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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 28916 字

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hello, everyone,

we are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. this scenic spot is located at the center of beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs- it is simply a sea of palaces. this is the world – famous wonder – the palace museum.

the palace museum has served as the royal residence during the ming and qing dynasties. it was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years. the palace museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout beijing, is unique for its location: to the northwest is beihai(north sea) park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake; to the west is the zhongnahai (central and south sea); to the east lies the the wangfujing shopping street; and to the north id jinshan park. standing in the wanchun (everlasting spring) pavilion at the top of jingshan(charcoal hill) park, you overlook the skyline of the palace museum. at the southern end of the palace is tian` anmen (gate of heavenly peace) and the famous square named after it . this is the symbol of the people` s republic of china.

a world-famous historical site, the palace museum is on the world heritage list of unesco and is an embodiment of oriental civilization.

the palace museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area . it has 9000-strong rooms in it . according to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all .the whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the meridian gate in the south ,the gate of military prowess in the north, donghua(eastern flowery ) gate in the north, donghua ( eastern flowery) gate in the east and xihua(western flowery ) gate in the west. on each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge . encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the palace museum a self-defensive city-within-a city.

the palace museum was made a center of rule during the ming dynasty by zhun di, the fourth son of the founding emperor zhuyuanzhang. the whole complex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretches from yongding (forever stable) gate in the south to gulou (drum tower) in the north. prominence was given to the royal power by putting the “three main front halls” and “three back halls ”on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure around them .the construction of the palace museum involved manpower and resources across china. for example, the bricks laid in the halls ,known as “gold brick, ” underwent complex, two –dozen processes. as the final touch ,the fired bricks were dipped in chinese wood oil. involving complicated processes and high cost, these brick are called “golden bricks.” the palace museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to china` s ancient architecture. it reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the chinese working people. a carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences, the palace museum is a prominent historical and tourist site.

what we are now approaching is the main entrance to the palace museum-the meridian gate, which is characterized by red walls, yellow glazed –tile roofs and upturned eaves. on top of this walls, yellow glazed-tile roofs and upturned eaves. on top of this magnificent building ,there stand five lofty halls with a main hall in the center. the main hall is roofed by multiple eaves and covers a space of 9 room-units. it is flanked by two wings on each side .the wings are square in shape ,complete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles. all of these structures are connected by a colonnade. because these halls resemble a soaring bird, it was also know as wufenglou (five-phoenix tower) . inside the main hall there is a throne. drums and bells were stored in the wings. whenever the emperor presided over grand ceremonies or observed rites in the hall of upreme harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to mark the occasion.

as the legend goes, the meridian gate used to be a place where condemned ranking officials would be executed. this not true. however, flogging was carried out here by the ming emperors ,if a courtier falls afoul of the emperor, he would be stripped of his court dress and flogging with a stick .at one point the punishment became so harsh that a total of 11 people died from fatal wound on a single occasion .on the other hand, this building was also used to observe important occasions like the traditional chinese lantern festival (15th day of the first lunar month). on these occasions, chinese lanterns would be hanged and sumptuous banquets would be given in honour of the whole court of ministers and other ranking officials.

upon entering the meridian gate we began our tour of the palace museum. the river foowing in front of us is known as jin shui he (golden water river) and the five marbles bridges spanning it are known as the inner golden water bridges. the on in the middle was used exclusive by the emperor and its banisters were carved with dragon and phoenix designs. the bridges flanking the imperial one were reserved for princes and other royal members. the rest were used by palatines. aside from decoration, the golden water river was also dug as precaution against fire. most of the structures within the palace museum are made of wood. what is more ,according to ancient chinese cosmology, the south is the abode of fire, so this brook was dug on the southern tip of the palace. in this way, the palace museum reflects traditional chinese culture.

this building is called the gate of supreme harmony .in the foreground stand two bronze lions. can anybody tell which is male and which is female? the one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. the other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath its claw is female? the one on the east playing with a ball is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. the other on the west with a cub cuddling underneath its claw is female, representing prosperity the endless succession. a layout of the palace museum is posted by the entrance . from it ,you can see that the palace museum has two main parts: the forecourt and the inner court. the three main halls constitute the mainstay of the forecourt, and it was here that the emperor announced decisions and observed rites. behind the forecourt there is the inner court, consisting of major halls and the imperial garden .it was where the emperor attended state affairs, lived and enjoyed his luxurious life. the exhibition system of the palace museum involves historical court relics and articles of ancient art and culture. the palace museum houses nearly one million articles of rare treasure, or one sixth of the total number in all of china `s museums. there are the three main halls of the palace museum, built on a triple marble terrace . since most of china `s architecture is made of wood, the buildings cannot be too tall. to gain the height of the architecture, ingenious ancient artisans built the hall on a gigantic stone terrace .it is also to this end that not a single plant was grown in the square. on stairways of triple marble terrace there are 18 bronze tripods .the verandah is flanked by bronze tortoises and cranes, which served as symbols of longevity .on the east is a sundial, an ancient timepiece. on the west there is a grain measure suggesting that the emperor was just and equitable.

in the front and on each flank ,there is a pair of gilt bronze vats (caldrons ) molded during the reign of emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty .each of these weights 2 tons and is filled with water as a precaution in the event of a fire .the structure in the very middle is the hall of supreme harmony ,also known as the throne hall. it is 64 meters in width and is 38 meters from entrance to rear. with terrace exclusive ,the hall is 26.92 meters in height and is 35.03 meters in all .covering and areaof 2,377 square meters, the hall of supreme harmony is china` s largest exiting wooden structure. the hall is supported by 6 thick ,round pillars carved in a design of coiling dragons. as the holiest place in the hall, the ceiling and colored patterns were made of the finest material available at that time. the throne was placed on a terrace and is flanked by statues of elephants, luduan (a unicorn which could travel 18,000 kilometers a day and understand all languages), cranes and incense barrels .over the throne there is the caisson ,or covered ceiling ,which consists of a coiling dragon playing with a ball in its mouth .this ball is known as xuanyuan mirror ,and was supposedly made by a chinese emperor of remote times to serve as a reminder that thee rulers to follow were his hereditary heirs. the throne is made of nanmu and painted in gold .magnificently built and luxuriously decorated ,this hall did not serve as a place in which the emperor attended to daily affairs. he used his hall for major events such as his birthday, conferral of title of empress or dispatch of generals to war.

behind the hall of supreme harmony ,there sits the hall of complete harmony. this structure is square in shape .each side is 24.15 meters. this was the place where the emperor relaxed and greeted his courtiers before proceeding to the hall of supreme harmony to observe rites. this was also the place where the emperor prepared prayers or examined seeds and sowers bef ore he attended ancestral sacrifices or participated in snowing ceremonies. a grand ceremony was also held here once every 10 years for the emperor to genealogize the royal blood. there are two sedan chairs on display in the hall. behind the hall of complete harmony ,you will see the hall of preserving harmony, which was used as a place where imperial examinations were held. the imperial examination was the hignest level of competing for meritorious appointment under the feudal system dating back to the sui dynasty. china` s last imperial examination was held in 1904 during the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. to the rear of hall there is a marble ramp carved with cloud and dragon designs, the largest of its kind in the whole country . it is 16.57 meters in length, 3.07 meters in width, 1.7 meters thick and weighs 250 tons. it was quarried in fangshan county in suburban beijing. to bring this giant piece of stone to beijing people poured water onto the road and applied rolling blocks during the process.

we are now standing before the square of the hall of heaven purity. it served as a divide separating the forecourt from the inner court .this building is known as the gate of heavenly purity. emperor qianlong held court here. proceeding further north ,you can find three main rear halls ,i.e. the hall of heavenly purity. the hall of union and peace and palace of earthly tranquility. the hall of heavenly purity if flanked on either side by two gates named after the sun and moon .inside the enclosure there are 12 palaces and halls symbolizing constellations. all of the other buildings are centered around the palace of heavenly purity , which was meant to suggest that the monarch` s power was endowed by heaven. the empress and concubines lived in the inner court.

the hall of heavenly purity was where the emperor lived and attended to daily affairs. later the emperor moved to live in the palace of mental cultivation. looking up you can see a plaque bearing the chinese inscription “be open and above-board,” a manifesto to court struggle .behind the plaque a strongbox was stored containing a will bearing the name of the would –be royal successor. this approach of secretly selecting the next emperor was adopted by emperor yongzheng of the qing dynasty. two copies of the will were prepared .one was stashed by the emperor in person ,the other was placed inside the strong box behind the plaque. after the death of the emperor, the two copies would be compared and successor would be announced. it was in this way that emperor qianglong and others have ascended the throne.

behind the hall of heavenly purity you will see the hall of union and peace , which is indentical to the hall of complete harmony. it was there that the emperor received congratulations and tributes from imperial officials on major calender occasions , a total of 25 imperial seals are stored there. in the hall, you will see a plaque with the handwritten inscription of “we wei,” exhorting taoist doctrines.

further northward is the palace of earthly tranquillity, which once served as the living room of the empresses` . the hall was later converted into a sacrificial place .through the windowpanes on the eastern wall you can see the royal bed decorated with dragon and phoenix designs. this hall has also served as the bridal chamber of monarchs.

the gate of earthly tranquilliity leads to the imperial garden (known to westerners as qianlong` s garden ),which was used by the emperor ,the empress, and the concubines. a magnificent structure stands in the middle. it is called the qin `s an (imperial peace) hall. it is the only building in the palace museum that was built in taoist style. it served as a shrine to the taoist deity. the garden covers a space of 12,000 square meters ,and is 130 meters from east to the west and some 90 meters from north to the south. there are a dozen halls, verandahs, pavilions and waterside houses in the garden . on each of the fur corner there is a pavilion dedicated to the four seasons which is different in construction style and shape. the garden also features an imperial landscape. with rare trees and exotic rockery, the imperial garden served as a model for china` s imperial parks .in all ,a total of 10-strong building styles were applied.

the tall building we are now passing is the gate of military prowess, the back door of the palace museum. our visit is now drawing to a conclusion but the architectures of the palace are not . on the other side of the road is the 43-meter-hign charcoal hill , providing natural protection for the forbidden city. this was also an embodiment of china` s construction style-putting a pool in the front and a hill in the rear. now let` s climb up to wanchun (everlasting springs ) pavillion where we` ll have a great view of the palace museum.


Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall of Supreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragon pavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), to Tian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix”.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Park), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park was formerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.

The Working People’s Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( common Bridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and now it serves as an ornament.

The beast sitting on the top of the column is called” hou”, a legendary animal, which is said to have been a watcher of an emperor’s behaviour. He was doing such duties as warning the emperor against staying too long outside the palace or indulging in pleasure and urging him to go to the people for their complaints or return in due time. Therefore, the two pairs of beasts were given the names” Wangjunhui”( Expecting the emperor’s coming back) and “ wangjunchu”( Expecting the emperor’s going out) respectinvely.

In the old days, Tian’anmen, as a part of the Imperial City, was meant for important occasions. The two rows of chaofang( antechamber), on the sides behind the main gate, wre reserved for civil and military members of the government waiting for imperial audience and in front of the gate, were offices of imperial administration.

On October 1, 1949, chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed on Tian’anmen Rostrum the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Since then Tian’anmen has been the symbol of New Chinea. Chairman Mao’s portrait is hung above the central entrance, flanked by two slogans:” Long Live the Great Unity of the Peoples of the World”. Today , the splendour of Tian’anmen attracts million of visitors from all over the world. The Rostrum on its top was opened in 1988 to the public for the first time in its history. It offers a panoramic view of the Square and the city proper.

Tian’anmen Square

Situated due south of Tian’anmen, the Square has an area of 44 hectares( 109 acres) that can accommodate as many as one million people for public gatherings. It has witnessed may historical events in China’s modern history and is a place for celebrations on such festive days as international Labour Day on May 1st and national Day on October 1st.

Around the Square are several famous buildings:

1 The Great Hall of the People

This is one of the largest congressional buildings in the world. Built in 1959, the hall consists of three parts: a 10,000-seat auditorium in the center, a banquet hall in the north wing facing Chang’an Street, with a seating capacity of 5,000, and offices for the Standing Committee of the National Peoples’ Congress of China in the south. In addition, thirty-four reception chambers are named after various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly unde the Central Government, plus Hong Kong and Macao. Each is different from the other in decoration and furnishings to stress their local features.

2 The Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution

These two museums were also built in 1959. the museum of Chinese History houses a permanent exhibition in four parts, covering the entire process of Chinese history spanning from 1.7 million years ago to 1919:

1) The Primitive Society( 1.7 million years ago to the 21st century BC);

2) The Slave Society(21st century BC to 476 BC.);

3) The Feudal Society(475 BC. To 1840 AD.);

4) The Semi-Colonial and Semi- Fedual Society(1840 to 1919.)

The Museum of the Chinese Revolution covers the period from 1919 to 1949.

3 The Monument to the People’s Heroes

the monument was built in memory of thousands of martyrs who died for the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people. Its construction began on August 1, 1952 and was not completed until 1958. in the form of an obelisk, the Monument as made of more than 17,000 pieces of tranite and white marble. The purple piece inlaid in the front of the Monument was brought from Qingdao, Shandong Province. It is 38 meters(124ft 8 in) high, the loftiest of its kind ever seen in the country. Not only is it an historic memorial for immortal heroes, but also it is an artistic work of excellent architectural value.

On the front side of the Monument is an engraved inscription in Chinese characters written by Chairman Mao Zedong, which reads” Eternal Glory to the People’s Heroes!”. On the back of the Monument is an article written by Chairman Mao, but in Chinese calligraphy by the late Premier Zhou Enlai.

At the top of the Monument are eight gigantic carved wreathes of such flowers as peony, lotus and chrysanthemum, symbolizing nobility, purity, and fortitude. At the base of the monument are eight marble reliefs depicting the Chinese historic events since 1840. They are:

1) The Burning of Opium in 1840:

2) The uprising of 1851 in Jintian, Guangxi;

3) The Revolution of 1911;

4) The May Fourth Movement of 1919;

5) The May 30th Movement of 1925;

6) The Uprising of 1927 in Nanchang, Jiangxi;

7) The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression from 1937 to 1945;

8) The Victorious Crossing over the Yangtze River by the Peoples’s Liberation Army in 1949. This relief is flanked by two smaller ones—“ Supplying the Front” and “ Greeting the P.L.A.”.

4 Chairman Mao’s Mausoleum

Chairman Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Pepublic of China, passed away on Sepember 9, 1976. In commemoration of this great man, a mausoleum began to be constructed in November 1976, and was completes in August the following year. The Mausoleum was officially opened on September 9, 1977.

The mausoleum is surrounded by four groups of sculpture. East of the northern entrance is the sculpture depicting the period of the New Democratic Revolution( 1919-1949), and west of it is the one signifying the great achievements of the Chinese people during the period of slcialist revolution and construction since 1949. The sculptures in front of the southern gate are figures of workers, peasants soldiers, intellectuals, technicians and children.

Inside the Mausoleum are three main sections: A white marble statue of Chairman Mao is mounted on a platform in the front lobby. On the wall behind the statue is a 24-metre-long( 79-foot-long) tapestry, a fine needlepoint work with beautiful landscapes of the country.

In the main hall there is a crystal coffin, in which Chairman Mao’s body lies stately with the Communist Party’s flag covering over him.

On the wall of the southern lobby, a poem by Chairman Mao and in his own calligraphy is inscribed in gold inlay. It expresses his full great expectations for the country.

Tian’ anmen Square has now completed its renovation after eight months’ hard work to welcome the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic in 1999.


The Sujiawei Hakka Village Tourism Zone is a must for tourists who are interested in the Hakka culture and customs.

Bordering Dongjiang River in the north and Jiushe River in the south, the village is located in the Heshui Township, 26km away from the city of Heyuan.

Today the village is described as a “picturesque village in south china”, featuring old trees and houses, wild lands, bamboos and fresh air. Also it has a profound cultural history and is said to be the habitat of descendants of Su Shi, who also known as Su Dongpo, a famous Chinese literate in Northern Song Dynasty. Hence All people living in the village now are surnamed “Su”.

It also provides some performances for travelers to get a better known of Hakka culture such as their wedding customs. You can take part in the producing lines of making bean curd, wine or oil; or enjoy yourself in activities like fishing, swimming and boating.

The first spot we encounter is the Yingqing Bridge, where has a panoramic view of Sujiawei. The bridge is a place to welcome all families, relatives and friends.

Here is purple perilla park. The purple perilla can be used as medicine to cure cold, or purple dye or cooking. The origin of this park is as follows: one day one of Su Shi’s offspring passed by this place, he dreamed five old men pointed a big tree and told him it is perilla tree. When he woke up, he found this place is full of perilla, and the environment is quite beautiful, so he thought the old men would like he move the Su clan here. So after he came back, he always mentioned this dream to his late generations. To fulfill his this dream, over 700 years ago, the Su clan moved here and Sujiawei started its story.

From this purple perilla park to Pool lips estate, is gallery of Hakka villages gender culture, which shows the Hakka people’s moral ideas and customs, they think everything has two opposite extremes like negative and positive. In Hakka dialect, have a boy baby is named “tian deng”, the same pronunciation as “add a lantern”. So in Chinese lantern festival, any family which has a new boy baby will hang a big lantern in their ancestors’ shrine.

Later we will visit Sugong Shrine Yongsi Hall, Guanghua hall, Su school and Yi Jiang temple. You may find the Hakka architecture is well preserved here. These ancient buildings are square flat houses with dark blue bricks and roof tiles that belong to the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The oldest house, Yongsi Hall, was built in 1481 in memory of Su Dongshan, the eighth-generation descendant of Su Dongpo and as a place for the villagers to worship their ancestors and discuss important affairs.

Now we walk along the Dongjiang river and enjoy the Hakka folk music. At the riverside you see bamboo everywhere. Su Dongpo loved bamboo, he once said “I can eat without meat, but I can not live without bamboo. No meat to eat only makes me thin; but live without bamboo makes me vulgar”!

Walking so long time, are you a bit tired and thirsty? Let’s go to Her Workshops to taste Hakka traditional snacks and tea. There are tea leaf, sesame, peanut, red jujube and longan in the tea. Do you taste them?

Ok, after a break, we go to experience traditional Hakka wedding performance. If you are lucky to be chosen and act as the bridegroom, you will be invited to the stage and join their show.

The village also preserves many slogans printed on the walls during 1950s to 1970s, which are silent witnesses to Chinese modern history.

Do you see the big bamboo hats holding by bamboo sticks in line? It is farm four seasons gallery. On the bamboo hats marked farming planting and harvesting dates and festivals.

Finally we have 15-minutes free activity in the countryside vegetable fields. You may like farmers to pick fruits, vegetables you like in the fields.



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fellow friends:

hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dalis america of scenery.

first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is kings deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybody looked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jade er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebodys fame painter wu zuorens writing skill. looksthe sea building is understands "the jade er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:east side erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. but i first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we in the dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, also onlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, a hengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor, the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this 19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, the lotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak, the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, the jade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the setting sun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan 19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain stream flows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is: south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, the brocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck, hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald, longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. i firstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshan snow, is dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshan snow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quite a lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang once praised: "date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks".

cangshans cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathers the cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thick like splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is "looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". so-called "looks the husband cloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureau peakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls, about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance, the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called "jade belt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, after rainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside often can appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if the pure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuous dozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, "the jade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appears thenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. local painationality has the farmers proverb: "cangshan is the jade belt, thehungry dog eats the rice".

cangshans spring very is also famous. in 19 peaks the elevation hasmany mountains moraine lake in 3,800 meter above peak, this is thequaternary period glacier stays behind. also has that 18 brooks themountain stream, flies the waterfall to fold the spring, the fourseasons rushes down, in under clear sweet water seepage nourishing,cangshan fills the vitality. the moraine lakeside, the densely coveredvirgin forest and many precious forests, the strange flowers andplants, specially should tell everybody are, cangshans flowers andplants already fine reputation far broadcasts, moreover it also causescangshan to be famous far and wide. american professor luo lancasteronce said that, "has 1000000 in us to know the chinese yunnan the dalicangshan, because they all plant have many beautiful dali cangshan theindian azalea."

cangshans stone, renowned at home and abroad. guo moruo has "chantsmarble" the poem: "three towers are high ancient, along thinksloyalview year. the cangshan rhyme love affair, the wonderful stone spitsthe mist. outside the heart, coolly lives elbowarmpit. the day meritmanpower generation, the overseas compete the treasure biography."

cangshan has bred the marble, the marble is cangshans soul. this kindof magnificent wonderful stone, world many places all have, the alonedalis most wonderful america, also opens the people early, therefore,world every this wonderful stone is called "the marble", "dali" alsoraises the world because of shi erming.

fellow friends, our pleasure boat vanguard, now should introduce thisocean waves wan qing to everybody erhai itself.

erhai, ancient name kunming pond, er river, ye yu ze and so on;because it resembles the person ear, therefore erhai. its north andsouth long 42 kilometers, the thing extends 3-9 kilometer, the lakewaterfront long 117 kilometers, the area more than 250 squarekilometers; the hydraulic mean depth 10.5 meters, the deepest 21.5meters, the water-holding capacity 2.88 billion cubic meters, the areaand the water-holding capacity arrange in order the yunnan lakesecond, occupies seventh in the national fresh water lake.

south erhai has makes up the river and so on to pour into, westnatriumthe cangshan 18 mountain streams, east collect the polo river, dig thecolor river, the south side west er river are the only estuaries,after ripples red circles into lanchan river. erhai is the tectoniclake, the lake shore thing are many cliffwall, north southwest three arethe sandbars.

everybody looked, erhai water depth limpid, if the non- flaw beautifuljade, is beautiful incomparably, it is welcome each position by thebroad mind to come from the distant place guest. erhai is the chinafamous high land moor, as early as it has carried the annals in thehan dynasty.

"er sea month" is dali one of four given names scenery. if goes boatingerhai in the lunar calendar ten in may bright nights, its monthespecially bright, especially circle, its scenery elated: in thewater, the month circle like wheel, floats the light to swing thegold; the sky, the jade mirror high hangs, the clear splendor isshining, the bath leaves from erhai. looks that, looks, the water andsky shines, you unexpectedly cannot distinguish clearly are the daymonth fall the sea, or seamonth ascends to heaven. is er seamonth so whybright? the scientific conclusion is: first, erhai water qualityspecially pure, the transparency is quite high, its reflection greatlystrengthened; second, erhai sea level dust less, air fresh, causes thewater and sky to serve as contrast, the moonlight is brighter. inaddition, er seamonth is famous, but also lies in the pure white non-flaw the cangshan snow to produce an inverted image in erhai, seamonthenhances one anothers beauty with as pure as driven snow er, aconstitution silver dark green jade ers big marvelous sight.

with the cangshan snow, the er seamonth connected dali four given namesscenery also have guan hua, the hsiakuan wind. between erhai andcangshans dam, is a long shape silting alluviation plain. whennanzhao country, nearby two respectively builds a xiaocheng in thisstrip north and south, holds the important location, defends the kingsall safety. north name long shouguan, also called closes; southernregion name dragons tail pass, at once hsiakuan. on so-called closesthe flower, is refers closes "ten mile fragrant wonderful tree", thisflower originally shapings the street and shan sinei in on pass, itsflowered big like lotus, the year opens several hundred, the fragranceoverflows the four directions, the flower opens the season, the viewlike cloud. also therefore the tree ties the husk to be firm, may dofaces the bead, therefore the flower called "faces the pearl headornament". afterwards, this flower vanished. the first years, somepeople had it is said found it in the cangshan forest. west thehsiakuan wind refers to the er river valley to inject hsiakuan thewind, continues all year long, you takedong as is spring abundant, youas soon as enter hsiakuan to be allowed to feel the hsiakuan wind theexistence. it roars nearly every day, sweeps the street to put on thelane, holds up the bottom of garment uncovers the hat, caused hsiakuanobtained "the wind city" the nickname.

dalis love affair four given names scenery, has poem its string inthe same place, is advantageous for remembered, also quite has theappeal: the hsiakuan wind, on closes the flower, the hsiakuan windblows closes the flower; cangshan snow, er seamonth, er seamonth accordingto cangshan snow. speaks of here, asks each position to look our painationality girls embroider flowered baotou. you might not despise it,it have manifested the dali four given names scenery. please lookedthat, the breeze blows, nearby the ear snow white ear with the windfloatingly sprinkled, has appeared hsiakuans wind; in baotou gorgeousflowers, has represented the flower which on closes; the peak this is white silkhead, looked by far likes cangshan the snow; the entirebaotous shape same bright is moving on like erhais in crescent moon.



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大明湖是济南三大名胜之一。大明湖是一天然湖泊,最早见诸文字在1400多年前北魏郦道元所著《水经注》中,隋唐时名"历水陂"、"莲子湖",宋时又称"西湖",金代又称"大明湖"。其水来源于珍珠、濯缨、芙蓉诸泉,有"众泉汇流"之说。"恒雨不涨,久旱不涸"是其一大优点,并具"蛇不见,蛙不鸣"的自然生态之谜。现今大明湖位于济南旧城区内,公园面积86公顷,湖面46公顷,水深平均2米。"四面荷花三面柳一城山色半城湖"是她风景特色的写照。湖上鸢飞鱼跃,画舫穿行,岸边繁花似锦,游人如织。 湖畔有历下亭、铁公祠、南丰祠、汇波楼、北极庙和遐园等多处名胜古迹。
















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Ladies and gentlemen,

hello everyone! Im very glad to meet you in Nanping, the "North Gate" ofFujian Province. First of all, on behalf of Fujian longxingtianxia travelagency, I welcome you all. Im the general manager of the travel agency My nameis Chen. You can call me Xiao Chen. Sitting in front of us is our driver masterLiu. Although Master Liu is young, his driving skills are first-class. I believethat with his escort, our journey will be more comfortable and safe. Today, ouritinerary is Wuyishan, the beautiful blue water and Danxia. If you need any helpin this trip, you can tell Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen also wishes you a happy and fulljourney.

Its about 10 minutes drive from your hotel to JIUQUXI scenic spot. NowId like to introduce the general situation of Wuyishan and JIUQUXI: Wuyishan isone of the first batch of key scenic spots announced by the state in 1982, andit was listed in the world cultural and natural heritage list by UNESCO inDecember 1999. Wuyi Mountain belongs to Danxia landform. In the past tens ofthousands of years, due to the crustal movement, the landform has beenconstantly changing, forming the unique "three three", "six six", "seventy-two"and "ninety-nine". Three three three "refers to the Jiuqu River we will visitnext," six six "refers to thirty-six peaks, seventy-two caves and ninety-ninemountains, Wuyi Mountain, blue water and Danshan, Wuyi Mountain is known as"qixiujia Southeast". There is no intense heat in summer and no severe cold inwinter. The warm and humid climate provides superior water and heat conditionsfor the plants in Wuyi Mountain. Therefore, Wuyi Mountain has dense forests,flourishing flowers and fragrant flowers. It is suitable for tourism all theyear round. Wuyi Mountain is the most important landscape in central Fujian. Thesoul of Wuyi mountain lies in Jiuqu stream, which originates from Huanggangmountain in Wuyi Mountains. The stream twists and turns around the mountain,forming nine curves. Each curve has its own unique style. Visitors can not onlyenjoy the thrill without danger by riding bamboo rafts and rushing down thestream, but also see the mountain scenery when they look up and enjoy the watercolor when they look down You can listen to the sound of the stream and reachfor the clear stream. I believe the journey will be very pleasant.

OK, members, now we have arrived at the wharf of Jiuqu River. Beforegetting off the bus, Id like to introduce the precautions for taking a bambooraft: first, six people should take a bamboo raft, please assemble freely;second, they should be modest and give way to each other to avoid falling intothe water; third, they should follow the instructions of the rafters and dontwalk on the bamboo raft.

Well, friends, just now we have visited nine to three of the Jiuqu streams.Now we are in the second of the Jiuqu stream. The tall and straight mountain infront of us is Yunv peak. Yunv peak is the most famous landscape in WuyishanScenic Area and also the symbol of Fujian tourism. The jade girl peak and themajestic King peak face each other across the river, like a pair of loyallovers. The peak on the left is called "tiebanzhang", which lies between the twopeaks. It may be a scene of emotion. There is a moving folk story here. It issaid that long ago, Wuyishan was a place full of floods and wild animals. Thecommon people suffered a lot. One day, a young man came from afar to witness thedisaster. He led the people to cut the mountain, cut the stone and dredge theriver. After unremitting efforts, the flood was finally cured, and the dredgedriver course is todays Jiuqu River. The excavated sand and stones are stackedto form thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine rocks. Once upon a time, the jade girlin the sky was fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Wuyi Mountain when she wastraveling. So she secretly stayed in the world and fell in love with thishardworking and brave young man who was called the king. Unfortunately, the ironghost knew about this. He told the jade emperor about it. The Jade Emperor wasso angry that he ordered to arrest the jade girl and return to the heaven, TheJade Emperor had no choice but to turn them into stones and separate them on thetwo banks of the Jiuqu River. In order to please the Jade Emperor, the ironghost turned into a big stone and watched their actions day and night. Theycould only look at each other with tears in their eyes.

Under the jade girl peak is a clear and green bath pool. It is said that itis the place where the jade girl bathes. There is a huge stone in the pool. Itis said that it is a token of love given by the king to the jade girl. The rockon the right side of the jade girl peak is engraved with the word "Jingtai",which is five feet square. The font is neat and handsome. You can see it severalmiles away. It is the largest cliff stone carving in Wuyishan Scenic Area.

Rafting over tiebanzhang, you will arrive at a bend of Jiuqu River. Undertiebanzhang, there is a huge stone, which is called "shuiguangshi". It is aboutseveral feet high. Every sunny evening, the setting sun is reflected on the rockwall, and its reflection will be reflected on the clear and green stream. Thereare many inscriptions on the rock, especially the inscription of Qi Jiguang, afamous Anti Japanese general in Ming Dynasty. The peak behind shuiguangshi isDawang peak, while the lion like peak on the right is lion peak.

Well, dear friends, todays tour has come to an end. Thank you very muchfor your support and cooperation. I hope my service can satisfy you. If there isanything not thoughtful in the service, please forgive me. You are also welcometo put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions. Thank you and welcome tocome again.



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Hello, tourists! Welcome to Wuyishan. Im your guide today. My name isOuyang. If you are satisfied with me. Lets call me Ou Dao. Our schedule todayis to go sightseeing, that is, in the morning and in the afternoon.

Wuyishan is a world dual cultural heritage (World Natural and culturalheritage). )As the saying goes: Guilins landscape is better than Wuyis. Its agreat honor for you to have a glimpse of Wuyi Mountain. We are walking throughZhuxi garden now. We warm up before climbing to the top of the mountain -climbing a miraculous little line of sky. The friends who walk in either useflashlights or stare at the light on their heads. They have to help the side tomove forward. Its wide at both ends and narrow in the middle. Pay attention tosafety. And if there is bat stool fall on you, dont panic, its a blessing. Howkind of, after a day, thrilling, and you all can have a day, that means you areall national standard figure, dont have to lose weight. (the introduction ofxiaoyitian is exquisite and mature. )

Now you are standing at the foot of Tianyou peak, the highest, steepest,characteristic and most dangerous peak in Wuyi Mountain. You look up as if thereare many high, low and zigzag steps on the big stone. The chain escalator seemsto be hanging from the sky. The steps are all made of stone. Only two or threepeople can stand on each step. There are more than 800 steps in total. If youare interested, you may as well count while climbing. Later, you can see who hasthe most accurate number. Halfway up the mountain, we look back and look down:green vegetation - trees, flowers and crops, like a carpet, and the stream yousee is the famous Jiuqu stream. Look, the winding Jiuqu River is like a silkmirror. The tea gardens are really like human footprints. Lets look forward andlook up. Its like a group of people carrying bones. Originally, it was only anhours journey, because there were so many people. It took us two hours to getto the top of the mountain. Everyone worked hard. Could you tell me how manysteps there were? Yes, it was 826. If you look to the west, thats San JiaoFeng. If you look to the East, thats Dawang Feng. Looking down, you can have apanoramic view of the whole landscape of Wuyi Mountain. No wonder Xu Xiake said:this peak should be the first. This is the end of the tour of Tianyou peak.Please have a rest. The next stop is to row bamboo rafts. (to introduce Tianyoupeak in the order of the itinerary, to grasp the characteristics, or to focus onthe scene and feelings, or to focus on the history, just like the officialcommentary, lifelike. )

Now we are at the upper reaches of the Jiuqu River, which is the soul ofWuyi Mountain. It turns from west to East into Jiuqu, so it is called JiuquRiver. Its drainage area is 5 square kilometers, the whole course is 9.5kilometers, the average width is 7 meters, each song has a different scenery.The so-called person in the middle of the painting not only refers to theLijiang River, but also refers to the Jiuqu River. Later we will see thebeautiful jade girl peak, the majestic King peak and the stout iron plate peak.They also spread a touching folk story: it is said that a long time ago, thedaughter of the Jade Emperor went down to earth to play. When she passed WuyiMountain, she was fascinated by the scenery here, so she secretly stayed in theworld and fell in love with the hardworking young man. However, these thingsmade the ironclad monster understand, so he told the jade emperor about it. TheJade Emperor was very angry and fell in love with him The Jade Emperor had nochoice but to turn them into stones and separate them on both sides of the JiuquRiver. The iron plate monster was also turned into a big stone and inserted inthe middle of them. The two of them had to look at each other. Next, you can siton the bamboo rafts and enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Strait.Every stone there has a beautiful legend; every mountain has a moving story;every antique has a puzzle; even every tea tree has a wonderful song (searchingfor the typical scene of Jiuqu River, combining with relevant information andmaking the finishing point with beautiful legend, which is impressive. )

Im very glad that we have finished the days sightseeing. I hope you willremember todays happy journey. (a typical guide style language is used tofinish the farewell, which is in harmony with the language style of the fulltext.



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初次见面,所以在这里呢,送给大家一首歌作为见面礼了:要欣赏先鼓掌(停顿),鼓掌的都是董事长:你未曾见过我,我未曾见过你,年轻的朋友一见面啦,情投意又合。 你不用介绍你 我不用介绍我 年轻的朋友在一起呀 比什么都快乐 溜溜的她哟,她哟我哟 心儿咿个嘿嘿嘿 心儿咿个嘿嘿嘿





























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