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Dear visitors! Welcome to visit lijiang ancient city, I am the yunnan tour guide GuRunLu, nice to meet you.

Lijiang ancient city is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example. Lijiang is an ancient city with a long history of culture, historical and cultural atmosphere here, like the ancient naxi music, baisha murals, dongba text, baisha fine music, is containing the rich cultural connotation. Old town of lijiang also known as dayan town, it is an ancient city without walls, is very special. The minority here, bai, yi, Tibetan, lisu, pumi, etc., said that I want to ask you, live here, most of the main ethnic minorities, what is family? Ha ha, yes, its the naxi. Construction of the naxi nationality is also very distinctive, we will in the next journey with you to visit the naxi people live in a house, understand their life.

Say so many, some friends ask here have delicious, characteristics of food, that is too much, is famous across the bridge rice noodle, BaBa, barbecue, dongba grilled fish, not only have to eat and drink, barley wine, men and women all appropriate, pure grain brewing, distinctive flavour. I saw some friends had drool ah, after a brief introduction, you already have a preliminary knowledge of lijiang, want a more detailed understanding of lijiang local conditions and customs, feel the exotic amorous feelings, to start our wonderful city tour.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9798 字

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Chagan Lake tourist resort is located in qiangoros Mongolian AutonomousCounty of Songyuan City. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, a National WaterConservancy Scenic Spot, a National Nature Reserve and one of the top 100tourism brands in China. It has become an important fishery production base inNortheast China and a grassland tourist scenic spot in the West of JilinProvince.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means a white andholy lake with a water area of 506 square kilometers. It is one of the top tenfreshwater lakes in China, the largest grassland Lake in northern China, and thelargest inland lake in Jilin Province. It is also a famous fishery productionbase, reed production base and famous tourist attraction in Jilin Province.

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources. There are more than 20 kinds ofwild animals, such as foxes, rabbits, badgers, and 9 kinds of Oriental WhiteStork, black stork, Red Crowned Crane, white crane, white headed crane, GoldenEagle, white tailed sea eagle, great bustard, and Chinese merganser, which areunder the first-class national key protection. There are 35 species of whiteswan, black faced Spoonbill and so on under the second level national keyprotection. There are more than 80 kinds of precious birds and 200 kinds of wildplants, including 149 kinds of medicinal plants. Chagan Lake is rich in carp,silver carp, crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species offish, with an annual output of more than 6000 tons of fresh fish. Among them,"Chagan Lake fat head fish" has been certified as grade 2A green food andorganic food by the national green food certification center, and has been soldto all over the province.

Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons. Chagan Lake with different seasonshas different charm.

In spring, after a long winters sleep, the lake wakes up quietly. Greengrass and blooming flowers are reflected on the surface of the lake. Ducks andgeese are flying by the lake, birds are singing and swans are dressing up. Thelake is vast, with fishing sails and fish tailing.

In summer, the surface of Baili lake is full of blue waves, and the lotusin the pond is fragrant. The fishing songs are graceful, and the sound of oarsis babbling, which adds to the shadow of Flowing Clouds and cranes. The reedsswaying in the breeze, the branches and leaves singing and dancing, and theplayful fish leaping out of the water from time to time, peeping at thebeautiful scenery of green willows and red flowers. In 20__, the first ChaganLake Lotus Festival was well received. The performance is mainly composed ofMatouqin, Chagan Lake customs and lotus songs and dances, which fully reflectsthe cultural characteristics and ethnic customs of Chagan Lake. It is a brandnew boutique tourism festival activity that Chagan Lake is committed tocreating.

In autumn, the vast Chagan Lake is cool, the wind is light, the wild islong, the reed flowers are flying in the face, and the wild geese are flyingback to the south. The autumn sun coats everything on the lakeside with gold,making it more graceful and magnificent. The beautiful Chagan Lake adds a bit ofgrandeur and magnificence to the scenery of northern China.

The most distinctive feature is the winter of Chagan Lake. The silvercovered Chagan Lake is like a huge Jasper inlaid in the snowy north. On the ice,a series of winter ploughs shuttle back and forth. The high pitched labor songsdisperse the cold of winter. The heavy net pulls out the dazzling fresh fish,and outlines the spectacular scene of Chagan Lake in winter. Every day beforedawn, the simple and hardworking fisherman of chagannaoer, wearing a dog skinhat and a sheep skin jacket, drives a horse to climb a plow and takes theprimitive winter net fishing tools to the depths of the Great Lakes. In the dimnight, he starts his busy day by selecting sites, digging ice and layingnets.

In the morning light, the fish under the ice seem to be still sleepingsoundly. The sound of the crack of the ice, the sound of the fishermens bugle,the hissing of the horses, and the creaking of the winch have come one afteranother. Fishermen have dug hundreds of ice caves in a twinkling of an eye. The1000 meter net has dived into the ice like a dragon, and then slowly pulled outthe ice from the net outlet hundreds of meters away. Ten thousand fresh fishcame out and instantly piled up on the ice to form "fish mountains". Thespectacular harvest of "ten thousand fresh fish dancing on the ice" makes theglacier boiling! The primitive winter net fishing method created and preservedby fishermen in Naoer of Chagan Lake is a living fossil of human primitivefishing and hunting culture. In 20__, "Chagan Lake winter fishing custom" waslisted in the national intangible cultural heritage list.

Chagan Lake is also known as ice lake Tengyu. It is the most spectacularpart of the annual "ice snow fishing and hunting Cultural Tourism Festival ofChagan Lake in Jilin Province, China". It starts in late December (net opening)and ends in late January of the next year (net closing). The annual output offresh fish can reach 1 million kg. In 20__, 20__ and 20__, it successivelycaught 104500 kg, 168000 kg and 260000 kg under the single net ice, creating the"largest scale" The Guinness Book of world records.

Chagan Lake has a long history of catching fish in winter, and it wasfamous as early as Liao and Jin Dynasties.

From emperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo in Liao Dynasty, every year heled his ministers and concubines to visit Chagan Lake from the capital. Theymade ice on the surface of the lake to fish, and used the "head fish" caught bythe Emperor himself to hold a "head fish feast" on the shore, because the fishin the early spring are the freshest, fattest and most fragrant. When the springbreeze blows to green Guoerluosi grassland, geese, swans and birds sing byChagan Lake. At this time, the emperors began to fly eagles and arrows to catchswans and geese. The geese from haidongqing, which was released by the emperorof Liao, were used to hold "geese feast". The monarchs and ministers sang,danced, drank and enjoyed by the lake until the end of spring. From this we canimagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

The mysterious octagonal drum stirs up the old dream. It not only leavesthe eternal story of emperors visiting Chagan Lake, but also inherits themysterious, magical and sacred customs of "winter fishing sacrifice Lake" and"head fish feast" in Chagan Lake.

The ceremony of "offering sacrifices to the lake and waking up the net" isthe most mysterious part of the winter fishing in Chagan Lake. The wholesacrificial process is full of national characteristics and mystery. It is therepresentative of fishing and hunting culture in northern China. It mainlyincludes dancing Chama dance, reciting Buddhist scriptures, singing sacrificialwords to fish head, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, Lake God, drinkingZhuang Xing wine and other activities. It is called "the last fishing andhunting tribe" by experts and scholars in the industry, "a place on the earth asprecious as the Qinghai Tibet Plateau" and "a unique living ice and snow fishingand hunting cultural heritage to the north of the 45 degree north latitudeline".

In order to let more tourists enjoy the mysterious and spectacular winterfishing in Chagan Lake, a large-scale ice snow fishing and hunting CulturalTourism Festival has been held in Chagan Lake since 20__ at the end of Decemberevery year. According to the traditional custom, the ceremony of offeringsacrifices to the lake and waking up the net is held every year before winterfishing.

Chagan Lake tourist resort is characterized by great lake wetland,grassland scenery, Mongolian customs and Chagan Lake Culture, which has become afamous scenic spot in Jilin Province. There are seven tourism functional areasin the area, including the central area of the resort, the grassland scenery andMongolian customs tourism area, the water entertainment and leisure area, thepiic and camping area, the wetland eco-tourism area, the agriculturalsightseeing area, and the petroleum industry sightseeing area, which can beseen, visited, played, enjoyed, and participated in, with strong comprehensiveservice functions.

You can not only enjoy more than 500 square kilometers of sea like openwater, green sea like waves of reeds, gulls, geese and ducks blocking the sky,but also visit the Tibetan Buddhist temple Miaoyin temple, the third nationalGenghis Khan Memorial Hall Genghis Khan Zhao, the shooting base of holy waterlake, the reconstructed Lord Gorros mansion, and the unique museum of fishingand hunting culture Not only can you enjoy bamboo rafting, water bicycle, pedalboat, but also high-speed and exciting speedboat; you can enjoy the scenery bycamel, horse and double bicycle, you can also take the battery car and selfdriving sightseeing; you can not only participate in horse riding, archery andthrowing, but also experience the stimulation of live ammunition at the onlycivilian shooting range in the province.

In winter, you can go skating, skiing and ice fishing in Chagan Lake. Youcan ride a horse plough or drive on the ice. You can enjoy the ice sky and thewonder of the world - winter fishing in Chagan Lake. You can participate in icedrilling, net laying, net pulling and fish fishing. You can experience the lifeof fishermen and experience the surprise and stimulation of making tens ofthousands of kilograms of fish in one net. In Chagan Lake, you can also enjoythe whole fish feast, the whole sheep feast and the farmhouse feast. In theevening, around the bonfire, you can eat roasted whole sheep and fried rice,drink milk tea and wine, and enjoy Mongolian songs and dances. It is absolutelya journey of folk custom, scenery, culture and experience.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6450 字

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Dear visitors, everybody! Welcome to our lotus buddhist - the jiuhuamountain tourism! I am the guide from you on this trip, my name is wang ping,you call me xiao wang. First of all, introduce below an overview of our jiuhuamountain. Jiuhua mountain is located in chizhou anhui province, anhui "twomountain lake" gold tourist area of the main scenic area, where has beautifulscenery, ancient forest, and mount emei in sichuan province, wutai mountain inshanxi, zhejiang mount putuo and four major buddhist mountains in China.

The jiuhua mountain was not called the jiuhua mountain, at the time of thetang dynasty is called nine mountain, because beautiful jiuhua mountain, theclouds above the mountain there are nine, so nine mountain nine children. Beganyears, by Li Baiceng twice visited here, has written "miao have two gas,lingshan jiu hua, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus" etc historiclovers, jiuhua mountain hence the name, and has been used to this day.

The jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activity, Taoism injiuhua mountain development first, Buddhism more flourish. Between kai-yuantang, woosong kingdom prince Jin Qiao sailing east, visited famous mountains,the jiuhua practice in our chosen. Night camped out in the hills of the cave,thirsty drink mountain spring hill, hungry eat the mountain of wild plants.Finally he died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought penance before his death,passed away with records in the sutras like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, as shouldlike ksitigarbha bodhisattva, because of his surname gold without becoming amonk, so also known as the heart of gold. Jiuhua mountain is since then all keptlike ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. After the tang dynasty, jiuhua Buddhismstatement, past dynasties after repair, to the whole of the temple in the qingdynasty already has more than 150 seats, only garden temple, east cliff temple,centenarians palace, ganlu temple four big jungle, incense of guilin.

Below we first enter the jiu hua street scenic area, first see is a crosslane. It is carved marble, 9 meters high, is the imitation of buildings has beengloriously enrolled. Banners on the engraved royal emperor kangxi book "nineChinese scenic spot" four characters. Below the door in the north and south twocolumn carved stone lions. Gate dignified elegance, the gate lane welcomedeveryone to see is the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlong years,is a single-arch stone bridge, the following will set foot on this ancientbridge together, please follow me, into the wonderland of together!

Everyone see, across the bridge is only positive garden temple hall. Gardentemple is only key national temple, the scale is one of the largest the jiuhuamountain four big jungle, by the gate, the great hall, Ursa major, guest room,lecture hall and the scripture-stored tower and so on more than 10 monomerbuilding, is a typical modular architecture, its inside deviate from the centralaxis of the hall, you know why? Because ah, tilt the gate is quite exquisite,way to ward off bad luck, and secondly is the door to the city of toward themountain temple temple. Ursa coloured glaze tile, cornices, newborn status isvery outstanding. On the front wall of the temple there is a stone carving, thetop "taishan shigandang" five characters very eye-catching, everyone to guesswhat is this used for? Actually this is only unique garden temple, is used toward off bad luck town demon.

Enter the gate, is lingguan temple, temple, that take the door stand seeshrine is ChiMian red iron scourge, wide-open, exalted Wang Lingguan. WangLingguan guardian deity of Taoism, is how to protect the dharma? The originallegend of buddhist dharma wei tuo "killing" mistake, is "dismissal" likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, let Wang Lingguan top class, this reflects the"cooperation" the great meaning of Buddhism and Taoism, is afraid is just aplace in the country.

From lingguan temple in a small courtyard, there is a square pavilions typedouble-hipped roof, from the top of the mountain, for the four major Kings like,according to the great hall. Sits in the middle shrine "smile, pot-belliedinclusive" maitreya. "A great bowl of thousands of rice, wan lixing" the alone,is his two ket. On either side for the four heavenly Kings statues.

Lingguan temple and great in the same stylobate, while up layer on thestylobate is Ursa major. Ursa major, the positive standing about 12 meters highBuddha iii, next is green lotus, under 须弥座 (also called Jin Gangtai), finecarving. Sweets positive cross engraved with the "personality" of the story ofbedding face relief. The Buddha, worship for hosts will monk run course.

Good, swim only garden temple, we now come to the center of the street, isnine China we see is the jiuhua mountain temple temple in the city. Buddhistscriptures have "refers to the geochemical city". City temple is located injiuhua mountain, peak city southwest of the city center, hence the name the citytemple. City temple has a long history, it built in the jin dynasty, is Lordalso of the jiuhua mountain temple, the temple of the building layout accordingto the mountain, reflect the superb architectural art. Temple has a higherconsisting, weighing about 20__ pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use thehammer impact, dignified realisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, oftenmake the person has the feeling of free from vulgarity. "The city production"became one of the ten views "of" nine China.

Temple after waste, still stands in the years long river. Existing fourinto the residential house, former SanJin for qing dynasty architecture: a intolingguan temple, two into the great hall, SanJin Ursa major. Second, there was ahuge four water between SanJin patio, meaning "four water belongs to the hall".Ursa all wood door, lintel carved on the icy veins window lattice. The cuhk sunkpanel "Kowloon dish bead" relief for the art treasures. Four into thescripture-stored tower as the jiuhua mountain unique buildings in Ming dynasty,recently according to the original repair. Temple according to the terraingradually rise, the city structure is rigorous, of primitive simplicity andelegant, basic preserved the mountain temple original character.

The city shishi pair of song dynasty, under the temple steps of monogamous,like vigorous. Before have a free life pond, crescent, reportedly is goldenheart leads the ACTS of building city temple during excavation, both for thetemple of fire!



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Suzhou, the ancient said there is a wu, wu, will collection, Wu Zhou, Wu Jun, at pingkiang, sui suzhou, delay said today. Suzhou ever since the dawn of recorded history of more than 4000 years, is one of the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city. Long history, gave birth to the unique charm to celebrities.of.

For one thousand years, suzhou humanities ceremony. In ancient times produced by sun wu, fan zhongyan, shen kua, such as tang Yin, gu yanwu, KuaiXiang statesmen, thinkers, strategists, scientists, artists; Contemporary fields have emerged a large number of outstanding figures. Suzhou genre of painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, each has his strong point; Drama, medicine, building its own genre, of its own. Suzhou embroidery, the yellow house world-famous woodcut New Year pictures and other arts and crafts.

Suzhou city was built in 514 BC, more than 2500 years ago. Is located in the position of the spring and autumn period, the basic maintained a "surface parallel, river street adjacent" double chessboard pattern of "three vertical and three horizontal and one ring" river water system and "small bridge flowing water, white wall tiles, historic gardens" unique style. More than existing municipal cultural relics protection unit 487 in the city, including national 15, 101 at the provincial level. Well-preserved classical garden more than 60. In accordance with the ancient city of suzhou is located in the water, street built around the river, surface parallel; Construction by the water, before the lane back river, forming unique style and features of "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else". Set of buildings, landscapes, flowers and trees, carvings, calligraphy and painting is equal to the integration of the suzhou gardens, is the spirit treasure of human civilization, the humble administrators garden and lingering garden in Chinas four big gardens, and with the nets garden, surging wave pavilion, lion grove and the mountain villa with embracing, art field, coupling, the scientific garden 9 classical garden, such as, respectively, in December 97 and November 20xx by UNESCO "world heritage", ancient town of tongli town, zhouzhuang, Lu straight are reporting on world cultural heritage.

Under the spring breeze of reform and opening-up, the ancient suzhou is coruscate gives new vitality, established the "science and education encouraging city, outgoing driving, sustainable development" strategy, formed the export-oriented economy, the two advantages of township enterprises, cultivating the new economic growth point is given priority to with high and new technology, talent, industry, environment, etc. The new advantages have weakened.

Suzhou is becoming a new and high technology industries as the leading of the modern manufacturing base, technology innovation in the joint, all kinds of talent aggregation of industry base, high technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit modern agriculture base, it is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the basic modernization of region.

Suzhou is located in the middle of the Yangtze river delta, south of jiangsu province. Shanghai in the east, zhejiang in the south, wuxi, a city surrounded by the north in accordance with the Yangtze river. The citys total area of 8488 square kilometers, jurisdiction, blue waves at pingkiang, gold Chang, huqiu, wuzhong, phase town, suzhou industrial park, suzhou new district, etc. 8 area and changshu, zhangjiagang, taicang, kunshan, wujiang five county-level cities, a total population of 5.78 million people. In rivers and lakes is numerous, the grand canal linking the north and south, hope YuHe, LouJiang, TaiPuHe connection, taihu lake, yangcheng lake and commercialisation of bearing, Mosaic dianshan lake.

Here four seasons, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land, rich products. Agricultural products have produced rice, cotton, rapeseed, XiangJing meters, duck blood waxy and taicang white garlic; Specialty orange, loquat, BanSu, plum, osmanthus, camellia, "biluochun" tea; Taihu whitebait, water shield, pearls and yangcheng lake hairy crabs famous.

Suzhou is the birthplace of celebrities.of, literary production staff. Is known as the suzhou pingtan, kunqu opera, Su Ju culture "three flowers". More than 400 years history of kunqu opera, is the "mother of the Chinese opera; Pingtan is in suzhou dialect rap art, is in jiangsu, zhejiang and Shanghai has more than 300 years. Suzhou arts and crafts of the famous Chinese and foreign, with hunan, sichuan, cantonese embroidery embroidery is known as the "four famous embroidery" in our country; Lookup woodcut New Year pictures from green wood along with tianjin, he "south north Yang peach"; Suzhou k o-ssu, sculpture, {sung} brocade, jade and redwood carving crafts, each has his strong point, wonderful artical excelling nature.

Suzhou city in 20xx of $154.1 billion in gross national product (GNP), basic construction in modern manufacturing base of high and new technology industry as the leading factor; Closely joint production, study and research, technical innovation base of all kinds of talents gathered, High technology content, high extroverted degree and good economic benefit in modern agriculture base; It is a combination of human landscape and natural landscape, ecological tourism vacation base with beautiful surroundings, suzhou in the 21st century will be "economic prosperity, science and education developed, rich life, a beautiful environment, civilization" the modernization of the region.



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Each friend: hello!

Welcome the wulingyuan sightseeing, glad to guide for you, you will visit the place where is one of the center of wulingyuan scenic spot, is known as the "king of the hoodoo" son of heaven mountain nature reserve.

The world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic area including the zhangjiajie national forest park, SuoXiYu nature reserve and the son of heaven mountain nature reserve of the three scenic spots. Tianzi mountain scenic area is located in the northeast of the wulingyuan, south to zhangjiajie forest park, west and Yang Gujie scenic spot and the hometown of marshal he long sangzhi county, adjacent to the southeast and SuoXiYu scenic spot. Here originally is an organic whole repeatedly with huangshi village such as mountain peaks, collectively propylite mountain. Tujia people in the song dynasty, a hero to the big of dissatisfaction with the feudal imperial grip, led hundreds of thousands of bi nazca (tujia uprising, huge, shock in ones hand. The court sent army incursion, after decades of fighting, the final heavily outnumbered by the pap, combined with the rebels informers have led to the army, the uprising ended in failure. Kind of tujia people in order to miss the brave hero, the name of the mountain is called "son of heaven mountain".

Tianzi mountain from the SuoXiYu swim two way: a "li gallery" walk, by the "pagoda peak" to "wolong mountain", after watching the "west sea stone forest" reach "son of heaven pavilion" the top of the mountain. Another is a son of heaven mountain cableway.

Tianzi mountain scenery, pleasant climate, lifted up his eyes looked, qianshanmohe panoramic view. The entire scenic area by the house of stone eaves, tea tray tower, such as habitat house field, phoenix mountain, yellow dragon spring five an, covers an area of 67 square kilometers, tianzi peak 1262 meters above sea level, sea scenic spot has a flat swim total 16 km walk. Below please foot roaming, feel the "expansion of bonsai, miniature wonderland", enjoy the endless charm of the king of the "hoodoo".

We now come to shen tang wan. Shen tang wan is the most mysterious place wulingyuan scenic area. Generation rate of xiang when defeat has dozens of riding a retreat at this point, the thought of countless soldiers blood fought and his many years of wasted effort, brute, who jumped off the unfathomable cliff, men followed behind him jump down... A vigorous peasant uprising failed of tujia people. Many years later, a storm day, few people passing through, but hear the voice of people coming from a cliff shout neigh, as well as a variety of weapons to touch. This situation also happen in after several years, it is said that this is xiang refuses to accept after defeat, to continue to practice military forces in the valley, in an effort to make a comeback. Listen to the local villagers, shen tang wan consists of rock block level 9, someone wanted to into the adventure, but only down to 40 to 50 zhangs deep level 4, dark, evil wind howling, also with all kinds of the shrill cry, creepy, soul fly up. Portion of the liberation army in 1968 as the ganoderma lucidum and other precious medicinal materials, take the gun, using ropes and tools, only next to six pier dare not bottom go to, because looked down from the 6th pier, or eerie, bottomless, looked down through a telescope, can also see huge python and all kinds of wild animals. "Shen tang wan" since then become into a mysterious world.

From "shen tang wan" back for about 500 meters, is the famous "about", according to legend xiang was practice, step, water forces, here will be on the stage, to call the shots, that is how to size! Please look at the foot of stone mountain in the past, rough looking is desultorily, scrutinize is orderly, they eaves, spirit, terrible spectacle, neat and serious, is not like the war officers? It is reminiscent of the famous song dynasty poet su shi "topic Westwood temple wall" = "cross the truth. which, near and far different, not the truth, the good luck body is in the mountain."

Is in front of the he long park, built in stone eaves on the east side of cloud propylite, set up in 1985, 1986 completion ceremony. He long park is the only one in the wulingyuan humanities landscape, covering an area of about 3 hectares. Commanding here, see, look around the square, the scene. Park YuanMing successively by hu yaobang, jiang zemin inscribed, park has hu yaobang, peng zhen, Liao Hansheng inscription. Into the park, the first hit, people see is he long statue, it is 6.5 meters high, including horse weighing more than 9 tons, is the largest in China over the past centurys great men of a bronze statue, it is by the famous professor of guangzhou academy of fine arts, the famous sculptor Pan He design, guangdong foshan institute of ductile iron casting by the installation. The statue like a towering of wuling mountain.

Not far behind the statue, is "cloud propylite" observation deck, from here you can see the "west sea stone forest". Is a veritable mountain of sea, west sea thousands of peaks were surging as show in the fundus, rows, towering spectacular. Can according to different seasons and weather and enjoy the son of heaven mountain "four wonders" - the stone forest, sunrise, cloud organ, and winter snow.

Marshal looked he long, continue to visit the son of heaven mountain stone forest wonders. Please see the not far away, a row of beautiful delicate stone mountain, coarse fine, such as pens, and make such as cutting, jagged. It was one of wulingyuan "greatness" top ten "YuBi peak", according to legend xiang after defeat, had burned all the manuscripts, when he saw this several YuBi, think that use them to read documents and command hordes, now a slip between the cup and the lip! How does it face to face their home crowds, and indignation to several YuBi fall in the valley. However, pen reiki, be born ChengFeng, formed a "YuBi peak". If the hongxia, when the sky YuBi yi yi is unripe brightness, still remain some red ink pen. In 1994, the state issued by the ministry of posts and telecommunications "wulingyuan" stamps and first day cover, was published in 1999, "zhangjiajie international forest protection day" and "zhangjiajie through tianmen international flight grand prix" commemorative cover, 20xx issue of the "memory of general secretary jiang zemin to mark the fifth anniversary of zhangjiajie inscription" commemorative cover and wulingyuan tickets design, pen peak "in the background.

Friends, then please to "YuBi peak" across from the observation deck, to enjoy the beauty of the soul "" a bunch of flowers. Please pay attention to the central across the mountains, in the hazy mist has the beautiful image of a beautiful woman in the cloud and mist graceful. Her head hair dont, embrace spring flowers, such as the full moon, his mouth smiling, are lovingly flowers scattered on the earth, so called "love" a bunch of flowers. Legend has it that she is the jade emperors daughter, due to the attachment of human landscape, spirited away tiangong basket to himself, walked away flowers, it is said that this starts from the odd coloured different grass is her to stay. Because the fairy to descent, angered the jade emperor, the jade emperor in a rage will fall down all her life, so she became the flora here, guarded day and night this beautiful pure land!

Tianzi mountain scenery is charming, here folkway is simple, there is not, to tell the story of dont finish, no wonder people evaluate the tianzi mountain for "who knows right face, back to watch the world mountain". Let son of heaven mountain scenery for everyone is beautiful memories forever, hope you come again next time tianzi mountain tourism.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1725 字

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Everybody is good!

GuanMenShan is located in the south of liaoning province large quantities, since ancient times have "northeast of huangshan mountain", "the northeast of guilin" reputation. For bimodal confrontation, a width of a narrow, a large and a small, its shape like a door, therefore calls GuanMenShan.

GuanMenShan, known as "small northeast huangshan mountain, there are five beautiful: mountain beauty, mountains, cliffs, springing up, peak appearance graceful, peak forest, like a giant bonsai match made in heaven. Rippling water, GuanMenShan reservoir, two cliff, castle peak reflected sculls rowing, fun. Tree, close a mountain trees is various, thousands of branches of TV, especially famous for in maple autumn. Flower is beautiful, love magnolia and mountain cuckoo, ma, fragrant and pleasant. Cloud, cloud, fog mountain, beauty, one integrated mass, especially enchantingly beautiful, almost young fog shrouded, uncertain; The radiant, weave cloud very; The mountain is like concealed, enchanting agitated.

GuanMenShan is is famous for its maple leaf, maple leaf more let you count, are made to feel as if you walked into the beautiful paradise, the red is a big fire. The maple leaves a ZhuiLian here a piece, a plant ZhuiLian a strain, like fire, as a fan, all forms of diversity. GuanMenShan maple leaf is not only beautiful, and the mountain is so grand, water is so clear.

GuanMenShan water colorful, sandwiched between two mountains, there is a multi-colored pools. In the pool, there are many colorful maple leaves, after the illuminate of sunshine, pool reflected the colors, add a lot of colour to the multi-colored pools, the multi-colored pools with more gorgeous, like a fairyland, very beautiful.



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Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the travel agency, I would liketo welcome you to Chaohu for sightseeing and sightseeing. I am your guide. Todaywe run this arrangement, the first in the morning tour of Hutian Shengjingtemple, on Laoshan Island, on the way to swim Lake Avenue, Chaohu, Kameyama; WeiLi in Chinese restaurant, afternoon tour silver Ping Shan Scenic Area, theconcept of the Millennium - p.suffruticosa, fairy cave, Spa Resort back rest. WeChaohu city is named for Chaohu, it covers an area of 9423 square kilometers,the total population of 4 million 500 thousand, under the jurisdiction ofLujiang County, Wuwei County County, Hanshan County, as well as the Juchaodistrict boundary between Hefei and Wuhu in two cities, Hefei, Chuzhou, and thesurrounding Luan, Anqing City, bordering the river, Wuhu, and TonglingMaanshan City, the three look relatively. Chaohu in the Shang and Zhou Jian NanChao, the spring and Autumn period to nest in Qin and Han Dynasties set JuchaoTang home, Chaozhou, later called the county, 84 years instead of Chaoxian,Chaohu City, in the 99 year the State Council withdrew the county of ChaohuCity, the establishment of the prefecture level city of Chaohu.

Our Chaohu cultural landscape and the natural landscape is very rich, it isknown as the garden of Anhui, Chaohu specialty is also very much, such as ChaohuChaohu honey, Sophora japonica, fireworks, etc.. Now our car is driving on theLake Road, the Lake Avenue is a set of tourism, flood control, traffic in one,in the 91 years after the flood that began to build up, a total length of 53meters, then you can see the left is our Chaohu lake water, 800 squarekilometers, lake the 23 towns are surrounded by three County District, andLujiang County, Feidong County, Feixi county and Juchao district. We Chaohu andDongting Lake, Hongze lake, Poyang Lake, Taihu and are known as the five largestfreshwater lakes, and we Chaohu in the five largest freshwater lakes are thesmallest. Chaohu, also known as the coke lake. It is said that in ancient timesof Chaohu, a small white dragon without rainfall except sweat, sweat, madetiantiao, was the emperor censureddescends to earth, when coke Laoshan saved,the small white dragon at the focal Laoshan life-saving grace, so he told theemperor to trap nest the matter, and inform all the neighbors in Laoshan cokeso, all the neighbors to Mian victims, however, but when the coke basking byneighbor delay the chance to escape flooded, the daughter also lost a pair ofshoes in a hurry to run and was flooded, and later people to commemorate thefocal basking spirit, will be in the lake called coke lake. The coke is made ofa mu Laoshan, daughter turned into a mountain, one of her shoes into the shoehill.

Of course, this is just a myth of Chaohu. The real Chaohu formation is ofcourse the result of the movement of the earths crust. The three treasure ofour Chaohu is silvery fish, white rice prawns and crabs. Chaohu lake basin ismainly Yuxi River and Yangtze River flows through their cattle Tunhe. Laoshanisland covers an area of 0.86 square kilometers, 105 meters above sea level. Thetower that we see now is the Wenfeng tower. There was a sharp peak aroundLaoshan, Luzhou champion. In order to verify the Ergui Luzhou Fu Yan Song, inthe Ming Dynasty for four years (1631) built four storey tower, after thepeasant uprising and stop work, to the four years of the Qing Dynasty (1878)Foreign Affairs Minister Li Hongzhang and Juan, built three storey tower, thetower has seven floors, eight horns, 51 meters high, 133. The tower post carved802 Buddha statues, stone tablets 25 questions. There is a poem in Guo RuomusPoems: yaokan Chaohu Kingnet, love aunt hair like oil, namely, second auntbasking.



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"North scenery, freeze, you spend a lot. Look inside and outside the Great Wall, but a more vast..." Hello everyone, I am the guide from the trip - xue guides. This time we will go to one of the historical and cultural heritage, the Great Wall.

The Great Wall from the qin dynasty began to build, to resist the invasion of the huns was built. From jiayuguan to shanhaiguan, full length more than thirteen thousand. Today well visit the Great Wall at badaling. You see, it is tall and strong, with huge stone and ChengZhuan built in. Everyone to see, on the top of the walls covered with square brick, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress mouth and nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops. War, between the ChengTai can mutual echo.

Everyone look at the countless stone, with 2 - one thousand catties a there was no train, car, no crane, rely on countless countless hands and shoulders, step by step and carried on the steep mountains. How many working people sweat and wisdom, to condense into the former does not see the head, after the end of the Great Wall.

Everyone who knows the great probably how many people died? To fix the working people of the Great Wall with ninety-six percent of people are in the process of the Great Wall and completed less than two weeks to death. "Meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" is to prove it. Is really "the dead times comparable to hurt, still hold pestle" zombies!

Now, there are many people on the wall disorderly painting, carving, and litter. If you want to keep the beauty of the Great Wall, dont damage the Great Wall. It is built against the many working peoples wisdom and sweat! Let us act, to protect the Great Wall, to protect the motherland good things!

Visitors, now we have the Great Wall, the end of the todays trip to the Great Wall. Thank you for your support, we see you next time.



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Tourists friends, hello, welcome you to the three gorges tourism. Seven hundred in the three gorges, the grand risk, pull beautiful beautiful, four seasons beautiful scene different style. Winter, spring pool, green west, blame BaiLingFeng, flying waterfall suspended; The summer water rises, the river surging; Your autumn the chill cold, ape cry. Into the three gorges somebody else, tasting the golden orange; On the three gorges dam, majestic momentum. Affectionate three gorges scenery, the peoples enthusiasm, welcome you often swim here. I hope you happy in this trip, a nice day.

TanZiLing scenic spot is a national first batch AAAA level scenic area, is the earliest development of the three gorges dam scenic area, in 1997, the official start of the reception foreign tourists due to its observation deck at the top like a named overturned jars, the scenic spot is located for the dam construction surveying points, elevation 262.48 meters, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project, not only can enjoy the three gorges dam on the powerful ZhuangWei, still can watch stand bolt upright a precipice "Yangtze river gorge" fourth two-way five locks.

TanZiLing scenic spot is the commanding heights of the three gorges site, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project. TanZiLing for inverting image outside a jar. Scenic area of about 100000 square meters of the whole scenic spots including the observation deck, anaglyph big book, iron and steel group, one hundred million Jiang Shi model room and green belts, and so on, showed the long-standing three gorges culture comprehensive, expressed the people hydration and water as a distinct theme, man can conquer nature.

TanZiLing because its shape looks like a mountain of sichuan people make kimchi named buckle the jar at the top of the hill, elevation 262.48 meters, the three gorges dam is 15.28 square kilometers land within the scope of the commanding heights above sea level, on the top of the TanZiLing observation deck, overlooking the three gorges dam construction, get a good view of the xiling cattle rocks beautiful scenery and the prospect of new county zigui.

Legend has it that dayu harnessing of 3 a house but not into, in god cow help through KuiMen, pushed open the channel in 400, familiar people gratitude, with a huge boat carrying 24 pig head and a large altar wine to treat. To the accomplishment, but see that god cattle smoke cloud, only left a video in the high mountain, after the people called scalpers rock. The dayu also track god cattle travel, left over from a statue of stone as a souvenir. Touched by people for a long time refused to leave, make huge boat in the river on the waiting, the giant ship into a small island - being built at zhongbaodao island. The ships pig into the river, will be 24 in rocks, and the altar wine is on the left bank, unreal TanZiLing and popular. Buddha, it is said that on sunny weather, the breeze peak to peak in the river, wine consumption binge, also really ecstatic.

The entire park in a highly increasing from top to bottom is divided into three layers, showrooms, mainly by the model ten thousand a recently stone, river closure, the three gorges dam foundation, silver version gobbledygook and TanZiLing landscape, such as the observation deck and spectacular fountains and beautiful waterfalls, winding streams, green lawn, this process, in a static dynamic, moving in the static, as if place oneself in the beautiful paradise.



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After the September 18th Incident in 1931, the Japanese aggressors pushedforward step by step, and the treasures stored in Beiping Palace Museum moved tothe south. Under the chairmanship of Ma Heng, the president of the PalaceMuseum, about 200000 pieces of antiquities were removed from the palace museumafter selection, cataloguing, numbering and packing, including the travel map ofXi Shan.

The antiquities were stored in Shanghai, transported to Sichuan on the eveof the Anti Japanese War, moved back to Nanjing after the victory of the AntiJapanese War, and moved from Nanjing to Chinese Taiwan in 1948. Fortunately, althoughthe war was in chaos and the war was raging, the cultural relics weretransported for a long time and the roads were dangerous, but there was nodamage or loss. It was a miracle indeed.

The Palace Museum, located in waishuangxi, covers an area of 20 squaremeters. It was built in 1962 and completed in 1965 in commemoration of Sun YatSens birthday. The whole building imitates the form of the Palace Museum inBeijing and adopts the Chinese palace style design. It has a magnificentappearance and carries green mountains. It is where the elite art of Chinesecultural relics collection lies.

Before entering the Palace Museum Square, you can see a memorial archwaycomposed of six stone pillars. On the archway, you can see a bronze tripodengraved with the word "fraternity".

The collection of the Imperial Palace Museum in Chinese Taiwan includes the essenceof old Beijing, the Imperial Palace, Shenyang the Imperial Palace and theoriginal river and so on. There are about 700 thousand pieces of cultural relicsdonated by people from all walks of life at home and abroad. They are dividedinto 14 categories: calligraphy, ancient paintings, inscriptions, bronzes, jadearticles, ceramics, stationery, carved lacquers, enamels, sculptures,miscellaneous items, embroidery and silk, books, and literature. The museumoften maintains about 5000 pieces of calligraphy, painting and cultural relicson display, and holds various special exhibitions regularly or irregularly. Theexhibits in the museum are replaced every three months.

According to the calculation of 5000 exhibits every three months and 20000exhibits every year, there are 700000 pieces in the collection here, which canonly be seen in 35 years without falling down at a time. This is not comparableto the general Museum collection.



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Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . But how so ? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. All in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing.

Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. Here you are in Heaven.

(Costume-Changing Terrace)

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or CostumeChanging Terrace. It is located to the east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades. The day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. After the service, the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

this structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest. We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate. A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.

the annex halls were symmetrically built on a 1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall ,a masterpiece of ancient China. Looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. In and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes.

Without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use of big beams and crossbeams, the entire structure is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars and number of bars, laths, joints and rafters. The four central pillars, called the dragon-Well Pillars, are 19.2 meters high and painted with designs of composite followers, representing the four season. There are two rings of 12 scarlet pillars each. The inner ring represents the 12 months and the outer rings the 12 divisions of the day and night .Between the two rings there are 24 partitioned spaces to mark the solar terms of the Chinese lunar year. The pillars, 28 in number, also represent the 28 constellations in the universe- the ancient Chinese believed that there were 28 constellations that made up the sky.

The center of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab, which is 88.5 centimeters in diameter. Interestingly, the slab features natural black and white veins, corresponding to the dragon-phoenix design on the ceiling. This particular slab is known as the Dragon-phoenix stone and is regarded as a treasure inseparable from the hall.

The furnishings within the hall are placed in their original positions dating back to when Emperor Xianfeng ruled .In the forefront and above the throne are enshrined tablets in commemoration of Heaven. On either table on each side tablets of the emperor` s ancestors were placed. Each tablet is fronted by an altar. A total of 24 kinds of offering were made on it ,including soup, wine, assorted cereals, and a calf.

The sacrificial rites were observed in the wee hours of the morning, sometime in the first month of the Chinese lunar year. Because it was still dark, candles, lanterns and torches were lit. This lighting coupled with the incense being burnt inside the hall ,helped make the ceremony both grand and mystical.

By the time the service began,207 musicians and dancers would be performing on platforms outside the hall. The emperor, in his blue sacrificial robe and with an air of piety and sincerity, would walk slowly into the hall, kowtow, and offer wine and prayer in hornor of the deities and his ancestors. All of the offerings would then be taken to incinerators on the eastern side of the gate of prayer for Good Harvest. With this we conclude our visit to the Temper of Heaven. The feudal monarchs and their sacrificial rites have long vanished in history .However, this group of magnificent and lofty structures remain as a fine testament of the ancient Chinese` s ingenuity and as one of the cultural heritages of mankind.

(On the Long Corridor)

From the Eastern Gate of the hall of prayer for good harvest, we have now enter a 300-meter-long corridor. Consisting of 72 sections, this corridor served as a connecting building between the Slaughterhouse. Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall ,It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production line. Flanking the corridor are shopping stalls. You may find some souvenirs for your family and friend there.

Well ,that is all for this tour. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your next visit. Good luck and bon voyage.



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Hello, tourists!

When you see this Tang Dynasty building in front of you, you must be bothsurprised and curious. First of all, why is this tower named after geese

According to Indian Buddhist legend, there were two schools of Buddhism,Mahayana and Hinayana, and Hinayana Buddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness.One day, it was Bodhisattva giving day, but a monk in a Hinayana Temple couldntbuy meat for dinner. At this time, a group of geese flew by in the sky. A monklooked at the geese and said to himself, "today there is no meat in the house.The merciful Bodhisattva must not forget what day it is." Before the voice fell,the leading goose folded its wings and fell to the ground. So the monks in thetemple were shocked and thought that it must be the manifestation ofBodhisattva. They built a stone pagoda at the site where the wild geese fell.They gave up meat and turned to Mahayana Buddhism. Therefore, the pagoda is alsoknown as the big wild goose pagoda.

The Dayan Pagoda is 60 meters high, 5 stories, brick surface, earth coreand CD ladder. In the center of the rear tower, there are lots of plants andtrees growing in the cracks of bricks, which are gradually decadent. Afterseveral renovations during the reign of Empress Wu Zetian in Changan, EmperorXuanzong in Tang Dynasty and Emperor Changxing in later Tang Dynasty, the bigwild goose pagoda was 4.5 meters higher than the original one and added twofloors. Each side of the ground floor is 25 meters long, the base is square, theside length is 45 meters to 48 meters, there are ticket doors on all sides ofeach floor, and there are stairs in the tower. On the lintel of the bottom floorof the pagoda, there are exquisite line carved Buddha statues, especially thepicture of Sakyamuni Buddha on the lintel of the west gate. The photo of theabandoned hall at that time is engraved on it. It is said that it was written byYan Liben, a great painter of the Tang Dynasty. It is a precious material forstudying the Buddhist culture and architectural art of future generations. Thebrick niches on the East and west sides of the South Gate of the pagoda areinlaid with the steles of preface to the three sacred religions of the TangDynasty written by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty and preface tothe three sacred religions of the Tang Dynasty written by Emperor Gaozong Li Zhiof the Tang Dynasty. The two steles were written by Chu suiliang, a famouscalligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. They are the best of the steles in the TangDynasty. They are precious original calligraphic inscriptions protected by thestate. They are important material for the study of ancient calligraphy. It canbe said that the square brick Pagoda with wooden structure is a masterpiece ofBuddhist architecture in China, with its simple shape, majestic momentum,remarkable national characteristics and the style of the times.

OK, lets have a free tour and pay attention to safety.

Little wild goose pagoda

The small wild goose pagoda is located in Jianfu temple on the south sideof Youyi Road in Xian City, facing the big wild goose pagoda from east to west,which has become two important symbols of Changan, the ancient capital of TangDynasty. Because the scale is smaller than the big wild goose pagoda and theconstruction time is later, it is called the small wild goose pagoda.

Jianfu temple was originally built in Kaihua square of Changan City inTang Dynasty. It was the old residence of Xiangcheng princess, the daughter ofEmperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. In the first year of Ruizong Li Li (684), theroyal familys relatives built a temple for Gao Zong. The first year of Tianshu(690) was changed into Jianfu temple, which is a famous temple in Changan cityof Tang Dynasty. Yizheng, a famous monk of Tang Dynasty, translated 56scriptures in Jianfu temple and wrote biography of eminent monks seeking Dharmain western regions of Tang Dynasty, which is of great value to the study ofcultural exchanges between China and India.

There is a small wild goose pagoda in the temple. It is a square brickstructure with dense eaves. It has 15 floors at the beginning and is about 46meters high. Each layer of the pagoda has its eaves. It is famous for opening adoor in the north and south. The body of the tower decreases from the bottom tothe bottom layer by layer, and the more it rises, the more it accelerates. It isbeautiful and exquisite, and has a unique style. The door frame is made ofbluestone. The inside of the tower is an empty tube structure with wooden floorsand wooden ladders circling up. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to repeatedearthquakes, the tower cracked in the middle, and the top of the tower wasdestroyed, leaving only 13 floors. Today, there is still a large iron bell inthe temple, which weighs more than 10000 kg and was cast in the third year ofMing Chang (1192) of Jin Dynasty. The bell sounds loud and is known as "themorning bell of the wild goose pagoda", one of the eight scenic spots inGuanzhong.



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Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide.Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, whichare the most famous here.

As we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a briefintoduction of Tengchong. Tengchong is located in the southwest of China andoccupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. There are 23 nationalities here,such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When we mentioned Tengchong, threethings will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100years.

Later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now I can tellyou something about the latter two ones. They all can reflect the long historyTengchong has. Tengchong is a city on boarder. And because of its location, ithas been an important place for military reasons. And that’s a part of itshistory. It’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown ofso many famous people. And another part of its history is that Tengchong is onetrade center of jade between China and Burma. So don’t forget to get a round tothe jade fair. I think you will feel interested.

OK, everyone, here is the Library of the Volcanoes. Now let’s have a lookat .The volcanoes in Tengchong are famous in China, and it’s one of the fourgroups of volcanoes in China. The strong extravasations are the cause of thelandform of Tengchong. There is a lieder in Tengchong saying that:” Such a placeTengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” It’s very vivid, from that youcan see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchongnow with high value of tourism and scientific research.



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Dear visitors, my name is yu-chen zhang, is jiujiang landscape travel guide. Today I lead you to visit the place is only in the "world heritage" of China cultural landscape - lushan scenic area.

Lushan mountain in jiujiang in jiangxi province in central China, the south, also known as "KuangShan", "KuangLu", lists of the Yangtze, tight in poyang lake. The whole of a total of more than 90 peaks. To hanyang peak, the highest peak either altitude 1473.4 meters, the lushan mountain scenery to "show, and the risks, the male" is famous, known as "KuangLu under well of guilin" reputation, is now main twelve landscape, 37, 230 scenery landscape. Lushan early have "lu" of fairy tales, fog day up to an average of 191 days, diffuse clouds of lushan added a lot of the beauty of the landscape charming and mysterious.

Lushan mountain is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization, as well as a collection of scenery, culture, religion, education, politics, as one of the famous through the ages. Also has a unique quaternary glacial relics, is the theory of the quaternary glacial birthplace.

Now we can visit freely, then well come to here.



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Prince Gongs house used to be the home of Wang Shen, the most greedy onein all ages. Later, Emperor Jiaqing made twenty-four charges and confiscated hishouse. Because the last host was Prince Gongs Aixinjueluo, it was called PrinceGongs mansion.

There are two dragon veins in Beijing, one is the central axis of Beijing,the other is the moat. The Palace Museum is located at the head of the centralaxis. Prince Gongqins residence is located at the intersection of the twodragon veins. He and Wang Shen once boasted: "the emperor sits on the dragonshead, I sit on the dragons tail. Although the dragons head is in charge of theoverall situation, it still needs the dragons tail to do great things.&"Listen, he and Wang Shen are so ambitious that they deserve to be thefirst greedy people of all ages.";!

There are 9999 bats in Prince Gongqins mansion;. This is not a real bat,but a bat like building. Wang Shen and Wang Shen wanted to be happy, so theytook the homonym of "Fu" and built 9999 bats;.

When you enter the door, the first thing you see is a huge bat;. This is abat like pond called "Fu Chi";. Rockery and gravel are randomly scattered on theBank of the pool. Elm trees are planted around Fuchi. The fruit and leaf of elmtrees are like copper coins. When the fruit and leaf like copper coins fall intoFuchi, Wang Shen and I will laugh and laugh: & lt; money falling from thesky enters my & lsquo; cornucopia & gt;, and the money on the groundalso flows into Wang Shen and I. &"Thats true!

We followed the gurgling water of Fuchi and came to a door. This is abeautiful western gate with bright colors and fine workmanship. It is said thatthis is one of his 24 counts. Because this western gate was made after thewestern gate in the royal garden.

After entering the western gate and bypassing the stone carving of "SongziGuanyin", it is the opera garden with Wang Shens family. In front of the playgarden is a garden, with some flowers in the trim bushes. The play "Xiangfeiplays butterfly" in huanzhuge was shot here. Only two places in Beijing arecovered with green bricks. One is the Taihe hall in the Forbidden City, and theother is the stage with Wang Shens family. Because the sound amplificationeffect of the green brick is very good, singing on the stage does not need anysound amplification tools. In such a large theater, everyone can hear music, andit is also a great honor to stand on the stage full of green bricks and sing forthe powerful ministers such as Wang Shen.

Through the well carved Zhulan corridor, you come to the study with WangShen. The study is surrounded by rockery and bamboo groves, quiet and quiet. Thewhole Gongqin palace is not built with stone bricks. This study is made of aspecial kind of bamboo. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Wang Shen and Ilike to stay here most.

Out of the study, the magnificent building in front is the main hall — & mdash; and the place where Wang Shen meets visitors. To get to themain hall, there is a very special road. There is only one ladder, and thenthere is a straight and gentle slope road, because I told Wang Shen that in hislife, he had suffered only when he was young, and then he went all the way tothe peak of power. We can cross the bottom of the ladder, avoid suffering, andgo straight to the top;.

There is a story: when the Empress Dowager of Xiaozhuang was very old andsick, she loved her grandson Emperor Kangxi very much and was very depressed. Heasked Su malagu, his maid, to prepare her pen and paper, and with a stroke ofher pen, she wrote "Fu". After finishing the writing, Xuanye and Su malagu lookat the word "Fu" and are stunned & mdash; & mdash; the word is powerfuland natural. If you look closely, you can see many phrases: more fields, moresons, more talents, more longevity & hellip; & hellip; isnt this thewish of the emperors grandmother? The more Emperor Kangxi saw it, the moresatisfied he was, he ordered people to put the word "Fu" on a huge stone. As aresult, the empress dowager, who had been ill for a long time, soon recovered.Emperor Kangxi was so happy that he decided to pass on this auspicious andauspicious stone from generation to generation, so that the Aixinjueluo familycould prosper from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, when it reached Qianlong, it was stolen out of the palace.This person is Wang Shen. Now this stone is at the foot of our main hall, onlyshowing the side with the word "Fu". This & quot; blessing & quot; isthe 10th blessing of Prince Gongqins mansion, which means & quot; tenthousand blessings & quot;. And Wang Shen also said with an air: & lt;the emperor is & lsquo; long live & gt;, I am & lsquo; Wanfu >! & gt; later, when Emperor Jiaqing copied his house, he wanted to movethe Fushi back to the palace, but he still didnt. He and Wang Shen are toocunning. He built a bat like Fushan with stones, and built a dragon on the leftand right of the word "Fu", implying that "the Dragon sits on the RiverMountain". Emperor Jiaqing didnt want to destroy himself, so he left thestone.

Just now, we are going up the road. Now lets step on the dragonspulse.

After walking along the pond in front of Fushan, you can come to thefishing pool with Wang Shens family. You can walk on a red stone boat to theDiaoyutai in the center of the pool. To the south of the Diaoyutai, there aresome grotesque rockeries, and the pool is full of green plants. Willow trees areplanted on the rocks to the north. Their bodies sway with the wind, which makesthem look like they came to Baotu Spring in Jinan. But when I look back, I findthat I havent left Prince Gongqins residence yet: the railings of Diaoyutaiare engraved with bat patterns that only prince Gongqins residence in Beijinghas.

On the North Bank of the fishing pond, there is also an attic with apeculiar shape. In front of the attic, plants and trees are planted. It is saidthat Prince Gong Yi Chen Jin sent people to make it according to the shape ofthe flag head on Empress Dowager Cixis head. Yi Chen Jin hated Empress DowagerCixi very much and said, "if you play with me, Im going to bully you!".

After visiting Prince Gongqins mansion, I look back again and look at thishistoric mansion. I have mixed feelings in my heart: when people who lived herereached the peak of their career, they didnt know that they were on the end ofthe road of power and money.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4022 字

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Each of the four seasons on Mt. Huangshan has their respective beauty but even this can vary from day to day thanks to variations in the weather, light and shade as clouds pass overhead and even around you at the higher reaches. This endless changing adds an emphasis to the wonder of the landscape and to know the mountain thoroughly, you would need to visit Mt. Huangshan in all the different seasons.


Mt. Huangshan in spring is like a maiden - all is new, fresh and tender. Spring comes in April but its onset is delayed by three days for every 100 meters as you climb the mountain. Therefore, when wild flowers are brilliant and seedlings are shooting up at its foot, the plants half way up the mountain will be just awakening from their winter sleep and will not exhibit their beauty until a week later. The sound of birdsong is most pleasant in this quietness while you will be enchanted by the color changes as you climb your way up. Spring is probably the most propitious season for visiting Mt. Huangshan and is certainly the best time to view the many waterfalls due to the abundant precipitation.


It is hard to resist the charm of the cool green mountain sides in summer when an exuberance of plant life covers the valleys and peaks with a green blanket. The green trees and ivy mingle to form natural pavilions where you can sit and refresh yourself while enjoying the beautiful scenery with a cooling breeze to sooth you.

Dawn in summer is most splendid as the rising sun lights the sky and the peaks and the plants and the whole world takes on a brilliant glow. After a storm, Mt. Huangshan becomes a world of water. Numerous streams and waterfalls compose an exciting and vigorous symphony. The Sea of Clouds during this season is not as vast as during autumn or winter but it revels in its brightness. If you are really lucky you will see a vivid rainbow flying over two peaks. Sunset is no less enchanting than sunrise. Mt. Huangshan in summer is the best resort in which to escape high temperatures of southern China.


1. July and August are among the peak seasons therefore reservation is a must.

2. It is wise to bring a rainproof jacket with you as the strong wind on the mountain renders an umbrella all but useless and even dangerous.

3. Do not climb the mountain during thunderstorm.


Autumn on the mountain is colorful due to the blue sky, white clouds, red maples and yellow fruits. At this time of the year the scenery can be compared with that of spring but with a mature beauty. If spring is like a bud ready to bloom, autumn is a flower showing its last significance before withering. Such is the beauty of the autumn scenery of Mt. Huangshan that it can be seen in many famous Chinese paintings.


1.Besides the Golden Week of the National Day (Oct 1st to 7th), September and October are also peak seasons of Mt. Huangshan.

2. Bring with you warm clothes so as not to catch a chill as the temperature variation is significant.


Snowy Mt. Huangshan is like a crystal palace. Though winter lasts a long time in Huangshan, it is not as cold as you might expect. A poem has it that Mt. Huangshan is beautiful all year round but with the winter scenery being the best. The Sea of Clouds, one of the four wonders of Mt. Huangshan, appears more often in winter than in any other season. The spectacle of rimed trees sparkling in the sun is the privilege of winter alone for it is then that you may find yourself in a silver world with icy peaks, clusters of frosty corals suffused with a plentiful supply of the freshest of oxygen rich fresh air.

Travel tips:

1. Winter is the most economical time for visiting Mt Huangshan as the prices for hotels and the entry fee are lowered by 15% to 40% compared to those of the peak season. However, Spring Festival is an exception, during which the price is the same as normal seasons.

2. The hotels are centrally heated so you don’t have to worry about the cold.

3. Anti-skid shoes are provided as well as heavy coats in most hotels.



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Kunming is located in the central yunnan-guizhou plateau, has two thousand four hundred years of history, city center, 1891 meters above sea level. Dianchi lake in the south, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Belong to the low latitude plateau hilly monsoon climate, due to the effect of warm moist air flows in the Indian Ocean southwest of, sunshine long, short frost season, annual average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Mild climate, summer without heat and winter is not cold, spring-like four seasons, a pleasant climate, is extremely prestigious "spring city". Therefore predecessors has a poem describing its features are: kunming can lunar without qiu, volts, light cotton sweat flow, may drift of winter sweet full, LiuShu New Year will be thick. Every year in December of the year in March, black-headed gull flocks of escape the north sea wind, source come from a far country, landed in kunming city.

Kunming at an altitude of 746 meters to 4247 meters, covers an area of 15942 square kilometers, built up area of 98 square kilometers, crown, xishan, panlong, five China guandu area and four chenggong, jinning, peaceful, prosperous, song Ming, appropriate is good, the lunan, luquan eight counties. A population of 3635212 people, there are han, yi, hui, bai, miao, 25 nations such as Mongolia, ethnic minority population accounts for 12.6%, urban population of 1611969 people.

250000 years ago, there is a human activity in kunming area. Since the 13th century, kunming, China became the political, economic and cultural center in yunnan province. Is the mainland southeast Asia "in the ancient southern silk road" - yunnan and sichuan - Vietnam hub and channel. Kunming is a great navigator zheng he, the peoples musician nie ers hometown. The nation sports, such as "121" patriotic democratic movement in the Chinese democratic revolution. Long history, diverse culture, formed in kunming today "has a long history, monuments, beautiful scenery and places of interest, the humanities ceremony, celebrities, development earlier, more contacts" distinctive characteristics.

Since the reform and opening, kunming economic always maintain the good momentum of rapid and healthy development, the comprehensive economic strength into the advanced level in the western region. After years of development, has formed a cigarette, electromechanical, biological resources, information, business tourism, and other five pillar industries. Agriculture sustainable, stable and coordinated development, structural adjustment effect of obvious, outstanding features, "iq200 flowers", "chenggong vegetables" has become well-known brands at home and abroad. Industrial formed mainly machinery, metallurgy, tobacco processing system, is yunnan province industrial base and the important industrial city in southwest China. The proportion of the third industry in the national economy growing, commerce, tourism, information, modern service industry develops rapidly, and of the citys economic and social development played an important role in leading and promoting role.

Kunming is one of the famous historical and cultural city in China, it is the natural landscape and human landscape of. It is also one of Chinas best tourist city. Due to the expo held, improves the kunmings popularity in the world. Not severe cold in winter here, summer without heat, four spring-like, perennial flowers, known as "spring city".

Within the territory of mountains and rivers beautiful in kunming. Long history, many ethnic groups, the unique natural conditions, to kunming left a very rich cultural relics and scenic spots. There were three state-level scenic spots, 6 national key cultural relics protection units, provincial key hand protection unit 66, scenic tourist area, 30, tourist attractions more than 100, the national tourist line 11, 1 at the provincial level scenic spots, with characteristic of yunnan ethnic customs, large-scale ethnic village, such as one of the hot spring over 50 varieties of flowers

More than 400 kinds of plants varieties... Formed in the stone forest in kunming, dianchi lake scenic area as the key point, the scenic spots along the peace - shilin highway as a line, drive the kunming city, the province set tourism, vacation, entertainment as one of the tourism system.

The capital city of kunming is also a multi-ethnic, the folk customs fascinating, numerous monuments, natural scenery and people embraced the synergies, paint a magic blurred picture.

Kunming is transport hub, communication center in yunnan province and China facing southeast Asia ports. Kunming airport is one of the five largest international airports in China, have to yangon, Bangkok, Singapore and so on six international routes, a regional route to Hong Kong, and about 40 routes to domestic large and medium-sized cities, and the seven routes in the province. Existing in kunming to chengdu, kunming to guiyang, kunming to estuarine 12 railway feeder, such as there are between kunming and nanning, as well as of the railway, KunYu railways in the province. Kunming convenient highway, there are more than 5000 km of roads to the province and next-door neighbours.

Facing the new situation and new tasks, established the development strategy of the construction of modern new kunming, to accelerate the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way. In the taihu lake in dianchi lake as the center, the implementation of "traffic", "to the sewage", "lake surrounding", "in the new town" project, further optimize the environment of urban development, comprehensively improve the image of the urban and rural areas, strengthen urban comprehensive strength, the building become a economic prosperity, culture developed in kunming, a beautiful environment, perfect function, the "spring city", "historical and cultural city, landscape garden ecological city features prominent, modern regional international city facing southeast Asia, South Asia.



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The Waterfall of Changbai Mountain

The Waterfall of Changbai Mountain is the most magnificent sight in the source of the three rivers, located in the north of the Sky Pond, and the end of Chengcha River. Chengcha River runs through 1250m, then falling off the bluff formed the waterfall over 68m,The water impact formed more than 20 meters deep puddle, and over flow from the puddle formed the torrential Erdao Baihe, became the source of Songhua River. In 20xx won the Guinness world record----the volcanic lake falls with the biggest drop.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1884 字

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Dear visitors:

Hello everyone! Im your guide. My name is Xu Ying, and Ill call me a little bit. Now I will lead you to visit the Imperial Palace and appreciate the cultural heritage of our country.

The Imperial Palace is the imperial palace of two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasty in China, and it is also the largest and most complete ancient building group in existence. So we should not throw rubbish or touch things when we visit, so that we can enjoy the the Imperial Palace with a historic atmosphere. (reminding the places that visitors should pay attention to)

Entering the gate of the temple of Taihe, it is a magnificent palace that shows in front of you. The largest wooden building in front of the building, it is very striking, that is the temple of Taihe. It is the symbol of the imperial power, and whenever there is a great event, the emperor holds it here. Behind a row of beautiful decoration embarrassing palace and temple, there are. (in accordance with the order of sightseeing)

After swimming the splendid hall of Taihe, we can walk north, and we can feel the breath of life here. All the living things here are first class at that time, and the outdoors in the back of the palace are the Imperial Garden. Its pattern and layout are compact, antique and ornament with flowers and trees. The pavilions, terraces and open halls. It is a good place to be elegant and enjoyable. All along, the east of the Imperial Palace towers and other three towers from afar. Their peculiar shape, and form a perfect exquisite beyond compare, pictures of the surrounding environment.

How many working peoples sweaty and wisdom has been condensed by this magnificent project! In fact, the Imperial Palace was successful in December 1987, and since then it has become a tourist attraction of cultural heritage.

This is the end of this journey, and I wish you all a good time. Thank you
