英文求职信精彩12篇 求职信怎么写精选20篇






范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 408 字

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Life needs to own the building, not the same way, it is not the same as life. Life is no dress rehearsal, live every day! Today graduate and my lack of experience, but I will learn, work actively, loyal and responsible to do their jobs. It has a strong ability to accept and adaptability sincerely hope to get the opportunity to pick about your organization or giving interviews to further test my abilities.




范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 616 字

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Im an optimistic guy, during the school participated in a number of community activities, such as student and Guitar Club, etc., which I learned a lot of practice doing things and to get to know a lot of good friends, but also to enrich themselves life. I like to play, then the usual singing and playing guitar, I like these hobbies to enrich their leisure life, community work and leisure activities combine the fun of life is my favorite, really hope to set foot Social find a job also able to maintain it in a state when the work to work and leisure time to do the things you like, this is what I expect of life.



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 1374 字

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学生简历是比较特殊的。因为学生的工作经验很少,写不出东西来,显得页面不够丰满。要按我们在前面讲的格式,也很尴尬。因此我们在这里特别介绍一些弥补的技巧: 1.教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 2.奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。 3.拉长句子。每个句子都可加入一些词拉长一些。其实拉长并不难,难的是缩短。 4.自然地多换行,多写点句。 5.加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。 6.社会工作细节放在工作经历中。这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么,联系过什么,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。如果只做过一件事,那就应该尽量把它掰开了写,如领导过多少人,完成了什么事,起到了什么作用。这样一来,起码就有了三行。如果做了更多的事,一件一行就可以了。行文简洁的原则还是要遵守的。 7.暑期工作。作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。不过即使实在没有,就算是在父母的单位呆过几天,也不妨写上。这样也算是显得接触过社会,了解了些行业,做过了些工作。但您一定要能说上几句才写在简历上。否则将来面试时,您恐怕会被问得张口结舌,显得很尴尬。 8.中学情况。不过这方面的内容不要写太多。有的人中学经历特辉煌,做过学生会主席、当过团支部书记,学习成绩也名列前茅。其实中学成绩如何如何好是最没有参照性的,除非是北京四中这样的全国知名学校,否则作用不大,因为最重要的还是您当前的情况。当然,如果您在中学时得过国际奥林匹克比赛大奖或全国性的大奖,不妨提上一笔。 另外,写英文简历还需要特别注意以下几点 1.绝无拼写错误。现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(Spelling Check),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。因此这是完全不能容许的错误。 2.小心相近字。这是拼写检查查不出的错误,要尤为小心。例如,有一位专业是经济学的同志,他本应写Major: Economics(专业:经济学),但却误写成了Mayor: Economy,摇身一变,成了主管经济的市长。 3.避免明显的语法错误。这并不是说一点儿语法错误都没有,因为英语毕竟不是咱们的母语,稍微有一点小错,别人也是能够谅解的。 4.请友人帮忙看一下,这是非常有效的一个方法。一是从拼写、语法、句式等方面来看,有无错误;二是从构思的角度上来看,有没有更合适、更恰当的表达。旁观者清,换一个角度,别人经常能提出一些特别好的建议来。 5. Objective写不写?有人写,有人不写。其实写和不写各有利弊。如果写上,当然显得目标明确,非这个行业、这个部门不可,但同时也就限制了您在别的行业发展的可能性。比如,毕业生在申请象时明确写上了所选部门,那么万一这个部门没有录用您,而您又好象非这个部门不可,您就很可能失去了在其他部门工作的机会。但如果您什么都不写,雇主参照您的背景和一些测试的结果也许认为您更适合别的部门,这样您就可能获得新的机会。通常美式简历的规范写法都是不写Objective的。



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 664 字

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对许多人来讲,一份简约明快的英文简历是进入外企的“敲门砖”。那么,如何写好英文简历呢? 首先,语言简练。对于求职者来讲,目的明确、语言简练是其简历行之有效的基础。 如在教育背景中写相关课程,不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 其次,个人资料部分(PERSONALDATA)。包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简历大体一致。第二部分为教育背景(EDUCATION),必须注意的是在英文简历中,求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的最高教育层次(学历)写起,至于低至何时,则无一定之规,可根据个人实际情况安排。 第三,社会工作。在时间排列顺序上亦遵循由后至前这一规则,即从当前的工作岗位写起,直至求职者的第一个工作岗位为止。求职者要将所服务单位的名称,自身的职位、技能写清楚。把社会工作细节放在工作经历中,这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。而作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。 第四,所获奖励和作品(PRICE&PUBICATION)。将自己所获奖项及所发表过的作品列举一二,可以从另一方面证实自己的工作能力和取得的成绩。书写上奖学金一项一行。 另外,大多数外企对英语(或其他语种)及计算机水平都有一定的要求,个人的语言水平、程度可在此单列说明。



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:文秘,全文共 1483 字

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I " Daily" on the advertisement, that your intention to recruit a manager secretary, wrote a special venture candidates.

Two months later, I am from the hotel property management business school graduate. Height 1.65cm, dignified appearance, good temperament. In school, I systematically studied the introduction of modern management, social psychology, Hotel Management Studies, hotel financial accounting, hotel management, hotel and catering management, the lobby of the hotel management, hotel marketing, hotel property management, property management, residential Area property management, application writing, etiquette school, professional courses in English. Outstanding achievements, has more than paper. Familiar with computer operation and English through the national levels, fluent spoken English, some knowledge in Japanese, Cantonese, Putonghua with ease.

The second half of last semester, I have a five-star hotel rooms do laboratory internship two weeks, the accumulation of a number of practical work experience. I love the hotel management, to become a member of your hotel, and we can work together to encourage hotel developments make every effort to do a good .

My biographical notes and be accompanied by related materials, such as give me the opportunity to interview, I would be honored.

Contact Address: Guangzhou Institute of Business and Technology Department of the hotel property management 510,5 Contact Tel: 1391



Job seekers were:



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1470 字

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1, I am a warm and cheerful personality, to be friendly, honest and humble man. Work hard, serious and responsible, hard-working, due diligence, patience. With affinity, approachable, good at communication.

2, lively and cheerful, optimistic, broad interest, adaptable, quick, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, hard work and courage to meet new challenges.

3, faithfulness, principle, said to do, never shirk responsibility; have self-control, do things always adhere to the beginning and end, never halfway; willing to learn, do not evade the problem, willing to learn from others; , Not self-centered; willing to praise the humble attitude to accept the superior, authoritative; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into the work; approachable. Honest, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, a strong team spirit, work proactive, serious attitude.

4, I am cheerful, sincere, optimistic, broad interest, has a strong organizational capacity and adaptability, and has a strong management planning and organization and management coordination.

5, more than four years of military college life, let me in a good learning atmosphere, continue to learn medical knowledge, and actively participate in social practice, and constantly enrich and improve themselves, always with the military standard requirements themselves, not only been repeatedly rated as excellent Students, but also have a clinician must have the quality.



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 887 字

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Dear Mr. Director,

I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in recommending qualified personnel to muti-national companies and suggests that I contact you for recommendation.

During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international commercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after Chinas entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted.

I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Lius letter of recommendation.

I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national company, to which I will dedicate myself.

Truly yours,



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 2656 字

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Dear Sir,

I would like to inquire about the position of laboratory research assistant in the field of biochemistry that you advertised in on July 10.

I am twenty-eight years old. In 1996 I received my MSc in Boichemistry from ABC University. As a student I took many Chemistry and Biology courses such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry.

As I was a graduate student, I worked as a research assistant for Dr. Wang Williams, Professor of Biochemistry, BBC California. During this time I assisted Dr. Wang in basic research concerning the genetic generation cycle in metabolism. I can supply you with a copy of the resulting paper at your request.

Since my graduation I have been employed by MMC University as an assistant professor. I have continued my research in this time, and several of my papers have been published in Paris. My immediate superior, Dr. William Smiths, has indicated his willingness to provide me with a reference.

I feel that I have sufficient education and experience in my background to fulfill the qualifications for your position. I hope that you will schedule me for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours


Dear Sir,

I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your corporation.

In 1981, graduated from the Powerman Course and Electrical Equipment Repair Course of the U.S. Engineer College and also graduated from the Management Course of Industrial College of the U.S. University in 1985.

I have just returned from the United State. I would like to work in your corporation. I believe that I can perform well under your leadership.

I sincerely hope that you could give me an opportunity of first of all.

Enclosed herewith are three copies of the U.S. diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.

Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Yours very truly


Dear Sir,

I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.

I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.

I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.

I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment. I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable.

If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 1237 字

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April 13, 20xx

P.O. Box 36

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 1388 字

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I have been to work since 20xx, has engaged in technical, production manager, marketing manager, production vice president, director and other post production work, familiar with the manufacturing enterprises of production planning, logistics management and control process to control a certain amount of manufacturing Technology and equipment knowledge, and work in the long-term accumulated valuable technical, production, logistics, quality management, manufacturing process on the set, on-site planning to have a more solid foundation. I have excellent leadership and team work spirit and extensive knowledge, adaptable, good at thinking and innovation. Familiar with the ISO9001 system can efficiently run, familiar with ERP system operation procedures, to the preparation and implementation of the operation of various departments to develop enterprise management system processes and can be skilled in using quality management system and the transformation of production systems to manage the enterprise. Sincerely hope we can have opportunities to cooperate with you and seek common development.

本人自20xx年参加工作以来,先后从事过技术员、生产部经理、营销部经理、生产副总,生产厂长等岗位工作,熟悉制造型企业的生产计划,物流管控流程,掌握了一定的制造业工艺及设备的相关知识,并在长期工作中积累了宝贵的技术、生产、物流、质量管理经验,对制造型的工艺设定,现场规划有较为扎实的基础。 本人具有优秀的领导才能和团队工作精神,知识面广,适应能力强,善于思考和创新。熟悉ISO9001体系且能有效运行,熟悉ERP系统操作流程,能编制及实施各部门运作流程并制定企业管理制度,能熟练运用质量管理体系及生产系统改造对企业进行管理。 真诚希望能够得到与贵公司合作的机会,共谋发展。



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:大学,外贸,全文共 4959 字

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〖name〗cocoon huang 〖sex〗male 〖native place〗guangdong prov. meizhou city  〖date of birth〗1979.10 〖school〗 zhongshan university, guangzhou  〖degree〗 master 〖major〗 applied mathematics 〖direction〗 image processing and pattern recognition 〖tel〗 020-84112378 〖e-mail〗 〖homepage〗 〖address〗 grade 02 master, maths department, zhongshan university, guangzhou 510275  objectivea teacher in college engaged in basic teaching and research, especially in applied mathematics, software design, pattern recognition and computer vision. a position in a company offering the opportunity to utilize my professional expertise such as software research and development, information management and analysis.  educationtimeschoolremark1992.9--1998.7meixian gaoji schoolget excellent achievement in study, be recommend for admission to high school, be commissary for study and sport of the class.1998.9--2002.7zhongshan universitymajor in applied mathematics and minor in computer software, be well in study, especially in the main courses of mathematics, be assistant monitor of the class.2002.9--2005.7zhongshan universityapplied mathematics, digital image processing and pattern recognition, fallow d. q. dai. do well in study and be monitor of the class. computer abilitiesprogram language: c/c++(excellent), pascal, sql(fluent), asp, javascript, matlab.development platform: delphi(familiar), cbuilder, visual c, turbo c, dreamweaver.program interface and class library: windows sdk, vcl, mfcdatabase: sql sever(fluent), oracle(know about) operating system and protocol: windows 95/98/2000,linux,tcp/iptheory base: data structure, discrete maths, database system, operating system.project: solve linear program problem, integration affair management system, management system for clothing manufactory, , etc. mathematicswell-established in wavelet analysis and image processing. fluent in main mathematic courses such as mathematics analysis, linear algebra, differential eguation, probability and statistic, real function, functional analysis, etc. languages skillpassed the cet. 4 and cet. 6, have a certain degree of both spoken and written english. be good at reading english papers to research and development. research2002.9 - now center of computer vision, maths dept., zhongshan university involved in wavelet analysis, pattern recognition, multi-statistics, image processing, computer vision, etc. and took part in some scientific and teaching projects.realized a new image fusion algorithm based on wavelet and get good effect.realized some common algorithms for face recognition such as pca and lda.realized some image compress algorithms such as based on fft, dct,fwt.realized a face recognition algorithm based on support vector machine.be studying the application of wavelet packet in face algorithm, and be ready to write a paper "a new method for face recognition based on local discriminant bases and fisherface".took part in some learned meeting.be a teacher of "network and database", which is the main course of grade 2001, adult education, and get well remark. in the next term, i will continue to be the teacher of a course about network. experiencein the underclassman, be a family teacher for 3 terms and get excellent effect.summer vacation of sophomore, in a network company (), developed a mis independently being a programmer.since junior, being a programmer and the project principal of a lab of department of computer science, studied, analyzed, designed, developed, and maintained a lot of mis and website for business. senior, established a self-governed studio - with several classmates and managed for it.2002.1, took the offer letter of software designer of nortel, and have a technical training for a month in guangdong research and development center of nortel. ) certificate1999-2000, 3th class bursary of zhongshan university.2001, no. 1 of the program compete of "linear program".2002-2003, excellent member of zhongshan university.2003,get sofeware engineer certificate of the examination of computer software of chinacet. 4, cet. 6, bachelors degree in applied maths, minor degree in computer software, masters degree. activities in undergraduate, have a passion in taking part in kinds of activities, such as being family teacher, joined the student union, and took part in sports, be monitor, etc.in postgraduate, be the minister of information department of graduate union, be the monitor of my class, be the chief of erhu of nation music incorporation. be interested in football and tabletennis. qualifications well-established professional knowledge, wide knowledgeactive, responsible, reliable and hardworking, self-confident, cooperative.



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 1278 字

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April 13,2000 P.O. Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. With many thanks, Wang Lin



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 2263 字

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许多求职者都有向用人单位发送求职信去应聘工作的经历,求职信是你取得成功的关键。如今不少求职信都是要求是用英文来撰写的,特别是应聘一些外企职位的时候。那么如何才能用地道流利的英语来写好一份求职信呢?今天,就在这里教你几招。    和简历一样,求职信越简单明了越好,因为用人单位决不会在一份简历上花过多的时间。因此,如何通过“扫描关”就显得犹为重要了。    秘笈1 写好开头    首先应该表明你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,如:(1)In answer to your advertisement in(媒体名称,括号里只要按照实际情况填写,下同)    for(职位名称),I wish to tender my services.(2)With reference to your advertisement in(媒体名称)for(职位名称),I respectfully offer myself for the post.    秘笈2 自我介绍    通常在这段里介绍你的工作经验,特别需要注意的是,和所应聘工作无关的经历就不要赘述了,如:(1)I have been serving for over(数字)years in(以前供职单位).(2)I have had(数字)yearsexperience with(以前供职单位)as a(以前职务).    秘笈3 说明原因    这里包含两个方面的原因,一是离开现职的原因,二是申请新职位的原因,如:(1)My reason for leaving my present employer is    that I wish to get into the(申请职位的性质,如:advertising)business.(2)I left the office on account of the     discontinuance of the business.    秘笈4 证明能力 这部分非重重要,因为这体现你究竟能为公司做些什么,直接关系到求职的成功率,但是也要注意一定要用最少的文字表达最多的意思。还是那句话,和所应聘职位无关的能力(包括证书、资格等),也应该坚决予以剔除,如:(1)I have received a special English education(你的专业),and have a fair command of Japanese(你的副业).In addition,I know a little French.(2)During my education,I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed TEM-8(你所通过的水平测试或其它职业技能考核),but more important I can communicate with others freely in English(你个人的能力,尤其是强项).My  ability to write and speak English is out of question.    秘笈5 关于薪水    这是个比较敏感的问题,如果一定要在信中提及的话,也是可以应付的,如:(1)I am willing to serve on trial(试用)for some months at a low salary.(2)I should require a salary of2,000RMB a month to begin with.    秘笈6 当心结尾    成功的求职信决不是虎头蛇尾的,往往会在此提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视,如:(1)I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.(2)I should appreciate the privilege of an interviews.I may be reached by letter at the address given below(如这样使用的话,就要在后面附上你的联系地址),or by telephone at 88888888(你的电话号码).    秘笈7 注意附件    这个部分视具体情况而定,如果有详细的简历,或者是用人单位需要的材料,附在求职信中时,需要注明,如:(1)Enclosed please find a resume,a photo and an autobiography.(2)A copy of my transcript is enclosed.    另外还有一些内容虽然不属于求职信的一部分,但是也不能忽视,如求职信的用纸,一般采用A4幅面的纸张,正文用打印机打印出来,信末必须亲笔签名。打印字体不宜过大,这样会增加篇幅,也不宜太小,给别人增添麻烦。字体不要采用花体,用黑体、宋体、仿宋就可以了,显得正式而尊重。如没有特殊情况,尽量少用彩色。总之简洁大方就可以了,不要弄得过于花哨。    最后,将求职信装入信封,就可以寄递了。有关写求职信的其它技巧,在你求职的过程中,一定也有心得,所以总而言之,祝你好运了!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 2176 字

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I just graduated from a junior. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother in the garment business, the younger brother is also a college student. I am optimistic personality is a person who likes to communicate with others. I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends who are very fond of sports. All the spare time, I will some on my classmates and friends to exercise together. Movement of the happy is very real. I like that feeling. And I like to watch sports events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf.

Some of my favorite sports idols such as . Finally, I want to say is very pleased to be able to apply for this position today, the movement of professional, believe in your company some training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And would love the job. Please give me the chance.

I am a third-year students have just graduated. My hometown in Guangdong, is a family of four, my father and mother engaged in garment business, the younger brother is also a university student. I am optimistic personality, is a person who likes to communicate with others. I like sports, especially basketball and tennis. Many of my friends are very fond of sports people. Any time after school, I will some friends on my classmates to physical exercise. Movement which is very real pleasure. I like that feeling. I would also like to watch sporting events, such as basketball, soccer, tennis and golf, I have some favorite sports idols such as . Finally, I want to say is that today this is very pleased to be candidates for the sport, profession, believe in your company a number of training and learning, I believe I can do the job. And will fall in love with the job. Please give me such an opportunity

I am going to introduce myself to you today. My name is . By the end of July, I will become 12 years old. Being an elementary school girl, I am very proud of my talent in drawing, singing, and dancing. Moreover, I love talking in Chinese and English. I think the most interesting thing in life is acquiring knowledge. I want to become a doctor in the future. Thank you for listening to my presentation.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 477 字

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health care professional experienced in management, program development and policy making in the united states as well as in several developing countries. expertise in emergency medical services. a talent for analyzing problems, developing and simplifying procedures, and finding innovative solutions. proven ability to motivate and work effectively with persons from other cultures and all walks of life. skilled in working within a foreign environment with limited resources.



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:护士,全文共 1553 字

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dear mr. chamberlaine:


i am a 04 session of hubei medical college senior students, immediately facing the graduate work is about to embark on, which will have a bearing on my future, so i did a careful selection, your hospital has always been my first employment goals, so i decided to submit this self-recom#mendation and sincere leadership, as the hospital to express their determination! thank you to continue to read my self-recom#mendation !

as before admitted to the universities to determine their own goals in life to be a "white angel" , so do so as soon as i started to learn medical knowledge, the four-year period in school, i not only com#pleted the outstanding achievements the university of courses, but also other medical knowledge often expo, including nursing, pathology, or microbiology, bacteriology, surgery .... in a series of professional medical knowledge, in order to enrich themselves to faster access to social role, i also participated in a school sponsored organizations have served as chairman of the student experience as i set foot on these jobs provided an important experience, i believe i can unite colleague, and leadership, the patient ... live in harmony!

because i am a fresh graduate, i am well aware that their knowledge remains in the realm of theory, which is why i am even more urgent need for your hospital can give me the opportunity to practice, i have to play their professional for patients the most serious medical services, for your contribution to the development of the hospital my light and heat!



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 610 字

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I am honest and humble, confident and friendly, friendly, hard working, patient. By working at this time that I learned how to communicate with people, treat people, my job performance has been recognized and praised the leadership of the company, and in order to improve my knowledge of Putonghua and human resources management, Iparticipated in the Putonghua level test and training of human resources management division of the training, access to the Mandarin and human resources management division certificates. Here, Ill do better, we continue to learn more extensive knowledge and practical experience.



范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 502 字

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1.中式。 如果中英文简历一起递交,建议中文不写政治面貌,因为如果去外企工作,背景中的政治色彩越少越好,起码没必要让老外知道。 性格是一个主观的东西,有经验的招聘人员从来不相信任何人自己写的性格,因为它不是一个硬性的东西,不象学历、技能。有些人如果认为要招聘一个比较活跃一点的,便会在简历中写性格开朗,有的是真相信自己性格开朗,有的是觉得写上开朗更好,其实没必要。 身高体重,向外资求职时,就不必写了,因为属于特别隐私性的内容,写了显得不了解国外文化。 2.港式。 香港出版的简历书写技巧书籍中都要求写年龄、婚否,报纸的招聘广告中还要求求职者写上工资现状及预期工资,这些都属于隐私问题,美式简历则不要求提供这些信息。 3.美式。 国际大公司中比较流行,一页纸,是我们重点参考的样式。美式简历书写格式也有十几种,有些书籍登载了上百种样本,但我们所介绍的式样是美国大公司中比较流行的,如华尔街的投资银行、大的咨询公司、工业公司、制造业公司、营销业公司等都采用这种式样;同时,我们也参考了三个名牌学校--哈佛商学院、沃顿商学院和哥伦比亚商学院的简历样本,式样大同小异,这里主要以哈佛商学院的为主。



范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 740 字

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范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 829 字

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Dear Sir/Madam:

Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative

person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who"s been around for a while.

If you"ve been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

Ten years of working experience. Solid background fwin the management of creative up-and-comers.

Know new technologies that show instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.

This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. Please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.

With many thanks.



范文类型:求职应聘,自我评介,全文共 802 字

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Dear Sir,

Your advertisement for a network programmer on Talents Plaza of Dec. 26 interested me because your requirements closely parallel my work experience.

You will find enclosed a resume of my education record and business experience together with 2 copies of references. Honestly, I have proficient computer skills and I hold College English Test Band 4 certificate and law school certificate ( self-taught)

My chief reason for applying is to seek greater opportunity for advancement in a transnational, well respected corporation as yours.

Mr. David Williams of your company, Nanjing Branch knows me quite well and would provide further

information about my qualification and suitability later this week.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

I appreciate a personal interview soon.

Truly yours
