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Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is _,my Chinese name is _,you may call me _ or Mr_, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRE SERVICE,On behalf of _and my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is _ ,my phone NO.is _. let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.




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The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows:

Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall ofbenevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front ofthe Grand Theater Building- a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmonyto the Hall o Jade Ripples- in front of the o Jade Ripples- in front of theYiyunguan (Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity- in front ofthe Yaoyue (Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in frontof the Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon ) Gate of the Long Corridor- strolling along theLong Corridor- visiting an exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the Hallof Dispelling Clouds- inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- atop the Tower ofBuddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower ofBuddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower ofBuddhist Incense- inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest –outside the southgate to Suzhou Shopping Street- atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shoppingstreet –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the roadform the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front ofthe ruins of the Garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marbleboat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.

(Out side the east gate)

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the Summer Palace. (After theself-introduction of the guide -interpreter) I hope this will be an interestingand enjoyable day for you .

During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical andcultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.

The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750. At that time,the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country withvast territories. The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong. With supremepower and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans fromall over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother`s birthday. After 15 years and one seventh of the nation` s annual revenuespent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony toChina` s scientific and technological achievements. In 1860, this vast royalgarden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan (Garden of Perfection andBrightness) by Angol-French allied forces. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixireconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of NurturedHarmony (Summer Palace). Characterized by its vast scope and rich culturalembodiments, the Summer Palace has become one of the most famous tourist sitesin the world.

This is the main entrance to the Summer Palace-the East Gate On top of theeaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means“Garden of Nurtured Harmony” , whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu. The gatethat you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress andthe queer mother. All others used the side doors.

(Inside the East Gate)

the Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and KunmingLake .The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three- fourthsconsists of a lake and rivers .This imperial garden features 3,000 room-unitsand covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesquespots of interest. The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups ofarchitectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, restingpalaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. Entering the EastGate we will come the the office quarters. Entering the East gate we will cometo the office quarters. The annex halls on both sides were used for officials onduty.

This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. Above the door there is aplaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters. Thegigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone,quarried in Jiangsu Province and placed here to decorated the garden.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1229 字

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The classmates, you all know Qingdao there are many scenic spots like pier, shilaoren, the rainforest valley, laoshan, 10 MeiAn, underwater world, zhongshan park, etc., they are all Qingdao "bright spot". Especially the trestle, shilaoren, laoshan, underwater world, a trip to visit people is an endless stream. There is also a scenic spot is given by nature and that is the sea.

The sea gives us a lot of opportunities, take the 20xx Olympic Games, for instance, Qingdao, is because of the sea, so can get the sailing events held. The sea. Has given us power, when you are tired, a glance at the sea, will vanish in fatigue. When you are stressed, looked at the boundless sea, will throw heart outside the cloud nine. The vast sea is like the sea of knowledge, let us know about the many, many. Underwater world is built under the sea.

In autumn, in laoshan, the rainforest valley, ten MeiAn is the autumn wind the leaves, the earth looks like a layer of orange on the shop carpet, the man walk on the soft, can be fun! And it is so beautiful.

Qingdao is so beautiful, I dont want this kind of beautiful landscape is those who litter destroyed, so we should protect the environment, make Qingdao a city with the sea more beautiful!



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Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.



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好,现在请大家随我一起参观显陵最具有特色,也是中外陵墓史上绝无仅有的奇观,那就是一陵两冢!何为一陵两冢?就是一座陵园内有两座墓冢。那么为什么其他陵墓无此现象而独显陵有呢?这还要从墓主前后身份变化说起:明正德14 年也就是 1519年,墓主朱佑元因病去世,当时他只是一个潘王,依封建礼制,他的陵墓即按潘王的规制建造,我们现在看到的这个前墓冢,既是当年兴献王朱佑元死后的坟墓。

1521年朱厚璁登基成了嘉靖皇帝之后,追封其父也就是朱佑元为“献皇帝”,并一度想将其父的陵寝迁往北京,与其他已故明皇帝葬在一起,这一想法遭到了大臣们的反对,因而未迁,嘉靖17 年( 1539年) 12 月,嘉靖皇帝的母亲章圣皇太后在北京病故。为了给母亲寻找“吉壤”,嘉靖帝于次年 2月南巡承天府(即钟祥市),在拜谒了其父新献帝的陵墓后,他认为这是一片难得的风水宝地,便决定将其母亲的灵柩由京城送至钟祥显陵与父亲合葬。但经检查发现,显停放父棺椁的地宫已经进水,且较小。于是嘉靖便命工部在其父原有的墓冢后面重新修建一座新地宫以供放其父母的灵柩。这样就形成了由最初的单冢潘王坟经嘉靖帝在位几十年的不断扩建,变成一座规模宏大的前后双冢帝王陵。

我们现在看到的这座巨大的墓冢叫宝城,从空中看就像一个巨大的哑铃。前宝城是椭圆形,东西宽112 米,南北长 125米,就是最早停放新献王灵柩的地方(现供奉大量的随葬品),而后宝城为正圆形,直径 110 米,下面的地宫中即停放嘉靖帝父母的棺椁。


显陵自修建至今已近 500 年了,期间经历数次劫难。其中最大上的一次即明代末年李自成农民起义。1643年冬,李自成大军攻陷承天府(即钟祥),拆毁朱家的家庙,并欲挖掘显陵地宫。据说正准备开挖前地宫时,恰遇雷电交加。有迷信思想的李自成心有疑惧,未敢动土,便放火烧毁陵内所有木制结构的建筑作罢。如今科学探测证明显陵地宫保存完好,从未被盗过,这也从侧面反映了此地民风纯朴,相信将来的某一天,显陵地宫开启时定能引起全世界的注目。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11510 字

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Distinguished guests:

How do you do! I entrusted by the tourism and hospitality sector, to visit the city qufu. Visit our warmest welcome to the guests. I had the privilege of guided Tours, for everyone is very happy, this is our common appreciation at a good opportunity to learn. See after please leave valuable advice.

First of all, to briefly introduce the general situation of the historical and cultural relics qufu.

Historical and cultural city qufu is Chinas ancient great thinker, educator, politician and relevant literature, the sage Confuciuss hometown, the hometown of SAN mencius, the ancestor of the Chinese nation is the birthplace of the yellow emperor yuan, the capital of yan, shang Yin old country, the capital of lu. Three sovereigns four interest-bearing work here, have a history of more than 5000 years. The underground is rich in treasures, the earth has many cultural relics. Existing 112 cultural relics, including the protection unit of the United Nations, the world cultural heritage, the three national protection 4, 12 at the provincial level, the other for the prefecture-level protection.

Top priority is "three hole two temple ling", "three mountain two linyi temple". Confucius, Confucius, konglin was suggested, commonly known as the "three holes", sacrifice Chinese yuan SAN duke of zhou temple, worship Confucius is the first big disciple after st YanHui temple, commonly known as "two temple"; "Ling" is the birthplace of the yellow emperor, long-lived QiuShaoHao ling; "Three mountains"; Confucius birthplace mountain ni, writing group of the Kowloon hills, small mount tai - nine town (also known as the nine mountain). Second is: the best mother in the world education child mother meng Lin, Confucius parents buried Liang Gonglin; "The temple" is li bai, du fu poetry, right, break up, the famous scholar direction reclusive country garden "stone temple".

We now see the Confucius temple.

Confucius temple, also called to the Confucian temple, is a sacrifice to Confucius and his wife Qi officers seventy-two sages and. Confucius temple and the imperial palace in Beijing and hebei chengde city summer resort said Chinas three major ancient building group. Expert of Confucius talked about the four words: construction time is the oldest, the most ambitious, most complete, Oriental architectural features the most outstanding. As you can see Confucius temple two questions: one is the great contribution of Confucius for China and the east culture; The second is skillful craftsman in history of China.

Confucius temple was built in 478 BC, built in the second year of the death of Confucius temple. At the Confucius temple, between three display of Confucius, clothes, cars, books, etc., at the age of "FengSi". Emperors have expansion on Confucius temple, overhaul, 15 had 31, minor repair hundreds of times to todays scale. Confucius temple imitated imperial palace architecture of the system, three road layout, nine yard, there are 466 houses, doors pavilion 54, something relatively in a central axis, has nearly one thousand pieces of stone tablet, covers an area of 327.5 mu, for up to two li and 150 meters. Now see Confucius temple is the size of the Ming hongzhi years. After the liberation national funding repair protect many times. Released the first national key cultural relics protection units in China, UNESCOs world heritage list in December 1994, the United Nations protected units of cultural relics, long time of Confucius temple architecture, epic scale, the intact is the worlds rare.

Shinto. "Maninsan wall" vigorous cooper before this section of the road to "Shinto". Important temples are designed to open before the respect of informed, called "Shinto".

Maninsan wall. The door is QuFuMing city is the south gate, is also the first door of Confucius temple, the hanging "maninsan wall" four characters, the qing emperor qianlong YuBi. It comes from Confucius disciple zi gong. Lu convention governors, zi gong extensive and profound knowledge is advanced, with Confucius, zi gong is present, immediately stand up and say, I dare not with my teacher Confucius than, learning is like a wall, I only have a towering high the wall, my teacher asked of several walls. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a high head, shoulder be clear at a glance is profound; Confucius learning have me several times as much, after detailed research, a comprehensive discussion, to understand all of his, after entering the door, to see the beauty of the ancestral temple, head you cant see it at the door. Posterity to describe Confucius profound knowledge from teacher wall of towering, to "hundreds of towering", "towering" to the emperor of Ming dynasty named Confucius "civilian world," in this letter have "hh" Confucius learning, praise Confucius learning has ten thousand eight feet, look up, cant see the top, also said the wall deep wall high base is very strong. The four ZiYuan written by an imperial Ming, emperor qianlong to express his attention to Confucius, pro book "maninsan wall" changed his YuBi.

Good music lane. This workshop was built in the Ming dynasty, to consummate and perfect expression of Confucius learned, like the whole process, playing music in the intact all along. Accompanied by bell, bell up "first order", is qing ended, and the voice of the vibration "jade" as the qing fell, "organized, it will," said praise Confucius learning is a collection of ancient sage, so called "Kim seng and vibration jade", "Kim seng" the sound of the clock, the beginning, "vibration" jade qing, eventually. Which is the source of eps to "finish" idiom. "Good music" is a famous calligrapher of Ming dynasty Hu Zuanzong topic.

"Two cypress bear a hole". Anything vibration jade fang this single-arch bridge, each have a cooper, so called "two cypress bear a hole". This bridge is called: "panxi water bridge" and near the palace panxi pools of water are interlinked, so of "looking forward to water". Read the book of Confucius in the past, admitted to universities is called "hope", few are high, is hoping to get rich and live are thriving.

Dismount monument. Temple wall thing each set up a stone tablet, specially made in 1191 A.D. dismount tablet, under the car. Monument to the west of the early destruction, the east on the tablet "and officials like now dismount." In the past, officials and common people through its foot it dismount, in order to show respect for Confucius, Confucius temple.

Lingxingmeng door. Built in Ming dynasty, rebuilt in 1754 AD, from wooden to stone. "Fasten qianlong YuBi lingxingmeng door". Galaxy legend heaven "twenty BaSu", among them, there is a star called "lingxingmeng" in charge of the culture, also known as "wanted", "vibration day star", the Confucius linked with the tube culture star in the sky, said he is of the highest cultural aspects, such as in the past to worship, offering "wanted", Confucius as Buddha day.

Tai qi fang. This lane is built by the Ming dynasty in 1544 AD, highly praised the thoughts of Confucius, the proposition as "the universe can nurture space. Heaven and earth, the quartet of close, close of Yin and Yang", said the "tai" qi is the most basic things, the universe of taihe, the strength of the human world. "Tai qi" department of shandong province governor Ceng Xi calligraphy.

To the Confucian temple lane. Built in Ming dynasty "to the Confucian temple lane", is a white marble, act the role of flame orb.

Shall the heavens and the earth, the champions league at all. This monastery where transform to build a very peculiar memorial arch, wooden horn around edges, head one thousand renewal, there are eight monsters, is called "day dragon lion", from its majestic inspiration, can drive out evil, they just. Saying, "DE shall east arch of heaven and earth", said the benefits of the thoughts of Confucius advocated to humans like little, deeds can compare with heaven and earth. Saying the ancient and modern "crown" on the west side of the memorial arch, praise Confucius thought, the way of ancient and modern is to lift the champions league.

The door. Three, four units are same as above, the central panlong. This name comes from mencius, the four ancient sage "yi, yi zhi, evil city, Confucius, mencius reduce sacred traces of four saints to four words:" yi qing of the saint, also yi zhi SAN was also, is the sum of evil city SAN, Confucius also st. "St" highly praise Confucius thoughts enduring, is suitable for the saint of The Times. The emperor QuFuChao hole to line "three kneeling nine knocking gift", walk the door; All previous dynasties "yan called" open "holy gate" at birth, except in both cases, it is not easily open the door. All walk fast 覩 door, halls.

Fast 覩 door and take a sneak peek. Means learning four "five classics" of Confucius, who learn who have culture, the first who learn who first have the knowledge, to learn, to see first read for pleasure.

Halls. According to the YanHui praise Confuciuss named after a paragraph. YanHui, saying, teacher, Yang "high, drilling and even stronger than before. Praise Confucius learning cant see the top up, called "high", "learning classical Chinese is hard to understand, is called" even stronger than before, "high is not high, after is completely can learn hard. YanHui said "teacher shoot, good attractive, I by wen bo, said I to the ritual." My teacher coaxing, taught me to culture, and give me with courtesy.

Han stone man. Back in highgate pavilion has two han stone man high historical value, one is "TingChang", local small officer (han dynasty), died of an entrance, is the king of lu tomb guard. A survey by generations of a specialist, and text have important value to the study of the han dynasty clothing.

Confucius is my official curtilage, garden and combined with examples

Confucius temple is on the east side of Confucius, Confucius is office grandson hereditary slot. Was built in the song dynasty, through generation of continuous expansion, the size of the form now. Covers an area of 200 mu, there are houses more than 480. Yamun and residential building in together, is a typical feudal aristocratic manor, imperial edict, issued by the official department lobby is used to accept the emperor or the family affairs. Confucius back yard has a garden, quiet and tastefully laid out and pure and fresh, layout, here can be called garden, is also a garden and combined with examples. Confucius in possession of a large number of historical archives, cultural relics handed down from generation to generation in clothing and gear, and precious.

Konglin was suggested to be continue ss oldest and best-preserved family cemetery

Konglin was suggested, also known as the most holy, Lin in qufu north gate, covers an area of 3000 mu, around the brick wall for 14 Lin, and his descendants of Confucius family cemetery. Konglin was suggested in BaiGui passageway, enter konglin was suggested to be after 1200 meters of the pyramid-shaped mound, and then through the stone arches, stone bridge, tunnel, arrived in Confuciuss grave. The tomb of Confucius manor 6 meters high, the tomb of the east is the child of Confucius hole hole Ji carp and his grandsons grave. In konglin was suggested, and some grave remains of a stone huabiao, man and beast. All of these are in accordance with the grade of MuZhongRen was knighted a set, the extended and plants in konglin was suggested in 2500, there were mounds More than 10, ten thousand. Its duration, mould was buried, the preserved, are rare.



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Each of the four seasons on Mt. Huangshan has their respective beauty but even this can vary from day to day thanks to variations in the weather, light and shade as clouds pass overhead and even around you at the higher reaches. This endless changing adds an emphasis to the wonder of the landscape and to know the mountain thoroughly, you would need to visit Mt. Huangshan in all the different seasons.


Mt. Huangshan in spring is like a maiden - all is new, fresh and tender. Spring comes in April but its onset is delayed by three days for every 100 meters as you climb the mountain. Therefore, when wild flowers are brilliant and seedlings are shooting up at its foot, the plants half way up the mountain will be just awakening from their winter sleep and will not exhibit their beauty until a week later. The sound of birdsong is most pleasant in this quietness while you will be enchanted by the color changes as you climb your way up. Spring is probably the most propitious season for visiting Mt. Huangshan and is certainly the best time to view the many waterfalls due to the abundant precipitation.


It is hard to resist the charm of the cool green mountain sides in summer when an exuberance of plant life covers the valleys and peaks with a green blanket. The green trees and ivy mingle to form natural pavilions where you can sit and refresh yourself while enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cooling breeze to sooth you.

Dawn in summer is most splendid as the rising sun lights the sky and the peaks and the plants and the whole world takes on a brilliant glow. After a storm, Mt. Huangshan becomes a world of water. Numerous streams and waterfalls compose an exciting and vigorous symphony. The Sea of Clouds during this season is not as vast as during autumn or winter but it revels in its brightness. If you are really lucky you will see a vivid rainbow flying over two peaks. Sunset is no less enchanting than sunrise. Mt. Huangshan in summer is the best resort in which to escape high temperatures of southern China.


1. July and August are among the peak seasons therefore reservation is a must.

2. It is wise to bring a rainproof jacket with you as the strong wind on the mountain renders an umbrella all but useless and even dangerous.

3. Do not climb the mountain during thunderstorm.


Autumn on the mountain is colorful due to the blue sky, white clouds, red maples and yellow fruits. At this time of the year the scenery can be compared with that of spring but with a mature beauty. If spring is like a bud ready to bloom, autumn is a flower showing its last significance before withering. Such is the beauty of the autumn scenery of Mt. Huangshan that it can be seen in many famous Chinese paintings.


1.Besides the Golden Week of the National Day (Oct 1st to 7th), September and October are also peak seasons of Mt. Huangshan.

2. Bring with you warm clothes so as not to catch a chill as the temperature variation is significant.


Snowy Mt. Huangshan is like a crystal palace. Though winter lasts a long time in Huangshan, it is not as cold as you might expect. A poem has it that Mt. Huangshan is beautiful all year round but with the winter scenery being the best. The Sea of Clouds, one of the four wonders of Mt. Huangshan, appears more often in winter than in any other season. The spectacle of rimed trees sparkling in the sun is the privilege of winter alone for it is then that you may find yourself in a silver world with icy peaks, clusters of frosty corals suffused with a plentiful supply of the freshest of oxygen rich fresh air.

Travel tips:

1. Winter is the most economical time for visiting Mt Huangshan as the prices for hotels and the entry fee are lowered by 15% to 40% compared to those of the peak season. However, Spring Festival is an exception, during which the price is the same as normal seasons.

2. The hotels are centrally heated so you don’t have to worry about the cold.

3. Anti-skid shoes are provided as well as heavy coats in most hotels.



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He garden, also known as loud send hill, located in the north of yangzhou ancient canal sight southeast segment xu ning street, is a national key cultural relics protection units, the national AAAA level scenic spots. Park owner He Zhizhou knife, his family for the beiyang minister li hongzhang, guangxu emperor saying and in-laws three houses in a together, he was from hubei han Huang Dedao on prime ZhiShi, yangzhou, he prowled the huge zhou Yu Guangxu nine years building large private residential gardens. Birth by YuanJu property of building layout, garden, piece of rock composition, are closely linked, match well of Chinese and western, the tour be convenient to both the living environment, Chinas private garden architectural aesthetic and swim in function in this extremely highly harmonious and perfect.

Theres canopy of the art of Chinese gardening four "first day", the characteristic construction of the crown -- enjoys the reputation of "the day the first gallery" after 1500 meters road corridors, constitute the beauty of the landscape architecture of the convenient and loopback change, unique in the Chinese garden, the expert inside course of study called the prototype of the overpass in China; Stone mountain room "the first mountain", is not over the giants of the monk stacked stone "orphan" in the world.

He garden or domestic famous natural base of film and television viewing, "a dream of red mansions", "the princess huanzhu" sequel, "heaven tears" and so on nearly radix stemonae film and television play in the west. Into the he garden, like a walk into a natural history, the humanities landscape picture scroll: harmony of Chinese and western countries in modern landscape art found elsewhere in this set Jane exceptions hui essence; A collection of bureaucracy, salt merchants, hermit, educators multiple identities legend twists and turns and hidden heart order process in the dripping wet disclosure; A: a portrait from the feudal to the liberal family, the survival whole as playing out here, a changeable colorful gaiden story of Chinese contemporary history in this vivid display.



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Yuanmingyuan located at Beijing haidian district, west, eastern. A largeYuYuan originally qing dynasty royal 52 acres, and covers an area of about thelayout is tasted glyph, total area reaches 350 hectares. Yuanmingyuan garden"million" the laudatory name, the garden of qianlong dynasty it into theoriginal pavilions, more than 140 place, the total area of 350 million squaremeters. Its onshore construction area and the imperial palace, the waters areaand as large as equal to one the Summer Palace.

History by yuanmingyuan garden, is, changchun park, WanChunYuan)composition adas spring park (. Three parks tight photograph adjacent,appellative yuanmingyuan. Total covers 52 acres (about 350 hectares) than theSummer Palace, the larger the whole range from nearly a thousand mu. It is inthe feudal emperors in qing dynasty more than 150 years, create and managementof a large royal GongYuan. Yongzheng, qianlong and jiaqing;, light, toward theemperor xianfeng five, ever the elder lives in yuanmingyuan leisurely enjoyment,and in this Daniel, held outside the politics, it and the Forbidden City (thepalace) with the national political center for then, by qing emperor, called"just".

Yuanmingyuan, not only to garden, and also is a famous royal museum, thecollection is extremely rich, be rated as cultural treasure. Hugo said: "even ifour country (France) all Notre Dame together all the treasures, nor with thegrand hall of the Oriental bright and richly comparable." museum Park displayexquisite, who has a large collection of luxurious of art treasures. Accordingto the westerners witnessed yuanmingyuan garden, "describe the scene, the richlybrilliant to can draw color chuai says, also the europeans can see." "All kindsof precious treasures, all in the royal villa, buildup in this bustling." Thefinest rosewood furniture of carve patterns or designs on woodwork, exquisiteancient crushed grain porcelain and enamel bottle lamps, zhijin weave silverbrocade, felt blanket, goods, gold-plated of pure gold France, exquisiteyuanmingyuan layout, clock, gem of embedded system ridges diagram, the scenerylifelike characters, and its own board other kinds of exquisite productsandEuropean various dazzling decorations, everything.

Now, with the yuanmingyuan site park site as the theme, formed thesolidification of history and full of vigorous vitality garden atmosphere uniquecombination of tourism landscape, already has the significant political historyvalue and one place rare tourist resort. Yuanmingyuan ruined tragedy, was thesymbol of the Chinese nation, humiliation, has become the rebirth of imperialand will continue to be the Chinese nation striving, increasingly prosperoustestimony. As special planning in 20__, the promulgation of the basic goal ofsite park built yuanmingyuan has clearly present before us.



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The Mountain Summer Resort

Topic: define the Mountain Summer Resort as “garden bright pearl, science open-air museum”.

Part one: how this garden is special.

*Question:(Outside the resort, to sitimulate the tourist’s interests)

Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question:Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet, and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.


Our garden experts said that, the Summer Vacation Mountain Village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. Why can the experts say like this?


Chengde Summer Resort is in the northern part of Chengde city, Heibei province. Chengde Imperial Palace also known as the Rehe Place, where Qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to Beijing.

*Knowledge about the layout:

There are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

The palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. The scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. There are eight artificial lakes. Emperor kangXi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. Emperor QianLong’s remark, “Though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. Because KangXi and QianLong have toured in south China many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. So this garden has the north and south style in a body.

*Answer of the question:

The natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern Jiangsu and outside Shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of China.

Outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the Moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the Qing Dynasty’s rule center.

Part two: Great values of the resort.

In our country history:

The Mountain Summer Resort has witnessed the Qing Dynasty’s consolidation and development. Said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

*Question: Why Mountain Summer Resort is considered as “intangible Great Wall”?

When the Qing government made Beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in Mongolia, Xinjiang and , and keep a marriage relation with them. It can be seen like this way: the temples around the Mountain Summer Resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

We know the Ming Dynasty has built Great Wall, but the policy of building the Mountain Summer Resort is more effectual .

From the cultural value:

In the resort, Han Nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. Now Chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.



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Located 1 km to the west of Xiahe County, daxiahe river forms a basinbetween Longshan and Fengshan. The Tibetan people call it a cornucopia, andLabrang temple is located on the cornucopia. Together with the DrepungMonastery, Sera Monastery, Gandan monastery, tashilumbu monastery and talmonastery in Qinghai, it is called the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect(yellow sect) of Lamaism in China. Labrang is the transliteration of Tibetan"lazhang", which means the place where the Buddhist palace is located.

The temple was built in 1709, the 48th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty. There are 18 magnificent Buddhist temples, more than 10000monk houses, numerous buildings and red walls, with extraordinary momentum.Among them, the most famous is the six ZHACANG. Zacang, which means college inTibetan. The six chacangs are the six Buddhist Colleges: Wensi College ofxiuxianzong, upper college and lower College of xumizong, Shilun College ofastronomy, Medical College of medicine and xijingang College of law. Among them,Wensi college is the center of the whole temple, with three main parts: fronthall, main hall and back hall. The front hall is for the statue of Kingsongzangan of Tibet, and the main hall is hung with a plaque of "huijue Temple",which was granted by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. The main hall, with 11bays, is 100 meters wide and 75 meters deep. It has 140 columns and can hold4000 lamas chanting sutras at the same time. The hall is decorated with colorfulbanners, more than 100 butter lamps and cigarettes. It is a Buddhist atmosphere.There are also two pulpits, a sutra house and a printing house in the temple,with tens of thousands of cultural relics and more than 60000 Tibetanclassics.

There are 18 "Lacan" in Labrang temple. "LAKANG" (Buddhist temple) is themeeting place for lamas to chant scriptures. Among them, Shouxi temple is thelargest, with 6 floors and a height of more than 20 meters. Inside the hall,there are about 15 meters high Buddha statues of Sakyamuni. The roof issurrounded by golden dragons and the wall is surrounded by silver lions. It iswell deserved to call Labrang temple a higher institution of TibetanBuddhism.



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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Ningbo!

Ningbo is the second largest city in Zhejiang Province, with a populationof nearly 6 million and an area of more than 9000 square kilometers. Ningbo hasa long history and was called Mingzhou in ancient times. Since ancient times,Ningbo has been relatively prosperous. Now Ningbo is divided into the old threedistricts and the new three districts by Yaojiang, Yongjiang and Shanjiang, soSanjiangkou is a center of Ningbo and the most prosperous area of Ningbo.

Ningbo mens wear is very famous in China and even in the world, amongwhich Youngor, fir, Lodz and newsbird are all famous brands, and advertisementsof these brands are everywhere, no matter in the city or in the countryside.Among them, Youngor is also engaged in real estate, zoos, stadiums and otherindustries, while Lodz is also involved in coal yard, retail and otherindustries, all of which are developed in an all-round way, so these brands arebecoming bigger and bigger. In fact, Ningbos clothing industry has existed fora long time. Chinas first Chinese tunic and suit came from Ningbo Hongbang, soif you are interested, you can bring a suit home.

There are two main roads in the center of Ningbo, Liuting street andZhongshan Road. Zhongshan road is 8 kilometers long, which is divided intoZhongshan East Road and Zhongshan West Road. There are many shops on both sides,which are very busy. Ningbo is also a city with high consumption. From realestate to catering, from daily consumption to luxury goods, it is moreexpensive.

Ningbo people especially like to eat and eat

Ningbo has the most restaurants, especially seafood shops. Because it isclose to the sea, Ningbo people also like to eat seafood, especially the freshdrunk crabs and yellow mud snails, which are eaten raw. Outsiders are not usedto it! Another famous food in Ningbo is Ningbo Tangyuan, the most famous ofwhich is called "Jiang ajian". A jar, a duck and a chicken are specially placedin front of the store, because the homonym of "Jiang ajian" in Ningbo Dialect is"jar duck chicken". I dont know, I think its a chicken and duck shop.

Ningbo Dialect is also very interesting. There is a place in Ningbo where"you cant go or speak". In fact, it is Beilun port in Beilun District. Beilunport is the economic pillar of Ningbo. Many people in Ningbo are engaged inimport and export trade, because Beilun port is also one of the important portsin China. It is said that they have to apply for special permits to enter theport! It is said that one year, a mayor of Ningbo went to the central governmentto report his work. He said that Ningbos economy depended on the "police", the"prostitutes" and the "no way to talk". This made the leaders very angry.However, after translation, they understood that it was the policy, theopportunity and the Beilun port. Therefore, there was a saying that they wouldrather listen to the quarrels of Suzhou people than the speeches of Ningbopeople Its so hard to understand!

Ningbo has "three ends": heshangtou, taro and bald. Heshangtou refers tomany temples, the most famous of which are Asoka temple and Tiantong temple inthe east of Ningbo; taro refers to big taro in Xikou; bald refers to Jiangguangtou of Chiang Kai Shek!

There are Tianyi Pavilion, Asoka temple and Tiantong temple in Ningbo.Tianyi Pavilion is one of the famous libraries in China, but the most famous oneis Xikou town in Fenghua. It is the hometown of Chiang Kai Shek, including theYutai salt shop of Chiang family, the former residence of Chiang family, theancestral hall of Chiang family, the small western style house, the WenchangPavilion, the tomb path of Chiang mother, the flying rock of Qianzhang, and theXuedou temple where Chiang Kai Shek imprisoned Zhang Xueliang after the XianIncident. It is also the residence of Maitreya Buddha Show the holy land.Stream

The people in Xikou said that they should thank both Chiang Kai Shek andthe Communist Party, because only with Chiang Kai Shek can Xikous tourismeconomy develop; only with the good policies of the Communist Party can Xikoustourism economy develop to the present level. Xikou produces taro and Melaleucacake. The taro here is very big and waxy. The Melaleuca cake here is crisp andrefreshing. I dont believe you can have a taste! And Chiang Kai Sheks formerresidence is also waiting for you with its mysterious appearance. Now lets goto visit it!



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Hello, all of you, Im Wang Ping, a tour guide from Anhui travel agency.You can call me Wang. My side is master Ma, who has many years of drivingexperience. It is a great pleasure to visit the Chaohu scenic area with everyonein this sunny day.

Now our car is driving on lakeside Avenue, Chaohu, also called "Jiao Lake".It is said that in ancient times of Chaohu, a year of drought, the small whitedragon without rainfall except dry, made tiantiao, was the emperorcensureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved, the small white dragon atthe focal basking grace, so he told him to heaven in nest state, coke baskingtimely told all the neighbors, to everyone die hard to avoid. He had delayed theopportunity to escape and was washed away by the flood. The daughter lost a pairof shoes in a hurry, and flooded, later people to commemorate the focal baskingspirit, will be in the lake called "coke Lake", and then turned into a cokebasking in Laoshan Mountain, a daughter, her a pair of shoes into the shoe hill.Of course, these are just a myth. The real Chaohu is of course the result of themovement of the earths crust.

Now we look to the left is our Chaohu, the lake area of Chaohu 800 squarekilometers, is the largest lake in the province, is one of the five largestfreshwater lakes in China. As the water rich, suitable climate for Anhuifish.

The temple stands in Phoenix Palace red sand reef, three facing water, theexisting building for the late Qing Dynasty temple diange, is dedicated to theworship of bixiayuanjun, and now people visit the temple, is no longer theaeriality pray for the gift of God, but in the work, to enjoy the magnificentscenery of Chaohu Nabaili. And in the temple at Island Lake is a vast lake,which is filled with legendary laoshan.

Laoshan Mountain is the most beautiful in Chaohu biggest lake. Laoshan notonly beautiful. Many visitors walk in the places of historic interest and scenicbeauty, rugged road, if you can hear your footsteps slightly heavier, echosounding, this is the Laoshan unique "an echo", if follow the voice can be foundfor the size of more than 20 caves, cave rocks Ling Xun, very wonderfulinsurance. To climb up, you can see the Wenfeng tower.

Wenfengs seven floors, 51 meters, 133 layers of eaves angle to walk,octagonal eight square, corner with bells, majestic appearance, exquisitestructure. The body of the tower consists of three parts: the outer wall, thecorridor and the tower heart. In the possession of the viceroy Li Hanzhang wrote"I recently", Chinese Taiwans first governor Liu Mingchuan wrote the "flow column" 25plaques and 802 statues of Buddha brick tower, people, feel the wind whistling,bells, like standing above the clouds.

Tasha linedwith Li Hongzhang like, Li Hongzhang fortune before gracedivision Zeng Guofan gathered on the lake in the Huai pointing, practice, notfar from the tower, there is a holy temple basking, red Ying tiles nestled inthe green pines and verdant cypresses, beautiful.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is about to end. In this short and happytime, I am impressed by the enthusiasm of you, and I hope that the beauty ofChaohu will leave you a good memory.



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Hebei Shanhaiguan Great Wall is the entrance of the Great Wall. "The key ofthe two capitals is unparalleled, and the first pass of the Great Wall" belongsto Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. With a total length of 26 km,it mainly includes: laolongtou Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall in the south,north, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou Great Wall.Laolongtou Great Wall is the end part of the great wall into the sea, with thereputation of "the soul of China".

Shanhaiguan city is composed of seven Castles: Guan City, Dongluo City,Xiluo City, South Wing City, North Wing City, Weiyuan city and Ninghai city.There are 4769 meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick wallsaround. The walls are tall, solid and magnificent. There are four gates in theEast, West, South and North, turrets in the East, South and northeast, andmagnificent bell and drum towers in the middle of the city. The scale of thewhole acropolis is magnificent, and the defense project is solid. Shanhaiguanwas the product of the establishment of the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty.The "garrison system" and reform policy in Ming Dynasty played an important rolein the consolidation and development of Shanhaiguan.

Shanhaiguan Great Wall is composed of seven Castles: Guancheng, Dongluo,Xiluo, Nanyi, Beiyi, Weiyuan and Ninghai. It is surrounded by walls of 4769meters long, 11.6 meters high and more than 10 meters thick. The walls are tall,solid and magnificent. There are four gates in the East, West, South and North,turrets in the East, South and northeast, and magnificent bell and drum towersin the middle of the city. The scale of the whole acropolis is magnificent, andthe defense project is solid. Shanhaiguan was the product of the establishmentof the "garrison system" in Ming Dynasty. The "garrison system" and reformpolicy in Ming Dynasty played an important role in the consolidation anddevelopment of Shanhaiguan.

Since the establishment of Shanhaiguan, there have been frequent exchangesbetween merchants and active economic and trade activities, which played animportant role in developing friendly exchanges between nationalities, promotingeconomic and cultural exchanges, protecting the capital and consolidating therule of the Ming Dynasty. No matter from scale, layout or structure, the customsand customs are rare in Chinas ancient architectural history. It is also theessence of the Great Wall, and is a rare masterpiece in Chinas ancient citystreasure house. Shanhaiguan is a treasure of ancient Chinese architecture and aprecious historical legacy of the motherland.

The temples in Shanhaiguan area developed rapidly in Ming and QingDynasties. The most famous temple buildings are: the remarkable temple, theConfucian Temple, the mosque, the San Qing Guan, the virgin temple, the TownGods Temple, the Beihai temple, the Dragon God Temple, the Thean Hou Temple,Erlang temple and so on.

The streets and alleys of Shanhaiguan and Guancheng are typicalcheckerboard layout. The streets and alleys of Guancheng are connected withresidential buildings with rich local color.

The Great Wall is a historical monument of the wisdom and hard work of theChinese nation, and the Great Wall is an important part of the Great Wall, whichis the world-famous place where the Great Wall enters the sea. At present, theGreat Wall in Shanhaiguan has a total length of 26 kilometers, mainly including:laolongtou Great Wall, South Wing Great Wall, Guancheng Great Wall, North WingGreat Wall, Jiaoshan Great Wall, SANDAOGUAN great wall and jiumenkou GreatWall.

Shanhaiguan, also known as "Yuguan", is the starting point of the northeastend of the great wall of Ming Dynasty. It is located 15 kilometers northeast ofQinhuangdao City, and has the reputation of "the first pass in the world".Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient city andsummer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area, forming six major scenic spots, namely "old dragonhead", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan", "the first pass in the world","Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake". Among them, the essence of Chinasancient the Great Wall is the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan. The East startingpoint of the great wall of Ming Dynasty is laolongtou, where the great wallmeets with the sea, with blue sea and Jinsha, and the sky opens to the sea. Thefamous "No.1 pass in the world" is towering. It is known as "pinghan in thecapital and the throat of liaozuo". The great wall of Jiaoshan mountain iswinding, with steep beacon towers and picturesque scenery. The "rain andsunshine in the mountain temple, Ruilian holding the sun" and the wonderful"Qixian Buddha light" in the "eight scenes of Yuguan" attract many touriststourist. Meng Jiangnu temple is a moving story of Jiang Nus seeking husband, aChinese folk legend. Chen Yun and his poem praise that "the Great Wall is builtby the sweat and blood of many anonymous people. Experts and scholars have noway to verify it, but a generation of heroes with all names are actually a kindof glory in half the sky.". Xuanyang cave, the largest natural granite cave innorthern China, is like a paradise with strange caves, strange rocks andgurgling springs. Yansai lake is a beautiful pearl outside the Great Wall.



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Visitors, friends:

Hello everyone! Im a tour guide from Chongqing China International Travel service. This one behind me is the driver of our tour, Mr. zhang. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve you, welcome to Chongqing tourism, later, I will lead you to visit known as "stone town" laudatory name Dazu Rock carvings. Dazu rock carvings are about 130 kilometers from the main city of Chongqing, and the driving time is about 2.5 hours. During this period, I first made a brief introduction to Dazu rock carvings for everyone.

Dazu stone is a general term for the territory of Chongqing Dazu County, all carved stone statues of art, reflects the China Buddhist and secular life, the process is a large set of Confucianism Buddhism Grottoes statues in one of the statues, the first cut in the early Tang Dynasty Yonghui years (650 years), after the late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, flourished in the two the Song Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties have been carved. Eventually formed a large scale, set Chinese art of stone a stone base, called on behalf of China advanced grotto art, and the Yungang Grottoes, Longmen Grottoes and Mogao Grottoes as of December 1, 1999, was included in the "World Heritage list of UNESCO". 07 years was named the national 5A class scenic spots. Dazu Rock Carvings group has more than 70 stone statues, totaling more than 50 thousand, and more than 10 words of inscriptions. Among them, in Beishan, Baoding mountain, Nanshan Mountain, Shimen mountain, stone seal five Grottoes is the most characteristic.

There are two kinds of origins is a name of the Dazu rock carvings, Dazu as a traditional agricultural area, mild climate, weather, crop stability, people live and work in peace, for the Dazu Dafeng, so named. There is also related to Buddhist legend, legend has it that Shakya Muni in the eve of Nirvana has been to Dazu, in which the Buddha left a pair of big feet, it is called local dazu.

The stone is located in Dazu County about 1 kilometers north, a total of 5000 statues in the statue, by the late Tang Cishi Wei Junjing dug in the first year of Tang Jingfu, by local officials, gentry, and other construction, to the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing years (892 - 1162) ended, lasted for 250 years. The sculpture is exquisite, beautiful and elegant known to the world, show the development, late Tang to Song Dynasty China Folk Buddhism belief and grotto art style changes, especially in the most prominent Guanyin statues, known as the "China Guanyin statues museum". In Kitayama stone popular Buddhist art mainly reflects the secularization of Buddhism, the Sutra cave runner is recognized as "a pearl on the crown of China grotto art".

Baoding mountain stone is located in Dazu County, 15 km east of NATO, the Song Dynasty monk Zhao Zhifeng in the Southern Song Dynasty Chunxi to junsuke years (1174 - 1252) presided over the construction, which lasted more than 70 years, with Shengshou temple as the center, including the fowan, small fowan 13 statues group, total statues of nearly 10000 statue, with the theme of Buddhism the main characters of the story of Tantric statues, like a large group of Buddhist shrines, stone carving art essence. Baoding mountain Avalokitesvara, like Buddha, Kowloon bath Prince and other famous scenic spots.

Nanshan stone is located in Dazu County southeast, was carved in the Southern Song Dynasty, there are statues of the 15 caves, with Taoist statues, carved exquisite, the figure is the most beautiful carvings, Taoist God of the most complete stone carving art in China

Tourist friends, this is Kowloon bath prince. According to legend, Buddha mother Maya at the age of 40 has been sub. One night, dream of a child with six teeth, white elephant from her right armpit ran into the stomach, so she was pregnant. Pregnancy in October, according to ancient India customs back home delivery. Through the Lumbini garden, she just raised his right hand to pick flowers when Shakya Muni from the right axillary drill. When he landed, he was fragrant and full of clouds. He walked seven paces in the southeast, northwest, and forth. Then a finger, a finger, said "the world underground, overweening". At this time, two Hercules holding gold pots to the sky, and flew to Kowloon, spit warm and cold water for his baptism two. This is the unique niche statues, local model. Here before is a gap, streams flowing all the year round. Craftsmen first water accumulated in the Buddha above the pond, and then put the stone gap and laid up in Kowloon and the prince, and then through the passage, make the quality of the biggest mouth slowly spit in the newborn Prince bath jinpen. Silk silk have been continually trickle over from Prince body, into the pool, and then by next to the "nine of the Yellow River" came out. Craftsmen not only skillfully solved the drainage problem, but also made statues move in the static, full of garden interest.

Visitors friends, due to the time relationship, our Dazu Rock Carvings tour will end here, I wish you a pleasant journey!



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Ladies and gentlemen

Now we come to Famen Temple, which is known as "the ancestor of GuanzhongPagoda Temple"

This is the gate square of Famen temple cultural scenic spot. It is locatedin Famen Town, 10 kilometers north of Fufeng County, 120 kilometers east ofXian city and 96 kilometers west of Baoji City.

In recent years, the Shaanxi government has devoted itself to buildingFamen Temple into a veritable Buddha capital of the world, making it the "secondcultural symbol of Shaanxi" after the terracotta warriors and horses. The Famentemple cultural scenic spot is composed of Shanmen square, Foguang Avenue, FamenTemple, Heshi relic tower, numerous artistic Buddha statues and gardensculptures. It comprehensively displays the achievements of Buddhist culture inphilosophy, politics and art, and highlights the splendid history and culture ofthe Chinese nation. Now in front of us is the Mountain Gate of Famen Temple,which is also known as the "three gates". You can see this

The three doors are big in the middle and small on both sides. The emptydoor is in the middle, and the Wuzuo door and Wuxiang door are on both sides. Wegenerally refer to becoming a monk as stepping into the empty door, probablyfrom this.

Famen Temple is famous for its placement of Sakyamunis Buddha finger relicsince ancient times

The gate temple is also built because of the relic and becomes a templebecause of the pagoda. In 485 BC, Sakyamuni Miedu, King Ashoka of the PeacockDynasty of Indias mogatuo state unified India. In order to promote Buddhism, heordered people to divide the Buddha bones into 84000 parts, which were stored invarious parts of the world, and built 84000 sitting towers. In China, there are19 Buddha finger relic towers, the fifth of which is Famen Temple envoy. It hasa history of more than 1700 years. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was calledasokang temple. In the Sui Dynasty, it was renamed Chengbao temple. In the TangDynasty, Li Yuan was renamed Famen Temple. During the 200 years of the TangDynasty, eight emperors successively opened the Underground Palace seven times,welcomed and sent off the Buddhas finger relic six times. Each time theywelcomed and sent off the Buddhas finger relic, they made a great impact on thegovernment and the public, and the emperor worshiped them. There was no otheremperor of high rank. During the reign of emperor Zong of Tang Dynasty, thepagoda of Famen Temple was regarded as the "real body pagoda" to protect thecountry. This shows how prosperous Famen Temple was in the Tang Dynasty. Butafter the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Famen Temple gradually declined.

During the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty, after hundreds of years ofhistory, the four level wooden tower of the Tang Dynasty collapsed. Later, localgentlemen donated money to repair the tower. After 30 years, a 13 level bricktower with eight edges was built. However, in the Qing Dynasty, it was tiltedand cracked because of the earthquake. In 1939, under the leadership of Mr. Zhuziqiao, a patriot, the largest repair was completed in the late Ming Dynasty.But in 1981, the tower collapsed in half. In 1985, the local government preparedto rebuild it. In 1987, the underground palace was discovered by accident whileclearing the foundation of the tower. After the silence of 1113 years, 2999pieces of national treasures of the Tang Dynasty, surrounded by Buddhas realfinger bones, returned to the world. The rare treasures unearthed in theunderground palace are of great value in the study of Chinese social andpolitical history, cultural history, science and technology history, Chinese andforeign exchange history, art history and other aspects. Now lets go to theunderground palace to see the Buddha finger relic. The underground palace ofFamen Temple is the oldest, largest and highest level pagoda underground palacein the world. The Buddha finger relic unearthed from the underground palace isthe real body relic of Sakyamuni Buddha, which has been found in the world andconfirmed by documents and inscriptions. It is the highest sacred object in theBuddhist world. There are four Buddha finger relic, of which the third one isspirit bone, and the other three are shadow bone. Spirit bone is Sakyamunisreal Buddha finger, and the other three are imitated by Tang emperor in order toprotect spirit bone. Among more than 27000 coins unearthed from the undergroundpalace, 13 tortoiseshell Kaiyuan Tongbao coins are the earliest and uniquetortoiseshell coins found in the world. The 13 pieces of palace secret colorporcelain unearthed from the underground palace are the earliest in the worldand confirmed by inscriptions. Secret color porcelain is a kind of celadon,which is specially made for the royal family. Due to its complex process andsecret formula, it is called secret color porcelain. The double wheel 12 ringsunearthed from the underground palace

The big stick is the earliest, the largest, the highest grade and the mostexquisite Buddhist weapon found in the world. Then, some of the rare treasures Ijust mentioned have been looked at by you just now, and others are treasured inthe Famen Temple Museum nearby. Lets go and have a look.

Coming out of the underground palace, in front of it is the Hexi relictower of Famen Temple. It took three years to build. The tower is 148 metershigh. You can see that the shape of the tower is like the hands of Hexi. Doesthe hollow out part in the middle look like a traditional tower of the TangDynasty? The broad road we just walked is the Foguang Avenue. With a totallength of 1230 meters, a width of 108 meters and an area of about 140000 squaremeters, Foguang Avenue is not only a way to become a Buddha, but also the mainlandscape axis of the scenic spot. The two ends of Foguang Avenue are connectedwith Shanmen square and pilgrimage square, which can accommodate 100000 people.We compare the mountain gate to this shore, which is the present world. Theavenue of Buddhas light leads all living beings to the other shore, which meansthe ten stupas.

Now we come to the Famen Temple Museum, which consists of four exhibitionrooms: the historical exhibition of Famen Temple, the Buddhist cultureexhibition of Famen Temple, the mandala culture exhibition of Famen Temple andthe treasure exhibition of Famen Temple.

The historical display tube of Famen Temple mainly shows people thehistorical cause of the construction of Famen Temple and the historical objectsof the construction of Famen Temple in various historical dynasties

There are 44 national treasure level cultural relics and 99 first-classcultural relics in the Famen Temple Museum of Tang Dynasty treasures. It is thelargest proportion of Chinas treasure level cultural relics among the 88museums in Shaanxi Province. You can see the secret color porcelain I justmentioned here, and you can also see the treasures of Tang Dynasty silkproducts: gold cluster embroidery, which refers to the pattern of flowers formedby gold silk plate fixed to silk The top of the silk. Silk is not easy topreserve, many of them are weathered. The first thing that makes gold clusterembroidery valuable is that it is as well preserved as new. The second thing isits production technology. Now there are 20 gold threads in Japan and 70 inChina, but in the ancient Tang Dynasty, this drawing technology has reached6.

Next, lets visit the treasure Pavilion. One of them is the king of thefour drums and twelve rings. The so-called staff, in fact, is not made of tin,but when you shake it, it will make a sound. This staff is made of 2 taels ofgold and 58 taels of silver, which represents the highest mana in Buddhism.

Well, out of the treasure Pavilion, our trip to Famen Temple is coming toan end. I hope my explanation will leave you a good memory.



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Baima temple is located 12 kilometers east of the old city of Luoyang inHenan Province. It was founded in the 11th year of Yongping in the Eastern HanDynasty (AD 68). It is the first ancient temple in China and the world famousKalan temple. It is the first temple built after Buddhism was introduced intoChina. It is known as the "ancestral court" and "source of interpretation" ofChinese Buddhism. It has a history of more than 1900 years. The existing sitesand historic sites are preserved in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are alarge number of Jiagan lacquered statues of the Yuan Dynasty, such as the thirdBuddha, the second general and the eighteen Arhats.

In 1961, Baima temple was announced as the first batch of national keycultural relics protection units by the State Council of the peoples Republicof China. In 1983, it was designated by the State Council as the national keyTemple of Chinese Buddhism. In January 20__, Baima temple was named as the firstbatch of AAAA scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration.

In the seventh year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 64),Emperor Liu Zhuang (the son of Liu Xiu) spent the night in Nangong. He dreamedthat a golden man, six feet tall and shining on his head, would come from theWest and fly around the palace. The next morning, Emperor Hanming told theministers about the dream. Doctor Fu Yi said, "there is a God in the west, whichis called Buddha, just as you dream.". After hearing this, Emperor Han and Mingsent more than ten ministers, such as Cai Yin and Qin Jing, to the westernregions to worship Buddhist scriptures and Dharma.

In the eighth year of Yongping (AD 65), Cai, Qin and others bid farewell tothe imperial capital and embarked on the journey of "learning from the west". InDayue Kingdom (from Afghanistan to Central Asia today), I met Indian eminentmonks, such as shemoteng and zhufalan, and met Buddhist sutras and white feltstatues of Sakyamuni Buddha. I sincerely ask the two eminent monks to go east toChina to preach Buddhism.

In the tenth year of Yongping (AD 67), two Indian eminent monks wereinvited to carry Buddhist scriptures and statues on white horses together withenvoys of the Eastern Han Dynasty to Luoyang. Emperor Hanming was very happy tosee the Buddhist scriptures and statues. He was very polite to the two eminentmonks. He personally received them and arranged for them to stay in Honglutemple, the official office in charge of foreign affairs at that time.

In the 11th year of Yongping (A.D. 68), the emperor of Han and Ming orderedthe construction of monasteries in the north of Sanli imperial road outsideXiyong gate in Luoyang. In memory of Baima tuojing, it was named "Baima Temple".The word "Si" originated from the word "Si" of "Honglu Temple", and later "Si"became a general term of Chinese temples. This is the first Chinese translationof Buddhist scriptures in China.

After taking photos of moteng and zhufalan, many Western eminent monks cameto Baima temple to translate Buddhist scriptures. In more than 150 years after68 A.D., 192 Buddhist scriptures, 395 volumes in total, were translated here.Baima temple has become the first Buddhist Scripture Translation Center inChina.

In the second year of Caowei Jiaping (A.D. 250), Tan kejialuo, an Indianmonk, came to Baima temple. At this time, Buddhism also entered the public fromthe deep palace. Later, tankojaro translated the first Buddhist commandment inChinese in Baima temple. At the same time, Tan Di, a monk of the Sabbath state,also translated Tan Wu De Jie Mo in Baima temple, which regulated theorganization and life of the monks. So far, the commandments and theconstitution of the monks group have been completed, and a path of monasticpractice has been paved, which is the beginning of the commandments inChina.

In the fifth year of Ganlu (260 A.D.), a commandment ceremony was held inBaima temple, which is destined to be deeply engraved in the history of ChineseBuddhism. On this day, Zhu Shixing ascended the altar of abstinence inaccordance with the law of karma, knelt down in front of the Buddha, and becamethe first monk who formally received the bhikkhu commandment in Han China. Sincethen, the ancient Confucian tradition of "body hair skin, parents, dare notdamage" has been broken.

During the first 200 years of Buddhisms taking root and spreading inChina, the whole process is closely related to Baima temple. This is the productof Chinas first search for Dharma from the West. It is the residence of thefirst monks who came to China to preach and spread Dharma. The first ChineseBuddhist Scripture and Chinese Commandments were born here, and the firstChinese Buddhist monk was born In a word, Baima temple is closely linked withmany "firsts" of Chinese Buddhism, which makes it the real ancestor and sourceof Chinese Buddhism.



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Songshan Mountain, located in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is one of theworld-famous five mountains of China (Taishan Mountain in Shandong, HuashanMountain in Shaanxi, Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi and Hengshan Mountain inHunan). Songshan scenic spot has 36 peaks, stretching for 60 kilometers, mainlycomposed of Taishi mountain and Shaoshi mountain. The highest peak is 1494meters above sea level.

There are more than 270 human landscapes in Songshan scenic area, includingten temples, five temples, five palaces, two temples, four nunneries, fourcaves, three altars and pagodas. It is a historical gathering place of Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple is hidden in the armsof Mount Song. These rich cultural landscapes and rare geological relics reflecteach other, forming a three-dimensional, multi-level and multi-functionalcharming landscape of Songshan Geopark.

Songshan World Geopark is located in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, with atotal area of 450 square kilometers. The main types of geological relics are thecomponents of Geology (including structure). The main geological landscapesinclude the unique weathered and corroded structure and the limestone karstlandscape.

The Songshan Mountain is located in the southern margin of the North Chinaancient land. Within the scope of the park, the strata of Archean, Proterozoic,Cenozoic and Cenozoic geological historical periods in the past 3.5 billionyears are continuously and completely exposed. The stratigraphic sequence isclear and the structural features are typical. It is called "five generations inone hall" by the geological circles. It is a complete stone book of earthhistory.

Yuzhai mountain, Junji mountain, wazhiling mountain and Jianshan mountainin the main peak area of Songshan Mountain are mostly composed of quartzite. Inaddition to the tectonic movement, the peaks rise up to the earth, with steepand beautiful walls. The peculiar peaks and valleys are all over the area,forming a unique terrain and landform.

There are eight nationalities living in the park, including Han, Hui, Pumi,Bai, Yi, Miao, Uygur and Mongolia, forming a multi-ethnic family. On thefestival days of ethnic minorities, the local government and the Han compatriotscelebrate with them to fully display their national customs, customs, customsand other national cultures, and enjoy the customs and fun of ethnicminorities.

There are many scenic spots and historical relics in the scenic area. Inthe world-famous Shaolin Temple, Shaolin monks practice qigong and Shaolin KungFu (martial arts). Besides Shaolin Temple, there are many other temples, such asZhongyue temple, also known as "Little Palace"; Fawang temple and Huishantemple, two of the oldest existing temples in China; and two of the oldest andbest preserved observatories in China.

There are also a large number of stone inscriptions in Songshan, totalingmore than 20__, composed of famous calligraphers Yan Zhenqing, Su Dongpo, HuangTingjian and Mi Fu.

The world-famous Shaolin Temple is located at the West foot of SongshanMountain, 100 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province.It is not only an important Buddhist holy land in China, but also a trainingcenter for ancient Chinese Kung Fu.

Shaolin Temple was founded in the 19th year of Taihe in the Northern WeiDynasty (495). It was built by Yuan Hong, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern WeiDynasty, for the purpose of setting up batuoluoji, an Indian monk, to preach. In537 ad, another Indian monk named Bodhidharma came here. It is said that hecreated a set of simple unarmed fighting rules on the basis of Batas creation,which is called "Xingyiquan". He once faced the wall in the stone cave on wurupeak behind the chariot of Shaolin for nine years.

This is the origin of Shaolin Kung Fu. At the beginning of the 7th century,a small army of 13 Shaolin monks was famous for defeating the whole army of theSui Dynasty and rescuing the later Tang Emperor Li Shimin from prison. After Liascended the throne, he granted a great reward to a temple in Shaolin. He gave athousand hectares of land and a water mill. The monks who took part in the waralso had their own rewards. Shaolin Temple has been famous all over the worldsince then, known as "the most famous temple in the world", and has also becomea national training center for kung fu masters. In its heyday, there were morethan 3000 monks stationed here.

As Shaolin Temple has always been the center of rebel activities, it wasburned three times, the most serious of which was in 1938. A fire burned formore than 40 days, burning almost all the classical literature and records inthe temple.

Today, there are many pavilions and halls in Shaolin Temple, covering anarea of about 4047 hectares. The most interesting historical relics are themurals in the East Hall, depicting groups of monks practicing kung fu.

When you come to the gate of Shaolin Temple, you can see the plaque ofShaolin Temple hanging on the gate. It was written by Emperor Kangxi of QingDynasty.

In addition, the "talin" at the foot of the mountain to the west of ShaolinTemple is the burial ground of the monks who presided over Shaolin Temple in thepast dynasties since the Tang Dynasty, about 250, which is the most populargroup of talins in China.
