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Tourist friends, you are good, welcome you to the north sea park visit tour.

When you walk into the royal garden with a history of nearly one thousand years, when you look at the beautiful white pagoda fairyland feeling beautiful, eager to want to walk into the garden to enjoy the north sea scenery, I suggest you stop to stay, in a few minutes of your time, listen to me introduce with an overview of the north sea park, do a tour guide for you.

Beihai park is the oldest and one of the best-preserved imperial garden. This has nearly one thousand years of history of garden development began in the liao, in conjunction with the first year (AD 938), Jin Dading six years to 19 years (1166-1179) the sejong yan hong harmony (not ng y) and build up a scale on the basis of the liao start-up grand royal detached palace - so the kremlin. So the kremlin lineage Chinese royal garden "a pool of three mountains" regulation, that is, the north sea and China shipping is too liquid pool, jade island such as "penglai", TuanCheng as "ying ying, continent", China shipping rhinoceros (x) and mountain like "abbot". And will the bian city gen (gen) yue palace garden of taihu and moved the jade island. To yuan four years (AD 1267), back most of Kublai Khan construction, will be designated as emperor jade island and the lake, longevity hill, too fluid pool name. In the eighteenth year of yongle (AD 1420) Ming dynasty moved the capital Beijing, longevity hill, too fluid pool become YuYuan west of the Forbidden City, according to the west. From the west in the Ming dynasty, qing dynasty emperor qianlong seven years - 44 years (AD 1742-1779) to massive rebuilding of the north sea, laid the scale and structure of ever since.

After the xinhai revolution in 1925, the north sea park opening to the outside world. After the founding of new China, the party and the government to protect the beihai park, are of the utmost importance to dial a huge sum of money to repair, published by the state council in 1961 as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

The north sea is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Dominated covers an area of 690000 square meters (including the surface area of 390000 square meters), is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot.

Walked by the white marble carving yongan bridge, through the heap of cloud arched, you came to the jade island. Jade verdant trees on the island, temple comb (zhi) than, pavilions, strewn at random have send, white tower stands a mountain, as the symbol of the park. Walk into YongAnSi entrance, pick up order and you can get on white pagoda. Ons spectacular YongAnSi when I will arrive in your details. You walk down the white tower along the island on foot, you can enjoy some beautiful scenery. On the west side, where there is famous "read ancient building" three memory hall include, it is famous in the worlds most famous calligraphy integration. Northwest surrounded by a group of lake promenade, north hillside, visible to the legend of qin and han dynasties relics "copper bearing dew dish"; At the foot of the mountain on the east side is QiongDao spring Yin tablet, it is one of the famous old Beijing yanjing eight sights. "Half moon city" which is also called prajnaparamita incense holders, built in dongpo mountain; Below is "prajnaparamita arched", "mountain bridge accompanied fold and came to the north east coast scenic spot.

Lake with Beijings oldest dock; Along the east coast of the sequences of the weeping willows with a famous scenic spot -- city which, original lent.

Between city which is a horseshoe hill into the pool, in the artificial construction of royal garden shows its unique delight. By between city which is the original north zhai, the famous ancient tree -- Tang Huai among them, the original monastery with its quiet, quiet and tastefully laid out and the famous Chinese and foreign in the garden. The original lent Simon can see the entrance to the qing dynasty "silkworm first altar". Starting with silkworm altar north across the bridge to the west to reach the north scenic spot.

North shore scenic area from the east side to the west is full of attractions: the east has lent to meditation - called "qianlong garden", the great buddhist paradise spots there are buddhist paradise monasteries lama temple buildings, arched, "great", "China CangJie" gold-rimmed nanmu built "the great halls of goodness as", nine dragon screen and other buildings; Southwest of nine dragon screen is "quick snow hall", "iron" screen, and then to the west you can see the north sea in the five dragon pavilions, (ch) m: n f temple, the buddhist paradise, and many other famous attractions.

Small buddhist paradise heaven temple out toward the south, and from the north sea park garden, Simon might ride back to jade island yacht by the south gate out of the garden.

Hong kuo momentum of eclecticism, north sea garden has the north gardens and jiangnan graceful and restrained the charm of the spectacular private gardens, and magnificent imperial palaces and religious temple solemn, diversity and one integrated mass, is the treasure of the Chinese garden art. You every to a scenic, I will be with you, for you to do a more detailed explanation.



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Suzhou city in 514 BC, the prince he lu fu father life defecting will set up he lu wu chu city, has a history of more than 2500 years ago.

During the spring and autumn period, here is the capital of the kingdom of wu, still retains many sites about xi shi, wu zixu, etc. Sui huang nine years (AD 589) said in the beginning of suzhou, in use today.

City of suzhou city building early, large scale, surface parallel and adjacent river street, the ancient city is located on the site, still rarely seen at home and abroad.

Suzhou gardens of guilin, has been listed in the world cultural heritage list, in Chinas four big gardens, suzhou has a humble administrators garden, lingering garden two seats.

The first places of human ". Hu qiu profound cultural accumulation, making it a tourist will visit to suzhou; The tang dynasty poets poem "the present paper arrives at an inter pretation" poetry, the ancient and modern tourists to visit maple bridge, hearing hanshan temple bells.

Gusu outside the beautiful natural scenery, resentments, balance, tianchi and the mountains in dongting, ornament in taihu lake, formed the rich jiangnan amorous feelings of lakes and mountains.

Suzhou has both the beauty of the landscape and scenery of wins, natural and human landscape in photograph reflect, together with letters fude sings, made suzhou a veritable "paradise on earth".



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有这样一个故事:当年孝庄太后年老病重之时,极其爱戴她的皇孙——康熙帝,心情极其郁闷。他让侍女苏麻喇姑准备好纸笔,大笔一挥,写了一个 “福”字。写完之后,玄烨和苏麻喇姑看着那个“福”字惊呆了——那个字苍劲有力,十分潇洒。细一看,竟看见了多个词组:多田,多子,多才,多寿……这不就是皇祖母的心愿吗?康熙帝越看越满意,便命人把这个“福”字拓在一块巨石上。结果,久病多时的太皇太后很快康复了!康熙帝大喜,决定将这块饱含吉祥福瑞气息的巨石代代相传,让爱新觉罗家族世代昌盛。





乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海,背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三,太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆皇帝就褫夺了和珅军机大臣和九门提督两职,抄了其全家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于国库十几年的总收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法,同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则归了“爱豪宅不爱江山”的嘉庆胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。与此同时,嫁给和珅儿子的乾隆之女和孝公主,仍居住在半座宅第中。咸丰元年,即1851年,清末重要政治人物恭亲王奕?成为这所宅子的第三代主人,改名恭王府,恭王府之名由此沿用至今。 “一座恭王府,半部清朝史”是历史地理学家侯仁之对恭王府的评价。民国初年,这座王府被恭亲王的孙子溥伟以40万块大洋卖给教会,后由辅仁大学用108根金条赎回,并用作女生学堂。新中国成立以后,王府曾被公安部宿舍、风机厂、音乐学院等多家单位使用过。






























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其实莫高窟的文化魅力,不仅仅体现在壁画上,还体现在它那独一无二的彩塑和建筑上。 彩塑为敦煌艺术的主体,有佛像、菩萨像、弟子像以及天王、金刚、力士、神等。彩塑形式丰富多彩,有圆塑、浮塑、影塑、善业塑等。那独具匠心的雕刻,把人物的面部表情表现得淋漓尽致,仿佛活了一般,如梦如幻,有时会让人产生来到极乐世界一般的错觉。而它的建筑艺术更是举世无双。内部设有禅窟、殿堂窟、塔庙窟、穹隆顶窟、“影窟”等形制,还有一些佛塔。从早期石窟所保留下来的中心塔柱式这一外来形式的窟型,反映了古代艺术家在接受外来艺术的同时,加以消化、吸收,使它成为我国民族形式。其中不少是现存古建筑的杰作,为现代许多建筑所用。古人开凿它的方式更让我们敬佩,先开凿一条甬道,把沙排出来,再继续开凿,这样既能保障安全,又能使其更为牢固,真是一举两得,不得不让人佩服。






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恭亲王府有三绝一宝。 第一绝是藏宝楼。长一百五十六米,共一百零八个房间。每个房间的后窗都不一样,人们推测是和珅用来区分财宝的类别的标记,因为这么多的财宝竟然没有账簿。这些财宝相当于十亿两白银。比当时国库里的钱还多很多。第二绝,是进入后花园的大门,叫作西洋门,是手工白玉雕刻而成。是当时中国唯一的一个拱门。第三绝,是戏楼,因为乾陵皇帝经常来看戏。所以变得有名。





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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

My name is ___. I’m very honored to be youre guide. I do hope all of youcould like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. This morning weare going to visit the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located on thenorthwest suburbs of Beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of thecity. So it will take us about 1 hour to get there. Before we arrived at theSummer Palace, I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of thewoderful imperial garden. The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and thelargest imperial garden existing in Chinan, and it is the best-preservedimperial garden in the world. In 1998, it was placed on the List of WorldCultural Heritage by the UNESCO.

The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of12th century in the Jin Dynasty. The construction continued to the Yuan and Mingdynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached itsculmination. During Emperor Qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘Three Hills and FiveGardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of Beijing. The Summer Palace was apart of it and at that time was called the Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860, theAnglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing. The ‘Three Hills and Five Gardens’were burnt down to ashes.

In 1888, the Empress Dowager Cixi spent the navy fund having the Garden ofClear Ripples rebuilt. And then she renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer Palace).

In 1900, the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing. The SummerPalace was once again severely damaged. It was rebuilt again in 1902.

In 1924, the Last Emperor Puyi was driven out of the palace, after that,the Summer Palace was turned into a public park.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway.It is called “Emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the firstscenery of the Summer Palace. The two Chinese words on the front side of thearchway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. Thetwo words on the back side mean Collection of Excellence and refer to thetranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the East Palace Gate)

Now, we have arrived at the East Palace Gate. It’s the main entrance of theSummer Palace. On top of the gate there is a plaque with three Chinesecharacters ‘The Summer Palace’ in Emperor Guangxu’s handwriting. The gate thatwe are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the olddays.

(Inside the East Palace Gate)

Now we are inside the Summer Palace. In front of us is the second gate ofthe Summer Palace— the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. The annex halls onboth sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the Privy Council.Well, Before we start our tour in the garden, I will briefly introduce you thelayout of the Summer Palace and our tour route. O.K., ladies and gentlemen, mayI have your attention please? Let’s look at the map together, From it we can seethe Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies thethree-fourths. The whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was forpolitical activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeingareas. Our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and endoff the Marble Boat. On the way, we will visit the main constructions of theSummer Palace, such as the Hall of Jade Ripples, the Hall of Happiness andLongevity, the Long Corridor, the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and so on. It willtake us about two hours to visit the Summer Palace. Please attention, we won’twalk back and our driver will pick us up at the North Gate. Should you get lostor separated from the group, please meet us at the North Gate.

Ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the Hallof Benevolence and Longevity. Follow me please.

(Inside the courtyard of the Benevolence and Longevity)

Passing through the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity, we have alreadyentered the courtyard of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The huge rock infront of us is Taihu Rock. It was quarried from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province,so it was known as Taihu Rock. Please look around the courtyard and you can seethere are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard,representing the four seasons of the year. The Taihu Rocks are usually used asdecoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak andpenetration in characters.

The bronze mythical animal behind the Taihu Rock is known as Suanni or somepeople call it Qilin. According to ancient Chinese mythology, the dragon hadnine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. Suanni was one of the ninesons of the dragon. It was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits inancient lengeds. Suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hoovesof ox and the tail of lion.

(In front of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)

This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. It was firstbuilt in 1750. The name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘Lun Yu’ byConfucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”This hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi heldaudience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. Forprotecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. So I wouldlike to briefly introduce you the decorations in the Hall of Benevolence andLongevity. The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. In the middle ofthe hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. Thereare two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacockfeathers. Behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame andglass mirror inlaid. On the mirror there are 226 Chinese characters of the word‘Longevity’ written in different styles. There are two scrolls on each side ofthe wall with a big Chinese character ‘Longevity’ written on it. It was saidthat the word ‘Longevity’ written by Empress Dowager Cixi. There are 100 batspainted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

Well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of adragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. They were used to burn incense sticksto create the appropriate atmosphere. In the old days, the dragon and phoenixwere the symbol of the emperor and empress. According to ritual, the dragonsshould be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front ofthe hall.However, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes arein the middle. This was a product of the end of Qing Dynasty when EmpressDowager Cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(At the entrance of Garden of virtuour Harmony)

We are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlongand Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Bejing Opera performances. Itmainly consists of the Dressing House, the Grand Theater Building and the Hallof Pleasure Smile. The Grand Theater Building was known as the ‘Cradle ofBeijing Opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. There are 7exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(In front of the Grand Theater Building)

This is the Grand Theater Building. Of the three main theater buildings ofthe Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and largest one. Theother two are Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City and Qingyin Pavilion inthe Mountain Resort in Chengde. The Grand Theater Building, a three-storiedstructure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. It is 21 meters high and 17meters wide. Performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. Thetop one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and thebottom stage was named longevity stage. Each level has the entrance and theexit. There are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestialbeing’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to setoff a certain atmosphere on the stage. There is also a well and five ponds builtunder the stage for a good effect of water scenes. The stage is open to threesides.

Well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the GrandTheater Building, it’s the Hall of Pleasure Smile. The Empress Dowager Cixi usedbo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the Peking Opera.

(A lakeside walk from the Garden of virtuous Harmony to the Hall of JadeRipples)

We are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall ofBenevolence and Longevity. It appears that there’s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake. This is anapplication of a specific style of Chinese


Now, we are walking along the bank of the Kunming Lake. Look over there,not far away in the lake there is an islet. It’s called the Spring HeraldingIslet. The pavilion on the islet is called the Spring Heralding Pavilion. Anumber of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. In earlyspring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms,willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned.Hence the name ‘Heralding Sping Pavilion’.

(In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

This group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the Hall of JadeRipples. The words “Jade Ripples” came from a verse “Gentle ripples gushing outof Jade Spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. It was firstused by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs. In the late Qing Dynasty,it was where Emperor Guangxu was put under house arrest.

This hall is a hallmark of the Movement of 1898. Emperor Guangxu wasEmperor Dowager Cixi’s nephew. After Emperor Tongzhi died, Emperor Dowager Ciximade her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order tocontinue her hold on imperial power. She ‘handled state affairs behind thescreen’. After Emperor Guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the coreprinciples of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws. The movementlasted for103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi. It wascalled the ‘Hundred-Day Reform’. After the reform failed, Emperor Guangxu wasput under house arrest here. For the strict control of him, Empress Dowager Cixiordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and leftof the Hall of Jade Ripples. At that time the hall was entirely sealed up, justlike a prison. Today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room stillmaintain its original appearance. It is open to visitors as the relic related tothe 1898 Reform Movement.

(In front of the Chamber of Collecting Books)

This is the Chamber of Collecting Books. In Chinese, it’s called “Yi YunGuang”. “Yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. In ancient times, it was usually usedas termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.In the Emperor Qianlong’sreign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. Later it was convertedinto a residence. There used to be the residence of Guangxu’s Empress Longyu,and his favorite concubine Zhenfei.

(In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

This group of courtyard is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was themajor architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence ofEmpress Dowager Cixi. The whole compound was basically made of wood, which isideal for ventilation and lighting. With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hallof Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient. In front of theHall of Happiness and Longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle ofthis courtyard named “Qing Zhi Xiu” and nicknamed as “Family Bankruptcy Rock”.This huge rock was discovered in Fangshan District by a Ming official MiWanzhong. He wanted to transport it to his own garden “Shaoyuan”. In the olddays, transporting such rock was very difficult. After spending all his money toship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. The big rock was then left onthe roadside somewhere near Liangxiang County, 30 kilometers southwest ofBeijing. Hence it was nicknamed “Family Bancruptcy Rock”. Later Emperor Qianlongdiscovered it and transported to the Garden of Clear Ripples and laid in frontof the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. The colorful glass chandeliers hanginginside the hall was introduced from Germany in 1903. It is one of the earliestelectric lights in China.

(In front of the Gate of Inviting the Moon of the Long Corridor)

Ladies and Gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in theworld, such as the Louvre in France and the Museum of Great Britain. Now I willshow you a special gallery in the palace—the Long Corridor. In 1990, the LongCorridor was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘the longestpainted corridor’ in the world’. It would be a pity if we leave the SummerPalace without visiting the Long Corridor and the Marble Boat. Now, here we go,the Long Corridor first!

(Strolling along the Long Corridor)

The Long Corridor starts from the Gate Inviting the Moon to the ShizhangGate. It is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. The Long corridor isone of the major structures of the Summer Palace. Since the corridor wasdesigned to follow the physical features of the southern slope of LongevityHill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( Retaining the GoodnessPavilion, Living with the Ripples Pavilion, Autumn Water Pavilion, Clear and FarPavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of ayear. Thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. As amajor part of the architectural style of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridorserves as an ingenious connector between the Lake and the Hill. Scatteredbuildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

The Long Corridor is the longest covered veranda in any Chinese garden. Onthe purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 Suzhou stylepaintings. Among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes ofWest Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Beside the colorful paintings ofnatural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects,mythology and figures. The paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancientChinese classical literature, such as ‘Pilgrimage to the West’, ‘The Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms’, ‘The western Chamber’, “Water Margin’, and ‘The Dream ofthe Red Mansion’.

(In front of the Gate of Dispelling Clouds)

Now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakesideslope, the Tower of Buddhist Incense within the Hall of Dispelling Clouds. Thecentral axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the Sea of Wisdom ontop of the Hill. The main architectural structures here are the Gate ofDispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling clouds, Tower of Buddhist Incense and theSea of Wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. Thelayout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in Buddhistsutras. This group of structures are among the most magnificently constructedhere in the Summer Palace. This is a good place to taking photos, we will stayhere for about 15 minutes.

Now we are walking continuely along the Long Corridor, the next scene weare going to visit is Marble Boat.

Look over there! Halfway up the slope there stands the Hall of Listening toOrioles. It was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and courtmusic. It is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. Before the Garden ofVirtuous Harmony was built, Empress Dowager Cixi enjoyed opera and music here.Now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in China, featuring imperialdishes and desserts.

This is the famous Marble Boat. A famous scientist of China’s Eastern HanDynasty once said, “Water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” Aprime minister of Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng once used these words to persuade LiShimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He said people are water and theemperor is the boat. People can support a good emperor. However, they also canoverthrow the dynasty. Emperor Qianlong built this huge boat in the Garden inorder to make the allusion concrete. On one hand, Emperor Qianlong encouragedhimself to run the country well. On the other hand, he wanted to show that hisrule of the Qing Dynasty was as firm as the Marble Boat and there was no fear ofoverturning the boat. The Marble Boat was the place for Emperor Qianlong tosample tea and enjoy the scenery of Kunming Lake. Emperor Qianlong once camehere to engage in the freeing of captive animals. In the times of Qianlong, theMarble Boat was a Chinese styled stone boat with a Chinese style woodensuperstructure on the top of it. When it was rebuilt in the times of Guangxu, aforeign and Chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to theboat, one on each side. The floor was paved with colored bricks. All of thewindows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. A big mirror was installed onthe superstructure for viewing rain.

Our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the Marble Boat. Today weonly visited the major scenic spots of the Summer Palace. I have left otherspots of interest for your next visit. I will now show you out through the RuyiGate. Our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. I do hope you enjoyedtoday’s tour. Thank you.



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Your Chagan Lake cruise ship No.1 has left the wharf and is heading for themysterious Chagan Lake through the "grassland canal" - Yinsong canal. Afterentering the lake area, the cruise ship will speed up, the summit is very big,standing in the bow will be very cool and comfortable, but remind you to standfirmly when standing by the boat, pay attention to the safety of swimming in thelake, at the same time, pay attention to carry your goods, so as to avoidfalling into the lake.

Now our cruise ship has entered Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake.Chagan is 37 kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers wide in the East andWest.

With a total water area of about 420 square kilometers, it ranks seventhamong the top ten freshwater lakes in China. Its water storage capacity is about700 million cubic meters. It is the largest inland lake and provincial naturereserve in Jilin Province, as well as a famous fishery production base in JilinProvince,

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silver carp,crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species, with an annualoutput of more than 5000 tons of fresh fish, of which "Chagan Lake pangtouyu" iscertified as AA grade green food by the national green food certificationcenter, and is exported to both inside and outside the province. In recentyears, the shrimp, pearl and other aquatic resources of Chagan Lake have beeneffectively developed, and the beautiful fish and shrimp have already been puton the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons and rich naturalresources, which provides a rare living environment for wild and aquaticanimals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds. Thereare more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers, andmore than 80 kinds of rare birds such as wild ducks, swans, wild geese and redcrowned cranes in the lakeside grassland and small islands. The variety anddensity of wild animals are incomparable to many tourist attractions inside andoutside the province. The unique geographical location and natural resources ofunique scenery make Chagan Lake a dream wind since ancient times Shuibaodi. Fromemperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year, he led hisministers and concubines to Chagan Lake from the capital for sightseeing andspring hunting. They dug ice on the lake to catch fish. They used the "headfish" that emperor liaozong had caught himself to hold a "head fish feast" onthe shore, because in early spring, the lake fish were the freshest, fattest andmost fragrant. When the spring wind blew green, the wild geese and swans weresinging on the Bank of Chagan Lake At that time, the emperors began to set offeagles and arrows to catch swans and geese, and held a goose banquet with thehead geese captured by "haidongqing", which was released by Emperor Liaohimself. They sang and danced by the lake and drank until the end of spring.From this we can imagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

When you look to the northeast of the lake, the mountain beside the lake iscalled Qingshantou, which is the commanding point around Chagan Lake. There isan old and sad story about Chagan Lake and Qingshantou

A long time ago, there was no Chagan Lake in gollos, but a vast grassland.Deep in the grassland, there was a handsome and powerful young man named Chaganshaobu who had lost his parents since childhood. He shot a good arrow, flying inthe sky, running underground, all shot a hundred times, Chagan shaobu waskind-hearted, and most of his prey was given to the surrounding students

The poor herdsmen are deeply loved by the herdsmen of the hundred milegrassland. One early spring, Chagan shaobu went out hunting with his bow andarrow. Suddenly, he saw a sika deer running towards him in panic. Two wolveswere chasing after him desperately. The exhausted deer was about to become everymeal of the two wolves. After a while, Chagan shaobu took a bow and shot twoarrows to kill the wolf and save the fawn. The fawn looked at Chagan shaobu withgrateful eyes and reluctantly turned and ran to the depth of the grassland.

That night, Chagan shaobu, who was not sleeping, suddenly dreamed of thesika deer he had saved. The deer said to him, "Im here to repay you for savingyour life. I was originally a fairy deer in the sky. Because I ate Ganodermalucidum in the Royal Garden, I was sent to earth by the Jade Emperor. Thepenalty will be over tomorrow. Ill come back to heaven to see my benefactor.See you alone a person too poor lonely, I want to find a companion for you toaccompany you. Tomorrow morning, you will go to Chaobei. After crossing 7749mountains, you will see a fairy peak. There is a fairy cave on the hillside.There is a stone box in the cave. There is a gold hairpin in the stone box. Ifyou put the gold hairpin in your arms and bring it back, there will be a fairyto accompany you. Remember it With that, the deer disappeared.

The next day, Chagan shaobu set out with his dry food bow and arrow in thedirection that the deer pointed out in his dream. He went through all thedifficulties and dangers along the way. He shot and killed countless wolves,insects, tigers and leopards with his good arrow technique, and finally came tothe fairy cave on the hillside of fairy peak. There was a stone box in the cavesurrounded by auspicious clouds. When he opened the stone box, he saw that therewas a light in it He was overjoyed with the dazzling gold hairpin. He picked itup and hurried back. It seemed that he would be home soon.

When he got home, he took out the gold hairpin from his arms and looked atit carefully. Suddenly, with a flash of gold, a pretty girl stood in front ofChagan shaobu and said, "my name is Qimuge. Im the fourth daughter of the queenmother of the West. I admire your kindness and bravery. I like your diligenceand perseverance. If you like, Ill marry you and join hands with you for ahundred years." He was so excited that he held his Muge tightly in his arms.Three years later, Qimuge gave birth to a fat son named bater for Chagan shaobu.One day when Chagan shaobu came back from hunting, he saw Qimuge frowning andasked her what happened? Qimuge tears side said: "tomorrow my mothers birthday,life I go back to celebrate, I need three days back and forth, but the sky threedays, human three years, I really cant bear to let you alone spend three yearsof time." Chagan shaobu comforted qimig and said: "three years will pass in aflash. When you come back, we will never separate again. Thats right, but whenQimuges wings fluttered and left in the colorful clouds, Chagan shaobu missedhis bedroom day and night, and soon he was seriously ill. On his deathbed,Chagan shaobu looked up at the sky and sighed: "Qimuge, I cant look at youagain. I cant close my eyes." At this time, Qimuge, who was far away in thetemple of heaven, seemed to hear Chagan shaobus heartbreaking call, so he wentback to the world regardless of everything. Seeing that Chagan shaobu was dying,he went back to heaven again. Regardless of the rules of heaven, he stole theelixir to take it for Chagan shaobu, and made Chagan shaobu safe.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the queen mother found that the elixir had beenstolen, and immediately sent the God to look for it. When she learned that shehad been stolen by Qimuge and saved Chagan shaobu, she was furious and orderedthe God to move a castle peak and press Qimuge at the foot of the mountain. Thisis what we see now. Another order was issued that no rain should be allowed inthe grassland where Chagan shaobu lived within three years, and that Chaganshaobu and all the plants, cattle and sheep here should die of thirst. Its truethat there hasnt been a drop of rain in this area for three years. Its as hotas a fire, the ground is dry and smoking, the grass is dry, and the cattle andsheep are thirsty. Seeing this, Chagan shaobu was very anxious. One day, Chaganshaobu had a dream of Qimuge again. Qimuge cried and said, "I broke the heavenrules by stealing the elixir to save you. I was pressed under the big greenmountain next to you. I cant save you and the villagers by my magic power. Ifyou want to sacrifice your life to save the grassland life, go to the fairy caveand eat the elixir Ive made, and you will become a big lake beside me."

When Chagan shaobu woke up, he settled down with bater. According toQimuges words, he went to the fairy cave to find the luminous elixir. When hereturned to the deep grassland under the big green mountain, he swallowed theelixir without hesitation. As soon as the elixir ate, Chagan shaobu immediatelyturned into a white lake. The water in the lake is white and transparent, like ajade mirror reflecting the big green hill. With the irrigation of sweet lake,the grassland here is greener, the flowers are more colorful, the cattle andsheep are breeding again, and the herdsmen live a happy life. In order tocommemorate and cherish the memory of the couple who sacrificed their lives tosave the grassland, people come to the lake every spring when the flowers bloom.They play the melodious horse head lute, stir up the happy Andai dance, and namethe Great Lake Chagannur. The green hill by the lake is called Qingshantou.

My friends, the legend of Chagan Lake and Qingshantou is here for you. Nexttime you come to Chagan Lake for sightseeing, I will tell you the next episodeof this beautiful legend - the story of Chagan shaobu and his son bater who ledthe lake to save his father and cut the mountain to save his mother.

We have already visited Chagan Lake. Next, please visit Miaoyin temple,Boyan Oboo, Honghu Park, Gorros Museum and other scenic spots on the bank. Ibelieve you will have a good time.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,翻译,全文共 2050 字

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Dear friends, hello. You are welcome to visit the Forbidden City. My name is Li Yizhang, you can call me lee or xiao li. Led by me today everybody together to explore the world heritage - the Forbidden City.


We first to know about the Palace Museum! The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing, used to be called the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City palace buildings are wood, yellow glazed tile roof, green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent painting.


Now we are in the front Chambers of the imperial palace is the palace of heavenly purity. Palace of heavenly purity is the main hall, the main of which was 20 metres high. The center of the temple is the throne, there are "legitimate" plaque. Palace of heavenly purity is the living quarters for the feudal emperor, the qing emperor kangxi to the emperor lived here before and dealing with affairs. After the qing yongzheng emperors moved to yangxin dian, but still played in the reviews, history and summoned liegeman appointed officer.


Now we came to the palace of earthly tranquility, in the Forbidden City is in the middle of the palace of earthly tranquility, yongzheng, west NuanGe for the sacrifice of the shaman. Its Middle East NuanGe for wedding bridal chamber, the emperor kangxi managment, two emperor, were held in the wedding. House there are many such as: east sixth, hand over tai temple, west sixth...


Ok, I will first come here, please slowly appreciate. And you remember oh! When browsing dont litter, dont touch items, dont trample objects, so you can see the air has a history of the Forbidden City. I wish you all have fun and play.



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The city of Leshan is less than one hours ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt. Emei.Leshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers.It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world .You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene face.

The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddhas ears are 6.72m long, insteps 8.5m broad, and a piic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.

This carving project was begun in 713.Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddhas presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen .Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving. Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by Haitong.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,d rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,The official shouted in anger,gouge your eye out now!Haitong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.

The monks behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on smoothly. Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his lifes work .However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military commanders. The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the river. Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day dredging.

As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the Buddha.They are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion . It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddha.It was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty. Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open space.

The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical advantages. It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosion.Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water erosion.Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from view.The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead .The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears underground.

It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the buddha.You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective viwepoints.A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned before.Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant rivers.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4534 字

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Tourists friends, everybody! Welcome you to hefei to participate in the tour. Is a great pleasure to serve as your guide, I show you appreciate the charm of hefei humanities landscape, have a good time together.

Hefei, has a long history, called LuZhou, also known as LuYang, located in central anhui province, is located in the north shore between jianghuai, chaohu, east city, west city, 4 areas in the city, the suburb and changfeng, FeiDong, FeiXi 3 counties. The city of a total area of 7266 (458) square kilometers and a population of 425.9 127.94 (city). City road wide, tree-lined, beautiful scenery, many modern buildings, places of interest, is an ancient and young city.

As the capital of anhui province, hefei is the provinces political, economic, science and education, culture, information, finance, trade center and transportation hub, is also the national grade a open city, the national important scientific research and education base, with China university of science and technology and so on more than 30 universities. High-tech industrial park, the synchrotron radiation laboratory and other renowned Chinese and foreign.

"The name, hefei". Northern wei li daoyuans "water the note" : "the summer water surge, for at shi, the yue at." Usually called shi water nanfeihe river, water is called east fei rivers, this is a saying. One suggested another way of saying that in the tang dynasty, at the water out of the mountain chicken calls, 20 miles points north flow into two, one of the southeast flow (nanfeihe river), passing through into the chaohu lake; One (east fei rivers), northwest ShouChun into the huaihe river in two hundred. The journal, it is pointed out that "belong to different with yue fat". Two water are at, suitable for a source, points to two, yue in hefei.

Hefei notoriously, the hometown of the triple return, bao zheng, at the world, with "huai right inner pipes, jiangnan lips" strategic position, often for the mohican. In The Three Kingdoms wei will zhang liao defeat sun quan xiaoyao jin comply to the army battle, namely happen here. More than two thousand years ago, had begun to form business will be here. Qin and han in the county, the Ming and qing for LuZhou FuZhi, republic of China, is the capital of anhui province, is now thousand Qiang scale times, merchants radial business will be.

Hefei, known as "green city", "garden city" reputation, the ring park was built on the basis of the ancient city walls, hefei hill along the undulating hills, the terrain, together with the original green belt and the moat, fine building. Total length of about 9 km, ring park is divided into six scenic area, among the more famous south, Xia He morning dew of the Milky Way area; Lake mountain set each other off, water, green maple red xishan scenic spot; Trees, lawns evergreen HuanBei scenic spot. This ring park, without a gap of the wall surface of water, and a fascinating scenic jiangnan scenery.

Hefei economy by leaps and bounds in recent years, urban construction changes with each passing day, the five flying things over, LuZhou colorful lights. High and new technology development zone, economic and technological development zone, longgang industrial zone surrounding the Mosaic. Through the city at the water park around the city like a jade necklace; Free and unfettered ancient ferry, hatosy xiuse, yao hai park such as pearl strew; Of shushan chunxiao, bao cemetery, teach crossbow traces of brahman clocks, prince, roaming, meanwhile, ancient theory today, make people linger on.

Hefei many places of interest. Once upon a time, there was the town huai Angle of rhyme, the buddhist temple bell, hidden boat grass color, teach crossbow SongYin, of shushan xue ji, huai PuChunRong, chaohu night, four top sunglow eight place, generally referred to as the "LuYang eight sights". The chaohu lake night, four sunglow scene, such as has not in hefei; Town huai Angle of rhyme, etc, because over time, things change, has collapsed, become history. Now the places of interest to teach crossbows, zoroastrianism temple, free ferry, bao temple, etc. The most famous.

Hefei the jie people spirit, celebrities, star turning, reform and opening up to hefei has brought a new era. Today, guided by positive science city, industrial city, garden city, rewarded brand-new posture, smile to maintaining truthful to meet, know more friends all over the world.

Friends, the hefei visit is coming to an end today, welcome you and your friend come again pingwu and sightseeing. Wish you a happy life.



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Dear visitors! Welcome to visit lijiang ancient city, I am the yunnan tour guide GuRunLu, nice to meet you.

Lijiang ancient city is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example. Lijiang is an ancient city with a long history of culture, historical and cultural atmosphere here, like the ancient naxi music, baisha murals, dongba text, baisha fine music, is containing the rich cultural connotation. Old town of lijiang also known as dayan town, it is an ancient city without walls, is very special. The minority here, bai, yi, Tibetan, lisu, pumi, etc., said that I want to ask you, live here, most of the main ethnic minorities, what is family? Ha ha, yes, its the naxi. Construction of the naxi nationality is also very distinctive, we will in the next journey with you to visit the naxi people live in a house, understand their life.

Say so many, some friends ask here have delicious, characteristics of food, that is too much, is famous across the bridge rice noodle, BaBa, barbecue, dongba grilled fish, not only have to eat and drink, barley wine, men and women all appropriate, pure grain brewing, distinctive flavour. I saw some friends had drool ah, after a brief introduction, you already have a preliminary knowledge of lijiang, want a more detailed understanding of lijiang local conditions and customs, feel the exotic amorous feelings, to start our wonderful city tour.



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Chagan Lake tourist resort is located in qiangoros Mongolian AutonomousCounty of Songyuan City. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, a National WaterConservancy Scenic Spot, a National Nature Reserve and one of the top 100tourism brands in China. It has become an important fishery production base inNortheast China and a grassland tourist scenic spot in the West of JilinProvince.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means a white andholy lake with a water area of 506 square kilometers. It is one of the top tenfreshwater lakes in China, the largest grassland Lake in northern China, and thelargest inland lake in Jilin Province. It is also a famous fishery productionbase, reed production base and famous tourist attraction in Jilin Province.

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources. There are more than 20 kinds ofwild animals, such as foxes, rabbits, badgers, and 9 kinds of Oriental WhiteStork, black stork, Red Crowned Crane, white crane, white headed crane, GoldenEagle, white tailed sea eagle, great bustard, and Chinese merganser, which areunder the first-class national key protection. There are 35 species of whiteswan, black faced Spoonbill and so on under the second level national keyprotection. There are more than 80 kinds of precious birds and 200 kinds of wildplants, including 149 kinds of medicinal plants. Chagan Lake is rich in carp,silver carp, crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species offish, with an annual output of more than 6000 tons of fresh fish. Among them,"Chagan Lake fat head fish" has been certified as grade 2A green food andorganic food by the national green food certification center, and has been soldto all over the province.

Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons. Chagan Lake with different seasonshas different charm.

In spring, after a long winters sleep, the lake wakes up quietly. Greengrass and blooming flowers are reflected on the surface of the lake. Ducks andgeese are flying by the lake, birds are singing and swans are dressing up. Thelake is vast, with fishing sails and fish tailing.

In summer, the surface of Baili lake is full of blue waves, and the lotusin the pond is fragrant. The fishing songs are graceful, and the sound of oarsis babbling, which adds to the shadow of Flowing Clouds and cranes. The reedsswaying in the breeze, the branches and leaves singing and dancing, and theplayful fish leaping out of the water from time to time, peeping at thebeautiful scenery of green willows and red flowers. In 20__, the first ChaganLake Lotus Festival was well received. The performance is mainly composed ofMatouqin, Chagan Lake customs and lotus songs and dances, which fully reflectsthe cultural characteristics and ethnic customs of Chagan Lake. It is a brandnew boutique tourism festival activity that Chagan Lake is committed tocreating.

In autumn, the vast Chagan Lake is cool, the wind is light, the wild islong, the reed flowers are flying in the face, and the wild geese are flyingback to the south. The autumn sun coats everything on the lakeside with gold,making it more graceful and magnificent. The beautiful Chagan Lake adds a bit ofgrandeur and magnificence to the scenery of northern China.

The most distinctive feature is the winter of Chagan Lake. The silvercovered Chagan Lake is like a huge Jasper inlaid in the snowy north. On the ice,a series of winter ploughs shuttle back and forth. The high pitched labor songsdisperse the cold of winter. The heavy net pulls out the dazzling fresh fish,and outlines the spectacular scene of Chagan Lake in winter. Every day beforedawn, the simple and hardworking fisherman of chagannaoer, wearing a dog skinhat and a sheep skin jacket, drives a horse to climb a plow and takes theprimitive winter net fishing tools to the depths of the Great Lakes. In the dimnight, he starts his busy day by selecting sites, digging ice and layingnets.

In the morning light, the fish under the ice seem to be still sleepingsoundly. The sound of the crack of the ice, the sound of the fishermens bugle,the hissing of the horses, and the creaking of the winch have come one afteranother. Fishermen have dug hundreds of ice caves in a twinkling of an eye. The1000 meter net has dived into the ice like a dragon, and then slowly pulled outthe ice from the net outlet hundreds of meters away. Ten thousand fresh fishcame out and instantly piled up on the ice to form "fish mountains". Thespectacular harvest of "ten thousand fresh fish dancing on the ice" makes theglacier boiling! The primitive winter net fishing method created and preservedby fishermen in Naoer of Chagan Lake is a living fossil of human primitivefishing and hunting culture. In 20__, "Chagan Lake winter fishing custom" waslisted in the national intangible cultural heritage list.

Chagan Lake is also known as ice lake Tengyu. It is the most spectacularpart of the annual "ice snow fishing and hunting Cultural Tourism Festival ofChagan Lake in Jilin Province, China". It starts in late December (net opening)and ends in late January of the next year (net closing). The annual output offresh fish can reach 1 million kg. In 20__, 20__ and 20__, it successivelycaught 104500 kg, 168000 kg and 260000 kg under the single net ice, creating the"largest scale" The Guinness Book of world records.

Chagan Lake has a long history of catching fish in winter, and it wasfamous as early as Liao and Jin Dynasties.

From emperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year heled his ministers and concubines to visit Chagan Lake from the capital. Theymade ice on the surface of the lake to fish, and used the "head fish" caught bythe Emperor himself to hold a "head fish feast" on the shore, because the fishin the early spring are the freshest, fattest and most fragrant. When the springbreeze blows to green Guoerluosi grassland, geese, swans and birds sing byChagan Lake. At this time, the emperors began to fly eagles and arrows to catchswans and geese. The geese from haidongqing, which was released by the emperorof Liao, were used to hold "geese feast". The monarchs and ministers sang,danced, drank and enjoyed by the lake until the end of spring. From this we canimagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

The mysterious octagonal drum stirs up the old dream. It not only leavesthe eternal story of emperors visiting Chagan Lake, but also inherits themysterious, magical and sacred customs of "winter fishing sacrifice Lake" and"head fish feast" in Chagan Lake.

The ceremony of "offering sacrifices to the lake and waking up the net" isthe most mysterious part of the winter fishing in Chagan Lake. The wholesacrificial process is full of national characteristics and mystery. It is therepresentative of fishing and hunting culture in northern China. It mainlyincludes dancing Chama dance, reciting Buddhist scriptures, singing sacrificialwords to fish head, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, Lake God, drinkingZhuang Xing wine and other activities. It is called "the last fishing andhunting tribe" by experts and scholars in the industry, "a place on the earth asprecious as the Qinghai Tibet Plateau" and "a unique living ice and snow fishingand hunting cultural heritage to the north of the 45 degree north latitudeline".

In order to let more tourists enjoy the mysterious and spectacular winterfishing in Chagan Lake, a large-scale ice snow fishing and hunting CulturalTourism Festival has been held in Chagan Lake since 20__ at the end of Decemberevery year. According to the traditional custom, the ceremony of offeringsacrifices to the lake and waking up the net is held every year before winterfishing.

Chagan Lake tourist resort is characterized by great lake wetland,grassland scenery, Mongolian customs and Chagan Lake Culture, which has become afamous scenic spot in Jilin Province. There are seven tourism functional areasin the area, including the central area of the resort, the grassland scenery andMongolian customs tourism area, the water entertainment and leisure area, thepiic and camping area, the wetland eco-tourism area, the agriculturalsightseeing area, and the petroleum industry sightseeing area, which can beseen, visited, played, enjoyed, and participated in, with strong comprehensiveservice functions.

You can not only enjoy more than 500 square kilometers of sea like openwater, green sea like waves of reeds, gulls, geese and ducks blocking the sky,but also visit the Tibetan Buddhist temple Miaoyin temple, the third nationalGenghis Khan Memorial Hall Genghis Khan Zhao, the shooting base of holy waterlake, the reconstructed Lord Gorros mansion, and the unique museum of fishingand hunting culture Not only can you enjoy bamboo rafting, water bicycle, pedalboat, but also high-speed and exciting speedboat; you can enjoy the scenery bycamel, horse and double bicycle, you can also take the battery car and selfdriving sightseeing; you can not only participate in horse riding, archery andthrowing, but also experience the stimulation of live ammunition at the onlycivilian shooting range in the province.

In winter, you can go skating, skiing and ice fishing in Chagan Lake. Youcan ride a horse plough or drive on the ice. You can enjoy the ice sky and thewonder of the world - winter fishing in Chagan Lake. You can participate in icedrilling, net laying, net pulling and fish fishing. You can experience the lifeof fishermen and experience the surprise and stimulation of making tens ofthousands of kilograms of fish in one net. In Chagan Lake, you can also enjoythe whole fish feast, the whole sheep feast and the farmhouse feast. In theevening, around the bonfire, you can eat roasted whole sheep and fried rice,drink milk tea and wine, and enjoy Mongolian songs and dances. It is absolutelya journey of folk custom, scenery, culture and experience.



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Dear tourists

Im very happy to be your guide today. When you know that Wudang Mountainis a famous Taoist mountain, you can feel that the fresh air nourishes your bodyand relieves your fatigue. Do you know what this means? This is a gift of healthand longevity given by Wudang people when they welcome you. I hope you can enjoyit during your visit to Wudang Mountain To the Sutra of prolonging life. Well,let me give you a brief introduction to Wudang Mountain.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe mountain, is located in DanjiangkouCity, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Neijiaquan is a famous Taoist Holy Land inChina. It is the birthplace of neijiaquan. With its gorgeous natural scenery,rare ancient architecture, profound Taoist culture and mysterious Wudang martialarts, it forms an ideal fairyland of Taoism and the unity of heaven and man.They are listed as "national key cultural relics protection units, national keyscenic spots, National Wushu hometown, national 4A tourist area and worldcultural heritage" respectively.

Around eight hundred million BC, the mountain rose from the ancient ocean.About thirty thousand years ago, the Indochina plate collided with the Eurasiancontinent, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rose strongly, and the Wudang Mountains andthe Dabashan Mountain Rose simultaneously, making it an integral part of thesecond steps of our country. The main peak, Tianzhu peak, stands at 1612 metersabove sea level, straight into the sky, and the rest of the peaks vie forgreatness and wonder. It integrates the beauty of Emei, the danger of Huashan,the seclusion of Lushan, and the greatness of Huangshan into one, forming amagnificent landscape with the main feature of strangeness, masculinity, danger,seclusion, and beauty. It was worshipped by countless literati and poets, and byemperors of all dynasties. The great calligraphers of Song Dynasty praised it as"the first mountain", and the Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty named it "the greatmountain Taihe mountain", which means that Wudang Mountain is not among the fivemountains, but it is above them. Wudang Mountain is backed by Daba Mountain ofQinling Mountains, facing the broad Jianghan Plain, with the Han Riverstretching thousands of miles on the left and the Yangtze River flowingthousands of miles on the right.

The peculiar natural landscape of Wudang Mountain always fascinates people.The main scenic spots are: 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 24 streams, 11 caves, 3 pools, 9springs, 10 stones, 9 wells, 9 palaces, 9 temples, 36 nunneries, 72 rocktemples, etc. Wudang Mountain is located in the hinterland of central China witha pleasant climate. Animals and plants from north and South can grow andmultiply here. In spring, the mountains are green and the flowers are beautiful;in summer, the wind and thunder are stirring and the clouds are shrouded; inautumn, the trees are sparse and the leaves are red and fresh; in winter,icicles are propping up the sky and Qiongyao are everywhere. Wang Shizhen, awriter of the Ming Dynasty, praised Wudang Mountain highly: "the victory of themountain is the best in the world.".

Wudang Wushu is a famous school of Chinese Wushu, known as "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Neijiaquan founded by Zhang Sanfeng has its ownsystem of Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua due to the inheritance and development ofcelebrities in the past dynasties. Especially Taijiquan has a wide range ofdevelopment with its own characteristics. It has formed many schools, such asChen style, Yang style, sun style, Wu style, etc Fitness, self-defense,longevity for the purpose, widely accepted by people, is the most preciouscultural heritage of all mankind. According to statistics, there are nearly 500million people practicing Taijiquan all over the world. As the ancestor ofTaijiquan, Wudang Mountain shoulders the historical responsibility ofinheritance and promotion. On May 26, 1999, when Comrade Jiang Zemin inspectedWudang Mountain, he said: Wudang boxing is good. Everyone should practice it andkeep fit.

Wudang Mountain is known as the "natural medicine storehouse". Li Shizhen,a medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, visited famous mountains and rivers allover the world and found Mantuoluo flower in Wudang Mountain, which solved a bigproblem of Chinese surgical anesthetics shortage. He also recorded more than 400kinds of Wudang Mountain herbs in compendium of materia medica. WudangMountains famous herbs include seven leaves and one branch of flower, one pearlon the head, a bowl of water by the river and a pen by King Wen And so on,Huangjing, Ganoderma lucidum, golden fork and other precious medicinal materialswere all tributes in the Imperial Palace at that time.

When you come to Wudang Mountain, you can not only visit mountains, butalso play with water. The largest man-made freshwater lake in Asia is located atthe foot of Wudang Mountain. It is like a colorful ribbon that makes WudangMountain look enchanting. The mountains and rivers are connected, and they areeach others wonders. The lakes and mountains echo each other from afar. Themiddle route of South-to-North Water Diversion lies here. In the Ming Dynasty,Wudang was built in the South and the Forbidden City was built in the north. Inthe present period, the vast projects of "Wudang South Water Diversion" and"Beijing for North Water Diversion" have been carried out. History always actsas a matchmaker (beauty), linking Beijing with Wudang Mountain and forming anindissoluble bond.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Yu. As people often say,meeting is fate. I feel very honored to meet you in the beautiful Jiangcheng andspend this wonderful time with you. This is our driver, Master Wang. We willserve you today. If you have any questions, you can raise them. We will try ourbest to help you solve them. We hope to exchange our enthusiasm, patience andcarefulness for your confidence and happiness.

Today, I will take you to visit Wudang Mountain. Lets enjoy its beautifulnatural scenery and rich Taoist culture.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain is located in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. TheDanjiangkou reservoir, facing the rippling blue waves, is backed by the vastShennongjia forest region, covering more than 400 kilometers. The scenery hereis beautiful, and the four seasons are different: prosperous in spring, lushmountains in summer, fragrant osmanthus in autumn and white snow in winter. Nomatter when we come, we can appreciate her beauty. There is a saying that "theworlds famous mountains are occupied by Buddhas", but in Wudang Mountain,Taoism dominates the world. It is said that the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountainwas originally occupied by Wuliang Buddha. Later, Emperor Zhenwu was able tocultivate immortals and traveled here. He saw that there were many peaks here.Tianzhu peak, the main peak, towered into the clouds. Around 72 peaks, he bentover each other, forming a spectacle of "72 peaks facing the great summit".Emperor Zhenwu fell in love with this treasure land, so he went to Tianzhu peakto discuss with Wuliang Buddha about borrowing the land, and proposed to borrowonly eight steps. When Wuliang Buddha saw that he didnt have much, he agreed.Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhenwu had boundless power. He took eight steps from thetop of Tianzhu peak, 100 Li at a time. Eight steps actually took the whole ofWudang and won the right of permanent residence. Therefore, Wudang Mountainbecame the site of Taoism.

Its not only the incense resort of Taoism, but also the hometown of Wudangboxing. There has always been a saying in Chinese Wulin that "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Many people do not know Wudang Mountain but knowWudang boxing. It is said that the founder of Wudang boxing is Zhang Sanfeng, afamous Taoist in the Ming Dynasty. I think friends who like martial arts mayknow something about this through novels. It is said that when he was practicinghere, he saw the scene of fighting between cranes and snakes. He was inspiredand realized the thirteen forms of Tai Chi. Therefore, he was respected as thefounder of Wudang school.

Having said so much, I think you cant wait. Now that we are at the foot ofWudang Mountain, please take your belongings and get out of the car to start ourpilgrimage

Zixiao Palace

Now the green glazed tile hall in front of us is Zixiao palace. Because thehills around this place naturally formed a treasure chair for Erlong Xizhu, andEmperor Yongle named it "Zixiao blessed land". In the shrine on the stone Xumiseat in the hall, the statues of Zhenwu God in old age, middle age and youth andthe sitting statues of Wenwu immortal are worshipped. They are different inshape and lifelike, which are the art treasures of Ming Dynasty. It is said thatthe fir which is several feet long on my right hand side suddenly came fromafar, so it is called Feilai fir. It is said that if you tap one end of the fir,you can hear a clear sound at the other end, so it is also called xianglingshan.As for why it flies here, I think it is also attracted by its beautifulscenery

Nan Yan

There are 36 rocks in Wudang Mountain. Now we come to Nanyan, which isconsidered to be the most beautiful of the 36 rocks. Wudang Mountains naturallandscape and exquisite architecture are integrated, which can be fullyreflected here. The stone hall on the cliff was built in the Yuan Dynasty. Thereis a carved dragon stone beam beside the cliff. The stone beam stretches out 2.9meters and is only 30 cm wide. The top of the dragon head is carved with acenser, which is the famous "dragon head incense". In the past, some pilgrimsrisked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show their piety, which showstheir deep belief in Taoism. For the sake of safety, if we all want to make awish and pray, we can go to other places. If we are sincere, we will be wise

(for example, 36 rock in Wudang Mountain is a great spectacle. What we seenow is the most beautiful Nanyan rock among 36 rocks. This stone hall, whichstands on the edge of Nanyan cliff, was built in the Yuan Dynasty. On the edgeof the cliff of the stone hall, this small building is carved dragon stone beam.The stone beam stretches out 2.9 meters in the air and is only 30 cm wide. Thereis a dragon carved on the stone beam and a censer carved on the top of thedragon head. This is the stone hall The famous "dragon head incense", it leapsout of the sky, next to the deep valley, has a high artistic and scientific. Inthe past, some pilgrims risked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show theirpiety. It can be seen that they have a deep faith in Taoism. Because they areclose to the abyss, for safetys sake, if you want to make a wish, you can go toother places, because if you are sincere, you will be wise. ))

Tianzhu peak (Jinding)

After a lot of efforts, we finally climbed the main peak Tianzhu peak.Tianzhu peak is 1612 meters above sea level, known as "a pillar of heaven".Standing here, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of "72 peaks facing thetop". And the golden palace on the top of Tianzhu peak is the golden palace.Jindian is the largest gilded hall in China, built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall didnt use a nail. It was made by casting all the partsand then transporting them up the mountain. The mortars and mortars were verytight. It seemed to be an integral whole. Look, its said that the ever burninglamp here never goes out. So the mountain top is open and windy. Why cant it beblown out by the wind? Its said that its because of the "fairy bead" on thecaisson. It is said that this fairy bead can suppress the mountain wind andprevent the wind from blowing into the hall, thus ensuring the brightness of themagic lamp. In fact, the real reason why the lamp is always bright is that allthe castings of the temple door are very strict and accurate, which can changethe direction of the wind. This shows the wisdom and skills of the ancientworking people in China

(dear tourists, the glittering statues you see now are in the stone hall.They also bear witness to the historical and artistic value of the stone hall,which is full of Taoist culture. We generally follow a bottom-up route. Lookingback at Nanyan, after some efforts, we have now climbed the Tianzhu peak with analtitude of 1612 meters, which is known as "one pillar supporting the sky": ifyou stand on Tianzhu peak, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of"seventy-two peaks towards the top", and on the top of Tianzhu peak stands amagnificent palace, that is everyone Now you can see the golden hall. It isanother famous palace in Wudang Mountain. The golden hall is Chinas largestHall of steel casting and gold gilding. It was built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall was built without a nail. It was all cast and thentransported up the mountain. It was riveted tightly. It looks like an integralwhole. You can also enter the hall to pray for happiness and health. ))

OK, everybody follow me to Jinding. Now its Nantianmen. There are threedoors in Nantianmen. Why dont the two doors open? Theres something particularabout it. In the middle is the gate of heaven, also known as the gate of God,where God goes in and out. Mortals cant go, only emperors, Queens, princes andgrandchildren can. A door over there is a ghost door. Of course, the ghost doorcant be opened to let people go. The door we go through is called "peoplesdoor".

Well, friends, we are now standing on the top of the Golden Summit to seethe clouds floating and the mountains coming. Its spectacular. Its interestingto see all the mountains are small. Every peak inclines to Jinding, so there are72 peaks facing Dading. Here, you can enjoy the natural Xuanwu, which is made upof Jinding, Taihe palace, Tianzhu peak, the Forbidden City wall, and thesurrounding mountains. It is both mysterious and ingenious.

The main building in Jinding is Jindian. On the left is qianfang and on theright is Xiangfang. The golden hall is the essence of Wudang Mountains. MingChengzus concern for the golden hall can be said to be meticulous. Hepersonally arranged every link from the casting of the Golden Hall components tothe escort installation. According to the craftsmans principle, the hall ismade of copper, with double eaves and double arches_ With the imperial edict of"golden fan, gold statue of Emperor Xuan, left and right Lingguan, jade girl,holding sword to hold flag and sky general", after casting all the components inBeijing, He Jun, the imperial governor, issued the imperial edict on the ninthday of September in the fourteenth year of Yongle (1416): "today I will escortthe ships of the golden hall to Nanjing, and the ships along the way should becareful. When the sky is clear, feng shui will go smoothly. The ship should bevery clean. Therefore, the imperial edict was issued From the canal to theYangtze River and Hanjiang River in Nanjing, the components were escorted toWudang Mountain, then tenoned and welded.

On the top of Tianzhu peak, the peak of Wudang, stands a palace likebuilding with bronze gilding and wood imitation structure. This splendid anddazzling palace built in the Ming Dynasty weighs more than 100 tons, which isunique in the world. How was such a huge integral component cast and transportedto the peak of 1612m?

The golden hall and statues are national first-class cultural relics, whichare very precious. There are 7.44 taels of gold per square meter. After 400years of history, they are still brilliant. There are many magical legends andtrue stories about the golden palace. An oil lamp was lit in the 14th year ofYongle in the Ming Dynasty (1416). No matter how strong the wind is, it isalways full of flames. It never shakes and never goes out. It has continued tothis day. It hasnt been put out for more than 600 years. This lamp is dedicatedto the altar in the golden hall. It is the lamp under the bead of Dingfeng fairyin journey to the west, in which Monkey King visits Wudang Mountain and asksXuanwu emperor for help. Is Dingfeng Xianzhu able to suppress the mountainbreeze, or is it due to other reasons that the magic lamp has remained brightfor more than 500 years? In fact, the structure of the golden hall is ingenious,airtight and can not form convection, so the lamp will not go out naturally.

In order to prevent people from stealing from the golden hall, it is saidthat Thor often visits the golden hall and washes the hall with electricity andfire to warn villains that if they dare to steal from emperor Zhenwu, they willnot be spared. Under the lightning strike, the golden hall is as new as ever.Surprisingly, the golden hall is not damaged by lightning strike. The secret ofthis is difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is the famous "thunderfire Lian Dian" spectacle. "Thunder fire refining hall", that is, the fireballformed by lightning rolling on the golden hall, is very spectacular.

Transit Hall

Now, were at the transit hall. Zhenwu, Jintong, Yunv and Shuihuo areworshipped in the hall. They are all made of copper and gilded with exquisiteworkmanship. This bronze hall was cast in Wuchang in the Yuan Dynasty and is theoldest existing one in China. It is known as "the first copper hall in China".It has the style of Buddhist architecture, but it is skillfully combined withTaoist architecture, and is regarded as "transit hall" by countless believers.How did the first copper hall in China become the palace of the palace? Letsguess. The reason why this hall is called transshipment hall is that people arelooking forward to good luck. I hope my friends who are always lucky can go inand walk around, and remind them that when you walk around, you will hear theold Taoist priest ask, "did you turn around?" you should shout "turn around,turn around." Luck will turn better and better with you.

Concluding remarks

Wudang Mountain stretches eight hundred Li. Dear tourist friends. Aftervisiting Wudang Mountain, the "fairy mountain Pavilion" with high peaks andcloud all the year round, are you interested in the majestic momentum of themountains and the Taoist culture with secluded immortal bones_ Todaysexplanation can make you have a deeper impression on Wudang Mountain. Finally, Iwish you all happiness, good luck and a happy family!



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Hello, all of you, Im Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency. You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of driving experience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyone in this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake". It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small white dragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon at the focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke basking timely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed the opportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pair of shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal basking spirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a coke basking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill. Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of the movement of the earths crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 square kilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhui fish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, the existing building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to the worship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer the aeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake, which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan not only beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenic beauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echo sounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be found for the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderful insurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfengs seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk, octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisite structure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, the corridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote "I recently", Chinese Taiwans first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25 plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling, bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before grace division Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, not far from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled in the green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happy time, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty of Chaohu will leave you a good memory.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2065 字

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Wulong fairy mountain national forest park is chongqing top ten tourist attractions, the national AAAAA level scenic area, land belongs to the wuling mountains, based in wulong county in chongqing wujiang river north shore. Of scenic fairy mountain national forest park a total area of 8910 hectares, an average elevation of 1900 meters, 2033 meters, the highest peak in the jiangnan unique charm of alpine grassland, austral rare beautiful snow, green quiet beautiful jungle BiYe landscape, known as the "eastern Switzerland".

She and magical furong cave, beautiful lotus river, the worlds largest natural arch geological wonders, classic refined winbond hotel (4 star) combination for chongqing best tourism holiday resort. The best travel time fairy mountain national forest park is located in chongqing wulong, the four seasons scenery each are not identical, have distinguishing feature each, the four seasons all appropriate travel.

Fairy mountain in winter is long, from November to February next year with XueQi. When the snow, be dressed in white, prairie lamb with skiing, snow, snow. Summer cool temperate in the mountains, average temperature in 18-20 oc, even in the hottest in July and August, the highest temperature is not more than 30 ℃, the summer scenery charming beautiful, climate is cool and refreshing shu shuang, the vast Lin hai, cool breeze blowing Buddha, cool and pleasant, is an excellent resort, leisure vacation, few so fairy mountain enjoys a fame as the "mountain city Summer Palace".

Tourism zone are mainly lionrock, fairy stone, hou home village, the nine axes, the red army of workers and peasants in sichuan province, beautiful scenery, the political department of the site of the first two guerrillas pasture resort, tent village, meat hot pot city hunter village, etc. With the jiangnan unique glamour of alpine grassland, austral rare beautiful snow, green quiet beautiful jungle BiYe landscape, known as the "Oriental Switzerland", fairy mountain Lin hai, mountain, meadow, the snow is referred to as the four unique visitors.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1493 字

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As the saying goes, "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall", climb the Great Wall have the constancy, and never quit the perseverance and determination, cant give up halfway! We can watch while climbing. Ill introduce the Great Wall for everybody: the Great Wall is composed of GuanCheng, beacon tower pier of watchtowers, smoke, and the barbican, wall, wall, the crenel, perforation, hole, etc. Beacon tower pier and smoke is used to transfer the situation of the enemy. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the day, how much smoke the heap represents the number of enemy soldiers. Night cant see the smoke, a fire on the beacon tower. This way of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effective, the beacon tower has played a very big effect.

At this moment, I saw a kid to climb on the wall. I put him down for everyone, said: "please note that cant climb on the wall, it is very dangerous. Outside the wall is dangerous mountain, its no fun to fall down!" Here, Ill tell you something about a story about the Great Wall: once upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she went to send clothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reached the Great Wall, but didnt find her husband. She hurriedly ask others, others say that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad cry, cry for many years, finally, her tears fell the Great Wall, finally saw her husband.

The Great Wall is very beautiful, very spectacular, winding, welcome you to touring!
