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杭州是中国八大古都之一,浙江省的省会。这里,江流襟带,山色藏幽,湖光翠秀;这里,史脉悠远,文风炽盛,名流辈出;这里,自古至今被公认为是古老神州的东南名都、鱼米之乡 、丝绸之府、文物之邦,一直以物质财富丰饶繁盛和文化艺术源远流长而享有“人间天堂”的美誉。经过20xx多年的保护、开发、建设,杭州从一个山中小县,出落成自然环境和人文底蕴相映生辉的国家历史文化名城、著名山水旅游胜地、东南沿海地区现代化的政治经济中心、交通枢纽和文化都会。










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Shanghai, is Chinas largest economic center and trade port, is thenations largest comprehensive industrial city, also is the national importantscience and technology center, trade center, finance and information center, islocated in 31 degrees north latitude 14 points, east longitude 121 degrees 29points. Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta front, the east faces theeast China sea, south is near hangzhou bay, west of jiangsu and zhejiangprovinces, north of the Yangtze river estuary, is located in central Chinasnorth-south coastline, convenient transportation, vast hinterland, thegeographical position is superior, is a good jianghai port. Comprises inchongming island, covers an area of 1041 square kilometers, is the third largestisland in China.

Shanghai 100 km wide from east to west, north and south long 120 km, thecitys land area of 6340.5 square kilometers, including outer ring within thecity covers an area of 610 square kilometers. Existing 18 districts (huangpudistrict, xuhui district, luwan district, jing an district, changning district,zhabei district, putuo district, yangpu district, hongkou district, baoshandistrict, qingpu, minhang district, the pudong new area, jiading, jinshan andsongjiang districts, nanhui, fengxian) (for) and 1 county. Shanghai northsubtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, full of sunshine, abundant rainfall.Short, moderate and moist climate of Shanghai in the spring and autumn, winterand summer is longer than the other. A year 60% of rainfall concentrated inflood season from may to September, flood season have a spring rain, rainy,autumn rain three phases of the rain. Change and clear all the year round: longwinter and summer, short spring, autumn, winter, about 126 days, and around 110days in summer, spring and autumn season two together about 130 days. Annualaverage temperature was around 16 ℃, July and August is the highest temperature,monthly average of about 28 ℃; Lowest in January, the monthly average of about 4℃. Winter without cold, summer without heat, can travel throughout the year, andthe two season, spring, summer is the best tourist season.

Shanghais history is not long, but opened since 1843, formed the fiveparty clans, a blend of Chinese and western cultural characteristics. Shanghaisnew financial securities, futures, foreign exchange and technology such as theestablishment of the national market, established the position of Shanghai as anational resource allocation center, but also accelerated the pace of Shanghaiseconomy and international standards. In October 20__, the APEC conference washeld in Shanghai, Shanghai as one of the new century international economic,financial and trade center status has been preliminary established. Entering the21st century Shanghai, prosperity and open here sow, Oriental pearl TV tower,jinmao tower, Shanghai international conference center, pudong internationalairport, all depict the international metropolis the open prospects, of the 21stcentury Shanghai, glory and dream here convergence, Shanghai museum, Shanghaigrand theatre, the urban planning museum, all make a broad feelings ofinternational metropolis. In the new century o



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6450 字

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Dear visitors, everybody! Welcome to our lotus buddhist - the jiuhuamountain tourism! I am the guide from you on this trip, my name is wang ping,you call me xiao wang. First of all, introduce below an overview of our jiuhuamountain. Jiuhua mountain is located in chizhou anhui province, anhui "twomountain lake" gold tourist area of the main scenic area, where has beautifulscenery, ancient forest, and mount emei in sichuan province, wutai mountain inshanxi, zhejiang mount putuo and four major buddhist mountains in China.

The jiuhua mountain was not called the jiuhua mountain, at the time of thetang dynasty is called nine mountain, because beautiful jiuhua mountain, theclouds above the mountain there are nine, so nine mountain nine children. Beganyears, by Li Baiceng twice visited here, has written "miao have two gas,lingshan jiu hua, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus" etc historiclovers, jiuhua mountain hence the name, and has been used to this day.

The jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activity, Taoism injiuhua mountain development first, Buddhism more flourish. Between kai-yuantang, woosong kingdom prince Jin Qiao sailing east, visited famous mountains,the jiuhua practice in our chosen. Night camped out in the hills of the cave,thirsty drink mountain spring hill, hungry eat the mountain of wild plants.Finally he died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought penance before his death,passed away with records in the sutras like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, as shouldlike ksitigarbha bodhisattva, because of his surname gold without becoming amonk, so also known as the heart of gold. Jiuhua mountain is since then all keptlike ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. After the tang dynasty, jiuhua Buddhismstatement, past dynasties after repair, to the whole of the temple in the qingdynasty already has more than 150 seats, only garden temple, east cliff temple,centenarians palace, ganlu temple four big jungle, incense of guilin.

Below we first enter the jiu hua street scenic area, first see is a crosslane. It is carved marble, 9 meters high, is the imitation of buildings has beengloriously enrolled. Banners on the engraved royal emperor kangxi book "nineChinese scenic spot" four characters. Below the door in the north and south twocolumn carved stone lions. Gate dignified elegance, the gate lane welcomedeveryone to see is the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlong years,is a single-arch stone bridge, the following will set foot on this ancientbridge together, please follow me, into the wonderland of together!

Everyone see, across the bridge is only positive garden temple hall. Gardentemple is only key national temple, the scale is one of the largest the jiuhuamountain four big jungle, by the gate, the great hall, Ursa major, guest room,lecture hall and the scripture-stored tower and so on more than 10 monomerbuilding, is a typical modular architecture, its inside deviate from the centralaxis of the hall, you know why? Because ah, tilt the gate is quite exquisite,way to ward off bad luck, and secondly is the door to the city of toward themountain temple temple. Ursa coloured glaze tile, cornices, newborn status isvery outstanding. On the front wall of the temple there is a stone carving, thetop "taishan shigandang" five characters very eye-catching, everyone to guesswhat is this used for? Actually this is only unique garden temple, is used toward off bad luck town demon.

Enter the gate, is lingguan temple, temple, that take the door stand seeshrine is ChiMian red iron scourge, wide-open, exalted Wang Lingguan. WangLingguan guardian deity of Taoism, is how to protect the dharma? The originallegend of buddhist dharma wei tuo "killing" mistake, is "dismissal" likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, let Wang Lingguan top class, this reflects the"cooperation" the great meaning of Buddhism and Taoism, is afraid is just aplace in the country.

From lingguan temple in a small courtyard, there is a square pavilions typedouble-hipped roof, from the top of the mountain, for the four major Kings like,according to the great hall. Sits in the middle shrine "smile, pot-belliedinclusive" maitreya. "A great bowl of thousands of rice, wan lixing" the alone,is his two ket. On either side for the four heavenly Kings statues.

Lingguan temple and great in the same stylobate, while up layer on thestylobate is Ursa major. Ursa major, the positive standing about 12 meters highBuddha iii, next is green lotus, under 须弥座 (also called Jin Gangtai), finecarving. Sweets positive cross engraved with the "personality" of the story ofbedding face relief. The Buddha, worship for hosts will monk run course.

Good, swim only garden temple, we now come to the center of the street, isnine China we see is the jiuhua mountain temple temple in the city. Buddhistscriptures have "refers to the geochemical city". City temple is located injiuhua mountain, peak city southwest of the city center, hence the name the citytemple. City temple has a long history, it built in the jin dynasty, is Lordalso of the jiuhua mountain temple, the temple of the building layout accordingto the mountain, reflect the superb architectural art. Temple has a higherconsisting, weighing about 20__ pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use thehammer impact, dignified realisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, oftenmake the person has the feeling of free from vulgarity. "The city production"became one of the ten views "of" nine China.

Temple after waste, still stands in the years long river. Existing fourinto the residential house, former SanJin for qing dynasty architecture: a intolingguan temple, two into the great hall, SanJin Ursa major. Second, there was ahuge four water between SanJin patio, meaning "four water belongs to the hall".Ursa all wood door, lintel carved on the icy veins window lattice. The cuhk sunkpanel "Kowloon dish bead" relief for the art treasures. Four into thescripture-stored tower as the jiuhua mountain unique buildings in Ming dynasty,recently according to the original repair. Temple according to the terraingradually rise, the city structure is rigorous, of primitive simplicity andelegant, basic preserved the mountain temple original character.

The city shishi pair of song dynasty, under the temple steps of monogamous,like vigorous. Before have a free life pond, crescent, reportedly is goldenheart leads the ACTS of building city temple during excavation, both for thetemple of fire!



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大家可以看到现在,那座耸立在台阶以上的三层建筑物就是故宫。故宫,又称紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫,故宫是世界是现存规模最大最完整的古代木结构建筑群,为我国现存最大最完整的古代木结构建筑群。它始建于明永乐四年(公元1460年),厉时十四年才完工,共有24位皇帝先后在此登基。 历史很悠久,请细细观赏。无与伦比的古代建筑杰作 紫禁城占地72万多平方米,共有宫殿9000多间,都是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。这些宫殿是沿着一条南北向中轴线排列,并向两旁展开,南北取直,左右对称。这条中轴线不仅贯穿在紫禁城内,而且南达永定门,北到鼓楼、钟楼,贯穿了整个城市,气魄宏伟,规划严整,极为壮观。建筑学家们认为故宫的设计与建筑,实在是一个无与伦比的杰作,它的平面布局,立体效果,以及形式上的雄伟、堂皇、庄严、和谐,都可以说是上罕见的。它标志着我们祖国悠久的文化传统,显示着五百多年前匠师们在建筑上的卓越成就,怎么样,很佩服吧!

我们接着看。故宫里最吸引人的建筑是三座大殿:太和殿、中和殿和保和殿。它们 都建在汉白玉砌成的8米高的台基上,远望犹如神话中的琼宫仙阙。第一 座大殿太和殿是最富丽堂皇的建筑,俗称“金銮殿”,是皇帝举行大典的 地方,殿高28米,东西63米,南北35米,有直径达1米的大柱92根,其中6 根围绕御座的是沥粉金漆的蟠龙柱。御座设在殿内高2米的台上,前有造型 美观的仙鹤、炉、鼎,后面有精雕细刻的围屏。整个大殿装饰得金碧辉煌, 庄严绚丽。中和殿是皇帝去太和殿举行大典前稍事休息和演习礼仪的地方。 保和殿是每年除夕皇帝赐宴外藩王公的场所。

跟大家说,游览故宫,一是欣赏丰富多彩的建筑艺术;二是观赏陈列于室内的珍 贵的文物。故宫博物院藏有大量珍贵文物,据统计总共达1052653件之多, 统称有文物100万件,占全国文物总数的1/6,其中有很多是绝无仅有的国 宝。在几个宫殿中设立了历代艺术馆、珍宝馆、钟表馆等,爱好艺术的人 在这些无与伦比的艺术品前,往往久久不忍离去。设在故宫东路的珍宝馆, 展出各种奇珍异宝。如一套清代金银珠云龙纹甲胄,通身缠绕着16条龙,形 状生动,穿插于云朵之间。甲胄是用约60万个小钢片连结起来的,每个钢 片厚约1毫米,长4毫米,宽1。5毫米,钻上小孔,以便穿线连结。据说,为 制造这套甲胄,共用了4万多个工时。厉害!




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Dear tourists, we are going to Jiuhua Mountain right now. Lets listen toXiao Ke first. Ill give you a brief introduction, so that when we arrive, wecan visit more quickly.

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the TangDynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went toMount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous Buddhist temples.

To visit Jiuhua Mountain, you should first go to Jiuhua street, which isthe center of Jiuhua Mountain. Temples are mainly concentrated there, so it iscalled "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the mountain. Besidestemples, there are shops, schools, hotels and farmhouses. Visitors can staythere and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on themountain.

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of JinDynasty in Jiuhua Mountain. It is also the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain. Thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. In the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ Jin. It isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. It is struck with a mallet. The solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Jiuhua scenery is on the roof. Tiantai peak is the main peak of JiuhuaMountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. There is a saying that "ifyou dont get on the roof, you dont come.". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street,about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. When youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. All around the mountains crawling, lookingat Jiuhua street, only palm so big.

Well, here we are. We all get off the bus and follow Xiao Ke into thescenic spot. We must pay attention to our team flag. Dont fall behind or go tothe wrong team.



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Peoples Square is the biggest public square in Shanghai. It is an awesome area to visit while in Shanghai and it’s a great place to go and see how the people of Shanghai are.

It is the city’s center of politics, economy, culture and art with a group of magnificent buildings like museum, the exhibition hall, and the grand theater.

The crystal-like theater is especially beautiful at night with lights on.


In concession days, together with People’s Park next door, it was a racecourse.

After liberation in 1949, the northern part of the racecourse was built into today’s People Park and the southern part, into the People’s Square.


Located in downtown Shanghai, the People Square is the largest public square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


In the center of the square is a 320 sq. meter fountain,named the “Light of the Huangpu River”. It is the first giant music-synchronized "dancing" fountain in the country. Red, blue and yellow sculptures in the fountain portray a beautiful, glowing display, creating a grand sight for those who visit the area.

There are two small squares beside the central square. The east square is called the Rising Sun Square; the west is called the Bright Moon Square.


Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet.

Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.


Southwest of the square is a beautiful blue and white home for pigeons! Thousands of pigeons fly from their house to the Squares lawn to meet tourists each day. Their coming promotes a feeling of peace and serenity to all that visit the area.

Spots brief:

To the north of the Square stands a grand building, the City Hall (the Municipal Government Building of Shanghai).

The Shanghai Museum is located south of the Square and directly faces the City Hall.

The beautiful Shanghai Grand Theatre is situated in the northwest part of the Square, and is close to the Government Building.

To the northeast of the Square is the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.

Shanghai Gallery.

Shanghai Museum


Shanghai Museum is a must-see for foreign visitors to Shanghai.

Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its treasures of bronzes, ceramics, Chinese calligraphy and traditional paintings.


The Shanghai Museum is situated in the heart of People’s Square. Opposite to the City Hall and is surrounded by the moon and sun Corridor.


It was built in the 1930s, formerly occupied by Zhong Hui Bank owned by a Shanghai celebrity Yuesheng Du. In 1952, it was converted into a museum. The new museum building was erected in September 1994 and most of the facilities were installed in 1995. It was entirely opened on October 12 in 1996. The five big gilt characters on the lintel were written by Yi Chen, the first mayor of Shanghai after the founding of new China.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.

With a collection of over 120,000 pieces of cultural relics in 12 categories, including bronze, ceramics (pottery and porcelain ware), calligraphy, paintings, jade and ivory ware, numismatics, furniture, seal carvings, sculptures, arts and crafts and costumes of Chinese minorities, Shanghai Museum is especially famous for its collection of bronzes, ceramics, paintings and calligraphy. And there is also a special gallery of donated relics and three temporary exhibition halls.


As you view Shanghai Museum from a distance in People’s Square, you will find that the building itself is a work of art, featuring multiple orientations, multi-visual angles and many distinctive characteristics. The elegant construction perfectly combines traditional cultural themes with modern technological innovation. The building uses a round top section to symbolize heaven and a square base representing the earth, implying the Chinese traditional expression of “a round heaven and a square earth”. It is 24 meters high with sever floors, two are underground and five above, covering a total area of 38,000 sqm.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Museum has installed advanced security and fire alarm systems, educational services, a computerized library and an automation system. Besides this, Shanghai Museum has facilities for multimedia guide, an information center, a High Definition Graphics system, an audio tour, the lecture room equipped with a system of spontaneous interpretation. You can check out a device that allows you to hear a description of an item after punching in the item number. The audio tour is available in eight languages. The library in the museum has 200,000 volumes of books in collection.

Shanghai Grand Theatre


Shanghai Grand Theatre is located to the west of the City Hall in the People’s Square, the citys heart. The Shanghai Grand Theatre occupies an area of 2.1 hectares, facing the Peoples Boulevard in the south. With its unique style and beautiful outlook, the theatre has become a representative building in Shanghai.

History and brief intro:

It is opened to the public on August 27, 1998.The Shanghai Grand Theatre has successfully staged such shows and evenings as operas, musicals, ballets, symphonies, chamber music concerts, spoken drama and the Chinese operas. It has a high reputation both at home and abroad as many high officials and VIPs, both domestic and international, gave the highest praises of the theatre for its perfect combination of art and architecture.


With a total construction area of 62,803 square meters and a total height of 41 meters, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has 10 storeys, 2 for underground, 6 for above ground and 2 top floors. The new style architecture combines the Eastern and Western flavor together. The theatre represents a fine integration of new technology, new craft and new material. It looks like a crystal palace in the light at night.

The lobby of Shanghai Grand Theatre is approximate 2019 square meters with the white as its main tone, which signifies elegant and pure. The floor is made of a rare marble called "Greece Crystal White".


The Shanghai Grand Theatre has three theatres, a 1,800 seats main theatre for ballet, opera and symphony performances, this lyric theatre is divided into the auditorium, the 2nd-floor, the 3rd-floor and six balconies. The drama theatre has 750 seats and the studio theatre has 300 seats.

In addition to performances, the Shanghai Grand Theatre has a restaurant for tourists with an area of 1,600 square meters and a shopping center for audio-video products with an area of 2,500 square meters. Also there are VIP lounge, which is for government officials to meet world-famous artists and performing groups.

Now it has become an important window of cultural exchange between China and the world and a bridge of artistic ommunication.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall


It is located in the east of the City Hall.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall has a total floor space of 19 thousand square meters. It fully displays the achievements of Shanghai in city planning and construction and embodies the theme of “city, man, environment, and development”. The Exhibition Hall adopts modern exhibition technology and uses high-tech to achieve an integration of professionalism, knowledge, interest, and art, giving stress to the exhibition of the future of the city. Citizens and tourists can see the changes of the leased territory, the vicissitudes of the Bund, the achievements of Shanghai in urban planning and construction ever since the reform and opening-up of the country, in particular, since the 1990s, and the rapid changes of the Pudong New Area. Above all, they can see the bright future of Shanghai there. The main model of urban planning, which is in the proportion of 1:2019, exhibits the urban geography and scenery in an extent of a hundred and more square meters within the inner elevated ring road. It is the world’s biggest model of urban planning.

This amazing building contains an incredibly accurate model of the city in a couple of decades, complete with every tiny little detail and every single building! The model is huge and incredible. There is also a super-cool rotating statue of Shanghais modern buildings in the lobby.



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云寺位于浦东新区合庆镇庆丰村,原为猛将庙旧址。1993年12月,以当地种福庵、海潮寺、观音堂、三官堂、野三官堂、猛将堂六处庙主动统一规划,建为庆云寺。明阳法师入室弟子慧觉法师主持筹建。在庆丰村、庆丰实业总公司等鼎力资助下,寺前有大山门。接大山门的是天王殿,殿中供天官弥勒菩萨;其背后为护法韦驮。左右背壁为四大天王像。过天王殿,右侧为鼓楼,内供伽蓝菩萨。右侧为钟楼,铜钟重3吨。钟楼内供地藏王菩萨。大雄宝殿在最后,正殿供三世如来,法身高5米,连同莲坐、佛龛,共高9米。两侧为18罗汉坐像。其后还有500罗汉山。三世如来后壁,背靠千手大慈大悲观音菩萨。以当地种福庵、海潮寺、观音堂、三官堂、野三官堂、猛将堂六处庙主动统一规划,建为庆云寺。 有种福庵、海潮寺、观音堂、三官堂、野三官堂、猛将堂等庙宇.


上海是海纳百川的城市,中国几乎所有的菜系都汇聚上海,有着中华美食之称。世界各地的异域风味也能在上海觅到踪迹,不仅如此,各类风味快餐也总是在上海首先登近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高,上海人对于饮食的要求已从单纯的色、香、味、觉的品尝发展到了养身、防 ⒔∩怼⒚廊莸谋=∈沉疲上海的餐饮市场永远是高潮迭起。您可千万不要错过去美食街品尝美味佳肴的好机会。在上海吃饭有窍门,比如选饭店就要看大小,大了,厨房对客人照顾不过来;太小了,厨房的配料容易不齐。还要看客流量,食物新鲜非常重要,人少了菜料保持新鲜很难。因此,挑中型的餐馆最好,500平方米左右的。选餐馆的第一条件是看它的卫生,甚至看它的厨房、洗手间,卫生的关系很大,至少关系食物的新鲜程度。很多东西是不能隔夜的,比如鱼,差一天都不一样。




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hello everyone! Im Xiaochen, your guide. Im going to give you a fullexplanation. Look, this is the Disneyland youve been looking forward to for along time! Please follow me!

This is the smallest Disneyland in the world, but although the sparrow issmall, it has all kinds of internal organs. Its the smallest, but thereseverything in it. Youll know in a moment.

Disneyland includes four themes: American Street Town, fantasy world,adventure world and tomorrow world.

Lets start our magic journey in American street town. It is full ofnostalgic color, showing the era of replacing carriage with car. These nostalgicdesigns lead us into the magical kingdom and let us experience the world ofyesterday.

The next stop is fantasy world, where you can find your favorite Disneycharacters: Winnie, Mickey Mouse You are so lucky that I didnt have thesethings when I came here!

In the world of adventure, its very wonderful. The most dangerous thing isriver drifting. Our destination is Mount Tai cottage. We will encounter allkinds of dangers on the way. Ive prepared some toy rifles. Lets go and getthem! We have enemy information ahead! How could it be a toilet? Dizzy! Ah!There is a lion. What should I do when I meet him? There is a good saying:thirty six stratagems, run for the top stratagem! are you ready? Ladies andgentlemen, lets go!

Look, this is a new place and a good place for us to travel through space.Each amusement facility, shop and restaurant is decorated with robots,spaceships and floating stars, which will become a part of the space port. Youcan fly through the most exciting space, but people with carsickness and otherdiseases had better not go to play! Here is my favorite tomorrow world!

OK, please have a rest. Ill continue to explain to you later!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:六年级,导游,全文共 632 字

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