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豫园原是明代的一座私人园林,始建于明代,截止20xx年已 有四百余年历史。




1842年(清道光二十二年)第一次鸦片战争爆发,外国侵略者入侵上海,英国军队强占豫园,大肆蹂躏。 清咸丰三年(1853年),上海小刀会响应太平天国革命,在上海发动起义。起义失败后,清兵在城内烧杀抢掠,豫园被严重破坏,点春堂、香雪堂、桂花厅、得月楼等建筑都被付之一炬。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 3248 字

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Lancienne gare de Shanghai, construite en 1908, sappelait la Gare Nord(Gare Nord), située à lintersection de Baoshan, Tianmu Middle Road.

La gare nord de Shanghai est lun des centres de transport reliant le nordet le sud de la Chine.Au nord de la gare nord de Shanghai le long de la ligneHuning, il est possible de relier Jinpu et Longhai à Hefei, Tianjin, Beijing,Xian, Urumqi, Yuyang, Changchun, Harbin et dautres endroits; au sud de laligne Shanghai - Hangzhou, il est possible de relier Zhejiang - Jiangxi etdAutres lignes à Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Kunming, Guiyang,Chengdu, Chongqing et dautres endroits, et darriver près de 50 fois par jourpour prendre en charge les voyages nationaux.14,3% de lenvoi des clients.

La zone de construction initiale de la gare de Shanghai nétait que de 20__ mètres carrés, et les incidents de 20__ et de 20__ ont été endommagés par laguerre. Bien que la gare ait été construite plusieurs fois, sa capacitédexploitation était limitée.Afin daméliorer les conditions de transport, lamunicipalité de Shanghai a décidé de commencer officiellement, le 20 septembre1984, la construction dune nouvelle gare routière adaptée à la grande ville deShanghai.

La nouvelle gare ferroviaire est un projet de construction complet à grandeéchelle à Shanghai dans les années 80, qui a été officiellement ouvert le 28décembre capacité nominale de la nouvelle gare passagers est de 72paires, et le débit de passagers prévu pour toute la journée et les heures depointe sur la place de la gare est de 575 000 et 50 000 fois respectivement; ledébit de véhicules est de 33 000 et 3 000 fois respectivement.Selon le flux depersonnes, le débit des véhicules et les conditions dutilisation des terres, ilest déterminé que la nouvelle gare voyageurs est équipée de deux places Nord superficie prévue de la place est de 97 000 mètres carrés, dont 67 000mètres carrés pour la place Sud, 30 000 mètres carrés pour la place Nord, 10 000mètres carrés pour les piétons, 7 200 mètres carrés pour les véhicules et 12 800mètres carrés pour le stationnement.Les passagers peuvent prendre le bus le plusproche, réduire les détours et améliorer les conditions de conduite.Entre -temps, il se croise avec la ligne de métro 1 et la ligne de métro Pearl enconstruction pour former un centre de distribution de flux de voyageursefficace.

La place Sud se compose dune place centrale et de deux places auxiliairesà gauche et à droite, disposées symé ceinture de marche devant lasalle de sortie est - Ouest sétend vers lavant et entoure le parking centralen forme de pince à crabe. L?le verte est aménagée au milieu en face de laporte du b?timent principal de la gare pour devenir le Centre de toute laplace.Le terminal de la ligne de bus est dispersé devant le hall de sortie est - place Nord utilise la route kongjiamuqiao nord - Sud et la route decirculation est - Ouest comme principales routes daccès à la gare.Lestationnement des véhicules automobiles est aménagé sur le c?té nord de la sallede sortie de la place et sur les ailes est et ouest de la salle dentrée, etplusieurs terminaux de circulation sont aménagés près de la salle dentrée. Lestationnement des véhicules non automobiles est aménagé aux deux extrémités estet ouest de la place.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12063 字

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The Red Stone Canyon, which is a rare canyon sight in north China withwaterfalls, lakes, pools and gullies, is highly acclaimed by gardening expertsas a “natural gallery for mountain and river collections” because of its grandand exclusive landscapes. The most splendid waterfall in the canyon is theBailong Waterfall, divided into three falls, measuring 30 meters in height. Itlooks as shiny as a huge silver dragon. A good place for waterfall watching isthe Heilong (Black Dragon) Cave, which is as long as 30 meters with absolutedarkness inside. Standing in the cave, you can not only see the marvelous fallsdashing down into the deep pools but also the perilous high stiffs, narrowlyseparated from each other by fast-flowing gullies so that the sky is scarcelyvisible. The spring water flowing down the cliffs splashes into water drops thatdazzle in the sunlight like colorful diamonds, looking like a unique picturehanging on the wall. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its grotesque hill, whichextends as far as eyes can see. The main peak, Cornel Peak, is 1308m above thesea level.It is said to be famous for a poem by a famous poet in the TangDynasty called Wang Wei, who worked out a popular poem when he climbed up themountain. The poem Thinking of My Brothers in Mountain Climbing Day fullyconveys his emotion of missing friends. Mounting to the mountain top and lookingfar into the distance, you can see the Yellow River winding like a silver belt.Having a bird view of the foot of the mountain, you can see chains of peaks likesea waves. The weather on the top is often unpredictable. All at once cloudsgather and wind blows,

with mist rising among the mountains. The mountains looming in the mist andclouds look so vague that you feel as if you were in a fairy world. Also, It hadbeen the secluded place of seven Bamboo Forest Sages of the Wei and the JinPeriod. Medicine King, Sun Simiao, once collected Chinese medicine here. Manyhistorical stories are spreading in the area related to some fames once visitedhere. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its numerous rivers, lakes, pools andsprings. Here we can see the highest waterfall in the country---- YuntaiSkyscraper Waterfall, which is 314 meters high like a huge pillar, reminds us ofa famous peom of Libai“ The waters puring down from thousands above of themountain, like the silver river dropping down from top of the heaven”. It looksespecially magnificent, forming a unique spectacle along with other waterfalls,such as the Tianmen Waterfall, Bailong Waterfall, Huanglong Waterfall andY-shaped Waterfall, dashing abruptly downward. Well,next spot for us is theQinglong Canyon here, renowned as “First Canyon in Central China”, attracts manypeople for ecological touring for its mild climate, rich water resources andvarious vegetations.

The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival Now we’re leading our way to thecity of Kaifeng. Kaifengis one of the 8 major ancient capitals of China. Thecity of Kaifeng was already in existence before 700 B.C. During the period ofWarring States more than 2,000 years ago, King Hui of the State of Wei moved hiscapital to Kaifeng, rebuilt the city and called it Daliang. Since then, Kaifengwas the capital of several dynasties. As an ancient capital, Kaifeng has a lotof historical relics and scenic spots. Some of them have been preserved, such asthe iron Pagoda, Po Pagoda, Xiangguo Monastery, Dragon Pavilion. They areprecious heritages of the Chinese culture. The famous painting Qingming Scrollis believed by some to portray daily life in Kaifeng. The painting, of whichseveral versions are extant, is attributed to the Song Dynasty artist ZhangZeduan. Have you ever dreamed of going back to Northern Song Dynasty in Chinaand enjoy the prosperity and culture of those years? If so, come to the Gardenof Market in Qingming Festivallocated in the old city of Kaifeng in HenanProvince. Find yourself in the spectacular scenery there and you are sure torealize that dream. The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival located on thewestern bank of Longting Lake is a grand cultural garden. It covers an area of600 mu, and the construction area is more than 30,000 square meters .The builtarea consists of several architectural complexes which are re-creations based onthe famous twelfth century painting by Zhang Zeduan of The Qingming Festival bythe Riverside.

When you enter the Garden of Market in Qingming Festival, a statue which is16 meters tall comes into view. This figure is none other than the artist ZhangZeduan, who holds his famous drawing of The Qingming Festival by theRiverside. This picture is a painted scroll which is 525 cm in length and 25.5cm in width depicting life along Bian River during the Qingming Festival. Thescenes in this painting are highly detailed and the spectacle is magnificent.There are large numbers of people and buildings. The people are shown in avariety of contemporary clothes that indicate their social standing andoccupations. The lively throng includes many animals and it is not difficult toimagine the sounds in the street scenes where the people are crowded and noisy.We can almost hear someone’s bargaining with a shop owner while others arecheering entertainers. The picture is like a live symphony of life during theSong Dynasty.

Now we can find these scenic spots such as City Gate Tower, Rainbow Bridge,distinctive shops and others which are re-created in the Park according to thescenes in the painting. The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival not onlyreappears the vast vigor of the Millennium Picture, but also makes the historyliving by flexible creative idea, makes tourists the sense of backward flowingtime by entering the park, just like passing through the space tunnel. Anotherscenic spot called Rainbow Bridge is a well-known feature in the Park. It is areplica of one of the ten ancient timber bridges. The bridge is 5 meters high.The first bridge was built in 1050, and reconstructed in 1998. Four 9 metershigh columns, two at either end of the bridge, replicate the poles that wereweather vanes at the time of the Song Dynasty. A white crane sits on a disk atthe top of each column and they turn to face into the wind, indicating itsdirection. As a scenic spot for folk-custom tours, Chinese authorities have donea lot to preserve folk handcrafts and folk customs. You can see the process ofmaking handicrafts, such as Bian embroidery, paintings for new years, enamelwares, tea ceremony, spinning and weaving, figures made from flour and sugar andfolk-custom performances, such as acrobatics, folk arts and performances ofbirds, fighting cocks and dogs. Here, you are not only a visitor, but an actor.For example, you can act as Mr. Right in the competition for marrying Mr. Wang’sbeautiful daughter and have the opportunity to enjoy the traditional weddingfestivities. And you can be the No.1 Scholar in the imperial examination tobring honor to your ancestors. There is a large amusement hall built in the Songstyle, where many amusement activities are held, including swings, balance beamsand many other amusements. As an ecological scenic spot, this garden was builtand forested according to the Market Day During the QingMing Festival. The wholegarden combines natural beauty with historical flavor, thus forming a favorableplace to have a true rest and evoke your full energy both physically andspiritually.

Yin Ruins Yin Ruins is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. In ancient times,Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty. So theperiod was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had been overthrown, the citydeclined and the remains of it was later called the Yin Ruins. Since thefounding of new China, the Yin Ruins had been listed as the first group ofcultural relics under national protection. In order to preserve its culture, thegovernment built “Garden of the Yin Ruins” on the site. Today the garden isdivided into several sections with ancient objects on display. Because of itsgreat value in not only the historical relics of Chinese culture but also thehuman civilization of the whole world, Yin Xu topped the 100 GreatestArcheological Discoveries of China in the last century and it was listed in theWorld Cultural and Natural Heritage List of United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xu is revealing its beauty tothe world.

OK, everybody. Soon we’ll get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the best museumfor the study of the Yin Shang Culture. The Yin Ruins is famous for threethings,i.e.the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital ofthe Shang Dynasty. As you know, China is one of the earliest countries todiscover characters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoiseshells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form oflanguage in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, whichwere first discovered in the Yin Ruins. Well,let’s come to the main hall wherethe oracle inscriptions are exhibited. The oracle bone inscriptions were firstdiscovered during the years of Emperor GuangXu, in the Qing Dynasty. In 1899, inXiao Tun Village of Anyang City, Henan Province, villagers found many tortoiseshells and bones carved with letters and symbols, which unveiled to the worldfrom Yin Xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture.Then morethan 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. But in the Shang Dynasty,they were used as divinations, when people were very superstitious. Theinscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, stateaffairs, weather, hunting, etc. Today, they provide important information forthe study of the Shang Dynasty. And the study of the oracle bone inscriptionshas become a new subject and is getting more popular among people. Since

then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists,because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters ofhuman beings, the Oracles. Apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze waresare another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins,which show that the technology of bronze casting reached its peak in the ShangDynasty. The bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. Among allthe unearthed wares, SimuwuQuadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the YinRuins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world,is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height. Standing on the open plaza in front ofthe great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience oftouring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum ofChinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its elegance inappearance and intricately carved in patterns, it is considered a treasure inthe bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak ofthe world art. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight,advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary.As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects theadvanced slavery system of the Shang Dynasty and the unusual power of creationof the people. Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs.Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao Tomb is one of the mostimportant archeology discoveries in the temple. It is also the only discoveredand well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation ofYin Ruins. Now, let’s know something about the first woman general in Chinesehistory.FuHao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife,both intelligent and courageous. Shehad bravely led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributionsto the protecting of the country. After her death, Wu Ding built a large tombnear the palace to honor her merits. Buried together with her were many slavesand war prisoners as well assacrificial objects. The large numbers ofsacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house ofChinese art.



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Now we come to Shanghai Huangpu River bank Bund, first, I tour to everybody visit Bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy.

New Bund altogether has five traveling routes, nearby yours left hand is by the reputation is Wan Guo constructs reads extensively the magnificent architectural complex and spacious Zhongshan Road, nearby your right hand is the wave light clear Huangpu River as well as the future resembles the brocade the Pudong land to embellish the financial trade area, at present for is novel uniquely goes sightseeing the tour area. This architectural complex, Zhongshan Road, go sightseeing the area, the Huangpu River, Lu Jiazui in the as if music five spectra, the industrious Shanghai people seem between the string string the symbol, is composing most newly the most gorgeous music movement, is welcome fellow guests presence.

The powder can call Bund? Simple saying, it passed once was the desolate beach place which outside the Shanghai old city the reed grew thickly together.

In 1840 after first Opium War, the tight lock entrance to a country has been driven out by the colonizing ocean artillery, Shanghai also is compelled to ward off for the commercial port. Since then, all kinds of west foreign style construction hastens to ground along with colonizing but towers in abundance, to this century the beginning of 30s, Shanghai as soon as leapt into the far east biggest metropolis from seashore small Yi.

At present these have the Europe Renaissance time style the construction, although stems from hand of the identical design, also is not constructs at an age, but their construction style is such harmonious unification, the day becomes. From Jinling east road Bund to outside white temporary bridge long only 1.5 kilometer arcs in,height scattered about, is standing erect row after row 52 styles each different construction, has England -like, France -like, ancient Greece -like and so on. Same year many foreign banks, the general meeting, the consulate and so on converged to this, some East Wall Street the name, formed the old Shanghai semicolonial and semifeudal society a historical miniature.

Everybody please looked that, the new Bund 2 east winds hotels, in the past once were the English general meetings which extremely is well-known, it is a model English ancient canonical expression constructs. The building high has 6 (continually basement), the roof north and south beginnings and ends respectively suppose □t look pavilion, the interior decoration are extremely magnificent. Inside a yet higher goal bar same year once because of has 110.7 foot Eastern longest bar cabinet but to be arrogant for a while, now USS Kentuckey quick dining room is located in.

New Bund 12 before are famous the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, this building constructed in 1923, was in the style of antiquity Greece -like dome construction. The building for approaches the square the rectangular construction, high 5, a crown hemispheroid level goes against the vegetable to have 7 in addition, the steel portal frame construction. In the building decorates extremely is fastidious, is equipped with country each kind of reception room and so on America, England and France, Russia, date. This place constructed the English once to brag for from The Suez Canal to far east Bering Strait most was fastidious construction.

Nearby close neighbor Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that building is the Shanghai customs building, is 19th century restores the old the principle construction, constructed in 1927, is now the world institute rarely is ominous. Above the building bell all around worthy of looking at arrives is in luck, each 15 minutes play sound section of short tunes, melodious are deep, reputation 10 miles.

After the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building and the customs building all stem from English designer Wilson, Shanghai kindly called they are the sisters building, at present was still one of Shanghais important symbols.

East Nanjing the street intersection two buildings are called the peaceful hotel. Sat north the Southern Dynasty this Lou Jianyu in 1906, at that time the name collected the hotel, was a Shanghai extant earliest hotel. It may take a historical construction, is the English Chinese world renaissance. This building most major characteristic is sets up the surface color red brick to make the waist line, Bai Qiangzhuan makes the cover, looks by far both gravely is elegant, and other style, the reality is a rare excellent work.

Bunds these constructions, all are the China working people industrious wisdom crystallization, simultaneously has also reflected western colonizing to Shanghais plundering and the aggression. Now in order to let the people understand these constructions the history, in front of each big front door hangs has the data plate which the Chinese and English compares.

Regarding Bund, the Shanghai person also passes for hers name along with the time changes. Shanghai persons is called old Bund, after the liberation liberation before Bund to be called as Bund, now the people approve her are new Bund. In the history occurs has seized Bund many times the scene, but each time all has the completely different historical significance. Since partys 11 sessions of three CCP plenary conferences, the China reform and open policy strategic center of gravity also from the south but north, Pudongs development and the promotion enable Shanghai to walk the nation reform and open policy most front. The spring breeze blew awakes the deep sleep many year Shanghai Bund, the Chinese and foreign financial organ in abundance has also seized Bund. Shanghai has made the clear nest directs the phoenix the significant action, the Bund finance street house big replacement, will attract everywhere the old customer reto come to settle down, again will reveal the far east Wall Street elegant demeanour.

Bund is Shanghais symbol, also is the Chinese and foreign tourists must arrive place. But in before because the path narrow, the pedestrian vehicles are packed like sardines, seriously has affected the Bund overall image. For the change place beach appearance, the Shanghai peoples government performs Bund as the key point to transform. At present this street called, also is Bund which Zhongshan a group, is for commemorate pioneer Mr. Sun Yat-Sen which China democratic revolution names synthesizes the transformation a part. This group span 826 meters, the width 45 meters, suppose 6 to 10 traffic lanes. This broad line of communication not merely is restricted in area Bund, it follows the reform and open policy step unceasingly to extend, north the Jiangwan five jiao fields, south arrive at the Nampo bridge. To the next the beginning of century, this north and south corridor long amounts to 15 kilometers, will become the sign landscape which the Shanghai traveling will go sightseeing.

We now walk this Bin Jiang main road quite has the characteristic. It not only collection culture, afforestation to a body, moreover the morning is the people practices the good place which the article practices martial arts,daytime is domestic and foreign goes sightseeing the tour world, evening is the ideal place which talks love to the lover, heard has many foreign friends all in admiration of somebodys fame to come to experience the life.

Fellow guests, stroll in new Bund to go sightseeing the area, whether you do feel, new Bund not only appearance changed beyond recognition, moreover in lively is lively passes the rich artistic breath. Everybody please looked that, In the Yenan east road Bund establishment subject will be for tomorrow the artistic landscape,will hug by 6 columns, with will have more than 80 years historical meteorological signal to become a group to the scenery. The customs building and the electronic waterfall clock also is quite has the fresh idea to the scenery. The electronic waterfall clock assumes the steps and ladders type, the length 27 meters, the height 3.5 meters, supposes 10 entire stairs. The entire operating process by the computer control, approximately some more than 1,000 nozzles water column is composed each kind of color the Arabic numeral, causes world each place since such remoteness, double is how being intimate with. Went sightseeing the area worthily to become to hold hundred Sichuan, is compatible Shanghai school characteristic culture scenery line which and gathered.

Strolls Bund, we unconsciously entered the Whangpoo River park. In mentioned this park, each Chinese all could not forget the former days foreign country big powers to hang the Chinese people and the dog did not have to enter in park entrance that block the sign, that notorious sign, let then Chinese people suffer the enormous shame! Now, looked at present that 60 meter high Shanghai people outstandingly talented monument, stands erect is facing the water place. The military might magnificent sight three columns yellow hillocks body in has told the people as if, the people forever cherishes the memory of since the Opium War, 54 movements and the war of liberation, is the scrubbing nationality shame, devotes the heroes for Shanghais revolutionary business.

The Whangpoo River park faces is well-known everywhere Huangpu River. On month Huanglong waters edge water yellow, extremely vividly described the Whangpoo River river water color. Improves Pujiang is Shanghais mother river, it originates to the Wuxi Tai Lake, is within the boundaries of Shanghai longest, is widest, deepest rivers, the span 114 kilometers; The mean breadth 400 meters, are deep 7 to 9 meters. Its original name calls Dong Jiang, also has the spring Shenjiang river, alternate name and so on Huang Xiejiang. Hands down before more than 2,000 years, Shanghai was Chu at that time, at that time Chu country has a senior general yellow to call to rest, he had very much rules a nation ability, is appointed by Chu king as prime minister, and sealed for presents Mr. Shen, had jurisdiction over Shanghai this land. At that time because upstream Dong Jiangs clogged with silt, he led the Shanghai people to carry on scours, and revised the route, caused Shanghai the aquatic transportation and the agriculture obtains the very big development, the posterity for commemorate Huang Xie the merit, renamed Dong Jiang as the spring Shenjiang river and yellow , only then officially chose a name until the Southern Song Dynasty time as the Huangpu River.

The Huangpu River has two the child, calls Pudong, another calls Puxi. Before new China is born, their whole family deeply three mountains oppressions, on the mother river body is anchoring is the outside warship and the merchantman, two children also are pressed have not gasped for breath. Jumps Whangpoo River my sentence Shanghai persons pet phrase, refers to the common people which the old society really is unable to live,throws the river to here to commit suicide.

Looks out into the distance the opposite shore, Pudong Lu Jiazui the finance trade area and Puxi Bund distantly faces one another, its function for the finance, the trade and foreign serves, it will be the new Shanghais core and the symbol. East Bund the Bin Jiang main road, the total length 2,500 meters, the collection traveling, go sightseeing with the entertainment and so on are a body, is equipped with 6 multi-faceted squares along the road. Although the present only rumble cuts in line the sound, but the sound sound , is in five spectra the most magnificent music movement, will be forecasting a Bund more glorious future.



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The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and thepresent buildings were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preservedgovernment office of country level in feudal China. Since our opening up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials andvisitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science,attractive value and its own charm. We have the famous saying : Beijing is thedragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in Neixiang. It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level.

The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which wasbuilt with blue brick relief sculpture. In the middle of the screen, there is astrange beast, which is called “Tan”. It was said to be a greedy beast thatcould swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. Here in the picture wecan see that around it there are treasures everywhere. But he is not satisfied.His mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. The pictureon the screen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the MingDynasty. The purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not totake bribes and break the law. Here is the main entrance, halfway there isanother gate right in the middle, called Yimen, the second main officialentrance. It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place orwhen higher official came to visit. On both sides of the second gate, there’retwo small doors, the one on the east was called Life door, while the one on thewest was called Death door, or Ghost door, which was used only by the criminalswhen they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. Passing throughYimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . That is the greathall. The great hall was the place where the governor of the county announcedthe government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here andsome important and serious criminal cases were tried here. In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study andthe red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. On the front sideof the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that anofficial should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. Inother words, an official should be honest and upright. When the prosecutor andthe defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on thestones. The square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectanglestone on the west was for the accused. Since most cases

involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. The housebehind the great hall was called doorman house. The man who guarded the housewas called Doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who wereclose to him. Now we have come to the second hall. It was the place where theCounty Magistrate dealt with small cases. Please look at these famous couplets,which means that before law everyone is equal. So the judges should pass thefairest judgment on people. This is called Fuzi Yard, an ancient form of addressto a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. Fuzi was usually theofficial’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable andartistic talent. Everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressedhim as Lao Fuzi, so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard. Finally,let’s go to the third hall. It was the place where county governor did his dailywork. If the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here.There was also a garden behind. It was here that county governor enjoyed hisfree life and got away from his government affairs. As we can see now, there’remany succinct couplets with rich intension here. But this one before the thirdhall was the most famous. It was written by GaoYigong , a county governor inNeixiang county. It means that being the local officials, we rearded the commonpeople as our parents. We worked for them voluntarily and willingly.Nowadays ,many of our Party leaders like Chairman Jiang Zemin read it with deep feelings,and Premier Zhu Rongji sings high praise of it. The words can be no doubtregarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. So now theYmen in Neixiang, together with the Museum Palace in Beijing, and the other twoin Hebei and Shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the fourgreat ancient Chinese Yamens. Neixiang is now going out of Henan and into theworld. We warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visitNeixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient Yamen.



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金刀峡地势雄伟,以峡著险、以林见秀、以岩称奇、以水显幽。金刀峡长约6.2公里,分上下两段。上段由于喀斯特地质作用,地面切割强烈,金刀神工般形成了独特的峡谷沟壑。石壁如削、两山岈合,垂直高度超过百米。上有古藤倒挂、下有潺潺流水。下段由于流水侵蚀力的作用,有洞穴群生,潭潭相 连,飞泉瀑布层层叠叠,石钟乳、石笋、石柱更是千姿百态、变化万千。堪 称全国之最的十里峡谷栈道,让人惊赞不已。凭栈探幽,您将感悟那蕴藏于大自然山水之间的天地灵气。被游客誉为“中国第一险峡”,“金刀归来不看 峡”。



此人早年靠采薪伐木为生,时常出没于华莺山的深山老林之中。一日,张昆进山砍柴,迷失于一峡谷之中。当夜正值月圆,一轮满月徐徐升起,柔柔的月光轻轻地泻进峡中。张昆正陶醉于此情此景,只见峡中深处有一事物在月光映照之下发出金灿灿的光辉。张昆艺高胆大,见此异象,更是要探个究竟。走近一看,原来是一把插入峡壁岩石的金刀。张昆暗自思量:今日迷路于此,原来是同此刀有缘。遂上前拔刀,不想纹丝不动嵌在石缝中的金刀竟被轻轻抽 出。张昆大喜:天赐金刀,定是将大任于我也!天明之后,张昆凭此刀披荆斩棘,终得以出峡。

自此,张昆胸怀大志,勤读诗书,苦练武艺。时值元末,天下大乱,张昆加入一山贼组织,该组织专干打家劫舍、杀人越货的勾当。张昆对此深为不满,常表露于言语之中,而山大王朱五贪图张昆所携金刀,正欲借机将之除去,将金刀占为己有,不想山大王及其心腹技不如人,反被张昆所杀,众喽罗便推张昆为首 领。张昆带领众山贼从此洗心革面,劫富济贫,在华蓥山一带威振一方。

时值明玉珍在重庆建夏反元,夏王明玉珍久慕张昆的勇名,便授以都尉之衔将壮志未筹的张昆招入帐 下。张昆智勇双全,加之吹毛断发的金刀在手更是如虎添翼,在战阵之上跃马扬刀,所向披靡,立下赫赫战功,很快成为夏王战下头号猛将,被夏王赐与别号“张金刀”。当时,夏国初立,元将阿那赤屯重兵于涪 洲,对重庆虎视眈眈,夏王为改变此被动局面,便先发制人,挥师东下,决心一战定江山。两军在今涪陵蔺市陷入胶着状态,仅隔一桥相持,夏国劳师远袭,相持日久,士气日渐低靡,情况笈笈可危,夏王明玉珍愁白了头。一日,张昆骑马上高坡观察敌情,见敌军阵营之中皆是马已上鞍,即将发动马队的冲击,蒙古铁骑素以来去如风,骤如山丘,散如秋雨,冲击之时势如破竹闻名天下。张昆见此危急状况,立刻组织了三百勇士,俱是头顶铁盔,身披铜甲,手持狼牙棒,伏于桥头两侧。只见元军铁骑呼啸而来三百猛士突然涌 出,在桥头处,猛挥狼牙棒力劈马腿,只见马腿血肉横飞桥头,骑兵纷纷,整齐的马阵立时大乱,在桥头互相践踏,拥作一团。





金刀峡上段入口处,右侧峡岩雄屹突兀,如一巨大鹰嘴头突入峡空,清澈泉水从鹰嘴洒淌而 下,使峡口显得特别荫凉滋润,森严壁垒,这就是金刀峡内第一胜景--神鹰峡。站在本道上,远观神鹰其鹰爪又幻化为一只俯视清潭的小鹰头,从它张开的嘴中流出晶莹剔透的珠串。这一大一小两个鹰嘴泉集于一 身,使得神鹰峡更加神奇壮丽。








位于金刀峡下段中部右侧,凭栈观佛,其袒胸露肚,笑容可掬,好象正在重复他的名言:“笑 口常开、笑天下一切可笑之人,大肚难容、容天下一切难容之事。”逢阳光直射,则有一道七色彩虹横跨佛身,此谓佛光显现。佛经上讲,若遇佛光,必有好运。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2944 字

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东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于黄浦江畔浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望。塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三(拿大多伦多的多伦多国家塔 553m, 俄罗斯莫斯科的奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔的高塔540m)和左右两侧的南浦大桥、杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势。






东方明珠塔下的国际游船码头,有“浦江游览”旅游项目,登上邓小平同志当年南巡视察上海时乘座的游船,饱览浦江两岸美景,您将领略到“火树银花不夜城”的意境。国际游船码头里的“海鸥坊”,供应自助餐,您只需花费48元,就能无限畅饮美味和美景。 东方明珠广播电视塔集观光、会议、博览、餐饮、购物、娱乐、住宿、广播电视发射为一体,已成为21世纪上海城市的标志性建筑。目前,“东方明珠”年观光人数和旅游收入在世界各高塔中仅次于法国的艾菲尔铁塔而位居第二,从而挤身世界著名旅游景点行列。 金茂大厦 金茂大厦[1](JinMaoTower),又称金茂大楼,位于上海浦东新区黄浦 金茂大厦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易区,楼高420.5米,目前是上海第3高的摩天大楼(截至20xx)、中国大陆第3高楼、世界第8高楼。大厦于1994年开工,1998年建成,有地上88层,若再加上尖塔的楼层共有93层,地下3层,楼面面积27万8,707平方米,有多达130部电梯与555间客房,现已成为上海的一座地标,是集现代化办公楼、五星级酒店、会展中心、娱乐、商场等设施于一体,融汇中

国塔型风格与西方建筑技术的多功能型摩天大楼,由著名的美国芝加哥SOM设计事务所的设计师Adrian Smith设计。 遥对东方明珠广播电视塔,毗邻延安东路隧道口,与地铁二号线连通,其主体建筑地上88层,地下3层,高420.5米,占地面积23611平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米。曾为上海第一高楼,大陆第一高楼,20xx年8月29日被比邻的环球金融中心超越。金茂大厦是融办工、商务、宾馆等多功能为一体的智能化高档楼宇,第3-50层为可容纳10000多人同时办公的、宽敞明亮的无柱空间;第51-52层为机电设备层;第53-87层为世界上最高的超五星级金茂凯悦大酒店,其中第56层至塔顶层的核心内是一个直径27米、阳光可透过玻璃折射进来的净空高达142米的“空中中庭”环绕中庭四周的是大小不等、风格各异的555间客房和各式中西餐厅等;第86层为企业家俱乐部;第87层为空中餐厅;距地面340.1米的第88层为国内第二高的观光层(仅次于环球金融中心),可容纳1000多名游客,两部速度为9.1米/秒的高速电梯用45秒将观光宾客从地下室1层直接送达观光层,环顾四周,极目眺望,上海新貌尽收眼底。


上海环球金融中心 Shanghai global financial hub是以日本的森大厦株式会社(Mori Building Corporation)为中心,联合日本、美国等40多家企业投资兴建的项目,总投资额超过1050亿日元(逾10亿美元)。原设计高460米,工程地块面积为3万平方米,总建筑面积达38.16万平方米,比邻金茂大厦。1997年年初开工后,因受亚洲金融危机影响,工程曾一度停工。20xx年2月工程复工。但由于当时中国台北和香港都已在建480米高的摩天大厦,超过环球金融中心的原设计高度。由于日本方面兴建世界第一高楼的初衷不变,对原设计方案进行了修改。修改后的环球金融中心比原来增加7层,即达到地上100层,地下3层,楼层总面积约377,300平方米。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 651 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 628 字

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帆船旁边还有一个它曾经使用过的木锚,那木锚长7.4米,重达一吨,在当时也算非常巨大了。木锚的前端是用铁打造的,这样就可以增加摩擦力,使锚紧紧地抓住江底的沙泥,牢牢地固定住船身。 在船旁的房间里,我还惊奇的发现了一个保存完好的,距今有8000多年的独木舟残片,那是世界上最古老的独木舟了!





范文类型:合同协议,全文共 998 字

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甲方: (出租方)

乙方: (承租方)


一、 甲方责任:

1、 甲方负责在乙方承租区域配置相应数量的消防器材,并定期对消防器材进行检查、维护和保养;


二、 乙方责任:

1、 乙方的承包人为消防安全责任人,全面负责承租场所的消防安全工作;有教育自己员工增强消防安全意识的责任;

2、 乙方必须确保承包区域内所有消防设备设施和器材的完好,严禁私自动用、挪用消防设施(附件:出租区域消防器材清单)

3、 乙方在未经许可的前提下,不得擅自使用电炉、电烫斗、电烙铁、电磁炉、电饭煲等电热器具。严禁乱拉乱接电线;

4、 乙方严禁在承租区域内使用和储存易燃易爆化学物品。禁止使用煤炉、酒精炉、煤气炉等明火设备;

5、 乙方必须保持消防疏散通道的畅通。严禁在走道、楼梯等出口部位堆放杂物;



三、 违约责任

1、 凡因甲方未履行本责任书规定的内容,造成乙方损失的,由甲方负责经济赔偿和承担相应的责任;

2、 凡因乙方未履行本责任书规定的内容,乙方违反消防法规,给甲方造成损失的,由乙方负责经济赔偿,并承担相应的法律责任。


五、 其它未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。

六、 本责任书一式三份,甲方、乙方和当地消防监督部门各执一份。




甲方:( 章) 乙方:(章)

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年 月 日 年 月 日



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2085 字

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出租方 (以下简称甲方) 承 租 方(以下简称乙方)

公司名称: 公司名称:

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法定代表人: 法定代表人:


第一条 租赁内容

一、甲方将位于 市 区 号门面租赁给乙方。甲方对所出租的房屋具有合法产权。

二、甲租赁给乙方的房屋建筑面积为 平方米,使用面积为 平方米。甲方同意乙方所租房屋作为经营用,其范围以乙方营业执照为准。


第二条 租赁期限

五、租赁期 年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。

第三条 租金及其它费用

六、合同有效年度租金共计为 元(人民币)。



第四条 双方的权利和义务


(一) 甲方应保证所出租的房屋及设施完好并能够正常使用,并负责年检及日常维护保养、维修;凡遇到政府部门要求需对有关设施进行改造时,所有费用由甲方负责。

(二) 对乙方所租赁的房屋装修或改造时的方案进行监督和审查并及时提出意见。

(三) 负责协调本地区各有关部门的关系,并为乙方办理营业执照提供有效的房产证明及相关手续。

(四) 甲方保证室内原有的电线、电缆满足乙方正常营业使用,并经常检查其完好性(乙方自设除外),发现问题应及时向乙方通报。由于供电线路问题给乙方造成经济损失,甲方应给予乙方全额赔偿。

(五) 在合同期内,甲方不得再次引进同类(饰品)商户。如违约应向乙方赔偿 元人民币经济损失费,并清除该商户。

(六) 甲方应保证出租房屋的消防设施符合行业规定,并向乙方提供管辖区防火部门出具的电、火检合格证书复印件。






第五条 付款方式及时间

十一、乙方在签订合同时付给甲方 元人民币为定金,在正式入住后五日内将第一月的租金 元人民币付给甲方。



第六条 房屋装修或改造


第七条 续租



第八条 其它





第九条 违约







第十条 合同生效、纠纷解决





甲方(签章):_________ 乙方(签章):_________

签订地点:___________ 签订地点:___________

_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8900 字

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Chaya mountain scenic area is located in SuiPing county Zhumadian, 25kilometers away from downtown, a total of 150 square kilometers, averagealtitude of 600 meters. It is the first scenic area published in Henan,presently that wins national geological parks, national forest park and national4A scenic spots. Because of its exquisite scenery that builds a strangebeautiful scenery scroll, Chayamountain is honored “Huaxia basin” and “Jiangbeiforest of stone”. The poor landform, so that is the military commanderbattleground. As the valuable and non-renewable geological heritage, the ChayaMountain includes the steepness of Huashan Mountain, splendor of TaishanMountain, peculiarity of Huangshan Mountain, elegance of Emei Mountain andtranquility of Yandang Mountain. As the only granite landform ruins in China,also rarely seen worldwide, Chaya Mountain has great scientific values.

And now, we have got into the ChayaMountainscenic, the whole scenic isdivided into four parts, namely Beeswax hill, Southhill, Northhill, six peakshill. The essence of scenic spots is mainly concentrated in the Southhillparts,just the part were going to visit today. The mountain is bestowed with anagreeable climate and abundant resources. In each season, there is a splendor ofbeauty. In spring, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; in summer, theumbrageous woodlands can be seen and clinking sounds of flowing spring water canbe heard; in autumn, the mountain is fiery with maple leaves and in winter,clothed in white snow and ice。 Ok, please attention to look forward;we saw thehighest peak of the rock firstly that is the landscape of “monkey look uponmoon”, the protruding part in the center is “the sleeping Tang monk”,turn right45 degree, we will see the “drinking Bajie”. You will see his opening mouth andvertical tongue and pretty belly poured drunk in hillside, his childlike sceneis so lifelike that reluctant to leave.And then, we can see a peak that is“Beewax peak”, why entitled this name? It is side that there are full of wildflowers on the whole hill, so many bees are collecting pollen come here. And thehoney is too much and nobody collect it, so these honey were curdled in thestone. Every summer, the hill wasshined by the strong sunlight irradiation;honey will be flowedout the stone, and the whole mountain looks like besmearcovered with a thick layer of beeswax, so peopleput the mountain

named "Beeswax Mountain".And the lake under the mountain also got abeautiful name Xiumi lake. ChayaMountain, compared with other mountains has itsunique, the upper mount roll over one another, everywhere is strange stone, andmountain peaks, buton the bottom have thousands of holes. The MillionMan hole isone of them.Due to natural form of MillionMan hole is the underground cave, sothere are many holes in it, like a big giantmaze.And the space of the hole canaccommodate tens of thousands of people, therefore the name "million manhole".Enter the second door of the scenic area; we canpause to look upon theleft, a big tree hanging on the steep cliff. Its leaf is thick and cold, and itsdry resistance is strong. According to the provincial forestry bureau expertsidentified, it has been growing 600 years at here. Why it can survive in thisenvironment? Experts said that the root of the tree have a special function thatits root can secrete a kind of liquid that can dissolve microelement in therock, the tree will rely on absorption this rarely microelement to keep itslife.This also responds the saying:” The survival of the fittest”. Let’s keepmoving, now we came to the center of the scenic spot stone monkey park. EnterMonkey Park like into a monkeys warm home, three monkeys feel happy, pictured aharmonious family scenes.Look, there was a deep gorge in the north of the stonemonkey park that is the boundary between Chaya Mountain’s north hill and southhill. The stone monkey before our eyes that are the largest lifelike stonemonkey in the world. Looking at stone monkey at penglai three holes, seem to seea pair of embraced young lovers. But atxiumi lake area, then you can see thepeculiar landscape that elder monkey back younger monkey, it is real that astone three scenes. It is the time that ended the explain of Chaya mountain,then you can look around freely, after half an hour, we will gather at themountain’s door and have a lunch, please take full use of the time. Thank foryour cooperation!

the Native Place of Emperor Huangdi

The Native Place of Emperor Huangdi is located in the north of XinzhengCity. As a scenic spot of 4A- class assessed by the National Tour Bureau, it isa holly land for Chinese people all over the world to worship their ancestors,with memorial temples, andmausoleums of Emperor Huangdi situated here. Everyyear on March 3 of the lunar calendar, the day when the first emperor in Chinaestablished the first nation in Chinese history, people of Chinese origin fromhome and abroad gather in Xinzheng, the birthplace of XuanyuanHuangdi, or theYellow Emperor, to offer sacrifices and worship this legendary ancestor of theChinese nation. To respect this great Emperor, his descendants have held largeceremonies of worship, which have been attracting descendants of Yanhuang fromAmerica, Japan, Korea, Canada and other nations and areas each year. They comeback to worship, seeking their roots here in China.

Now, Here we are, The Native Place of EmperorHuangdi.This square was builtin the end of 1998.It covers an area of 15,000 square meters,of which 7,900square meters are covered with trees and flowers. It has become a very importantplace for the domestic and overseas Chinese descendants to hold large-scaledactivities to worship their ancestors. In the center of the square here is athree-legged tripod caldron, whichwas cast in the shape of bears, reminding ofthe Emperor Huangdi’s rising from the Youxiong Tribe. The three-sided body ofthe tripod caldron has the embossment of three dragons with a fireball, implyingthe glorious sun and praying for favorable weather for crops and a harvest.Standing at the center of the altar, it is laurelled as “the No.1 tripod caldronof the world” for its unparalleled size and its special origin. It is 6.99meters in height, 24 tons in weight, which has been registered in the GuinnessWorld Records. The height number of 6.99 made up of figure 6 and 9 implies themajesty of grandness in traditional Chinese culture. Through the Xuanyuan Bridgeabove the JishuiRiver , here we can see the main hall. Please look at the pairof the guarding animalssitting on both sides of the gate.They are stone bears.Do you know why chose bears to guard the gate? Because 5,000 years ago,thereused to be many bears in Xinzheng. Bear was a kind of animal,very powerful andfierce then. In order to show people’s worship, the Youxiong Tribe regarded bearas the totem of their own tribe. Well, let’s enter the hall, there’re 8 muralpaintings on the wall,which vividly depict the

great achievements of the Yellow Emperor during his life.They’reThe Birthof the Yellow Emperor,Making Boat and Chariot,Setting up an alliance byEmperorHuangdi and Emperor Yandi, Crusading AgainstChiyou,Making Youxiong theCapital, Holding High the Dragon Flag, Developing Agriculture and Stock Raising,Creation of Chinese Civilization. It’s a long story behind these paintings: Itis recorded that, in the Prehistoric Times, there lived many clans and tribesaround the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, yet Huangdi was the most renownedtribal leader at that time. When the tribe lead by Yandi began to decline,Huangdis tribe was flourishing. During this period, Chiyou,another triballeader, often lead his stronger tribe to invade other tribes, and invadedYandis tribe. With the help of Huangdi, they defeated Chiyou.After 52battlesHuangdi united China. All Chinese, despite nationalities, regardedHuangdias our ancestor. Huangdi, the initiator of Chinese civilization, was henceworshipped by his descendants. After the capital was built,EmperorHuangdi raisedhis flag of dragon, symbolizing the unification of all tribes. The dragon wasintegrated with different parts of various animals: horse’s head, deer’s horn,tiger’s mouth, snake’s body, fish’s scales, and eagle’s claw. Since then, dragonhas been the symbol of Chinese nation. On the both sides of the main hall,there’re eastern wing hall and western wing hall.In the east side hall,there isthe statue of LuoZu, the first wife of EmperorHuangdi. She was the first personto raise silkworm and weave silk in ancient China and alsoan outstandingrepresentative of ancient Chinese women. Every feudal dynasty set up temple forher and worshipped her as “the first ancestor in silkworm raising”. While in thewest side hall, here is the statue Mother Mo, the fourth wife of EmperorHuangdi, who had invented the earliest “loom”for weaving. Later generationscalled her “mother Mo---the ancestor of weavers”.



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1-1 甲方_________(出租/预租)给乙方的房屋座落在本市_________(区/县)_________路________(弄/新村)______(号/幢)________室(部位)_________(以下简称该房屋)。该房屋__________(【出租】实测/【预租】预测)建筑面积为___________平方米,土地用途为__________、结构为___________。该房屋的平面图见本合同附件(一)。甲方已向乙方出示:

1) 【出租】房地产权证/房屋所有权证/_______________ ;[证书编号:________________]。

2) 【预租】预售许可证[许可证编号:_______________]。

1-2 甲方作为该房屋的_______________(房地产权人/代管人/法律规定的其他权利人)与乙方建立租赁关系。签订本合同前,甲方已告诉乙方该房屋_____________(已/未)设定抵押。

1-3 该房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范围、条件和要求;现有装修、附属设施、设备状况和甲方同意乙方自行装修和增设附属设施的内容、标准及需约定的有关事宜,由甲、乙双方分别在本合同附件(二)、(三)中加以列明。甲、乙双方同意该附件作为甲方向乙方交付该房屋和本合同终止时乙方向甲方返还该房屋的验收依据。


2-1 乙方向甲方承诺,租赁该房屋作为____________使用,


2-2 乙方保证,在租赁期内未征得甲方水面同意以及按规定须经有关部门审批而未核准前,不擅自改变上述约定的使用用途。


3-1 甲乙双方约定,甲方于________年________月________日前向乙方交付该房屋。【出租】房屋租赁期自________年________月 ________日起至________年________月________日止。【预租】具体租赁期由甲、乙双方按本合同约定在签订商品房使用交接书时约定。

3-2 租赁期满,甲方有权收回该房屋,乙方应如期返还。乙方需要继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁期届满前________个月,向甲方提出继租书面要求,经甲方同意后重新签订租赁合同。


4-1 甲、乙双方约定,该房屋每日每平方米建筑面积租金为( _________币)_________元。【出租】月租金总计为(_________币) _________元。(大写:________万________仟________佰________拾________元________角整。【预租】月租金由甲乙双方在预租商品房使用交接书中按实测建筑面积计算确定。


4-2 乙方应于每月______日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,


4-3 乙方支付租金的方式如下:________________________




5-1 甲、乙双方约定,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲方支付房屋租赁保证金,保证金为_______个月的租金,即(__________币)___________元。



5-2 租赁期间,使用该房屋所发生的水、电、煤气、通讯、设备、物业管理、________等费用由________(甲方/乙方)承担。其他有关费用,均由________(甲方/乙方)承担。

5-3 ________(甲方/乙方)承担的上述费用,计算或分摊办法、支付方式和时间:_______________________________________


________________________________________________________ 。


6-1 租赁期间,乙方发现该房屋及其附属设施有损坏或故障时,应及时通知甲方修复;甲方应在接到乙方通知后的_____日内


6-2 租赁期间,乙方应合理使用并爱护该房屋及其附属设施。因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,致使该房屋及其附属设施损坏或发生故障的,乙方应负责维修。乙方拒不维修,甲方可代为维修,费用由乙方承担。

6-3 租赁期间,甲方保证该房屋及其附属设施处于正常的可使用和安全的状态。甲方对该房屋进行检查、养护,应提前________日通知乙方。检查养护时,乙方应予以配合。甲方应减少对乙方使用该房屋的影响。



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根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国 劳动合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》、《上海市劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经协商一致,同意签订本合同,以便共同遵守。











































(五)因《 劳动合同法》第二十六条第一款规定的情形致使本合同无效的;








(五)因《 劳动合同法》第二十六条第一款第一项规定的情形致使本合同无效的。






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“……走不多远,则见崇阁巍峨,层楼高起,四面琳宫合抱,迢迢复道萦行。青松指檐,玉兰绕砌;金辉兽面。彩焕螭头”。眼前的大观楼,恰是如此,这里是元妃省亲时族人朝觐之所,正殿主楼的东西两 面,有含芳阁和缀锦阁,三座建筑以游廊相连,并与前庭的两庑相接。

旁边,则是戏台,是元妃游幸时观戏的地方。整个建筑群飞光流 彩,金碧辉煌。一派帝王邸宅的气势。大观楼东南,便是林黛玉居住的“潇湘馆”,从月洞门入,沿曲折游廊,经六角亭,便可看见黛玉所挂的鹦鹉架,跨过溪水上的水桥,可来到“有风来仪”主厅。而薛宝钗的“蘅芜院”,另是一番情致,院内不相干一株花儿,迎面太湖石玲珑好听娇,鱼儿在池中安逸地喷水。真可谓“蘅芜满净苑,萝藤助芬芳”了。 中華勵誌網免费提供。

