





范文类型:评语,适用行业岗位:幼儿园,全文共 5616 字

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1. 你是个活泼有个性的孩子,在遇到困难时勇敢坚强,象个男子汉。在学习过程中接受能力强,学得快,喜欢帮助同伴。在课堂上你能认真听讲遵守纪律,对老师布置的作业总能按时认真地完成,

2. 老师希望你在一年级再接再厉,做个全面发展的三好学生。

3. 你外向活泼。这学期你的进步较大,上课时你能认真听讲,积极举手发言了,也能够表达出自己的见解。你的绘画和手工也有了进步,动手能力比以前强了,还能帮助老师做一些力所能及的事情。可是如果你能改掉与其他小朋友打闹的小毛病就更棒了!我想在一年级里你一定会好好学习,做个三好生的。

4. 正盈你外向活泼。这学期你的进步挺大,绘画和手工进步了,动手能力比以前强了,还能帮助老师做一些力所能及的事情。可是如果你上课时能更认真听讲,积极举手发言,那就更棒了!希望在新的一年里,你能有更大的进步!

5. 佳敏平时虽然有些贪玩,上课有时会心不在焉,但在数学运算体育活动创造思维等方面总能表现的很突出,令老师刮目相看。新学年,希望能提高规则意识,安下心来做事,一定能取得很好成绩!

6. 梓卉你是一个文静内向的小女孩,喜爱听老师讲故事,上课的时候,能专心听讲,平时能主动帮助有困难的小朋友,还会主动帮助老师整理区角的玩具。如果你在数学方面能严格要求自己,提高运算速度,那你一定会更出色。

7. 龙尹是个独立自尊心很强的孩子,乐意参加体育活动,动作发展协调。对于运算识字活动很感兴趣,但在其他领域学习时常会分心,新的一年里,希望能认真对待各项活动,做个全面发展的孩子!

8. 丽丽你是一个懂事能干的小朋友,你的舞跳得真美,你的画画得真好,上课你能专心听讲,爱动脑筋,但是就是不敢举手回答老师的提问,希望新的学期你能大胆些勇敢些,好吗?

9. 你是一个天真可爱的小朋友。这学期绘画数学操作作业比以前都有进步了。上课你能认真听讲,积极举手发言,还会主动帮助老师和小朋友。你热爱劳动,关心集体。马上就要上小学了,老师希望你今后回答问题时,要多想想,想好了再说,可以吗?

10. 你是个能歌善舞的小姑娘。跟着音乐你创编的舞蹈动作多么优美,你特别关心别人,总是把好的玩具留给别人玩。你的字写得真好!你的画画得真美!马上就要上小学了,如果你能上课时能积极举手发言,那就更棒了!老师相信你一定能做到!

11. 你是一个天真可爱的小男孩儿,。这学期你的绘画数学都有了进步,小手也变得能干了,学会了自己整理图书叠被子,有时还能主动帮助老师做好值日工作。但是你不喜欢讲话,马上就要上小学了,如果你能与大家大胆交流,那就更好了,是吗?

12. 你是个天真可爱的小朋友,这学期你在各方面都有了很大的进步。上课时能专心听讲,还特别爱画画。课间

13. 能与小朋友一起开心地游戏,你能积极参加体育锻炼,主动做好值日工作。马上就要上小学了,如果今后在做数学作业时你能认真些,那就更棒了。

14. 你是个聪明活泼的好孩子,你的思维很活跃,数学操作能力很强。你的小手很能干,你画得画很漂亮,你的手工做得很精致。你能主动帮助小朋友收拾玩具摆放小椅子。听老师讲故事时你特别认真,你能很快学会老师教的本领。马上就要上小学了,如果你能养成良好的生活习惯,那就更棒了。

15. 你是个性格开朗的孩子,整天都能听到你快乐的笑声,你爱动脑筋,能积极举手发言了,而且声音很响亮。你的数学操作作业完成得又快又好。你特别喜欢折纸画画。马上就要上小学了,如果你能专心地完成老师布置的任务,严格要求自己,那就更棒了。


1. 羲雯你天真活泼聪明可爱,你很乐意接近同伴,常喜欢与老师交流,你的上进心很强,学习积极性也很高,很乐意为班级做事,你上课能认真听讲时,还能积极开动脑筋并踊跃发言,思维很活跃;你乐意参加幼儿园组织的各项活动。老师希望你以后继续努力,争取更大的进步。

2. 提起你的名字,老师的眼前就浮起你聪明可爱的小脸蛋,你学习的兴趣高,爱动脑筋,爱提问,是老师的骄傲。你热爱劳动,团结伙伴,常常主动帮助同伴解决困难,小朋友都愿和你交往。你还很活跃,幼儿园的每个活动你都踊跃参加。就要上小学了,老师相信你在以后的学习中一定也是个三好学生。

3. 你活泼天真,对老师很有礼貌。这学期你的进步很大,老师教的知识大部分都掌握了,真棒!这学期你也养成了良好的生活习惯,吃饭不挑食,午睡也很好,并且起床后能把被子叠整齐了,老师真为你而感到高兴。希望你在一年级更加认真学习,争取更大的进步。好吗?

4. 你是个活泼有个性的孩子,在遇到困难时勇敢坚强,象个男子汉。在学习过程中接受能力强,学得快,喜欢帮助同伴。在课堂上你能认真听讲遵守纪律,对老师布置的作业总能按时认真地完成,学习的习惯好。老师希望你在一年级再接再厉,做个全面发展的三好学生。

5. 你外向活泼。这学期你的进步较大,上课时你能认真听讲,积极举手发言了,也能够表达出自己的见解。你的绘画和手工也有了进步,动手能力比以前强了,还能帮助老师做一些力所能及的事情。可是如果你能改掉与其他小朋友打闹的小毛病就更棒了!我想在一年级里你一定会好好学习,做个三好生的。

6. 你是一个腼腆不爱说话的小男孩。你爱学习,上课总是很认真,有时能举手发言。你讲文明守纪律爱劳动。你能全身心地投入游戏学习活动,你的小手也很能干,折纸画画都有了很大的进步,希望你进入小学后能更加努力,争取更大的进步。

7. 你尊敬老师,热爱劳动,主动帮集体做力所能及的事,有一定的集体荣誉感。能积极参加各项体育活动。本学期生活自理能力动手能力有所提高。老师希望你能在新学期养成良好的学习习惯,取得更大的进步。

8. 这学期你每天能按时来园上学,学习的兴趣很高,在剪纸活动中你的小手灵巧能干,动手操作能力发展较好。在课堂上你能动脑筋进行想象创编,讨论时思维较活跃,在体育活动中你的积极性很高,是个勇敢的孩子。希望你在一年级好好学习,争做三好学生。

9. 你是个做事认真负责的好孩子,你爱学习爱同伴,小朋友们都喜欢和你做游戏,你上课时表现很棒:能大胆举手发言,勇敢地表达自己的观点,思维很活跃。在学习新知识时,你兴趣很高,能积极表达自己的观点,敢于向老师提问题。你能积极参加幼儿园组织的各项活动,老师希望你在一年级好好学习,争做三好学生。

10. 你是个天真活泼的小女孩,比以前愿意和老师说话,变大方了。你的小手很灵巧,学会自己梳辫子叠被子,剪纸也比以前有进步。吃饭午睡的习惯变好了。这学期你的拼音学得比上学期好,不过,老师觉得你的数学练习还需多努力,这样在一年级你才能学得轻松些呀!

11. 乐于助人,小朋友们都很愿意和你交往。每次你总能乐意完成老师交给你的任务。作业认真是老师最喜欢你的地方。希望你在一年级取得更好的成绩。

12. 你是一位聪明可爱勇敢坚强的小男子汉,在老师的眼中你爱动脑筋,好奇心强,你的聪慧常常能给老师带来意外的惊喜。团结同伴乐于助人的你是许多小朋友的好榜样。每次你总能认真完成老师交给你的任务,是个能干的小帮手。希望你在一年级做个三好学生。

13. 你是位活泼可爱的小姑娘,在园能尊敬老师,友爱同伴,积极参加幼儿园的各项活动。帮老师做事,是老师的好帮手。你的小手很能干,绘画手工做数学练习都很好。老师和小朋友都喜欢你,夸你真棒!课堂上有时你能举手发言,说出自己的不同意见。希望你在一年级好好学习争做三好学生。

14. 每天你总是一副嘻嘻哈哈的表情,让我感受到你是多么的幸福。你聪明可爱,剪纸做数学练习都不错。写拼音你总是第一个写好。可不注意质量。你喜欢参加各类集体活动。但不太遵守规则。希望你在一年级里做事要精益求精,争取好成绩。

15. 你是个聪明有礼貌喜欢帮老师做事的好孩子。你的动手能力很强,画画手工都很好。你的拼音数学练习做得不错。在庆“六一”演出中,你表演的节目真棒!老师和小朋友都为你鼓掌。希望你在以后的学习中再接再历,争取更大的成绩。

16. 老师最喜欢你那可爱的笑容,你很诚实,对老师有礼貌,跟小朋友相处也非常好,你爱参加体育活动,而且饮食习惯也比以前好多了,健康的身体让你在体育课上惹人注目。希望你在一年级的各项活动中都能积极主动,成为全面发展的好孩子。

17. 你是个懂事有主见有个性的小女孩,我很喜欢你画的画,色彩鲜艳,较有想象。你很爱劳动,每天我总能看见你帮值日生打扫卫生。你较有爱心,常常看见你帮助有困难的同伴。我希望你在学习中能更主动积极一些,使自己各方面都能得到更好的发展。成为一年级的三好学生。

18. 你很爱清洁,每天干干净净有良好的卫生习惯,你很有礼貌,每天都能听到你问早安的声音。你遵守纪律,友爱同伴。乐意帮老师做事,是老师的好帮手。在课堂上老师有时能看到你大胆地举起小手积极发言。有事主动和老师交流,自信心增强了。希望你在一年级认真学习努力进取,多多参与发言。争取好成绩。

19. 在我眼里你像个男孩子,调皮可爱。我喜欢你的活泼,特别是在活动中你能跟随着老师的思路认真学习本领,有时踊跃举手发言。我很喜欢你画的画,色彩鲜艳,较有想象。你的动手能力很强,剪纸手工都很好。我想在一年级里你一定会好好学习,做个三好生的。

20. 你是个聪明懂事的好孩子,在全班孩子中间很有威信。你爱集体,爱劳动,天天帮老师做餐前准备工作,是老师的好帮手,你学习的积极性很高,学得快,回答问题时总能让老师有意外的惊喜。你喜欢画画,你画的画想象力很丰富,真棒!老师希望你在一年级好好学习,做个三好学生。


1. 你是一个聪明活泼大方的小男孩。你喜欢听故事念儿歌;在老师的眼中你爱动脑筋,好奇心强,你的聪慧常常能给老师带来意外的惊喜。你喜欢帮老师做事,每次你总能愉快地完成老师交给你的任务,是老师的好帮手。老师希望你在进入小学后能再接再厉,争取更大的进步。

2. 你是一位聪明可爱勇敢坚强的小男子汉,在老师的眼中你爱动脑筋,好奇心强,你的聪慧常常能给老师带来意外的惊喜。友爱团结,乐于助人的你是许多小朋友的好榜样。每次你总能认真完成老师交给你的任务,是个能干的小帮手。希望你能再接再厉,在一年级做个三好学生。

3. 你是一位聪明可爱勇敢坚强的小男子汉,在老师的眼中你爱动脑筋,好奇心强,在课堂上老师常能看到你大胆地举起小手积极发言,你的聪慧常常能给老师带来意外的惊喜。你喜欢参加各类集体活动。但不太遵守规则。希望你在一年级里做事要精益求精,争取更好的成绩。

4. 你是个活泼可爱的孩子。你能尊敬师长关心同伴,乐于为集体做事,有一定的集体荣誉感;你思维活跃,发言积极;绘画手工都有了很大的进步,生活自理能力也提高了。如果每次能按时完成老师布置的作业就更好了。上小学后,老师祝你扬长避短,在学习上能更上一层楼。

5. 你是一个聪明可爱的小男孩。你有礼貌与同伴能友好相处,小朋友们都很喜欢跟你玩,你能帮老师做一些力所能及的事,生活自理能力也较强,这学期,你各方面都有了明显的进步,如果你上课时能安心听讲积极发言就更好了,你能做到吗?祝你在小学里能更上一层楼!

6. 你是一个活泼可爱聪明能干的小朋友。这学期,你上课能认真地听老师讲故事念儿歌了,知道有事会告诉老师了。但你午睡习惯不太好,喜欢和别的小朋友讲话,如果能改掉这个缺点,老师会更加喜欢你的。就要上小学了,老师希望你扬长避短,全面发展,做个三好生。

7. 你是位文静可爱的小姑娘,有礼貌,爱学习,友爱同伴。这学期老师常能看到你在课堂上举起小手积极发言了,有事你也能主动和老师交流了,大胆发表自己的见解,自信心增强了。老师希望你以后要多吃点饭,不挑食,有健壮的身体,才能在一年级更加认真地投入到学习中,争取更大的进步。

8. 提起你的名字,老师的眼前就浮起你聪明可爱的小脸蛋,你学习的兴趣高,爱动脑筋,爱提问,是老师的骄傲。你热爱劳动,团结伙伴,常常主动帮助同伴

9. 解决困难,小朋友都愿和你交往。你还很活跃,幼儿园的每个活动你都踊跃参加。就要上小学了,老师相信你在以后的学习中一定也是个三好学生。

10. 你活泼天真,对老师很有礼貌。这学期你的进步很大,老师教的知识大部分都掌握了,真棒!这学期你也养成了良好的生活习惯,吃饭不挑食,午睡也很好,并且起床后能把被子叠整齐了,老师真为你而感到高兴。希望你在一年级更加认真学习,争取更大的进步。好吗?

12. 你是个活泼有个性的孩子,在遇到困难时勇敢坚强,象个男子汉。在学习过程中接受能力强,学得快,喜欢帮助同伴。在课堂上你能认真听讲遵守纪律,对老师布置的作业总能按时认真地完成,学习的习惯好。老师希望你在一年级再接再厉,做个全面发展的三好学生。

13. 你文静可爱有礼貌守纪律。学习上比较自觉,习惯好。这学期你爱动脑筋了,课堂上常能看到你积极举手发言。小组长工作做得非常出色,总是能主动完成任务,并且有事能和老师主动交流,胆子比以前大,自信心增强了。老师希望你以后要加强体育锻炼,有健康的身体,才能学习好,对吗?

14. 你是个活泼好学很聪明的男孩子。这学期你的进步可大了,喜欢劳动,争当小组长,自信心也增强了,老师非常欣赏你的这份勇气这份聪慧。你喜欢参加各类集体活动,但不太遵守活动规则。老师希望你能养成良好的睡眠习惯,在以后的学习中遵守纪律,争取做个三好学生,好好努力吧

15. 静瑜在老师的眼中你是个好姑娘。你好学懂事乖巧。在活动中你能控制好自己,是许多小朋友学习的榜样。课堂中你有很好的倾听能力。课间能帮老师做一些力所能及的事,是老师的好帮手。老师希望你每天都能准时上学,和小伙伴们一起进行早锻炼,成为一个全面发展的好孩子。




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 1303 字

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The little girl, tall, thin eyebrows under a pair of watery eyes. A black short hair, looks like a tomboy

Oh, this is me

I am cheerful and lively personality, jieruqiu, see injustice has a tantrum, last year, I found that some students copy writing class, I severely criticized them, scared they no longer dare copy writing.

As for the cheerful, not false, it is precisely because of this, people are more likely to enter my inner world, so I was very popular in the class, there are many good friends

I like reading very much. No, it is a book like life, because of this reason, I have a special feeling of writing, my composition results in the best in the class, a little famous

Here, maybe someone will say, you put yourself into a flower boast, not a disadvantage? Ashamed, ashamed, people eat whole grains which can not disadvantage? My biggest weakness is because these four words be negligent, let me test, repeatedly damaged.

I like Chinese very much, because the language is rich and colorful in the world

I think the world can not become, as long as you work hard, success will be waving to you in the not far place. I will continue to carry forward the advantages and overcome the disadvantages and strive for further improvement.

This is me, a confident about the future, I am full of hope for life



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:翻译,全文共 1091 字

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There is a little girl, a little mouth, the eyes like cherry, long eyebrows, and guess who is that? Yes, I -- -- -- Wu Wenre, a good little girl.

I have a position in class is also a man - captains. I do little affectations who is special pipe class, a someone do little tricks, I have to hold at the meeting that a few "mice".

Once in class, there are a few was seen by me "little mouse" doing little tricks, I cough at first, but that a few little mouse didnt hear, I didnt also the way.

For a while, keeps ringing, the class that a few naughty little mouse ran out of the classroom immediately, I will follow up.

Teachers in school is not allowed to play with toy, I saw the "mouse" playing mini car, I went up to receive his small car, to the teacher. Im glad! Help teachers get rid of a "mouse".

This is me!!!!!!!









范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1582 字

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Three years to hone university, so they have married into a unity innovation and encourage each other to explore the collective sense of team spirit and King Kong music industry, along with a strong ability to solve problems independently. I have always been to improve their overall quality as the goal, efforts to develop a comprehensive self-direction, to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view.Respect for teachers disciplined, concerned about the collective, good moral character, learning the right attitude.

To meet the needs of social development, I seriously learn the knowledge, play to their strengths; tap their own potential, combined with social practice opportunities for the summer every year, thus gradually improve their learning skills and analytical problem solving skills as well as some coordination organization and management capabilities. aspects of thinking and behavior, I am fine style, others with sincerity, can better handle interpersonal relationships, doing things calm and steady, reasonable overall arrangement can live in the transaction.

Towards learning, I am a serious effort to treat the work I can do the same dedication, careful responsible, meticulous. years as a project cost of professional college graduates, I have young and knowledge. Young may mean lack of experience, but also means that the young enthusiasm and vigor, confident I can rely on their own ability and knowledge to overcome the difficulties in work and life after graduation, and the self-realization of the value of life and the pursuit of the goal.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 749 字

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GoodMorning / Afternoon, My dear teachersMy nameis Wu Yixuan. I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student.I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel relax. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too.Thatsall! Thank you for your attention.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2730 字

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Hello, my professors. Its a fine day today, and Im very pleased to meet you here. First of all, Id like to introduce myself. my name is panhaitao. I come from Ningbo Zhejiang province ,which is really a beautiful city. But I was born and brought up in a village surrounded by mountains,where there happened a more wonderful childhood than what is descriped in luxun’s short story guxiang. And I got an admission of scut 3 years ago.

My father is both a construction worker and farmer. I said to myself “maybe I can do better than my father ”when I was considering what as my first choice.

I am easygoing . I’d like to communicate with different people. In my spare time, I have broad interests to color myself. Basketball and swimming is my favor. I also play billiards and do rock climbing in my spare time. I love reading. besides novels , books about real estate, economic, management are also my love.

In my past uni time , I have been growing up enormously. For one side I gain knowledge from teachers and books and take part in activities inside or outside class. I was always the captain or the organizer of our team. I am also the class commissary in charge of studies. for another side, I suffer something sad and unforgettable. my family kept me in the dark about my mather’s serious illness on left foot, which made me cry on the pillow in midnight, I make a mistake which nearly cause serious consequences. Besides, I am much stronger than three years ago.

In a word ,all make me more powerful and firmer.

next, I want to talk about why I want to Continue study at graduate school

whatever you choose to work or Continue study .everyone know Four years’ uni study is not enough. someone prefers to train himself at work. But I prefer at graduate school. I hope I can form systematic view of civil engineering. Graduate study is very helpful for one who want to know civil engineering comprehensively and deeply.If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.

If luckily I got the chance to learn civil engineering in southeast University, I will concentrate on the study , research and practical application in this field. First, I will work hard on the theoretical knowledge and contact different branches of civil engineering, constructing a solid base for my future work; Second, I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmate. And through this, I can get something that cannot be acquired from the textbooks. last, I wanna broad my view, besides knowledge on civil engineering, management、real estate、software are also what I interested in. I will make full use of my graduate time to enrich myself. I believe after 3 years of learning, my dream will finally come true?



范文类型:工作计划,自我评介,全文共 1734 字

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I am from 20xx × year × month into this company, to date has been three months, by three months to understand and learn, I have mastered my work to be done. Now the work of the three-month identified as follows:

First, pay attention to the very old colleagues around learning at work everywhere watching, see more, more thinking, more to learn at a faster rate familiar with the company, better integrate into our community this.

Second, at work, good at thinking, found some problems in the handling of documents, it is first of all to communicate with colleagues and share their ideas with colleagues to solve, can be resolved to get rid of, can not be solved submitted superiors, and proposed reference their views

III. Enthusiastic colleagues answer questions asked. I think we have the ability to improve, our company will increase overall

In short, after a trial period of three months, I think I was able to positive, proactive, skilled to complete their work, be able to identify problems in the work, and actively cooperate fully require the company to start work with colleagues can be very good cooperation and coordination. In future work, I will always, people: with people, to work: strive for perfection, and constantly improve their level and the overall quality of the companys development to do their part.








范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:幼教,幼儿园,教师,家长,全文共 1111 字

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下面我要说的是我的教学工作情况:我任叫的科目是阅读,语言,社会,健康,弟子规,常规。孩子通过阅读在游戏中认识一些常用的简单的汉字,而不是机械简单的记忆,寓教育与游戏之中,让孩子体验学习的快乐,激起自我学习的兴趣。语言课程,本学期的目标是:通过阅读,鼓励幼儿大胆地、清楚地表达自己的想法和感受,促进幼儿的语言发展,养成注意倾听别人讲述的习惯。同时在阅读中延伸到我们生活中常见的标志,常识。通过学习健康,让孩子养成良好的卫生习惯,有了强壮的身体才能有前面我们所说的学习。这学期我们将继续学习《弟子规》是,《弟子规》是人们的生活规范,依据至圣先师孔子的教诲编写而成,教导学生为人处世的规范,做到与经典同行为友。《弟子规》是儒家的基础,人性的基础。 俗话说“没有规矩,不成方圆”,这里所指的“规矩”、“方圆”就是指良好的常规和行为习惯。良好的常规可以使幼儿生活具有节奏,促进身体健康,又能使幼儿积极愉快地参加各种活动,受到全面、合理的教育。




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:设计,全文共 3757 字

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Looking back four years of university life, like a flash over, but thanks to this platform for a university so I have a strong work, self-study, research capabilities.

Politically, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political direction, the ideological requirements of active progress, is now the object of study to join the party. I abide by the law, love public property, care and help others, and in a pragmatic and enthusiastic about the spirit of enthusiasm to participate in school publicity and patriotic activities. I always to improve their overall quality for the purpose of the overall development of the struggle for the individual direction, establish a correct outlook on life and values.

In learning, I am in addition to their own professional interest, but also spare time specializing in computer expertise, so I can easily operate a variety of network and office software. Has received college scholarships.Computer maintenance level, computer grade examination, iso9000 quality management system, internal auditors and other aspects of the certificate. In addition to the expertise in the area of excellence, usually I also dabbled a lot of network management and maintenance, web design and advertising design knowledge, especially for office automation software has a strong interest in the year college organized by the Chinese and English entry game b Group first prize. I believe that in the future theory and practice, which can have a greater increase.

Through social practice, internship in the company, to the community to learn the philosophy of life, narrowing the distance between me and society, but also opened up a vision, increased ability to further clarify the future for me more intense competition A more solid foundation. I deeply understand: the persons life, the school is we lay a solid foundation of the platform, and society is always the University, adhere to the practice of learning from the practice of learning.

University time is coming to an end, thanks to help my mentor, thanks to the brothers and sisters struggle together. In the future life path, I will put right attitude, correct positioning, study hard, continuous efforts to improve their overall quality, meet the needs of the times, to do a useful to society.

Looking back at four years of college life, like a flash over, but thanks to this platform for a university so I have a strong work, self-study, research capabilities.

Politically, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political direction, the ideological requirements of active progress, is now the object of study to join the party. I abide by the law, love public property, care and help others, and in a pragmatic and enthusiastic about the spirit of enthusiasm to participate in school publicity and patriotic activities. I always to improve their overall quality for the purpose of the overall development of the struggle for the individual direction, establish a correct outlook on life and values.

In learning, I am in addition to their own professional interest, but also spare time specializing in computer expertise, so I can easily operate a variety of network and office software. Has received college scholarships.Computer maintenance level, computer grade examination, iso9000 quality management system, internal auditors and other aspects of the certificate. In addition to excellence in professional knowledge, the usual I also dabbled a lot of network management and maintenance, web design and advertising design knowledge, especially for office automation software has a strong interest in the annual college organization in the English entry contest b Group first prize. I believe that in the future theory and practice, which can have a greater increase.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 1086 字

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Im Nickole. Im 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang听Kids Engish. My students are between 5 and 12 years old.

Im outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experence.

Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging. Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. The most important that I have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1261 字

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I am a perfectionist with an obsessive pursuit of ideals, but I am more concerned with the pursuit of the ideal than the final result of the hard process. I think gold is always shining. A person, no matter what his current situation, his realm of life can not be completely limited, of course, a persons current talent can not fully determine his future all social contribution. A persons life should be a work hard, and constantly exceeded and breakthrough process!

I am passionate, generous, fluent in English, and pure mathematics and applied mathematics through basic professional skills. In the past three years, I have learned a wide range of modern mathematics courses related to differential geometry, partial differential equations, and topology, with great interest in specialized courses. In the aspect of thinking and cognition, I have carefully studied the basic contents and history of philosophy, science and technology, aesthetics, etc., and have a deep and profound reverence for the wisdom of the sages.

As for my future work, I have a strong ability to work in teams, can withstand stress, and like challenging and creative issues. In particular, in the work I can Chikunailao, humbly communicate with others, continue to learn to forge ahead.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 1272 字

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Teachers,good afternoon. Allow me to briefly talk about myself.

My name is - Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional.

I was a character,cheerful girl,so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis,volleyball,skating. When a person like the Internet at home,or a personal stereo. Not like too long immersed in the world of books,and family members have told me,Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family,then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family , my grandmother , grandfather and my own.

My grandfather is a engineer,I am very severely on peacetime,the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly,care for my life in every possible way. Therefore,I have no parents in their care,childhood and growth were full of joy. I like this hotel management professional,because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment.

I have my professional self-confidence and hope,as long as the efforts will be fruitful,this is my motto. Since I chose this profession,I will follow this path,effort,perseverance path. Thank you teachers. I finished presentation.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 2359 字

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First, have good work skills

Cashier external units more settlement, is an image window; internal is a service window, internal staff reimbursement is frequent, is a masters. So I have to do is not confused, tickets on the spot error-free, inventory cash fast and accurate, not only to grasp the financial policy, dry up the work also handy, have strong operational capacity, plans, computer, Money everything is accurate, busy and not chaos.

Second, the sense of innovation

In the eyes of many people is a major invention of innovation is what, it is not true, as long as the actual work from the start, to improve the actual work, to promote practical work to a new level, is innovation. I have this spirit. I work for the staff reimbursement of travel expenses, reimbursement and the original invoice paste sheet, are made through my reasonable proposals after the improvement of the voucher paper size selection, the original document paste single filling format, the original paste Single requirements of the content design, font layout requirements, printed on the back of the original paste operator note, not only to improve the work, more importantly, is to put the accounting file binding and management.

Third, there is a responsible attitude

1, the strict implementation of cash management and settlement system, regular checks to the accounting cash and accounts and found that the amount of cash does not match, so that timely treatment.

2, the timely recovery of the companys income, out of receipts, cash withdrawals in time to the bank, never sit cash.

3, according to the basis for providing accounting, teaching staff wages and other timely payment of funds to be paid.

Fourth, there are honest and clean spirit

Constantly improve their professional ethics, the cashier is a special occupation, it is in contact with a lot a day a lot of money, tens of thousands of banknotes, really worthy of the hands of family wealth. Without good professional ethics, it is difficult to pass the "money off." Compared with other accountants, as a cashier I should strictly abide by.

Work always have errors, as long as we find out the reasons from each trip, summed up the lessons, failing to make the same mistakes, our work will continue to progress, slowly there will be improvement, in fact, excellent On the original in the occupation of a good work habits.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,教师,全文共 2284 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:会计,全文共 2221 字

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Respected leader:


I am a student of accounting professional accounting department of college, graduating. Take this career, I with a sincere heart and to the cause of the persistent pursuit, sincerely recommend myself.

In three years, in the strict lessons and personal friends, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of the basic theory of knowledge, financial, cost, tax accounting and economic law and other relevant disciplines, grasps the accounting computerization; have good English listening, say reading, writing, and translating ability, in and through the university English four levels of tests; proficient in computer office software, to Shanghai City computer level. At the same time, I use their spare time to participate in the examination of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics since the accounting profession, not only to enrich themselves, they develop their skills in many aspects. It is more important , the rigorous study and correct learning attitudes shaped me simple, stable, innovative character.

In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, to participate in tax competition, and has a good performance; I also use the summer with plenty of time to experience life as a data input, to the accounting firm to apprentice; also with classmates made independent social practice project, has been recognized by the school I seize every opportunity to exercise their own. The University for three years, I deeply feel, and outstanding students to work to benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. Grandparents taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; Institute trained me to be realistic, pioneering and enterprising style.

I firmly believe that diligence is the real connotation. As long as the hard work, I believe I can quickly adapt to the working environment, familiar with the business, and in the actual work of learning, and constantly improve themselves and do their work.

I love the business of your company, sincerely look forward to your leadership, the building blocks for this glorious cause; and continuous learning, progress in practice.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 1368 字

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Good afternoon, Professors !

My name is ,my classmates all call me Cathy . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. now I will introduce myself briefly,

I am years old,born in Jiangsu province .I am curruently a senior student at wuxi fishery college of nanjing agricultural university, .my major is aqucultuer,and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in july .

In the past 4 years,I spend most of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and I have acquired basic knowledge of Aquaculture both in theory and in practice.by practicing in culture farm of yixing city, changshu city and yancheng city.

Besides,On the base of my Three years’ work in students union , my character? I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. I also do many things as parttime job.though it was very hard ,I think I have learned what I can not acquire in my study .it is worth doing them I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is playing badminton, playing cards or surf online.

I like my majior. I will study hard in it in the postgraduate period, I think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future career.

That is all. Thank you very much!



范文类型:工作总结,自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 568 字

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四,有很好的培训经验,多次对来品管实习的员工进行培训,最喜欢的一句话是:现在开始,你们是品管人员。 我的个人优势:一,熟练操作QC七大手法,能应用QC七大手法分析问题和解决问题,这样可以降低公司产品的不良率,节约成本。二,熟悉丰田生产管理模式,成本意识高,降低成本,寻求企业的增长点。三,规范作业,工作态度端正,管理规范化,作业标准化。四,曾在体系担任两个月工作,熟悉日常事务的管理,并主持过内部审核及两个体系的外审。




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:酒店,全文共 351 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1318 字

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Good afternoon, teachers.

I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introducemyself. My name is abc, 25 years old. I come from Weifang, a beautiful city ofShandong Province. I graduated from Commercial College in July, 20__ and majorin finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, Iam interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism,especially I finished reading “the florilegium of Mao ZeDong”。 From then on, Ihave dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interestsin theory study, especially in Marxism.

I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energyinto the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abcUniversity, I‘ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as possible.If it is possible, I want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, atleast, a stable basis.

Personally, for today‘s China, the first task to the development of Marxismis a process of construction. That’s to say, we should understand Marxism mostlyfrom the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when oursocialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than thecapitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxismeventually.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 555 字

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Hello everyone!My is.,from Qinzhou.I’m so glad to meet you,and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School.my major is knitting.It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp,because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work.As we all know English is very useful in every field.

My English is limited that’s why I’m here.I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English,but I believe that “No pains,no gains,success belongs to the persevering”,I hope I can learn more from you,Thank you!



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 415 字

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HI,my name is , I 19 years old this year, I#39;m from x, I love of reading and the Internet, I am a outgoing person, like making friends. In this university, I will actively participate in various activities to enrich my university life, I will also constantly exercise oneself, let oneself become more mature. 更多简历自我评价请进:

