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Reform means leap, opening up means prosperity and strength, bathing in thespring breeze of reform. In the twinkling of an eye, it has been more than 30years, and peoples living standards have undergone earth shaking changes.Shiyan, my hometown, has also changed miraculously.

In the past, my hometown was just a small village. The roads are full ofmud and potholes. My hometown is full of bungalows in my mind. There are only afew bungalows that I can see, and most of them are tile roofed houses. When itswindy and rainy, if its serious, the house will collapse, or even water willenter. The road in front of the house is cold and clear. There are no factories,no shops, let alone street lamps. A street is closed. In those days, owning abicycle has become peoples goal. The clothes people wore at that time were allpatched. There used to be a saying: new three years, old three years, sewing andmending for another three years. Even shoes are made by their own dexteroushands, including straw shoes, cloth shoes

In the wave of reform and opening up, Shiyan has become a small city.Prosperous and prosperous, beautiful and lovely. In the past, the low and shabbyold houses have long been replaced by new and unique high-rise buildings. Theold muddy road has disappeared. Wide expressways crisscross in all directions.On the smooth and wide asphalt road, vehicles shuttle and flow. On both sides ofthe road, people come and go. The former tile roofed house has now become aluxury residence. When you look around, you can see rows of brand-new high-risebuildings. The childrens paradise is full of joy, and the colorful fountain isdecorated like a fairyland. As long as you walk into a family at will, there areall kinds of household appliances, such as TV, refrigerator, air conditioner andtelephone. Many families also have mobile phones and private cars. Many familiesalso buy computers to browse, query information and engage in cultural andentertainment activities, which brings great convenience and endless fun topeoples life. Shopping malls and farmers markets are full of goods. Its a newlook and a new atmosphere every year!

Therefore, we must be a student with all-round development of morality,intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, so that our great motherland willalways stand in the forest of the world. I believe that with the diligence andwisdom of the people, my hometown will become more prosperous and peoples lifewill become richer.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 7750 字

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Ladies and gentlemen

Now we come to Famen Temple, which is known as "the ancestor of GuanzhongPagoda Temple"

This is the gate square of Famen temple cultural scenic spot. It is locatedin Famen Town, 10 kilometers north of Fufeng County, 120 kilometers east ofXian city and 96 kilometers west of Baoji City.

In recent years, the Shaanxi government has devoted itself to buildingFamen Temple into a veritable Buddha capital of the world, making it the "secondcultural symbol of Shaanxi" after the terracotta warriors and horses. The Famentemple cultural scenic spot is composed of Shanmen square, Foguang Avenue, FamenTemple, Heshi relic tower, numerous artistic Buddha statues and gardensculptures. It comprehensively displays the achievements of Buddhist culture inphilosophy, politics and art, and highlights the splendid history and culture ofthe Chinese nation. Now in front of us is the Mountain Gate of Famen Temple,which is also known as the "three gates". You can see this

The three doors are big in the middle and small on both sides. The emptydoor is in the middle, and the Wuzuo door and Wuxiang door are on both sides. Wegenerally refer to becoming a monk as stepping into the empty door, probablyfrom this.

Famen Temple is famous for its placement of Sakyamunis Buddha finger relicsince ancient times

The gate temple is also built because of the relic and becomes a templebecause of the pagoda. In 485 BC, Sakyamuni Miedu, King Ashoka of the PeacockDynasty of Indias mogatuo state unified India. In order to promote Buddhism, heordered people to divide the Buddha bones into 84000 parts, which were stored invarious parts of the world, and built 84000 sitting towers. In China, there are19 Buddha finger relic towers, the fifth of which is Famen Temple envoy. It hasa history of more than 1700 years. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was calledasokang temple. In the Sui Dynasty, it was renamed Chengbao temple. In the TangDynasty, Li Yuan was renamed Famen Temple. During the 200 years of the TangDynasty, eight emperors successively opened the Underground Palace seven times,welcomed and sent off the Buddhas finger relic six times. Each time theywelcomed and sent off the Buddhas finger relic, they made a great impact on thegovernment and the public, and the emperor worshiped them. There was no otheremperor of high rank. During the reign of emperor Zong of Tang Dynasty, thepagoda of Famen Temple was regarded as the "real body pagoda" to protect thecountry. This shows how prosperous Famen Temple was in the Tang Dynasty. Butafter the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Famen Temple gradually declined.

During the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty, after hundreds of years ofhistory, the four level wooden tower of the Tang Dynasty collapsed. Later, localgentlemen donated money to repair the tower. After 30 years, a 13 level bricktower with eight edges was built. However, in the Qing Dynasty, it was tiltedand cracked because of the earthquake. In 1939, under the leadership of Mr. Zhuziqiao, a patriot, the largest repair was completed in the late Ming Dynasty.But in 1981, the tower collapsed in half. In 1985, the local government preparedto rebuild it. In 1987, the underground palace was discovered by accident whileclearing the foundation of the tower. After the silence of 1113 years, 2999pieces of national treasures of the Tang Dynasty, surrounded by Buddhas realfinger bones, returned to the world. The rare treasures unearthed in theunderground palace are of great value in the study of Chinese social andpolitical history, cultural history, science and technology history, Chinese andforeign exchange history, art history and other aspects. Now lets go to theunderground palace to see the Buddha finger relic. The underground palace ofFamen Temple is the oldest, largest and highest level pagoda underground palacein the world. The Buddha finger relic unearthed from the underground palace isthe real body relic of Sakyamuni Buddha, which has been found in the world andconfirmed by documents and inscriptions. It is the highest sacred object in theBuddhist world. There are four Buddha finger relic, of which the third one isspirit bone, and the other three are shadow bone. Spirit bone is Sakyamunisreal Buddha finger, and the other three are imitated by Tang emperor in order toprotect spirit bone. Among more than 27000 coins unearthed from the undergroundpalace, 13 tortoiseshell Kaiyuan Tongbao coins are the earliest and uniquetortoiseshell coins found in the world. The 13 pieces of palace secret colorporcelain unearthed from the underground palace are the earliest in the worldand confirmed by inscriptions. Secret color porcelain is a kind of celadon,which is specially made for the royal family. Due to its complex process andsecret formula, it is called secret color porcelain. The double wheel 12 ringsunearthed from the underground palace

The big stick is the earliest, the largest, the highest grade and the mostexquisite Buddhist weapon found in the world. Then, some of the rare treasures Ijust mentioned have been looked at by you just now, and others are treasured inthe Famen Temple Museum nearby. Lets go and have a look.

Coming out of the underground palace, in front of it is the Hexi relictower of Famen Temple. It took three years to build. The tower is 148 metershigh. You can see that the shape of the tower is like the hands of Hexi. Doesthe hollow out part in the middle look like a traditional tower of the TangDynasty? The broad road we just walked is the Foguang Avenue. With a totallength of 1230 meters, a width of 108 meters and an area of about 140000 squaremeters, Foguang Avenue is not only a way to become a Buddha, but also the mainlandscape axis of the scenic spot. The two ends of Foguang Avenue are connectedwith Shanmen square and pilgrimage square, which can accommodate 100000 people.We compare the mountain gate to this shore, which is the present world. Theavenue of Buddhas light leads all living beings to the other shore, which meansthe ten stupas.

Now we come to the Famen Temple Museum, which consists of four exhibitionrooms: the historical exhibition of Famen Temple, the Buddhist cultureexhibition of Famen Temple, the mandala culture exhibition of Famen Temple andthe treasure exhibition of Famen Temple.

The historical display tube of Famen Temple mainly shows people thehistorical cause of the construction of Famen Temple and the historical objectsof the construction of Famen Temple in various historical dynasties

There are 44 national treasure level cultural relics and 99 first-classcultural relics in the Famen Temple Museum of Tang Dynasty treasures. It is thelargest proportion of Chinas treasure level cultural relics among the 88museums in Shaanxi Province. You can see the secret color porcelain I justmentioned here, and you can also see the treasures of Tang Dynasty silkproducts: gold cluster embroidery, which refers to the pattern of flowers formedby gold silk plate fixed to silk The top of the silk. Silk is not easy topreserve, many of them are weathered. The first thing that makes gold clusterembroidery valuable is that it is as well preserved as new. The second thing isits production technology. Now there are 20 gold threads in Japan and 70 inChina, but in the ancient Tang Dynasty, this drawing technology has reached6.

Next, lets visit the treasure Pavilion. One of them is the king of thefour drums and twelve rings. The so-called staff, in fact, is not made of tin,but when you shake it, it will make a sound. This staff is made of 2 taels ofgold and 58 taels of silver, which represents the highest mana in Buddhism.

Well, out of the treasure Pavilion, our trip to Famen Temple is coming toan end. I hope my explanation will leave you a good memory.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4032 字

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跨过御河上的第五座桥,我们前面的这座圆形池塘叫“内明塘”,为一人工开掘的池塘,内明塘的建置为明代其它帝陵所没有的,仅显陵一孤例。它直径 33米,水深约 4 米。没有水源与外界相通,却大旱不干涸,大雨不外溢。水位始终保持在一固定的高度,这一现象自显陵始建至今近 500年均未变化。据专家考证,其塘底为铜铸锅底状,水位之所以能长期稳定,可能与锅沿暗藏排水系统与陵区的地下水系巧妙衔接有关,如此即保持了一个完整的水位平衡。大家所看到的内明塘和我们在进门前的外明塘,不仅是历代帝陵没有的,它还有一奇特功能,就是在白天塘中有太阳,晚上塘中有月亮,加上当时为建显陵,嘉靖皇帝钦定有“唯我皇考,若日月之照临,光于四方,显于西土”的字句,所以这内明塘、外明塘还有引日月进塘,让日月同辉的用意。另据传,进入宝城地宫的入口即藏在水下,你们相信吗?





陵恩殿后面的这个门叫陵寝门,这陵寝门只供帝、后、妃们进入,其他王公大臣们是不得入内的,陵寝门后还有一道二柱门,大家看这两根很高大的石柱上刻有一只獬豸,虎视眈眈,守卫着陵寝。二柱门后面正中就是石五供,石五供是专供帝、后、妃们祭祀谒陵的供台,由一个香炉,两个烛台,两个花瓶组成,均由青白石雕琢而成,请大家看这石香炉的炉顶,雕刻着海波、云、龙面纹,非常精美。据说,这石香炉只有后来的皇帝谒陵时才能开启炉顶使用,显陵每年都要举行数次规模不等的祭祀活动,其中尤以清明、中元(7 月 15 日)和冬至为最盛,称三大祭。

各位贵宾,这座雄伟高大的城楼式建筑,叫方城明楼,上挂“显陵”两个大字,它是整个陵寝的标志性建筑,是专为供奉“圣号碑”而修建的。其实显陵原叫“献陵”,因当年兴王朱佑元四后溢号为“献”,其忘坟即称为“献陵”嘉靖三年三月,朱厚璁以武力平息大礼仪之争后,为他的父亲钦定陵号为“显陵”,“显陵显者,光也书泰,誓之词曰:唯我皇考,若日月之照临,光于四方,显于西土。”意思是他父亲德配天地,圣功显赫,应让普天之下都知道,并象日月一样永寸万年。由此可见朱厚璁为推尊私亲,实施“嘉靖新政”而费尽了心思。明楼木体结构于明末毁于李自成农民起义军兵火,仅存残垣断壁,现在的明楼是1990 年修复的。


好,现在请大家随我一起参观显陵最具有特色,也是中外陵墓史上绝无仅有的奇观,那就是一陵两冢!何为一陵两冢?就是一座陵园内有两座墓冢。那么为什么其他陵墓无此现象而独显陵有呢?这还要从墓主前后身份变化说起:明正德14 年也就是 1519年,墓主朱佑元因病去世,当时他只是一个潘王,依封建礼制,他的陵墓即按潘王的规制建造,我们现在看到的这个前墓冢,既是当年兴献王朱佑元死后的坟墓。

1521年朱厚璁登基成了嘉靖皇帝之后,追封其父也就是朱佑元为“献皇帝”,并一度想将其父的陵寝迁往北京,与其他已故明皇帝葬在一起,这一想法遭到了大臣们的反对,因而未迁,嘉靖17 年( 1539年) 12 月,嘉靖皇帝的母亲章圣皇太后在北京病故。为了给母亲寻找“吉壤”,嘉靖帝于次年 2月南巡承天府(即钟祥市),在拜谒了其父新献帝的陵墓后,他认为这是一片难得的风水宝地,便决定将其母亲的灵柩由京城送至钟祥显陵与父亲合葬。但经检查发现,显停放父棺椁的地宫已经进水,且较小。于是嘉靖便命工部在其父原有的墓冢后面重新修建一座新地宫以供放其父母的灵柩。这样就形成了由最初的单冢潘王坟经嘉靖帝在位几十年的不断扩建,变成一座规模宏大的前后双冢帝王陵。

我们现在看到的这座巨大的墓冢叫宝城,从空中看就像一个巨大的哑铃。前宝城是椭圆形,东西宽112 米,南北长 125米,就是最早停放新献王灵柩的地方(现供奉大量的随葬品),而后宝城为正圆形,直径 110 米,下面的地宫中即停放嘉靖帝父母的棺椁。


显陵自修建至今已近 500 年了,期间经历数次劫难。其中最大上的一次即明代末年李自成农民起义。1643年冬,李自成大军攻陷承天府(即钟祥),拆毁朱家的家庙,并欲挖掘显陵地宫。据说正准备开挖前地宫时,恰遇雷电交加。有迷信思想的李自成心有疑惧,未敢动土,便放火烧毁陵内所有木制结构的建筑作罢。如今科学探测证明显陵地宫保存完好,从未被盗过,这也从侧面反映了此地民风纯朴,相信将来的某一天,显陵地宫开启时定能引起全世界的注目。



请大家看这块碑,它高 5 米,宽 1.2米,碑身字体“大明恭睿献皇帝之陵”为嘉靖皇帝亲笔书写。这块碑具有特殊意义,它是整个显陵的名片,对显陵申报世界文化遗产并最终获得通过起了重要的作用,大家看整个碑文的两边均遭到毁坏,唯有这块碑文完好,也无断裂,这不能不说是冥冥之中的天意啊!




各位贵宾,在你们参观完显陵后,是否也会像联合国世界遗产专家让 ·路易先生那样发出同样的赞叹呢?当然,依显陵之博大,孕藏的文化历史之丰富,是在这短短时间内无法全部了解清楚的,加之我才疏学浅,知识有限,很多地方讲解尚有欠缺。为此,我将加倍努力,争取掌握更多有关显陵的知识,届时,欢迎大家再次来显陵参观游览,我也将为大家再次来显陵参观游览,我也将为大家献上更加精彩的解说。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1374 字

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Dear friends, now we have been to huangshan, please pay attention to watch.

The huangshan mountain, the highest lotus peak, 1864 meters high, not the second, 1841 meters high, tiandu feng third, 1829.5 meters high.

In the huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs are very famous. , there is a pine tree is called a visitor, because its posture like in greeted her guests, so call it a visitor. There is a poem: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Explains the beauty of huangshan. Huangshan hot spring can cure, but cant drink, please note!

Note: when climbing the mountain, if its raining, dont be an umbrella, mountains, the upper hand, careful umbrella becomes a parachute, let the wind blow you away! Please dont throw stones down the hill, be careful on people! Please walk steps, dont go where no steps, or youll fall off! Please dont run, one thousand lost their way, you might become a "wild man".

In huangshan and the cable car, if you dont have the strength, or do you have a fear of heights, you can take the cable car, there will be a great feeling. Do you know what is called a cable car? The cable car is to give "lazy people" in the car.

Huangshan mountain caves, warm in winter and cool in summer, there are also strange stone, stone types are: limestone, stalactites, etc.

My introduction, I wish you all look happy, play happy!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4791 字

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The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and thepresent buildings were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preservedgovernment office of country level in feudal China. Since our opening up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials andvisitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science,attractive value and its own charm. We have the famous saying : Beijing is thedragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in Neixiang. It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level.

The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which wasbuilt with blue brick relief sculpture. In the middle of the screen, there is astrange beast, which is called “Tan”. It was said to be a greedy beast thatcould swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. Here in the picture wecan see that around it there are treasures everywhere. But he is not satisfied.His mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. The pictureon the screen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the MingDynasty. The purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not totake bribes and break the law. Here is the main entrance, halfway there isanother gate right in the middle, called Yimen, the second main officialentrance. It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place orwhen higher official came to visit. On both sides of the second gate, there’retwo small doors, the one on the east was called Life door, while the one on thewest was called Death door, or Ghost door, which was used only by the criminalswhen they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. Passing throughYimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . That is the greathall. The great hall was the place where the governor of the county announcedthe government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here andsome important and serious criminal cases were tried here. In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study andthe red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. On the front sideof the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that anofficial should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. Inother words, an official should be honest and upright. When the prosecutor andthe defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on thestones. The square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectanglestone on the west was for the accused. Since most cases

involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. The housebehind the great hall was called doorman house. The man who guarded the housewas called Doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who wereclose to him. Now we have come to the second hall. It was the place where theCounty Magistrate dealt with small cases. Please look at these famous couplets,which means that before law everyone is equal. So the judges should pass thefairest judgment on people. This is called Fuzi Yard, an ancient form of addressto a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. Fuzi was usually theofficial’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable andartistic talent. Everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressedhim as Lao Fuzi, so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard. Finally,let’s go to the third hall. It was the place where county governor did his dailywork. If the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here.There was also a garden behind. It was here that county governor enjoyed hisfree life and got away from his government affairs. As we can see now, there’remany succinct couplets with rich intension here. But this one before the thirdhall was the most famous. It was written by GaoYigong , a county governor inNeixiang county. It means that being the local officials, we rearded the commonpeople as our parents. We worked for them voluntarily and willingly.Nowadays ,many of our Party leaders like Chairman Jiang Zemin read it with deep feelings,and Premier Zhu Rongji sings high praise of it. The words can be no doubtregarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. So now theYmen in Neixiang, together with the Museum Palace in Beijing, and the other twoin Hebei and Shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the fourgreat ancient Chinese Yamens. Neixiang is now going out of Henan and into theworld. We warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visitNeixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient Yamen.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5975 字

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恭王府由府邸和花园两部分组成,南北长约330米,东西宽180余米, 占地面积约61120平方米,其中府邸占地32260平方米,花园占地28860平方米。府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高规制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。亲王府有门脸五间,正殿七间,后殿五间,后寝七间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。房屋的形式、屋瓦的颜色也是不能逾制的。恭王府的中、东、西三路各有三个院落,其中每一路的后两个院子是人们要游览的主要区域。





俗呼银銮殿,恭王府最主要的建筑。作为王府的正殿, 只有逢重大事件、重要节日时方打开,起到礼仪的作用。民国初年,由于不慎失火,大殿连同东西配殿一并焚毁,现银安殿院落为复建。

和珅时期之建筑。悬挂有“嘉乐堂”匾额一方。该匾疑是乾隆帝赐给和珅的,但匾额无署款,无钤记,故无由证实,但和珅留有《嘉乐堂诗集》,说明是和珅之室名。在恭亲王时期,嘉乐堂主要作为王府的祭祀场所,内供有祖先、诸神等的牌位,以萨满教仪式为主。恭王府规模宏大,占地约6万平方米,分为府邸和花园两部分,拥有各式建筑群落30多处,布局讲究,气派非凡。其花园又名锦翠园,园内布局、设计具有较高的艺术水平。造园模仿皇宫内的宁寿宫。全园以“山”字型假山拱抱,东、南、西面均堆土累石为山,中路又以房山石堆砌洞壑,手法颇高。山顶平台,成为全园最高点。居高临下,可观全园景色。恭王府由于是在权臣和珅邸宅的基础上改建而成,和珅当年定罪的二十大罪状中就有关于内檐装修的“潜侈逾制”问题,如其中的第十三款“查得和珅房屋竟有楠木厅堂,其多宝格及隔断门窗解仿照宁寿宫制度”。因此恭王府的内 檐装修在王府文化中别具一格,其所表现的特点尤为突出:

一、 规格最高,可与宫殿建筑比美:


二、 数量较多,形式多样:


三、 界划灵活,空间丰富:


四、 做工精细,技巧高超:

从恭王府的装修遗留物件中可知皆使用硬木,用材异常讲究,加工的木料可以作出细小的截面,雕刻花纹起伏精确,而且使用圆形或曲线拼出各种华格,只有在精细的加工之基础上才能完成,施工难度之大,令人叹为观止。 遗憾的是恭王府的原有内檐装修,绝大部分已经无存,今天通过研究王府文化,要进一步将其发掘出来,结合今后的王府博物馆展示要求,再现当年辉煌。

乾隆四十一年,即1776年,和珅开始在这东依前海, 背靠后海的位置修建他的豪华宅第,时称“和第”。有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。嘉庆四年正月初三太上皇弘历归天,次日嘉庆褫夺了和珅军机大臣、九门提督两职,抄了其家,估计全部财富约值白银八亿两,相当于清政府十五年的财政收入,所以有“和珅跌倒,嘉庆吃饱”的说法。同年正月十八,即1799年2月22日,和珅被“赐令自尽”。而宅子本身,则如愿归“爱豪宅不爱江山”的胞弟庆僖亲王永璘所有。























由于恭王府有着《红楼梦》中所描绘的某些景物,因此 有人说恭王府花园是大观园的蓝本。但是,许多人又提出了不同的意见。恭王府到底是不是大观园的蓝本呢?这可能也是一个永远的秘密了。

恭王府的主人,是一等贵族,所以他的府邸不仅宽大,而且建筑也是最高格制。明显的标志是门脸和房屋数量。 亲王府有门脸5间正殿7间,后殿5间,后寝7间,左右有配殿。低于亲王等级的王公府邸决不能多于这些数字。





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Distinguished guests

Hello everyone, welcome to Huashan!

Im Lin Rui, the tour guide of Xian magic travel agency. Im glad to beyour tour guide. As the saying goes, its 50 years since we built the tour. Ihope that under the leadership of Xiao Lin, Huashan will leave you a goodmemory!

First of all, I would like to talk about the precautions:

First point: Huashan, which we are going to visit today, is famous for itsprecipitousness. We must pay attention to safety. The most important thing is toremember to walk without looking at the scenery. Dont look over the fence,dont go to dangerous places such as cliff edge to visit or take photos. Do notdeliberately pursue the effect of the photographer. Tourists with children musttake good care of their children.

The second point: we should pay attention to the time and place ofassembly, so as not to delay the journey. Remember my number andkeep in touch. In Huashan, except for the huangpuyu tourist road, which has nosignal for 30 minutes, there are basically signals. Some places have bettersignals, and some are worse.

Now let me give you an overview of Huashan. Huashan Mountain is a part ofQinling Mountains. It was formed 700 million years ago and is commonly known as"Xiyue". Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty named the mountain in five directions as holymountain. Huashan Mountain is located in the west, so it is called "Xiyue". Inancient times, these five famous mountains correspond to the five elements ofancient China, which are gold, wood, water, fire and earth. In the west, Huashanbelongs to gold. The shape of Huashan is just like a gold ingot. When we get tothe north peak of Huashan, Id like you to take a picture with Huashan at theplace where Jinyong Huashan talks about swords.

Huashan is named Huashan because it looks like a flower from a distance.Ancient flowers are similar to Huashan, so it is named Huashan!

In 1996, Huashans cable car was opened to traffic, ending the ancienthistory of Huashans one road. Today, we are climbing by cable car. First, weneed to transfer to the Huashan Mountain special line. Now we are driving on thehuangpuyu tourist road. Have you ever seen the movie "get Huashan wisely"? Thisis the way to find a guide in those years. The huangpuyu tourist road from theticket office to Huashan cableway is 7.66 km long. It took 20__ years forHuashan to be liberated. Han zi, the commander of Hu zongnans No.6 Baoanbrigade, was wearing a 4-year tour guide More than 200 people occupied themountain as the king. Our pla couldnt fight from the front. We bypassed theback mountain and succeeded in the surprise attack. The movie made according tothis incident was called "surprise attack on Huashan". Later Premier Zhou saw itand said that it fully demonstrated the wisdom and bravery of the PLA. Later, itwas renamed "capture Huashan with wisdom".

We dont want to go on a flat road now. Lets go on the Zhikao HuashanRoad, which is part of the walking road over there. I want to see if you haveacrophobia and whether you can go to canglongling of Huashan. It has the sameslope as other roads, but its much shorter. If your body is suitable forclimbing, Ill let you go and even conquer here No, I will advise you to go downthe mountain if you go up to Beifeng and take a picture.

Go straight up the mountain and feel the danger of Huashan. As the sayinggoes, its easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down the mountain.Its a zigzag road to go down the mountain. Its safe and easy to master thebalance of the body.

When we get to Beifeng, lets go through Beifeng hotel first, but dontworry too much. There is a map of Huashan in Beifeng hotel. I want to tell youabout it. When we go up the mountain, we may be separated. We need to getfamiliar with the terrain before we can conquer Huashan!

This is the place to look at the map. Dont worry. Dont look at the map.Between the two eaves, the East peak of Huashan looks like a bald eagle. Itsthe best place to watch the sunrise. Its crowded with tourists in the morning,also known as Chaoyang peak. Which is Xifeng next to it? Its straight, like aknife cut. In the movie of outwitting Huashan, its the enemy headquarters. Itis also the place where the legend "the lotus lamp" took place.

Now lets turn around and look at this map to see if the top of Huashanlooks like a treasure. The two peaks on both sides are East and West peaks, andthe peak in the middle is Nanfeng, the highest peak of Huashan Mountain. It isthe place where the legendary martial arts masters compete and discuss swords.There is also the most dangerous long sky plank road of Huashan Mountain.

We are located in the north peak. After passing through chaeryan, we canget to canglongling. After canglongling, we can get to the golden gate of Wuyunpeak. Jinsuoguan is the only way for the four peaks above, East, West, South andmiddle. When you get there, you can decide to visit any one of the peaks, or youcan visit all four by the way.

We came up from Huangpu valley. Another road is called Huashan Road sinceancient times. If you follow me up a few more steps, you can see the ancientHuashan Road.

Now look down, the Yangchang path is the way to Huashan. It takes aboutthree or four hours to walk from the foot of the mountain to Beifeng!



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Headquarters of Wuhan University

1、 Gate of Wuhan University

Wuhan University is located on the Bank of the East Lake and the foot ofLuojia mountain, covering an area of more than 5500 mu. Its predecessor was theself-improvement school founded by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang in 1893.After several changes, it was officially named national Wuhan University in1928. At that time, in August 20__, Wuhan University merged with WuhanUniversity of water resources and hydropower, Wuhan University of Surveying andMapping Science and technology, and Hubei Medical University to form a new WuhanUniversity, which became a new comprehensive university covering 11 disciplinessuch as arts, science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. (on the way to thegate)

As the "Facade" of Wuhan University, the gate archway of Wuhan Universitycan be said to combine atmosphere and ancient charm. On the memorial archway,the six characters of "national Wuhan University" are written in traditionalChinese from right to left. On the stele under the memorial archway, the mottoof Wuhan University is engraved: "self-improvement, perseverance, seeking truthand innovation", which encourages the teachers, students and staff of the wholeuniversity to keep their spirit, study hard, study rigorously, open up and forgeahead. On the back of the memorial archway, there are six big characters, whichsummarize the basic discipline classification of Wuhan University. From right toleft, they are "literature, law, science, engineering, agriculture andmedicine".

2、 Luojia Cultural Plaza and College of Physics

This is the largest green square "Luojia square" in Colleges anduniversities in China. It looks like the green eyes of Wuhan University, and itis also the center of culture and leisure activities. Its green all year round.On sunny evenings, people often fly kites in the square. On weekend evenings,there are also elderly people who come to dance together.

This is the school of physics. The building of the College of physics isdifferent from other college buildings in that there is a flagpole on the roofof the top floor. It is said that this is because our college of physics is theone that receives the most Nobel Prize winners. There is a statue of Einstein infront of the physics college building.

3、 Teaching 5 and Library

Our front left is the fifth teaching building, and the front right is thelibrary. In terms of conditions and equipment, the fifth floor is the bestteaching building in Wuhan University. Therefore, before the big exam, it hasalways been a place for students to compete for self-study.

On the right is the new library with green tiles and blue bricks. The newlibrary, built in the 1980s, has a collection of more than one million books,covering various disciplines such as grammar, science, engineering, agricultureand medicine. It also has an electronic reading room, a periodical reading roomand an audio-visual reading room. If you have any questions about learning, orwant to find a professional book, come to the library, there are a large numberof all kinds of books.

4、 Weiming Lake

The little lake we see now is called "Weiming Lake" by the students ofWuhan University because it has no fixed name. Generally, we all know that thereis a Weiming Lake in Peking University, but when it comes to the Weiming lake ofWuhan University, its always a bit like following suit. Therefore, the schoolhas carried out the activity of naming Weiming lake. Now Weiming lake has manynew names, but people are used to calling it Weiming lake, so most people stillcall it Weiming lake. On the other side of the lake is the educationaladministration department of our school. In the future, many examinations willhave to go through the relevant procedures here. 5、 Lovers slope

Weiming lake that a large green hillside is known as "Wuda love best place"lover slope. The beauty of lovers slope lies not in the delicacy, but in therandom and miscellaneous. There are all kinds of trees and flowers planted onthe slope. In the blooming season every year, it is like a small botanicalgarden, with snow-white plum flowers, enchanting peach flowers, elegant orchids,passionate camellia and cool plum flowers. Stone paved path winding in the smallslope, tall and straight trees for stone bench stone table wind and shade, is agood place to read, chat. Now go to lovers slope, you will find the unknown bigred flowers blooming everywhere, very beautiful!

6、 Bronze statue of Li Da

When we get here, I think we must be a little tired. We can go to thecamphor forest in front to have a rest. I dont know if youve noticed thatthere are many camphor trees on both sides of the road since you enter thecampus. In fact, camphor trees have a natural mosquito repellent effect, whichis why there are few mosquitoes on the campus of Wuhan University in summer. Itis also called "Lida garden". Every morning, when the sun shines down from thecrevices of the leaves, it seems very quiet. Therefore, it is called "naturalstudy room" by the students. It is a good place for morning reading andself-study

In the middle of the camphor forest is a bronze statue, which is the firstpresident of Wuhan University after the founding of the peoples Republic ofChina, Li Da. When it comes to Li Da, we have to mention Mao Zedong, a closefriend of his and the leader of our party. According to historical records,Chairman Mao and President Li have been good friends for 40 years. In the 1950sand 1960s, Chairman Mao would meet Li Da whenever he passed by Wuhan. After thefounding of new China, Chairman Mao only visited two universities, WuhanUniversity is one of them. In order to always remember this unforgettable day,Wuhan University named the playground where Mao Zedong met teachers and studentsas "9.12 square" and commemorated it in Leshi.

7、 9.12 playground

Now lets go to the playground on September 12. This building with obviousEuropean style is the landmark of Wuhan University. The emblem of WuhanUniversity is based on it. Its architectural style adopts the Byzantine style ofWestern Europe, which is in sharp contrast to the domed Romanesque School ofarchitecture across the 9.12 playground. In fact, this should be consistent withthe saying that "the sky is round and the place is round". Behind theadministration building are the former law school and business school. Now thenew office building has been built and put into use in September 20__, making itone of the best office buildings in Wuhan University.

On the back of the administration building is Luojia mountain. Luojiamountain was not originally called Luojia mountain. It was once said that therewere several names: Luojia mountain, Luojia mountain, Luojia mountain and Luojiamountain. The word "Luojia" was picked up by Mr. Wen Yiduo, the first Dean ofthe school of liberal arts of Wuhan University. It is a Buddhist pearl. Althoughthe sound is the same, it is thousands of miles away. It is said that there usedto be many villas on Luojia mountain, which were specially prepared for theprofessors of Wuhan University. At that time, it was the dream of many teachersto live on Luojia mountain. Now Luojia villa, a hotel on the hillside, wasChiang Kai Sheks Rear Headquarters during the revolutionary period.

8、 Cultural Museum, Cherry Avenue

We call this white building with mountain shaped cloister the humanitiesMuseum, also known as Yifu Building and bell tower. Its now the College ofliterature and history, and the College of philosophy. Go on, we come to CherryAvenue. When it comes to Wuda, the most famous is cherry blossom. Although thisyears cherry blossom period has long passed, but ahead of the fragrantosmanthus will make you feel worthy of this trip!

At the end of March every year, tourists from all over the world come toWuda to enjoy the scenery. The history of cherry blossoms in Wuhan Universitycan be traced back to 1938, when Wuhan was occupied and Wuhan University wasforced to move to Leshan, Sichuan Province. Wuhan campus became the rearhospital of the Japanese army. A large number of Japanese soldiers were admittedto cherry garden dormitories. In order to comfort the wounded peopleshomesickness, a large number of cherry trees were transplanted from Japan tocherry garden in the spring of 1939. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War,Wuhan University did not use these cherry trees as a warning People. In 1972,China and Japan resumed diplomatic relations. At that time, Japanese PrimeMinister Ikeda presented Premier Zhou with 150 red cherry trees and Premier Zhoupresented Wuda with 50. These cherry blossoms are a symbol of friendship betweenChina and Japan.

9、 Old zhaishe, old library, Wen Yiduo statue

YingYuan dormitory is also called laozhaishe. It is also one of the oldestbuildings in Wuhan University. Cherry castle is built on the hillside of lionmountain. In terms of architectural style, it is similar to the Potala Palace inTibet.

On the top of the mountain is the old library, which used to be the highestpoint of the building of Wuhan University. The 108 steps from the bottom showthat there is a road to the mountain of books. It is worth mentioning that theroof of the old studio is made into a plane, forming a broad platform, andconnecting with the front area of the library to form a large square. This notonly saves the project cost, but also effectively expands the library andcultural area The scope of space in front of the teaching area of the collegeand the law school has expanded the venues for activities. The shape of the oldlibrary is similar to that of the Forbidden City in Beijing, and its internalheating method is also very similar to that of the Forbidden City: there is aheating channel under the wooden floor of the reading room on the first floor ofthe hall. In the cold winter, when the stove is burned, the hot air enters theheating channel to make the floor hot, and the reading room is warm as spring.Unfortunately, the heating system can no longer be used because of its age. Theold library of Wuhan University is not only a treasure house of knowledge and asymbol of academic status for teachers and students, but also an important placefor visitors from all over the world to visit. Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi, Chen Duxiu,Dong Biwu, Zhou Enlai, Guo Moruo, Zhu De, Luo Ronghuan and other people from allwalks of life, as well as foreign heads of state, are bound to climb thisbuilding when they come to Wuda. As a national key protected cultural relic, alandmark building and spiritual symbol of Wuhan University, the value and charmof the old library are increasingly attracting worldwide attention.

On the left and right sides of the old picture are the school of foreignlanguages and the school of mathematical statistics. Some people who likeFengshui once studied Wuda. They said that the YingYuan dormitory, thehumanities hall and the administration building constitute a giant dragon lyinghorizontally. The YingYuan is the dragon body, the humanities hall is the Dragonhorn, and the administration building is the dragon head. Here is a statue ofWen Yiduo, a famous poet, scholar, patriotic and democratic fighter who onceserved as the dean of the school of Arts of Wuhan University.

10、 Kunpeng square, Songqing Gymnasium

After the cherry garden, we came to Kunpeng square. Kunpeng square is amust place for all previous graduates to take group photos, and it is also thevenue of English corner every Wednesday night. Ahead is Song Qing gymnasium. Weknow that Song Qing is the character of Li Yuanhong, President of the Republicof China. He said that Li Yuanhong was from Huangpi, Wuhan. He loved WuhanUniversity very much before he died and hoped that he could be buried in WuhanUniversity after he died. But the school is a school after all, and of course wecant agree to his request. So later, Li Yuanhongs son donated money to buildthe stadium and named it after his father. Although he cant sleep here forever,he can at least keep his name behind. To fulfill my fathers unfulfilled wish.Now Li Yuanhongs body is buried in Zhuodaoquan park near East Lake.

11、 Statue of Li Siguang, Jiaosi

Through Songqing gymnasium, we have returned to the main school road. Thisstatue depicts Li Siguang riding a donkey. At that time, there was Ye Yage. Atthe beginning, Luojia mountain was a barren land, but a treasure land that LiSiguang found by donkey. It could be said that it was bole of Wuhan University.With the preciseness of scientists, the strategies of educators and theromanticism of artists, the pioneers of Wuhan University, led by Ye Yage and LiSiguang, chose the Fengshui treasure land of Wuchang Luojia mountain as the newsite of national Wuhan University. Later, Wen Yiduo, the first president of theschool of Arts of national Wuhan University, took it as a poet Jiashan wasrenamed Luojia mountain, which combines hardness with softness and has a longmeaning.

Across the road is our fourth teaching building.

The pavilion in front of the building is the memorial Pavilion of the June1 massacre. It was built in November 1947 in memory of the martyrs killed in theJune 1 massacre. The pavilion is surrounded by Holly and green grass. Thepavilion is about 7 meters high. The top of the pavilion is a wooden structure,and the lower red column is made of cement. There is a stone monument in themiddle of the pavilion, 1.46 meters tall and 0.58 meters wide



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My official figure art field is located in suzhou city. Art garden was built in Ming jiajing period, build drunken YingTang Yuan Zugeng, topic MenE "urban forest". Lasted for Wen Zhiming great-grandchild Wen Zhenmeng, TangMing nylon, YuanMing medicine field. Qing jiang 埰, renamed h nursery, also called JingTing mountain house, his son Jiang Shijie YuanMing easily as art field. After repeatedly. Light three or four years, Wu Xingceng Qi new. Light nineteen years, garden and silk industry fan, seven duct ccba, heavy repair. The garden between Ming dynasty and early qing keep landscapes and part of the building, is an important example of research history of landscape architecture.

Art field now covers an area of about 3800 square meters. House five into layout twists and turns, hall of primitive simplicity. Park in the west, pool center, accounts for about a quarter. Building more than in the north pool, fanaw rockery as main feature. Have liberal arts hall, delay light cabinet, jiyang valley book hall, thought to r, milk fish pavilion, thought eosinophilic hin, toward the great month gallery pavilion, vanilla, and rang the victory of the season.

Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings. The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art field in the water, stone, unique combination of technique, determining the nature and tries to transcend the nature, is the Ming and qing dynasties suzhou generation gardening home the layout of the most commonly used techniques.



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请大家看这块碑,它高 5 米,宽 1.2米,碑身字体“大明恭睿献皇帝之陵”为嘉靖皇帝亲笔书写。这块碑具有特殊意义,它是整个显陵的名片,对显陵申报世界文化遗产并最终获得通过起了重要的作用,大家看整个碑文的两边均遭到毁坏,唯有这块碑文完好,也无断裂,这不能不说是冥冥之中的天意啊!




各位贵宾,在你们参观完显陵后,是否也会像联合国世界遗产专家让 ·路易先生那样发出同样的赞叹呢?当然,依显陵之博大,孕藏的文化历史之丰富,是在这短短时间内无法全部了解清楚的,加之我才疏学浅,知识有限,很多地方讲解尚有欠缺。为此,我将加倍努力,争取掌握更多有关显陵的知识,届时,欢迎大家再次来显陵参观游览,我也将为大家再次来显陵参观游览,我也将为大家献上更加精彩的解说。




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Ladies and gentlemen, Hello! I was 009 among the tour guide, we will visitthe worlds largest hydropower station of the Three Gorges Hydropowerstation.

The Three Gorges is the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge, Xiling gorge, in general,is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, between Chongqing andHubei in Yichang. The total length is about 1200 li.

On both sides of the Three Gorges high mountains and lofty hills jijuescenery; meanwhile, sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, the river rushingtide, beauty life insurance is pushing forward despite repeated frustrations,and fascinating. On the trip, youll be amazed at the wonderful scenery of thethree gorges.

Rippling waves in, swim in the mountains, you will also learn the longhistory of the Three Gorges, the great Qu Yuan poet in China, and the beauty ofthe messenger of peace Wang Zhaojuns hometown is here, it seems not only createa generation of three talent, but also to cultivate the peerless beauty, reallyis outstanding, Li Bai and many other poets have words in three gorges. It seemsthat the Three Gorges not only have a good view, but also have a longhistory.

The Three Gorges hydropower station, which we are about to visit, has thelargest hydroelectric generating unit in the world. It is expected to become thelargest hydropower station in the world

The Three Gorges is really one of the great treasures in the world!

Well, let us follow the footsteps of the saints, together to explore themystery of the three gorges! I believe we will definitely not!



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Lama Temple is located in Beijing north two ring road near the ConfucianTemple in the west, and the Imperial College, covers an area of about 66000square metres, it is Beijing s largest existing a Tibetan Gelug royal temple,Lama Temple was the emperor Qian Long was born, he not only has the royal templestyle, now more profound Buddhist culture attracts the world tourists from allover, so now we can see a lot of blonde foreigner come to visit, and there arealso many stars also come to worship.

We now see the Lama Temple area in the Ming Dynasty called the Gestapostreet, here was the Ming Dynasty eunuchs of the secretary. To the Qing Dynastyemperor Kangxi here Herod gave his imperial four Yin Zhen Yin Zhen is best,because Prince Yong, so here is also known as Yong palace. In the Yin Zhensuccessor, Yong palace became Hyphalosaurus Di, Yong Zheng intended to buildYong palace the palace, and given the name Lama Temple.

In the palace period, the Lama Temple is a stick rod, it is one of thesecret service. The inside of the stick rod. Each stunt, Wu Yi high, designedfor the Yong Zheng arrest dissident, killing enemies.

Although Yong Zheng kill many, but in his history he was a wise king.During his reign, dispel the Manchu nobility many privileges, but also too muchslaughter, even killed his own son ( Hongshi ), so in the later added somenotoriety is can hardly be avoided. Also because of Yong Zhengs killing was tooheavy, so his son Qian Long succeeded to the throne after the emperor, afterconsultation with the Tibet Zhangjia living Buddha, then Lama Temple toShamanism ( sect ) of the temple, may borrow up to merit salvation Temple Houseis the spirit of the deceased father.

Here to mention the famous Zhangjia living Buddha, Zhangjia living Buddhalife frequency has the legendary color, and his spirit Kangxi and Qianlongplayed an indelible meritorious service. In our country the Mongolian andTibetan areas were four living Buddha, they are the Panchen Lama, Darai incharge, after former reservoir reservoir; Zhangjia living Buddha in Qinghai;there is a living Buddha in Mongolia. The Buddha to reincarnation reincarnationand handed down from generation to generation, the Zhangjia living Buddhareincarnation Nishi Akiyoshi was Emperor Yong Zheng teacher, while in the oldchapter, after the death of Mio Akiyoshi, his reincarnation in Qinghai Guo grandtemple was identified, but the Mio Akiyoshi Little Buddha at the age of seven,because he presided over the temple attended the rebellion against the QingDynasty and was the encirclement, Little Buddha were several near acolyteprotection to hide into a nearby cave, Emperor Yong Zheng after learning thatorders the Little Buddha find and escort to beijing. The joint purpose after andput up a notice, timed to surrender the Little Buddha, otherwise it will destroythe village temple. Hear this news, to hide in a cave of the monks criedtogether, thought that no matter the downhill, coming down from the mountain isonly one death, in this case, the Little Buddha refused to implicate others,step forward bravely, decided to go down the mountain. And see the answerfluently without fear, this caused the Qing general surprise, but also very muchlike the little buddha. They will be little Buddha escort to Beijing, Yong Zhengthe emperor summoned him, see the Little Buddha refined and courteous, veryinnocent and lovely, but the Little Buddha in the arms of her.

The emperor Yong Zheng to the Little Buddha many special reward, mostnotably life little Buddha and his fourth sons ( the later emperor Qian Long )learn together. Because of Zhangjia living Buddha and the emperor Qian Long wasclassmates, who established a pure, deep friendship, so in their adulthood,their respective boarded the politics, teach high, is life-long cooperation,cooperate tacit understanding. Zhangjia living Buddha life involved in solvingthe many ethnic, religious problems, often recieves orders at jeopardy when, inhis identity and efforts, at the time of the Qing Dynasty appeared theunprecedented unity situation, this also is today unity pattern madedistinctions won in battle.

City at the people of Zhangjia living Buddha of Chongxin also to anastonishing degree, historical records, when people saw Zhangjia living Buddhacarriage over, are scrambling to put the handkerchief on the ground, allowingthe wheels to roll from above, as the fortune.

We now see the Lama Temples main building is: -- -- Zhao s chariot arches-- copper beast -- -- -- -- the kings temple Pavilion Xumishan -- Lama Temple-- Yongyou Temple -- Falun hall -- wanvog.

In the past, Lama Temple building divided into East and West threeroad.

In the east of Southern called even real, Lama is a student monks livingresidence. In the North East College, is simple and elegant landscapearchitecture, according to legend East College within the well chamber is theemperor Qian Long s birthplace.

While the West was Lama Temple Buddhist dharma Guandi temple. You maywonder, Lord Guan is the God of wealth, how to become Buddha Dharma, in fact, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms " in the chapter " Yuquan Hill Guan visions ",tell the antecedents and consequences : it says that Guan Yu is Sun Quan generalLvmeng alive, Sun Quan to surrender, but his hands under the counselor can notbe said, said to Cao Mengde three a five a small feast banquet, Guan Yu is not awin glory in battle and go? Sun Quan heard this, he ordered Guan Yu to bebeheaded and the head hanging tower to destroy the morale. But after the deathof Guan Yu and a soul does not come loose, soul swing float to the JingmenYuquan mountain, Yamakami Yuichi monk, Farmington Prolene net, is important inwater the town of temple abbot, Guan Yu had five passes, in Si water almostkilled, it was the Prolene net elders elders for rescue, later saves Guan Yu andrefuge. The world, to the mountains of Yuquan, knot grass hut, daily and otheracts lecture on. One day in the middle of the night, the elders are nunnery inmeditation, suddenly he heard someone screaming air, also my head! My head!Filters & his watch, see only soul wanders in guan. In the hands of Fochenpoint cloud in: Changan. Guan Gong recognize elders, said to be saved, beeverlastingly grateful: this off of a disaster, when death is willing to seekadvice, education, lost. Filters & said: This is a past, all Xiu,consequences of antecedents, each other. This general Lvmeng victims, so myhead, but Liang Yan, Wen Chou, five will be six all of the head, and to whomSawyer? So the public see light suddenly, Jishou to become Buddhist law ofgod.



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Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am pleased to serve as your guide today.

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It isthe largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under MingEmperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build theForbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successiveemperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationrecognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple ForbiddenCity), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided theconstellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan(North Star).The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation ofHeavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperorwas supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant positionwould be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of hisresidence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became ametaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastwardimmediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the HanghuPass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin(forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded andoff-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits toordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of theearth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellowbecame an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royalfamily were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long fromnorth to south and 750 meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under atotal roof area 150,000 square meters .A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex. Octagon —shaped turrets rest onthe four corners of the wall. There are four entrances into the city: theMeridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess) to thenorth, and the Xihua Gate(Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the XihuaGate(Western Flowery Gate )to the west ,the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) tothe east.

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build theForbidden City. A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers wereemployed. Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian Countyin Hebei Province. Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province.Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China. Bricks andscarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in ShandongProvince .Timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern andsouthern regions.

The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate. It is the main entranceto the forbidden City. It is also knows as Wufenglou(Five-Phoenix Tower). Mingemperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of theChinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .They also used this place forpunishing officals by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year.Qing Emperor Qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremonyfrom ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )toavoid coincidental association with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which wasconsidered a taboo at that time. Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place tohold audience and for other important ceremonies. For example,when the imperialarmy returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperorpresided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.



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Dear friends hello! Welcome to join our business travel agency zhouzhuang day trip. I am your the zhouzhuang tour guide, my name is, a haze haze. Guide also can call me when you can call me LAN LAN.

We arranged like this is todays schedule, we give priority to with scenic spots in the morning, so after a moment into the scenic spot, first please follow small beatiful visit scenic spots to visit? I can do for you in the process of related sites, because today is Saturday (days), tourists is more, easy to produce crowded, easy to get lost, so small beatiful here again with tight, please make sure you have eaten lunch we will free activities. We are fixed-point dont order a meal for lunch. Below please out his phone and write down my phone number... If got lost, dont be afraid to just call me Ill find you the first time the oh, if I couldnt get through just a few more times. If anyone is not clear? (no) echo before into the scenic spot, we are going to take a free photo first, whats the use of this? It is mainly used for separated from zhouzhuang in residential areas. To facilitate check-in. In front of me also said that today people is more, the team is very much also, queue, so please dont crowded. Patience to wait. If there is anything that xiao zhu where our thoughtlessness, please forgive me.

Good! Here, I give you to introduce our waterfront town, zhouzhuang. We visit today zhouzhuang is located in kunshan city, suzhou, wujiang, Shanghai qingpu at the boundary of three counties, the east is the famous dianshan lake, not far from here by bus to Shanghai grand view garden only need ten minutes. So someone said: "zhouzhuang is a pearl of dianshan lake."

Zhouzhuang, which is a jiangnan ancient town with a history of more than nine hundred years, it has a long tradition, simple morals, ancient architecture, the famous ancient architecture expert who said; "Zhouzhuang is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a treasure of the country." Chinese Taiwan jinwei magazine called zhouzhuang is "Chinas first water town". After a lot of guests visited zhouzhuang, said: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou, there is also a zhouzhuang in the middle." To zhouzhuang holds so many buildings in the Ming and qing dynasties and admiration, for "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" exquisite pattern and dazzled.

Zhouzhuang why called zhouzhuang, we just as its name implies is zhou family estate. Actually, zhouzhuang in the earliest time that once called zhenfengli, nine hundred years ago in the area of ones family name is zhou di lang to donate the two hundred mu built QuanFu temple, the local people in order to commemorate him, once called zhenfengli renamed in zhouzhuang.

Today we mainly visit scenic spots have a hall, shen hall, build, and so on. This rich shen was the hall of shen three thousand estate. When Shen Wanshan use zhouzhuang channel to do foreign trade, foreign to zhouzhuang of rapid economic development, also make the rich themselves. Shen hall for the folk houses. Shen hall is "seven into five gate house", its seven can be divided into three parts, the first is the first part, is the place that greeted her guests; The second, three, four into shen is the second part of the hall, is where the guests; Fifth, six and seven is the third part, is the place where shenyang living. In short, it can use four word can be summed up in three parts: "front desk".

Zhang hall is zhouzhuang one of only a few buildings of Ming dynasty, for jiangsu province key cultural relics protection units. A hall for the Ming dynasty ZhongShanWang managed brother Xu Mengqing offspring. Xu Gujians supposedly named xu hall, why call zhang hall? When it was in the early years of the qing dynasty, the xu decline, will sell the house to the zhang family, was renamed the hall.

Zhouzhuang is belonged to one of the most famous build up. This is why, that is from a pair of words, it was the spring of 1984, Shanghai famous contemporary painter Chen come to zhouzhuang, in a small boat to see the build, feel it brought back memories of childhood. Then, in order to build as the background, create a title for the memory of hometown of painting. Later, the painting along with 37 pieces of his works in the western oil companies in the United States President armando. Hammers name hammer on display in the gallery. This painting caused a great sensation at the time, then, was armand. Hammer with high purchase hide. In the same year in November, Mr Hammer when they visit China, send the painting to the deng xiaoping. In 1985, the painting again after Chen processing become at that time, the UNs first day cover design, favored by stamp collectors and people from all walks of life. By the news media publicity, zhouzhuang town. Chens painting to make the unknown build towards the world. Key bridge is not the key is better than the key, because it opens the door to zhouzhuang and international association of friendship.



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Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Xian.

Xian, a famous historical and cultural city, is located in the middle ofWeishui plain on the West Bank of the Yellow River. There is fertile land, avast expanse of eight hundred Li Qinchuan, natural treasures, outstandingpeople. On the land of China, this dazzling pearl inlaid in the southern end ofthe Loess Plateau, once had a world-famous, extremely brilliant history andculture, but also had green waters and mountains, extremely beautiful naturallandscape.

In the East and west of Xian, the Qinling Mountains, known as the"Oriental Alps", are crisscrossed and meandering. On this beautiful scenic line,there are Huashan Mountain, which is known as the first of the five mountains,Lishan Mountain in Lintong, which is famous for its hot spring soup pools,Zhongnan mountain, which is green in all seasons and rare in its interior, andTaibai Mountain, which is called a wonder for its snow cover in June. They forma natural and unique scenery group. In ancient Changan, there were eightrivers, Wei River, Chan River, Ba River, Lao river, Feng River, Mao River, ZaoRiver and Yu River, which were surrounded by blue waves.

This thousand year old capital at the foot of the Qinling Mountains and onthe Bank of the Weihe River has Tongguan in the East and Sanguan in the West. Inthe north, the chidao, which was built in the Qin Dynasty, is a thoroughfare forfighting against Xiongnu and supplying supplies. In the south, Ziwu Road,TangLuo Road, Baoxie road and Chencang road can cross Hanzhong to Bashu. In thesoutheast, Wuguan road in Shangluo Mountain is the throat leading to Chu. Inancient times, Changan had convenient transportation, both land and water,dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It has always been aplace for military strategists and emperors to make contributions.

Xian is an important birthplace of Chinese history and culture, and alsoone of the earliest developed areas of human civilization. In the thousands ofyears of history of the Chinese nation, perhaps no city can enjoy such a loftystatus and incomparable brilliance as Xian: it is the capital of 13 dynastiessince the Western Zhou Dynasty and the epitome of the first half of Chinesefeudal society.

Since Zhou and Qin Dynasties, Xian has been in the center of politics,economy and culture for a long time with its unique historical position. In the11th century B.C., the Zhou people grew stronger and stronger in Qishan andFufeng areas in the western part of Guanzhong, and finally established theircountry after destroying the Shang Dynasty, and established their capitals inFengjing and Haojing. Qin people successively established capitals in Yongcheng,Liyang and Xianyang, and went out of Hangu in the east to destroy the six statesand establish an unprecedented unified Qin Empire. The capital of Qin Dynasty isstill Xianyang, which is near the water on the tableland. After the destructionof Qin Dynasty by Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty, he took a fancy to theeight hundred Li Qinchuan River, which is a vast expanse of fertile land, andchose to establish the capital on the South Bank of Weihe River, which is justacross from qinxianyang. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mangusurped the Han Dynasty and established a new dynasty, inheriting the capitaland system of the Han family. When the Huangjin army rose, Dong Zhuo burned allthe palaces in Luoyang, and the princes of the 18th route begged for Zhuo.Therefore, Dong Zhuo forced Emperor Xian to move westward to Changan. TheEastern Han Dynasty had six years here.

The scenic Fenghe river is full of a large number of cultural treasuresfrom the Western Zhou Dynasty 3000 years ago. It is a magical and attractiveplace. Emperor min of the Western Jin Dynasty was the emperor in Changan, andhe was destroyed in only three years. The former Zhao, the former Qin, the laterQin, the Western Wei and the Northern Zhou established their capitals here.Changan city experienced a long period of war and shortage of soldiers afterthe Han Dynasty. In 581 ad, Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, unifiedChina again. Later, in the southeast of Changan City in the Han Dynasty, YuWenkai, a famous architect, designed and supervised the construction of DaxingCity, the capital of the Sui Dynasty. The scale, layout and scientificfacilities of Daxing City obviously exceeded that of Changan City in HanDynasty, which laid the foundation of Changan City in Tang Dynasty. TangDynasty is the heyday of Chinese history, and Changan city is also anincomparable brilliant model in the history of Chinese capital. Changan is notonly the political, economic and cultural center of the Tang Empire, but alsothe largest international city in the east of the world.

"The ancient imperial state in the middle of Qin Dynasty". History choseXian and Xian enriched history. Today, whenever people talk about the formerChangan in Xian, they are full of national pride and admiration for the richand incomparable ancient courtesy of China for thousands of years.

If history chose Xian as the capital of emperors, making it the centralstage of Chinas politics, economy and culture for more than a thousand years,then the emperors who once made great achievements in Xian chose Guanzhongsprofound and extensive loess land as their final destination. As a result, thedense and grand mausoleums of emperors spread all over Guanzhong with thearrogance of the past and the present, becoming one of the most unique culturallandscapes in Xian.

The imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi can be traced back to the mausoleum ofthe Yellow Emperor more than 5000 years ago. It is the mausoleum of XuanyuanYellow Emperor, the forefather of the Chinese nation. It is on the top ofQiaoshan mountain in Huangling County, north of Xian. Ever since ancient timesand every year, countless Chinese and Miao descendants have come here to payhomage to the mausoleum, find their roots, ask their ancestors, and remembertheir saints. In addition to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, more than 70emperors were also buried in Guanzhong during the 20__ years from the WesternZhou Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Ancient Changan was not only the political and economic center of Chinafor a long time, but also the center of religious culture. In the Tang Dynasty,with political stability and economic development, the religious culture ofChangan reached its peak. At this time, not only the native Taoist culture inChina was widely spread, but also the foreign Buddhist culture was in aprominent position in social life.

Since the introduction of Buddhism into China in the Han Dynasty, it hasbecome the ideology of the gentry through the southern and Northern Dynasties.In the Tang Dynasty, it became a common practice to respect and worshipBuddhism. As the eastern end of the "Silk Road" and a cosmopolitan metropolis,Changan has gathered eminent monks and missionaries from all over the world.Inside and outside the city of Changan in the Tang Dynasty, there are manypagodas and temples, and there are many people who preach and listen to theDharma. According to historical records, there are 122 monasteries and 31nunnery monasteries in Changan city. Emperors and court dignitaries are proudto build monasteries and spend time with monks. The scale of these monasteriesis also amazing. For example, Cien Temple, which is called "Chonglou Fudian,Yunge Dongfang, more than ten monasteries, has a total of 1896, covering 342mu.". In the enlightened and open Tang Dynasty, not only the various sects ofBuddhist temples and Taoism as the national religion were very active, butNestorianism, Manichaeism and Islam also spread to China one after another,making an indelible contribution to the prosperity of Chinese and foreigncultures.

Today, there are still many religious and cultural relics inside andoutside Changan city. The towering big wild goose pagoda of Cien Temple andthe beautiful small wild goose pagoda of Jianfu temple have become the symbol ofXian, a famous historical and cultural city. Famen Temple has become a Buddhistholy land again because of the excavation of four Buddhist finger relicscollected in the Tang Dynasty. Daxingshan temple, Qinglong temple, Xiangjitemple and other famous temples have also become symbols of friendly exchangesand tourist attractions between China and foreign countries. The famous TaoistLouguantai, Baxian palace and Huajue Lane Muslim temple in the city areimportant places for the spread of Taoist and Islamic culture.

In history, the ancient city of Xian provided a broad and bright stage forChina to show its great and brilliant posture to the world, and made immortalcontributions to the survival, improvement and development of the Chinesenation. Perhaps it is just out of the reward for Xian that history generouslypresented this magical land with numerous historical relics and cultural relics.It is an invaluable treasure. It not only makes every Chinese proud and feel theresponsibility of history, but also as one of the cream of human culturalheritage, let people from all over the world comprehend the clear trajectory ofsocial courtesy development and the endless creativity of human beings.

The historical relics in Xian and Guanzhong area have the integrity ofrare historical sequence. This outstanding advantage is determined by thelong-span characteristics of Xians long history, which is difficult for manyhistorical cities to match. There, the Paleolithic artifacts of the Lantian apeman 1.15 million years ago and the painted pottery basin of the mud illusion ofthe matriarchal clan settlement in Banpo 6000 years ago jointly outline thecontext and footprints of the survival, reproduction and development of theprimitive ancestors; the deep, dignified, mysterious and treacherous bronzes ofthe Shang and Zhou dynasties represent the living atmosphere of the aristocratsin the slave society; The magnificent terracotta warriors and horses andexquisite stone portraits of the Qin and Han Dynasties are wrapped with thepolitical situation and flames of war in the early feudal society; the gorgeousmurals and colorful gold and silver wares of the Sui and Tang Dynasties recordthe glorious chapter of the golden age; and the steles, porcelain products,calligraphy and paintings of the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties are thewitness of the continued development of politeness in Xian after the loss ofthe prosperity of the imperial capital It is no exaggeration to say that it isno different to read a condensed general history of China to search the culturalrelics of Xian in chronological order.

Xian and its surrounding areas are rich in cultural heritage materials andcomplete categories, which is another major advantage. Not to mention thelarge-scale sites such as FengHao of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Xianyang palaceof the Qin Dynasty, Changan city of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and the ancientbuildings, temples, and grottoes of Meilun and meimian, the number of movablecultural relics alone has reached more than 600000 pieces (groups) according topreliminary statistics. Including ceramics, bronzes, jade, gold and silver,murals, stone and brick carvings, inscribed steles, seals and other categories.In this sense, the ancient city of Xian itself is a natural history museum, apalace of cultural art.

The natural landscape of Xian is also unique. In and around Xian, thereare Xiyue Huashan, which is known as "the most dangerous place in the world",Zhongnan mountain, which is cultivated by Wang Chongyang, the founder ofQuanzhen school, Taibai Mountain, which is known as "natural geological museum",Lishan Mountain, which is known as "Nuwa Butian", Louguantai, which is the mostblessed place in Dongtian, and Wangchuan, the hometown of Chinese landscape "Thehometown of ape man" -- Lantian cave and other scenic spots. The gardens inXian are full of royal style. Huaqing Palace tells the story of "song ofeverlasting regret" with its first hot spring in the world, warm and romanticlove story; Xingqing palace describes the eternal story of "Li Bai drunk"; asong "the sunset is infinite, just near dusk" makes leyouyuans dusk a charminglandscape. "Last year and today in this gate, peoples faces and peach blossomswere red. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile springbreeze If you have a chance to go to Weiqu, you must be able to feel true loveunder the peach tree with the dream of "human face peach blossom". There are 11forest parks in Xian, which constitute the natural oxygen bar of the ancientcity.

The combination of humanity and landscape constitutes the unique charm ofancient Xian.

As the first ancient capital of China, Xian, after more than 3000 years ofdevelopment, shoulders numerous glorious and glorious dreams of the Chinesenation, and is firmly marching towards the future.

In 1949, after the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancientcity of Xian opened a new chapter in its own development history. Since the1980s, with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, 6.18 millionpeople in Xian have seized the opportunity of the times, guided by science andtechnology, tourism, commerce and trade, and made great efforts to build Xianinto a socialist export-oriented city. A thriving and dynamic Xian city isstanding in the world. Today, Xian is an important base for scientific andtechnological research and development in contemporary China. There are morethan 3000 scientific research institutions in the city, including not only thescientific research institutions of machinery, electric power, electronics,aviation, aerospace, geology, chemical industry, textile, instruments, metersand nuclear industry, but also the only watch industry research institute inChina and the satellite measurement and control center, the central nerve ofaerospace measurement and control network.

Today, Xian is an important base of Chinas higher education. There are 42institutions of higher learning, more than 10 mobile stations for postdoctoralresearch, about 100 doctoral degree awarding points and more than 300 mastersdegree awarding points in the city. Every year, the city trains a large numberof modern talents for the country, becoming a veritable "cradle of talents".

Today, Xian is a world famous tourist hot spot city. The long and vasthistorical and cultural heritages, the beautiful and magnificent natural sceneryof Northwest China, and the various and magical traditional folk customsconstitute the unique tourism resources in Xian, attracting countless touristsfrom home and abroad to explore. With the development of tourism, tourismfacilities and municipal engineering have been further improved. With Xian asthe center, high-grade highways are interwoven in all directions. The connectionof Eurasian Continental Bridge and the completion of Xian XianyangInternational Airport make the connection between Xian and other countries morefrequent and close. A large number of star hotels and modern entertainmentfacilities and places have sprung up, which not only provides a guarantee forthe development of tourism, but also adds style and charm to the appearance ofthe ancient city.

In order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of tourists and meetthe needs of leisure and vacation, Xian has built more than 3700 cultural andentertainment facilities in various forms, such as tangle palace, gudu GrandTheater, Tanghua song and dance theater, shange Grand Theater, Ginza nightclub,Taoyuan Lake Bowling Club, etc; It has launched such artistic programs as TangChangan music and dance, imitating Tang music and dance, soul of Qin terracottawarriors, and folk music and dance in Northern Shaanxi, which have won praisefrom tourists at home and abroad.

Xians tourism commodity production has strong local characteristics.There are abundant folk arts and crafts, such as terracotta figurines, antiquebronzes, Qin embroidery, jade, silk, craft porcelain, Huxian farmers paintings,Tang Sancai, porcelain plate paintings, landscape tables, straw paintings,Guanzhong paper-cut, etc. There are 26 designated foreign tourism shops in thecity, which can meet the different levels of shopping needs of tourists. At thesame time, the catering industry in Xian can provide tourists with uniqueShaanxi cuisine, such as imitation Tang cuisine, Dumpling Banquet, muttonsteamed bun and famous local snacks.

Today, Xian is still an open international metropolis. After summing upthe rise and fall of history and understanding the perfect future, the people ofXian have deeply realized that opening the door to the world and letting Xiango to the world is the only way for the development and prosperity of todaysancient city.

History has treated Xian well in the past, and Xian will live up tohistory!



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Prince Gongs house used to be the home of Wang Shen, the most greedy onein all ages. Later, Emperor Jiaqing made twenty-four charges and confiscated hishouse. Because the last host was Prince Gongs Aixinjueluo, it was called PrinceGongs mansion.

There are two dragon veins in Beijing, one is the central axis of Beijing,the other is the moat. The Palace Museum is located at the head of the centralaxis. Prince Gongqins residence is located at the intersection of the twodragon veins. He and Wang Shen once boasted: "the emperor sits on the dragonshead, I sit on the dragons tail. Although the dragons head is in charge of theoverall situation, it still needs the dragons tail to do great things.&"Listen, he and Wang Shen are so ambitious that they deserve to be thefirst greedy people of all ages.";!

There are 9999 bats in Prince Gongqins mansion;. This is not a real bat,but a bat like building. Wang Shen and Wang Shen wanted to be happy, so theytook the homonym of "Fu" and built 9999 bats;.

When you enter the door, the first thing you see is a huge bat;. This is abat like pond called "Fu Chi";. Rockery and gravel are randomly scattered on theBank of the pool. Elm trees are planted around Fuchi. The fruit and leaf of elmtrees are like copper coins. When the fruit and leaf like copper coins fall intoFuchi, Wang Shen and I will laugh and laugh: & lt; money falling from thesky enters my & lsquo; cornucopia & gt;, and the money on the groundalso flows into Wang Shen and I. &"Thats true!

We followed the gurgling water of Fuchi and came to a door. This is abeautiful western gate with bright colors and fine workmanship. It is said thatthis is one of his 24 counts. Because this western gate was made after thewestern gate in the royal garden.

After entering the western gate and bypassing the stone carving of "SongziGuanyin", it is the opera garden with Wang Shens family. In front of the playgarden is a garden, with some flowers in the trim bushes. The play "Xiangfeiplays butterfly" in huanzhuge was shot here. Only two places in Beijing arecovered with green bricks. One is the Taihe hall in the Forbidden City, and theother is the stage with Wang Shens family. Because the sound amplificationeffect of the green brick is very good, singing on the stage does not need anysound amplification tools. In such a large theater, everyone can hear music, andit is also a great honor to stand on the stage full of green bricks and sing forthe powerful ministers such as Wang Shen.

Through the well carved Zhulan corridor, you come to the study with WangShen. The study is surrounded by rockery and bamboo groves, quiet and quiet. Thewhole Gongqin palace is not built with stone bricks. This study is made of aspecial kind of bamboo. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Wang Shen and Ilike to stay here most.

Out of the study, the magnificent building in front is the main hall — & mdash; and the place where Wang Shen meets visitors. To get to themain hall, there is a very special road. There is only one ladder, and thenthere is a straight and gentle slope road, because I told Wang Shen that in hislife, he had suffered only when he was young, and then he went all the way tothe peak of power. We can cross the bottom of the ladder, avoid suffering, andgo straight to the top;.

There is a story: when the Empress Dowager of Xiaozhuang was very old andsick, she loved her grandson Emperor Kangxi very much and was very depressed. Heasked Su malagu, his maid, to prepare her pen and paper, and with a stroke ofher pen, she wrote "Fu". After finishing the writing, Xuanye and Su malagu lookat the word "Fu" and are stunned & mdash; & mdash; the word is powerfuland natural. If you look closely, you can see many phrases: more fields, moresons, more talents, more longevity & hellip; & hellip; isnt this thewish of the emperors grandmother? The more Emperor Kangxi saw it, the moresatisfied he was, he ordered people to put the word "Fu" on a huge stone. As aresult, the empress dowager, who had been ill for a long time, soon recovered.Emperor Kangxi was so happy that he decided to pass on this auspicious andauspicious stone from generation to generation, so that the Aixinjueluo familycould prosper from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, when it reached Qianlong, it was stolen out of the palace.This person is Wang Shen. Now this stone is at the foot of our main hall, onlyshowing the side with the word "Fu". This & quot; blessing & quot; isthe 10th blessing of Prince Gongqins mansion, which means & quot; tenthousand blessings & quot;. And Wang Shen also said with an air: & lt;the emperor is & lsquo; long live & gt;, I am & lsquo; Wanfu >! & gt; later, when Emperor Jiaqing copied his house, he wanted to movethe Fushi back to the palace, but he still didnt. He and Wang Shen are toocunning. He built a bat like Fushan with stones, and built a dragon on the leftand right of the word "Fu", implying that "the Dragon sits on the RiverMountain". Emperor Jiaqing didnt want to destroy himself, so he left thestone.

Just now, we are going up the road. Now lets step on the dragonspulse.

After walking along the pond in front of Fushan, you can come to thefishing pool with Wang Shens family. You can walk on a red stone boat to theDiaoyutai in the center of the pool. To the south of the Diaoyutai, there aresome grotesque rockeries, and the pool is full of green plants. Willow trees areplanted on the rocks to the north. Their bodies sway with the wind, which makesthem look like they came to Baotu Spring in Jinan. But when I look back, I findthat I havent left Prince Gongqins residence yet: the railings of Diaoyutaiare engraved with bat patterns that only prince Gongqins residence in Beijinghas.

On the North Bank of the fishing pond, there is also an attic with apeculiar shape. In front of the attic, plants and trees are planted. It is saidthat Prince Gong Yi Chen Jin sent people to make it according to the shape ofthe flag head on Empress Dowager Cixis head. Yi Chen Jin hated Empress DowagerCixi very much and said, "if you play with me, Im going to bully you!".

After visiting Prince Gongqins mansion, I look back again and look at thishistoric mansion. I have mixed feelings in my heart: when people who lived herereached the peak of their career, they didnt know that they were on the end ofthe road of power and money.



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Friends, hello! Now we already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spotsouthern region strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, is theChinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain area approximately 1,200 squarekilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountain system center-section, is HuangshanMountain’s essence are partial, also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which musttour on us, area approximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundariesof Huangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area, XiuningCounty and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area; These fivecounties, the area also all belong to the Huangshan Mountain cityjurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called the mountain,is the black appearance, because on the mountain the rock blue black is blueblack, the ancient gives it such name. The fable we Chinese race’s ancestorshaft Yellow Emperor in completes the area south of Yellow River to unify afterindustry, founds the Chinese civilization, arrives here to pick the medicine tobuild up Dan, takes a bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment theimmortal. Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten down together theimperial edict in six years, the mountain will change name Huangshan Mountain.The meaning is, this mountain is Yellow Emperor’s mountain. From then on,Huangshan Mountain this name one until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must look atHuangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel a time of life tobe joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainly beautiful certainly beautiful,may say the day wonderful mountain, can ascend a height to get a broad view it,has a look it with own eyes, truly is a life big happy event. Before the verylong long time, in the long geologic history generation, the nature infinitestrength, has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes one fall, iselated.

Huangshan Mountain’s America, first on beautifully in its high peak. Herecompetes Xiu, Feng Feng expresses admiration, respectively has thecharacteristic, each charm. The Huangshan Mountain high peak has how many, butalso does not have an accurate numeral. In the history successively names has 36big peaks, 36 small peaks, recent years also had 10 famous peaks to be selected"the Huangshan Mountain Will". This more than 80 mountain peaks highoverwhelming majority above the elevation kilometer, lotus flower peak is allhighest (1,864 meters), the light goes against is next (1,841 meters), the dayall peak rank (1829.5 meters), these three big peaks and the graceful bearingoutstanding beginning letter peak (1,683 meters), are Huangshan Mountain’sfriends, even if mounts in these four high peaks, also calculated.

Under, I "four certainly" separately make again Huangshan Mountain anintroduction.

Said Huangshan Mountain "four certainly", arranges at first working as isthe wonderful pine. Yellow pinus montana wonderfully in what place? First iswonderfully in it vitality, you saw have had no alternative but to expressadmiration. Generally said that, every has the earth the side to be able toleave the vegetation and the crops, but the yellow pine is long comes out fromthe hard yellow hillock rock. Huangshan Mountain everywhere all is growing thepine tree, their long peak, the long sheer precipice, is long in the glen, greenand luxuriant, full of vitality. Since 1100, they were split open like this fromthe rock, the root deep deeply gripped in the rock seam, did not fear barren wasarid, did not fear the wind and thunder sleet, natural, unyielding. You can sayis not wonderful? Next is, yellow pinus montana also wonderfully in it thatunique natural modelling. From generally speaking, yellow pinus montana’s needleshort and heavy dense, Ye Senong green, the trunk and branches tune lives, crownflat, appears one kind simply, steady, the vigorous imposing manner, but eachpine tree, each pine tree, in the appearance, is mad in the rhyme, also is eachevery different, all some one kind of unusual America. The people according tothem the different shape and the charm, separately gave them to get up has beenappropriate from however the elegant interesting name, like received a guest thepine, the black tiger pine, the pine, Long Zhuasong, searches Korean pine, unitypine and so on. They are the Huangshan Mountain wonderful pine’srepresentative.

The strange stone, is constitutes the Huangshan Mountain beautiful sceneryone "certainly". Everywhere all may see in Huangshan Mountain wonderful shapestrange rock, these strange stone appearances infinitely varied, some picturepeople, some picture thing, some have the reflection certain myth fables and thehistorical story, lifelike, vivid were all interesting. In 121 famous stones,well-knownness higher some having "fly the stone", "immortal play chess", "themagpie ascend the plum", "the monkey view sea", "immortal expose to the sun theboots", "the Penglai three islands", "the golden rooster are called thefontanel" and so on. These strange stones have are the colossi, some marvelousexquisite; Some independences become the scenery, some are several combinationsor with the wonderful pine ingenious knot synthesis scenery. Also a strangestone because watched the position and the angle has changed, the appearancealso had the change, has become stone two scenery, if "the golden rooster wascalled the fontanel" also to call "five old heavens all", "the magpie to ascendthe plum" also to be called "immortal to refer to the road" is moves step tradesthe scenery the reason. Also some strange factories, looked under the dissimilarcondition, can produce cannot association, thus also had the different name, if"the monkey view sea" also is called "the monkey to look peace" then is.



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Dear tourists, we are going to Jiuhua Mountain right now. Lets listen toXiao Ke first. Ill give you a brief introduction, so that when we arrive, wecan visit more quickly.

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

To visit Jiuhua Mountain, you should first go to Jiuhua street, which isthe center of Jiuhua Mountain. Temples are mainly concentrated there, so it iscalled "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the mountain. Besidestemples, there are shops, schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can staythere and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on themountain.

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big.

Well, here we are. We all get off the bus and follow Xiao Ke into thescenic spot. We must pay attention to our team flag. Dont fall behind or go tothe wrong team.



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The Sky Pond of Changbai Mountain

The Sky Pond of Changbai Mountain, the largest crater lake, is the boundary lake between China and North Korea, as well as the source of Songhua River, Tumen River and Yalu River. It is elliptical. Its height is 21.4k㎡, with the surface area of 9.82 square kilometers, surface perimeter 13.17 km. The depth is 373 meters, with an average water depth of 204 meters. The total storage capacity is 2.04 billion cubic meters. The average evaporation is 450 mm, average annual precipitation 1333 mm. The average annual temperature here is -7.3 degrees. it is a huge natural reservoir. In 20xx, it won the Guinness world record----the volcanic lake with the highest elevation.
