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located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million.

special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms.

visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival.

shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours, rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, japanese young womens tours, honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours.

the bund

the well-known bund is a must for visitors to shanghai. fifty-two buildings lining the narrow shoreline of the huangpu river offer a living exhibition of gothic, baroque, roman, classic revival and renaissance architectural styles, as well as combinations of chinese and western styles. they are also a condensation of the recent history of the city. the wide embankment offers ample room for strolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. in the evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering image deserving of the name pearl of the orient.

the yu garden

the yu gardens are a classical landscape in the southern chinese style with a history of more than 400 years. pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds display the finest in landscaping from the southern style as seen in the ming and qing dynasties. more than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls, winding corridors, and lattice windows.

peoples square

peoples square has become the political and cultural center in shanghai since 1994, when it was rebuilt. in and around the square are a massive fountain named the light of huangpu river, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups of relief carvings that depict the history of shanghai, the new shanghai museum, the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, the shanghai grand theater and the shanghai exhibition center

the orient pearl tv tower

the orient pearl tv tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in asia and third tallest in the world. it faces the bund across the huangpu river. when viewed from the bund, the tower and the nanpu and yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." the sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. the observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. the revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above pudong new area. the dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. the penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. the tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. it has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in shanghai.

cruise on the huangpu river

cruising on the huangpu river, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the monument tower to the peoples heroes, the famous waibaidu bridge and huangpu park on one bank, and the orient pearl tv tower, international convertion center, jin mao building and the newly rising pudong new area on the other. the yangpu and nanpu bridges span the river. from the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at wusong and the magnificent view of the yangtze river as it empties into the sea.

nanjing road

nanjing road east, honored as "chinas no. l street", has become an all-weather pedestrian arcade. shops and restaurants provide products and services with their own characteristics, making it an ideal place that integrates shopping, restaurants, amusement and sightseeing.

luxun park

the museum and tomb are located in lu xun park. lu xun was an imminent man of letters. the museum exhibits lu xuns manuscripts, some of his personal effects, document., and photos. the headstone at the tomb of lu xun is in the calligraphy of vhio zedong and reads "the tomb of mr. lu xun."

dr. suns residence

dr. sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the chinese democratic revolution, and his wilr soong ching ling, lived in this building from 1918 to 1924. it was in the residence that dr. sun yat-sen met representatives of the communist party and fostered the first cooperation between the chinese communist party and the kuomintang.

soong ching lings residence

this is the former residence of soong ching ling. an honorary chairwoman of the peoples republic of china and the widow of sun yat-sen. she lived, worked, and studied here during the last years of her life.

birthplace of the communist party of china.

in july of 1921, the first national communist party congress was held in this building. the congress passed the partys program and resolutions, elected the central committee, and declared the founding of the cpc.

shanghai library

the new shanghai library, which covers an area of some 80,000 square meters, has a collection of 13 million books and is considered one of the top ten libraries in the world. the library incorporates the open-stacks approach favored in the west, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

shanghai grand theater

located in the northwestern corner of peoples square. the shanghai grand theater covers 70,000 squat, meters. it is actually composed of three theaters. the theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chamber music modern dramas, and musicals. the theater also owns the largest, fully automatic stage in asia. the theater has become a symbol of modern culture in shanghai.

duolun road

cultural celebrities street, located along duolun road and surrounding areas,is a living memorial to the modern cultural celebrities of shang-hai and is also a condensation of modern culture. such chinese literary giants as lu xun, mao dun, guo moruo and ye shengtao lived and wrote here,making the road an important feature in chinas modern cultural history. in addition, the famous gongfei cafe. celebrities mansion, the shanghai art opera troupe, and hai shang jiu li also display the accumulated cultural atmosphere of duolun road today.



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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 1261 字

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1. 张灯结彩过大年,万事齐备除夕晚。千万里程回故土,只为团圆拜爹娘。千家万户欢声唱,举杯美酒敬爹娘。子孙满堂爷孙闹,守岁祝愿福寿康。除夕乐翻天!

2. 新年气象新,梦想定成真:出门有车开,回家住豪宅;种地不上税,读书全免费;看病有医保,老来有依靠;朋友不可少,祝福放首要。春节快乐!

3. 新年到了,想我吗?想我就按,再按,你那么想我吗?我说想我才按。还按!没想到你这样想我,好感动!又按!我热泪盈眶。

4. 您的声音,总在我耳畔响起;您的教诲,常驻在我心田。新年到了,也要送上我的祝福,老师,新年快乐!

5. 愿一声亲切的问候,温暖您的心,愿温馨的祝福,伴随着您,祝您节日快乐!

6. 您用母爱哺育了我的魂魄和躯体,您的乳汁是我思维的源泉,您的眼里长系着我生命的希冀。我的妈妈,春节不能回家,倍加想念,只能在这里和你说声春节快乐了!

7. 当领导要像您那样英明,当父亲要像您那样慈祥,当男人要像您那样潇洒,当朋友要像您那样大气,过节日要像您那样幸福快乐!

8. 天气变得真快,气温变得真坏,出门外套要带,睡觉被子要盖,多吃水果青菜,好好保持心态!老爸,过年不能回家,在这里给你道声新年快乐!

9. 又是一年岁末时,去年今日家欢乐。今年此时在外乡,父母是否依然安康。儿在外,莫担心,即日回家孝父母。

10. 是你多么温馨的目光,让我坚毅望向前路,在这节日里,请准我说声:妈妈,真的爱你!

11. 一分平安+一分健康+一分好运+一分精彩+一分美好+一分愉悦+一分甜蜜+一分开心+一分快乐+一分成就=新年十分的幸福。新春吉祥,合家欢乐!

12. 这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的新年!

13. 手的温度,被春节的气氛烘暖;心的距离,被贴心的问候拉近。除去旧岁,迎来新年。愿你:少一份烦忧愁苦,多一份惬意心情;少一点失意,多一点快乐!

14. 当您看见这信息时,幸运已降临到你头上,财神已进了您家门,荣华富贵已离您不远。祝福您朋友:元旦快乐!

15. 不需要多么贵重的礼物,也不需要多么郑重的誓言。我只需要你一个甜甜的微笑,作为我新年最珍贵的礼物。

16. 祝愿你在新的一年里,所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的期待都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现!元旦快乐!

17. 愿好运像地雷一样,时常给你踩到;厄运像流星雨一样,永远淋你不到;财富像垃圾一样,随处可以捡到;幸福伴你一生像苍蝇一样盯着你不放!新年快乐!

18. 敲响的是钟声,走过的是岁月,留下的是故事,带走的是祝福!希望,盼望的是美好,送来的是祝福,愿你:新年快乐!平安幸福,步步高升!

19. 车如梭,人如潮,鼠年春运如期到。千山横,万水绕,回家之行路迢迢。报平安,佳讯捎,阖家团圆乐陶陶。祝春节回家的你一路顺风!

20. 妈妈呀,妈妈,亲爱的妈妈,是您教我说第一句话,是您抚养我长大,节日到来之际,真心祝您永远年轻快乐!

21. 年年岁岁又年年,新的一年又起航。将所有的苦辣留在昨天,用所有的快乐和幸福畅享新的一年。愿你在新的一年里万事顺心如意!



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Dear tourists

hello everyone.

Now we come to the Bund by the Huangpu River in Shanghai. First of all, Iwould like to welcome you to visit the Bund and wish you a pleasant trip.

There are five tourist routes in the new Bund. On your left hand side arethe magnificent buildings and spacious Zhongshan Road known as the "WorldArchitecture Expo". On your right hand side are the sparkling Huangpu River andPudong Lujia financial and trade zone with bright future. In front of you is anew and unique sightseeing area. The buildings, Zhongshan Road, sightseeingarea, Huangpu River and Lujiazui are like the staff in the music score, whilethe industrious Shanghai people are like strings of inter symbol, forming thelatest and most beautiful movement. Welcome to all the guests.

After the first war in 1840, the locked door was opened by the colonists,and Shanghai was forced to become a commercial port. Since then, all kinds ofwestern style buildings have sprung up with the colonists "seizing the beach".By the early 1930s, Shanghai had leapt from a coastal town to the largest cityin the Far East.

Although these buildings with European Renaissance style are not designedby the same designer or built in the same era, their architectural style is soharmonious and unified that it seems to be natural. From the the Bund road tothe outer white road bridge, the length of the arc is only 1.5 kilometers, androw upon row of 52 buildings of different styles, including English, French,ancient Greek, etc. At that time, many foreign banks, associations andconsulates gathered here, known as "Wall Street" in the East, forming ahistorical miniature of the semi colonial and semi feudal society in oldShanghai.

Please see, Dongfeng Hotel No.2 on the new Bund used to be a very famousBritish club. It is a typical British classical building. The building is 6stories high (including basement). There is a pavilion at the north and southends of the roof. The interior decoration is very gorgeous. The first floor barused to be proud of its 110.7-foot bar, which is the longest in the East. NowKFC is located in the bar.

Before the new Bund 12, it was the famous "HSBC Bank". The building wasbuilt in 1923, which is an antique Greek style dome building. The building is arectangular building close to square, with five stories high and a halfspherical top layer. There are seven stories at the top of the building and asteel frame structure. The interior of the building is decorated with variousreception rooms in the United States, Britain, France, Russia and Japan. Thisbuilding was once regarded by the British as one of the most exquisite buildingsfrom the Suez Canal to the Bering Strait in the Far East.

The building next to HSBC is the Shanghai customs building, a 19th-centuryretro building, built in 1927, which is rare in the world today. The clock onthe top of the building can be seen all around. It plays a short tune every 15minutes. The sound of the bell is melodious and deep, with a sound of 10 Li.

After Wilson, the British designer, the HSBC building and the customsbuilding are affectionately called "sister buildings" in Shanghai, and they arestill one of the important symbols of Shanghai.

The two buildings at the entrance of Nanjing East Road are called peacehotel. The south facing building was built in 1906. It was called Huizhong hotelat that time. It is the earliest existing hotel in Shanghai. It can be used as ahistorical building, belonging to the Renaissance of British culture. Thebiggest feature of the building is that the facade is made of red brick withwaist line and white wall brick with veneer. From a distance, it looks solemnand elegant with unique style, which is a rare masterpiece.

These buildings on the Bund are the crystallization of the industriouswisdom of the Chinese working people, and also reflect the plunder and invasionof Shanghai by the western colonists. Nowadays, in order to let people know thehistory of these buildings, the Chinese and English nameplates are hung in frontof each building.

As for the Bund, the name given to her by Shanghai people has changed withthe passage of time. Shanghai people call the Bund before liberation the oldBund and after liberation the Bund. Now people praise it as the new Bund. Therehave been scenes of seizing the Bund many times in history, but each time has acompletely different historical significance. Since the Third Plenary Session ofthe Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the strategicfocus of Chinas reform and opening up has also changed from south to north. Thedevelopment and revitalization of Pudong has brought Shanghai to the forefrontof Chinas reform and opening up. The spring breeze has awakened Shanghai Bund,which has been sleeping for many years. Chinese and foreign financialinstitutions have also seized the Bund. Shanghai has made a major move to "clearthe nest and attract Phoenix", replacing the Bund Financial Street houses,attracting "old customers" from home and abroad to settle down again, showingthe style of "Wall Street" in the Far East.

The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai and a must for Chinese and foreigntourists. But in the past, because of the narrow road and the crowded traffic,the overall image of the Bund was seriously affected. In order to change theappearance of the Bund, the Shanghai Peoples government takes the Bund as a keypoint to transform. The road in front of us is called Zhongshan Road. It isnamed in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of Chinas democraticrevolution. It is also part of the comprehensive transformation of the Bund. Theroad is 826m long and 45m wide with 6 to 10 lanes. This wide traffic line is notonly limited to the Bund area, but also extends with the pace of reform andopening up. It starts from Jiangwan Wujiaochang in the north and ends at NanpuBridge in the south. By the beginning of the next century, the North-SouthCorridor will be 15 kilometers long and will become a landmark of Shanghaitourism.

The riverside road we are taking now is quite unique. It not onlyintegrates culture and greening, but also is a good place for people to practicewriting and martial arts in the morning, a place for tourists at home and abroadto visit in the daytime, and an ideal place for lovers to have a love talk inthe evening. It is said that many foreign friends have come to experiencelife.

Ladies and gentlemen, strolling in the new Bund Sightseeing Area, do youfeel that the new Bund not only has a new look, but also has a strong artisticatmosphere in the bustling city. Lets see: an artistic landscape with the themeof "for tomorrow" is set on the Bund of Yanan East Road, embracing with sixcolumns and combining with the meteorological signal station with a history ofmore than 80 years to form a group of scenery. The customs building and theelectronic waterfall clock are also quite new. The electronic waterfall clock isa ladder type, 27 meters long and 3.5 meters high, with 10 full steps. The wholeoperation process is controlled by computer. There are more than 1000 jets ofwater in various colors of Arabic numerals, which makes the world so far awayand so close to each other. The tourist area has become a scenic line ofShanghai style culture that can accommodate hundreds of rivers.

Walking on the Bund, we unconsciously entered Huangpu Park. When it comesto the park, everyone in China cant forget the sign "Chinese and dogs are notallowed to enter" hung by foreign powers at the entrance of the park. Theinfamous sign brought great shame to the Chinese people at that time. Now, the60 meter high Shanghai Peoples handsome monument stands in front of the water.The majestic three pillar huanggangyan tower seems to tell people that thepeople will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for thenational humiliation and Shanghais revolutionary cause since the war, the May4th Movement and the liberation war.

Huangpu Park is facing the famous Huangpu River at home and abroad. "Theyellow water in Huanglongpu on the moon" vividly depicts the color of HuangpuRiver. Jiangpu river is the mother river of Shanghai. It originates from TaihuLake in Wuxi. It is the longest, widest and deepest river in Shanghai, with atotal length of 114 km, an average width of 400 m and a depth of 7-9 M. Itsoriginal name is Dongjiang, also known as chunshenjiang and huangxiejiang. It issaid that more than 20__ years ago, Shanghai belonged to the state of Chu. Atthat time, there was a great general named Huang Xie in the state of Chu. He wasvery talented in governing the country. He was appointed prime minister by theking of Chu and was granted the title of "fengshenjun" to govern the land ofShanghai. Due to the siltation of the upper reaches of Dongjiang River at thattime, he led the people of Shanghai to dredge and modify the waterway, whichgreatly developed Shanghais water transportation and agriculture. In order tocommemorate Huang Xies achievements, later generations changed the name ofDongjiang River to "chunshenjiang" and "huangxiepu", which was not officiallynamed "Huangpu River" until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Overlooking the other bank, Pudong Lujiazui financial and trade zone andPuxi Bund are facing each other. Its functions are finance, trade and foreignservices. It will be the core and symbol of new Shanghai. "East Bund" BinjiangAvenue, with a total length of 2500 meters, integrates tourism, sightseeing andentertainment, along which there are six distinctive squares. Although I canonly smell the rumbling sound of piling, it is the most gorgeous movement on thestaff and predicts a better future for the Bund.



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走了大约有十几分钟,前面没有台阶了,眼前又出现同样的景象:几座红色的庙,一个“八卦炉”。“到玉皇顶了!”我大叫。抬头看天,我看不见,只见得云雾在头顶飘荡,站在顶峰,觉得风很大。神仙就住在上面么?我已逝去的亲人是不是就在上面笑咪咪地望着我? 在山顶停留了半个多小时,我们准备下山了。刚下一个台阶,我便觉得腿酸痛难耐,我只好一瘸一拐难堪下山。




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“佛是一座山,山是一尊佛;带领群山来,挺立大江边。”他造型广严,设计巧妙,以他不变的体态和姿容,给人以无穷的思索和遐想。 大家好,很荣幸能当你们的导游,大家可以叫我小悦导游,这次我们到的是世界遗产之一——乐山大佛。好,我们出发吧!

游客们,这里是乐山的港码头,请看对面的山,那就是凌云山。请仔细观察,那就是乐山的巨型睡佛,又叫隐形睡佛。它位于乐山城侧的三江汇流处,形态逼真的佛头、佛身、佛足由乌尤山、凌云山、东岩连襟而成,南北直线距离约1300余米,头南足北仰卧在三江之滨。巨型睡佛的胸部就是世界有名的乐山大佛,形成了“佛中有佛”的奇观。游客们,我们来到了大佛的脚下,请往上看,大佛通高71米,肩膀宽24米,头直径10米,耳朵有7米,劲高3米,指长8。3米,眉毛和鼻子的长度是5—6米,嘴巴和眼睛的长度3。3米,头上有1021个发根。现在大家亲眼目睹了,名不虚传吧! 据传:乐山大佛开凿于唐玄宗开元初年。当时,岷江、大渡河、青依江汇合于此,水流直冲凌云山脚,势不可挡,洪水季节水势更猛,过往船只常触壁粉碎。凌云寺的名僧海通见此甚为不安,于是发起修造大佛。一使石块坠江减缓水势,二借佛力镇水。海通募集20年,筹得一笔款项。海通去世后,剑南川西节度使韦皋,征集工匠,继续开凿,朝廷也诏赐盐麻税款予以资助,至到803年,历时90年大佛终告完成。

“佛是一座山,山是一尊佛;带领群山来,挺立大江边。”他造型广严,设计巧妙,以他不变的体态和姿容,给人以无穷的思索和遐想。据传:他老人家为镇住水妖,历经千年风霜雪雨,自今仍端坐在滔滔江水畔,静观人间沧海桑田。他老人家建国后两次显灵,1963年乐山地区饿死人无数,飘尸从老人家眼前流过,老人家不忍看,一夜之间闭上了眼睛。所以,现在你们手里拿的大佛是闭上了双眼。1996年被联合国教科新文组织列为世界级的文化与自然遗产,他当之无愧的成为世界级的璀灿明珠。 我的介绍到此结束,以下请你们慢慢欣赏大佛。请不要在景区乱涂乱画,爱护景区的一草一木,谢谢。



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Hangzhou is a beautiful city, is one of the seven ancient capitals in China, is also the capital of zhejiang province, has long been the folk known as "paradise on earth". Hangzhou has a long history, since warlords set qiantang county, has 2200 years of history. Hangzhou is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization. As early as 4700 years ago, humans thrive here, and generate the liangzhu culture is known as the dawn of civilization.

Hangzhou was the five dynasties and the southern song dynasty two generations of its capital, is one of the seven ancient capitals in China.

Hangzhou called money don. The sui dynasty huang nine years (589) waste county down money, hangzhou, hangzhou in the name of first appeared in history. The southern song dynasty built three years (1129), Gao Zongna crossing to hangzhou, rise to linan hangzhou mansion. Eight years (1138) the southern song dynasty shaoxing formal its capital linan, lasted more than 140 years. The first year of the republic of China (1912) to the original, benevolence and county and hangzhou qiantang county. Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927), precipitation and hangzhou county city of hangzhou, hangzhou city beginning this. On May 3, 1949, hangzhou liberation, from now on developing new history in hangzhou.

Hangzhou uptown and downtown, Jiang Gan, GongShu, west lake, high (binjiang) eight, xiaoshan, yuhang district, building heart, fuyang, linan three county-level cities, tonglu, ChunAn 2 counties. The citys total area of 16596 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 3068 square kilometers. Hangzhou probably around 6.6 million population, is also Chinas population density is one of the big cities, whats more, every day there are thousands of tourists come here to travel.

Because hangzhou has a long history, rich culture and material heritage.

Is one of the earliest origin, hangzhou name by yu ever shed hang on here as a water conservancy, hangzhou is the ark, the meaning of ship, the posterity called hangzhou yu hang then, dont know from when, why, people call yu hangzhou yuhang, so far there are still in hangzhou yuhang this place name, the qing dynasty was one of the biggest grievance "Yang Naiwu and Chinese cabbage" story took place in yuhang.

The tang dynasty and song dynasty famous poet bai juyi poetry su shi, has office in hangzhou, perpetual west lake landscape masterpiece of masterpieces, write down a lot of popular, may today.

Hangzhou development to now such prosperity, the largest contributor of the kingdom of wu yue. Builder - nearby lutetium, his condition was advantagious policy, make Chinas land has a piece of land to recuperate in the war. Kingdom, hangzhou culture construction in the sculpture art achievements, klippe statues is one of the masterpiece.

Northern song dynasty time, already became the first state in the southeast of hangzhou, not to mention the southern song dynasty, the central government in the capital, hangzhou became the largest city in the world at the time, the worlds first metropolis. Song room south crossing, the artists gathered in hangzhou, greatly promoted the prosperity here. In the yuan dynasty, Italian Marco Polo sent a heartfelt sigh, said that hangzhou is "the most beautiful and elegant city in the world", this is the highest praise to the city.

Ming and qing dynasties, hangzhou as the most prosperous city jiangnan, not only celebrities, and special economic boom, as on of the biggest cities in the plain of hangzhou, because the traffic is convenient, the trade is very convenient, one of the most representative character is red top businessman, hu xueyan.

Hangzhou can use four sentences, sixteen words to sum up: a paradise on earth, the silk mansion, tea city, the city of delicacies.

Said that hangzhou is a paradise on earth that can branch half with the false, the ancients cloud: above there is heaven, below there are suzhou and hangzhou. Compared in hangzhou is a paradise on earth, generations of scholars are also to the paradise city left many familiar chapters.

Officials and scholars praise the beauty of hangzhou, the United States in the west lake, the famous tang dynasty poet bai juyi once said: the west lake 36, on the most beautiful in hangzhou. Place called west lake under the sun too much, but not a city are comparable to those obtained with the west lake in hangzhou west lake. So is the heart of hangzhou west lake, from the tang dynasty bai juyi, su dongpo song dynasty, five dynasties money Yang Mengying lutetium, Ming dynasty, new west lake to now, only the beautiful west lake, is the beauty of hangzhou, only there are so many scholars praise poem, there are so many flood of visitors.

When it comes to water in hangzhou, have to say to the beijing-hangzhou grand canal. The beijing-hangzhou grand canal, 1794 km, while the spring and autumn period and the prince was the first to build the Han ditch, but the real digging is emperor yangdi period, all roughly until the yuan dynasty. This article through the Beijing, tianjin, hebei, shandong, jiangsu, zhejiang 4 provinces and two cities of artificial canal, communicate the Yangtze river, Yellow River, haihe river, huaihe river, the qiantang river, the five water system, also for the this city at the end of the grand canal brought infinite prosperity and development.

Hangzhou qiantang river is a main river, originated in huangshan mountain, the thousand island lake xin an river flows all the way to the southeast, due to the qiantang river estuary is a bell mouth, affected by the moon, every lunar calendar is a form of the spectacular qiantang river tide in mid-august.

Have since ancient times, jiangnan silk, suzhou and hangzhou silk is famous around the world, hangzhou outside of mulberry Lin illustrates this point more, in ancient times, silk clothing is noble and representatives of senators today, from the silk dress, silk quilt, to silk umbrella into the folk, for the majority of the people, and all sorts of hangzhou silk products are one of the representative.

Tea are found everywhere in China, but in the green tea, longjing quality, only hangzhou west lake, "tiger springs with longjing tea" that is hangzhous double. , the first top ten green tea, longjing tea is not wave get hollow reputation, west lake longjing tea to green color, fragrant, green, form beauty is famous for its "four unique". Into a flat without tea, smooth and well-balanced, yellowish green; Bubble is in the cup, the buds into a flower, a flag one gun, photograph is unripe brightness, bud bud upright, lifelike; If relapsed, lofty lasting; Looked bright, flavor pleasant delicacy. People kua call it "gold bud", "unique", has become a national senior gift of tea. Of so hangzhou is also known as "tea".

Hangzhou cuisines, the now famous all over the country, many dishes are all familiar: dongpo pork, west lake vinegar fish, song putting fish soup, dry Fried ring, beggars chicken, Fried shrimps with longjing tea, and so on. The building outside the building might be the most familiar restaurant. And every dish has its own a beautiful legend!

Hangzhou many historical figures: the establishment of The Three Kingdoms wu sun quan, the inventor of the movable type printing was used, the MengXi writing, "shen kua, the author of the Ming dynasty gold star Yu Qian resistance, etc., and worked here and one of the most famous is bai juyi, su shi, yue fei, etc., all adds infinite charm for hangzhou landscapes.

Attractions in addition to the west lake in hangzhou, and bamboo diameter, linyin temple, six harmonies pagoda, the cloud nine streams 18 bay, YueMiao, residence of hu xueyan, Wan Song academy, songcheng, etc., many scenic spots. These spots are filled with beautiful legends, and among them the white niang son and her husband, liang shan bo and zhu yingtai, su xiaoxiao and ruanyu, Eva and flower gu story makes hangzhou a love of all. Young lovers at dusk pacing slowly under the west lake, willows, steeped in the legend of the romantic and beautiful scenery, it will be how poetic! If you want to see how these legends real show in front of you, it is recommended that you can go to the songcheng see a good show!

As will be in hangzhou, zhejiang province, rapid economic development, there is little not the contribution of zheshang, wahaha, wanxiang group, juneyao group and so on. Hangzhou is a city of leisure, so has also become a consumer city, tea, bars, dance halls, casinos, restaurants, subway, crowing. The taxi is the best, the taxicabs, from modern to nissan, and even a Mercedes; The buses here is also the most beautiful, jinlong air-condition, Volvo, and antique sightseeing bus. The nightlife here also is very rich, bars, dance halls, clubs, and many are open 24 hours a day. Of course, the house price is very expensive here, to be able to see the west lake a little house of figure, can sell for 25000 yuan/square meters, so the consumption of hangzhou online is in addition to Shanghais most expensive city in eastern China.

Due to the transformation of the city, many figures of the old place already cant see, but hangzhou on protection and development of scenic spots still can. Todays hangzhou is a beautiful and modern city, high-rise buildings, elevated highway and mountains, the city will give you more surprise and sigh!



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Beijing is the worlds eighth largest "food city", among the top of the mainland. Flavor snack in Beijing has a long history, variety, dainty materials, made careful, is a virtue. Qing dynasty all door zhuzhi poems as basic data cloud: "three big money for selling flowers, glutinous rice cake ghost legs the za, a bowl of porridge, sweet pulp in the morning to eat tea liquor seasoned millet mush again; cool fruit Fried cakes, sweet ears, hanging furnace baked wheat cake, glutinous rice ball, fork just to sell, the fire and listening to hardfaced properties; dumpling wonton column trays, adding powder is good Tangyuan..." These snacks are at the temple fair or down the street fair, people inadvertently will encounter, the image of the old Beijing called "to meet food". Beijing flavour snacks on behalf of it, miso candy, plum juice, tea, small steamed corn-bread and poria cocos burgers, sass, ice-sugar gourd, glutinous rice ball, yellow peas, snowballing usury, enema, deep Fried tripe, food is MMMMMMM... delicious, etc.

"Patriotic" is the core of the spirit of Beijing. Patriotism is the glorious traditions of the Chinese nation, is the core of the national spirit, is also the most important characteristics of national cohesion. The fortunes of a Beijing residents have an "the rise and fall in the world," a strong sense of responsibility, sense of mission. "May 4th" movement, "the July 7th incident, founding ceremony, earthquake relief, the Olympic Games and other major historical events, all show the Beijing peoples engagement with the era mission, the heart of the national development and explorations of the sense of responsibility and strong feelings. In the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Beijing as the capital more need to carry forward the patriotic spirit, love the motherland, love people, love the communist party of China, socialism; More to the patriotic spirit into the construction of the capital, promote the development of passion.

The essence of "innovation" is the spirit of Beijing. Innovation is the soul of national progress, is the driving force for the prosperity of the family, is the core of the spirit of the age, is also the source of the eternal vitality of the party. Innovation reflects the advance with The Times, the positive enterprising spirit of the people in Beijing, Beijing development history is a history of innovation in a sense, never stagnation, reform and innovation, at the same time of carry forward the fine tradition, to make inventions and scaling new heights. Beijing more requires constant innovation spirit, the development of the future rely on innovation to win the initiative and win the advantage, win the future.

"Tolerance" is the spirit of Beijing characteristics. In the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country and grow in the process of the capital Beijing to attract his broad mind and an open mind, integration of the regional ethnic culture, formed the all rivers run into sea, magnanimouses, the mental state of being open, accumulated a rich history and culture, make Beijing had great cohesion and attraction, formed the special advantages of the development of Beijing and strength. During the course of building world city with Chinese characteristics, the Beijing need this more open posture and largeness of mind, respect for differences, allowing diversity and harmonious development.

"Thick DE" is the quality of the spirit of Beijing. History not only gives a brilliant cultural heritage in Beijing, also the excellent moral character has fostered a Beijing citizen civilized and polite. ShangLi, kindness, tolerance, help others is the history of the Beijing cultural heritage. In the process of moving towards a world city, Beijing residents more urgently need to practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, people-oriented, help the weak assistive, aged respected, vigorously carry forward the morality of honesty, friendship, mutual assistance and dedication, with administrative civilization quality and spirit to the world.
