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长8公里,是三峡中最短的一个峡。它应该也是雄伟险峻的一个峡。 端入口处,两岸断崖壁立,相距不足一百公尺,形如门户,名燮门,也称瞿塘峡关,山岩上有“夔门天下雄”五个大字。左边的名赤甲山,相传古代巴国的赤甲将军曾在此屯营,尖尖的山嘴活像一个大蟠桃,右边的名白盐山,不论天气如何,总是迂出一层层或明或暗的银辉。瞿塘峡虽短,却能“镇全川之水,扼巴鄂咽喉”,有“西控巴渝收万壑,东连荆楚压摹山”的雄伟气势。古人形容瞿塘峡说,“案与天关接,舟从地窟行”。


在重庆巫山和湖北巴东两县境内,西起巫山县城东面的大宁河口,东至巴东县官渡口,绵延四十五公里,包括金蓝银甲峡和铁棺峡,峡谷特别幽深曲折,是长江横切巫山主脉背斜而形成的。 巫峡巫峡又名大峡,以幽深秀丽著称。整个峡区奇峰突兀,怪石磷峋,峭壁屏列,绵延不断,是三峡中最可观的一段,宛如一条迂回曲折的画廊,充满诗情书意,可以说处处有景,景景相连。



重庆市奉节县地处长江三峡西首和库区腹心,东临三峡大坝,西靠重庆,南连张家界,北接西安,是渝东、陕南、鄂西的交通枢纽和物资集散地,幅员面积约为 4099 平方公里,总人口 100 万,是长江三峡国家级风景名胜区的一部分和绝世奇观天坑地缝所在地。

白帝城历史悠久回味无穷,在奴隶社会时期,这一带曾是巴、蜀两国的领地,并于西周武王十一年(公元前 1016 年)建为夔子国。封建社会时期,无论是设县、设州、设路,这里一直都保持着行政和军事的显赫地位。唐时设夔州府,辖十九州县。宋时置夔州路。奉节在周赧王元年(公元前 314 年)建为鱼复县,时我国早期所建县邑之一,距今已有 2300 多年的历史。唐贞观 23 年(公元 649 年),为旌表诸葛亮“托孤寄命,临大节而不夺”的忠君爱国思想而改为奉节县沿用至今。历史上许多著名诗人李白、杜甫、苏轼、陆游、刘禹锡等都在此留下了许多著名的诗篇,因此奉节又享有“诗城”的美誉。旅游资源得天独厚。

境内有世界最大的小寨天坑、世界最长的天井峡地缝、世界级暗河龙桥河、中国十大风景名胜之一、中国旅游胜地四十佳的长江三峡第一峡的瞿塘峡,有中国历史文化名胜白帝城、刘备托孤的永安宫、诸葛亮的八阵图、瞿塘峡内的摩崖石刻、悬棺群等自然、人文景观,构成了分别以白帝城瞿塘峡和天坑地缝为中心的两大特色旅游区。水陆交通四通八达。准备改线的 210 国道和渝巴高等级公路在县境内纵横交错,并背靠 206 国道、 318 国道、县内通车里程 6000 余公里;黄金水道长江横贯县境 43 公里,港口年货物吞吐量 400 多万吨,居重庆市第二位。四通八达的水陆交通将两大特色旅游区连贯成有机整体,可进入性很强。纵有万管玲珑笔,难写瞿塘两岸山。天坑地缝世界奇,绝世景观任君游。奉节这块旅游热土,随着举世瞩目的三峡工程的落成,正以崭新的姿态,开放的胸怀,宽松的环境,真诚欢迎海内外朋友及有识之士前来投资开发、旅游观光、休闲度假、科研探险。



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2065 字

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Wulong fairy mountain national forest park is chongqing top ten tourist attractions, the national AAAAA level scenic area, land belongs to the wuling mountains, based in wulong county in chongqing wujiang river north shore. Of scenic fairy mountain national forest park a total area of 8910 hectares, an average elevation of 1900 meters, 2033 meters, the highest peak in the jiangnan unique charm of alpine grassland, austral rare beautiful snow, green quiet beautiful jungle BiYe landscape, known as the "eastern Switzerland".

She and magical furong cave, beautiful lotus river, the worlds largest natural arch geological wonders, classic refined winbond hotel (4 star) combination for chongqing best tourism holiday resort. The best travel time fairy mountain national forest park is located in chongqing wulong, the four seasons scenery each are not identical, have distinguishing feature each, the four seasons all appropriate travel.

Fairy mountain in winter is long, from November to February next year with XueQi. When the snow, be dressed in white, prairie lamb with skiing, snow, snow. Summer cool temperate in the mountains, average temperature in 18-20 oc, even in the hottest in July and August, the highest temperature is not more than 30 ℃, the summer scenery charming beautiful, climate is cool and refreshing shu shuang, the vast Lin hai, cool breeze blowing Buddha, cool and pleasant, is an excellent resort, leisure vacation, few so fairy mountain enjoys a fame as the "mountain city Summer Palace".

Tourism zone are mainly lionrock, fairy stone, hou home village, the nine axes, the red army of workers and peasants in sichuan province, beautiful scenery, the political department of the site of the first two guerrillas pasture resort, tent village, meat hot pot city hunter village, etc. With the jiangnan unique glamour of alpine grassland, austral rare beautiful snow, green quiet beautiful jungle BiYe landscape, known as the "Oriental Switzerland", fairy mountain Lin hai, mountain, meadow, the snow is referred to as the four unique visitors.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4143 字

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Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen! Today, with such great joy, on behalfof Anhui Travel Agency. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, ourdistinguished guest from the other side of the Pacific. Please allow me tointroduce myself. My name is Li Xin and I work for Anhui Travel Agency .Duringyour short stay in jiuhuashan, I’ll be your local guide. It’s my honor to be ofyour service. If you have any request, go ahead! I’ll try my best to help youand make your stay comfortable!

It’s my honor to be of your service. If you have any special interest,please let me know, and I highly appreciate your understanding andcooperation.

Ok, now we are heading for Mt.Jiuhua, which is known as one of the fourBuddhist Mountains in China. It’s about 30 minutes’ bus ride. On the way you canenjoy the beautiful scenery and I’d like to give you a brief introduction aboutMt.Jiuhua.

Mt.Jiuhua was originally known as Jiuzi (Nine-Peak) Mount. Li Bai, a famousChinese poet over 1300 years ago wrote of the mountain: ”sailing on the YangtzeRiver, watching Mt.Jiuhua from after, green water falls from the sky, ninelotuses appear in the air.” This expresses the poet’s great admiration forMt.Jiuhua. From then on, the mountain was renamed as Mt.Jiuhua.

Mt.Jiuhua covers more than 100 square kilometers in area, which has beenknown to have 99 peaks, and the main peak of the Shiwang Peak is 1342m above sealevel. Mt.Jiuhua is full of waterfalls, streams, exotic-looking boulders,ancient caves, old pines and exuberant bamboo. With the richly variegatedlandscape, the ancient temples are tucked away amid the dense woods and the airreverberates with the tolling of the bells at dawn and dusk. Mt.Jiuhua isusually known as the No.1 Mountain of the southeast.

Ok, I have said too much about the Mt.Jiuhua, and I expect you have got ageneral idea about it. Seeing is Beliving. I’m sure you will learn a lot aboutChinese culture and Buddhism after the visit, and you will also be impresseddeeply by the wonderful scenery. Let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.I’ll show you around the scenic areas.

Look! So many monks, why? Yes, that’s it! Because Mt.Jiuhua is a Buddhistmountain. Especially on July 30th of Chinese Lunar is the birthday of EarchBuddha, and a great Buddhist ceremony is held on this day. Around that day everyyear, the mountain is the site of a temple fair. A large number of monks, nuns,pilgrims and visitors come to burn incense, chant and sacrifice food. Theactivities of each year are different. Though today is not the festival, we canalso enjoy the beautiful scenery. They are: Sunrise at Tiantai Platform, Eveningbell of Huacheng Temple, Sitting on East Stone with pleasure, Fairy mark ofTianzhu, Taoyan waterfall, clouds around lotus peak and Phoenix Pine.

Ok, here we are, this is Huacheng Temple of Jiuhua Street. It was the firstand oldest of all the temples of Mt.Jiuhua. Over 1500 years ago, Monk Beidubuilt a simple temple here. Then after 300 years it was reconstructed and namedHuacheng Temple.

You see it lies a round plaza. Look at the center! What do you see? Yeah!It is a crescent shaped lotus pond named “Crescent Moon Pond” you can go towardsit, what do you see? It is believed that Monk Jin Qiaojue used to free captivefish. Ok, now I say some brief introduction about it and then you can go aroundit. We’ll gather here after one hour, ok? The temple consists of four parts: thelobby, the grand hall, the back hall and the Scripture Tower. The ground slopesup with each part and the whole layout is natural. The doors, windows, brackets,beams, columns, steps and the cornerstone are carved with exquisite designs. Inthe hall are preserved horizontal boards inscribed by emperor in ancienttime.

Ok! Is everyone here? 1, 2, 3… Ok, now, let’s go to see the Phoenix Pine,in Minyuan Scenic Area. Phoenix Pine is over 1400 years old, and is one of thefour decorative trees in Anhui Province.

After seeing Phoenix Pine, we’ll finish our travel, and on behalf of mycompany, my Chinese colleagues and myself, I’d like to take this opportunity toexpress my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance andcooperation.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2027 字

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Tangshan, due to the central city of taesongsan (formerly known as tangshan) the name. The tang dynasty, its two Crusades, all station troops now the downtown taesongsan, mountain give tang, tangshan, hence the name. Is a coastal city. Tangshan city is located in the center of bohai bay area (south of the famous tangshan bay), the bohai sea in the south, north depends on yanshan, east and bordering on qinhuangdao, west is adjacent to Beijing, tianjin, are two major areas of connecting north China, northeast region of the throat and extremely important corridor. Tangshan city is the economic center in hebei province, is also one of the best cities in Chinas future development prospect.

Tangshan, is located in the eastern Eurasia, the Pacific west bank, is an important coastal port city in the north of China, domain central cities in hebei province, north China is important to foreign portal; And northeast Asia important international shipping center, bohai sea new industrialization base, the capital economic circle of important fulcrum.

Tangshan in 20xx, nearly 7.4 million people (population 3.2 million) which city, tangshan city area is 200 square kilometers in 20xx, according to the latest plan, 20xx tangshan downtown area is 500 square kilometers, gathered around an urban population of 5 million. Tangshan now and in the future focus on "four city river" and "caofeidian new district as the core of the coastal area of the" four ". Tangshan is the developed rich vibrant metropolis, is also at the forefront of scientific development in our country. Tangshan is evaluated many times national garden city and national sanitary city and national civilized city. Tangshan port is one of the eight sea port.

Tangshan is a long history of the ancient and splendid culture famous city, the resources is rich in fertile soil, the cradle of Chinas modern industry, the miracle of the phoenix nirvana, the forefront of sustainable development, the economically developed coastal megacities, a miracle and dream city.



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地势和气候:广州地势东北高、西南低, 依山傍水, 北部和东北部是山区, 南部是珠江三角洲冲积平原。亚热带季风气候, 夏无酷暑, 冬无严寒, 雨量充沛,四季如春, 繁花似锦。20_年,各区(县级市)的平均年降水量在1800多毫米之间,呈东多西少分布格局,年平均气温在21.5~22.2℃之间。


全市水域面积7.44万公顷,占全市土地面积的10%,主要河流有北江、东江北干流及增江、流溪河、白坭河、珠江广州河段、市桥水道、沙湾水道等。广州市大小河流(涌)众多,集雨面积在100平方公里以上的河流共有22条,老八区主要河涌有231条、总长913公里,构成了独特的岭南水乡文化特色。从化一带有丰富的地下温泉,水温摄氏50℃-70℃, 含有丰富的矿物质。粮食作物以优质籼稻为主, 一年两熟。经济作物以蔬菜、水果、花卉等为主。广州是“水果之乡”,主要产荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、菠萝、木瓜、杨桃等。广州的花卉和盆景远近驰名, 以阴生观叶植物、高档盆花、鲜切花、岭南盆景为主。阴生观叶植物占全国市场一半以上,红掌、蝴蝶兰、一品红等盆景已成为全国性的生产基地, 盆景远销欧美等海外市场。

广州山青水秀, 风光旖旎, 旅游资源丰富, 旅游景点100多处,其中以20_年5月18日新入选的羊城新八景(塔耀新城、珠水流光、云山叠翠、越秀风华、古祠流芳、荔湾胜境、科城锦绣、湿地唱晚)等景点最负盛名。20_年,广州旅游业克服全球金融危机带来的影响,全年全市接待游客1.18亿人次,比上年增长6.30%。

(四) 悠久历史

广州是一座有2200多年悠久历史的文化名城。早在公元前九世纪的周代, 这里的“百越”人和长江中游的楚国人已有来往, 建有“楚庭”,这是广州最早的名称。秦始皇33年(公元前220_年)统一岭南后建南海郡(郡治设在“番禺”, 即今天的广州)。公元220_年, 孙权为便于统治,将交州分为交州和广州两部分, “广州”由此得名。直到1920_年成立市政厅, 才特指广州这座城市。

广州又称“羊城”。相传周朝时, 南海飘来五朵彩色祥云, 五仙人骑着五只羊, 各携带一串谷穗降临此处, 赠谷穗给居民, 祝福此地五谷丰登、永无饥荒,留下五羊化为石头。今越秀公园建有以此传说为题材的“五羊石像”。

广州秦汉时就是繁荣都会, 汉唐以来是海上“丝绸之路”的始发港, 也是中国最早对外的通商口岸。

广州是中国近代和现代革命的策源地。著名的三元里人民抗英斗争、黄花岗起义、广州起义均发生在广州。孙中山在广州创办了黄埔军校,曾经三次建立了政权。_在这里创办的农民运动讲习所, 培养了大批革命骨干力量。张太雷、叶挺、叶剑英等在这里领导了轰轰烈烈的广州起义,并建立了广州苏维埃政权“广州公社”。鲁迅、郭沫若、郁达夫等也曾来广州传播先进文化。

广州的文物古迹众多。现有国家、省、市三级文物保护单位共219个, 其中全国重点文物保护单位19个, 省级文物保护单位41个,市级文物保护单位159个。中山四路一带先后发现了秦汉造船遗址和南越国宫署遗址, 其中南越国宫署遗址两次被评为“全国十大考古新发现”。目前,南越国宫署遗址、南越王墓、南越国水闸遗址等三处南越国史迹正联合申报联合国世界文化遗产。

(五) 文化习俗

广州是岭南文化的中心地。粤剧是广州地区最有代表性的地方剧, 享有“南国红豆”的盛誉。流行于粤、港、澳和东南亚等地区。广东音乐源于广州和珠江三角洲,吸纳了中原古乐、江南小调和昆曲等的精华, 与本地民歌、民谣相结合而成。岭南画派是现代中国画派之一。广雕、广彩、广绣驰名中外。粤菜是中国一大菜系, 菜谱上千种,“食在广州”闻名天下。

广州的民间习俗很多, 有迎春花市、龙舟竞渡,、重阳登高、摆年橘、饮早茶等。

广州佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教、_五大宗教俱全, 主要活动场所有六榕寺、三元宫、怀圣寺、石室天主堂、东山堂等。

(六) 华侨之乡

广州是全国著名的侨乡, 华侨人数居全国大城市之首。据统计, 海外华侨华人106.08万人, 分布在世界130多个国家和地区, 港澳同胞87.72万人,归侨、侨眷、港澳眷属156.87万人。广州市从1986年开始, 分12批共授予373人“广州市荣誉市民”称号, 以表彰他们对广州作出的贡献。



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维多利亚港(英语:Victoria Harbour)简称维港,是位于中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。世界第三大海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港,香港亦因而有"东方之珠"、"世界三大天然良港"及"世界三大夜景"之美誉 。










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Dear friends

Hello everyone, welcome to Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. Myname is Liu x, the guide of Zhengzhou Tianxia travel agency. This is our driver,master Zou. During your tour in Zhengzhou, master Zou and I will provide youwith services. I wish you a wonderful and unforgettable time in Zhengzhou.

Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province and the political, economic andcultural center of Henan Province. It is located in the hinterland of China andamong the nine prefectures. It is adjacent to the surging Yellow River in thenorth, the majestic Songshan Mountain in the west, and the Huanghuai Plain onthe edge of Guangtian in the East and West. It is known as "the center of themajestic peak and the dangerous airspace".

Zhengzhou belonged to Yuzhou in ancient times. In 1027 BC, after the kingdestroyed Yin on Friday, he sealed his northern Guan Shuxian here and became theGuan state. After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six states, there was a county,which belonged to Sanchuan county. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was Guancheng.In the third year of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Zhengzhou was named, which isthe beginning of the title of Zhengzhou. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhengzhou waspromoted to Zhili Prefecture. In 1923, after the Beijing Han railway workersrevolution, it was known as the "27" famous city. After the liberation ofZhengzhou on October 22, 1948, Zhengzhou was set up. In 1954, the capital ofHenan Province was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, and Zhengzhou became thecapital of Henan Province.

The city has five districts under its jurisdiction and one suburbandistrict (Shangjie District), five cities and one county, with a total area of7446.2 square kilometers and a total population of about 5.8 million, of whichthe urban area is about 130 square kilometers and the urban population is about1.9 million.

Zhengzhou has convenient transportation and is an important transportationhub in China. Beijing Guangzhou railway and Longhai Railway meet here. Zhengzhounorth railway station is the largest and most modern freight marshalling stationin Asia. National Highway 107 and 310 meet here. The expressway network fromZhengzhou to all parts of the province is forming. Now tourists can go directlyto Beijing by high speed. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, newly builtin 1997, is the 21st International Airport and one of the top ten airports inChina. Zhengzhou has developed commerce and trade, known as the mall. As earlyas 1992, a nationwide "commercial war" broke out here. Todays commercial war iseven more exciting. Zhengzhou is a famous historical and cultural city approvedby the State Council, which is rich in ground and underground resources, rich inagricultural and sideline products, and developed in industry andagriculture.

Zhengzhou is known as a green city with beautiful environment and shadytrees. Especially in recent years, Zhengzhou has increased the strength of urbanconstruction, and the urban quality has been continuously improved. Zhengzhounew pull Riverside Park, Bauhinia Square and other large green space and square.Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, including Songshan scenic spot, Shaolintemple which is famous for its Shaolin work, Zhengzhou Yellow River touristarea, which is a good place to enjoy the charm of mother river, and ZhengzhouYellow River tourist area; There are the hometown of emperor Xuanyuan ofXinzheng, a good place for the Chinese people to seek their roots and worshiptheir ancestors, as well as the ruins of Dahe village, the ancient city of Zhengand Han, the song Mausoleum of Gongyi, the Han Tomb of Dahu Pavilion, the grottotemple, and the hometown of Du Fu. Zhengzhou has complete tourism facilities,including all kinds of star hotels, restaurants, entertainment facilities, andcolorful nightlife.

During your tour, you will get comprehensive and high-end service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the Central Plains people, and understand theprofound culture of the Central Plains.

Welcome to Zhengzhou for sightseeing.



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好了,游客朋友我们现在来到了云台山的第一大景点——红石峡。红石峡是云台山的精华。被风景园林专家称赞“自然山水精品廊。”游览需要一个半小时左右,请大家带好随身物品,注意安全。云台山导游词 首先,我们从红石峡的大门往里走,会看到形状各异的石头,现在是陡峭的山路,会让大家心惊胆战,请大家不要害怕。过了一线天桥,是由陡又窄的山路,再往前走,就到了黑龙洞,这个洞长三十米,洞内只有几盏小灯,会让我们觉得阴森森的,在洞内能听见水声哗哗的响,但只闻其声,不见其水。





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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6033 字

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good afternoon! ladies and gentlemen! today, with such great joy, on behalf of anhui travel agency. i’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allow me to introduce myself. my name is li xin and i work for anhui travel agency .during your short stay in huangshan, i’ll be your local guide. it’s my honor to be of your service. if you have any request, go ahead! i’ll try my best to help you and make your stay comfortable!

now, i want to say something about your itinerary. you will be here for about 3 days. during these days, you’ll enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of huangshan mountain, but also the ancient huizhou-culture!

first, we’ll visit the most beautiful scenery—mt.huangshan.

ok, we’re heading for the main gate of huangshan. it’s about 1.5 hour’s bus ride. on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and i’d like to give you a brief introduction about mt.huangshan.

huangshan is probably the most notable mountain in china. it’s located in the south of anhui province, and the main scenic area covers 154 square kilometers. mt.huangshan is well-known not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site in 1990, and also listed as a world geological garden in , which is unique in china!

in ancient times, mt.huangshan known as mt.yishan because the mountain is formed by granite which looks black and grey, and yi in old chinese means “black”, hence the name. but it renamed mt.huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huangdi, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

wu yue is the collective name given to china’s most important mountains which we can also call them the five holy mountains. it’s said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing the five holy mountains but you won’t wish to see even the five holy mountains after returning from mt.huangshan. this saying which said by xuxiake, a famous traveler over 400 years ago may give us some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt.huangshan.

now, after my introduction, are you expecting to feel the graceful bearing! be patient! there’s only half an hour before we arriving. let’s continue.

within so large area, there is a crowd of peaks, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. lotus, brightness top and celestial capital are the three major ones, all rising above 1,800 meters above sea level. and it’s well-known for its four wonders, ( i think some of you know some about it, who knows?) yeah, they are the oddly-shaped pine trees., fantastic rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. now, people also add to the winter snow as the fifth wonder. here i will not introduce one by one and soon you’ll enjoy with your own eyes. mt.huangshan changes its color and appearance with the alternation of seasons, now it’s winter, and we will keep ourselves into a crystal world of frost and ice with sliver boughs and rocks everywhere. don’t be excited, everybody! as a matter of fact there are marvels almost everywhere, especially in the following scenic areas. hot spring, jade screen tower, west sea, north sea, cloud valley temple and pine valley nunnery.

eyes front! ladies and gentlemen, the colorful archway across the street is the main gate of huangshan. we’ll go directly to the north sea scenic area, which is the most important scenic area! so never miss it!

ok, here we are, seeing is believing, let’s get off the bus and bring your camera.

the first sight that comes to us is yungu temple, here we’ll take yungu cable-car to white goose bridge. it’s about ten minutes. oh, come on, then follow me, walk downstairs to start-to-believe peak. along the way we can see several famous huangshan pines: black tiger pine, couple pine, dragon’s claw pine and so on. now, before we climb to the top of peak start-to-believe, for a breathtaking outlook, that is bamboo-shoot peak. do you see? you surely can take a picture.

en, next destination after start-to-believe is peak lion, let’s go! it’s shaped like a sleeping lion from a point of view in north sea hotel. ok, here is dawn-light pavilion, you can see a group of interesting rocks: you see two in the middle resembling two celestials playing chess, on the left is a man in packback, and on the right is a onlooker—a chinese ancient official who watch play. you can see carefully and do you think so? then we’ll reach a refreshing terrace, and you can view a fan—shaped pine cling to the cliff beneath the terrace a nice crowd of pines, a column of stone looking like a person with a big pen, peak rooster and peak rise surrounding you.

arriving at the destination—on the top of lion peak, you can see a rock like a monkey on the flat top of another hill. it’s a very famous rock: a monkey gazing at the sea when there is a sea of clouds.

i expect that after such a long visit you’d like a good rest, and here are the optimum places to see the sunrise. so now we can go back to the north sea hotel to have a rest.

tomorrow we’ll visit brightness top, lotus peak which is the highest peak in huangshan mountain, and the most famous spot—guest-greeting pine, and which is also the sign of huangshan.

ok, ladies and gentlemen, now our itinerary is all finished. first of all, on behalf of my company, my chinese colleagues and myself, i’d like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for your consideration, understanding, tolerance and cooperation.

a few days ago, we met as total strangers, but today, you leave as my friends. i’ve tried my best to satisfy your needs and explained to you what i know about huangshan mountain. however, there are probably still some unfulfilled requests. i hope you’ll leave your comments and suggestion so that we can better our service in the future.

i look forward to seeing you again soon. at last, i bless you in a chinese words:”一路顺风”! a pleasant journey!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1008 字

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澳门旅游景点有 妈阁庙、离岛、赛马会、观光塔、金莲花广场、澳督府、渔人码头、葡京赌场、和记娱乐城、谭公庙、孙中山市政纪念公园、邮政局博物馆、九澳七苦圣母小堂 、望厦圣方济各小堂、 望德圣母堂、圣若瑟修院 、 天主教艺术博物馆、 澳门酒类博物馆、菩堤园、圣奥斯定堂、融和门、 圣弥额尔小堂、圣母雪地殿教堂 、龙头环、 南湾人工湖、澳氹大桥 、松山、路环圣方济各小堂 、圣雅各伯小堂、螺丝山公园、石排湾公园、螺丝山公园 、澳门半岛、 澳门历史城区 、澳门文化中心、白鸽巢公园、澳门包公庙、澳门大炮台、市政厅、澳门赛马会、永利澳门度假酒店、澳门威尼斯人度假村。



