





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12692 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, now Xiao Li is going to take you to thenext scenic spot, Lijiang ancient city, which is also the most famous scenicspot in Lijiang. Just coming out of the jade clear Yuquan park at the foot ofXiangshan Mountain, we have to follow the Yuquan water flowing from thenorthwest end of the ancient city to the south of the city to the ancient cityof Lijiang, known as "Gusu on the plateau" and "Venice in the East". Here, youwill think that how can Xiao Li exaggerate the name of this plateau town? Infact, it is not exaggerated by Xiao Li at all. The ancient city of Lijiang isdivided into three tributaries, the West River, the middle river and the EastRiver, and then into countless tributaries because of the Yuquan water runningthrough the whole city. There are also many longtans and springs in the city.Taking advantage of this favorable condition, the ancient city has a free layoutof streets and no need for neat network. The main street is next to the river,and the alleys are close to the canals. The clear spring water flows through thestreet and the town, and through the walls and houses. The poetic flavor of"every family flows with water, and every family hangs with Yang" is a trueportrayal of the ancient city. Although it is a small town in Yunnan GuizhouPlateau, it has the characteristics of Jiangnan Water Town.

Lijiang ancient city is also called Dayan town. It is composed of Dayan,Baisha and Shuhe. Dayan ancient city is the representative of them, so peopleoften call it Dayan ancient city or Dayan town. In addition, Dayan ancient cityis located in the center of Lijiang basin. In the southwest corner of theancient city, there stands a writing brush which is similar to Shutian giantpen. Lijiang basin is like a big inkstone made of Jasper. In ancient times,"Yan" and "inkstone" are interlinked, so the ancient city is called Dayan. Wearrived at the ancient city. The most attractive thing at the entrance of thecity should be a pair of waterwheel. Some people say it is a son and motherwaterwheel, while others say it is a lover waterwheel. There used to bewaterwheel in the ancient city, but today it is also used in some remoteplaces.

The ancient city was formed in the late Southern Song Dynasty and has ahistory of more than 800 years. It covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers andhas a permanent population of about 30000. In 1986, it became a nationalhistorical and cultural city. In 1997, it was listed as a world culturalheritage. Lijiang Ancient City has the same characteristics as Suzhou ancientcity, such as "small bridge, flowing water and family". Besides, it also has itslocation, street and house layout, Naxi dwellings and so on There is apattern.

Lijiangs world cultural heritage consists of three parts: Baisha ancienttown, Shuhe ancient town and Dayan ancient town. But for you, the mostattractive thing is Dayan ancient town. There are many entrances to the ancienttown. You follow Xiaoli to enter from the entrance on the right. After you seethe conspicuous waterwheel, on the right is the Zhaobi with President JiangZemins inscription, and there are three rooms and one Zhaobi houses in theancient town Its like you can see one of them. Further to the right is thewater dragon column. The dragon is in charge of water. The civil buildings inthe ancient city are most afraid of fire, but water can overcome fire.Therefore, the water dragon column represents the desire of the people in theancient city to avoid fire. For thousands of years, the people of the ancientcity have taken good care of the ancient city like their own eyes. Please alsotake good care of the ancient city like the people of the ancient city. If youlook at the world cultural heritage logo, the circle represents the earth andnature, the box represents the politeness created by human beings, the circleand the box are connected, representing the harmony between man and nature.Lijiang ancient city is a masterpiece of the harmony between man and nature.These stone carvings on the right can be called Lijiangs "Qingming River map",which is a rich Naxi style painting. At our feet is "bagtu", which was createdby Naxi ancestors according to the theory of five elements. Dongba priests oftenuse it to determine the location and divination.

Xiao Li has told you so much in the ancient city, and you have seen somuch, but he is about to enter the ancient city. How can he not see the gate? Infact, you cant see it. Its also a wonder of Lijiang ancient city, that is, youcant see the city gate or the city wall, because there is no city wall or thecity gate in the ancient city, because the head of Naxi nationalitys surname is"Mu". If the city wall and the city gate are built, it will become "trapped". Sothere is no city wall or the city gate in the ancient city.

Ladies and gentlemen, there must be such a question in mind. There are manyancient cities like this in China. Why is this remote ancient city on theplateau chosen? If you want to get the answer, please follow Xiao Li. A lane, afamily, a careless you stand in a hundred years of history, this feeling, on theroad, in various courtyards, you can feel everywhere. Therefore, this ancientcity is not built for filming or mystery. Its a real and living ancient city.If you look at it, you will feel that its much smoother than the road you justwalked. The stone slabs with five flowers seem to have a lot of gravel in them.However, its a kind of lejiaoyan unique to Lijiang. Its collected from thesurrounding mountains. Because of its colorful colors, the local people call itfive flowers Stone, pedestrian horse tread, after hundreds of years, polishedsmooth and transparent, first-class rain, poetic at your feet, this street iscalled Xinhua street.

On both sides of the street, you can occasionally see couplets of differentcolors pasted on the doors of some peoples houses. Some Naxi people have died,and they all have to commemorate three years. The first year is white coupletwith black characters, the second year is green couplet with black characters,and the third year is couplet pasted. This is the nostalgia of Naxi people fortheir dead relatives. After some forest like pavements, clear river water, smallbridges and weeping willows, it is printed in your eyes, but you dont see itPassing by such a clear river, I can see rows of tables and chairs and bursts ofmusic coming into my ears. This is what the guests call "Foreigner Street".However, the shops on this street are not run by foreigners. The bars there arebookish, rebellious and pure business. Everyone can get what they want. Theconvenient place for people in the city to "recharge" in Lijiang is to find thefeeling in the bar, especially for foreigners. There are friends, there arebridges, water, as long as not drunk, life can find a moment of carefree.

After passing the bar street, you can see a small stone bridge, which iscalled pea bridge because it sold peas there earlier. The small gate building onthe west of the bridge is Kegong square. Kegong square is named in the alleybehind the square. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were twobrothers of the Yang family in the alley, and in the Daoguang period, theiryounger brother was elected again. This is a matter of pride for Lijiang people.In order to praise the Yang family and encourage them, the government praisedthem This is a special place.

Standing there, looking to the East, you can see a vast expanse of space.This is the central square of the ancient city, which covers an area of aboutfive mu. There are two main reasons why it is called Sifang street. One reasonis that the shape of the square is very similar to the square seal of themagistrate. The Tusi named it Sifang street, which means "Quan Zhen Sifang".Some people say that the roads there lead to all directions Its a hub of peopleand logistics in all directions, so its called Sifang street. So why is Sifangstreet so famous? If the silk road is another world-famous trade channel in thenorth of China, there is also a trade channel in the south of China called "teahorse ancient road". It is a trade channel for the horses, fur, Tibetan medicineand other specialties in the Tibetan area and Lijiang, as well as tea, silk,jewelry and other commodities in the south. Lijiang ancient city is an importanttown on the tea horse ancient road, and Sifang street is an important town Sinceancient times, Sifang street, a trade center, has been an open-air fair with ahistory of 300 years. It is necessary to realize the mystery of Sifang street.In the early morning, people who get up early begin to buy breakfast, which is ahazy Sifang street. In the afternoon, traders who buy Copper, mountain goods andsnacks form a prosperous market, which is energy Sifang street is full ofvitality; its just dark, when businessmen go home, there are still people andsunshine left after a time of friction. The old people basking in the sun at thebridge head are replaced by children playing, and the bars on both sides showthe oily light of night. This is Sifang Street with makeup. At about two oclockin the morning, Sifang street people go to empty streets, and the alleys areunpredictable, only the sound of flowing water rises and falls Lijiang faces thesky. "Li Jun

There are three major events in Lijiang mens life: building a house,marrying a daughter-in-law, and basking in the sun. Lijiang men have an unusualhobby and a lot of time for planting flowers, raising birds, writing, drawingand playing mahjong. Men are good at all kinds of activities in the hospital. Inaddition, one of their favorite outdoor activities is sitting in. Naxi Women canonly sleep in one day on the first day of the Lunar New Year. From "Pan Ji Mei"to "a nai", the blink of an eye is only two words "industrious". Naxi Women workfrom morning to night, from physical work to small business, from cleaning upthe fields to killing pigs, from sewing clothes to making a fire to cook. Theyare all like Fairies in the world, while men have no time to do so. Naxi peoplehave a large number of Chinese people, which makes people dizzying. It can notbe said that Naxi Women have brought up Naxi culture.

Naxi people are good at learning, which can also be reflected in theresidential buildings in the ancient city. While absorbing the architecturalstyles of Han, Tibetan, Bai and other nationalities, the ancient city dwellingsalso integrate the national architectural culture and aesthetic consciousness,forming many architectural styles with Naxi characteristics, such as three roomsand one screen wall, four in five patio, front and back courtyard, one inseveral courtyard, etc., and forming a strong foundation in the setting ofgatehouse and front porch, patio paving, Liuhe door and its decoration Thecharacteristics of local culture and national culture. If you ask which part ofthe courtyard is the most distinctive, it is the Liuhe gate of the main room andthe window core on the Liuhe gate, which is called "four seasons Bo Gu".Although these are also the results of learning Han, Tibetan, Bai and othernational cultures. But at the moment, there is no other nation like Naxi. Everyfamily must have Liuhe gate and "four seasons Bogu". Look at this six door,which can be installed or removed. Its convenient and flexible. When itsopened, its the door and when its closed, its the window. Usually, only themiddle two doors are opened. If there are many red and white guests at home andit is inconvenient to walk, the six doors can be removed. The window core carvedon the Liuhe gate is called "four seasons Bo Gu". In the composition, famousflowers and different flowers, auspicious birds and auspicious animals, andperfect allusions are used to express the perfect wishes of Naxi people for fourauspicious seasons, happiness and longevity, and for farming and reading theirdescendants. You can see that there are different patterns on the six doors,which are "pines and cranes with spring", "spring" and "longevity", which are"magpies competing for plum", which are "winter" and "joy", which are "Eaglesstanding on chrysanthemums", which are "autumn" and "blessing", which are"egrets in the sky", which are "summer" and "Lu", which are "peacock Magnolia"and "Golden Rooster peony". Please think about it What moral do theyrepresent.

After crossing Wuyi street, you can see many small bridges. At the foot ofthis small stone bridge, you cant help sitting down and having a rest. When yousee the words "centenary square" beside the bridge, its not hard to guess thatthis is centenary square. Just imagine the origin of centenary square. Mostpeople think that centenary square is related to the old people. Thatsright.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3655 字

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Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

Good morning everyone.

Welcome to fuzhou ,welcome to china.I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Fuzhou sunny day travel agency. The drive next to me is Mr.cheng ,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one. His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try our best to serve you in the next few days. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Fellow friends,three lanes and seven alleys is located at the centre of Fuzhou ,and the fuzhou is located at the centre of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you. Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Chinese Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The three lanes and seven alleys that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.

Three lanes and seven alleys area is about 40 hectare,three lanes are Yijin Lane, Wenru Lane and Guanglu Lane. the Seven Alleys are Yangqiao Alley, Langguan Alley, Anmin Alley, Huangxiang Alley, Taxiang Alley, Gongxiang Alley and Jibi Alley.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is the well preserved architectural complex of the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has more than 200 ancient houses of ming and qing dynasty. As a famous ancient block, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is an important symbol to show the long history of Fuzhou city. It enjoys a reputation of "the Museum of the buildings of the Ming and Qing Dynasty“. Look back the history ,you will find that many famous peopeo who contribute much to our coutry all lived here .Nowadays, some of the local people are still living here.today I will take you to the former residence of linjuemin and bingxin.

Fellow friends,this residence is an example of Qing dynasty architecture. Sitting west and facing east, it occupies a total area of 694㎡. It was the ancestral home of Lin Juemin,Linjuemin ,born in Fuzhou, was one of the seventy-two martyrs of Huang Huagang during Guangzhou uprising of the Revolution of 1911. when he decided to revolution for his country,his wife not bojected but supported him.look at the wall,this is his letter writted to his wife when he was in danger . This letter expressed his deep love to his wife which was so touching that it was handed down from generation to generation.

After his death, the house was sold to Xie Luan’en, Bingxin’s grandfather. Do you know who is bingxin?Bingxin was born in Changle. Her original name was Xie Wanying and her pen name is Bingxin. She was a renowned contemporary Chinese poet, writer, translator and author of children’s books.she has ever lived here when she was a child,which left a deep impression on her.she once said that her old home is in the south back street of fuzhou,where was always be in lightfair.Three Lanes and Seven Alleys is a a cradle of brilliant talents.take the residence for example,there is not only linjuemin and bingxin’ancestral home,but also the ancestral home of linhuiyin,who was known as the talented woman of one generation.

ok,today’s visit of the ancestral home of Lin Juemin has finished. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. At last I hope that your visit will be a memorable experience. Thank you!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2137 字

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Qingdao,a beautiful seaside city,is located in the southeast part of Shandong Province.To the east,a short distance across the Yellow Sea,lie Korea and Japan,making Qingdao an important city for international trade.

For thirty three years,up to 1949,Qingdao was a colony of Germany and Japan.Thus,Qingdao has a great deal of European architecture.This foreign architecture -a remnant of the colonial past- now beautifies this seaside city.

The red roofs,green trees,blue sea,and azure sky form a bright and colorful picture of Qingdao.The city is sometimes known as the Switzerland of the Orient.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides,Qingdao attracts many tourists with its charming seascape.Sights like the Eight Passes Villas,the Zhan Bridge,Wusi Square,Mt.Laoshan,will help you remember Qingdao.Just walking on the sand and listening to the surf breaking on the beach becomes enjoyable.

Qingdao offers food with distinctive flavors--especially seafood.So take this chance to enjoy the delicious seafood of Qingdao.Also,Qingdao is the home of the famous Qingdao (Tsingtao) Beer.Have a bottle of pure Qingdao Beer right here in Qingdao!

The Qingdao Municipal Government recognizes the importance of the tourism industry and has further plans to develop tourism in Qingdao.To enhance the tourism industry,Qingdao now sponsors the Qingdao International Beer Festival,the Qingdao International Sea Festival,Beach Culture Festival,the Sea Affection Festival,and the Summer of Qingdao Festival.

In cooperation with the Beijing Olympic Games 20xx,Qingdao will hold the Sailing Competition in the Olympic Games in 20xx.This great event brings a great opportunity for this charming city to build its bright future.

Qingdao and Korea

Since the first Korean companies began doing business in Qingdao in 1988,Korean people have lived here.Thousands of Korean people now live and work here,which makes Qingdao the city with the most Korea investment enterprises in China.And Qingdao also has the largest Korean population in China.With years of cultural exchange,they have established deep,close friendships and mutual trust with the native Chinese people.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 540 字

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The Waterfall of Changbai Mountain

The Waterfall of Changbai Mountain is the most magnificent sight in the source of the three rivers, located in the north of the Sky Pond, and the end of Chengcha River. Chengcha River runs through 1250m, then falling off the bluff formed the waterfall over 68m,The water impact formed more than 20 meters deep puddle, and over flow from the puddle formed the torrential Erdao Baihe, became the source of Songhua River. In 20xx won the Guinness world record----the volcanic lake falls with the biggest drop.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 18771 字

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The greenhouse is divided into three exhibition areas: tropical rain forestexhibition area, desert plant exhibition area and orchid exhibition area. Firstof all, we come to the tropical rainforest exhibition area. With a total area of1845 square meters, it is the largest main exhibition area of the wholegreenhouse. There are more than 1500 cultivated species, including Palmaceae,Moraceae, Bromeliaceae, Araceae, Liliaceae, Zingiberaceae, Musaceae, Araliaceae,acanthopanax senticosus, Euphorbiaceae, Begoniaceae and various ferns. The roomsimulates the scenery of tropical rain forest, and it is also dominated bytropical and subtropical plants. According to their different terrain andfunctions, they are planted separately to form a unique ecological landscape oftropical rain forest. Highlighting the primitive jungle atmosphere, palm familyincludes King coconut and old man sunflower (old man sunflower is also calledWashington sunflower, belonging to Washington family of palm family, native toIndia, Malaysia, etc.). Woody plants, evergreen trees, foliage plants, evergreencoconut trees.) For sugar producing plants, people are most familiar withsugarcane in the South and beet in the north. In fact, sugar palm in palmitaceaeis also an expert in sugar production. Sugar palm is produced in tropical Asiaand Africa. It is tall and has large and dense pinnate leaves. Its nectarcontains sugar. After the inflorescence is cut, a large amount of sugar juicecan flow out. The amount of juice of female plant is about 50% more than that ofmale plant. The juice can be used as beverage, fermented wine or concentratedboiling for 5 hours Tropical fruit is the fruit of the heart (fruit of the heartbelongs to mountain olive family fruit of the heart). It is native to Mexico,Central America and Southeast Asia. China is mainly distributed in Hainan,Guangdong, Fujian, Chinese Taiwan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. Evergreen trees.Human heart fruit is named because its longitudinal section looks like humanheart. The best taste was 5-7 days after harvest. The milk of bark is gum; theoil content of seed kernel is up to 20%, and the root, skin and leaf can be usedfor medicine.) Mangoes (mangoes belong to the genus mangiferaceae, enjoying thereputation of "king of tropical fruits". Mango is an evergreen tree. Thenutritional value of mango is very high, and the content of vitamin A is as highas 3.8%, which is twice as much as that of apricot. The content of vitamin C isalso higher than that of oranges and strawberries. Mango contains sugar,protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which are necessary forhuman body. Its not seasick, its disgusting Because the cross section is likea five pointed star, it is also called "star pear" abroad. It is one of thefamous Lingnan fruits. Oxalaceae, evergreen or semi evergreen trees. It canproduce fluid and quench thirst. It is beneficial to urination, heatdissipation, pain relief and hemostasis. Besides 10% sugar, it is also rich invitamin A and C. Among them, there are waterfalls to welcome visitors, greenwater to appreciate pearls, cave heaven and blessed land, and Maoting path.

You will see this tree is Dracaena, a tropical evergreen tree, for theagave family, Dracaena. Once its bark is cut, it will flow out bright red juice,like the blood of the human body, hence its name. Most of them are distributedin limestone areas with high altitude, up to 20 meters high, belonging to classII national protected plants. The juice of Dracaena Dracaena has very highmedicinal value. It can extract the precious Yunnan red medicine, DracaenaDracaena, also known as Kirins Dracaena, which is as famous as Yunnan Baiyao.It is also the main component of the famous medicine "Qilisan". Li Shizhenpraised it as "the holy medicine of promoting blood circulation" in compendiumof Materia Medica. It has the good effects of promoting blood circulation,removing blood stasis, detumescence, relieving pain, astringency and hemostasis.It can be taken orally and used externally. It is a good treatment It is aspecial medicine for traumatic injury, promoting blood circulation andhemostasis. In 1972, Professor Cai Xitao, a famous botanist and founder ofXishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, first discovered a large area ofDracaena Dracaena on the limestone mountain in Menglian County, SimaoPrefecture, Yunnan Province. The growth of Dracaena Dracaena is very slow. Itstrunk is less than 1 cm thick in one year, but its life span is the longest inthe plant kingdom, up to 8000 years, so it is called "the longevity of plants"by botanists.

You can see this is a kapok tree, a large deciduous tree of the kapokfamily. It is also called the hero tree because it grows very straight and hasred flowers like blood. The height of the tree is about 10 meters. The tree andits branches are long and hard. It mainly grows in the south of China. It bloomsin March and April every year. Its flower is called kapok. It can be used asmedicinal material and has the function of clearing away heat and dampness. Itis the city flower of Guangzhou. Here it mainly shows the tropical rain

There is a special phenomenon of root plate in forest.

Generally, the roots of plants plunge into the soil to absorb water andnutrients, supply the growth of stems, branches and leaves of aboveground parts,and also play a supporting role in bearing the gravity of aboveground parts. Inorder to better perform the above functions, the roots always develop in depthand breadth. The trees in the middle and upper layers of tropical rainforest aregenerally 30-40 meters in diameter, and their crowns are also very wide. Ifthere is no strong root system as the foundation, these trees will be top heavyand unstable, and will sink or be destroyed by tropical storms. Because thetropical rain forest is in a rainy and humid climate, the water in the soil isalways saturated or nearly saturated in the long rainy season. The roots oftrees are required for "breathing", so they are difficult to penetrate into thedeep soil layer lacking air. Since it is difficult to enter the deep soil and tosupport the aboveground parts, they adopt the strategy of developing to thesurface space. For example, this kapok tree chooses to extend the stem of thetrunk like a wing to all sides to form a plate-shaped root, which is called"plate root", and meandering along the ground to solve the problem of "heavyhead and light foot and shallow root". The wonder of natural creatures lies intheir harmonious relationship with the environment and the survival of thefittest.

Under the kapok tree is the golden bract flower, also known as the goldenbract shrimp clothing flower, Acanthaceae thick ear Acanthopanax is an evergreensubshrub. The bracts are heart-shaped, golden yellow, about 3cm long; theflowers are milky white, lip shaped, about 5cm long, protruding from the bracts.Native to Peru and Mexico. First, the temperature should be appropriate. Thesuitable temperature for its growth is 20 ℃ to 28 ℃. The second is the suitablelight. Third, water should be sufficient. Fourth, the soil should be wellpermeable. Fifthly, fertilizer should be used in the right way.

Walking in the beautiful tropical rain forest, you may suddenly find: aclump of strange emerald green leaves grows on the trunk of a tall tree, bothupward and downward. The top of each leaf splits into two pieces, and each piecesplits into two pieces, and so on. It looks like the horn of a Wapiti. This isthe famous wild ornamental plant, the second level national key protection plant- antler fern. This is the one you can see. It is a perennial evergreenepiphytic herbaceous foliage plant of antler fern family. Although antler ferntakes the tall trees as its home, it does no harm to the trees, because it is anepiphytic plant, not a parasitic plant. It can feed itself only on the foodgiven by air and rain, and does not need to absorb the nutrition of trees. Thefirst discovery of wild antler fern in China is in the primeval forest ofDayingjiang, Yunnan Province. Because antler fern often grows on the knots orbranches of tree trunks, local people also call it "tree clothes".

If you look up at this plant again, it has many broad leaves around theshort stem, forming a basin in the center, so it is named birds Nest Fern. Ifyou also want to plant birds Nest Fern, you should know that it is alsoepiphytic fern, so you cant use ordinary culture soil, but use fern root, barkblock, moss, broken brick mixed with sawdust, coconut bran and so on as pottingsubstrate. At the same time, use the cultivation container with good airpermeability, and fill the bottom of the container with broken wood Brick andother large particle materials, in order to facilitate ventilation row small.Birds Nest Fern can also be planted directly on the false tree or wood section,but it is necessary to spray water frequently to maintain high air humidity.Birds Nest Fern likes warm, humid and semi shade conditions with strongscattered light. It can grow all year round under the condition of hightemperature and humidity. The optimum temperature for its growth is 20-22 ℃. Thetemperature of overwintering in winter is 5. In spring and summer, it isnecessary to water more and spray water on the leaf surface frequently to keepthe leaf surface clean. Generally, 70% - 80% of air humidity is suitable.

But also pay attention to the water in the basin when watering, otherwiseit is easy to rot root and die. In the growing season, the decomposed liquidfertilizer was applied once every two weeks to ensure the plant growth and darkgreen leaves.

Here they mainly show the sky garden phenomenon of tropical rainforest. Inthe dark and humid tropical rainforest, there are many epiphytes, which canskillfully use the tree right and the nutrient growth in the residual birdmanure, litter or dust on the branches. Now birds Nest Fern and antler fern areepiphytic on the rubber tree, hanging high in the air. When the flowers bloom,their flowers seem to bloom in the air, so they form a wonderful sky garden.

Longtuzhu is a woody Liana belonging to Jatropha of Verbenaceae. Longtuzhuis native to tropical Africa. The suitable temperature for its growth is 18 ℃ to24 ℃ and the temperature in winter is not lower than 8 ℃. Longtuzhu is anexcellent potted flower with dark green leaves, peculiar flower shape and red inwhite, just like youlongtuzhu.

Bambusa, also known as Guanyinzhu, is a genus of Bambusa in Palmaceae,which originated in Guangdong, Yunnan and other places in China. It leavesterminal palmate division, culm covered with bract hair, bract hair fall off,there are nodes such as bamboo.

Red back osmanthus, also known as red back osmanthus, Euphorbiaceae,Aquilaria. It is native to Guangdong, Guangxi and Vietnam, and widely cultivatedin South China. Its an evergreen shrub, green on the surface and purplish redon the back. The flowers are unisexual, dioecious, yellow at first, and yellowwhite later. The flowering period is summer and autumn.

Saxifraga is also known as golden lotus. It is a perennial herbaceousfoliage plant belonging to Saxifragaceae. It is produced in China and Japan. Inrecent years, with the popularization and planting of perennial herbs, they canbe planted under the big trees of old green space, used as ground cover, orplanted beside buildings or rocks. It is also a traditional Chinese herbalmedicine in China.

In the green plant kingdom, pteridophytes are a lower class group of higherplants. In the ancient geological period, most of the ferns were tall trees.Later, due to the changes of the continent, most of them were deeply buried andturned into coal. Most of the plants that exist on the earth today are shortherbaceous plants, and only a few woody species have survived. So far, Alsophilaspinulosa is one of them. Alsophila spinulosa, also known as tree fern, is up to8 meters high. Fern family Alsophila. Because it is the only woody pteridophyte,extremely precious, so it is listed as a kind of key protected plant by thestate. This huge fern once spread all over the world in ancient times and wasone of the food of dinosaurs at that time. Todays relict tree species havebecome "living fossils". It has high scientific research value in speciesevolution, climate change, geographical movement and so on. From the appearance,Alsophila spinulosa looks like a coconut tree. Its trunk is cylindrical, uprightand straight. On the top of the tree, there are many large and long pinnatecompound leaves, which are floating in all directions. If its leaves arereversed, many sporangia can be seen on the back. There are many spores in thesporangia. Alsophila spinulosa has no flowers. Of course, it does not bearfruits and seeds. It depends on these spores to reproduce. Alsophila spinulosalikes warm and humid climate. It is distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan,Tibet, Guangxi, Guangdong, Chinese Taiwan and other places in China. It often growsunder the forest or in the wet and shady places beside the river and valley.Alsophila spinulosa also has many uses. Its stem

Rich in starch, it can be used for food, vases and other utensils. And asmedicine, traditional Chinese medicine is called Feitian Jue, longlongfeng. Ithas small poison, can drive rheumatism, strengthen muscles and bones, clear awayheat and stop cough. Alsophila spinulosa has a beautiful body and is a goodgarden ornamental tree.

Nymphaea is a perennial aquatic herb belonging to Nymphaeaceae, also knownas meridional lotus, water hyacinth, water celery, etc. its leaves are floatingon the water surface, with round shield shaped leaves, green leaves and purpleback leaves. Its flowers have white, red, pink, yellow, blue, purple and othercolors. Its flowering period is from June to August. Each flower can opencontinuously for 4-7 days, and then gradually curl and sink into the water afterwithering. Because of its beautiful flowers and leaves, rich colors and longflowering period, it has always been deeply loved by people. Because water lilyroot can absorb mercury, lead, phenol and other toxic substances in water, it isa rare plant material for water purification, so it has been paid more attentionin the construction of urban water purification, greening and beautification.Most water lilies open near noon and close in the evening. At present, it iscultivated in all provinces in China. The rhizome of water lily can be used forfood or wine making, and can also be used as medicine to treat childrenschronic convulsion. Water lily is divided into tropical water lily, cold zonewater lily two kinds, cold, not cold. Tropical water lily, native to the AmazonRiver Basin, can keep blooming if the temperature is kept at 18 in four seasons.Their differences are as follows:

"A single tree does not make a forest" is an old saying rich in philosophy.However, things in the world are not as monotonous as people think. Although asingle tree is not a vast forest, some trees will create a "forest" spectacle. Asingle tree grows many "tree scholars", forming a forest landscape. The maintrees that create "forest by themselves" are mulberry trees and banyan trees.This is what you see now. It grows rapidly, has a strong plant, has a broadcrown, and its branches and leaves are evergreen all the year round. It iscommonly known as big green tree. You may see that it has a lot of whiskers. Infact, they are called "air rooting". They belong to a kind of adventitious rootsand are a special form of roots of banyan trees. Banyan has a long life span,fast growth and well developed lateral branches and roots. There are many skinholes on the branches, and many aerial roots can grow everywhere, hanging downlike a beard. These aerial roots grow downward and thicken into the soil to formpillar roots, which do not branch or grow leaves. The function of aerial rootingof Ficus microcarpa is the same as other roots, which can absorb water andnutrients. At the same time, it also supports the expanding branches and makesthe crown expand. It stands like a tree trunk between the land and the mainbranches. When the old trees are surrounded by pillar roots of different sizes,the ground occupied by a single tree gives rise to the scene of "becoming aforest". A huge old banyan tree can have more than a thousand pillars. Itscanopy can cover more than 6000 square meters, which is known as "stand aloneforest".

Pandanus is a small tree in the family of pandanus. Its fiber can be usedto make a variety of handicrafts. Fresh flowers contain aromatic oil. Roots,leaves, flowers and fruits are used for medicine. It can cure nephritis, edemaand other inflammatory phlegm. It is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi,Fujian, Yunnan, Chinese Taiwan and other provinces in China. It is also distributed inother tropical Asia and southern Australia, but mostly in coastal sandy land. Inancient times, Xishuangbanna was a part of the ancient Mediterranean. Due to theHimalayan orogeny in the geological history, the ancient Mediterranean retreatedto the West and experienced "vicissitudes". But who can witness it? The researchresults of geological structure and paleontology bear witness, which isconclusive evidence for science. But these evidences are all "dead" things,which sometimes cannot be explained clearly because of "death without proof".Fortunately, nature has left dozens of plants in Xishuangbanna as livingtestimony because of its "fear", among which the Ludou tree is a very convincingone. After the disappearance of the ancient Mediterranean, it "believed" thatXishuangbanna was a good land, but did not move to the sea with its family.After a long period of training and evolution, it became a member of thetropical rain forest that developed later, and gradually adapted to the acidicsoil, humid and dark forest environment of the tropical rain forest. Moreover,it also changed the habit that it could not grow except by the sea. However, itmay be some of the reasons that "rivers and mountains are easy to change buthabits are difficult to move"

Genetic genes are still working. It needs to grow a lot of aerial roots inthe lower part of the trunk and develop into pillar roots to maintain itsoriginal habit of growing on the beach for "breathing" and supporting the plantson the ground.

Now you are entering the desert exhibition area of succulent plants.Because they have to endure the harsh environment of drought and heat in thedesert, some parts of their bodies have evolved into fat water containers, andsome even their leaves have degenerated into thorns or completely disappeared.Unlike other plants, these plants usually open their stomata when it is cool atnight to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide Placed at home, it is anatural "air freshener", which is very beneficial to health.



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Good morning,everyone!Its my honor to be your guide today.Now we are going to visit the Great Wall.

The Great Wall,symbolizing Chinas ancient civilization,is one of the most famous,grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world.It is just like a giant dragon starting from Yalu River and crossing high mountains,deserts and grassland to the Pamirs Plateau,the roof of the world from east to west in the northern part of China.

For many centruries,the Great Wall,as a military gigantic defensive project kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic tribes.Now,the Graet Wall has become a famous historical senic spot for tourists,and it liays a role in bridging the friendship between the Chinese people and peoples in different parts of the world.

The Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC.At that time,it was called Spring and Autumn Period.The first section of wall,that appeared in China,was built by Kingdom Qi and Kingdom Chu.They had a high wall which was called "square wall" or "square city",built surrounding thier own territories to deffend the attacks of their neighbouring enemy.So it was also known as the Qi Wall or the Chu Wall.During the Warring State Period,seven states named Qi,Chu,Yan,Zhao,Han ,Wei and Qin bacame the most powerful states.In order to defend themselves against the refringing enemy from the neighbouring states,all the kigdoms had high walla built around their own territories.

In Chinese history,large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties:Qin,Han and Ming dynasties.The section of the wall began to be called the Graet Wallin the time of Qinshihuang.He linked up the separate sections of high walls in order to ward off harrassment by the Huns,and for the use of further defensive projects.The Qin Great Wall started from Lintao,Gansu Province in the west and ended in Lioadong,Liaoning Province in the east,totally 5,000 kilometers.The Han Great Wall started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east,and ended at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Rigion,with a total length of 10,000 kilometers.In the Ming Dynasty,Emperor Zhuyuanzhang reconstructed the Great Wall because of the threats of the remaining forces and the ethnic tribe of “Nv Zhen".The Graet Wall could help prevent the remnent forces of the Yuan Court from harrassing and securing the northern territories.The Ming Great Wall was more than 7,000 kilometers from Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east,to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province in the west.It passes nine cities,provinces and autonomous regions of Liaoning,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Ningxia and Gansu.

The most important two sections in Beijing were the Great Wall at Juyongguan and Badaling.Juyongguan Pass is located at 50 kilometers northJwest of downtown Beijing,The mountains flanking the valley have many graceful peaks and it used to one of the famous "Eight Views of Yanjing".

Juyongguan was built in a mountain gap between mountain peaks with only one road leading to the capital Beijing,which determined its military signifacance in ancient times through many dynasties and it has been consistently valuable to military strategists. The name "Juyong" means "a place of poor laborers".In order to commemorate the dead people,the Great Wall wass built here,we call it "Juyongguan Pass".There is an ancient marblr platform here known as "Cloud Terrace".It was built during the Yuan Dynasty and used as "the Crossing Road Pagoda".The Cloud Terrace is 9.5 meters high,26.8meters from east to west,17.6meters from north to south at the base.Inside the arched passage of Cloud Terrace,there are carved in relief Buddist images on the wall,such as the Rour Heavenly Kings,the Buddha of Ten Directions and 1,000 Buddha Statues.There are also Buddha scriptures inscribed on the stone wall in the Sanskrit,Tibetan,Basiba,Xixia,Uyger and Han languages.They offer us wonderful examples of their exquisite workmanship and vividness in carving.Tey are extremely valuable to study the Buddhism and ancient languages.

The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best preserved partof the Great Wall."Bada" means "convenient transportation to all directions".From here,people can go all directions;hence the name "Badaling".Badaling Pass was an outpost of Juyongguan Pass.The wall here rose high on the mountain ridge.It used to be more important than Juyongguan Pass in the defence of Beijing.An old saying can be the best description:"It needs only one man to block ten thousand troops".

Nxet,Ill say something about the main force of the constrction work.It was composed of soiders,criminals and the local laborers.At that time,the common transportation method was to carry the building materials by backbreaking labor.So it is a difficult and long process.

The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watchtowers and 4 wall platforms.there are 4 characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling:"Juyongwaizhen" which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyongguan Pass.The western pas was carved "Beimensuoyue" which means ”a key to the north gate",describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of Beijing.If thegate was unlocked by a key,Beijing would be open.In order to make warning signals,Beacon Towers were built on both sides of the wallat the connanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns.Whenever the enemy was sighted,fires were lit on the top of Beacon Tower at night,and smoke was made during the daytime,There were also Watch Towers built here,which for watching over the invading enemy.

Well,thats all for my presentation.Thank you for your attention.Im looking forward to your next visit.Thank you!



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Changshu city in jiangsu province is located in the Chinese economy most developed Yangtze river delta, the conjugate of the Yangtze river golden waterway of the throat, adjacent to Chinas biggest economic center of Shanghai, and in the arms of suzhou, wuxi, nantong and other large and medium-sized cities, has a unique geographical advantage. Changshu the amphibious transportation is convenient, in highway. 204 national highway running through the territory, Su Chang line connecting shanghai-nanjing expressway. Suzhou-jiaxing-hangzhou expressway, coastal expressway in construction and planning of the railway, sutong bridge along the river in the intersection, changshu has become an important transport hub in east China. Changshu is located in the Yangtze river delta development zone along the Yangtze river, east on Shanghai, south suzhou, wuxi west, north near the Yangtze river and nantong across the river. The citys total area of 1164 square kilometers and a population of 1.039 million, with 24 towns and yushan mountain forest farm. Within the territory of flat terrain, the climate is mild, the good crop weather, because the harvest year after year the name "changshu", known as "jiangnan land of fish and rice" reputation. Is the national famous historical and cultural city, changshu, after five thousand years of civilization developed leather, culture developed, talents and heroes. Far a xing wu culture and education, the pioneers of the hole door "one of the ten zhe" south "master" suppress and nearly have qing dynasties royal preceptor, prime minister weng dowa etc. A large number of famous historical figures.

From tang dynasty to qing dynasty, a total of nine prime minister, eight champions, 483 jinshi. When modern, members (department members), changshu 18, including li qiang, wang kan-chang, gwong dau cheung, Zhang Qinglian such as a well-known scientist. History to changshu left plenty of humanities landscape, listed in the national taihu lake scenic area of yushan mountain national forest park, the monk, shajiabang scenic area, make changshu is famous at home and abroad of tourist attraction. "Seven streams is sea water, green hill half into the city" human natural landscape, changshu has created a unique amorous feelings. In 1997, was the provincial government named the provincial garden city, in 1999, changshu smoothly through the national sanitary city assessment. Changshu is a by the well-off towards basic modernization of cities. Since the reform and opening, changshu make full use of its own location advantages and cultural advantages, carry forward the "unity, hard, realistic and innovative" spirit of changshu, hard work, pioneering spirit, economic and social undertakings have made substantial progress, comprehensive strength enhanced obviously, the sixth year in a row to keep the national "top ten god of wealth county" title, the "national comprehensive strength counties (city)", "national science and technology counties (city)".

20xx 25.8 billion yuan GDP, gross industrial output value 45 billion yuan, the total import and export of $1.561 billion, total retail sales of social consumer goods 6.87 billion yuan, fiscal revenue was 2.436 billion yuan. The whole city economy and various social undertakings maintained a healthy development momentum. Developed economy, science and education progress, market prosperity and social stability of the new changshu is moving toward modernization basic target stride forward. Changshu convenient traffic, only an hour away from Shanghai hongqiao airport. Telecommunications has Cheng Konghua full implementation, is the first population of more than millions of telephone city in jiangsu province. Colleges and universities in the city has 2, 1 national demonstration high school, vocational school 2, 7 provincial key middle school. Changshu is a national "spark technology concentration areas," top ten patent counties (city), in the "national science and technology comprehensive strength counties (city)".



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Dear passengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho. This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I cant see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall. The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works, from yan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years now!

There is a touching legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall. Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in hiding. Once, he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together. Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife. But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married less than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I dont know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

The passengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate.


As the saying goes, "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall", climb the Great Wall have the constancy, and never quit the perseverance and determination, cant give up halfway! We can watch while climbing. Ill introduce the Great Wall for everybody: the Great Wall is composed of GuanCheng, beacon tower pier of watchtowers, smoke, and the barbican, wall, wall, the crenel, perforation, hole, etc. Beacon tower pier and smoke is used to transfer the situation of the enemy. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the day, how much smoke the heap represents the number of enemy soldiers. Night cant see the smoke, a fire on the beacon tower. This way of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effective, the beacon tower has played a very big effect.

At this moment, I saw a kid to climb on the wall. I put him down for everyone, said: "please note that cant climb on the wall, it is very dangerous. Outside the wall is dangerous mountain, its no fun to fall down!" Here, Ill tell you something about a story about the Great Wall: once upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she went to send clothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reached the Great Wall, but didnt find her husband. She hurriedly ask others, others say that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad cry, cry for many years, finally, her tears fell the Great Wall, finally saw her husband.

The Great Wall is very beautiful, very spectacular, winding, welcome you to touring!


The tourists everybody is good, today Ill guide you to visit the Great Wall.

Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand.

Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.

Such boldness of vision of the male project, in the history of the world but a great miracle!

Is the majestic of the Great Wall, the male of vast gray not let us deeply intoxicated? Then let you to use your experience.


Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Everybody call me weeks. Today, I take you to visit the Great Wall of world-famous. During the visit, please protect the cultural heritage, the wall graffito of the scribble not, not disorderly garbage.

Chairman MAO once said: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall." As a Chinese people why dont we go visit? Right! Now we will go when men, mounted the former see head, after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall: intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu, in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Walls husband, all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about, but learned that her husband is alive dead tired! The news like a bolt from the blue, meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall, "bang" 1, the Great Wall in 800.

Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall. Tourists, look at the countless stone, a two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders step by step, carry on the steep mountains. Look at these, you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

The beauty of the Great Wall, also dont say dont say it now, please walk to enjoy!


"North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast..." Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today well visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everyone look at the countless stone, with 2 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. "Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" is to prove it. Is really "the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle" zombies!

Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, dont damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working peoples wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the todays trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.



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Wuzhen lies in the far north-east of Zhejiang province, about 90 minutes byroad from Shanghai. The name "water town" is especially apt; besides lying onthe Grand Canal, the settlement is completely encircled by two rivers - the DongShi and a smaller tributary, which meet at a T-junction. No matter where youstand, water provides the backdrop, the raison d锚tre of the whole town.

About 250 families used to live in the old quarter of Wuzhen. However,following the "restoration" of the town, many townsfolk have been moved out tothe "new" Wuzhen, an attractively landscaped but otherwise characterleapartmentblock 15 km down the road towards Shanghai. Those who remain are mainly theelderly and craftspeople. While I was assured that there is nothing to stop newresidents moving into the old town, young people nowadays seem strangelyabsent.

The old wooden shops of Wuzhen look ageleand immovable, as though theirtimbers have totally defied the ravages of time. At first, one suspects that thecustodians of the town have tried to cover up the decomposing processes ofnature. But look more closely and you find slow rot setting in around the basesof the doorframes, and splinters breaking away from the lintels. What littlerestoration has been done is so inconspicuous as to be totally indistinguishablefrom the original.

All the buildings in Wuzhen are in Ming or Qing Dynasty style. One palatialestablishment is the "Double Happiness" Marriage Shrine. Twin hearts are joinedin a nouveau-Chinese character in gilt upon a flaming crimson background,presumably depicting the inseparability of marriage - perhaps the Chinese knowsomething that we Westerners dont.

Wuzhen also has some unique attractions, including Yu Liuliangs Coin andPaper Money Exhibition. Nearby (would you believe) stands a Pawnshop Museum, asif to prove that usury is universal. (Maybe fortunately, Wuzhen has the onlysuch establishment Ive ever come across). I tried looking for a Qing Dynasty DVDplayer in the pawnshop, but was sadly disappointed.

No fewer than eight stone bridges crothe Dong Shi River, the grandest ofthem being the Fengyuan Double Bridge. The bridge is separated into two parts bya wooden sluice gate. Cyclists carry their bikes acrothe high arches of thebridges, which are designed to let boats paunderneath without difficulty.

Back in the main square, the elders are still hanging out. On the villagestage, a performance of Peking Opera is underway. Acrothe square, a masterpuppeteer entertains visitors with a shadow-play of the type known in Java aswayang kulit. But while the Javanese version of shadow puppetry is subtle andrefined, the Wuzhen style has the protagonists attacking each other with theferocity of tigers.

Whether by accident or design, this town seems to have been dropped intoits watery setting by a master town planner from another galaxy. A more perfectlocation for a settlement would be difficult to find. It is fervently to behoped that tourism will augment rather than destroy the unique ambiance ofWuzhen.



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good morning ladies and gentlemen:

my name is . i’m very honored to be youre guide. i do hope all of you could like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. this morning we are going to visit the summer palace. the summer palace is located on the northwest suburbs of beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of the city. so it will take us about 1 hour to get there. before we arrived at the summer palace, i would like to introduce you a brief introduction of the woderful imperial garden. the summer palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden existing in chinan, and it is the best-preserved imperial garden in the world. in 1998, it was placed on the list of world cultural heritage by the unesco.

the summer palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of 12th century in the jin dynasty. the construction continued to the yuan and ming dynasties. in the qing dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached its culmination. during emperor qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘three hills and five gardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of beijing. the summer palace was a part of it and at that time was called the garden of clear ripples. in 1860, the anglo-french allied forces invaded beijing. the ‘three hills and five gardens’ were burnt down to ashes.

in 1888, the empress dowager cixi spent the navy fund having the garden of clear ripples rebuilt. and then she renamed it the garden of nurtured harmony (summer palace).

in 1900, the allied forces of eight powers invaded beijing. the summer palace was once again severely damaged. it was rebuilt again in 1902.

in 1924, the last emperor puyi was driven out of the palace, after that, the summer palace was turned into a public park.

ladies and gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway. it is called “emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the first scenery of the summer palace. the two chinese words on the front side of the archway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. the two words on the back side mean collection of excellence and refer to the tranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

(outside the east palace gate)

now, we have arrived at the east palace gate. it’s the main entrance of the summer palace. on top of the gate there is a plaque with three chinese characters ‘the summer palace’ in emperor guangxu’s handwriting. the gate that we are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the old days.

(inside the east palace gate)

now we are inside the summer palace. in front of us is the second gate of the summer palace— the gate of benevolence and longevity. the annex halls on both sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the privy council. well, before we start our tour in the garden, i will briefly introduce you the layout of the summer palace and our tour route. o.k., ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please? let’s look at the map together, from it we can see the summer palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies the three-fourths. the whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was for political activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and end off the marble boat. on the way, we will visit the main constructions of the summer palace, such as the hall of jade ripples, the hall of happiness and longevity, the long corridor, the hall of dispelling clouds and so on. it will take us about two hours to visit the summer palace. please attention, we won’t walk back and our driver will pick us up at the north gate. should you get lost or separated from the group, please meet us at the north gate.

ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the hall of benevolence and longevity. follow me please.

(inside the courtyard of the benevolence and longevity)

passing through the gate of benevolence and longevity, we have already entered the courtyard of the hall of benevolence and longevity. the huge rock in front of us is taihu rock. it was quarried from taihu lake in jiangsu province, so it was known as taihu rock. please look around the courtyard and you can see there are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard, representing the four seasons of the year. the taihu rocks are usually used as decoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak and penetration in characters.

the bronze mythical animal behind the taihu rock is known as suanni or some people call it qilin. according to ancient chinese mythology, the dragon had nine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. suanni was one of the nine sons of the dragon. it was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits in ancient lengeds. suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hooves of ox and the tail of lion.

(in front of the hall of benevolence and longevity)

this grand hall is the hall of benevolence and longevity. it was first built in 1750. the name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘lun yu’ by confucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.” this hall was the place where emperor guangxu and empress dowager cixi held audience and handled state affairs when they were in the summer palace. for protecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. so i would like to briefly introduce you the decorations in the hall of benevolence and longevity. the arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. in the middle of the hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. there are two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacock feathers. behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame and glass mirror inlaid. on the mirror there are 226 chinese characters of the word ‘longevity’ written in different styles. there are two scrolls on each side of the wall with a big chinese character ‘longevity’ written on it. it was said that the word ‘longevity’ written by empress dowager cixi. there are 100 bats painted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of a dragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. they were used to burn incense sticks to create the appropriate atmosphere. in the old days, the dragon and phoenix were the symbol of the emperor and empress. according to ritual, the dragons should be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front of the hall.however, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes are in the middle. this was a product of the end of qing dynasty when empress dowager cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

(at the entrance of garden of virtuour harmony)

we are now visiting the garden of virtuous harmony, where emperor qianlong and empress dowager cixi were entertained with bejing opera performances. it mainly consists of the dressing house, the grand theater building and the hall of pleasure smile. the grand theater building was known as the ‘cradle of beijing opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. there are 7 exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

(in front of the grand theater building)

this is the grand theater building. of the three main theater buildings of the qing dynasty, the grand theater building is the tallest and largest one. the other two are changyin pavilion in the forbidden city and qingyin pavilion in the mountain resort in chengde. the grand theater building, a three-storied structure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. it is 21 meters high and 17 meters wide. performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. the top one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and the bottom stage was named longevity stage. each level has the entrance and the exit. there are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestial being’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to set off a certain atmosphere on the stage. there is also a well and five ponds built under the stage for a good effect of water scenes. the stage is open to three sides.

well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the grand theater building, it’s the hall of pleasure smile. the empress dowager cixi used bo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the peking opera.

(a lakeside walk from the garden of virtuous harmony to the hall of jade ripples)

we are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the hall of benevolence and longevity. it appears that there’s nothing special ahead. however, after we clear the rockery, we will reach kunming lake. this is an application of a specific style of chinese


now, we are walking along the bank of the kunming lake. look over there, not far away in the lake there is an islet. it’s called the spring heralding islet. the pavilion on the islet is called the spring heralding pavilion. a number of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. in early spring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms, willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned. hence the name ‘heralding sping pavilion’.

(in front of the hall of jade ripples)

this group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the hall of jade ripples. the words “jade ripples” came from a verse “gentle ripples gushing out of jade spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. it was first used by emperor qianlong to attend to state affairs. in the late qing dynasty, it was where emperor guangxu was put under house arrest.

this hall is a hallmark of the movement of 1898. emperor guangxu was emperor dowager cixi’s nephew. after emperor tongzhi died, emperor dowager cixi made her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order to continue her hold on imperial power. she ‘handled state affairs behind the screen’. after emperor guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of 19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers. in 1898, the reform movement took place with the aim of sustaining the core principles of the qing dynasty while reforming outdated laws. the movement lasted for103 days until it was suppressed by empress dowager cixi. it was called the ‘hundred-day reform’. after the reform failed, emperor guangxu was put under house arrest here. for the strict control of him, empress dowager cixi ordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and left of the hall of jade ripples. at that time the hall was entirely sealed up, just like a prison. today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room still maintain its original appearance. it is open to visitors as the relic related to the 1898 reform movement.

(in front of the chamber of collecting books)

this is the chamber of collecting books. in chinese, it’s called “yi yun guang”. “yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. in ancient times, it was usually used as termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.in the emperor qianlong’s reign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. later it was converted into a residence. there used to be the residence of guangxu’s empress longyu, and his favorite concubine zhenfei.

(in the hall of happiness and longevity)

this group of courtyard is the hall of happiness and longevity. it was the major architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence of empress dowager cixi. the whole compound was basically made of wood, which is ideal for ventilation and lighting. with its quiet and tasteful layout, the hall of happiness and longevity made life very easy and convenient. in front of the hall of happiness and longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle of this courtyard named “qing zhi xiu” and nicknamed as “family bankruptcy rock”. this huge rock was discovered in fangshan district by a ming official mi wanzhong. he wanted to transport it to his own garden “shaoyuan”. in the old days, transporting such rock was very difficult. after spending all his money to ship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. the big rock was then left on the roadside somewhere near liangxiang county, 30 kilometers southwest of beijing. hence it was nicknamed “family bancruptcy rock”. later emperor qianlong discovered it and transported to the garden of clear ripples and laid in front of the hall of happiness and longevity. the colorful glass chandeliers hanging inside the hall was introduced from germany in 1903. it is one of the earliest electric lights in china.

(in front of the gate of inviting the moon of the long corridor)

ladies and gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in the world, such as the louvre in france and the museum of great britain. now i will show you a special gallery in the palace—the long corridor. in 1990, the long corridor was listed in the guinness book of world records as ‘the longest painted corridor’ in the world’. it would be a pity if we leave the summer palace without visiting the long corridor and the marble boat. now, here we go, the long corridor first!

(strolling along the long corridor)

the long corridor starts from the gate inviting the moon to the shizhang gate. it is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. the long corridor is one of the major structures of the summer palace. since the corridor was designed to follow the physical features of the southern slope of longevity hill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( retaining the goodness pavilion, living with the ripples pavilion, autumn water pavilion, clear and far pavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of a year. thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. as a major part of the architectural style of the summer palace, the long corridor serves as an ingenious connector between the lake and the hill. scattered buildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

the long corridor is the longest covered veranda in any chinese garden. on the purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 suzhou style paintings. among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes of west lake in hangzhou, zhejiang province. beside the colorful paintings of natural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects, mythology and figures. the paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancient chinese classical literature, such as ‘pilgrimage to the west’, ‘the romance of the three kingdoms’, ‘the western chamber’, “water margin’, and ‘the dream of the red mansion’.

(in front of the gate of dispelling clouds)

now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakeside slope, the tower of buddhist incense within the hall of dispelling clouds. the central axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the sea of wisdom on top of the hill. the main architectural structures here are the gate of dispelling clouds, hall of dispelling clouds, tower of buddhist incense and the sea of wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. the layout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in buddhist sutras. this group of structures are among the most magnificently constructed here in the summer palace. this is a good place to taking photos, we will stay here for about 15 minutes.

now we are walking continuely along the long corridor, the next scene we are going to visit is marble boat.

look over there! halfway up the slope there stands the hall of listening to orioles. it was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and court music. it is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. before the garden of virtuous harmony was built, empress dowager cixi enjoyed opera and music here. now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in china, featuring imperial dishes and desserts.

this is the famous marble boat. a famous scientist of china’s eastern han dynasty once said, “water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” a prime minister of tang dynasty wei zheng once used these words to persuade li shimin, the emperor of the tang dynasty. he said people are water and the emperor is the boat. people can support a good emperor. however, they also can overthrow the dynasty. emperor qianlong built this huge boat in the garden in order to make the allusion concrete. on one hand, emperor qianlong encouraged himself to run the country well. on the other hand, he wanted to show that his rule of the qing dynasty was as firm as the marble boat and there was no fear of overturning the boat. the marble boat was the place for emperor qianlong to sample tea and enjoy the scenery of kunming lake. emperor qianlong once came here to engage in the freeing of captive animals. in the times of qianlong, the marble boat was a chinese styled stone boat with a chinese style wooden superstructure on the top of it. when it was rebuilt in the times of guangxu, a foreign and chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to the boat, one on each side. the floor was paved with colored bricks. all of the windows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. a big mirror was installed on the superstructure for viewing rain.

our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the marble boat. today we only visited the major scenic spots of the summer palace. i have left other spots of interest for your next visit. i will now show you out through the ruyi gate. our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. i do hope you enjoyed today’s tour. thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2179 字

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The whole commentary of Zhaozhou Bridge includes three parts:

Part one: Introduction

The Zhaozhou Bridge is also known as the safe crossing bridge and the GreatStone Bridge. It crosses the Xiao River in Zhao County. It is named after thenearby Zhao County, which is known as Zhao Zhou in history.

Zhaozhou Bridge is designed and built by LiChun from 605 to 616 during theSui Dynasty, has stood the tests of earthquakes, floods and traffic for morethan 1400 years. It is the world’s oldest single-arch stone bridge still in usetoday and with the reputation as one of the Four Treasures of North China.

Part two: Creative construction.


1) It has only one main arch and this arch has a span of more than 37meters, which is a great creation in the world history.

2) The bridge has two small side arches on either of the main arch, theyserve two important functions: First, they reduce the total weight of the bridgeand save the structural materials. Second, in time of flood, they cooperate withthe main one allowing water to pass through, thus weaken the flood’s impact onthe body of the bridge itself.

3) This design also improve the general look of the bridge, contributes toits beauty, so people compared the bridge to a new moon rising above the clouds”and “a long rainbow hanging on a mountain waterfall”.

Part three: Beautiful stories and famous folk song

There are many legends about the design of this bridge.

According to one legend, the bridge was built by LuBan, who is a excellentarchitect, he managed the sheep turn into stones and built the bridge in osingle night.

In another story, the bridge was put to the test by two immortals whocrossed it at the same time. One is ZhangGuolao, he rode his lovely donkey withthe sun and moon in his bag, and the other is ChaiWangye, who crossed the bridgewith the Five Famous Mountains. LuBan was worried and saved the bridge byplunging into the water and supporting the structure.

A folk song: Xiao Fang Niu

(Ask the tourists if there is anybody would like to sing the song, theguide should teach the visitor to sing the typical and beautiful folk song,which can exert an outstanding effect on and response from the tourists)



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3529 字

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In our country in the south China sea, a bright pearl. It is like a big magnet, attracting tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a beautiful zhuhai.

This summer vacation, mom and dad will take me to visit zhuhai, appreciate the beautiful natural scenery.

And so my father mother and I sit on the bus to zhuhai. Along the way, fast car, see the trees and flowers on both sides of the road ran back as fast as he could. For a while and come to huidong, then for shenzhen. Ahead in shenzhen, many skyscrapers. My mood is very happy, we talked and laughed in the car before you know it has been a few hours, at this time has been to the dongguan, we walked along the dongguan. Soon, humen bridge, wow, what a big ah, good length and the width of bridge, the bridge is one thousand meters, is really spectacular! Across the zhongshan we arrived in zhuhai.

Because the car sat for four hours, just get off the bus, I feel dizzy, my head but was soon my joy was washed away. I observed a look, ah! This is the zhuhai, is a much better than my hometown. Countless of tall buildings, trees and flowers.

After lunch, we began to the wharf, are you going by boat, to travel around the island. I hear people say, macau is a very beautiful place, I want to see the early, I wish fly past. Zhuhai this place air is fresh, green is good, not for a moment, my body and mind become very relaxed, very happy.

To the dock, I have a look, wow, the ship here so much! We sat on a big ship, chose a seat to sit on. "Rumbling" ship set out, in a short time to macau, we are here to overlook lisboa casino, Banks, such as observation tower. The tower is spectacular, but also particularly high, towering. Blowing cool and refreshing sea breeze, bask in the warmth of the sun, sailing in the sea, watching the beautiful scenery, I dont have to mention how happy heart. After a while, sailing. After we had finished dinner, and to explore New Yuanming Palace.

To the front round new garden, I cant help to say: "good big of a palace, I stand in front of the hall, father holding a camera, press the shutter, filmed.

The New Yuanming Palace roof is red and yellow, was built with glazed tiles and wall is deep red, whole garden looks magnificent.

We go in to see a lot of scenic spots, more minutes at 7 o clock in the evening, we watched the performance in front of the big stage, the topic is >, talked about the qing dynasty, the period of the new millennium, also a lot of dance, are: the eight banners encouraging, curved knife drum dance, dance, dance of the water... After the show, we went to the river to watch >, is about some opium traffickers to a peoples homes on the island, oppressed the people, know after the qing army, and went to war with them, the final victory. Thats too intense. After watching, we back to the hotel to rest and sleep.

The second day, we got up early, ate dinner, with great curiosity to the zhuhai fisher girl like, we got off the car, looking at fisher girl like, carved out of the fisher girl like, really big, it stands by the sea, it has made a few decades, the fisher girl like wearing skirts, hands up to hold together, dont know what to do, took a several before the fisher girl like a picture of me. We are on the car, ready to leave zhuhai.

We went on from zhuhai, zhongshan city, visit the sun yat-sens former residence and memorial hall, an hour later tour finished, returned home, happy end of travel.

The visiting zhuhai, leave me a deep and wonderful memories. Oh, unforgettable trip to zhuhai!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7338 字

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In hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, because most of the south of dongting lake area, hunan and said, and because of the largest river in the province xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and referred to as "xiang.

Hunan province is located in east longitude 108 ° 47 114 ° 15, north latitude 24 ° to 30 ° 39 8 . Adjacent to seven provinces and cities, the east of jiangxi, chongqing, sichuan, guizhou in the west, south according to guangdong, guangxi, the north side of hubei. The provincial land with a total area of 21.18 square kilometers, accounting for 2.2% of the total area of the national land and the cultivated land area of 49 million mu, the north plain mountain of 256 million mu, water painting of 20 million mu, is the 11th in the whole country. The province governs 14 cities and states, 136 counties, 2350 townships, 64.65 million people, including agricultural population 53.5 million people, accounting for 83.8% of the total population in the province.

Hunan province is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau to hills and nanling mountains to the south jianghan plain transition zone. Southeast west surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the east has the luoxiao mountains, south of nanling, wuling, xuefeng mountains on the west, North of dongting lake plain; The central hills, basin. The topography low meteorological north, three facing southwest to the east north central tilt, open toward the north of the asymmetric horseshoe. Province landscape is given priority to with mountain pool, hilly, mountainous area accounts for 51.25% of the whole province area, hilly basin accounts for 29.3%, plain 13.1%, water 6.4%, form the pattern of "seven hills monohydrate two field soil".

A humid subtropical monsoon climate of hunan. Mild climate, four seasons, abundant rainfall, rich heat and determination period is short, no mildew period long climate characteristics. The entire province between the annual average temperature 16 a 18 degrees Celsius, in poorer; Full-year 261 frost-free period 313 days, sunshine 1300 1800 hours, annual total radiation 38.5 a 488000 joules per square centimeter, active accumulated temperature above 10 degrees on 5000 a 5800 Celsius Yin, lasts 238 a 256 day, can meet the needs of crop growth resistance to heat. Hunan is one of the rainy areas in China, annual precipitation in 1200 - a - 1700 mm, the rain, the distribution of precipitation is obvious phases. By the basic same, light, heat, water is good for agriculture, forestry production is very empty.

Hunan water resources reserves. Within the territory of the province for many years an average of 253.9 billion cubic meters of water, surface water of 20.88 billion cubic meters, per capita is 2756 cubic meters, is the countrys per capita is 1.5 times. Hunan is a province, there are dense rivers drainage of hunan, and main force in yuan and li four water and dongting lake, the basin area of 25 square kilometers, the basin area of the province accounted for 92%. Province have played more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 86000 km, the basin area more than 5000 square kilometres of article 17 of the river, including hunan, endowment, yuan and li, Xiao, Lei, Mi, dancing (left le right), such as unitary water of the basin area over 10000 square kilometers. The provinces total runoff is 162.3 billion cubic meters, add water, a total of 208.28 billion cubic meters. Hunan the waters not only large water flow, and abundant water, good water quality, sediment concentration, less not freeze in winter. The provinces 5341 rivers of water reserves of 15.325 million kilowatts, annual output of 134.24 billion degrees. Total installed capacity of the whole province may develop can be accounted for 70% of total water reserves and about 36.4% of the electricity.

The biological resources of hunan province is very rich. Is one of biodiversity more provinces in our country. About 5000 species of higher plants, accounting for 1/6 of the total number of national, the woody plant species make up about a quarter of the country; Have a state protection of rare plants 66 species, level of protection in the three kinds of plants, namely, silver fir, metasequoia, at king (left to right). The provincial forestry land 182.449 million mu, 57.4% of the total area of the provinces land; Forest coverage rate of 51.4%, 37.2% higher than the national average, the volume of 251 million cubic meters of forest, in the forefront of the country. Chinese fir, pine, bamboo and other economic forest and timber forest, and woody oil is at the center of the region name is known all over the country. Among them, Chinese fir forest, nanzhu painting about a third of the country, differential area of the countrys 40%, tung is one of the four key provinces throughout the country. 23 province forest reserves has been established, zhangjiajie forest park is a national forest park. Pasture resources in hunan province is very rich also, can use existing 84.99 million mu of meadows, grazing capacity can reach 7.04 million cattle units. Abundant plant resources for the growth of animal breeding provides the advantageous conditions, hunan animal variety, therefore, has a wide distribution.

A total of 66 species of wild mammals, 500 kinds of birds, 71 species of reptiles, amphibians, 40 species, more than 1000 kinds of insects, and more than 200 kinds of aquatic animals. Including the south China tiger, the clouded leopard, golden cat, crane, baiji and other 18 kinds of national level to protect animals. Hunan is the national famous freshwater region, a total of more than 160 kinds of natural fish. Hunan products especially agricultural products is very rich, is the famous "land of fish and rice". At present, the provinces grain production accounts for about 6% of the countrys total output of grain, 1/10 of the total output of rice, rice and ramie, tea oil production in the country first; Pigs, tea, orange in the second place; Cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, the yield of oil and water, and the product was ranked among the top nationwide.

There are many different kinds of mineral resources in hunan province, is the national famous "hometown of non-ferrous metals" and "the hometown of non-metallic mineral. Hunan mineral variety not only, and grade, paragenetic and associated minerals. Have now discovered 134 kinds of minerals, has proven reserves of 91 kinds, is one of the country there are kinds of mineral provinces. Including antimony, tungsten storage place of the highest in the world, bismuth, rubidium, stone coal, realgar, fluorite, sepiolite, barite, monazite, such as the first in the nation, manganese, vanadium, rhenium, glaubers salt, kaolin and 2nd reserves of manganese ore industry; Zinc, lead, tantalum, graphite, diamond, cement ingredients such as reserves, the third in the nation.

Hunan tourism resources. There are ten big tourist area and more than 100 tourist attractions. "The east one line", mount hengshan ancient city of changsha, shaoshan holy land revolution and yueyang tower, emperor yandi mausoleum, etc. "The west", has been protected by the United Nations as a world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic spots and Freud, sandwiched yamadera, fierce hole river scenic area, is the national famous tourist resort.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1746 字

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Changsha, though not nearly as prosperous Hong Kong than atmosphere in Beijing, but still has her own beauty.

Changsha is a beautiful place, there are beautiful as pavilion, love late pavilion. At night, lights, like the stars in the sky, twinkle.

Changsha charactizing a fine spring, spring breeze blow gently. Sunshine in March, the flower is gorgeous. The flower azalea is indescribable.

Summer, known as the "four big stove" one of changsha is hot. Cicada hot straight called "cicadas, cicada," dog hot tongue, floppy chicken wings. No matter how the weather during the day, children come out to play, so they had a hot, cant help but to the sun.

Autumn, the leaves fall, the fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle smile red in the face. The wild goose south, ants and squirrels have in preparation for winter food.

Winter, heavy snow, the children can be happy, because you can snowball fights, make a snowman! Leaves a also have no, many small animals also for the winter. The children are in the warm home looking at the beautiful snow...

Changsha year the four seasons scenery attractive, no matter day or night, she is always a kind face.

Changsha snack is to let a person dazzling, stinky tofu, bean jelly, roast sweet potato, onion cakes, taste shrimp, sucking screw... Is numerous, even the saliva all cant help flow down.

Changsha tourist resort also has a lot of, such as: taiping street, small Simon, as pavilion, baisha ancient, yuelu academy, and so on some places of interest. But they speak well "nobodys perfect, gold without gather" changsha ointment is loop mirror is not good, can see garbage everywhere, air is polluted by a lot.

Changsha is our common home, when I grow up must see her construction better, become a more attractive city.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12550 字

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Comes in front of Hangzhou, you certainly had heard "on has theheaven, getsdown has Suzhou and Hangzhou" this famous saying!Actually, analogies Hangzhoubetween the adult the heaven, in the verygreat degree is because had Xihu. Since1100, the Xihu scenery has thecharm which prolonged does not fade, her abundantposture beautifulfigure, makes one fall in love. Tang Dynasty big poet Bai Juyileaveswhen Hangzhou also never forgets Xihu, "has not been able to throwHangzhouto go, one partly stops over is this lake." The poet said himtherefore does notgive up leaves Hangzhou, its main reason is becauseHangzhou has a beautifulenchanting Xihu. "The world Xihu 36, centershould better be Hangzhou"!

Friends: Under on rides the ship along with me from the mountainshrinewharf to tour together Xihu. Before ship start, I firstintroduce Xihu thesurvey: Xihu is located the Hangzhou west end,three goes around a mountain, theeast side borders on the urbandistrict, the north and south long approximately3.2 kilometers, thething width approximately 2.8 kilometers, circles lake weeknearly 15kilometers. The area approximately 5.68 square kilometers, includingthelake in the islands are 6.3 square kilometers, the hydraulic meandepth 1.55meters, most deep place about 2.8 meters, most shallow partinsufficient 1 meter,water-holding capacity in 8.5 million to 8.7million cubic meters between.Outside Su Di and the Bai Dike divideinto Lake Surface the lake, North In thelake, the syli lake mountain lake andthe small Lake Nanhu 5 parts. Xihueverywhere has the beautifulscenery, in the history except has "the money pondten scenery", "theXihu 18 scenery" beside, what is most famous is the SouthernSongDynasty chooses a name "the Xihu ten scenery", mother: Su Di springday dawn,the tune courtyard wind-load, the Pinghu harvest moon,breaks the bridge remnantsnow, the flowered port view fish, south thescreen Wan Zhong, the split-blipinserts the cloud, the thunder peakevening glow, Three deep pools India month,the scull wave hears 茑. If connotationwhich selects by each character, they are:The spring, summer, fall,and winter is colored, late cloud evening month willowtree. The spotleft regardless of spring, summer, fall, and winter, regardless ofthebright 晦 dusk, the Xihu beautiful scenery all has at times,everywhere all incharacteristic. In 1985 commented "the new Xihu tenscenery". In take Xihu as inthe central 60 square kilometersbotanical gardens scenic spot, was proclaimingthe main scenery scenicspot has 40 place, the key cultural relic historical sitehas 30place. Summarizes the Xihu scenery mainly take a lake, two peaks,threesprings, four temples, five mountains, six gardens, seven holes,eight graves,nine brooks, ten Jing assheng. On November 8, 1982,State Council Xihu will listas one of first batch of national keyscenery scenic spots. In 1985, in "theChinese ten big sceneriesscenic spots" in the evaluation, Xihu is evaluatedthird.

Xihu is such beautiful, certainly is breeding many marvelous movingfables.Hands down before very the long time, the space had jade LongHejin on phoenixsto find a Baiyu nearby Milky Way immortal island,they pondered over very manyyears, Baiyu turned a light shining inall directions the pearl, where did thisno. 3 gunpowder tea pearlyluster according to arrive, where trees evergreen, thehundred flowerswere in full bloom. Day after tomorrow the news will pass totheheavenly palace, queen mother of the west sends the gifted general tocome tosnatch the bead. Jade Long Hejin the phoenix hurries to therope bead, encountersthe grandmother to reject, thereupon youstruggle me to seize, the grandmother isthrown off in the place, atwo pine, the pearl falls the world, turned crystalclear limpid Xihu,jade Long Hejin the phoenix also descended along with it,turned jadeMt. Longshan (namely Jade Emperor mountain) with Pheonixmountains,forever protected shore of in the Xihu..

Xihu took the famous scenery place, many Chinese and foreign celebrityhaveonly one in mind to this. The Mao Zedong life Chinese CommunistParty 40 timecomes Hangzhou, longest has fully lived 7 months longtime, he treats as Hangzhou"the second family". Mao Zedong frequentlycommended Xihu is elegant, but hebefore death never officiallypublishes has described Xihu the poetry. TheChinese extraordinarypersonalities like Xihu, the foreign friend is forgets toreturn toXihu. American former president Nixon two time comes Hangzhou,heacclaims said: "Beijing is Chinas capital, but Hangzhou is thisnationalheart, I also must again come." Nixon the red Pine whichproduced the hometownCalifornia state has also given Hangzhou.

Our ship slowly started. I first entire You Hu travelling schedulesimpleintroduction: A link lake week-long scenic spot has a mountainand two dikes. AShan Zhi isolated hill, the isolated hill scenic areascenic spot historical sitereaches 30 place west, can appreciatealong the lakes has the Ling bridge, thefall 瑾 grave, west outsidethe Ling India society, the building the building, theZhongshan Parkand so on. After isolated hill is the Bai Dike, gets up fromthePinghu harvest moon, finally breaks the bridge remnant snow, after thebridgealso has the famous gem to flow landscape and so on rosy cloud.Appreciates alongthe lake scenery, we will go to in again the lakethree islands, the pleasureboat finally approach shore in the Sovietdike.

Now the ship is going from the west to the east, each position arrivesisarea the isolated hill scenery. West west the isolated hill meetsthe Lingbridge, east continually Bai Dike, elevation 35 meters, area200,000 squaremeters. Isolated hill scenery Tang Songnian has beenwell-known, the SouthernSong Dynasty principle ancestor onceconstructed the broad in scale WesternPacific second grade palace inthis, divideed into the most place isolated hillthe Emperors garden.Qing Dynasty Emperor Kanghsi constructs the temporarypalace in this,Emperor Yong Zheng changes the temporary palace for the saintbecauseof the temple, hid the temple with then spirit, only the kindtemple,according to celebrates the temple and calls "Xihu four big jungles" " .Perhaps some friends want to ask that, Does theisolated hill since Xihu in thebiggest islands, why have to name "theisolated hill"? This is because in thehistory this mountain sceneryis specially exquisite, continuously is calledloner emperor to hold,therefore is the isolated hill. Says from the geology, theisolatedhill is composed by the volcano blowout liparite, the entire bird isandthe land continually in together, therefore "the isolated hill isnot orphaned,breaks the bridge to be unceasing, the long bridge isnot long" is been calledXihu three certainly.

Everybody front looked again that link hole stone arch bridge, issituatedat west the isolated hill west, the name is called the Lingbridge. It and brokethe bridge, the long bridge and is called theXihu ancient times three bigsentiments bridge.

Crossed west the Ling bridge, after the isolated hill in the foothillgreengrove had reveres the white marble cast, only saw this heroineleft hand to forkthe waist, the right hand presses the sword,flashing eyes, held up the headfront the gaze, resembled is seekingthe revolutionary truth. Who is she? She isour country womensliberation movement pioneer, for overthrows Qing Dynasty,strives forthe national independence and the heroical sacrifice "the warninglakefemale variant" the fall 瑾. This cast height 2.7 meters, the graveplaceheight 2 meters, on the positive tablet stone should have SunYat-Sen to writepersonally "the heroine" 4 large brush-writtenChinese characters. Fall 瑾martyrs cast, for our one kind ofenlightenment: Xihus being well-known, notmerely has occupiedvictory of the scenery, it multiplied the brilliance becauseof themultitudinous historical personage. In the Xihu scenic spot, bythereputation is "in the lake three is outstanding" Yue Fei, Yu Qian,ZhangCangshui, but also has with the fall 瑾 for promotes togethernearly issues 0Nanothers behalf host revolutionary Xu Xilin, TaoChengzhang which China devotedand so on, all has interred the WestLake lakeside.

Our ship continues slowly to go toward the east, each position sawfrontwhitewashes a wall together, in the courtyard then is the famouswest Ling Indiasociety. Right flank India society, this China and theWest combines andcomplements one another the construction, is hundredyear old shop Lou Wailou.Outside the building the building founded in1848, shop takes from the SouthernSong Dynasty poet forest rises"outside the mountain outside the green hillbuilding the building"the famous phrase. Outside the building the buildingresulted in theweather, the advantage, the person and then, has received manyChineseand foreign celebrity. Outside the building the building managedahousehold the famous cuisine number Xihu vinegar fish, it was selectsin Xihuthe grass carp which bred in the stipulation scope, was firsthungry in the clearwater 12 days, except the soil taste, then boiledthe system to become. ChengCaihou Xihu vinegar fish, luster redbright, the meat taste fresh and tender,sour and sweet is delicious,slightly brings the crab taste, is Hangzhou most hastherepresentative flavor famous cuisine.

Now the ship sailed to the Zhongshan Park, the isolated hill mainentrancein here. "The mountain in is not high, has the immortalthen", the isolated hillnot only is a scenery Mingshan, also is acultural Mingshan. Isolated hill statusin Xihu scenic area thereforeis such important, is because it is containing therich history, thecultural connotation, in the scenic area famously has "the Xihuworldscenery," also commemorates the Northern Song Dynasty to hideleisurely poetLin Hejing to put the crane pavilion. After thesescenic spots and so on comeashore we to go to the visit.

Nearby the Zhongshan Park, we saw this group of buildings wererecentlyconstruct are completed "the Zhejiang Province museum". Thenthe surface exhibitson 姆 is crossing the culture to 7000 ago river,gets down to near modern culturalrelic exhibit article 1,700. Behindthe museum ancient construction is QingDynastys imperial library WenLange, it is our country one of seven storytellingChinese stylepavilions which "the Four Books" constructs for the collection.

Please front looked that prominent Lake Surface cement platformdouble-eavedroof alcove has unfolded us at present, this place constructs attheQing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty construction, the name calls Pinghu theharvestmoon. It is Bai Dikes beginning, also is Hangzhou three bigenjoys looking atthe moon one of paradises. In the history Hangzhouperson midautumn festivalenjoys looking at the moon has three bigdestinations: In the lake pushes one ofthree islands Three deep pools India month, onthe mountain should be the phoenixhillside 月岩 the scenic spot, asfor the shore, number this pale blue wind wasclear, the water and skyaltogether blue Pinghu harvest moon!

Now each position saw front this strip "between willow peach" thetourcauseway is the Bai Dike. When our ship drives here, the Xihu mostbeautifulscenery presented in front of everybody. Looks! In the dikenearby tworespectively has line of willows, the prunus persica,specially is playing, thewillow branch exudes, the peach tree greenbright red, a piece of pink willowgreen scenery, the tourist reachesthis point, as if like near fairyland. The BaiDike original name "iswhite Sand Dike", as early as in more than 1,000 year agoTang Dynasty,is famous by the sight fluttering flags. It although manages theBaiDike with Bai Ju which constructs not in a position, but the Hangzhoupeoplefor cherish the memory of this to make the brilliantcontribution to Hangzhou"senior mayor", still named it as the BaiDike. It manages the construction withSu Dongpo the Soviet dike justlike in the lake two brocades belt, gorgeous isvaried, enhances oneanothers beauty. Everybody looked again that, the Bai Dikemiddlethis bridge is called the brocade belt bridge, before is the placewoodenbridge, in the name "contains the blue bridge", now changes thename as the stonearch bridge. In Bai Dikes terminus, to mediated thebridge, the span 1 kilometerBai Dike from this but "breaks".

Breaks the bridge the name most early to take to the Tang Dynasty, theSongsynonym valuable blessing bridge, Yuan Daiyou name is DuanJiazhi, before is theplace mess stained ancient stone bridge. We nowsee this bridge although is theplace very ordinary stone arch bridge,but its name and "the Tale of the WhiteSnake" the story relates intogether, thus has become in Xihu a most famousbridge.



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Ancient capital of luoyang, is a one thousand. The famous historic sites is obviously, like, white horse temple, longmen grottoes, tianjin bridge and so on and so on, a lot. My favorite is the white horse temple.

When I was seven or eight years old, has ever been to the white horse temple once more. I was the first ancient China after two thousand years of wind and rain.

The monastery was founded in AD 68. Published in 1961 by the state council for the national first batch of one of the key cultural relics protection units. White horse temple, the temple there are great, big Buddha hall, male, such as house, a lot of magnificent buildings. And white horse temple is the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism, also known as the "cradle" and "interpretation of the source".

It is said that: one night in the year 67, the han emperor liuzhuang had a dream, dream of a fairy, surrounded by golden body is light, the light come from a far country, landing in front of the royal house. Han Ming emperor was very happy. In court the next morning, he told officials, their own dreams and ask where is sacred. Seeks Fu Yi well-read, he told han Ming emperor: "I heard that western tianzhu (India), and a word of god, as Buddha, can fly in the fantasy, the whole body radiates with light, the emperor you dreamed about Buddha!" And the king of han Ming emperor sent messengers Qin Jing, according to 13 people go to the western regions, such as promise. Three years later, they are the same as the two Indian monks and Ye Ma teng and zhu flange back to luoyang, back to a number of books and Buddha, and start to translate the part of buddhist scriptures, "medallion 42" is one of them. The emperor ordered built Chinas first buddhist temple in the capital of luoyang, to house the sainted Indian monk, they bring valuable storage by things such as, the temple of luoyang white horse temple today.

White horse temple is not only the first in the history of Chinese ancient temples, or a have a lot of vivid figure of Buddha and grand buildings.

I took a tour of the white horse temple, saw many vivid figure of Buddha. Not only has a vivid interesting "happy Buddha maitreya," there are four jovian pop. Formed a great contrast. There is also a scenery left a deep impression on me. That is JiYun tower. The stupa, though not very grand, but have radian tower, give a person the sense with small and exquisite,.

White horse temple, over one thousand years of wind and rain is a monastery, is the pride of our luoyang people heart!



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Ladies and gentlemen, we are expected to back __x in __x minutes, theterninal of this journey.

Id like to express my grateful to every body for your kindly cooperationduring the journey.

I spend a very nice time with in the past __ days.



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Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breezeand fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, naturalscenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of theChinese revolution will illuminate Tianjins past, present and future. Tianjinis honored as Building Museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powersbefore the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings withextraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In thefollowing text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (topten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County, theHuangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 -557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one ofthe eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers andother defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites inTianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entiresection is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both naturalbeauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot anda summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass andTaiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three yearsrepairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east toWangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the HuangyaguanWater Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensivesystem of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes,emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arrangedorderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, BeijiTemple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the firstmuseum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly builtwithin the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall,another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace andprosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at GuafuTower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains forabout 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are sixwatch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. Thearchitectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square,round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall.Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of QiJiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the elevengarrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue inorder to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability inthat period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yardsout to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower,"Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during theconstruction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower tocommemorate their husbands notable exploits. The tower has two levels andmeasures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sidesof the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is alsofamous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridgefor over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying throughclouds.

Mt. Panshan Scenic Area :

Covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), Mt. PanshanScenic Area is located in Jixian County, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away fromTianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from Beijing. As the name suggests, thescenic area is mainly Mt Panshan–oriented. Endowed with natural beauty and ahistorical heritage, Mt Panshan is known as The First Mountain East of Beijingand is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in China.

The mountain acquired its present name, early in the Eastern Han (25-220).Taizong , the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of hispraise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign.Seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous Xanadus and towers were builton the mountain in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). Qianlong, a brilliant and wise Qing Dynasty emperor was soimpressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express hisadmiration of the area. In the first half of the twentieth century, the wholeresort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. It has undergone aprocess of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

It is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clearwaters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. On themountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine.Rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general ora boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. At its foot, clear watersplashes on the rocks. The mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one,Guayue (Moon Hanging) Peak. Although Guayue Peak is only 857 meters (2811.7feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the GreatWall while to the west Mt Taihang can be seen.

From the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards,emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers andXanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. There are four main temples: TianchengTemple (God Proposing Temple), Yunzhao Temple (Cloud-Hiding Temple), WanfoTemple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) and Wansong Temple (Ten Thousand-PineTemple). Tiancheng Temple built in the Tang Dynasty, was enlarged and repairedin the Ming and the Qing dynasties. To the east of this temple stands theAncient Dagoba. As the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors.The roof of the Yunzhao Temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally wasonly allowed to be used on imperial buildings. By granting permission for this,Emperor Qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. WanfoTemple (Ten Thousand-Buddha Temple) has 10,960 small Buddhas statues.



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My friends, everybody! Welcome to the badaling Great Wall. I am your tour guide, Qiu Xuyang, you call me little high or high conductivity, by today I lead you to visit the Great Wall at badaling, hope you have a good and unforgettable time here.

Badaling Great Wall wall 6-9 meters high, planar trapezoid, bottom width 6. 5-7. 5 meters 8, 4. 5-5. 8 m. Most of the wall a wide flat, can "WuMa and ride, 10 people in parallel"; The wall line be the outside, the outer wall is high, the medial wall is low. Everyone along the direction of my finger to see: the wall beside the road, at the entrance of a total of five iron cannon, iron cannon, though after one hundred years vicissitudes of life remains intact, the largest of a gun barrel length 2. 85 meters, diameter of 105 mm, range of km above, power is great. Everyone can be a photo here. On the Great Wall you to look at the up and down two floors building is the watchtowers, watchtowers horse-refraining pits and shot hole, around the upper house for the bottom of the soldiers, lodging and storage materials.

Go the distance, this is the beacon tower, which friend can say the use of a beacon tower? Beacon tower is good, the main role is to facilitate investigation, there are enemy invasion at the same time, can be burning fuel, such as straw so that you can use fireworks on the situation of the enemy, is on alert for the next. Ok, my friends keep up with the pace of the I, as the saying goes: "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall!" Now we see the tilted 45 degrees in the triangle type of stone is the famous mens stone. Come here, everybody is the genuine hero, take you to the excited mood to leave you here permanent shadow.

Two hours of long time went by, in a twinkling of an eye small high here I wish you a happy happy life! A happy family! People gain flourish! A happy journey! We have a chance to meet again!
