





范文类型:自我评介,全文共 673 字

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I am cheerful, and his careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking.

Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, and other applications, according to the needs of , the completion of the work surface , have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills;

Professional advice and product and supplier information in , the proposed feasibility recommendations, follow solve the problem; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4922 字

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范文类型:材料案例,全文共 7261 字

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小福禄用自己辛勤的付出换来卧床父亲的平安和放心。80岁高龄的奶奶冠心病和小脑萎缩日益严重,也需要有人照顾。期间,姐姐本想辍学,但懂事的弟弟坚持让姐姐读书,自己再怎么辛苦,也愿意默默承受。几年来,小福禄没有吃过一口零食,没有买过一件新衣。 2019年荣获“感动津门十大孝亲爱心学子”所得的5000元奖励资金全部用作父亲和奶奶的医疗费用和营养支付。












































范文类型:材料案例,全文共 1825 字

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范文类型:材料案例,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,全文共 529 字

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“从太行山麻岩山地到干旱丘陵岗地,他毕生致力于山区综合开发治理和特色优势资源产业化技术体系研究与推广。”河北农业大学博士生导师齐国辉说,“这30多年,他干了比普通人70年还多的工作。我们要沿着他的足迹,帮助更多太行山贫困群众致富。” 斯人已逝,精神长存。




范文类型:材料案例,全文共 4645 字

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孔繁森同志事迹简介 古老而又富饶的鲁西平原,象一位伟大的母亲,孕育了一代又一代的英雄儿女,孔繁森就是其中杰出的一位……. 1944年7月,孔繁森出生在山东省聊城市堂邑镇五里墩村,他的父母都是老实忠厚的农民,从他懂事的那天起,在父母那里得到的就是清清白白为人,实实在在做事的教诲。     1961年,17岁的孔繁森光荣地步入了中国人民解放军的行列,在部队这个大熔炉里,孔繁森处处严格要求自己,连年被评为五好战士。     1966年9月,孔繁森光荣地加入了中国共产党。     1975年—1979年,孔繁森担任聊城地委宣传部副部长,几年间他为发展聊城地区的宣传、文化事业作出了突出的贡献。     1981年,孔繁森第一次调藏工作期满,到莘县任县委副书记,他识大体、顾大局、讲团结、求进取,在莘县的干部群众中留下了深刻的印象。     1979年孔繁森第一次赴~工作时,亲属都在农村,母亲已年近八旬,妻子王庆芝体弱多病,三个孩子最大的八岁,最小的只有两岁,生活非常艰难。可是孔繁森想到这是党和人民需要自己的时候,自己不去总得有人去,谁家又没有困难呢?于是,他做通了家人的思想工作,告别了家乡和亲人,在~一干就是三年,1988年,山东省再次选派进藏干部,组织上认为孔繁森在政治上成熟又有在藏工作经验,便决定让他带队第二次赴藏工作,当问他有什么困难时,他依然还是那句老话:“我是党的干部,服从组织安排”。要走了,他默默地来到老母亲面前,又一次为老人家梳理着那稀疏的白发,然后,贴近母亲的身边,声音颤抖地说:“娘,儿又要出远门了,到很远很远的地方去,要翻过好几座山,过好多条河。”已是风烛残年的老母亲,她抚摸着儿子的头问:“咱不去不行吗?”孔繁森哽咽着说:“不行啊娘,咱是党的人,咱得给公家办事啊……”“那你就去吧,俺知道公家的事儿误了不行,多带些干粮、衣裳,路上可别喝凉水……”老母亲心疼地认可了,孔繁森再也抑制不住自己的感情,“扑通”跪倒在老母亲的面前,流着眼泪对母亲说:“娘,儿走了,您可要多保重啊!”说完,给老母亲磕了一个头,便毅然踏上了西去的征程。     1979年,孔繁森第一次进藏担任岗巴县委副书记,在岗巴工作三年,他跑遍了全县的乡村、牧区,与藏族群众结下了深厚的友谊。     1988年,孔繁森第二次调藏工作,担任拉萨市副市长,分管文教、卫生和民政工作,孔繁森到任仅四个月的时间,就跑遍了全市八个县区所有的公办学校和一半以上的村办小学,为发展少数民族的教育事业奔波操劳。     孔繁森对于分管的卫生和民政工作也同样的投入,为了结束尼木县续迈等三个乡群众易患大骨节病的历史,他几次爬到海拔近5000米的山顶水源处采集水样,帮助群众解决饮水问题。     1992年底,孔繁森第二次调藏工作期满,~自治区党委决定任命他为阿里地委书记,这一任命意味着孔繁森将继续留在~工作,面对人生之路又一次重大选择,他毫不犹豫地服从了党的决定,人民的需要。阿里地处~自治区的西北部,平均海拔4500米,被称为“世界屋脊的屋脊”。阿里的面积相当于两个山东省,而人口仅有六万,地广人稀,这里长年气温零度以下,最低温度达零下40多度,每年7至8级大风占140天以上,恶劣的自然环境,艰苦的生活条件使许多人都望而却步。     1993年春天,年近50岁的孔繁森赴任阿里地委书记,为了摸清阿里的情况,孔繁森逐县、逐区、逐乡的跑,实地考察、求计问策,与当地干部一起寻找带领群众脱贫致富的路子,在阿里不到两年的时间里,全地区106个乡他跑遍了98个,行程达8万多公里,茫茫雪域高原到处都留下了孔繁森深深的足迹。     在阿里,孔繁森同时兼任阿里军分区党委第一书记,他为阿里的军队建设倾注了大量的心血。     早在1990年,~将军就诚曾写下“心连心,同命运,共呼吸”的条幅赠予孔繁森。     1994年初,一场罕见的特大暴风雪席卷了阿里高原,孔繁森迎着暴风雪到受灾最严重的改则县和革吉县指挥救灾,救灾途中,饿了就吃一口风干的牛肉,渴了就抓一把雪塞到嘴里,超负荷的工作和长时间的高山反应,使孔繁森本来就带病的身体更加虚弱。     2月27日的凌晨,孔繁森躺在革吉县曲仓乡一座牧民的帐篷里,剧烈的头痛使他怎么也睡不着,他感到心跳加快、胸闷气短、天旋地转。有着高原生活经验和医学常识的孔繁森,预感到死神正在朝他逼近……,可是,让他放心不下的是远在山东的老母亲、妻子和儿女,他艰难地支撑着病体,打开手电筒在笔记本上给公务员小梁写下了这样的交待:“小梁,不知为什么我头痛的厉害,怎么也睡不着。人有旦夕祸福,万一我发生不幸,千万不能让我的老母亲、家属和孩子知道,请你每月以我的名义给家里写一封报平安信……,我在哪里发生不幸,就把我埋在哪里。”这哪里是什么交待啊,这分明是孔繁森提前写好的一份遗书啊!然而,这一夜孔繁森没有倒下,终于挺了过来。经过两个多月的艰苦奋战,阿里人民终于战胜了这场罕见的雪灾,全地区没有冻死、饿死一个人,而年仅50岁的孔繁森却苍老了许多,黑瘦了许多,他的头发过早的灰白了。     为了加速阿里的发展和振兴,1994年11月,孔繁森带领阿里工作组赴新疆塔城考察边贸工作,途中他在4页便笺上拟就了“关于阿里发展的12个亟待解决的问题”,可谁又会想到这竟成了他留在高原的绝笔。     孔繁森在藏工作十年间,深深爱上了~人民和那里的山山水水,早在孔繁森生前《大众日报》《聊城日报》《山东画报》《~日报》等报刊都多次报道过孔繁森在~的感人事迹。孔繁森第一次进藏工作时,了解到农牧区缺医少药的情况,1988年,他第二次赴藏,随身的物品里就多了一个小药箱,每次下乡时,他都用自己的钱购置药品装满小药箱,工作结束后,他的身边总围着一群等候看病的农牧民,他认真地听诊、把脉、发药、打针、直到小药箱空了为止,孔繁森在拉萨市任副市长时,全市56所敬老

院和社会福利院,他走访过48所,他经常对身边的工作人员说:“我每见到这些孤寡老人,就像见到我远在家乡的老母亲,照顾好这些老人,也就是为我的老母亲尽孝了”。     1992年,拉萨市墨竹工卡等县发生强烈地震,孔繁森在羊日岗乡的地震废墟上,领养了三个失去亲人和家园的藏族孤儿:12岁的曲尼,7岁的曲印和只有5岁的贡桑。     一个人孤身在外,既要工作,又要带孩子,辛苦和劳累可想而知,晚上工作了一天的孔繁森回到家里,先要给孩子们做好可口的饭菜,然后再教他们读书识字。节假日,只要空闲,他总是同孩子们一起娱乐,上街给他们购买衣物和书籍。     收养孤儿后,孔繁森在生活上更加拮据,1993年的一天,他悄悄地来到~军分区总医院血库,要求献血,其实他是为了孩子们来卖血,就这样孔繁森三次以“洛珠”的名义献血900毫升,900毫升鲜血蕴含了孔繁森对这三个藏族孤儿深深的爱啊。     孔繁森长期担任领导职务,却从不利用职权搞特殊,谋取个人私利。 1986年孔繁森担任聊城行署办公室副主任,用车本来很方便,可元宵佳节,他却借来地板车推着年迈的老母亲上街观灯赏景。1991年已是聊城地区行署副专员的孔繁森,新盖的专员住房本来有他的一套,他却让给了其他住房困难的同志,自己仍然住在简陋的房舍里。在~孔繁森吸烟只吸几毛钱的低档烟,一次孔繁森到阿里党校讲课,党校的同志在桌子上放了两和红塔山香烟,孔繁森却批评道:在阿里一斤羊毛四块八毛钱,一盒红塔山却二十元钱,吸一盒红塔山,四五斤羊毛就烧掉了!     孔繁森殉职以后,在他的遗物中还有数千元的各种发票,这些发票在他任职期间完全可以签字报销,然而他却严格地把握了公与私的界限,其中有一张5元钱的用车发票,就是孔繁森在担任聊城地区林业局局长期间,因私事用车按每公里1元钱,交纳的用车费。     1994年7月,孔繁森带领阿里的同志到北京跑项目,一连数日,他和同志们都在街头的小摊上吃面条,随行的同志觉得一个地委书记吃小摊不雅观,可孔繁森却郑重的说:“咱阿里太穷,想想咱们那里还不富裕的群众,大鱼大肉咱能吃的下吗?”     孔繁森一生生活极为简朴,几十年来,无论是当工人、当部长、当书记,身上的内衣大都是带补丁的,他身边还常备着一个针线包,衣服破了就自己缝补……。 孔繁森同志遇难后,阿里地委在清理他的遗物时发现,除了一个袖珍收音机外,再就是几件简单的换洗衣服,还有仅剩下的8块6毛钱。谁会相信,这竟是一个地委书记的全部家当。     1994年11月29日,一场车祸无情的夺去了孔繁森宝贵的生命。12月10日在新疆的乌鲁木齐市举行了孔繁森同志的遗体告别仪式,他的骨灰分别被安放在他所工作过的~高原和他的家乡山东聊城。     12月14日,在山东聊城,两千多名干部群众,冒着凛冽的寒风,从四面八方来到革命烈士陵园,为孔繁森同志举行了隆重的骨灰安放仪式。在场的干部群众面对着孔繁森同志的遗像和骨灰,都禁不住失声痛哭。当孔繁森的儿子孔杰怀抱着父亲的骨灰送往灵堂时,来自他老家五里墩村的父老乡亲们都纷纷跪倒在地,连声哭喊着“繁森” 的名字泣不成声。     12月15日在~自治区首府拉萨,隆重举行了孔繁森同志的骨灰安放仪式,遗像前花圈似海、哈达如云、哭声如潮。孔繁森当年在~收养的两个藏族孤儿曲印和贡桑,怀抱着爷爷的骨灰和遗像,为他们敬爱的孔爷爷送葬。     噩耗传到阿里地委所在地狮泉河镇,人们纷纷朝着孔繁森殉职的方向哭泣默哀,12月5日,阿里地委隆重举行了孔繁森同志的追悼仪式,这个不足五千人的边疆小镇赶来参加追悼仪式的竟有两千多人。那一天,一幅挽联十分醒目,上面写着“一尘不染两袖清风,视名利安危淡似狮泉河水;两离桑梓独恋雪域,置民族团结重如冈底斯山。”这充分表达了阿里人民对孔繁森同志的深切缅怀。    孔繁森同志殉职后,中央领导、山东省的领导以及~自治区的领导都专程赶到聊城看望孔繁森同志的亲属。     1997年4月10日,新任山东省委书记吴官正由江西南昌抵达聊城,参观了孔繁森同志纪念馆并郑重题词“学习孔繁森同志,全心全意为齐鲁人民服务”。 孔繁森殉职以后,、李鹏、~、李瑞环分别为他题了词。撰写了署名文章,号召全党、全国人民向孔繁森同志学习。     1995年4月29日,、李鹏、~、李瑞环、朱鎔基、~、等党和国家领导人在北京亲切接见了孔繁森同志的爱人王庆芝及其子女以及孔繁森事迹报告团的全体成员。     1995年9月10日,孔繁森同志纪念馆正式开馆,~委员长作为首批观众参观了纪念馆。     1998年4月28日,1999年5月26日,中组部、中宣部分别在北京召开学习孔繁森座谈会,聊城地委书记张敬涛同志在会上作了发言。     孔繁森同志的事迹催人泪下、激人奋进,在孔繁森同志事迹报告会上,当~自治区副主席次仁卓嘎,把孔繁森还没来的及领取的“全国民族团结进步先进个人”的奖章,转交给他的爱人王庆芝时,台上、台下都泣不成声。     孔繁森同志事迹展览在全国巡回展出,历时近两年,观众近千万,展览所到之处,前来参观的观众络绎不绝,在他们心中引起了强烈反响,在全国掀起了向孔繁森同志学习的热潮。     1995年7月4日,中共中央宣传部正式批准在聊城建立孔繁森同志纪念馆,孔繁森同志纪念馆的建成,为广泛、深入、持久的开展向孔繁森同志学习提供了一个重要的思想教育基地。



范文类型:汇报报告,全文共 7284 字

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Title: Preparation of Fe scrap from waste

(NH4) 2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O

The purpose of the experiment

Learn the method used scrap iron preparation of ferrous ammonium sulfate.

Familiar with the water bath, filtered, and evaporated under reduced pressure and crystallization basic working.

The experimental principle, the iron and sulfuric acid to generate reactive ferrous sulfate, ferrous sulfate and ammonium sulfate in an aqueous solution of equal molar interaction, becomes less soluble blue generate ferrous ammonium sulfate.

Fe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2 (gas)

FeSO4+ (NH4)2SO4+6H2O=(NH4)2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O Usually ferrous rocks are easily oxidized in air, but after the formation of relatively stable perfunctory, not to be oxidized.

Experiment to use instruments, scales, constant temperature water bath, pumps, basins, cups, 10ml graduated cylinder, asbestos mesh, glass, tripod, alcohol lamp, funnel.

Iron pieces to a solid pharmaceutical use, use of acid ammonium sulfate and 3mol / l of sulfuric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid.

The experiment was divided into four steps.

The first step Said iron powder 4g into a beaker and then 50ml 10ml, 3mol / L H2SO4 was added to the same beaker. The second step will be the beaker is heated to no more bubbles, and then filtered hot and the filtrate was then filled in 100ml beaker. The third step, called 4g (NH4)2SO4, and the resulting

ammonium sulfate and 5.3ml of water to form a saturated solution, and then add it to the ferrous sulfate solution, adjusted with concentrated sulfuric acid to PH = 1. A fourth step, the third step the solution was heated in a water bath to the surface until the film is crystallized, it was slowly cooled and

then filtered under reduced pressure to stand finally dried, weighed and the yield was calculated. The results obtained 8.1g bluish powdery

crystals. Have this result we can calculate yield, starting with the first step we tried to know the amount of iron, should this we can calculate the theoretical sulfate ferrous sulfate is 0.03mol, then ferrous sulfate obtained by the

0.03molFeSO4 theoretical value of ammonium. FeSO4+(NH4)2SO4+6H2O=FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O 0.03molX mol



Yield = the actual value of the formula is divided by the theoretical value by 100%.it will be calculated into the data obtained in a yield of 68.9%.


The preparation of alkali type copper carbonate

The first:the experiment purpose

1.Master the methods of alkali type copper carbonate prepared and principle

2.Through the design experiment to cultivate independent design ability and chemical research thinking

The second:the experimental principle

The solubility of Cu(OH)2and CuCO3 are similar, With Cu2(OH)2CO3 solid precipitation in the solution.

The third:the experimental steps

1.Solution preparation

Disposes 0.5 mole of each litre acid sour coppers and sodium carbonate solution each 100 milliliters.

2.The feeding order and raw material compare the exploration

According to 2:1.6,2:2,2:2.4,2:2.8 allocated proportion, is accepted after passing an examination the surface disposition acid sour copper and the sodium carbonate solution, joins in separately 8 test tubes, joins rapidly the sulfuric acid copper solutions in the sodium carbonate solution, vibrates about other constant temperature ten minutes as for 75 degrees Celsius water baths in, the inversion feeding order recreates one time, the observation has the precipitation speed, quantity how many and the color,

discovers the optimum condition.

3.Temperature exploration

According to the above optimum condition, takes the acid sour copper solutions and the sodium carbonate solution separately under 50, 75 and 100 degrees Celsius responded that, discovers the optimum temperature.

4.According to 2, 3 step exploration optimum condition prepares the final product, and with the distilled water lavation, finally dries and calls heavily.(Enlarges ten times with conical flask to do)

The fourth:the experimental items

Instrument and material: The balance, the beaker, the glass rod, the Volumetric flask, the test tube, the filter flask,the Buchner funnel, the Erlenmeyer flask

Chemicals: Copper carbonate, sodium sulfate

The fifth:the experimental result

1.By the step 2, the observation phenomenon optimum condition is equal to for the cupric sulfate compared to the sodium carbonate 2:2.4, the feeding order for joins the sulfuric acid copper solutions to the sodium carbonate solution in.

2.By the step 3, the observation phenomenon optimum temperature is 75 degrees Celsius

3.According to the copper sulfate solution than sodium carbonate

solution is 2:2. 4, ten times magnification, alkali type copper carbonate was zero point five grams, according to the reaction equation calculation yield.

2 1

0.5*0.02 X




Productive rate:0.5/1.11*100%=45%

The sixth : Questions

1. Which cupric salt suit the system to take the cupric basic carbonate? Answer:Cu(NO)3 or CuSO4

2. The reaction temperature has what influence to this experiment?.

Answer:The temperature excessively is low, the response speed is slow; The hyperpyrexia, the Cu2(OH)2CO3 decomposition is CuO.

3. Reaction is carried out at what temperature will appear Brown product? What is the brown substance?

Answer: The temperature is equal to 100 degrees Celsius and this brown material is CuO.


In the physiological saline the sodium chloride content determination

one, the experimental goal

1、 the study silver nitrate standard solution configuration and the demarcation method

2、 the grasping law raises Si Fa to determine the chloride ion the method principle two, the experimental principle

With AgNO3 standard solution titration Cl - Ag + + Cl - = = AgCl,At ph 7.0 -10.5 available fluorescent yellow do indicator (HFIn)

HFIn = = FIn (yellow) + H +

Sp before: excessive, AgCl precipitation adsorption of Cl - AgCl Cl - + FIn - (yellow-green)

After Sp: Ag +, excessive AgCl precipitation Ag + adsorption, adsorption FIn - reprecipitation AgCl, Ag + + FIn - = = AgCl, Ag +, FIn - (pink) The finish color changes: from yellowish green to orange Three, instruments and reagents

Equipment and materials:Acid type buret (150 ml), taper bottle (250 ml), volumetric flask (100 ml), pipette (20 ml, 10 ml), measuring cylinder (100 ml, 10 ml), beaker (100 ml), brown reagent bottles (500 ml), analytical balance, platform scale. The reagent and drug: Analysis of AgNO3 (s, pure), NaCl (s,

analysis of pure), physiological saline, fluorescent yellow - starch. Fourth, the experimental steps

Accurately moving 25 ml concentration is 0.7064 mol ╱ L of silver nitrate standard solution in the middle of 250 ml volumetric flask, dilute to scale as a standard solution titration.

Accurately moving saline 10.00 ml to 250 ml conical flask, add 50 ml water, 3 drops of fluorescent yellow indicator, 5% starch indicator 5 ml, under continuous agitation, using silver nitrate

standard solution titration to solution from yellow to pink is the end point. Record the consumption volume of silver nitrate

standard solution, parallel determination of 3, calculate the sodium chloride content in saline and relative mean deviation.

Fifth, data recording and processing

Formula: ρ = V×MrNaCl×CAgNO3 x 100

The average deviation d=0.01300 dr=d/ρ×100%=0.13%



范文类型:证明书,全文共 745 字

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大学生实习证明英文版 (一) Internship Certificate example Human Resource Operations Date: April 21, 20xx TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Miss has completed her Internship in (organizational Name) ’ s Finance Department starting from January 28, 20xx to March 28, 201x. Her duties included Checking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different Departments Monthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan Accounts Vouchers entry in MIS. During her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player. We wish her best of luck for future endeavors. Manager HR & Administration



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 20907 字

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Dear guests

Hello! Entrusted by the tourism and reception departments, I would like toextend a warm welcome to all the guests visiting Qufu, a famous city. I am veryglad to be accompanied by a tour guide. This is a good opportunity for us toenjoy and study together. Please leave your valuable comments after reading.

First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the history and culturalrelics of Qufu.

Qufu, a famous historical and cultural city, is the hometown of Confucius,a great thinker, educator, politician, literature arranger and sage of the worldin ancient China, the hometown of Mencius, the birthplace of Xuanyuan YellowEmperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, the capital of Yan Emperor, thehometown of Shang and Yin, and the capital of Lu. Four of the three emperors andfive emperors lived and worked here for more than 5000 years. There are abundanttreasures underground and numerous cultural relics on the ground. At present,there are 112 cultural relics, including UN protected units, 3 World CulturalHeritage sites, 4 national protected sites, 12 provincial protected sites, andothers protected at prefecture level.

The most important ones are "three Confucius, two temples and onemausoleum", "three mountains, two forests and one temple". Confucius Temple,Confucius Mansion and Confucius forest are commonly known as "three Confucius".There are temples dedicated to Zhou Gong, the sage of the Yuan Dynasty in China,and temples dedicated to Fusheng Yanhui, the first disciple of Confucius, whichare commonly known as "two temples"; Yiling is SHAOHAO mausoleum in Shouqiu, thebirthplace of Yellow Emperor; Sanshan; and Jiuxian mountain (also known asJiushan), the birthplace of Confucius. The second forest is: mengmulin, the bestmother to educate children in the world, lianggonglin, the burial place ofConfucius parents; "Yisi" is the place where Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poems,answered correctly and parted. The famous scholar Kong Shangren lived inseclusion in Shimen temple, the national garden.

Now lets look at the Confucius Temple.

Confucius Temple, also known as Zhisheng temple, is a place for offeringsacrifices to Confucius and his wife Qi Guan and 72 sages. Together with theForbidden City in Beijing and Chengde summer resort in Hebei, Confucius Templeis known as Chinas three major ancient architectural complexes. Experts saidfour words to Confucius Temple: the oldest, the most grand, the most completepreservation, and the most prominent Oriental architectural features. Twoproblems can be seen from the Confucius Temple: one is the great contribution ofConfucius to China and even the oriental culture; the other is that China hascraftsmen in history.

Confucius Temple was built in 478 BC, the year after Confucius died. In theformer residence of Confucius, three temples were built to display Confuciusclothes, cars, books and so on. The Confucius Temple was expanded by emperors ofall dynasties, including 15 major repairs, 31 medium repairs and hundreds ofminor repairs, reaching the present scale. The Confucius Temple imitates theimperial palace. It is divided into three layout, nine courtyards. It has 466houses and 54 gates and pavilions. It runs through a central axis from east towest. There are nearly one thousand steles, covering an area of 327.5 mu, whichis two Li and 150 meters long. The Confucius Temple we see now is the scale ofthe Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty. After liberation, the state allocatedfunds for maintenance and protection for many times. The first batch of nationalkey cultural relic protection units announced by China were listed as worldcultural heritage in December 1994, and became cultural relic units protected bythe United Nations. Confucius Temple has been built for a long time, has a largescale, and is completely preserved, which is rare in the world.

Shinto. "Wanren palace wall" before the ancient cypress vigorous thissection of the road is "Shinto". In front of important temples, there is aspecial way of respecting and understanding, which is called "Shinto".

Wanren palace wall. This gate is the South Gate of Ming City in Qufu, andit is also the first gate of Confucius Temple. It is hung with the fourcharacters of "Wanren palace wall", which was written by Emperor Qianlong ofQing Dynasty. It comes from Zi Gong, the proud disciple of Confucius. At themeeting of the state of Lu, it was proposed that Zigongs knowledge was broadand profound, which could be compared with Confucius. Zigong stood upimmediately and said, I dare not compare with my teacher Confucius. Humanknowledge is like a wall. My wall is only one Ren high, and my teachers wall isseveral Ren high. That is to say, my knowledge is equal to a shoulder high,clear at a glance, nothing profound; Confucius knowledge is several times asmuch as mine, after detailed research, comprehensive discussion, we canunderstand all of him, after entering the door, we can see the beauty of thetemple, you cant see it outside the door. In order to describe Confuciusprofound knowledge, later generations changed from the masters wall to "hundredRen" and "thousand Ren" to the emperor of Ming Dynasty who granted Confucius thetitle of "civil servant in the world, imperial teacher of all dynasties", andpraised Confucius knowledge as "ten thousand Ren". Looking up, we cant see thetop. It also said that the wall was very solid. These four words were originallywritten by the imperial envoy of Ming Dynasty. In order to show that he attachedgreat importance to Confucius, Qianlong replaced his imperial pen with hispersonal letter "Wanren palace wall".

Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Fang. This workshop was built in Ming Dynasty to expressConfucius exquisite and perfect knowledge, just like the whole process ofplaying music, which is complete from beginning to end. Ancient music beginswith the ringing of a bell, which starts with the sound of "the beginning oforder" and ends with the striking of a chime. The sound of "jade vibration" isthe sound of the falling of the chime, which is called "the end of order".Praising Confucius knowledge is a great achievement of the sages and sages, soit is called "the sound of gold and the sound of jade vibration". The sound of"golden sound" is the sound of the bell, which starts with the sound of "jadevibration" and ends with the sound of the chime. This is also the source of theidiom "start and finish". "Jin Sheng Yu Zhen" was written by Hu zuanzong, agreat calligrapher in Ming Dynasty.

"Two cypresses bear one hole". There is an ancient cypress in the East andwest of the single hole stone arch bridge passing yuzhenfang, so it is called"two cypresses bear one hole". This bridge is called "Panshui bridge", which isconnected with the water in the pan pool beside the palace, so it is called "panwater". In the past, when I read the book of Confucius and Mencius, I wasadmitted to higher education, which is called "entering hope". Officials hope tobe promoted, do business, hope to get rich, and live a prosperous life.

Dismount monument. Outside the temple wall, there are two stone tablets,the Xiama tablet and Xiajiao tablet, which were set up in 1191 ad. The stele inthe West had been destroyed, and the stele in the East said, "officials andpeople wait to get off here.". In the past, civil and military officials andcommon people passed by, dismounted and walked on foot to show respect forConfucius and Confucius Temple.

Lattice star gate. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt in 1754 ad.it was made of wood instead of iron and stone. "Lingxingmen" was written byEmperor Qianlong. It is said that there are twenty-eight constellations in thesky. Among them, there is a star in charge of culture called "Lingxing", alsoknown as "Wenqu star" and "tianzhenxing". It connects Confucius with the star incharge of culture in the sky and says that he is the highest in culture. Forexample, in the past, when worshiping heaven, we should first worship "Wenqustar". There is a saying that respecting Confucius is like respectingheaven.

Taihe Yuanqi square. This workshop was built in 1544 A.D. in the MingDynasty. It highly praises Confuciuss idea that "the space universe can nurtureall things.". "The harmony of heaven and earth, the harmony of the four sides,the harmony of yin and Yang" is the most basic thing, the harmony of theuniverse and the vitality of the human world. "Taihe Yuanqi" is written by ZengMian, governor of Shandong Province.

The most holy temple. The "Zhisheng Temple Square" built in the MingDynasty is made of white marble, decorated with flame jewels.

The world of moral Mou, the road crown ancient and modern. The East andwest of the Taoist temple are lined with a very strange memorial archway.Surrounded by wooden corner edges, there are a thousand heads and ten thousandcontinuations. There are eight monsters under it, which are called "Heavendragon and God lion". It is said that it is dignified and inspired, which candrive away evil and uphold justice. In the eastern memorial archway, it waswritten: "demou heaven and earth", saying that the benefits of Confucius ideasto human beings are as high as heaven and earth, and the merits and virtues canbe compared with heaven and earth. The memorial archway in the West reads"Daoguan ancient and modern", praising Confucius thoughts and methods, whichare the highest in the world.

Holy time gate. The three gates are parallel, the four platforms are thesame as above, and the central Panlong. The name of this gate comes fromMencius. For the four ancient sages, Boyi, Yiyin, liuxiahui and Confucius,Mencius summed up the Four Saints holy deeds into four sentences: Boyi is thesage of the Qing Dynasty, Yiyin is the sage of the appointed, liuxiahui is thesage of the sum, and Confucius is the sage of the time. "Shengshi" highlypraises Confucius thought, advocates enduring, and is a sage suitable for thetimes. When the emperor came to Qufu to court Confucius, he had to kneel downthree times and knock nine times, and walk through the gate of holy time. WhenYan Shenggong was born, he opened the gate of holy time. All go fast, the gateis high.

Lets have a quick look at the gate. That is to say, Confucius knowledgeof "Five Classics and four books" means that those who learn first have culturefirst, and those who learn first have knowledge first. They compete to learn,and it is a pleasure to see first and read first.

Look up at the door. It was named after Yan Huis praise of Confucius. YanHui said that the teachers way is to raise the top and drill the bottom. PraiseConfucius for his lack of knowledge, which is called "Mi Gao". It is difficultto understand classical Chinese, which is called "Mi Jian". Gao is notunattainable, but can be learned through hard work. Yan Hui said, "the masterfollowed the rules and was good at attracting people. He learned from me inwriting and said that I was polite." My teacher is good at persuasion, teachingme culture and courtesy.

Han stone man. In the pavilion of yanggaomenli, there are two Han stonepeople with high historical value. One is the "Pavilion leader" (a localofficial of Han Dynasty), and the other is the pawn of the palace gate. They areall guards in front of the tomb of the king of Lu. The stone man is valued bythe ancient scholars of epigraphy, which is of great value to the study of HanDynasty clothing and writing.

Jinshui bridge, this bridge, with the same name as the bridge in front ofthe Forbidden City, is also called Jinshui bridge, also known as Bishui bridge,with three holes arranged in a row and green water rippling.

Hongdaomen. Crossing jinshuiqiao is the "hongdaomen" appointed by theemperor of Ming Dynasty, which means "people can promote Taoism, not Taoism" inthe Analects of Confucius. Confucius is an ordinary literati, why become asaint? Praise Confucius summed up the experience of sages, especially carryforward the Yao, Shun, Yu Tang, civil and military Zhou Gongs way. "To say thatpeople can command and create everything is to praise peoples subjectiveinitiative." There are two stone tablets under the Hongdao gate. The four edgedstone tablet in the East is the "history of Qufu", which records the history ofQufus evolution. It was established in the Yuan Dynasty and has high historicalvalue. In the west is the "epitaph of Mr. Chushi", which has high calligraphyvalue.

Big middle gate. Dazhongmen is the gate of Confucius Temple in SongDynasty. It is called "Zhonghe gate", which means that problems can be solvedeasily with Confucius thoughts. In the Ming Dynasty, the temple was renamed as"the great gate of the middle", praising Confucius knowledge as a collection ofhuman knowledge. In the middle, it means "the right way of the world in themiddle, the theorem of the world in the middle". Those who leave the middle arenot the right way, but the evil way. That is to say, no left, no right, fair andjust, forward is the mean. There are two turrets at the East and West ends ofDazhong gate, which are used to guard the Confucius Temple.

Tongwenmen, four famous brands, Confucian temple. There are four monumentsin the middle gate. The tablet of Hongzhi in the west of the Ming Dynasty talksabout the ethics of the cardinal principles. On the right side of the Hongzhimonument is the "Confucian temple map" drawn by Li Dongyang, a talented man ofthe Ming Dynasty in Changsha, Hunan Province, which is of high value.

Chenghua stele was erected by Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua in MingDynasty. There are two situations that have attracted the attention ofcelebrities of all ages. First, Chenghua tablets regular script is wellwritten, standardized, exquisite and attractive; The second is the highestevaluation of Confucius. Emperors of all dynasties have commented on Confucius.The highest evaluation is emperor Chenghua. He compares Confucius ideas andmethods to eating, dressing and spending money. One day is inseparable fromthem. With Confucius principles and methods, one can make the best use of onestalents, materials and land. Otherwise, it will be a mess. It is said that ifthere is Confucius way, there will be a world. If there is no Confucius way,there will be no world. If there is anti Confucius way, there will be no world.Such as the inscription said: "I only have Confuciuss way, the world can not bewithout Yan, there is Confuciuss way, then the principle of justice and ethics,everything has its own place..., Confuciuss way in the world, such as cloth SuShu, peoples livelihood daily use can not be short of,... Born Confuciusvertical for the holy, lifes safety, benevolence and righteousness in theright, the rise of the teachers way, from travel 3000, to the holy is thenext."

Tongwenmen. The meaning of the word "human heart" is the same as that ofthe text. That is to say, only with concerted efforts and unity can we do a goodjob; the writing should be unified, only with unified writing can we record theexperience of historical communication, and random writing will lead toconfusion. Tongwen gate is an important barrier in front of Kuiwen Pavilion.

Kuiwen Pavilion, originally a library, is a place for collecting booksgranted by the emperor. It was built in the second year of emperor Tianxi ofSong Dynasty (A.D. 1018), and was changed into "kuiwenge" when Jin Zhangzongrebuilt it. This unique and majestic building is entirely of wood structure,which is an isolated example in the construction of China building. Afterseveral earthquakes, kuiwenge was not destroyed. In the earthquake of Kangxi 5years in Qing Dynasty, "nine out of ten houses fell, one out of ten remained,and kuiwenge remained motionless.". Li Dongyang, the Minister of the Ministry ofofficial in Ming Dynasty, wrote "kuiwenge Fu", praising the architecturalresearch value of kuiwenge. Its the stele at the east end of the corridor.

In front of the pavilion, the eastern and Western courtyards are called"zhaisu", which is a place for worshippers to fast and bathe. Dongyuan is theresidence of Yan Shenggong, where Kangxi and Qianlong spent their time to wash.The West courtyard is the shelter of the sacrificial staff. Kong zhaoxun, theseventy-one generation grandson of Confucius, inlaid more than 130 steles in thetemple for worshiping Confucius in the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties onthe wall of the courtyard, so xizhaisu is also known as the stele courtyard.

Thirteen stele pavilions. This is the sixth courtyard of the ConfuciusTemple. There are 55 steles in the pavilion, which were erected in Tang, song,Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The contents of the steles are the emperors,Imperial Envoys worship of Confucius, the posthumous title and evaluation ofConfucius. The records of the previous construction of the Confucius Temple arewritten in Han, Manchu, Mongolian and basiba languages. Eight in the South andfive in the north, so it is called thirteen stele pavilions. Because they areall steles approved by the emperor, they are also called imperial stelepavilions. The third and sixth pavilions in the front row from the East werebuilt in the Jin Dynasty and are rare buildings in China. All the steles arecalled "imperial steles". "Mian" is the mascot. It is said that the Dragon Kinghas nine sons, and it is the eighth son. It loves "Wen" and is good at carryingheavy loads. The stone tablet has heavy characters, which is suitable for itscharacteristics. The image should be the dragon head, turtle body, Eagle leg andsnake tail.

From the east to the north, the third Pavilion is a monument erected byEmperor Kangxi. Beijing Xishan stone by the Grand Canal, economic South andtransported here. Experts calculate that the monument weighs 130000 Jin. It wassplashed with water and frozen along the way from Jining. Sometimes it came overon the ice and only went to the land of lying cattle one day. Qufu originallyhad good stones, which should be transported from Beijing to show the emperorsattention to Confucius. There are two steles in the southeast and southwest ofthe courtyard, all of which are the records of the princes and ministers whobuilt temples and worshipped Confucius. The calligraphy value is very high.

There is one gate in the East and one in the west, Yucui gate in the Eastand Guande gate in the West. Commonly known as Donghuamen, xihuamen.

From here, the Confucius Temple is divided into three routes. The fivegates are Dacheng gate, Jinsheng gate on the left, Yuzhen gate on the right,Qisheng gate on the West and Chengsheng gate on the East. The architecturalstructure of dachengmen is "intertwined, intriguing". The center is inserted as"hook center", and the top of the left and right four corners is "bucket angle".The three characters of dachengmen were written by Emperor Yongzheng. PraiseConfucius is a collection of sages and sages, reached the supreme realm.

The first teacher planted juniper by hand. The tall and vigorous cypresstree on the left of Dacheng gate was planted by Confucius. According to records:Confucius cut three cypress trees here. In the second year of Jin Zhenyou (A.D.1214), they were destroyed by fire. The trees withered and sprouted newbranches. There were "three withers and three glories", and there was a sayingthat "cypress trees were flourishing every day.". During the Wanli period of theMing Dynasty, Yang Guangxun, a gifted scholar, wrote five characters: "the firstteacher planted cypress by hand.".

Two long corridors. On both sides of the two equal rows of houses, a totalof 80, known as the "East and West veranda", is dedicated to 72 sages. Confuciusis known as a disciple of three thousand, 72 people who are proficient in sixarts, literature and martial arts, worshipped in the East and West. All theemperors of the past dynasties were entitled to the sages. Such as DongZhongshu, Han Yu, Wang Mingyang, Zhuge Liang, Kou Zhun, Yue Fei and so on. Bythe time of the Republic of China, there were 156. The last sage is Mr. LiangQichao. The original statues and tablets were changed to wooden tablets.Dongxiwu now displays a collection of Zhonggui stone carvings before the SongDynasty. The most precious national treasures of Zhou gongxunzi and batpracticing medicine are 22 stone inscriptions of Han and Wei dynasties. The"ritual stele", "Yiying stele", "Shichen stele", "Zhang Menglong stele" and "MiFu stele" with extremely high calligraphy value are rare treasures. There aremore than 100 pieces of "Han Dynasty stone carvings" on display in Xiwu. Theyare all well-known art treasures and precious materials for the study of Han,Wei and other historical and social life. There are 584 stone inscriptions ondisplay at the north end of the East veranda, which are the yuhonglou sutraswritten by Kong Jisu, the 69 generation grandson of Confucius.

Apricot altar. It was built in memory of Confucius lecture. Confucius wasteaching to his disciples on the platform under the big apricot tree. In 1018A.D. of Song Dynasty, Confucius had 45 generations



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二、爱岗敬业,诚实守信服务。刘惠君同志不但对医院员工要求严格,自身要求从不含糊。她医术精湛,但坚持业务学习不间断,自费订阅报刊杂志10多份,同行间相互尊重,相互学习,自己的业务水平不断提高,先后在各类杂志上发表文章达10多篇。她严格按照医院各项规章制度和《医生职业道德规范》要求自己,带头弘扬和践行“勤奋、诚信、奉献、爱心、谦卑”的惠君人精神,恪守职业道德,坚持一切为了病人,一切方便病人,一切想着病人,一切服务病人的理念,不管工作再忙,身心再累,病人再多,她从来不厌其烦地做检查和治疗,维护了医务工作者崇高声誉和良好形象。她注重言传身教,特别是对刚毕业和刚就业的新员工,能手把手、面对面地进行传帮带,帮助他们提高素质,增长技能,尽快适应工作岗位。她廉洁自律,从不刁难病人,从不收取病人及家属的钱物,从不以岗位为自己谋取私利。 三、关心他人、无私奉献社会。刘惠君同志时刻把患者的疾苦放在心上,对来医院就诊的贫困患者尽最大力量减免各种费用,多年来为8300多名患者减免医疗费95多万元,仅20xx年为 2700名患者减免费用27.5万元。她热心参与各类社会公益事业,积极参与妇联开展的“春蕾计划”等活动,积极参与社会公益、慈善事业,多年来捐资助学、资助春蕾女童、留守儿童、聋哑儿童、孤儿、地震遇灾儿童,以及单亲母亲、孤寡老人共334人,捐资90多万元,捐物600多件套。为崆峒区解放路小学的郑小雨、王芳、何浩又担当“爱心妈妈”,帮扶34名留守儿童度过难关。多年来她收养了没有任何血缘关系的蔺建惠、徐静宁、刘彦军、包彦彬、于利、吴军伟等“儿女”12个。刘惠君经常组织医务人员深入崆峒区麻武、大寨、草峰等偏远乡村集镇及社区,开展肛肠病普查及义诊活动,20xx年免费发放药品2万余元,免费检查患者累计20xx多人,宣传材料5万余份。20xx年,她又免费为平凉优秀出租车司机和平凉各级劳模提供了每人500多元的免费体检。她充分发挥自己的特长,累计为城镇社区医院、乡村卫生院(所)培训技术人员160多名。她率先拿出2.2万元,并倡议平凉童家餐饮有限责任公司资助市文明办、市未成年人道德教育研究协会创办了《德育之窗》专刊和资助甘肃省《中学生导报》,积极引导社会、学校、家庭共同关注未成年人的思想道德建设,取得了明显的效果,受到了社会各界的一致好评。



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this contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

(1)name of commodity:

(2) quantity:

(3) unit price:

(4)total value:

(5) packing:

(6) country of origin :

(7) terms of payment:

(8) insurance:

(9) time of shipment:

(10) port of lading:

(11) port of destination:


within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the c.c.i.c and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the sellers

(13)force majeure :

the sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. the sellers shall advise the buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after . the sellers shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. under such circumstances the sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.

(14)arbitration :

all disputes in connection with the execution of this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade in accordance with the provisional rules of procedure promulgated by the said arbitration commission . the arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

(the buyers) (the sellers)



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:初中,全文共 2073 字

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Good morning, my name is , i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually eoll in this prestigious university in september. Now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing

both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend Several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character?I cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.



范文类型:合同协议,适用行业岗位:外贸,全文共 1282 字

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Buyers:_____ cate:_____

卖方:____ 中国___进出口公司___省分公司

Sellers:ChinaNationalMetals&MineralsImport& Exportcorporation






(1)货物名称及规格,包装及│(2)数量 │(3)单价 │(4)总价








Tnsurance:Covering Risksfor____%ofInvoiceValuetobeeffected






infavourofChinaNationalMetals&MineralsImport& ExportCorporation




注意:开立信用证时,请在证内注明本售货确认书号码 ChinaNationalTextiesImportand










范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 805 字

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屏南白水洋自驾车路线: (福州---福建屏南)福州-连江-宁德漳湾” 出口下高速后往右直行一段路会看到白水洋风景区指示牌,再往右走是一段10来公里左右的公路,接着一直往屏南方向开,这是一条比较好开的宁屏二级路,车不多路况还不错。



范文类型:自我评介,求职应聘,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 411 字

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范文类型:材料案例,全文共 541 字

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范文类型:会议相关,纪要,全文共 2049 字

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Minutes of meeting




South sumatera,indonesia

Attendance:Refer to Attached List(see Attachment 1)

Date : October 19, 20xx

Place :Hangzhou

1. The agreed agenda are as follows:

A. Coal supply issue

B. POA for signing MOU regarding the HVDC Sumatera-Java transmission Project

C. Financial Advisor Mandate letter

D. How to push forward the power plant,coal mine and transmission projects.

2. General overview: All the shareholders have the same understanding that even if the project didn’t make expected progress in the past several months due to the HVDC T/L issues and the influence of the new Minning Law to coal supply scheme, all the attendees still have confidence that all these issues will be solved with the best efforts of all parties. Coal Supply issue

PTBA made a comprehensive meaningful presentation regarding the new mining law, its impact to signed JVC Coal Mine and PTBA opinion for new coalsupply scheme as well as response to CDB letter of 11 August 20xx.

The summary of PTBA’s proposal scheme in its presentation is as follows:

1 PTBA cannot assign its right and obligation as mining permits holder to other party pursuant to the new mining law.

2 it is PTBA as mining permit holder who shall decide the coal price, hence, the revenues account shall be reckoned in PTBA’s book.(which may affect to royalty,tax,etc)

3 coal supply agreement shall be established between JVC power and PTBA.

4 PTBA cannot fulfill the requirement of CDB that the KP is held by PTBA’s subsidiary due to an uncertainty of getting KP by PTBA or its subsidiary.

5 as long as PTBA holds the mining permit and hold a full authority of the mine then PTBA can give a guaranty of coal supply to JVC Power.

The attendees discussed the proposed scheme made by PTBA as follows:

PTBA concludes, base on all input from received information, the followings 4 possible coal supply schemes that comply with the new mining law:

1 Pass-through scheme(scheme 1)

2 PTBA as the coal supplier(scheme 2)

3 JVC Coal Mine will be coal mining service company or other position(scheme 3)



范文类型:合同协议,全文共 2301 字

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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 2019 by and BETWEEN:-

Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).


Mr.* ,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR”

and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,-*,DHA,

Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).

AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:-

1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.

2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months

Commencing from 15th January 2019. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period

3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month

4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month.

5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent

USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 2019.

6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES.


1. To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.

2. That the LESSEE shall not at any time during the t



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 993 字

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范文类型:工作计划,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 648 字

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I will be in the third grade now,Since the highschool entrance examination is coming soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.

From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary.

Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.

From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.

Beginning from April, models tests should be the all.Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam.

I hope this plan can further my studies.



范文类型:广告词,适用行业岗位:广告,全文共 2365 字

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1.Wow, the original world can be so clear ah

2. Let us witness the beauty of the world.

3. For the soul of the windows with glass!

4. With the glasses to see shiny life

5. Polished the beautiful world, protect the soul of the crystal.

6. Blur does not call the shots, the world is bright.

7. Optical engineers, so you charm unlimited.

8. Smash the hazy feeling, depict the clear world.

9. Shangpin, put together your fashion and taste

10. Let Shangpin glasses become your trend weapons

11. Shangpin accompany you through every unforgettable moment

12. A fashion and taste of the revolution since you put that moment will be set off

13. Wear it, both fashion and taste is so simple

14. Wear a unique style of your fashion and taste

15. how to wear, are all the focus

16. The mirror of admiration, Shang goods present

17. Buy glasses, to still goods


1. Summer classic, leading the fashion trend.

2. Star style, really fan.

Big brands, good quality and low prices.

3. Same style to compare their quality, the same quality look at their prices

4. Guide the fashion glasses, walking in the tip of the glasses.

5. Under the hot sun, you still so cool.

6. Outdoor travel companion!

7. Put it on, the world is yours.

8. Emphasis on individualism, publicity personality, the new classical style and post modern integration is the philosophy of the product

9. I have a wish, the wish is very simple, just want to give you the best

10. Focus on fashion and taste - this is your best choice.

11. How can we have both fashion and taste? The answer is simple, put it on.

12. Strong light is no longer trouble, wear it, the vision is more beautiful.


1. Spoil your eyes, still goods glasses

2. just wear it!

3. Wear a fashion! Wear a taste!

4. Wonderful world (horizon), from Shangpin start

5. Shangpin, to give you a new exciting world (horizon)

6. Never forget, Shangpin glasses

7. glasses are still preferred products

8. glasses, you should wear more (most) good

9. Shangpin glasses, on your side

10. Wearing glasses, wear is still goods

11. Eyeglasses boutique, all in Shangpin

12. fashion, taste choice

13. Exquisite life, the first choice is still goods

14. Shangpin and you create a wonderful world (vision)

15. fashion goods, so that products are still satisfied with you

16. Shangpin produced, will be fine (good) products
