





范文类型:请假条,全文共 1283 字

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Dear Miss Gao,

Im sorry I cant go to school today。 I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday。 Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasnt badly hurt。 The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest。 So I ask for leave for two days。

Yours, Wang Li


An Application For Annual Leave

To: Mr。 John Smith, General Manager

From: George Chen, Accounting Department

Date: January 22, 20xx

Subject: Application for annual leave

Dear Mr。 Smith,

I would like to apply for an annual leave from January 25th to 31st。

As you may know the Spring Festival is falling on February 1st this year。 Its the most important holiday in China and offers the best occasion for family reunion。 However, over the past 3 years I missed the reunions due to tight work schedule。 Now that I have wrapped up my work for this year, I would like to go back to my hometown to pay filial piety to my parents and help my sole brother prepare his wedding on January 28th。

Its indeed double happiness for my family that I would like to be part of。 Coupled with the official holidays for the Spring Festival, I will have two weeks off which will definitely gear me up for better work in the new year。 Im looking forward to your kind answer。

Best regards,

George Chen




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1926 字

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Im hard working, willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice. This year, due to the relocation of the whole place and standardization of accounting basis rectification work, the intensity and difficulty of the financial operations have increased. In addition to complete reimbursement of work, we are also taking into account Cory back office work and other businesses. To according to the quality and quantity to complete the task, I do not care about personal gains and losses, do not speak reward, sacrifice, often work overtime. Willing to endure hardship carry forward, willing to sacrifice the spirit of the work, the work has always been able to do to treat hard working, conscientious. Reimbursement completing tasks at the same time, taking into account the back office, do the budget, the administration of detention deposit, various tasks well done, played a role in advanced and example.

I have self-discipline and establish a good image of the peoples police detention work and financial workers. I, as a leader financial system, has a dual identity. Therefore, in the daily work, both with a standard working people to ask themselves, learn and master the reeducation through labor-related laws and regulations, knowledge, knowing to do according to the law, Zhang Zhi Xun chapter. Youyi a standards themselves accountants, accountancy professional ethics education and construction, familiar with financial laws, rules, regulations and national unified accounting system, so impartial, honest and upright.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:银行,全文共 1817 字

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Hello! Traffic bank of China is one of the five largest commercial banks, the development of fast, high quality staff, good service attitude, these deeply attracted me, I hope you can become a member of them.

I am a somewhat quiet but optimistic girl, love to see the book in my spare time, listen to music or write essays under his perception of life. Running, playing badminton is my favorite sport everyday. I am a do anything love strict demands on themselves, do something serious, not hi. Procrastination in college, I have to study hard, study hard, and with the help of our teachers have achieved excellent results, has won the university scholarship system. Through the study of professional knowledge, to have a deeper understanding of accounting, and more inclined to engage in financial accounting and related work.

In addition, I also actively participate in various activities. In various activities, cultivate their own management ability and team spirit, can quickly integrate into the team, strong adaptability and fast learning ability, and the establishment of a high sense of responsibility. Practice participation, in addition to let me have the ability exercise outside, also let me understand many Weirenchushi truth. People can not only do the things you want to do, but must do their own thing, on the road of life, continuous efforts, constantly struggle, always abide by the "not all perfect, but worthy" principle.

As a senior graduates, although no work experience, but I believe that as long as there is a high degree of responsibility for their work, and can hold a modest positive attitude to study hard, brave to face every challenge, no matter what is God helps those who help themselves, do not. If I was you hired, I will do our best to work hard, do not live up to your expectations.



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 8308 字

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一、出租人: (“甲方”)

landlord: (part a )

二、承租人: (“乙方”)

tenant: (part b )



3.1 甲方同意将其所有的位于_________________________________________的房屋在良好及可租赁的状态下租给乙方为居住使用。

party a hereby agrees to lease its property located at

___________________________________in good and tenantable condition to party b for residential use.

3.2 乙方应将出租房屋用作住宅用房。

the leased property shall be used by part b for residential purpose.


term of tenancy:

4.1 租赁期为_____年,自 年 月____日起至_______年____月____日止。

the tenancy shall be for a term of years,commencing on ______________and expiring on __________________.

4.2 租赁期满,如乙方不再根据此条款续约,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如


on expiry of the tenancy, if party b has not exercised its option to renew this agreement in accordance with this clause,party a has the right to repossess the entire leased property,and party b shall deliver the leased property to the party a provided always that party b shall have the option to renew this agreement upon giving prior written novice to party a of its intention to do so that least three(3) months before the expiration of this agreement.



5.1 双方谈定的租金为每月____________________人民币,租金包括除水、电、液化气、电话费以外的一切管理费。

the rent for the leased property as agreed to by both parties is rmb___________yuan per month, which rent includes all management fee.

5.2 支付甲方壹个月的租金,应在每个月的第十天以前支付给甲方。

party b pay the rental fee before the tenth day of every calendar one month.

5.3 所有保证金、租金等费用均以人民币通过银行汇入甲方所提供的以下银行账户及户名:


all payments of security deposit,rent fee,etc heteunder shall be made be made by bank transfer rmb to party as following account.

account no:________________________,user name:_____________bank:___ ________ __


security deposit:

6.1 为确保出租房屋及其设施之安全并完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订合同10天内支付给甲方贰个月租金的租赁押金计__________________人民币作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。乙方搬入后十天内付壹个与租金计______________人民币。

to ensure the protection and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of tenancy,party b agrees to pay to party a with 10 days when the execution of this agreement a security for party b’s obligations hereunder. when party b move in,party b pay one month’s rental in the amount of___________with 10days.

6.2 除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期满或此合同提前终止之期且乙方透空、点清并付清所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方,如保证金以人民币支付,届时也应以人民币形式退还。

unless otherwise provided in this agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration or soonder detemination of this agreement provide that party b has vzcated the leased property and settled all related charges. if this security deposit was paid in rmb,it shall be returned to party b in the form of rmb.


other charges:


during the term of tenancy,party b is responsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity, gas,telephone charges on the basis of the amount of such utilities party b uses. such charges shall be paid when due according to the invoice therefore received by party b from the management company or relevant authority every month.


party a’s obligations:

8.1 甲方须按时将出租房屋及其家私家具用品与其设施以良好状态交付乙方使用。

party a shall deliver on schedule to party bvacant possession of the leased property including the furniture,furnishing and appliances and the related facilities for party b’s use(furniture,furnishing and appliances to be detailed in appendisl.)

8.2 租赁期内甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有规定),甲方保证乙方可不受干扰的享用该物业。

party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b’s quiet enjoyment of the leased property.

8.3 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及支付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰而安静享用出租房屋。

proviede that party b pays the rent and performs and observes party b’s terms and conditions in accordavce with this agreement, party b shall be entitled to hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this tenancy without any interruption by party a or any other person.

8.4 租赁期内出租房屋的结构,进出物业的排水、上下管道、电路等处于良好使用状态。

party a agrees to repair and maintain the structure,drains, pipes and cables, etc.leading in to or from the leased property at all times in good and tenable repair during the term of this tenancy.


party b’s obligations:

9.1 乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。

party b shall promptly pay all rent ,security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

9.2 乙方应爱护使用出租房屋,如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋设施及屋内用具和饰品受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。

paryt b shall treat the leased property with care. if as a result of party b’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities and accessorties suffer any damage(fair wear and tear excepted ),party b shall be responsible for compensating party a for such damages.

9.3 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用出租房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质,不应存放中华人民共和国法律下所禁止的危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。

party b shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this agreement and may not change such use on its own…party b shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the people’s republic of china in the leased property and shall be fully responsible for any admages of losses as result thereof.

9.4 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。

without party a’s prior written consent ,party b may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party.


breach of agreement :

10.1 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任。双方同意违约方应赔偿守约方之直接损失人民币____________元。

if either party a or party b fails to perform its obligations hereunder ,it shall constitute a breach of this agreement and the defaulting party shall be liable for the liabilities resulting from such breach. the parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party compensation ____________________for the direct loss and damage suffered by the other party as result of such breach .

10.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同,收回出租房屋,并且保证金不予返还;

party a shall have the right to terminage this agreement ,repossess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if party b commits one of the following:


sublets the leased property without party a’s written consent;


alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a’s consent;


fails to pay rent without any reason for more than thirty (30)days after the due date except where there is a dispute in respect of this agreement.


applicable law:


the formation of this agreement ,its validity,interpretation,executiong and settlement of any disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people’s republic of china.


dispute resolution:


in the case of disputes arising over this agreement of any matters related hereto ,the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such disputes.if such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the dispute to arbitration by the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with its arbitration rules and the arbitration law of the people’s republic of china.the decision of the arbitration body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto.



13.1 本合同如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方洽谈解决。

if this agreement it unclear with respect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities.

13.2 本合同由中、英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。

this agreement is written both in the chinese and english languages.both versions shall be equally authentic.

13.3 本合同经双方签字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止或修改,本合同另有约定除外,本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。

this agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto an registration with the relevant authorities.save and except as provided in this agreement ,this agreement may not bye terminated or amended without the consent of both parties.there are two(2) originals of this agreement ,one for party a,one for party b.

本合同于__________年 月_____日签订。

this agreement was signed in __________________on ________________

甲方: 乙方:

partya: partyb:

盖章: 盖章:

seal: seal:

地址: 地址:

address: address:

电话: 电话:

telephone number: telephone number:

传真: 传真:



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 896 字

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范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:金融,全文共 1021 字

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此 致


年 月 日



范文类型:主持词,适用行业岗位:主持,全文共 878 字

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今天的茶话会开得喜庆热烈,非常成功。会上,大家认真听取了县长关于我县年度经济社会发展情况通报和书记关于下一步工作的安排和部署。新的一年里,我们将按照 “全面做好离退休干部工作”的要求,进一步强化责任,加大力度,切实想老干部之所想,急老干部之所急,解老干部之所需,积极为老干部安度晚年、益寿延年营造宽松的环境。我衷心的希望全县广大老干部,一如既往地关心、支持县委、县政府工作,为构建和谐奉献余热。我相信,只要我们携起手来,同心同德,克难攻坚,我县的经济和社会事业一定能够更好更快地发展。最后,再一次衷心地祝愿大家新春快乐,健康长寿,阖家幸福!



范文类型:意向书,适用行业岗位:投资,全文共 539 字

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20__ 年 2 月 27 日



范文类型:评语,全文共 1173 字

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优秀: 91分-100分





















范文类型:自我评介,全文共 905 字

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I love reading books is a boy, I have read many books, "Charles ix" dream king "the Wolf" the little prince, "the braggadocio adventures" read, remember once, I had finished my homework, it took a book that oneself like began to read it, just as I read with relish, dad came over and said to me: "jias son should have a meal," I said: "know Ill be right with you, you eat first". Father shook her head and said: "true take you cant, hurry to eat".

There is a saying "has its own beautiful woman in the book, the book has its own gold room" whenever I immersed in the sea, I will forget everything. Books are my mentor in my life, accompany me to grow healthy and happy every day...





范文类型:邀请函,全文共 505 字

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dear sirs/madam:

we’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

exhibition center : the continental exhibition center

booth number : g-k105 g-k-106写作模板

date : apr 15th to 20th 20xx

best regards

mr.su jia jian

general manager



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 670 字

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As of August 7, I will be terminating1 my employment at ABC Company. I have allowed two weeks prior to2 my departure for assisting in the transition process3.


Although I have enjoyed watching the Advertising Department grow from its humble beginnings4 to the current formidable5 size and influence in Wuhan, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and ABC the best of luck and future success.





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:行政,全文共 1955 字

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Has many years of human resources management experience, covering large group companies, finance, communications and other industries, well versed in human resources management philosophy, and has accumulated rich experience in practice and management. Excellent communication and coordination skills, strong analysis, problem-solving ability, with emergencies, contingency plans processing capacity.According to the diversification of the Groups business characteristics, subordinate companies in different industries at the same time planning and management, and rational deployment of resources. Good at human resources planning, the establishment and integration of system architecture, diagnosis of human resources and personnel structure of the layout, there have been restructuring of enterprises, personnel diversion of actual combat experience.

Optimistic, progressive and proactive. Through years of social experience and continuous learning, I have good communication and coordination skills, full of affinity and team awareness, a serious and responsible work; and be able to independently and calmly deal with all kinds of emergencies, the establishment of a good social and interpersonal relationships.

I am responsible for the work seriously, active and thoughtful, and has high organizational skills and communication skills; daily work can play a good team spirit, good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of colleagues around, with indomitable spirit to overcome difficulties. Years of administrative practice, I have accumulated some experience, recognizing the positioning of the administration should be "involved in government affairs, management services, improve service." Mainly responsible for the coordination of internal affairs, liaison with external departments, to provide staff with a comfortable working environment and create a harmonious working environment for the companys steady, sustained and rapid development of protection.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 981 字

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I am . vocational school has had several internship experience in preschool education, preschool education practice I have a childlike innocence, love, faith, consistent from beginning to end to treat every parent and children, by the praise. I am cheerful, warm and generous.

I love teaching children, hope to learn more of your garden, better teaching experience, can better improve their own knowledge in teaching children. When I saw my classmates with that innocent smile and ask naive questions, I will be patient to answer one by one. I like kids, so I have enough patience. The childrens curiosity, let me become the encyclopedia.

Many of them why, let my heart is filled with the desire to seek the answer. Because I love the childrens laughter, so I choose this occupation. I know the school education before the road is not easy, I think since I love, choice, we must adhere toTry to do my best. If the principal gives me a chance, I will work harder and show my potential



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2282 字

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16.1 the contrant os signed on may _________, _________, by authorized represenatives of botbpar-ties.after the contract has been signed, the two parties shall apply to their respectivethe managing onstructure of the parties or government authorities for apprval. the dateof ap-proval last obtained shall be taken as the date of effectiveness of the contract. both partfies shallexert their best efforts to obtain the approval within sixty (60)says and inform the oth-er party by telex and thereafter confirm the same by letter. ifthe contract can not come into affect within six (6) months after the date of signing,both parties are entitlid to consider themselves absolved from the contract.

16.2 tbe contract shall be valid for ten (10) years beginning from the date of itsbe-comingeffective, and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of thevalidity period of the contract.

16.3 the termination of this contract shall not affect in any way the outstandingclaims and the liabilities existing between the two parties upon the expiry of the validity of the contractandthe debtor shall be kept liable until he fully pays up his debts to the creditor.the contract is made out in chinese and in englsh. in case of doubt as totheinterpreta-tion of any provisions gerof, the chinese version shall be controlling.party a (signature):_________ party b(signature):_________conclusion place:_________ conclusion place:_________conclusion date:_________ conclusion date:_________appendis 1 name, content of patent documents and application of the patentsappendix 2 models, specifications and technical lndices of the contract productappendix 3 the starting date and counting methods of royaltyappendix 4 the content and method of licensors auditingappendix 5 training of party as personnelappendix 6 technical service or specialist send by party bappendix 7 verification and acceptance of the contract product this contract madeon_________ day of_________,by and be-tween ,organized and existingunder the laws of the peoples republic of china. with rehistered office at (hereinafterreferred to as party a) of the first part and ,organized and existing underthe laws of _________,with its principal office at_________.




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 748 字

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HuangMei is my hometown. It is in the East in HuBei.It is East on the city named AnQing of AnHui.And it is south to the city named JiuJiang of JiangXi. It is a great city in my heart.It has a long history for about 1800 years in China .Example .The temple named SiZu and WuZu were in HuangMei for a long years-old.Today,Every year many visitor come different part to there.As a daughter from Huangmei.I leaved it away for about seven years. But I miss it everyday .Even in a lot of my dream in the night .I belive HuangMei will be richer and richer .The new year 20xx will going .Tonight I hope everything will be well in my new 26 years-old.All my friends will be well.I must work hard in the new year.I will be ain growth as my hometown .



范文类型:辞职信,汇报报告,全文共 1329 字

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Deal all:

This is one of the hardest emails I have ever had to write, and for those of you who really know me, you know I am rarely speechless and always have a lot to say, So here it goes…

The last 2 years have truly been amazing and I have come to care about so many of you so much more than just co-workers. You have been my best friends and I will miss you all so much. I feel so grateful to have had the chance to work with you and get to know so many of you. It is so lucky to have such an amazing team and I feel so lucky to have been able to spend two years with you.

while here, I have laughed a lot, cried a little, and even screamed and yelled every now and then - to those of you that were on the receiving end of the yells, please believe that it was nothing personal. I hope you understand why I am making this move, and please believe me when I say it is not an easy one to make.

I wish all of you have a successful future, but more importantly, I wish you and your families a full life of good health and happiness always.

If any of you ever need anything that I can help or support, please do not hesitate to contact me. My new contact info is below and I truly hope to keep in touch with you.

Thank you for your friendship and the amazing memories that I am taking away with me. I love you all - please keep in touch!



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 708 字

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范文类型:自我评介,全文共 357 字

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各位老师,下午好! 我叫,是**级**班的学生,我的论文题目是--------------------,论文是在导师的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意论文答辩自我介绍及开场白论文答辩自我介绍及开场白。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。



其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要内容 本文分成五个部分.



范文类型:制度与职责,全文共 2033 字

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2. 申请工学硕士学位人员要求有一篇正式出版的发表在公开发行的专业刊物上与学术论文有关的文章(含增刊)。文章的作者单位应署名为“武汉大学”,硕士生本人为第一作者,或导师为第一作者、本人为第二作者。注:答辩前文章没有见刊的可先提供录用通知及打印清样,录用通知注明出版刊号及见刊日期,学院规定在第二年6月底前见刊的文章均符合答辩要求。








































(注明:答辩者将所发表文章的期刊封面、目录、文章 装订成册,按要求制作封面,提交学院。所有材料不允许订书针装订)


6.硕士学位论文(a4)一式二份(中、英文摘要包含在论文中),论文用a4(210*297mm)标准大小的白纸双面打印,不得单面打印,正文用 小4号字。





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2492 字

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My name is * * *, applied chemistry, so not good eloquence marketing professional students, said not good place please include a lot. Here I want to why I want to world company, it is the first clear treatment, so I have a sense of trust, and good treatment, can find a a sense of belonging, second, it performs a ten round knockout, very challenging and stimulating. Third, it has the training mechanism. Because we are the beginning of a university student, the knowledge and the reality is so far, there is no strong learning ability, good thinking is useless fourth, its corporate culture, "happy work, happy "Learning, happy life" and "creative quality", etc., because people are not machines, work and life are equally important. And people can not live on the same level, so be innovative. These are the reasons why I choose the world

Then I want to do an interview to introduce myself. I am easy-going personality, and always adhere to the "more amiable and easy of approach. His personal principles less waste". So during the university I have studied how to think, how to learn, how to innovate, how to think, how to remember. So during college, I not only to learn knowledge to learn more, to learn and learn. So my learning ability is strong, learning efficiency is high (did not think the interviewer said to 2min, very embarrassed, but now I want to put me in the belly of the things written).

I majored in Applied Chemistry, but I do not love it. But since the election is to learn English well, so I just learn good study, but not very good. I must learn to all principles, so I choose to improve the learning ability of aspects, so study of the above mentioned aspects books. And I am the biggest feature is the innovation ability, I want to tell you a few things first, our dormitory lamp circuit board is broken, other people say a waste, and I use a lighter melting a scrap. They fear pen core second, I participated in a memory at the time of training, the teacher taught us an image when A password instead of two numbers, and then combined with some specific locations will be able to remember a string of numbers without the law. An image that can only remember two numbers, and I after summing up, can remember a password four digits, efficiency doubled. In third, the same memory training when the teacher told us, instead of the digital image, and then told us to find a set of locations, I realized that we must be the same place together to remember the story ends.
