, issued a slow voice and the laughter of the stream beating stonesconstitute a symphonic poem of spring reverberating in the valley for a longtime.

It is difficult to describe the three sets of scenery in words. But thebeautiful charm of Panshan is really unforgettable.



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Liaocheng has a long history and brilliant culture. As early as in primitive society have ancestors in the breeding, engaged in agricultural production. City land found about 6, seven thousand, 100 of longshan culture, they are so far found that the countrys largest longshan culture city. Visible, the ancient west bank dhi water was an important political and cultural center.

Xia period, liaocheng economic and social development faster, agriculture and handicraft industry more developed; During the spring and autumn period, liaocheng west qi important cities; During the warring states period, liaocheng fight for governors; Qin and han dynasties, economic and cultural get rapid development, peoples living standard has improved a lot, copper, iron, aluminum is the main production tools, using well solve the problem of drinking water and irrigation, very travel home to ride horses, bronze mirror, smoked furnace become necessities, can production technology with higher levels of pottery, culture education career development faster, has trained many military commanders to celebrities; Of three kingdoms, two jin, northern and southern dynasties, frequent wars, natural disasters, which local unified time, relatively stable society, economic and cultural undertakings, has a certain degree of recovery and development; Sui cause four years (608), emperor yangdi digging the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, making the city traffic, water conservancy facilities, to promote the development of economy and culture, then linqing is an important transport hub.

Throughout the city in tang dynasty is a period of political, economic and cultural overall development, especially the education career developed, has created many celebrities; Glorious history of the Ming and qing dynasties is liaocheng period, Ming dynasty minister doctor crown cover does less and east cabinet ministers pound company article on male Yu Shenhang Yu Wanli seven years written "dongchang year rebuilt tablet", have "goods convergence, jiangbei will", "cao wans throat, days close by" sentence, such as by unexpectedly from today. Yuan to $26 years (1289) to the Ming yongle nine years (1415) brought several times between the resumption of tong river, through the development of Chinas north and south of the grand canal to liaocheng boom vitality, linqing, liaocheng dongchangfu district (now) be along one of the nine largest commercial port.

"Chan liaocheng city of fireworks, more than thousand households", many businessmen, doing well in all sectors, boat and ZhouLu connect, horses and chariots, goods product, however. Foreign merchant guild alongside the river, a famous chung building shelf, a house, the qing emperor kangxi emperor 4 times to chat, qianlong emperor nine times in liaocheng. The city commerce and prosperity, agriculture, textile, printing, hunan, handicraft industry, ceramic industry, food industry, shipbuilding industry, brick grain transportation industry developed. Throughout the city before the building of the republic of China, there are union members of their secret organization innovation. During the period of the republic of China, liaocheng is the regulation of political, cultural, center. At the beginning of the republic of China, there are cotton industry research institute, assembly, demonstration, built roads, established the motor transport company, lights, Banks, in the weaving mill, hospitals, government schools, normal schools, etc. Later period of the republic of China, as a result of warlords, the Japanese invasion, which composed of great damage.

After "the July 7th incident" in 1937, liaocheng become the anti-japanese front. The anti-japanese armed forces of more than 60000 people, fighting the Japanese army more than 80 times, to defend its vast territory, liaocheng people made great contribution and sacrifice to the victory of war of resistance against Japanese aggression. War of liberation period, liaocheng is the rear of the base of the Chinese peoples liberation army, liu Deng Dajun into the dabie mountains, crossing the Yellow River, the city land, 37000 people have joined the army; Within the territory of move south of the huai hai campaign, across the river, people organization fleet, team to support the peoples liberation army combat stretcher, made great contribution to the war victory. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, liaocheng people inherit the historical tradition, the arduous struggle, forge ahead, in all walks of life have made significant achievements.

Liaocheng rich resources, convenient transportation and communication developed, tourism become a new industry. Liaocheng is Chinas important commodity grain, cotton, vegetables, fruit, livestock and poultry production base and agricultural and sideline products deep processing and export base. Including high-protein wheat, pears, round bell jujube, cantaloup, small tail han sheep, luxi cattle and other famous rare influence of well-known Chinese and foreign, pollution-free vegetables planting area of 1 million mu, edible fungus cultivation area in the countrys first, most famous guan pears planting area of 600000 mu, for most of the country, cattle market more than 100 100 head, poultry market more than 500 500 only. Water resource is enough, there are 10 gates, horse buccal the north-south river, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, together with upstream WeiShan located in Yellow River irrigation area, water conservancy conditions is extremely advantageous. City land available surface water resources for many years an average total of 45.486 billion cubic meters, crossing the Yellow River water resource of 42.03 billion cubic meters, the availability of 951 million cubic meters of groundwater resources. Coal, oil, natural gas, limestone, gypsum, iron underground mineral-rich, etc. Geothermal resources is yet to be developed. There are many different kinds of biological resources and food crop varieties more than 500, 107 economic crop varieties, vegetable varieties, more than 600 varieties of medicine, 61, 225 forest tree varieties, 146 varieties of flower, 95 varieties of animals. Liaocheng in shandong province is one of the most developed city traffic, beijing-kowloon railway, HanJi railway, jeju museum highway intersection here, is an important transport hub connecting north and south, east and west.

Liaocheng railway line railway marshalling station is one of the four marshalling yards. From liaocheng, arrive at the jinan airport 1 hour, 4 hours to Qingdao port, arrived in Beijing in 3.5 hours. Information industry is developing rapidly, has realized the exchange Cheng Konghua, digital transmission, three-dimensional network of modern telecommunication network. Liaocheng also opened a computer to the Internet and multimedia communications networks. "Liaocheng information port" is a part of China public multimedia information net, it connected to the foreign information network, to realize the resource sharing with the world. Liaocheng is the national famous historical and cultural city, natural resources and humanistic landscape blend to form the rich tourism resources. More than 2700 places of interests, tourism development value of landscape has more than 470. 3 national key cultural relics protection units, the provincial key protection unit 15 place, especially in liaocheng city unique "jiangbei shuicheng" characteristics, known as the "Venice of the north China," said. With "jiangbei shuicheng, ancient canal" new city positioning and constant efforts, an emerging tourist leisure destination - liaocheng, also marched in the forefront of the leisure city construction. BBS of leisure development 20xx "China (international)", 20xx "the third China (international) leisure development of BBS, BBS unveiled the" China top ten leisure city "with the results, liaocheng two times on the list.



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Baotou, fathers hometown, means "where there are deer" in Mongolian, soBaotou has the reputation of "Lucheng". Dad said that Baotou was once adepression, with few green plants on both sides of the road. Whenever there wasa sandstorm, there was no place for pedestrians to hide. Today, Baotou hasbecome a beautiful modern industrial city: "rare earth city" and "grasslandsteel city". There is also Saihantala Park, the only "Grassland in the city" inChina. It has also become a paradise for tourists. What attracts me most inBaotou is Nanhai Wetland Park.

This winter vacation, I went to Nanhai park to have a good play. Nanhaipark is located in Donghe District of Baotou, where the scenery is beautiful andit is a beautiful place. In Baotou in winter, the weather is cold and the groundis frozen. A pool of water in Nanhai park has become a sea of ice and a skiresort. There are many games that cant be played in the south, such as icebike, snow circle and ice bike. Every game is so fun. In winter, Nanhai wetlandscenic spot will become a ski resort, so Nanhai park will become a good placefor Baotou children to play and relax.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, my father took my cousin and I toNanhai park. Baotou sky seems to be very close to our heads, it seems that ahand can pick the white clouds. I take a deep breath, the air is so fresh andsweet, it makes people feel comfortable. My father rented the snow circle andskis, and my sister and I happily started the thrilling and exciting play. Weput the snow circle on the conveyor belt, and then step by step, carefullyclimbed up the snow slope, chose a highest point, and slid down. My sister and Ilet out a exclamation, after a rampage, came to the end, we looked at each otherand laughed, did not wait to stay for half a moment, and ran toward the snowslope. The warm sun shining on the vast white ski resort, driving away the coldwinter, we did not feel tired.

After this play, I cant help but like Baotou in winter. Because winter canlet me make friends with Baotou snow; because winter I can enjoy differentbeautiful snow scenery, I love my hometown, also love to raise my fathershometown.



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Baiyun Mountain is located in the north of Guangzhou city. It is one of thefamous mountains in southern Guangdong. It is known as "the first show ofYangcheng". It is composed of more than 30 peaks. You can see the whole city andthe Pearl River from a high altitude. When it is sunny after rain or in latespring, the mountains are surrounded by white clouds, hence the name of themountain.

Baiyun Mountain has been a famous scenic spot since ancient times, "Purunsource", "Baiyun wanwang" and "Jingtai guizeng" have been listed in the "EightSights of Yangcheng". In recent years, it has opened up the mountain top andShanbei Park, built Garden Style Villa Hostel, Shuangxi villa, Songtao gardenand bird watching garden. Many people go to mount Baiyun every year on thedouble ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

Baiyun Mountain has been well known for a long time. In the Warring Statesperiod, there were already famous people in and out of the country. In the JinDynasty, the scenery was pleasant, and in the Tang Dynasty, it was famous as aresort. Since the Song Dynasty, Baiyun Mountain has occupied many of the "EightSights of Yangcheng". People in Yangcheng always like to visit here. Especiallyin the Double Ninth Festival, they enjoy climbing Baiyun Mountain. At this time,the busy scene of supporting the old and carrying the young, and the crowd makeup a unique style painting of Yangcheng.

Some party and state leaders, such as Chen Yi, Tao Zhu and Guo Moruo, havecome here for sightseeing, rest and reception of foreign guests. Now, there is aspecial tour bus in Baiyun Mountain, which goes up the winding road to the PeakPark and the first peak in South China. There is also a cableway up themountain. There are all kinds of restaurants, service facilities and simplestoves on the mountain for people to have piics and roast. It has become afamous tourist attraction in China.

Baiyun Mountain also has Alpine grass skiing, 1400 meters slide, triangleglider and other sports and entertainment projects

Baiyun Mountain is composed of more than 30 peaks, covering an area of 28square kilometers. The highest peak, moxingling, is 382 meters above sea level,which is the highest peak in Guangzhou.

Baiyun Mountain is majestic, with undulating mountains and ravines. Thehighest peak is Moxing mountain, and the roads on the mountain extend in alldirections. Beautiful scenery, many places of interest. From the north of themountain to the south, it is divided into three scenic spots: the north of themountain, the top of the mountain and the Luhu lake. In Luhu District, the lakeis covered with green trees and is as calm as a mirror. You can take a cable carfrom Luhu to Shanxiang. The peak area includes Peak Park, Mingchun Valley, VillaHostel, Shuangxi villa, Nengren temple, Jiulong spring, etc. Shanbei scenic areais another scene: the mountains are rolling, the pines are everywhere, endless,just like the surging sea; the mountain wind blows, its sound is like waves,which is known as "Baiyun Songtao", one of the eight scenic spots in Yangcheng.Pugu, Nengren temple, Tiannan No.1 peak, Mingchun Valley, jiulongquan, Beilin,Motianling, Shanwan, Shuangxi, Shanzhuang, Baiyun Songtao, Songtao courtyard,Mingzhu tower, Baiyun xianguan, Jufang garden, Luhu Golf and country club,Guangzhou skating club, Luming restaurant, etc. scattered among the lakes andmountains, and the newly built Yuntai garden, sculpture park and Baiyunrestaurant Slideway and other attractions.

The world-famous South China Botanical Garden is located in longyandong. Ithas more than 4500 tropical and subtropical plants, and a special exhibitionarea for people to watch. It grows palm plants, relict plants, tropical plants,shade plants, anti pollution plants, economic plants, bamboo and medicinalplants, garden trees, gymnosperms, etc. The park also has artificial lake,waterside pavilion, reception hall, rest Pavilion, experimental building, shadeshed, greenhouse and other facilities. It is not only a base for research anddevelopment of plant resources and popularization of Botany knowledge, but alsoa colorful, picturesque, green sea and beautiful plant Grand View Garden,attracting many visitors.



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Yongchuan location Yangtze upstream of the north, west of chongqing, the east metro area, North-East relies on a wall mount county, north tongliang county, rongchang west, southern border with hejiang city, lugu county of sichuan province. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

Yongchuan is very rich in tourism resources, yesterday have moon guishan, bamboo creek patter, tieling hazeline, star saving green, clubmosses hundreds of feet, holy water, double chang state eight sights, such as green, longdong sunglow visited for people place to linger. Today the village of north with the scenic bamboo sea, the south has beautiful scenery of the lake, the four seasons fragrance of national ecological agriculture demonstration garden - best fruit in the corridor and the delight of chongqing wild animals in the world; Has the countrys first discovered dinosaur fossils - upstream yongchuan dragon; There are the national famous Jin Shiwei carved works of artist liu channel longshan moya carved stone, sanjiao town stone; Have a book to du fus "selaginella tamariscina fossil"; There are odd mountain peak of the male, the female stalagmites hill, a land of big literary giant su dongpo linger - suzhou dresser, and the song dynasty stone carving, rock Buddha temple and other scenic spots. Among them with "tea, bamboo, stone" three special brigade culture tour resources is striking. Is the national excellent tourism city.

Yongchuan climate is mild and humid subtropical monsoon climate, is a livable city, the average annual climate around 18 ℃, the lowest temperature in winter in 6-8 ℃, average summer heat, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

Yongchuan cultural heritage. Yongchuan fossilized dinosaur, clubmosses, famous all over the world, tea culture, the mini-sculpture, bamboo culture has a long history. Gave birth to the qing dynasty in Chinese Taiwan magistrate Huang Kaiji, Oriental van gogh Chen Zizhuang, microbiologist wen-kang Chen, the geographer xu nearly, micro carving artist liu channel, writer (novel) all, (drama) Cai Shiwei, Wen Shikui literary critic, (poet) Zhong Daihua celebrities such as, is the Chinese womens soccer team training base, Chinese chess, taekwondo training base in China and chongqing sketch base of Chinese artists association. Yongchuan bright prospects in the future. Will further strengthen the "emancipate the mind, open still wider to the outside world, advocating innovation, the pursuit of excellence" concept, to open the vision, enlightened policy, culture, development of energy, and efforts to shape the "city of the forest, warm, the city of vocational education, the humanities, the city of entrepreneurship, wealth, open city, capital of the business, the bamboo tea city, capital of leisure" characteristic image, tried to build yongchuan into having a unique style, to be modern cities and regional central city!



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Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, has jurisdiction over fourcounties, five districts, one new district and two national development zones,with a total area of 7402 square kilometers and a total population of 4.49million, of which the urban population is 1.96 million. It is one of the 35 megacities in China. With a long history of more than 2200 years, Nanchang has beenendowed with "natural treasures and outstanding people"; its red homeland, greenhome, ancient customs, special charm and golden fields have made Nanchang "amagnificent city with beautiful scenery". Today, we are stepping into an era ofeconomic globalization full of hope, competition, vitality and challenges.Nanchang is showing its unique potential and attractive advantages.

The name of Nanchang began in the Western Han Dynasty, 220 BC___ Liu Bang,Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, sent yinghou Guanying and his troops toNanchang, built Nanchang City and named it Nanchang, which means "prosperity ofthe South". Tang and Song dynasties were the West Road in the south of theYangtze River and the administrative center of Hongqian. They were the famouscities in the southeast, so they were also called "Hongdu".

The tourist areas of Nanchang include the urban area and the nearbyMeiling, Jingan SANZHAOLUN, Zhangshu and other places. The scenic spots andhistoric sites blend in the beautiful natural scenery, and the beautifullandscape sets off the unique style of the ancient city of Nanchang.

In todays economic globalization trend of large-scale industrial transfer,resource restructuring and development alliance, Nanchang has ushered in a newround of development opportunities. Under the correct leadership of Jiangxiprovincial Party committee and government, and with the active participation ofinvestors and entrepreneurs at home and abroad, the hero city is undergoingrapid and profound changes. Nanchangs investment environment is improving dayby day, its economic development is accelerating, and its market prosperity isrising continuously, especially the entrepreneur confidence index and enterpriseprosperity index are both stronger, which fully shows the huge development spaceand investment opportunities contained in Nanchang.

Nanchang city is now very prosperous. Bayi Square in the center of the cityis green and can accommodate 100000 people. The August 1 Nanchang UprisingMemorial Tower standing at the southern end of the square has become a monumentof Nanchangs revolutionary history. After the reform and opening up, Nanchangstourism has developed rapidly. Many cultural relics and historic sites have beenrestored. There are 26 natural landscapes and 78 cultural landscapes. There arefamous world cultural heritage Lushan scenic spot, Poyang Lake migratory birdreserve, Longhushan national scenic spot, Jinggangshan National Scenic Spot andSanqingshan National Scenic Spot near Nanchang. It has formed a tourism andsightseeing system with Nanchang as the center, along the Beijing KowloonRailway scenic belt as the focus and radiating Jiangxi Province.

Nanchang is also a heroic city with glorious revolutionary tradition. TheAugust 1 Nanchang Uprising is world-famous. The Chinese peoples Liberation Armywas born here, so Nanchang is also known as "hero city".

After the reform and opening up, Nanchangs tourism industry has developedrapidly, and many cultural relics and historic sites have been renovated.Nanchang has become a hot tourist city attracting worldwide attention.



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Good morning, dear friends. My name is __X. Im your tour guide. If youhave any difficulties or problems during your trip, please ask director Wang.You are welcome. I will try my best to help you. I wish my friends have a goodtime in Tiantangzhai, sleep well and eat well!

Friends, do you feel it? We are in a huge forest park. It is a forest parkfull of desolation. There are luxuriant trees in the four fields, fragrantmountain flowers, white clouds floating in the blue sky and silver flowing inthe valley. Apart from the occasional birdsong, there is a silence. Please takea deep breath! Sweet, it will make you feel refreshed; please drink green springwater, it will make your eyes clear and refreshing. This is the enjoyment ofreturning to nature. This is the pleasure of returning to nature.

Tiantangzhai National Forest Park is the last primeval forest in EastChina, located in the southwest corner of Jinzhai County, Anhui Province,adjacent to Luotian County and Yingshan County, Hubei Province. The total areaof Tiantangzhai Forest Park is 120 square kilometers. There are 15 kilometers ofpeaks in Tiantangzhai. The main peak of Tiantangzhai is 1729.13 meters above sealevel. It was called "the first pass in the southeast of Wu and Chu" in ancienttimes. There were countless wars here, the most famous of which was the "redscarf army" uprising led by Xu Shouhui in the early Ming Dynasty, which made therulers of the Yuan Dynasty scared. In modern times, Liu Dengs army marchedthousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains in 1947, which opened the prelude ofthe strategy. Dim the light and shadow of the sword, far away from the drumclang. Todays Tiantangzhai has become a National Forest Park and a famoustourist attraction.

The forest landscape varies from season to season. Flowers are blooming inspring, green in summer solstice, forest in autumn and snow in winter.Tiantangzhai is located in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains. It is locatedin the mountainous area. It has no advantage of large market distribution centerand industrial development, but it has extremely rich natural resources.Tiantangzhai, a magnificent and vast Tiantangzhai, has formed a beautiful andunparalleled natural landscape because of its abundant clouds, heavy fog, highmountains, dense trees and green water. It is known as a famous ecologicalmountain, a famous resource mountain, a famous cultural mountain and a treasuremountain of medicinal herbs. Its forest coverage rate is as high as 96.5%,ranking first among all scenic spots in China, and is the last virgin forest inEast China.

In the past extensive economic environment, the traffic was not smooth, sothe local people had to rely on the mountains to make a living. Now, with theprotection of forest resources, the concept of local people has also changedunder the influence of "red tourism" advocated by the state. They are also"relying on mountains to eat mountains". But now they are making great effortsto protect the green mountains and waters, to explore the tourism market, and torely on tourism to drive local development.

In the nature reserve, the peaks, rocks, trees, flowers and sea of cloudsform an interesting contrast and the scenery is pleasant. Walking intoTiantangzhai is like walking into a charming picture. Under the verdant pines,beside the stream, and in the misty rain, people feel "misty mountains, mistywater, misty sky, misty earth, misty moon, and misty birds". It really means "Itravel in the mountains, better than being an immortal".

Tiantangzhai is the hometown of the "Red Army". It once dedicated countlessbrave soldiers and many generals to the liberation of the Chinese nation and theChinese people. It has the reputation of "Jiangjun county". The Mashi primaryschool in Tiantangzhai was built in the early 1970s. Because it is located onthe hillside with an altitude of more than 1000 meters, it suffered frommountain torrents many times and was destroyed several times. But the mountainpeople still do not want to give up, tenaciously preserved only a few damagedschool buildings. After the 1990s, the outside world found her almost deserted.While visiting revolutionary relics and enjoying the magnificent scenery, groupsof people have brought their love into them, making them "Hope Primary School".At present, Mashi primary school has four teachers and 43 students. We welcomethose who intend to subsidize hope primary school and offer their love. We willvolunteer to provide help for similar activities.



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各位游客: 大家好,欢迎到江南三大名楼之一的岳阳楼参观游览。岳阳楼是国家重点文物保护单位,首批国家4A级旅游区。岳阳楼的景观特色可以概括为四个方面:

一是历史悠久。 岳阳楼的前身为鲁肃修建的阅军楼,始建于东汉建安十九年(即公元 214 年),距今已有 1700 多年历史,在江南三大名楼中岳阳楼的历史最为悠久。西晋南北朝时称“巴陵城楼” ,初唐时称为“南楼”,中唐李白赋诗之后,始称“岳阳楼” 。现在我们所看到的呢,是清朝光绪年间的岳阳楼。 二是风景独特。岳阳楼胜景由江、湖、山、城构成。正如范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》所描写的“巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖,衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯,朝晖夕阴,气象万千。”(值得一提的是20xx年端午节岳阳市民按岳阳楼真实景观的5:1的比例缩制,用5.5万个粽子在南湖广场搭成了岳阳楼模型,并成功入选了吉尼斯世界纪录。可谓轰动一时。)


四、是岳阳楼的文物珍贵。江南三大名楼中,唯有岳阳楼是保持原址、原貌,具有历史、艺术、科学价值的国家级文物。现在大家所见到的岳阳楼为纯木结构,1983 年按“整旧如旧”的原则落架大修而成。全楼没用一块砖石,没有一颗铁钉,全部用木料构成,门缝对榫(sun),工艺十分精巧。

好,朋友们,现在各位面前的就是岳阳楼。横匾上 “岳阳楼”三字是由郭沫若先生题写的,现已编入《中国名匾》一书。大家请看,整个大楼由四根楠木大柱支撑,自楼底直贯楼顶,再以十二根金柱为内圈,支撑二楼,周围则绕以 20 根木柱,彼此牵制,门缝对隼,连结为整体。岳阳楼三层三檐,盔顶式木结构,盖黄色琉璃瓦。盔顶是岳阳楼建筑的突出特色,大家请看它形似古代将军的头盔据说盔顶得设计也是为了纪念岳阳楼的创建者鲁肃将军,我们从这里望去它威武雄壮,配以飞檐,曲线流畅,给人势欲凌空之感。大家再看盔顶下的如意斗拱,它形似蜂窝,层叠相衬,饰以龙头、凤头,云头文饰,既承托盔顶重力,又使整个建筑更精美、庄重、和谐。因此,岳阳楼的建筑在美学、力学、建筑学和工艺学方面都有着惊人的成就。(值得一提的是我们现在所处的位置是20xx年北京奥运圣火在岳阳站也是湖南省传递的首站,由著名科学家——“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平先生执棒。)

进入主楼,首先映入眼帘的是大家神驰已久的《岳阳楼记》的雕屏,岳阳楼开始真正名扬天下是在北宋藤子京重修岳阳楼,范仲淹做《岳阳楼记》 以后。自此岳阳楼的名声大震,传扬中外,这就是人们所说的“文以楼存,楼以文名”。我们所见到的这幅雕屏由 12 块紫檀木组成。是清代乾隆年间张照书写的。张照是何许人也,等我们上了二楼再为大家揭晓。这篇文章全文虽然仅 368 个字,但是内容博大、哲理精深,而“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”则更成为传世名句。大家都知道《岳阳楼记》雕屏属于国家级文物,不可能拿来交易,但也

有人对其进行了市场估价,说它价值3000万元,姑且不论它合理否由此我们也可以窥见整个岳阳楼价值之高,所以大家一定要珍惜见识国宝的机会深刻认识它的价值呀!现在我们往四周看,在楼的四壁,悬挂着许多木刻匾对,这些都是古今名家吟咏岳阳楼的楹联。 挂在楼堂正中的这副楹联,是清代大书法家何绍基写的,也是岳阳楼最长的一副。

我们现在登上的是岳阳楼的顶层三楼,我们先来看下雕屏两侧挂有岳阳楼最短的一副对联,仅仅八个字。上联为“水天一色”,下联是“风月无边”。落款为“长庚李白”。我们都知道李白一生作诗无数,但是对联就只有这一幅。站在这儿凭窗远眺,得到的感觉不正是 “水天一色,风月无边”吗?中间就是毛泽东手书杜甫《登岳阳楼》的条屏,你看它布局严谨,笔意奔放,铁画银钩,雄健挺拔,深得唐代怀素狂草遗风,且又自成一格。这是一件难得的艺术珍品,悬挂于此,使得岳阳楼更是锦上添花。岳阳楼的介绍我就给诸位讲解到这里了,欢迎大家下次再到岳阳来。谢谢大家!


各位游客,大家好,欢迎来桃花源旅游观光! 因为东晋诗人陶渊明先生的《桃花源记》使桃花源名扬天下。千百年来,桃花源以其幽静秀美的独特风貌,吸引了无数慕名而来的游客。












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Hello, everyone!

As the saying goes, "its a pleasure to have friends from afar." Im yourtour guide in Chuzhou today. My name is Xiaoxi. You can call me lonely. Im fromXingyue travel agency. Next, Ill give you a brief introduction of Chuzhou.

Chuzhou is located in the east of Anhui Province, known as "East Anhui".Since ancient times, Chuzhou has been known as "Jinling key" and "Jianghuaisecurity", and has the reputation of "Wu Chu" and "Qi Yue Huai Yang". Afterlistening to my introduction, do you have any impulse to go and find out?

Well, next Ill take you to Langya Mountain scenic area. When it comes toLangya Mountain, do you think of a popular TV series "Langya list" not long ago?Yes, the Langya Pavilion mentioned in it is here. Now let me introduce LangyaMountain to you. Langya Mountain, formerly known as motuoling, enjoys thereputation of "no other mountain after Penglai" and "the Pearl of East Anhui".In addition to Langya Pavilion, there are many scenic spots such as ZUIWENGPavilion, fengle Pavilion, Chengxi lake, Gushan lake, etc.

Talking about the drunken man Pavilion, I believe friends who have read Mr.Ouyang Xius the story of the drunken man Pavilion should be deeply impressed.In the story of the drunken man Pavilion, Mr. Ouyang Xiu describes in detail itsgeographical location and who built it. Among them, the sight of the Taishoutouring and enjoying with the people is more and more enviable. Later, it wasexpected that "the government was in harmony with the people, and all kinds ofwastes prospered.". Today, lets cross the barriers of time and space and havefun with the eunuch who is also in April. Lets feel the scene of the morningand evening in the mountains of "if the sun is early, the forest will open, theclouds will return and the cave will be dark".

The place we are going to is called Da Xiong temple. Many friends should bevery interested when they hear the name, but the Da Xiong we mentioned here isnot the Da Xiong in Doraemon.

The main hall is magnificent. There is a bright moon pool in the center ofthe courtyard in front of the hall. An arch bridge on the pool is called thebright moon bridge. In the north of the pool, there is a house for the brightmoon view. It is said that it is a scripture collected by Xuanzang, the eminentmonk of Tang Dynasty, from the West. From the right side of the building, youcan get to the garden. The green Pavilion in the garden is particularly unique.After the moon view, there is Sanyou Pavilion, which is named after the "threefriends of winter" of pine, plum and bamboo beside the pavilion. You can enjoyit by yourself, but you should pay attention to the maintenance of environmentalhygiene.

Today, our journey is coming to an end. Although its "hard to meet eachother, its also hard to leave each other", we still have to make a difference.Its a permanent rule that the end of the song and the separation of people. Ihope we can all play together next time. I hope you pay attention to safety inthe next play process, happy to come, happy back.



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Dear ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, everyone:

Very honored to be your tour guide, my name is xu, you can call me Mr. Xu guide, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

We went to the attractions is the Great Wall.

You see, today we go to one of the world famous heritage of the Great Wall like a dragon? He winding between mountains, we now stand at the foot of the mountain, look, you may be more than only a few thousand miles, in fact, he has more than thirteen thousand. We are now on to take a look! Everyone to see, how magnificent Great Wall spirit show in front of our eyes, look! Our feet stepping is square brick, now lets hold the stone on the wall, a walk, you feel? Right, before how hard working people, they put their own wisdom and sweat to the Great Wall, we must cherish now the Great Wall, the Great Wall is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress and the nozzle mouth, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, there is a square more than three hundred miles every ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops.

As we all know the story about the badaling and the legend of the Great Wall? Badaling the title of the story is called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named zhou you king, he has a beauty called praised si, her temper is very strange, always dont smile, you think of some way to the king. So he lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, but praised si ha ha laugh, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy.

The legend of the Great Wall is also very good to listen, named "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" : the story of meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall, is Chinas famous ancient folklore, it in the form of drama, songs, poems, rap, etc, widely circulated, household can stomach. Mouth hard heavy when qin shihuang, young men and women Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu just married three days, the groom was forced to start to build the Great Wall, soon died of cold and tired, bones buried under the long wall. Meng jiangnu with woolies, through hardships, wanli predicament came to the Great Wall, got the news of her husband. More than three days and three nights, she cry at the gate, the city of cleft, revealing Fan Xiliang corpses, meng jiangnu sea died in despair. From then on, shanhaiguan is considered by later generations as "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall", and cover the meng jiangnu temple, there are often stationed here with one of the leaders of tears.

Now, stories and legends to listen to, we can free to play, remember after 1 hour, we set here, pay attention to, dont litter.



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to wuliangge. Im your guide.

Wuliangge, also known as Shoufeng temple, is located on the top of qieshimountain, 10km south of Fengrun county. It was built in 1032, the first year ofthe reign of emperor Chongxi of Liao Dynasty. The pavilion was built on thegranite platform. It used to be one story, and then it was added to threestories in the sixth year of the reign of emperor Chongxi. There are 1 pagodason the left and right sides of the pavilion. Now there is only the pharmacistsPagoda in the west, and one Wenchang Pavilion built in the Republic of China inthe East (on the right). The existing Pavilion is rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty.It has three floors. The front of each floor is arched with a platform and awhite marble railing. Xieshan double eaves glazed tile roof, under the eaves arebrick wood arch. All the pavilions are made of brick and tile. They have nobeams or inch of wood members, so they are called Wuliang pavilions. In front ofthe pavilion, there is a scripture building on the left, and in front of it,there is a stele of Wanfo Pavilion, which was built in 1598. Wenchang Pavilionwas destroyed by the earthquake, and Wuliang pavilion has been renovated.

The pharmacists pagoda, also known as Qieshan flower pagoda, was built in1032, the first year of the reign of emperor Chongxi of the Liao Dynasty. It isan octagonal pavilion type flower Pagoda with ll layers, solid, all built withbricks, with a height of more than 28 meters. The lotus xumizuo on the base ofthe pagoda is richly carved. The four facades of the pagoda are carved with archshaped false doors, and the other four sides are embossed with tallBodhisattvas. The pagoda above the first floor is a cone, and from the secondfloor to the ninth floor is surrounded by bricks Sculpture of Buddha. The Tashahas been destroyed. This pagoda is of special construction. On the eaves of thepagoda, there are seven layers of square pavilions, forming a flower shapedpagoda body. The lower layer of the pagoda is in the form of Yu layer pavilions,and the upper six layers are in the form of single-layer pavilions. It isbeautiful, simple and elegant, which is rare in the flower pagodas of LiaoDynasty.

Well, tourists, Wuliang Pavilion is here to explain. Thank you for yoursupport!
