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Hello! Hello, Im the guide of lollipop travel agency. My surname is Lou,and my name is Zifan. Please call me Xiaolou! Today we are going to travel theGreat Wall. I hope you will have a good time with me.

Beijing has Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall, Juyongguan GreatWall, Jiankou great wall and Simatai Great Wall. Today, we are going to climbJuyongguan Great Wall.

The perimeter of Juyongguan Great Wall is more than 4000 meters, which isonly a part of the Great Wall! From Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in thewest, the Great Wall is more than 13000 Li. It is said that when the firstemperor of Qin built the Great Wall, he moved prisoners, soldiers and civilservants who had been forced to come here. Later, it was named Juyongguanbecause of the meaning of "moving to Yongtu". Because of its lush trees,brilliant flowers and beautiful scenery, it is called "Juyong jucui".

Lets first come to "the worlds first Xiongguan". This is a stone tabletwith the words "the worlds first Xiongguan". There are two "the worlds firstXiongguan" in China. One is Jiayu pass, the key point of the Great Wall, and theother is Juyong Pass. Originally, Juyong Pass was not "the worlds firstXiongguan". Because this section of the Great Wall is a very important pass, itwas later called "the worlds first Xiongguan" If you are interested, you cantake a picture, but please hurry up. You are going to climb the Great Walllater.

Lets keep up and climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very steep. Payattention to safety. You see, this kind of uneven wall is called a crenel. Ithas a lookout and a shooting port for lookout and shooting. See those citystations? Its a garrison fortress. Whenever there is a war, the injuredsoldiers can do temporary treatment in it.

Next, we come to the city platform, you can go in and visit the ancientcity platform, pay attention not to scribble, this is the ancient historicalrelics!

Come on, its the top! Its cool and comfortable here. Why is the greatwall broken? Its disconnected because of the obstruction of mountains andrivers. Lets have a rest and meet in half an hour.

This is the end of todays journey. I hope you have a better understandingof the Great Wall after listening to my explanation. Goodbye!



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各位游客,听完了这个故事,大家要记得这一句话:不到长城非好汉!就是说只有亲眼目睹的先辈们的伟大创造,才能在人生的道路上成一个真正的好汉! 各位游客,听完了故事,请你们慢慢地欣赏着万里长城吧。



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下面,就让我们怀着“不到长城非好汉”的雄心壮志登上长城吧!Let’s go!



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According to historical records, Shanhaiguan has a history of more than 600years since it was built in 1381 ad. it has been an important military town inChina since ancient times.

Shanhaiguan City, about 4 kilometers in circumference, is a small city. Thewhole city is connected with the Great Wall, with the city as the pass. The cityis 14 meters high and 7 meters thick. There are four main gates in the city, andthere are a variety of ancient defense buildings. It is a city pass withrelatively complete defense system, known as "the first pass in the world". Thearchery tower, the most powerful one in the world, is the main body,supplemented by Jingbian tower. Linlu building. Muyinglou, weiyuantang,Wengcheng, dongluocheng, Great Wall Museum and other great wall buildings showvisitors the architectural style of ancient Chinese city defense.

The worlds first pass scenic spot takes Shanhaiguan city as the center,which includes Shanhaiguan City, Dongluo City, the "worlds first pass" tower,Jingbian tower, muying tower, linlu tower and the Great Wall Museum. Shanhaiguanis a cultural ancient city. The city walls of Ming Dynasty are basically in goodcondition. Most of the main streets and alleys are preserved as they are. Inparticular, there are still a number of courtyard houses, which make the ancientcity more elegant and simple. What makes the ancient city most colorful is theeast gate of Guancheng, which stands on the great wall and looks on the fourfields. On the second floor of the city building, you can overlook the panoramaof Shanhaiguan city and the wilderness outside the pass. Looking to the north,you can see the majestic appearance of Jiaoshan Great Wall in the distance; thesea in the south is also hazy. There are also Jingbian building, muying buildingand linlu building. Walking on the Great Wall will make you feel the greatnessof our ancestors and the extraordinary wisdom of the Chinese people.

Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a famous historical and cultural ancient cityand a summer resort with many places of interest, beautiful scenery and pleasantclimate. There are more than 90 places of interest with development andornamental value in the area. In 20__, Shanhaiguan scenic spot was rated as thefirst batch of 4A scenic spots; In 20__, the State Council officially listedShanhaiguan District of Qinhuangdao as a national historical and cultural city,Shanhaiguan scenic spot. Taking the Great Wall as the main line, it has formedsix scenic spots, namely "old dragon head", "mengjiangnu Temple", "Jiaoshan","the first pass in the world", "Changshou mountain" and "Yansai Lake", all ofwhich are open to Chinese and foreign tourists. It is a famous tourist area athome and abroad. Among them: the the Great Wall of Shanhaiguan converged theessence of Chinas ancient the Great Wall. The East starting point of the greatwall of Ming Dynasty is the old dragon head. The great wall meets with the sea.The Great Wall has blue sea and Jinsha. The sky opens the sea and the mountain.It is majestic and majestic. It is known as "pinghan in the capital and thethroat of liaozuo"; Jiaoshan Great Wall is winding, the beacon tower isprecipitous and picturesque. Among the "eight scenic spots of Yuguan", the"mountain temple is rainy and sunny, Ruilian holds the sun" and the wonderful"Qixian Buddha light" attract many tourists. Mengjiangnu temple is a Chinesefolk legend, the moving story of Jiangnu seeking her husband. Xuanyang cave, thelargest natural granite cave in northern China, is like a paradise with strangecaves, strange rocks and gurgling springs. Yansai lake is a beautiful pearloutside the Great Wall.

It is said that the last word is not written together, but the person whowrote it throws it into the air full of ink.



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大家注意一下,现在是9:00,我们12:00准时回到车上,请大家记住我的车是白色大金龙,车牌号为津A 1234,。好了,请大家带好贵重物品,按顺序下车。













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大家好!欢迎来到八达岭景区观光旅游,我是你们的导游蔡王鲲,大家就叫我小蔡好了。 游客们,现在我们已经来到了著名的八达岭长城,向远处看,可以发现这里的长城分为南、北两峰,蜿蜒于山脊之上,气象万千,景色十分壮观。往下面看是有两个门洞和u字形的城墙。






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长城是世界八大奇迹之一。它是中国古代劳动人民的血汗,也是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的骄傲。 游客们,我们已经来到了著名的八达岭长城上,两旁的山上,是苍松翠柏,好像云遮雾障,禽鸟和鸣,溪流淙淙,处处充满了诗情画意。您向远处看,可以发现这里的长城分为南、北两峰,蜿蜒于山脊之上,龙腾虎跃、气象万千,景色十分壮观。长城依山而建,高低起伏, 曲折绵延。这段长城的墙体是用整 齐巨大的条石铺成,有的条石长达2米,重数百斤。内部填满泥土和石块,墙上顶地面的地方铺满方砖,十分平整。墙顶外侧筑有高2米的垛口,上有了望孔,下有射击口,内侧建有宇墙。城墙每隔一段,筑有一个堡垒式的方形城台。城台有高有低,高的 叫敌搂,是守望和军士住宿的地方;低的叫墙台,高度与城墙 相差不多但突出墙外,四周有垛口,是巡逻放哨的地方。

八达岭海拔1000米,绵延曲折的长城如巨龙腾飞于崇山峻岭之上。它不仅是中华民族勤劳、智慧的结晶,也是古代建筑工程的杰出代表。 登上八达岭长城,极目远望,山峦起伏,雄沉刚劲的北方山势,尽收眼底。长城因山势而雄伟,山势因长城更加险峻。

下面就到了烽火台,又叫烽燧,狼烟台。是不和长城相连的独立建筑。一旦敌人来犯,就点燃烽火通报军情,白天点燃的烟叫做烽,晚上的叫做燧。明朝的时候,还对烽火与敌人的关系作了严格的规定:敌人百余个,燃一烟点一炮;五白人,燃两烟点两炮;千人以上,三烟三炮;五千人以上,四烟四炮;万人以上,五烟五炮。就通过这种方式,在边关的军情能够飞速的传递到皇城大内。看到烽火台,再给大家讲一个故事,叫《烽火戏诸侯》:周朝有个国君叫周幽王,他有一个美女,她的脾气很怪,总是不笑,幽王就想办法。于是他点燃了求救信号(烽火),结果,引得诸侯白来一趟,她却哈哈大笑,幽王也很开心。可是,真有敌人来进攻的时候,幽王点燃了烽火,却不见人来,幽王就被敌人杀死了。游客们,这就是两个很典型的故事。 游客们,现在我们已经开始顺势走下长城。游客们!踏着这脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,我们会想起古代修筑长城的劳动人民来。




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Fellow tourists, now our automobile is going on the Badaling highway,must enter the Badaling scenic area immediately which soon visits.Front that mountain is the Jundu, the Badaling Great Wall occupies onthis mountain. In the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time,our country ancient times the people on already started to constructthe Great Wall, at that time the feudal lord strove for hegemony, inorder to protect own territory not to encroach, therefore hasconstructed the Great Wall in abundance in respective boundary, wascalled mutually guards against the Great Wall.

But our country once appeared three to construct the Great Wall thepeak, respectively was the Qin Great Wall, the Chinese Great Wall,bright Great Wall. Chin Shihhuang in 221 B.C. unified area south ofYellow River, has established the Qin dynasty, in order to strengthenthe rule north, defends nomads invasion, therefore will send thesenior general to hoodwink 恬 300,000 armies and very many laborforces the original north swallow, Zhao, the Qin Great Wall haslinked, and performed to expand, the lasted 9 years constructed westnear 洮 east to be continuous Wan Li to Liaodong the Great Wall, thisalso will be in the Chinese history the together Great Wall. To theHan Dynasty, Martial emperor of Han dynasty also was for strengthenthe defense, "was not called Hu Madu the Yin", has constructed anearly 20,000 mile Great Wall, simultaneously this also has protectedthe new development Silk Road, the Chinese Great Wall is the Qin GreatWall together the front position and the defense line, west itXinjiang, east arrived Liaodong, was in the Chinese history constructsthe Great Wall longest dynasty. But the bright Great Wall is in theChinese history constructs the Great Wall the high point, the projectis big, essence of the technical is unique.

Same year Zhu Yuanzhangestablished Ming Dynasty in the unification nation in the process, hasaccepted "Gao Zhuqiang, Guang Jiliang, slow name king" suggestion. Atthat time Yuan Dynasty although already perished, but also ismaintaining the quite complete military power, in addition graduallyrises Nuzhen races unceasing invasion, therefore starts to constructthe Great Wall. The Ming Dynasty large-scale constructed the GreatWall to achieve 18 were next many, only then basically has last yearsfinished to the Ming Dynasty, east nearby Liaoning Dandong YaluRivers Hushan, west to Gansu Jiayuguans bright Great Wall span 6,350kilometers. The bright Great Wall has three characteristics, buildsthe construction completely, manages the consummation, the layout isstrict. But we saw today the Badaling Great Wall is a bright GreatWalls part. But Great Wall in our country ancient times mostprimitive goal although is the defense, but at the same time it alsoplayed other roles. First is the military function, the second pieceis the economical function, it not only promoted the development andthe northern border economy development which opens up wasteland,moreover also is the area south of Yellow River common people enjoys agood and prosperous life, third promoted various nationalitiesfusion. In addition, it has also protected the communication andpromoted the to foreign countries opening up.

What is worthmentioning, in our country ancient times, not only only has thesethree time constructs the Great Wall the experience, according to thestatistics, in about in 20xx, successively some more than 20 feudallords country and the feudal dynasty all has constructed the GreatWall, some people have made the sketchy computation, if the Great Wallwill rebuild together the height 5 meters, the depth 1 meter big wall,will many circle the Earth 10 many all to have the wealth. Famousfolklore: The beacon-fire play feudal lord and Meng Jiangnyu cry GreatWall also is occurs in the Great Wall. Now, the Great Wall afterpasses through several time repairs and maintains, basically restoredthe former appearance, is included in 1987 by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "World cultureInheritance Name list", moreover it or now in world longest defensivecity wall! Proliferated the our country 16 areas, the span hasachieved 10. 80,000 miles.

We passed through a moment ago the road, took place in Yu Guangou.Guan Gou is the Mt. yanshan sierra and Jundu sierra junction meetingplace, south Changping area Nankouzhen, northwest to Yanqing CountyBadaling Great Walls area just outside the city gate, span 40 miles.Is the area south of Yellow River area leads to northwest plateau thepharynx and larynx important highway. The Ming Dynasty has arrangedfour defense lines in here, respectively is the Nankou pass, occupiesthe commonplace pass, on closes, Badaling. Folds on the green jademountain in Guan Gouzhong, once had Jin Dynasty famous Yanjing one ofeight scenery: Occupies commonplace folds the green jade, what a pitynow the landscape already no longer existed.

We saw a moment ago that railroad was designs the construction by ourChinese the first railroad, designs Peking-Kalgan line by ZhanTianyou. Because Badaling area topography complex, the technicaldifficulty are very many, therefore Zhan Tianyou designs the personfont railroad, the success solved the train not to be able directly toclimb and the curve difficult problem, but made a connection longreaches 1,091 meters tunnels also to sigh the Chinese and foreignpublic figure the clothing. Now the bronze statue which sets up in theblack dragon bridge train station is Zhan Tianyou, but also has themonument.

Closes the ditch because of to occupy the commonplace pass but to befamous, we may see front the grand construction occupies thecommonplace pass, its name origins from the Qin dynasty, to ChinShihhuang moves "the commonplace person" in here to live thereforeacquires fame. In the area inside the great wall, some famous whitemarble Shitai, It is Yuan Dai as soon as has sat the streettower, above originally has three Tibet type pagoda, destroyed in theafterwards earthquake. The Ming Dynasty in the original position ] hasestablished the Taian temple, but has been destroyed in the KangxiDynasty, only leaves behind now us to see the column foundation andlooks the column. Baiyu Shitaithe area has 310 square meter under Ticket Gate onto engrave has the lion, the elephant, the weird creature, relief andso on Jin Chiniao, separately represented the Buddhism Dense Ancestor fivesides five Buddhas place to ride, but also had Tianlongbabu toprotect buddhist law the deity the relief. On the endophragm also hadthe four great heavenly gods relief and the god beastly design, theticket goes against also covers entirely daturas pattern, in theflower has engraved has the image of Buddha, altogether 2,215. Alsosome six kind of languages engrave "tuoluoNepal After Incantation" and "Make TowerMerit To record", these all are Yuan Dai artistic high-quality goods,has the very high artistic value.

The Badaling Great Wall is in the bright Great Walls outstandingrepresentative, because here extends in all directions, thereforebecomes Badaling. Possibly everybody can ask that, why has to speakthe Great Wall to construct in here? Actually this mainly is becauseof the Badaling area important geographical position. It not only isguarding the bright imperial tomb, moreover also is Beijingsnorthwest front door.

The Badaling Great Wall is in the history many significant eventstestimonies, for example the dreary queen mother Patrols Good fortune, Yuan Taizuenters the pass, west Empress Dowager Cixi runs away and so on,Badaling all is after all the road. Speaks of here, but also somestory must say for everybody: Is located closes the east end gateroadside, some megalith, the fable the Eight Power Expeditionary Forceattacked into Beijing in 1900, Cixi runs away in the west on the waypasses through here, once stood in this stone other day looks thenational capital, therefore this stone on is also called looks theBeijing stone. But present this stone already not that highlighted.

Some speech everybody certainly knew that, Not to Great Wall non- realman. Introduced a moment ago that many landscape, you are certainlyanxious want to arrive the scenic area to tour, does not use theworry, you also had to become the real man immediately. Good, here isthe famous Badaling Great Wall distant place is the grand scenery, butdownward looked is the Great Wall important constituent old man city,he generally all constructs on the strategic in position keycommunication line. Between old man city two is distanced 63.9 meters,the west gate inscribed horizontal tablet: Key to defense of thenorth, I already have said in front. The east gate inscribedhorizontal tablet is: Occupies the commonplace outside town, themeaning occupies a commonplace outside the passes strategic place. Nowwe looked to the right release that, is ascending Chengkou the southside to exhibit a cannon, named: Invincible might general. IsChong Zhen Year the manufacture.

The Badaling Great Wall has three two walls compositions, what isthree two walls? Now lets me give everybody to explain, threerespectively are the tower on a city wall, the enemy tower, tower on acity wall structure is extremely simple, only is the officers andsoldiers which guards evades the cold the place. That enemy towerstructure relative wants complex somewhat, divides into two, the lowerlevel is by the field, the well, returns, and so on the glyphcomposes, the upper formation has the crenel and looks the hole isobserves the military situation and the archery uses, therefore herealso has defends enemys function.

Under arrived the beacon tower, also is called the beacon-fire, wolfYantai. Is disagrees the Great Wall connected independentconstruction. Once the enemy Attack, lights the beacon-firenotification military situation, the ancient rewards the smoke whichthe daytime lights to be called Beacon-fire, the evening is called the flint.Ming Dynasty time, but also has made the strict stipulation to thebeacon-fire and enemys relations that, Enemy hundred, burn a smokeartillery; Five Caucasians, burn two smoke two artillery; Abovethousand people, three smoke three artillery; Above 5,000 people, foursmoke four artillery; Above ten thousand people, five smoke fiveartillery. On through this way, in the border pass military situationcan the rapid transmission palace wall imperial palace.

Said three, under on said next two walls. The Great Wall flank tallwall is called 牒 the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. But the inside insufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. In most starts the Great Wallinside is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. Each notfar has a small drainage in the Great Wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. But inside Great Walls walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable!



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长城是世界闻名的奇迹之一,它像一条巨龙盘踞在中国北方的辽阔的土地上。它是中国古代劳动人民血法的结晶,也是中国古代文化的象征和中华民族的骄傲。 游客们,我们已经来到了著名的长城的东端起点--虎山,虎山位于丹东市城东十五公里的鸭象江畔,是国家级鸭绿江风景名胜区的一个重要景区,隔江与朝鲜的于赤岛和古城义洲相望。








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