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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2301 字

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四方街是古城的中心广场,占地约6亩。广场的形状很像方形的知府大印,由土司取名四方街,取“权镇四方”之意。也有人说是因为这里的道路通向四面八方,是四面八方的人流、物流集散地,所以叫四方街。 四方街最迷人的是晚上,沿河都是些大大小小的酒吧,茶楼。其中不乏外国人经营者。这些酒吧,茶楼门前,大红灯笼型状各异,高高的悬挂在每户人家门前。晚间的四方街就这样笼罩在温暖祥和的气氛中。红灯笼的倒影随河水飘荡,约约绰绰。这里是历代集市中心,每日万头躜动,热闹非常。从四方街四角延伸出四大主街,直通东南西北四郊,又从主街岔出众多街巷,如蛛网交错,往来畅通。街道全用五彩石铺砌,平坦洁净,晴不扬尘,雨不积水。几乎每条街道一侧都伴有潺潺流水。由此形成以四方街为中心,四周店铺客栈环绕,沿街逐层外延的稠密而又开放的格局,古老的集市就这样孕育了城市最初的形状,这与中国传统的四四方方的井字形街道是不是一样的。



四方街文物古迹众多,文化蕴含丰厚独特,是我国保存最完整、最具民族风格的古代城镇。1986年国务院公布为中国历史文化名城;1997年12月4日,被联合国教科文组织正式批准列入《世界遗产名录》清单,成为全国首批受人类共同承担保护责任的世界文化遗产城市;20xx年10月,被评为全国文明风景旅游区示范点;20xx年,荣登“中国最令人向往的10个城市”行列。 四方街是古城心脏,交通四通八达,周围小巷通幽,据说是明代木氏土司按其印玺形状而建。这里是茶马古道上最重要的枢纽站。明清以来各方商贾云集,各民族文化在这里交汇生息,是丽江经济文化交流的中心。这里是历代集市中心,每日万头躜动,热闹非常。








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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 10445 字

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Dear friends

Hello everyone! Welcome to Fenghuang ancient city. Now you are in Fenghuangancient city, Hunan Province, which is praised as one of the two most beautifulsmall cities in China by the famous New Zealand writer Mr. Louis Ailey. It isadjacent to Mengdong River in Western Hunan and Fanjing Mountain in Guizhou. Itis the only way between Huaihua, Jishou and Tongren. It is also the hometown ofShen Congwen, a famous writer. Phoenix has beautiful scenery and many places ofinterest. It has always been a popular tourist attraction. Since ancient times,there have been eight scenic spots, including Dongling Yinghui, Nanhua Diecui,Longtan Yuhuo, Shansi morning bell, Qifeng Tingxiu, Xiqiao night moon, LanjingQiaoge and fange Huitao. In the city, ancient city buildings, ancient courtyardsof Ming and Qing Dynasties and small stone streets are still elegant; Outsidethe city, Nanhuashan National Forest Park, huangsiqiao ancient city built inTang Dynasty, underground art palace, Qiliang cave, magic wind rock, spectacularjianduoduo waterfall, mysterious gaodabu gorge, sanmendong general rock,picturesque tunliang mountain, Fenghuang mountain, Xiangbi mountain, Tianxingmountain and lale mountain all beckon to you《 More than ten films and TV plays,such as the story of suppressing bandits in Western Hunan, the story ofsuppressing bandits in Wulong mountain, the blood drum, and general Suyu, werealso filmed here. Phoenix is not only beautiful scenery, but also outstandingpeople. National heroes such as Zheng Guohong, chief soldier of Chuzhou town inZhejiang Province, Tian Xingshu, governor of Guizhou Province, Xiong Xiling, thefirst premier of the cabinet of the Republic of China, Shen Congwen, a famouswriter, and Huang Yongyu, a famous painter are all Phoenix people. Formerresidence of Shen Congwen

Now follow the stone path to No. 10 Zhongying street, the former residenceof Shen Congwen, a famous Chinese writer and archaeologist.

Shen Congwens former residence was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in1866. On December 28, 1902, Mr. Shen Congwen was born in this courtyard with thearchitectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, where he spent his childhood andadolescence. In 1917, when Mr. Shen was 15 years old, he joined the local armyin Western Hunan because of his familys decline. He left his hometown andtraveled in the yuan, Li and Youshui river basins. He experienced a full-blownwar, which stimulated his desire for creation. In 1919, Mr. Shen came to Beijingalone and began his hard career as a writer. He created a series of literaryworks, such as "border town", "Xiangxi", and soon became famous in the Chineseliterary world, almost as well as Mr. Lu Xun, who was more than 20 years olderthan him. After the 1950s, Mr. Shen devoted himself to the study of ancientChinese costumes and wrote a masterpiece, the study of ancient Chinesecostumes.

Mr. Shens works and character show a strong consistency: natural, honest,modest, diligent, broad and dignified. Mr. Shens works of more than 5 millionwords are the worlds literary treasures, leaving valuable historical materialsfor future generations to study the old China and the old Xiangxi.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans.

In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of the landwas not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.

To appreciate and study Mr. Shens works, while appreciating his freshstory, dont ignore the passion behind it; while appreciating his simple words,dont ignore the hidden grief behind it. Now lets go to find the warmth andsweetness in Mr. Shens works, experience the tranquility behind the noise, andvisit the "paradise" - the border town that people yearn for.

Chens ancestral hall

Chaoyang palace, also known as Chenjia ancestral hall, is one of the 24representative ancestral halls of Fenghuang. It is located in ximenpo in theancient city. It was built by the gentry Chen family in 1915. In 1923, the kingof Xiangxi, Chen Quzhen, led the people to expand and renovate it. At that time,the annual ancestor worship assembly was held here.

Chens ancestral hall is divided into main hall, stage, left and right box,etc., forming a courtyard with strong local ethnic characteristics, especiallythe ancient stage at the entrance. Does the old couplet and the eight operamurals on the stage give us a trace of nostalgia for the past?

Xiong Xilings former residence

Follow the gravel path in the alley, pass under the eaves of Dacheng hall,the Confucius Temple, and then come to No. 10 Wenxing street, the formerresidence of Xiong Xiling, the first Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina.

Xiong Xiling, No. bingsan, was born in this bungalow on July 23, 1870. Whenhe was young, Mr. Xiong was known as a child prodigy in Hunan Province. He was ascholar at the age of 15, a candidate at the age of 21, and a Jinshi at the ageof 24. He was awarded the title of the Imperial Academy scholar (commonly knownas dianhanlin).

When he was 9 years old, his private school teacher wrote a couplet: "planta few potted flowers to explore the spring and autumn news." Mr. Xiongimmediately wrote the second couplet: "dig a pool of water to see the sky andthe earth It was a good story. After the mid-term examination, hsinko JurenXiong painted a painting to express his ambition. He painted a humble piece ofcotton and wrote the inscription "this gentleman is warm when he comes out ofthe world", which surprised all four of them.

After becoming famous, Mr. Xiong actively advocated the reform. He oncefounded Xiangbao, Shiwu school and Changde West Road normal school. He was thebackbone of the reform school in Hunan as well as Tan Sitong. Some famousrevolutionaries in our country, such as Xiang Jingyu, Lin Boqu, Teng Daiyuan,Song Jiaoren, a leftist of the Kuomintang, and Jiang Yiwu, commander in chief ofthe Wuchang Uprising, are all students of Mr. Xiong. Later, Mr. Xiong served asthe financial supervisor of the three eastern provinces, Rehe Dutong, and thechief financial officer. In 1913, he became the first Prime Minister of theRepublic of China. At that time, the government was known as the "talentcabinet" by the public opinion circles. Later, because Mr. Xiong opposed YuanShikais dictatorship, he was forced by Yuan Shikai to dissolve the cabinet andresign as prime minister. Since then, Mr. Xiong has devoted himself to industryand charity, opened Xiangshan childrens home and adopted a large number oforphans. In 1925, Fenghuang County was hit by a severe drought, and most of theland was not collected. After Mr. Xiong knew the news, he sent a relief fund of100000 yuan to Dayang (among which the famous Peking opera performing artist MeiLanfang donated 40000 yuan to Dayang), helping many victims. In his later years,Mr. Xiong became the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of Chinaand actively participated in the battlefield rescue of the Anti Japanese war. OnDecember 5, 1937, Xiong Xiling died in Hong Kong at the age of 67.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2033 字

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Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am glad to enjoy the happy time with you! My name is Lin, my name is you can call me Lin guide line.

Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Ill give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also wont fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.

Is in front of the old city center square street. Here full of beautiful things in eyes of arts and crafts, sentiment. Shouldnt have come to city square street.

Lijiang has a long history, natural style. City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!!!!

Today, I would like to introduce you to here. Wish everyone have a happy journey! Remember when you go out to see something here you cant throw things on the earth, and to throw it is thrown into the dustbin. Are you playing when you need to pay attention to safety, their luggage, what protection better.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5382 字

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Dear judges, dear students, good evening. I would like to ask if you have aplace that you cant dream of. If so, please keep it. If not, please look here.The ancient city of Phoenix will be the paradise you dream of returning to yourhometown. Im your tour guide

Fenghuang ancient city is a national historical and cultural ancient city.It was once praised as one of the most beautiful small cities in China by thefamous New Zealand writer Louis Ailey. So where does it get its name?

There are two legends about him: 1. It is said that Phoenix, the god birdof the kingdom of Heaven (ancient India), set himself on fire after he was 500years old. Resurrected from the ashes, delicious, no longer dead. This bird isPhoenix, the king of birds in China. There is a mountain in the southwest ofFenghuang, which looks like a flying phoenix. Therefore, Fenghuang ancient cityis named after it.

2 Wutong also has a beautiful legend: according to legend, there were fivehuge Indus trees in the ancient times, representing five directions in thesoutheast and Northwest China. These Wutong trees once ushered in Phoenixhabitat.

Dear tourists, which statement do you agree with? Anyway, Phoenix is abeautiful name.

Fenghuang ancient city is located in the southwest of Hunan Province,belonging to the Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan Province.It is located on the Bank of Tuojiang River, surrounded by mountains andmagnificent passes. The total area is 1759 square kilometers. Its warm inwinter and cool in summer, rich in light and four distinct seasons. Its a goodplace for tourism. Of course, the beauty of Phoenix is not only due to itsclimate.

Next, Id like to introduce my dream back to my hometown, phoenix ancientcity, from three aspects.

Beautiful scenery of Phoenix

The beauty of Phoenix

The custom beauty of Phoenix

First of all, one of the beautiful scenery - Tuojiang River

The green river meanders under the ancient city wall. It is the TuojiangRiver. The water of Tuojiang River is clear, and the water flow is gentle. Youcan see the water plants in the soft waves, gently, supporting a long pole.

The emerald foothills of Nanhua mountain reflect the center of the river,fishing boats count in the river, and the evening drum and morning bell sound inthe mountains. Down the river, across the Hongqiao, a picture of Jiangnan WaterVillage will be displayed in front of you. The slender stilted buildings, theLongevity Palace, the ten thousand pagodas, and the duocui tower are like alandscape that never comes back.

The water is gentle, so the city is so rigid, the second beautiful scenery- the southern Great Wall. Most of the southern Great Wall is located in XiangxiTujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province. It was built in the 33rdyear of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty. With a total length of 382 Li, it is one of thelargest ancient buildings in Chinese history. It is known as the Wanli wall inmiaojiang. His aim was to prevent the Miao people from uprising. The ruins ofthe South Great Wall tell us the vicissitudes of hundreds of years of wind andrain, the desolation of the first tomb, and the promise when we stick to it. Itseems that it takes us into an old dream, in which there are wolf smoke, hornhorn horn, Luo Ming and sad homesick flute...

Said the south, that naturally thought of the north. The third scenic spotis located in Qiliang cave in sifangli, north of the county.. In the words ofscience, this cave is a standard carbonate cave, which is famous for its fourcharacteristics: strange, beautiful, broad and quiet. "Mo Yan is the mostbeautiful scenery in China, while the Seven Star reed and grass are inferior,"which can be called the Pearl of cave scenery. The cave is more than 6000 meterslong. There are mountains in the cave. There are caves in the mountains. Thecaves are connected. There is a hall in the cave. There is a stone with a smallhole, whistling against the small hole. The whole hall resounds with the soundof trumpets. In those days, Miao people used this way to send orders.

After seeing so many beautiful sceneries, do you have the feeling ofdreaming back to your hometown? The beautiful sceneries of Phoenix are endless.Phoenix is not only a place with beautiful scenery, but also a place wherepeople are outstanding and famous. The people of Phoenix are beautiful,including Zheng Guohong, the famous anti British general, Shen Congwen, thegreat literary master, Xiong Xiling, the Prime Minister of the Republic ofChina, Huang Yongyu, the master of traditional Chinese painting, song Zuying,the famous singer, he long, the founding marshal, etc.

Of course, Shen Congwens former residence, Xiong Xilings former residenceand Chens ancestral hall are also worth visiting.

You must be tired after all that walking. Go to a bar for a while. Even ifyou never go to a bar, you will be attracted by their names. Every bar has aromantic name: watchman, base area, etc. outside the bar are rows of winebottles. Its no fun just drinking. Fenghuangs snacks are also famous. Thebraised meat powder in the old house under Fenghuang Hongqiao, Furong Town ricetofu and yebaba will make your mouth water. After eating and drinking, you canenjoy the beautiful night scene, the night market or the bonfire. Or put 2stacks of river lights, with your wishes drifting away, you can also think ofthings.

Do you wish to go to Fenghuang ancient city.



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Ladies and gentlemen, now x will take you to the next scenic spot, Lijiangancient city, which is also the most famous scenic spot in Lijiang. Just comingout of the jade clear Yuquan park at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, we have tofollow the Yuquan water flowing from the northwest end of the ancient city tothe south of the city to the ancient city of Lijiang, known as "Gusu on theplateau" and "Venice in the East". Here, you will think that how can Xiao xexaggerate the name of this plateau town? In fact, it is not exaggerated by Xiaox at all. The ancient city of Lijiang is divided into three tributaries: theWest River, the middle river and the East River, and then into countlesstributaries because of the Yuquan water running through the whole city. Thereare also many longtans and springs in the city. Taking advantage of thisfavorable condition, the ancient city has a free layout of streets and no needfor neat network. The main street is next to the river, and the alleys are closeto the canals. The clear spring water flows through the street and the town, andthrough the walls and houses. The poetic flavor of "every family flows withwater, and every family hangs with Yang" is a true portrayal of the ancientcity. Although it is a small town in Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, it has thecharacteristics of Jiangnan Water Town.

Lijiang ancient city is also called Dayan town. It is composed of Dayan,Baisha and Shuhe. Dayan ancient city is the representative of them, so peopleoften call it Dayan ancient city or Dayan town. In addition, Dayan ancient cityis located in the center of Lijiang basin. In the southwest corner of theancient city, there stands a writing brush which is similar to Shutian giantpen. Lijiang basin is like a big inkstone made of Jasper. In ancient times,"Yan" and "inkstone" are interlinked, so the ancient city is called Dayan. Wearrived at the ancient city. The most attractive thing at the entrance of thecity should be a pair of waterwheel. Some people say it is a son and motherwaterwheel, while others say it is a lover waterwheel. There used to bewaterwheel in the ancient city, but today it is also used in some remoteplaces.

The ancient city was formed in the late Southern Song Dynasty and has ahistory of more than 800 years. It covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers andhas a permanent population of about 30000. In 1986, it became a nationalhistorical and cultural city. In 1997, it was listed as a world culturalheritage. Lijiang Ancient City has the same characteristics as Suzhou ancientcity, such as "small bridge, flowing water and family". Besides, it also has itslocation, street and house layout, Naxi dwellings and so on There is apattern.

Lijiangs world cultural heritage consists of three parts: Baisha ancienttown, Shuhe ancient town and Dayan ancient town. But for you, the mostattractive thing is Dayan ancient town. There are many entrances to the ancienttown. You follow Xiaoli to enter from the entrance on the right. After you seethe conspicuous waterwheel, on the right is the Zhaobi with President JiangZemins inscription, and there are three rooms and one Zhaobi houses in theancient town Its like you can see one of them. Further to the right is thewater dragon column. The dragon is in charge of water. The civil buildings inthe ancient city are most afraid of fire, but water can overcome fire.Therefore, the water dragon column represents the desire of the people in theancient city to avoid fire. For thousands of years, the people of the ancientcity have taken good care of the ancient city like their own eyes. Please alsotake good care of the ancient city like the people of the ancient city.



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这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿*过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通便利。凤凰风景秀丽,历史悠久,名胜古迹甚多。城内,古代城楼、明清古院风采依然,古老朴实的沱江静静地流淌,城外有南华山国家森林公园,城下艺术宫殿奇梁洞,建于唐代的黄丝桥古城,举世瞩目的南方长城 ……这里不仅风景优美,且地杰人灵,名贤辈出。



1902 年12月28日,沈从文就诞生在这里。他的童年就是在这里度过的。故居历时一百多年,是沈从文祖父沈宏富手上置办的。由于历史演变,几经易主,为了表示对沈从文老人的崇敬之情,学习他勤学自励,艰苦笔耕,对国家文学事业的卓越贡献的自学精神,激励后人。1988年县人民政府决定购回此屋,重新整修。并带图样赴京送沈从文审定。沈从文带病接见,对图样提出意见,并说:"房子烂了,修一下也好,但要将就修上,不要花很多钱,家乡还很穷,要尽量节约".


熊希龄故居位于凤凰古城北文星街内的一个小巷里,故居往东200米便是秀 丽的沱江。故居为四合院系南方古式的木瓦结构,比较矮小但很精致,故居现存房屋4间基本是保持原貌,很富于苗族情调,为县重点文物保护单位。民国6年(1917)夏秋之际京津一带水灾严重,他负责督办水灾河工善后事宜,并主持募捐,救济灾民。民国七年(1918),得政府同意,将香山静宜园改建为慈幼院,收养教育受灾流浪儿童。他自己掌管一切院务,时20xx年之久。 他有一首诗写道:



杨家祠堂始建于道光20xx年(1836年),木结构四合院,上下两层,占地770 平方米,由大门、戏台、过厅、廊房、正厅组成,呈长方形。戏台为单檐歇山顶,檐下饰如意斗拱,高16米,四根台柱雕龙刻凤,戏台为穿斗式,正殿为抬梁式,整个建筑做工精细,极富民族特色,属县重点文物保护单位。


中国南部长城位于湘黔边区,上自贵州铜仁,下至湖南保靖,全长380余里,建于明朝万历 43年(公园1615),几经续修后于清朝嘉靖年间定型,其碉堡墙一般高2.3米,基宽1.7米,顶宽1米,墙体大都就地取材用石块,页岩砌成。中间填以乱石和泥土,绕山跨涧,曲折蜿蜒,大部分建在险峻的山岭上,沿途建有1232 座用于屯兵御用的汛堡、屯卡、哨台、碉堡、炮台、关厢、关门及无数用石块垒成的兵房,当时一般驻防军队8000人左右,如今的一些地名如阿拉营、天星营、黄合营、王坡屯营、得胜营、乾石营、振武营、 牛斗营等带营字的地方都是长城边上的驻军要点。
