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“暮鼓晨钟”使全城有序可循。1920xx年后停止,1990年 起,每年除夕恢复鸣钟击鼓。鼓楼是一座单体的木结构古代建筑物。灰筒瓦绿剪边,重檐歇山项,通高46.7米,通 面宽34米,通进深22.4米,檐下有单昂单翘五踩斗,旋于彩画。楼底层共有拱券式门八座;南北各三座,东西务一座。北墙东侧有旁门,内有登楼石阶梯,南北向倾斜45度,共60级,然后拐弯向西,东西向倾斜45度,亦有9级, 即攀登69级石阶梯方到达二楼。二楼四面均有六抹方格门窗,四周有廊,宽约1.3米,带木护栏,望柱高1.55米, 建筑面积为1925平方米。第三层是暗层。整座建筑坐落在高约4米的砖石台基上,通宽为56米,通进深为33 米。南北有砖砌阶梯,东西为墁坡路。鼓楼总占地面积约为7000平方米。南侧门前有石狮子一对,高约1.25米。

更鼓,为报时器具,置于鼓楼二层上,原有25面,其中,大鼓1面、小鼓24面(以代表1年24个节气)。现仅存大鼓 一面。这面大鼓鼓面直径约1.5米,是用整张牛皮蒙制的,但鼓面已是刀痕累累,是清光绪二十六年(1900)八国 联军侵入北京时日本军队所为。当年鼓楼击鼓报时,有一定的规律。每晚7时“定更”,击鼓两通,共108声,以后,每个 更次都击鼓两通108声,直至五更(晨5时)击最后的“亮更”鼓。击鼓也有一定的节奏,至今,北京仍流传着“紧十 八,慢十八,不紧不慢又十八”之说。鼓楼上原有铜壶滴漏一座,但早已遗失无考。载:“鼓楼之铜刻漏制极精妙,故老相传,以为先宋故物,其制为铜漏壶四:上曰天池’,次曰平水’,又次曰万分’,下曰收水’。

口安挠神,设机 械,时至,则每刻击铙者八,以壶水满为度。涸则随是增添,冬则用火温之。”民国以后,鼓楼曾改名为“明耻楼”,在楼上陈列 了一些图片和模型等实物,展示八国联军攻入北京后-和抢劫的情形,供人参观,以示不忘国耻。以后还曾先 后辟为“京兆通俗教育馆”、“第一民众教育馆”等。




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Is the bIrthplace of ChInese CIvIlIzatIon and one of the sIx ancIentcapItal cItIes In ChIna. DurIng the last 3000 years It served as a capItal forseveral dynastIes. It Is the second largest cIty In ChIna wIth a populatIon ofmore than 11 mIllIon. Is neIther cold In wInter nor very In summer. The bestseasons In are SprIng and Autumn. BeIjIng Is Indeed an Ideal place to vIsIt allround the year.

Temple of Heaven In the southern part of BeIjIng Is ChIna`s largestexIstIng complex of ancIent sacrIfIcIal buIldIngs. OccupyIng an area of 273hectares, It Is three tImes the area of the ForbIdden CIty. It was buIlt In 1420for emperors to worshIp Heaven. The prIncIple buIldIngs Include the Altar ofPrayer for Good Harvests, ImperIal Vault of Heaven and CIrcular Mound Altar.

ForbIdden CIty, so called because It was off lImIts to commoners for 500years, Is the largest and best-preserved cluster of ancIent buIldIngs In ChIna.It was home to two dynastIes of emperors -the MIng and the QIng - who dIdntstray from thIs pleasure dome unless they absolutely had to.

Great Wall of ChIna, Also know n to the ChInese as the 10,000 LI Wall, theGreat Wall of ChIna stretches from ShanhaIguan Pass on the east coast toJIayuguan Pass In the Desert. Standard hIstorIes emphasIze the unIty of thewall.



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Today, well go to visit the Temple of Heaven. First, Ill give you a brief introduction of it. The Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part of Beijing. It was first built in 1420 in the Ming Dynasty. It covers an area of 273 hectares. The Temple of Heaven is not only the largest group of temple building in China, but also the largest heaven-worshipping architecture in the world.

Originally the Temple of Heaven was built according to the Temple of Heaven and Earth in Nanjing, so both heaven and earth were worshiped here, then it was called Temple of Heaven and Earth at that time. In 1530, another structure, Temple of Earth was built in the northern part of Beijing and the Heaven and Earth were worshipped separately. Since only Heaven was worshipped in here, it was renamed the Temple of Heaven.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors came to worship the God of Heaven and pray for good harvest. The emperors came here twice a year. The first time was on the 15 th day of the first lunar month. The emperor would come to the Hall of the prayer for Good Harvest and held a big ceremony to pray for a bumper harvest. The second time was on Winter Solstice, and a sacrificial ceremony would be held at the Circular Mount Altar to offer a sacrifice to the Heaven.

Being a sacred place for worshipping heaven, the Temple of Heaven had been twice seriously damaged by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and the invading troops of the eight powers in 1900.

Architecturally speaking, the Temple of Heaven has two themes: the heave and the earth. The surrounding walls of the Temple of Heaven are 6 meters high with a semicircular wall to the north and square shaped wall to the south. This represents an ancient belief that the heaven was round and the earth was square. There are three main buildings in the Temple of Heaven, they are: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the Imperial Heavenly Vault and the Circular Mound Altar.



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he Ming Tombs are 40 kilometers north of Beijing City on the southernslopes of Tianshou Mountain. They are the burial grounds of 13 Ming Dynastyemperors. In July 20___ the site was designated a world cultural heritage siteby UNESCO.

Empress Xu died in the 5th year of Yongle (1407). Zhu Di sent

Zhao Hong, secretary of the Ministry of Rites and a geomancer----LiaoJunqing along with many others to Beijing in search of an auspicious place forthe tombs. It is said that this group of people first selected the area of TuJia Ying, which means slaughter-house, and as such, it couldnt be used as theburial ground. Next they selected the foot of Yangshan Mountain, Changping.However, since the surname of the emperor (Zhu) is a homophone for pig andbecause a village named wolf mouth ravine was located there, they decidedagainst using that area. Later, they found Yan-jiatai west of Beijing. Again,since Yanjia was the homonym of the death of the emperor, it was also deemedunsuitable. It was not until the 7th year of Yongle (1409), that they finallychose the present Heavenly Longevity Mountain as their cemetery grounds.

The whole area covers 40 square kilometers. It has mountains to its east,west and north, and Dragon Mountain and Tiger Mountain are on either side of itssouthern entrance. The 13 tombs go from north to south. They are arranged in themanner of the Imperial Palace, with the administration area in the front andliving quarters in the rear. In front of the tombs are divine passes, stonearchways and steel towers. The Precious City and Ming Tower stand over theUnderground Palace.

There were 16 emperors during the Ming Dynasty. Buried in the Ming tombs,are 13 Ming emperors and 23 empresses, as well as many concubines, princes,princesses and maids. The other 3 emperors, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yunwenand Zhu Qiyu are buried in other locations.

The founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, established his capital inpresent day Nanjing where he was buried after his death. His tomb is calledXiaoling (Tomb of Filial Piety).

The body of the second emperor of the Ming, Zhu Yunwen, is missing. Somesaid that he died in a fire, while others said that he went to a temple andbecame a monk. There is no final conclusion yet.

The seventh Ming Emperor Zhu Qiyu, was buried as a prince by his elderbrother Zhu Qizhen at Jinshankou, a western suburb of Beijing, because in theTumubao Upheaval, Emperor Zhu Qizhen became a captive and the younger brother ofZhu Qizhen. Zhu Qiyu was chosen as the new emperor, but later Zhu Qizhen wasback and proclaimed his re-enthronement in the Seizing Gate Upheaval.

The Memorial Arch was built in the 19th year of Jiajing (1540) as a symbolof the Ming Tombs. It is 14 meters high and 28. 86 meters wide, and has 5 archessupported by 6 pillars with beautiful bas-relief carvings of lions, dragons andlotus flowers. The Memorial Arch is the biggest and the most exquisite stonearch preserved in the country today. The major designs of dragon and clouddecorations reflect the character of imperial architecture. In addition, it alsodemonstrates the skillful artistry of the Ming craftsmen.

The Big Palace Gate is the front gate of the Ming Tombs, and is morecommonly known as Big Red Gate. Facing south, there are three arch entrances tothe gate, the main inlet to the Ming Tombs. Flanking the gate are two stonetablets, inscribed with orders for the emperor, officials and other people todismount, before entering into the tomb area. If they did not obey, they wouldbe punished for their disrespect. The rules governing the Ming Tombs in the MingDynasty, stipulate that one who sneaks into the tomb area to pick firewood andbreak twigs would be flogged. Those who came to fetch dirt and stone would bebeheaded. Those who entered arbitrarily into the tomb area would be flogged ahundred times.

The Tablet House was built in the 10th year of Xuande (1435), and standsabout 10 meters high with two tiers of eaves. A huge tablet stands in the middleof the Tablet House. The front side bears an inscription by Emperor Renzong forChengzu. The reverse side is a poem by Qing Emperor Qianlong recording in detailthe conditions of the broken Changling, Yongling, Dingling and Xiling. On theeast side is the record of expenditures for repairing the Ming Tombs by the Qinggovernment. On the west side is an epitaph by Qing Emperor Jiaqing. It waswritten in the 9th year of Jiaqing (1804) describing the cause of the fall ofthe Ming Dynasty.

On the north side of the Tablet House, stands a group of stone carvings (36in all). Behind the house, there are two stone pillars. Beyond the pillars arestone animals and other statues. Lions, Xie Zhi, camels, elephants, and Qi Linhorses .All of the animals are in two pairs. Two stand, while the other twokneel. It is followed by the statues of military officers, civil officials andofficials of merit, four in each group. These stone animals and statues weremade in the 10th year of Xuande (1435). They reflect the imperial power when hewas alive and the imperial dignity after he was deceased. The animals andstatues were created using whole blocks of stone weighing a couple of tons andeach was delicately and masterfully carved.

Here stands Ling Xing Gate, also known as the unique Dragon and PhoenixGate, with the meaning of the Gate of Heaven. The gate is pierced with six doorleaves, attached to three archways. The top of the central section of the threearchways is decorated with flames and precious pearl, so it is also known as theFlame Archway. To the north of the Dragon and Phoenix Gate there lays aseven-arch marble bridge, leading to the gate of Changling. To the east of theseven-arch bridge stands an old five-arch bridge, which was the original site ofthe seven-arch bridge.

Actually we are standing on the axle line of the Ming Tombs, otherwiseknown as the Sacred Way or the Tomb path. We passed the Memorial Arch, the BigPalace Gate, the Tablet House, Sacred Way, stone animals and statues, and LingXing Gate. This seven-kilometer long sacred pathway leads from south to north,all the way to the Gate of Changling.

Now, we are moving to Chang Ling. Changling is the first tomb built in theMing Tombs area, covering 10 hectares and containing Emperor Zhu Di and hisempress Xu.

Zhu Di (Chengzu) of the Ming Dynasty was the fourth son of the firstEmperor Zhu Yuanzhang, born in 1360. Zhu Di was conferred the title of theprince of Yan in the 3rd year of Hongwu (1370). He was appointed at Beiping.After the death of Zhu Yuanzhang (the first Ming Emperor), Zhu Di used thepretext of eliminating evil officials at the side of Emperor Jianwen to lead anarmy expedition down south to Nanjing. He seized the throne in the 4th year ofJianwen (1402) and ascended the throne in June inside the Hall of AncestralWorship in Nanjing. Zhu Di was an emperor of outstanding accomplishment in theMing Dynasty. As soon as he became the prince of Yan, he led the generals out tobattle. He had great achievements in calming down the north. After he took overhis nephews power and became the emperor, he still went out to battle throughoutthe country and consolidated the rule of the Ming Dynasty. He made the importantdecision to move the capital to Beijing. During the rule of Zhu Di, magnificentdevelopments were made in the economy, culture and in diplomacy. In terms ofculture, Zhu Di successively sent Grand Academician Xie Jin, Yan Guangxiao andothers to compile the Yongle encyclopedia. The book has become the largest bookever complied in Chinese history. For expanding external exchanges and trade,Zhu Di selected eunuch Zheng He to lead a large fleet filled with precious gold,silver, silk and satins to sail to southeast Asia and Africa seven times in theearly years of Yongle.

Empress Xu was buried together with Emperor Zhu Di in Changling. EmpressXushi was the eldest daughter of Xu Da who was one of the founding fathers ofthe Ming Dynasty. Throughout her lifespan, Xu Shi complied 20 articles ofinternal lectures and a book advising to be good, so as to cultivate peoplesminds. She was the very first one to be buried in Changling and in the Ming Tombarea.

The Hall of Eminent Favor in Changling is the best preserved among thethirteen tombs. It is a valuable relic of ancient Chinas wooden structures. Itis nine rooms wide and five rooms long, a hall size rarely seen in China. Theroof is made of top-class double eaves and there are multiple rooms covered withyellow glazed tiles. The hall is supported by 60 thick Nanmu pillars, the middlefour in the hall are the thickest, the diameter of each one can reach over onemeter. It is known as the best Nanmu (phoebe) hall in the country.

Now we are going to Dinging. Dingling is located at the east foot of DayuMountain. Buried here are the 13th Ming Emperor Wanli (Zhu Yijun) and his twoempresses Xiaoduan and Xiaojing. Zhu Yijun was the longest on the throne of theMing Emperors. (He was emperor for 48 years). He was the greediest and laziestemperor in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yijun ascended the throne at the age of 9.After he came to power, he was supported by the chief minister Zhang Juzheng. Atthis time, various aspects of society gained development.

Later ,Zhang Juzheng died of illness. Not long after Wanli managed stateaffairs on his own, he used the chance to select the location for his tomb sitewhen he went to pay homage to the ancestors tombs. He spent eight million taelsof silver (250,000 kilos of silver) and six years to build a high quality tombDingling. After the Dingling was completed, Zhu Yijun personally went to inspectit, and felt very satisfied with the result. He went so far as to hold a grandbanquet in the Underground Palace, which was unheard of in history.

Zhu Yijun was a typical muddle-headed emperor. Reflecting on his reign, hedid not pay attention to state affairs for 28 out of his 48 year rule. The stateorgan was effectively semi-paralyzed during his reign. Later generationscommented that the fall of the Ming dynasty was caused by this emperor.

Zhu Yijun had two empresses. Empress Xiaojing was originally a maid ofWanlis mother Cisheng. Later she gave birth to a son of the emperor. That sonwas the one-month emperor Guangzong (Zhu Changluo). She died of illness 9 yearsearlier than Shenzong died. She was buried as a concubine at Pinggangdi, aroundthe east pit, at the Heavenly Longevity Mount. After Xiaojing was conferred thetitle of “grandmother of the emperor”, her body was moved to the UndergroundPalace of Dingling, and buried together with Emperor Wanli and Empress Xiaoduanon the same day. Xiaoduan was conferred the title of empress, but she could notgive birth to either a son or a daughter to the emperor. Xiaoduan died ofillness. A hundred days later, Emperor Wanli (Zhu Yijun) died too. EmpressXiaoduan, Emperor Wanli, and Empress Xiaojing were buried together in theUnderground Palace.

The tablet in front of Dingling has no words on it. It is called thewordless tablet. There is a pair of coiling dragons along the top and a patternof sea waves carved on the bottom. Its base is composed of a tortoise (Bixi). Itis said that the dragon has nine sons. In twelve of the Ming Tombs, excludingChangling, all the tablets are wordless. Originally there were no tablet housesin front of the Tombs, but later the tablet houses and steeles of the first sixtombs were completed. But the emperor Jiajing at the time indulged in drinking,lust and searching for longevity pills, so he had no time to pay attention onthe inscriptions. Consequently the six tablets are wordless. And in keeping withthis tradition, that’s why the tablets later on are also blank.

Now we are arriving at The Gate of Eminent Favor and the Hall of EminentFavor of Dingling, The Hall of Eminent Favor is also called Hall of Enjoyment.It was the place where the emperor and his entourage held grand sacrificialrites. They were mostly destroyed when the Qing soldiers came. And they weredestroyed again later, so now only the ruins remain.

Moving on, this is the exhibition rooms that were built after theexcavation of the Underground Palace. The exhibition explains in detail thehistory of the tomb master and introduces the tomb excavation process. Theexhibition rooms are divided into two parts, the south and the north. In thesouth room, on display are the sacrificial objects of Emperor Wanli unearthedfrom the Underground Palace. In the north room, on display are the sacrificialitems of the two empresses. All of then are fancy and invaluable.

Now we arrive at The Soul Tower, this is the symbol of the tomb. It is astone structure with colorful painted decorations. The Soul Tower and thePrecious citadel of Dingling have never been damaged seriously. The Soul Toweris the best preserved architecture above the ground of Dingling. On top of theyellow, glazed tiled roof of the Soul Tower sits a big stone tablet. Two Chinesecharacters----Dingling, are carved on the tablet. Inside the Soul Tower, on topof another stone tablet, there are two big characters----the Great Ming writtenin seal characters. On the body of the tablet, seven Chinese characters-----Tombof Emperor Shenzong Xian are carved. The Soul Tower is connected with thePrecious Citadel. The Precious Citadel is a large round wall built with bricks.The Precious Citadel wall is 7.5 m high, and lower part is thick while the upperpart is thin. The round walls perimeter is over 800 meters, and inside the wallis a large artificial mound, the emperors tomb mound, known as Precious Top.

Dingling is the only Ming Tomb to be excavated. Formal excavation workstarted in May 1956 and ended in 1958. First, the working personnel discoveredan exposed gateway at the side wall to the southwest of the Precious Citadel ofDingling. So they dug the first tunnel facing the position of the gateway. Atthe bottom of the tunnel, they discovered a tunnel made of bricks. Three monthslater, along the direction of the tunnel, to the west of the Soul Tower, theydug the second tunnel. During the digging, they encountered with a stone tabletwhich inscribed the words from here 48. 8m forward and 10. 7m downward lies theprecious wall. Therefore it gave the correct direction of opening up theUnderground Palace.

According to the direction of the stone tablet, after digging the thirdtunnel, they found a stone tunnel. At last they got to the precious wall. Thusthey opened the precious wall with a square stone room. To the west end of theroom, lay two marble doors. The working personnel used a wire and wood plank toremove the self-acting stone bar, which was against the back of the door. Withthis method, they opened the entrance of the Underground Palace.

The palace has no beam which was built according to the principles ofgeomancy Altogether there are five chambers. The chambers are separated by sevenmarble doors. The Underground Palace is 27 meters deep, covering an area of1,195 square meters. There is a same structure stone door in between the front,middle and rear chambers. The door is made of marble. The biggest marble door is3. 3 meters high, 1.7 meters wide, 4 tons in weight. It looks heavy, but it isreasonably designed. The pivot of the stone door is inclined to the door axle,so the door is easy to open and close. On top of the door is a lintel (made ofbronze) tube weighing about 10 tons to prevent the door from falling. Carved onthe front of the marble door are 9 rows of 81 knobs and strange animals withrings in their mouths. Located on the reverse side, opposite the animals, is aprotruding section that holds the doors self-acting stone bar.

The front and middle chambers are 7. 2 meters high and 6 meters wide. Thefloor is covered with gold bricks. According to records, the gold bricks aresmooth and durable. The more you polish them, the brighter they become. Thereare no decorations in the front and two annex chambers. In the middle chamber,there are three marble thrones for Emperor Wanli and his two Empresses, known asthe precious thrones. In the front of the thrones, there are five yellow glazedofferings and one blue-and-white porcelain jar of Jiajing Years style with acloud-and-dragon design. It is about 0.7 meters in diameter. Originally therewas sesame oil in the jar. On the surface of the oil was a copper tube with awick inside. It is called the everlasting lamp. Due to the lack of oxygen, thelight went out so the oil had not been used all.

The rear chamber is the biggest of the three. It is 9.5 meters high, 31meters long, 9.l meters wide, the floor is paved with polished stones. In therear chamber, there is a coffin platform edged with white marble. Placed on theplatform are the coffins of Emperor Wanli and his two Empresses as well as 26vermilion boxes filled with funeral objects.

In the middle of the coffin platform, there is a rectangular hole filledwith soil called Gold Well. Putting jade stone around the coffin or inside thecoffin or in the mouth of the deceased is called being buried with jade. Ancientpeople believed Gold Well was the pit of geomancy. It could prevent the bodyfrom decay for a long time. Being buried with jade on a Gold Well was thehighest standard of entombment one could receive in the feudal era.

Originally the empresss coffin should have been placed in the rear chamber.Then why were the coffins of the two empresses also in the same chamber as theemperors? In 1620, first empress Xiaoduan died in April, then in July EmperorWanli also died. After that, the son of Zhu Changluo died 29 days after hissuccession. In only a few months, two emperors and one empress had died insuccession. In addition they had removed Empress Xiaojings coffin to Dingling.All the burdens of the funeral burials fell on the just enthroned Emperor ZhuYoujian. The preparation work was done in a hurried fashion (this was clearlyrecorded in historical documents). The rainy season had already arrived beforethe funeral could occur and the passage leading to the empress annex chamber maynot have been convenient to open. So the coffins of the emperor, empresses allentered the Underground Palace through the front entrance. After the coffinsentered the Underground Palace, since the passage to the annex chambers werenarrow, the coffins of the empresses would not fit through it. So they had toput all the three coffins together into the rear chamber.

Now please follow me out of the underground palace. And our tour for todayis completed. I hope you have found our time together informative and enjoyable.We now have half an hour for a rest, and then we will get together here at4:00pm. Thank you.



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云居寺已经成为国内外著名的佛教寺院,著名的宗教活动场所,享有“北方巨刹”的盛誉。 寺特有的幽静地理环境,奇特迷人的秀丽风光,蕴涵着浓郁的佛教文化特色,是藏经纳宝之地、祈福迎祥之所云居。


云居寺不仅藏有佛教三绝与 千年古塔,而且珍藏着令世人瞩目的佛祖舍利。舍利(佛教名词)意为尸体或身骨。相传 释迦牟尼遗体火化后结成的珠状物。1981年11月27日在雷音洞发掘赤色 肉舍利两颗,这是世界上唯一珍藏在洞窟内而不是供奉在塔内的舍利,与中国北京 八大处的佛牙、陕西西安法门寺的佛指,并称为“海内三宝”。为千年古刹增添一份祥光瑞气。



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Old Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing City,Eastern Haidian District. The original Qing Dynasty a large Royal River, coversan area of about 5200 acres, the layout is inverted triangle, a total area of350 hectares. Old Summer Palace " garden of gardens " good name, it was built inthe Qing emperor Qian Long years, the original pavilions, terraces and openhalls at more than 140, a total area of 3500000 square meters. Its land areaand the construction of the Imperial Palace, water area and is a the SummerPalace.

The history of Old Summer Palace, is composed of Old Summer Palace,Changchun Garden, Yee Spring Garden ( Wanchun Garden ). Three Park tightlyadjoin, commonly known as the old summer palace. A total area of 5200 acres (350 hectares ), the entire range of larger than the the Summer Palace nearlyqianmu. It is feudal emperors in Qing Dynasty more than 150 years, by creatingand operating a large Royal palace. Yong Zheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing EmperorDaoguang, Xianfeng, five, had been living in the Old Summer Palace leisurelyenjoyment, and in this holding assembly, and politics, it is similar to theForbidden City ( the Imperial Palace) as the political center of the country,was clear Dili special called " Royal park ".

Old Summer Palace was originally granted to his four son of emperor KangxiYin Zhen (later emperor Yong Zheng the garden ). Kangxi in forty-six years thatthe year 1707, park has begun to take shape. In November the same year, EmperorKangxi had at the Old Summer Palace tours. The emperor Yong Zheng ascended thethrone in 1723, expanding the original Grant Park, and in the South Parkbuilding be open and aboveboard Temple main hall and the cabinet, and in six,the value of real military department, to avoid the " Royal master ". In the 60year of the reign of emperor Qian Long, one day, old summer palace construction,repair, dredges the water shift stone, silver million fee. In addition to hisold summer palace built on local, alterations, and the East New Changchun Park,in the southeast of adjacent incorporated Qi spring garden. In the thirty-fiveyears to 1770 three, the Yuan Ming garden pattern is formed basically. Dynasty,mainly on Qi spring garden was renovated and the extension of the building,which became the main garden occupies the place of one. Daoguang Dynasty, statedeclines, shortage of financial resources, but rather from Chaenomeles,Xiangshan, Yuquan " hills", furnishings, Jehol and Magnolia summer hunting,still did not give up the three Park renovation and decoration.

Old Summer Palace, garden not only known, but also a collection of theRoyal Museum, very rich, is a cultural treasure house. Hugo once said: "even ifthe ( French ) all Notre Dame all the treasures together, the same can not belarge and magnificent Huang Museum comparable to the east. " The luxuriousfurnishings exquisite, has a large collection of art treasures. According to theOld Summer Palace seen Westerners description, " Park splendid brilliant scene,not to can trace the color so called, nor the Europeans can see ". " All kindsof valuable treasures, are accumulated in the Royal Cottage Hotel, numeroushouseholds. " The finest sandalwood carved furniture, exquisite ancientporcelain and enamel bottle lamp broken lines, Zhijin silver brocade fabric,carpet, leather, gilded gold French clock, exquisite Old Summer Palace layout,gem embedded hunting figure, landscape character true to life likeness of theplaque, and their various other artistic products and a variety of Europeanlustrous and dazzling. Ornaments, have everything that one expects to find.

Old Summer Palace is the artificial creation of a grand scale, thebeautiful scenery of the landscape. Flat mountain and water purification,landscape architecture, plant more trees and flowers. In the discontinuoushills, winding surface and pavilions, winding corridor, island, bridgeembankment, the vast space into a size of more than 100 landscape encircle,interest varied scenery group. The water park is about three 4/10 of the totalarea of the park, on the ground in artificial cut the medium small surface, bycircle rayon flow channel is connected in series with a complete water system ofrivers and lakes. Park and decorated with stacked has greatly small hill 250,and drainage combined with mountains, water, hill because of live water, formedthe mountain complex water transfer, layer upon layer of garden space. Theentire landscape as Jiangnan like smoke blurred, true it may be said: Althoughpeople do, since the days of the wan.

Old Summer Palace embodies the ancient Chinese gardening art essence, wasthe most splendid large-scale landscape. The emperor Qian Long said: " it is YaoBao Kobold region, Emperor Yu tour, no more than this ". And gardens in theworld history of architecture also occupies an important position. Itspopularity to Europe, known as the " garden of gardens ". The famous Frenchwriter Hugo in 1861 had this to say: " you just imagine it is a thrillinglonging, as the Moon Castle like building, Summer Palace ( the Old Summer Palace) is a building. " People often say : the Greek Parthenon temple in Egypt,Pyramid, Rome Coliseum, Oriental palace. "It is a matter of the incomparablemasterpiece as the acme of perfection ".

Old Summer Palace the world garden, to ten years Xianfeng, in 1860 October,by British and French troops barbarian raid burned down, become Chinas modernhistory of humiliation history page.

Now the Old Summer Palace Ruins Park, the site for the theme, forming asolid history and full of vibrant garden atmosphere a unique combination oftourism landscape, not only has the important political and historical value, itis a unique tourist destination. The tragedy of Old Summer Palace was destroyed,was the symbol of national humiliation, the rebirth of the Old Summer Palace,has become and will continue to make efforts to become the Chinese nation, thetestimony of increasingly thriving and prosperous. With the introduction ofspecial planning, 20___ basically completed the Old Summer Palace Ruins Parkgoal has been clearly shown in front of us.

We firmly believe that a green Old Summer Palace will become a bright pearlof green Olympic Games; a basic integrity of the Old Summer Palace will become abright spot of humanistic olympics.



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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

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The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.




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水作青罗带,山如碧玉簪。 乘船游龙庆峡,仿佛是用手徐徐展开的一轴山水长卷,漓江风韵扑面而来,游人无处不在画境中。那山,群峰屏列,逶迤嵯峨,随形寓意,依貌称名,大自然的天道沧桑、鬼斧神工造化了镇山如来、钟山、凤冠岛、东大寨、月亮湾等30余处景观,附丽了人的感情,山水就有了人的性格和灵性。那水,碧波清流,九曲萦回,绿得氤氲,柔的纤缱,拓山光鸟影于怀,纳长天白云在胸。山回水转,水贯山行,可谓"崖出疑无路,云开别有天"。 龙庆峡的盛夏,气候凉爽,空气清新,气温低于北京城区6度,甚至比承德避暑山庄还低0.8度。而隆冬,结冰期较长,异常寒冷,于是,这里就诞生了冰灯艺术的奇葩,峡谷,一个冰雕玉砌的世界,一个北国冰雪的乐园。



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