





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,教师,全文共 530 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:会计,全文共 1859 字

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I am School of accounting professional graduates in 20xx . four years of university life, I seriously study and professional knowledge, professional grade. Now system to learn and master the professional courses, such as accounting, financial accounting, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, auditing, statistics and other related courses. Have a solid theoretical foundation; at the same time, I learned Photoshop 7 software, Kingdee software, so as to improve my ability of self-study.

During the University, I must understand theory with practice, so I also have good practical ability of.20xx years -8 months of July, I served as a warehouse staff in China electronic limited liability company, responsible for warehousing and issuing registration, coordination department work, to know the importance of communication department. Although the content of my study and practice professional differ, but my practice ability, communication ability, hard working ability have been improved, but also cultivate their caring, patience and devotion. At the same time, during the practice I seriously to the accounting personnel of the unit of learning, have a preliminary understanding of accounting work environment.

The university is a process of learning and accumulation, in order to meet the need of economic, technological and social development, I actively participate in various social activities, participated in a number of activities planning and organization work. During the University, served as the Institute of Postgraduate Association planning team, has the certain organization management ability; served as secretary of the group director, responsible, careful. After a long time of learning and training, and has accumulated rich experience, after laying a good foundation. If you give me a chance, I will not let down.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,全文共 2302 字

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本人热爱祖国,热爱人民,拥护中国共产党的领导,及时了解和关心党和国家的方针、政策和路线,学习了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和邓-小-平理论。我认真学习,态度明确。作为一名学生,最重要的就是要把书读好。所以我上课专心听讲,课后及时完成作业并进行预习和复习。遇到问题时总是能及时向同学和老师请教,并善于总结经验,也尽自己的力去帮助别人。 我自觉地遵守学校和宿舍的各项规章制度,注意卫生,爱护公物,尊敬老师团结同学。与周边的人和睦相处。参加了长跑活动、植树活动、青年志愿者活动、舒肤佳产品的调查、义务家电维修和义务家教服务等校、班组织的各种活动。我乐于助人,总是尽力帮助在学习和生活需要帮助的同学。 生活在这样的环境下,我觉得自己很幸福,我觉得自己的幸福来自社会,所以自己也要报答社会。生活在一个集体中,就要有广阔的胸襟和博大的胸怀。要让自己的生活更有意义,生活要有规律,要有远大的理想和追求。

人活在这个世界上就要有信念,坚持了信念就能活得更有意义。 现在我还存在着不足。我要提高自身修养,淡泊名利,保持清醒的头脑和自由的思想,不被物欲横流的社会所迷失方向。






?我一直都以为人应该是活到老学到老的我对知识、对本专业一丝不苟,因而在成绩上一直都得到肯定,每学年都获得三等奖学金。在不知足于学好课本知识的同时还注重了计算机应用软件和硬件的学习。 有广泛兴趣的我特别擅长于排版及网页美工和多媒体的制作,就任本班组织委员的同时也加入了校学生会宣传部。对工作热情、任劳任怨,和部内成员团结一致,一年间我由部委升为部长。在任部长期间注重配合学校、学生会其它部分,精彩的完成各项宣传工作,促使学校的各种运作更顺利的同时行。

?学校的各种流动都热情的参加,在-xx年至-xx年间获校文娱比赛及知识问答比赛等一等奖。大胆勇敢立异对校报版面进行改革,使得校报的受视率进步到一个层次。学校的各种流动都热情的参加,在-xx年xx月获校演讲比赛一等奖。 身为学生的我在修睦学业的同时也注重于对社会的实践。本着学以致用,实践结公道论施展。-xx年我以纯熟的计算机技术应聘为学校网站的治理员,做出了大量精彩的工作,得到同学及老师的一致好评。 本人具有热爱等祖国等的优良传统,积极向上的煳口立场和广泛的爱好兴趣,对工作责任心强、勤恳踏实,有较强的组织、宣传能力,有一定的艺术细胞和创意,注重团队合作精神和集体观念。











范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 224 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:职员,全文共 909 字

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My name is , from china, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.

I am very happy and honored to join "ANYJOB" this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance.

I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments!

I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle comrades, but a life in the same camp, share weal or woe friend.

Finally, I would like to and everybody a for our common cause to try hard to struggle!

Thank you!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:物流,全文共 707 字

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Machinery automation for many years of work experience, familiar with the operation and management of enterprises, with strong communication skills, good at establishing efficient team. Familiar with the internet / intranet technology, familiar erp theory and implementation methods. Others sincere enthusiasm, diligence and steady organized. Serious and responsible attitude towards work, careful and cautious, obey the leadership arrangements, open to suggestions and criticism. Work in harmony to get along with colleagues, the good-subordinate relationship.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,全文共 1490 字

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安妮宝贝和郭敬明大概是最爱在晚上坚守着黑夜,在键盘上敲敲打打的。往往特别小资的配上一杯雀巢咖啡或是冰水。那时的我是个坚定的唯物主义者,鄙视一切小布尔乔亚低级情调,所以随着我的敲打的只有一丝不苟的音乐和廉价的果珍。我不知道这是否在影响着我的写作头脑,笔下的东西也毫不犹豫的开始粗糙。不过我始终愿意相信海明威仅仅是为了还债而写作的不怎么高尚的动机,却丝毫不影响其作品的伟大。而音乐似乎成为我创作的源泉,在漂亮的旋律中我总能在白纸黑字的清晰下触摸到华丽的色彩,氤氲成一片凹凸有致的画面。所以在面对语文试卷上惨淡的分数时,我总是很有理由的说考场不让放音乐这不能怪我,真的。然后忍受老师像看猴一样看我那异样的目光。其实这些都是无所谓的,我只在乎我笔下的那些东西是不是真实清晰。怀着虔诚的心情投稿的时候,真的很像一个对主耶和华顶礼膜拜的小信徒。但是我的那些似乎很虚幻的东西或许在高高在上的编辑们根本不屑一故的随意一扔中,变的一文不值。于是我就像一个可怜的小乞丐,在原地回头张望我那些文字的命运,而他们在我的伫足中义无返顾轰轰烈烈地向前奔跑。自己眼巴巴的望着,无能为力。这样绝望的日子的终结恰如其分的表现在我的文字开始频繁地出现为铅字,然而我却找不到那种覆水难收的激动和近乎疯狂的兴奋,当我钟爱的文字与别人津津乐道的作品冲突时,我无可避免的陷入哈姆雷特式的TO BE OR NOT TO BE 的决绝中。我学会看着已经成为铅字的作品冷笑,我的手指失去了贞洁,她不再忠于我的思想。我庆幸着自己在和平时期,抗战那会儿,我不知道自己是不是汉奸。我就是这样捏碎了自己的文字,毫不犹豫。







范文类型:招聘,自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 969 字

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Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors. I am steady, practical, diligent, hard-working. During the school I actively participated in various activities. And for three consecutive years Iworked as a member of the English association in our school. My business English writing is good, and I have a brief English teaching experience.In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized process. Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense . I am not the traditional teacher. I believe in my classroom English teaching reform. I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.Finally, I hope that my personal expertise in English teacher post will contribute to the cause of education.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 1462 字

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On July 9th, 20xx, I went to Wenquan Town of Xifeng County together with 14 other students to start our 6-month internship. During this period, I was assigned to the office of the Social Affairs Office. Responsible for rural reconstruction in 20xx the end of the work and rural reconstruction in 20xx and four in the rural areas in the rural well-off construction work carried out.

Six months of working experience, let me gradually familiar with their work, but also improve the quality of all aspects of work, but also accumulated a certain amount of work experience. My work is monotonous and repetitive, but this is the most effective way of tempering the will, I told myself to be completed, to do everything in the process of difficulties, we must strive to not give up.

Six months of internship I learned a lot: first, the work of the government departments have a deeper understanding, but also more determined the direction of the future; work, we continue to apply the knowledge of books to practice, to The instructors learn excellent work experience, and thus lay the foundation for their future work.

This is not only a simple internship, or a life experience, is a valuable asset in life. Thanks to the town government to give us such a warm contact with the grassroots level, understand the opportunities of the grassroots. In the future, I want to participate in more social practice, honing their own at the same time so that they continue to grow.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,全文共 789 字

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I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous *in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason.

The second one is that I am long for doing research in *throughout my life. Its a pleasure to be with my favorite for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.

Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.



范文类型:工作计划,自我评介,全文共 1359 字

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Over the past year, I always adhere to the "safety first, prevention first" approach, good grasp of plant safety management, and effectively control the workshop production safety and orderly. At the same time continue to strengthen the security team work, combined with my workshop to carry out a comprehensive weekly inspection work, to strengthen the safety and management team.

First, the fine "three management" mode. Workshop, section, team is the basic framework for safety management.

Strengthen the three-level management, to more clearly their respective responsibilities, fine security management positioning, strengthening the security management theme.

Second, improve the system construction, solid foundation management. In 20__, the workshop developed a detailed safety management system, combined with the actual workshop, organized, step by step to carry out the workshop training.

3, abide by the law, conscientiously study the legal knowledge; love and respect their jobs, with a strong sense of responsibility and dedication; work attitude is correct, serious and responsible.

Fourth, strengthen the study of clean government knowledge. To be honest and self-discipline, to improve their own beliefs do not waver, to strengthen awareness of laws and regulations, abide by the law, consciously abide by the supervision of the masses of workers.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1208 字

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My name is Zhang * * *, this year 12 years old, in the school class. Im not tall, long not fat, a black hair, curved eyebrows, with a pair of big eyes.

I love music, especially love erhu. I know as long as there is music, will pull people boast. I also really a little music cell. I listened to heart.

My advantage is the preview, carefully at home to review my lessons. I have carefully completed assignments for each teacher. Mathematics draft paper also re checked them again. Therefore, my grades are OK.

The disadvantage is that my school did not dare to speak boldly, without careful examination. Take the second language unit examination, I will write some words are wrong, the composition still wrote to walk. So get that is not ideal. I have been trying to remove these shortcomings, and strive to be better. Of the students.

I especially love bet and others. Lost Zhezui Pakistan away. If you win, laughing eyes into a crack. Once, my classmates and I bet, he said there are 200 yuan of money, who I think: who would have so much money, time is bragging. Let him put the money out to see. As I expected, he said to me: I lied to you. At that moment, I smiled and shouted: I win I win!

Ha ha! This is me.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1364 字

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Hi, everyone. Ill be excited to study with you in high school. After listening to my self introduction, Im sure Ill enjoy making friends with me

My name is * * *, Im a boy of 17. Why is it called a boy? Because my heart is still very weak, not through years of discipline. I am also a man of manhood, because I have all the things of man, ha ha

To introduce myself to you, but I am also very difficult. Because I dont really know yourself. In others seriously I could never be happy, optimistic. But my heart was often something sad, anxiety, worry, and even give up! I think the official because of the painful will have a happy life. Like two cups of wine, a cup, a cup of wine. Just see you a cup of drink first.

Life can be divided into seven stages: infancy, childhood, youth, adult, middle-aged, elderly. We are young, we are shaping life values and goals, we will become a kind of person, the main determinant will happen in the next three years in high school, so I am looking forward to the future of high school life.

I like to remember my youth, to remember the countless joys my little boy has brought to me, and that I want to become an adult early, because I can do what I like when Im an adult, and no longer be pinned down by others

My self introduction is short. Do you want to call me a friend? Come and meet me, and I hope I can make friends with you



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,中学,学生,全文共 411 字

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Hello, everyone. My name is , I am a girl from and my constellation is Gemini. I love small animals very much, especially for dogs, cats, and birds, because they are so cute and funny. I am an introverted person when I get along with strangers, but if we become good friends, you guys will know how nice I am.





范文类型:招聘,自我评介,全文共 1537 字

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I am a contestant number * * * *, Im from * * * * * *. Zhongyuan more talents since ancient times, in this the mahoganypanelled splendour of land, emerged such as LanKong pilot jianying li blessed. Now, in the * * one received a good education in three years, I may not like jianying li eagle fight the sky, but in order to chests are the eternal desire to fly the blue sky, in order not to disappoint me the height of 1 meter 68, dont live up to what our belowed, behaved, extremely has the affinity face, I hope I can through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, working between the blue sky white clouds, then clouds scud across the universe, overlooking the motherland good things.

Flight attendants, has always been a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds, blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, Im not as beautiful as an angel, but Ill a heartfelt to passengers first, passenger is my angel. I will care about other peoples feelings, bow low, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn services, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.

Maybe, Im still young, but I will try to, also hope to here from you get a chance to let the dream fly. I believe that when the dream is granted a pair of wings, flying is no longer a kind of desire, I want to fly to the distant place, across the sea mountains, white clouds blue sky world. I know what I want that kind of happiness in that higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to fly higher.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1470 字

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1, I am a warm and cheerful personality, to be friendly, honest and humble man. Work hard, serious and responsible, hard-working, due diligence, patience. With affinity, approachable, good at communication.

2, lively and cheerful, optimistic, broad interest, adaptable, quick, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, hard work and courage to meet new challenges.

3, faithfulness, principle, said to do, never shirk responsibility; have self-control, do things always adhere to the beginning and end, never halfway; willing to learn, do not evade the problem, willing to learn from others; , Not self-centered; willing to praise the humble attitude to accept the superior, authoritative; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into the work; approachable. Honest, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, a strong team spirit, work proactive, serious attitude.

4, I am cheerful, sincere, optimistic, broad interest, has a strong organizational capacity and adaptability, and has a strong management planning and organization and management coordination.

5, more than four years of military college life, let me in a good learning atmosphere, continue to learn medical knowledge, and actively participate in social practice, and constantly enrich and improve themselves, always with the military standard requirements themselves, not only been repeatedly rated as excellent Students, but also have a clinician must have the quality.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1305 字

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Good morningafternoonevening, my name is 。 It is really a great honor to have this opportunitychance to introduce myself。 I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today。


I am -years old, born in provinceBeijing, northeastsoutheastsouthwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)sophomore(大二学生)junior(大三学生)senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education。


My major is sports training of basketballvoellyballfootballbadmintonpingbangtennis


In the past 123 years, I spend most of my time on study。 I have passed CET346 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice。


Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing。 I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… 。 Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training。


I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on。


Thank you!




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:高中,全文共 329 字

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范文类型:自我评介,介绍信,全文共 1037 字

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Self Introduction

Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. Im 14 years old. Im a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. Theyre busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. Im happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.

Im a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.

My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because Im not strong. Its hard for me.

I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 2483 字

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Dear sir / madam:


I am a senior student at University. I am going to enter the society. I am full of expectation for the future. I believe that "Well begun is half done" (good beginning is half of success),

I hope that your bank is the starting point for my success, I can together with your company to create a brilliant tomorrow.

The needs of the socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management personnel, so I learn in the professional knowledge, the main English and computers, in English, I strengthen my training in listening, reading, and writing ability; say, in the computer, I start from the basics, to further understand the function of the OFFICE. INTERNET also studied the basic knowledge, can be used flexibly. Endprofessional after the election in order to broaden their knowledge, I also participated in the study of computerized accounting, master the basic applications and accounting software applications such as EXCEL. In order to make their study of the College Knowledge of the industry can be combined with the actual situation, and I have taught myself the relevant case materials, such as strategic management, corporate management, financial management, capital operation, etc., and applied it to my own internship

During the school has served as the class group secretary position, held responsible for the ban on activities within the organization and the comrades to join the group issued opinions, have strong communication skills and coordination ability; during my school has been awarded the title of outstanding members of school, class cadre of outstanding title, three good student title.

In four years in the field of study, I developed a strong character, this character made me learn and overcome some difficulties in life, positive in caries if I have the chance to be employed, I will be able to receive training at work and realize their own value, striving to do work elite, qualified staff. At the same time, I also realized, and working relationship is established on the basis of the self, I think I have the ability to have the confidence to do the job.

On graduating me, although the lack of work experience and social experience, although the lack of work experience and social experience, read books, traveling thousands of miles, these I will in the future practice of work and study continuously improve! I believe that opportunities will favor those who are prepared, I am looking forward to a bright future. Ready!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1089 字

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Good morning everyone!Im . Im 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal University on Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang Kids English. My students are between 5 and 12 years old.

Im outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure.

With them, I feel very relaxed, pleasant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experience.Teaching children English is very interesting but it is also challenging. Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children.

The most important that I have learned from my one year teaching experience is that a teacher should have the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect. If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher.
