





范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,全文共 941 字

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i hold office here since nov.1st,20xx,obedience to leadership,willing to work,and shows assiduity in charge of all my work,well professional ethics,well-behaved,endure hardship and work hard,do everything without complaint despite hardships and

criticism.in a short time,im quickly familiar with and skilled in cashier,which is strong specilized in fanacial work.during this

period,mistake never occurs.united with relationship between superior and subordinate.under arrange with superior,i have accomplished every work as quickly and correctly as i can,whether do my bit or

not.because of young,ill put all my resources of energe in the company.in the future while accomplish my own work,strengthen the study of every work,such as business,etc.continuing to raise and perfect to own business quality and efficiency.ill never fail to live up to what the learships trust in and expect of me.make my own contribution to the company grow stronger。




范文类型:自我评介,全文共 3438 字

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I did not perform well in this semester. On the first grade junior high school, the problem is difficult, the job is also much more honest, more rigorous, and we have to learn, the future of learning in the first place, this semester to pay a lot of good partners, I play with them Too happy, unforgettable. Our English teacher taught me very well, so I fell in love with learning. I am very grateful to all my teachers.

I have done a good job overall this semester, but I have violated discipline, even one or two times, the teacher assignments did not seriously completed. However, under the guidance of the teacher, gradually developed some good habits. And I made the midterm exam more satisfactory results. So that my parents for their hard work feel a trace of comfort. However, this is only part of this semester, I have not cherished and wasted time has passed, face the remaining courses, I should study hard, to waste time to fight back. The next test exams a better result.

I have been on the first grade since junior high school, the school leaders and teachers earnest guidance, regardless of moral education, intellectual education, sports and other aspects of the certain progress. Adhere to the truth, correct mistakes, and consciously resist the feudal superstition and the impact of pornography and gambling activities; seriously participate in school and class organizations of the political activities and cultural and recreational activities; in the ideology of the students, And action to move closer to the League branch, in the learning process, hard work, self-improvement, and strive to learn the various subjects, master the scientific method of learning, reasonable time, but unfortunately good study habits. I also have some shortcomings. In a year of study and life, the students sometimes ask me some difficult questions, I think it is not enough to explain to them patiently, the attitude is not enough enthusiasm. And sometimes see some students do bad things, gang brawl did not dare to expose and so on. These are my lack of performance in the past year.After I resolved to correct these shortcomings, do a high school students.

I love the motherland in school, respect teachers, unite students, helpful, is a good helper teacher, the students good friends. I study diligently, positive, like and students to discuss and solve problems, often participate in class school organization of various inside and outside activities. At home, love and care, often help parents do housework is the parents of good children, neighbors a good example. I have learned a lot in junior high school for three years, and my thinking has improved greatly. I hope I can make an ideal, ambitious and educated man in the future and make my own efforts to build socialism in China. Of course, I also deeply aware of their own shortcomings, and sometimes things will only three minutes of blood, I believe that as long as overcome these problems, I can do better. I can consciously abide by the rules of secondary school students, and actively participate in various activities, respect teachers, and students live in harmony, love and love the collective, willing to help others, labor actively and willingly, consciously exercise, and often participate in and organize class school organization of various classes activity. I have good character, cheerful, love life, have a strong practical ability and organizational skills.



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Thanks for you and your company supports as always. We are going to invite you to china for a business trip. We are looking forward your coming. 时间Time: 地点Location: Beijing CHINA

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9537 字

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La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang est situéeau 48 shaoshaifu Lane, Chaoyang Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City.

La salle dexposition de lancienne résidence de Zhang Xueliang estégalement connue sous le nom de "Manoir du grand commandant" ou "Manoir du jeunecommandant".Zhang Zuolin, chef des seigneurs de guerre de la République deChine, et son fils a?né, le général Zhang Xueliang, sont des voisins officielset des maisons privées.

Le complexe du pavillon dexposition de lancienne résidence de ZhangXueliang a été construit de 1914 à 1933, formant un complexe de b?timents destyle différent composé de quatre parties: la Cour centrale, la Cour est, laCour Ouest et la cour exté salle dexposition de lancienne résidencede Zhang Xueliang couvre une superficie totale de 36 000 mètres carrés et unesuperficie totale de 29 000 mètres carrés.En mars 1985, le Gouvernementpopulaire municipal de Shenyang a désigné la salle dexposition de lanciennerésidence de Zhang Xueliang comme site municipal de protection des reliquesculturelles.

En décembre 1988, le Gouvernement populaire de la province de Liaoning aannoncé quil était un site provincial de protection des reliques culturelles.Enjuillet 1991, le Ministère de la construction de la République populaire deChine et ladministration nationale des reliques culturelles ont publiéconjointement un document faisant de lancien complexe de la salle dexpositionde Zhang Xueliang lun des meilleurs b?timents du pays.En 1996, il a été inscritsur la liste des principaux sites culturels protégés par l?tat.

La Cour centrale a été fondée en 1914 et achevée en Cour centraleest larchitecture traditionnelle chinoise - la Cour quadrangle à trois entrées,située au nord et au Sud, avec le caractère chinois "eye", les briques bleues entuiles, les avant - toits et les bêtes sembrassant et sélevant sur les crêtes,les poutres sculptées et les b?timents peints, et les colonnes de porche peintesen Fondation de la colonne de tambour de pierre, les marches enpierre et le plancher en brique carrée et en pierre carrée sont des b?timents enbrique et en bois de style palais.Lensemble de lh?pital couvre une superficiede 3 900 mètres carrés, 13 maisons au total, 57 chambres, avec une surface deconstruction de 1 460 mètres carrés.

Devant lentrée principale de la Cour centrale, il y avait des marchespavées de pierres bleues, et des pierres de cheval se tenaient de haut en basdes deux c?tés des marches.Sur les deux c?tés de la porte principale, il y avaitdes sculptures en pierre tenant des tambours et des pierres, et le lion couchétenait le Petit Lion.Il y a sept chambres à lentrée principale, avec desouvertures au milieu, des porches rétractables dans trois Chambres, des pilierssculptés en bois et des oiseaux peints et des fleurs sculptées dans le ciel.Il ya deux dieux de porte peints sur la Feuille de la porte de peinture Zhu, QinQiong et Jingde. Il y a une plaque horizontale accrochée à lintérieur de laporte. Il y a quatre grands caractères sur "gouverner le pays et protéger lesgens".

Par la porte, nous entrons dans la Cour.Il y a trois Chambres de chaquec?té de louverture de la porte dentrée de la Cour, la salle de garde et lasalle de réception à lEst, et la salle électrique et la salle téléphonique àlOuest.Il y a trois chambres est et Ouest, et la chambre est est la Chambre decompte intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur, qui est responsable des dépensesfinancières du Manoir du Gouverneur.Xixiang Room est un lieu de présentation etdinitiation. Il est spécialement con?u pour recevoir les rapports et introduireles officiels de la culture et des arts martiaux qui viennent à la résidence duGouverneur pour être justes ou visiter.

Entre la Cour et la Cour, il y a un mur de 7 mètres de haut avec une porteouverte au milieu. La porte est sculptée à lintérieur dun plafond de fleursdécoratives, connu sous le nom de porte de pendaison de fleurs.Les deux piliersde porte ont des piliers de protection tenant des pierres de tambour et descoussins de tambour en pierre.? lintérieur de la porte, il y a un double murdécran en bois, qui peut être ouvert en face, et les deux c?tés peuvent être lelong du couloir autour des piétons.Cest ici que Zhang Zuolin a accueilli lesinvités distingués pour la cérémonie.En cas darrivée dinvités importants,lécran en bois souvre et Zhang Zuolin souvre. Les invités peuvent entrerdirectement dans la deuxième Cour par la porte lourde ouverte.Le personnel duManoir du Gouverneur et les invités ordinaires ont fait le tour du couloir desdeux c?tés de lécran en bois.Aujourdhui, tous les invités sont des invitésdistingués, donc la porte de linstrument sest ouverte et vous êtes invités àentrer dans la deuxième maison.

La deuxième Cour dentrée est rectangulaire et entourée dun clo?tre deplate - forme.Cest lendroit où Zhang Zuolin travaille et rencontre desinvités.Il y a 7 chambres dans lentrée principale et une au milieu est le halldentrée.Devant la porte, il y a une porte sculptée, juste au - dessus de laporte suspendue à une plaque, le livre "Wangcheng Great Wall",Cétait un cadeaude lécuyer de lépoque à Zhang Zuolin, louant le prestige de Zhang Zuolin commela Grande Muraille.Les trois portes est de la Chambre principale sont la chambreet le Bureau de Zhang Zuolin.Les trois Chambres Ouest sont des salles deréception et des bureaux.

Il y a cinq chambres est et Ouest, une salle au milieu de la chambre est,une salle du Secrétaire général dans la Chambre Sud et une salle du courrierdans la Chambre Chambre Ouest est une salle de secrétariat générale.

Les trois chambres à lest de la Chambre principale, où vivait ettravaillait Zhang Zuolin, sont maintenant exposées avec des statues de cire deZhang Zuolin et de six dames.Au milieu se trouve Zhang Zuolin, grand maréchal delarmée et de la marine de la République de Chine.Zhang Zuolin est né en 1875 etest mort en 1928 à l?ge de 54 ans.Zhang Zuolin porte le collier à gauche de lafemme originale de Zhang Zuolin, Mme Zhao, qui est la mère biologique de ZhangXueliang. Mme Zhao et Zhang Zuolin ont le même ?ge et se marient à 21 ans.Il y ala première fille a?née, Fang, le fils a?né apprend bien, après lapprentissagede linscription.Il est mort en 1912 à l?ge de 38 ans.

Je nai jamais vécu au Manoir du Gouverneur.Lautre personne assise sur leKang était Mme jipalu.Marié à Zhang Zuolin à lautomne 1900, il a deuxfilles.Après la mort de Mme Zhao, les trois frères et s?urs de Zhang Xueliangont été élevés par elle, de sorte que Zhang Xueliang a toujours respecté MmeLu.Décédé en 1974.? droite de Zhang Zuolin se trouve Mme Sanfu Dai.

Lautre à droite est la quatrième dame, Mme Xu.Mme Xu est née pour ZhangZuolin avec deux hommes et deux femmes. Zhang XueSi est née pour Mme Xu. ZhangXueSi est un membre du Parti communiste Zhang Jiawei. Il a été chef détat -major de la marine.Mme Xu est morte en 1928.Sur le c?té sud de la maison setrouve Mme Fifty life.Manchu, a un certain niveau déducation, intelligent etcompétent, toutes les affaires intérieures de la famille Zhang sont gérées parelle seule.Il avait quatre fils pour Zhang Zuolin, et sa mère, Yugui, était lafemme préférée de Zhang Zuolin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1966.Au Nord se trouve maYueqing, la sixième femme a cinq ans de moins que Zhang Zuolin, qui estmort à l?ge de 23 ans.Zhang Zuolin a donné naissance à la plus jeune fille,Zhang huaimin.Décédé à Chinese Taiwan en 1975.

Après avoir visité lexposition de cire, nous avons visité la Cour Sanjindu Manoir du Gouverneur.Lh?pital Sanjin est similaire à lh?pital erjin. Cestla maison intérieure du Manoir du Gouverneur. La plupart des membres de lafamille de Zhang Zuolin y vivent.Il y a 7 chambres principales, au milieudesquelles les ancêtres de zhangjia sont consacré maison est habitée par ladeuxième épouse de Zhang Zuolin, Lu (lépouse originale de Zhang Zuolin, Zhao,est morte en 1912 et nest pas encore entrée dans la résidence duGouverneur).Westinghouse était à lorigine la résidence de la troisième dameDai. Après sa mort, Zhang Zuolin a épousé la femme de wufu Life en 1917 et avécu dans cette Chambre est est habitée par la quatrième dame Xu, dontle camarade Zhang xuese est né.

La Chambre Ouest est lendroit où Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi vivent.Enentrant dans la Chambre Ouest, il y a une bannière en face, et il y a un livreintitulé "le monde est un grand public", qui est le trésor dencre écrit par M.Sun Yat Sen pour Zhang Xueliang en avril 1924. Sun Yat Sen apprécie beaucoup letalent de Zhang Xueliang et espère quil prendra le monde comme son propredevoir.Au - dessous de la bannière se trouve une grande horloge. Au - dessus dela bannière se trouve lheure de minuit deux. Cest lheure de la chute deShenyang dans lincident du 18 septembre.

La Chambre Nord est la Chambre de Zhang Xueliang et Yu Fengzhi. Lorsquedeux personnes se marient, la nouvelle chambre est située dans cette chambre, oùdeux personnes vivent trois hommes et une femme.Il y a maintenant un lit en boisdans la maison, qui a été collecté auprès des gens ordinaires; une commode, quia été utilisée par Mme Shou, a été trouvée dans la petite maison verte etdéplacée ici; une table à thé sculptée à la racine de jade blanc Han, qui estlobjet original de la Chambre Sud est létude de Zhang Xueliang.

Après 1922, le grand b?timent vert a été construit et Zhang Zuolin adéménagé au premier étage du grand b?timent vert pour y plupartdes membres de la famille ont emménagé dans le grand b?timent vert et sontentrés dans la Cour de triage et ont été transformés en bureaux depatrouille.



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 333 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1238 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:会计,全文共 1859 字

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I am School of accounting professional graduates in 20xx . four years of university life, I seriously study and professional knowledge, professional grade. Now system to learn and master the professional courses, such as accounting, financial accounting, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, auditing, statistics and other related courses. Have a solid theoretical foundation; at the same time, I learned Photoshop 7 software, Kingdee software, so as to improve my ability of self-study.

During the University, I must understand theory with practice, so I also have good practical ability of.20xx years -8 months of July, I served as a warehouse staff in China electronic limited liability company, responsible for warehousing and issuing registration, coordination department work, to know the importance of communication department. Although the content of my study and practice professional differ, but my practice ability, communication ability, hard working ability have been improved, but also cultivate their caring, patience and devotion. At the same time, during the practice I seriously to the accounting personnel of the unit of learning, have a preliminary understanding of accounting work environment.

The university is a process of learning and accumulation, in order to meet the need of economic, technological and social development, I actively participate in various social activities, participated in a number of activities planning and organization work. During the University, served as the Institute of Postgraduate Association planning team, has the certain organization management ability; served as secretary of the group director, responsible, careful. After a long time of learning and training, and has accumulated rich experience, after laying a good foundation. If you give me a chance, I will not let down.



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范文类型:祝福语,全文共 4442 字

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一、a week QiXi, Pepsi, everything fenda! Wish lovers love you parents love you, brother protect a you, sickness away from you, free house fly to you wish millions lottery ticket in you, dreams go to you. Anyway, all the rest!

二、raise life sail toward the path to success wish happy life with you every day with great sincere friendship to bless you 10 million of present blessings from the this end, to LianZhui filled with pleasant sensation forever, forever...

三、In this season, loving me send you a full bosom thoughts and endless blessing. Wish with all the blessings of a beautiful, bring you joy and comfort, peace, may all the blessings of a beautiful belong to you. A blessing, I will never fade in a raider leisurely blessing, regards the eternal violations of heart.

四、In the summer weekend is approaching, let my blessing such as warm winter, spring, summer breeze Yang parasol, wind resistance of sand, for you to go to the warm, send message and cool and refreshing, no him for that.

五、And to the weekend, busy week you can a little rest, may this afternoon warming Yang with you through a happy weekend

六、 meteor, make your wish; Sunshine, give you warmth; The fragrance of the flowers, give you sweet; Friends, bring you happiness. Text messages to you to bless. Another weekend, may you be happy, smile sweet!

七、the weekend is not omnipotent, but no weekend is absolutely impossible. Weekend to, may you want to sleep, want to be drunk drunk, is not tired; Want to run, run, want to jump, is not to worry. Rest assured, happy will accompany you all the time.

八、more tired than biniu, sleep less than chicken, price competition rockets, the farmers, work pressure, work life, at the end of the weekend, bless to send, life this cruel, also need to put to the fair, a good attitude every day, happy life come!

九、weekend to, leisurely enjoy, healthy body to care; Mo worry, mo you hurt, mo let the mood more agitated; Smiling face show, enjoy leisurely, carefree and carefree; May be comfortable, willing to be happy, happy without borders.

十、 weekend to, heart and laughter; Get your beauty sleep, go to the streets, golden sunshine, sweet quiet, the autumn breeze soft, in this boundless autumn scenery, I wish you happy weekend!

十一、 sincere friendship does not need words, good stories have no good results, miss your friends are always connected, the blessing of the airwaves will not rest, beautiful yearning for no distance. Sms greetings to the table, I wish you a happy weekend!

十二、 work is not too tired, mood is too depressed, drink more water in summer, more party at the weekend, friendship is precious, friends are sincere relative, life add fun, happy every day! Have a nice weekend.

十三、on Monday, Tuesday, there was a great deal of Pear. on Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, it was a mess. Friday was the darkest day before dawn. Saturdays Sunday night was coming. the weekend is coming. youre so happy. dont hurry up and pay me the bill!

十四、 weekend to, weekend early, weekend to ask a good, Xiao Xiao text message is really small, value is only a hair, but can I deep blessing table, I wish you a good mood at the weekend, life is good things!

十五、 Sunday to, text to wish you good: weekend is good, dont work hard on Sunday; The weekend rest is good and the work is efficient; After physical and mental adjustment, easy to worry. Tomorrow is the beginning of a weeks work, and may you be full of money!

十六、 in the Yangtze river the waves behind drive on those before, writers die in text messages; Writing a text message against the wall, Venus sparks a flash of lightning; Text funny volume tsunami, somersault in the beach: after reading this text, you can laugh and smile!

十七、 busy life, when there is fatigue; The days of running around, at the end of fatigue. Weekend comes, busy for a week, do you feel tired? Have a good rest, watch your body!

十八、 a sweet cry: dear, a touch of tenderness: do you miss me? One missing your heart: boom, a crisp text message: dont think, only to give you a sentence: " happy weekend! "!

十九、 every day, eight or nine nights a day, a day and a night, the bonus is almost no, the weekend again, no need to take a rest! I wish you enjoy the weekend of your happiness, happiness doubled!

二十、although the weekend is only two days, but it bears all my concerns about you, " the sparrow is small," not only that, it also bears the usual busy and neglected to convey greetings, I wish you a happy weekend!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12396 字

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天心阁是楚汉文化长沙之魂,而长沙是国务院公布的我国首批二十四座历史文化名城之一,天心阁是长沙的象征 , 见证了长沙的历史发展和变迁。世界上所有的城市史都有因市成镇,因镇而城的历史,所以长沙城历史由来以久,据史书记载早见于《逸周书·王会篇》的西周王朝,长沙城历经几千年,不迁不移,不动不改,至今繁衍生息,在当今的城市极为罕见。长沙的每一个建设项目都有可能挖掘出一批珍贵文物:如西汉马王堆女尸,商周青铜器,走马楼三国竹简等等……举不胜举。

现在大家看到的这片错落有致的石林,是景区的《历史名人石刻画廊》,它刻绘了33位对我们湖南有过突出贡献的历史名人,他们有的在湖南出生,有的在湖南为官,其中湘籍16人。炎帝神农氏,品百草造福于民,他晚年因误食一种叫“火焰草”(又称“断肠草”)的植物而谢世于湖南,炎帝陵就在我们湖南株州的炎陵县;朱熹、张轼为长沙岳麓山下的岳麓书院主讲;李芾,长沙(古称潭州)知州既湖南安抚使,南宋末期人,在元兵攻打长沙三日守城无望的情况下,领全家十九口人集体自尽,以示忠烈;曾国藩,湖南湘乡人,清朝道光年间洋务派首领之一,创建了 “无湘不成军”的湘军,曾疯狂镇压太平军,后被捻军所败,但他的为人处世之道历来被后人所学习、传颂,所著多收入《曾文正公全集》中;魏源,湖南隆回人,提出“师夷长技以制夷”,在林则徐支持下著有50卷《海国图志》,被称为睁眼看世界的第一人;郭嵩焘,湖南湘阴人,清末外交官,近代中国向西方国家派出的第一位常驻使臣,出使(新加坡)期间,取用公款只薪水与房租两项,尝言:“ 廉才 君子以自责,不宜以责人; 惠者 君子以自尽,不宜以望于人”,时称名言。



现在大家纵目望去的,就是建于明末崇祯年以前,具有400多年历史的天心阁。初建时阁楼为一层,清乾隆年间修建为两层,1774年作为《四库全书》总阅官的李汪度还作了《重修天心阁记》;到清嘉庆年间,天心阁下的城南书院院长罗畸拨款重建,为现在大家所看到的三层,并增加南、北两附阁,使之更加雄伟、壮观;现主阁高14.6米 ,两附阁各高10米,整座阁楼仿明清时期南方园林建筑风格,“不登天心阁,不知古长沙。”请大家随我一起登阁参观。


主阁第二层有两副大型浮雕,其一展示的是1938年11月12日晚的“文夕大火”后,周恩来与时任国民党湖南省主席的张治中亲临阁楼视察灾情的情景:武汉失陷,日军通往中国南方的门户打开,蒋介石对保卫长沙缺乏信心;在岳阳失守后,密令张治中对长沙实施“焦土抗战”,以天心阁举火为号,把个好端端的长沙城化为了一座废墟,毁城面积达90% ,烧死3000余人,烧伤者近两万多人,全城平民无家可归,史称“文夕大火”,长沙也由此并列为二战时期四大毁坏最为严重的城市之一。可是不到三个月,英勇不屈的长沙人民又在废墟上立起了一个个棚屋的新长沙,用满腔热血抗击了日寇一次次进攻,使日军在一路得手的情形中第一次承认中国人民的不可凌辱。其二展示的是1930年7月,以彭德怀为首的红三军团武装攻克长沙,在中山亭胜利会师的场景。当时湖南醴陵人李立三受共产国际委托,提出“武装包围城市”的战略思想,后因敌我力量过于悬殊,红军又主动撤离了长沙。

为何称这楼为“天心阁”呢?根据中国古代星像学,天上有28星宿,其中南方七省为“朱雀”,在其尾巴上有颗主寿命的“长沙星”,而阁楼建好之后正好对着天上的“长沙星”,好比它也是天上的星星,故原名“天星阁”,是星星的星,是古代祭天神、观星象的“灵台”;大家都知道古人历来崇尚孔孟之道,原先阁楼供奉着孔子、孟子等人的神像,寓意“为孔孟传道统,为天地而立心”,因此星星的星又改为了心灵的心。另一说清康熙年间,康熙皇帝到长沙南巡,发现长沙木房子特别多,挺容易引发火患,为救万民于水火,特命长沙地方官在长沙地势最高,风水最好的位置建这么座防火、镇灾用的阁楼,言“天子的心意”。清末学者黄兆梅所撰的 “四面云山皆入眼,万家烟火总关心”的名联,较好地概括了建阁的初衷。

现在大家眼中饱览的,就是长沙古城墙了。公元前220xx年,也就是西汉高祖五年,刘邦建汉时封了他的八大功臣为王,其中长沙王吴芮,就用土夯筑成长沙的古城墙,据今有2200多年历史了。到了明洪武五年,也就是公元1372年,长沙守御指挥使邱广改土筑城墙为砖石建筑,目的就是为了加强防御,使长沙成为“坚不可摧的铁城”。明末张献忠率大西军攻入长沙,城墙曾遭到破坏;清顺治十一年(公元1654年),洪承畴经过湖南,驻长沙,拆运明藩府砖石修筑城墙,使古城墙再展雄姿。清咸丰二年(公元1852年) ,城墙又遭太平军破坏,后历届湖南巡抚骆秉章、毛鸿宾等重修加固,增设炮台并建月城,使古城墙成半环拱式内双城格局。本来古城墙方圆有8.8公里 ,呈南北长、东西窄的条状,1920xx年,当时的国民党政府为了修环城马路,仅保留251米 的眼前这段城墙至今,作为长沙历史发展的一个重要见证。















衡山导游词 ·张家界导游词 ·南岳大庙导游词 ·天心阁导游词














黄狮寨 腰子寨

黄狮寨为作守界诸峰之冠,也是张家界诸景之冠,早有“不登黄狮寨,枉到张家界”之说。黄狮寨海拔1200米,四周峭壁削立,唯前卡门与 后卡门两条独路可通寨顶。在攀登前卡门的路上,但见千峰插地,怪石如林,有海螺峰、一线天、天书宝匣、南天一柱等景点。“天书宝匣”乃一长方形巨石横卧峰顶,巨石一端平抽出半节盖子,活脱脱一部“天书”被盗走的空匣。而黄狮寨的绝景是在山顶的环形观景台上,那里晴日远眺群山,但见密森深处窜起股股白烟,如妖神的森森鬼气;接着是柱状白烟逐渐消融,而云团、云带从山腰涌起,扑向山头,蔚为壮观。那里雨后鸟瞰整个张家界全景,但见峡谷升起的白雾,在山峰间翻滚飞腾,如群魔乱舞,愈来愈大,愈来愈浓;最后整个黄狮寨淹没于茫茫云海,只有点点孤峰,飘浮于云海之上。还有黄狮寨周围那群山连绵的屏障,间以奇花异草的深沟幽谷,与黄山景观大异其趣;那无际的原始森林,至今仍有待人们去寻幽探险。




索溪峪 宝峰湖 黄龙洞

武陵源的南部为索溪峪,主要景观有宝峰湖与黄龙洞。宝峰湖是在索溪峪主流上筑坝而修成的高峡平湖,水深达72米, 游程逶迤10余里。泛舟湖上,但见奇特多姿的石峰,夹着曲曲折折的湖岸,茂密的林木花草,从湖岸一直铺到峰顶;每座石峰的顶上,虬曲的劲松撑起一把把绿色的小伞;每面垂直的壁面上,藤葛翠蔓,古松倒挂,构成“崖绿树”的奇观。沿途逐处可见的飞瀑,往往一泻数叠,飞珠溅玉,恰如银瓶乍破,铁骑突起,声震幽谷。湖光山影,瀑泉响流,使游人恍若置身瑶池,似赴蓬莱。

武陵源群峰之下是令人叹为观止的溶洞群。现已探明的溶洞有 14个,有 600万平方米万石笋立、如梦似幻的地下世界;其中黄龙洞所拥有的珍奇,被地理学家评价为整个东南亚溶岩景观的缩影。黄龙洞有四层洞府,两层地下河,全程10公里。洞里有宽12,000平方米的龙宫厅,矗立着大小龙柱1700余根,堪称中华第一洞府。大厅中央有称之为“龙王宝座”的钟乳石巨柱,高42米,腰围30主,直经9米,住座”上可容5人并坐。进入黄龙洞,就家走进了迷宫,绚丽的色彩,闪烁的光影,扑朔迷离,使人不辨东西。而千奇百怪的石笋,或优雅、或险峻、或富丽堂皇,令人目不暇接。












范文类型:求职应聘,全文共 2436 字

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dear leaders:


first of all, your hard work to extend our deep respect! at the same time, also thank you for your busy schedule in my recommended reading materials.

i was in xian translation college of foreign languages institute for english majors, a 04 session students will be faced with graduation. experienced a three-year teacher education and colleges of high life, in the face of new opportunities and challenges, i am more determined the "self-confidence, self-reliance, diligence, modesty," the doctrine of life.

xian translation college of education of chinas well-known talent training base, renowned for their rigorous scholarship, well known for educating people. in such a learning environment, i appreciate the vital to the fun of learning english. whether in the intellectual capacity or the quality of self-cultivation, i have benefited from.

three years, the friends of the division in good faith and personal efforts to help, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of the english literature, linguistics and education, such as the theory of exit examinations in all subjects, the results outstanding. at the same time, i also have excellent english listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, such as capacity and be good at innovation in the study. at the same time, after school hours, i covered a lot of extensive books, skillfully mastered the basic knowledge of computer and operating system used, not only enrich their own, but also cultivate their abilities in various

in addition, i also actively participate in various social activities, and grasp every opportunity to exercise their own. university for three years, i deeply feel and talents to work, so i benefit from the competition; practical difficulties to the challenge, let me grow up in frustration; xian translation college, i developed a practical and realistic style of hard work and innovation. i love to engage in the cause of your organization, eager to look forward to your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks. if your organization can provide a copy of my employment, i will be very grateful, and take concrete actions to prove that they live up to your choice.

a time when the pen collection, solemnly raised a small request: regardless of whether you choose me, and respect the leadership, i hope you will accept my sincere thanks!

your organization wishes to the cause of success!



范文类型:自我评介,全文共 2470 字

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Over the past year, I am under the leadership of the Party Group of the branch, according to the partys leading cadres of the standard strict demands on themselves, firm political belief, strengthen political theoretical knowledge, work ethic change, improve their work style, adhere to self-discipline, and consciously abide by the law and fulfill responsibilities, take practical action to practice the "scientific concept of development," mainly in the following aspects:

A: In-depth knowledge of learning theory. Systematic study of knowledge of dialectical and historical materialism, diyifanwen.com raise awareness, analyze and solve problems of basic skills; conscientiously study the partys theory, ideals and faith, to strengthen the sense of purpose, correct attitude, inspire motivation.

Two: a comprehensive study business knowledge. Solid learning their business knowledge, Look beyond the surface, to grasp the inherent law work, consciously according to the laws. Extensive study the partys principles and policies and state laws and regulations, the implementation of policies and a good example of when the law enforcement and discipline. Strive to learn modern scientific and technological knowledge, keep up the pace of progress. Learning the combination, and constantly enhance the ability to serve the people.

Three: learn the rules and regulations often. Various rules and regulations, and party and government regulations often knowledge learning unit, and constantly enhance the sense of discipline and sense of responsibility, and consciously do alarm bells ringing, do strictly disciplined.

Four: regularly carry out self-criticism. Periodically for their own learning, work and thoughts summarize, the main is to find problems and shortcomings, and checking correct side, without remorse from a wide, strict demands on themselves, no longer "Never again", so that a preventive measure.

Five: learn from the advanced model. She knows nothing, doubts nothing. More and better quality, high consciousness, work style, have the knowledge, ability, level of comrades together, fully aware of their advantages and strengths, advanced control shortcomings, an open mind to learn from them, take people long to make up our own short.

Overall, the past year I have played a leading management and organizational skills, and fully mobilize the staff enthusiasm for work, well done and in charge of co-management tasks throughout the year the stock room.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:教师,全文共 13661 字

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Since this year, conscientiously implement the Partys education policy, abide by the rules and regulations, diligent, strict demands on themselves, obey the leadership.

This year I obey school leaders responsible for arranging two classes of English courses. In accordance with the provisions of the school, I was on time and quantity to complete the arrangements for the school gave me the task of teaching.

In particular, I insisted on teaching seriously preparing lessons, classes, lectures, observation and evaluation. Actively teaching methods, insist on writing after being taught and teaching miscellany, continue to accumulate experience, do not know when to consult immediately predecessors. I dutifully handed over to the school to do every job, eager to help my colleagues, my colleagues can unite and coordinate the work. Care for students, concerned about the collective, set a good example, good teacher, polite.

I continue to learn at the same time insists on continuing education correspondence expertise, and continue to explore the better integration of both applications. And actively participate in the re-education learning, and give practice, and achieved initial results found a lot of shortcomings, encountered many difficulties. I insisted on learning to read thinking, conscientiously sum up, continue to break one problem.

I thought in the four cardinal principles, support the partys principles and policies, and actively participate in the political study and group activities, so a teacher, law-abiding, civilized language, love career, love of students, correct ideological education, care of the overall development of students . No gold is pure gold, of course, no one is perfect. I also have my faults. In short, I will continue to strive to do our best!


In I graduated from Teachers College. After graduation, assigned to twenty high school work, have been engaged in teaching English, in December 1995 was promoted to secondary level teachers. In ordinary jobs for the development of oil fields in twenty, I have been quiet dedication of their youth and wisdom.

First, dedication, willing and selfless contribution.

I love my teaching. Go to work has been 23 years in this extraordinary 23 in the spring and autumn, when I took the stage, looking at a picture of innocent smile, the whole body will radiate a kind of infinite power, forget the hard work, forget the troubles of life, because I love these lovely children. Class, I carefully explained, a student answers a doubt, in the classroom, I patiently tutoring each student, the students work I seriously correcting, but also often write a few words of encouragement.The reason I do this is because I feel as a teacher of glory, more aware of the great responsibility as a teacher. Thus, at work, I carefully prepare each lesson, I have repeated before each class study materials, I also continue to understand students learning situation, students often ask those places is the weak link, it is important to explain, I always trying to better each lesson, and strive to teach every student, a student never give up, strive to make every student in the classroom can be harvested, has improved. English teacher lessons and more, morning reading more, going to night classes and more, before seven in the morning to get to school, going to night classes to go home after ten oclock. When English teacher really hard, but the work, I have dedicated, hard working, personal gains, all this situation, with students as the most important, never be choosers.

Second, we strive to be a caring teacher. Work, I strive to do to become a caring teacher. I believe that love their work and love their students basic literacy is a teacher, is the soul of education, teachers noble morality emotion, is a teacher to succeed in business premise and magic. Otherwise, he can not become a good teacher, not to become a student teacher loved. So I often start small, find the best educational opportunity from students concerned about the little things, like the students spring bath education. In the usual work, I often use the truth warmth students, care for students everywhere to the truth, not only concerned about the good scores, and more concerned about the performance is relatively backward students. For students with good grades, I always encourage them continuing success in the future; for students with learning difficulties, my patient counseling in class, and establish their confidence, so that they can fight to keep up the pace of learning.

I think, do not give a student, especially the No Child Left Behind performance lags behind, is our pursuit of the teaching realm. Also a teacher should have good professional emotion and sense of responsibility, because the education of the garden, a flower does not make a spring, the flowers Sheng Kaichun garden.

Third, strive to be a learning-oriented, research-based new teachers want to be a good teacher, must be a love of learning, willing to study, research and higher education is good teachers. Learning to be a new type of research-based teacher has always been my goal. It is also the goal, inspired me to keep on learning at work, constantly reflect ongoing research.

On professional knowledge is concerned, I have a passion to learn English. English has always been my favorite subject, whenever I learn English, I feel excited, feel endless aftertaste. I often feel I am learning English tell my students, to encourage them to love the English, to stimulate their interest in learning the English language. Sometimes I also I learn the content, such as news, and other historical figures to get the classroom and my students enjoy together, and sometimes simply used as teaching material, practice problems. Through continuous learning, and constantly improve my professional knowledge, classroom teaching but also keep up the pace. Often have the opportunity to go to learn, I have to fight to participate, I have many times to Zhengzhou, Beijing and other places to participate in training.Every time learning, I have excellent results, which 20xx participate in the Summer English courses organized by the field of foreign teachers teach, I average 96 points honors, won first place.

Only have profound professional knowledge, does not necessarily become a good teacher, must also have some teaching skills.Therefore, in the education teaching, I always adhere to the theory and business learning. I repeatedly studied "English Teaching Methodology" a book that I have read more than Sukhomlinskii education monographs. I also learned Yangsi teaching model school, and Dulangkou teaching mode, teaching methods they learned the essence, enhance their teaching. I also subscribe to myself "Primary English teaching and research", "primary and secondary foreign language teaching", "English test research", "Students" and other teaching publications. I insist on self-study, and a lot of notes. Through the study, I have a great deal of advanced education theory, professional knowledge has also been deserved promotion, teaching basic skills continue to be strengthened. 20xx years, I participate in the "national basic education experimental center of Foreign Language Education Research Center" organization of "The First National Teaching Skills Contest for Middle School English Teacher" won the national prize. 20xx years, participate in the competition, won the third prize again.


As a teacher, taught not only have the courage to establish a sense of purpose, but also a diligent habit of reflection. Looking back on this year, especially as summarized below.

First, ethics-oriented, focusing on training:

Implement the Partys education policy, dedication, honesty from education, care for students, a teacher, has a good demeanor and ethics teacher quality. Depth study of a series of documents spirit, a firm confidence in the cause and the party Central Committee; ethics continue to learn the advanced deeds of everyday life, to regulate their own behavior, to carry forward the spirit of dedication, do not care about personal gains and losses, concerned with the people, love every student in education courseware text transferred from Feifei garden note Moral goal is to lay the foundation. round development of students

Second, insist on learning, improve business:

(1) Teaching: update teaching concept to grasp the direction of teaching.

Listen to lectures of experts, learn a lot of advanced educational courseware text transferred from Feifei garden theory, a profound understanding of the spirit of the new curriculum standards, but also seriously reflect on their own teaching practice, research students, to explore teaching, and gradually build up to the students Thought for the lifelong development of teaching purposes, to establish a teacher-led student-centered teaching philosophy new; practical teaching activities, to participate in lectures, observation and evaluation activities, an impression, it is not demonstrated that lesson, but prepared process.Experts and peer guidance and help, again and again through practice, reflection, and then practice, then the process of reflection, understanding your classroom, teaching awareness will also sublimation. And these are people who do not we move on to learn will not.

2, continue to participate in the job training, the next step is to lay the foundation. Personnel System Reform

Third, care for students, diligent teaching.

Careful preparation, not rigidly adhere to the textbook, find information widely and actively hands courseware, teaching and strive interesting, educational, targeted, practical, in order to effectively train students to civility habits play a positive role. Focus on student learning habits. The training learned theory, experience into practice, such as the establishment of mutual supervised learning network group to promote independent learning; stratified operation, and through the "self-reading exercise books" to provide students with the preparation, questioning, exploring, sentiment capacity; initial grasp in rehearsal, school, independent study requires the review stage that should be achieved.

Fundamentals still weak students, the final exam from the first piece of the title "accumulation and use of" look, serious loss of points, but also pay attention to the use of basic knowledge in the future.

Over the past year, I continue to experience the taste of many teachers in the profession: working the hardships and pressures, but also the joy and happy harvest; the quest of pain, but also the joy of growth ...... they would like me to write a string of notes song of youth. And there are still many problems, such as the young, teaching experience are not enough, the need multifaceted, multi-channel learning experiences, especially the grasp of the need to improve the new materials, processing of materials needed to temper the art.

But I believe that although the efforts may not succeed, but it will fail to give up, give success to those who are prepared. In short, I will be the development plan is based, in practice, be full, let yourself step by step, hard work in practice, in the struggle Uplifting, growth in the Uplifting.


Im not afraid to work Kulei practical action inspired students to simple people dignified image of teachers educating students, so that the teacher, virtue repair only. According to my students opinions and suggestions, through the network to find relevant data and information, but also feedback to give them some specific proposals, such as for a special exam practice questions later specialized reference books; in listening and writing more effort; grammar to review system; vocabulary remembering English vocabulary can compare memory, and so on. I believe that the efforts to effectively learn the status and effect must be able to quickly step into a new orbit.

Secondly, I ask students to dare to say. Most of the students always think they are not good, and refused to speak, refused to opening levels will lead to not increase, it will not increase the level of their abilities questioned, questioning their ability is in turn result in more afraid to speak, Once students fall into this vicious circle will not get away, which completely negate themselves heard lead levels can not be increased.So, I try to arrange at least four hours a month speaking practice, a person performing oral speech or two threesomes dialogue also requires students to listen to in the following on the podium, said the students to ask questions, so I asked answer mode only exercise the students listening and speaking ability, but also active in the classroom atmosphere, a lot of revenue.

In the teaching process, patience is essential. It is a manifestation of a teacher of good behavior. Teachers job is to solve the problem of students varying degrees, which in addition to the teaching, as well as spiritual. Educating people work hard, treat a variety of problems, countless students have patience with a warm heart to do it.

In short, learning English, interests first. The level of students language ability is largely subject to the degree of interest in learning English.Hard to imagine lost interest also how to develop communication skills.So, as an English teacher, one hand to teach students knowledge of the language and enable them to acquire skills and, more attention should be paid to train and keep students interested in this subject, get a multiplier effect. So as to truly put the requirements of the new curriculum standards are implemented.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 356 字

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June 6,

Dear Mrs. Corbin,

I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon.

Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Burke










范文类型:聘书,全文共 257 字

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招兵买马:公司于20xx年x月xx日创立! 目前有百姓生活菜馆、x大院、小馆等东北风格餐馆。短期目标是中国东北菜第一品牌! 公司目前在全国直营20家分店,分布在北京、天津、山西太原万达地区,因业务发展特招聘有识之士共同发展:











范文类型:求职应聘,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 2083 字

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Dear leaders:

Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

My name is , , and this years 22-year-old, height*zero, X years in on graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; will be day-to-day operation of computers, has won numerous awards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations, have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind, the awareness of higher consciousness, to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamwork, hard work style, not afraid of hardship, and the courage first to. the work of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their own hard work, a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all walks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical work conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

Optional wood and good bird habitat, allow disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a wise choice. I was a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your wise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorrow I will become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people who are fully prepared.

I wish you every success for the cause.

Waiting for your good news!





范文类型:工作总结,全文共 1077 字

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1、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellowleaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.



2、It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.


3、The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass

who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.


4、If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.


5、 The sands in you way beg for your song and your movement,dancingwater.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?



6、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silenttrees.


7、I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.


8、They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on theirback.


9、Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.


10、The waterfall sings, I find my song, when I find my freedom.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 661 字

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Good afternoon and nice to see u at this sunny afternoon.

I am very glad to be here for interview.

My name is yyx . i come from dlufl and my major is english special lised in business.

Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and i also have been an interpreter at dalian garment fair for twice.

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job.

And whats more, my laptop computer is hp, so i have a better way to recgonize hp.

I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a hp man.

Thats all ,thank u so much!



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 1539 字

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to theproperty of the company.

1.4. ‘party b’ means___________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,

to the property of the company.

1.5. ‘the contraet factory’ means the place which party party a manufactures the

contract products. that is_______________.

1.6.‘spare p`menas replacement parts for contract products or for any part there-of.

1.7. ‘components’means those components and parts of contruct produets which par-ty

b has agreed or may from time to time agree in writing to permit party a to manufacture

or sell.

1.8. ‘technical documents’meane engineering, manufacturing and originating

inforna-tion relatiog to the manufacture and servicing of contract products, including

drawings, blueprints,design sheets, material specifications,

photographs, photostats and general da-ta, and designs and pecifications relating

to manufacturing contract producdts, tools and fix-tures, but includes,however, only

such information as is available to party b and applicable to the operations of party a

under this contract which detaile as per appendis 1 to the con-tract.

1.9 ‘net selling price’ menans remaining amount of invoice value of the

contractprod-ucts, after deduction of packahing, installation and freight charges,

trade and discount,commission,insurance and taxes and duties. if any, directly

applicable to the prdduct.

1.l0 ‘the date of coming into effect of the contract’means the date of raification

ofthe contract by the managing constructure of the parties or by the competent




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 11310 字

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稻城县位于四川省西部,青藏高原东南缘,横断山脉东侧。东南与凉山州木里县接壤,西界乡城县,并与云南省中甸县毗邻,北连理塘县,总幅员面积7323平方 公里,呈长条形。1990年,全县辖3个区、14个乡以及金珠集市1个,隶属四川省甘孜藏族自治州。全县有藏族、汉族、纳西族、回族、蒙古族、苗族、彝族、土家族、黎族、白族等民族,共有人口25445人,其中藏族24496人,占全县总人口的96.27%。县人民政府驻金珠集市,海拔3740米,是甘孜州第四高城,距州府康定432公里,距省会成都810公里。稻城山川秀丽,文化悠久。驰名的有终年积雪不化的贡嘎雪山,风光绚丽的“五色海”,星罗棋布的海子山大小湖泊(海子),水流湍急的稻城河.有名的查合温泉等风景名胜,让人流连忘返。还有贡嘎郎吉岭寺的佛像,扎郎寺的雕刻,日依寺的壁画,海子山发掘的“恐龙牙齿”化石和“桉树”化石,波瓦山发现的“树叶”化石等古迹文物,具有极高的科研价值。

县境内,属横断山系的贡嘎雪山和海子山,坐落南北,约占全县总面积的三分之一。县境地形复杂,北高南低、西高东低,最高点为南部的贡嘎雪山萨内日峰,海拔6032米,最低处为东义区南部色空村,海拔1900米。全县 地势自西北而东南,山脊河谷相间,天然划分为三个类型区:北部为典型的丘状高原,海子山骈稻城河,海拔3600—5020米,高差1420米,丘状、冰蚀 岩盆和断陷盆地遍于表面,草原辽阔,是发展畜牧业的良好基地;中部为半高山山原地貌,波瓦山骈赤土河,平均海拔3500米以上;南部高山狭谷区,俄初山骈 东义河,海拔 20xx~5000米以上,溪流发达,森林茂密,宜于经济林木的发展。

全县水系纵横。稻城河流均属金沙江水系,三大河流为 稻城河、赤土河、东义河,均流入木里县水洛河注入金沙江。在高山狭谷中还有终年流水不断的溪沟60多条,其中积水面积在100平方公里以上的有12条。全 县河流天然落差大,电力蕴藏量达22.6万千瓦,待开发利用。县境内还有大小湖泊(海子)1145个,面积3200平方公里,最大的为兴伊错湖,面积 7.5平方公里,为常年淡水湖。这些湖泊均在海拔4000米以上的县境北部冰蚀地形区,难以直接利用,但为县内河流提供了丰富的水源。

稻城温泉资源丰富,出-有20余处,分布在茹布乡、省母乡、蒙自乡、日瓦乡、各卡乡等。特别是县城东南3公里处贡巴山北麓的“茹布查卡”(查合温泉),出 口处水温一般为68℃,最高水温达80℃,流量1.33公升/秒,昼夜流量高达 7000立方米,可建装机容量20xx千瓦以上的地热电站。该处泉水无色、无沉积物,不含硫,为村民世代饮用,又能浸泡治病,驰名州内外,是本县得天独厚的自然财富。











藏传佛教有规模地传入稻城是在公元11世纪末期到15世纪末期的近四百年的时间里,由于统治阶级在藏区一贯采用怀柔-和封建土司政策,促使藏、番的寺俗封建领主统治力量的扩大和加强,萨迦政权及弟悉帕摩主巴政权时期,教主均兼摄政务,即政教合一的统治形式。这一时期。为不同封建领主统治基础服务,藏传佛教形成了不同派别如萨迦派、噶举派、格鲁派,各派为了扩大自己的势力,广收信徒, 积极传播和发展。





























铭文:"昔在先主,思启疆宇,扰攘靡依,英雄无辅,爰得武侯,先定蜀土。道德城池,礼仪干橹。煦物如春,化人如神。劳而不怨,用之有伦。柔胜蛮落,铺敦渭滨,摄迹畏威杂居怀仁。中原旰食,不测 不克,以待可胜,允臻其极。天未悔祸,公命不果,汉祚其亡,将星中坠。反旗鸣鼓,犹走司马,死而可作,当小天下。尚父作周,阿衡佐商,兼齐管晏,揔汉萧张,易代而生,易地而理,遭遇丰约,亦皆然矣。呜呼:奇谋奋发,美志夭遏。吁嗟严立,感受谪罚,闻之痛之,或泣或绝。甘棠勿翦,骈邑斯夺,由是而言,殊途共辙。本于忠恕,孰不感悦,苟非诚悫,徒云固结。古柏森森,遗庙沉沉,不殄禋祀,以乞于今,靡不骏奔,若有照临。蜀国之风,蜀人之心,锦江清波,玉垒峻岑,入海际天,知公德音。元和四年,岁在己丑,二月二十九日建。"


















1940年前后,当代国画大师张大千举家寓居青城山上清宫。他寻幽探胜,泼墨弄清彩,作品愈千幅,还篆刻图章一方,自号"青城客"。六十年代,张大千在远隔重洋的巴西圣保罗画巨幅《青城山全图》,供自己及家人卧游。晚年自云:“看山还故乡青”,“而今能画不能归”,终身对故乡青城仙山充满着眷恋之情。 在中国,这世外桃源是十分美丽的。




































