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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1589 字

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Hangzhou, like a brilliant pearl embedded in the earth in our country. Hangzhou, carefree to spread the ancient civilization since ancient times, such as: silk city. Hangzhou, a beautiful to sign.


I came to hangzhou from jiaojiang, just come to my cousins house to play, the car drove to the highway, see the sides of the road, there are rows of neat little conifers, seemingly without any garbage on the ground. In fact, you go to the ground, found only a little dust, with cleaner, clearing up the rubbish, everyone knows: to protect the environment, everyone duty. The highway is lying on the ground of a dragon. At night there are many parks here, have a seat, you sit here and watch the beautiful scenery here, this is the beauty of hangzhou.


Hangzhou, carefree to spread the ancient civilization since ancient times, well look at the land of the silk, my aunt is working here, she is 118, I hope you to his house to sit guest, welcome. The city of the silk, the ancient style, the house, door, clothes... All style in ancient culture, these materials are made of fine material. This is a beautiful hangzhou.


This is hangzhou, the beautiful hangzhou, worthy of appreciation, I hope you come to hangzhou, welcome to visit here!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2303 字

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雪乡其实不是一个正式的称呼,它的学名叫双峰林场。位于黑龙江省海林市长汀镇,是海林林业局下属的一个林场,从长汀往南走还有100多公里,藏在张广才岭深处。我们在地图上可以找到海林,找到长汀,但找不到双峰林场。它的地理坐标为东经128。02’---129。01’,北纬44。03’---44。41’,这里山清水秀,景色神奇。生态旅游中的冰雪、森林、水域漂流三大热点、旅游精粹全部囊括其中,张广才岭主脉从西南入境,其境内主峰老秃顶子雄踞群峰之冠,海拔1689.6米,为东北第二高峰,与雄伟壮丽、海拔1672米的平顶山并称二奇。两山山顶均终年积雪不化。夏无三日情,冬雪漫林间,年积雪期7个月,积雪最厚处近两米,雪量堪称中国之最,并且雪质好、粘度高,皑皑白雪在风力作用下随物具形,千姿百态,吸引了无数游人、也吸引许多国内外摄影记者和电视剧组来此创作。解放军"八?一"滑雪场就建在这里。这里也是“红白松的故乡,原始红松母树林面积297公顷,平均有四百年的树龄,树高平均三十米以上,松涛轰鸣,雄浑苍郁。牡丹江最大的支流— 海波河发源于此,奔流不息。夏季进行漂流、露营、原始森林探险、山产品采集,冬季进行滑雪、赏雪、戏雪,观看专业滑雪队表演等活动,360宿木屋,品尝野味,在此亦是一绝。是一处四季皆宜的旅游胜地。 在黄河以北,能看见雪并不是什么稀罕的事。但能让雪与人极为亲近,并且悦人以万千之美的地方,还并不多见。在“中国第一雪乡”双峰林场,就让我不仅亲身领略了雪的妙趣,而且深切感受到了与雪为伴、以雪为生的林场人和皑皑白雪之间,那种纯粹而真挚的感情。这里每年十月初便开始下雪,积雪随物具形,千姿百态,形成了一座天然的雪雕城。这里的雪雪质细腻,晶莹剔透,积雪期长达七个月,雪原最深可达两米。中国第一雪乡也因此而得名。中国人民解放军八.一滑雪队把双峰作为冬训基地已有近五十年的历史了,世界冠军于淑梅、王锦芬就是从这里走向世界领奖台的。 车驶进林场,最先看到的就是家家户户房顶上突出来的雪檐,像圣诞节时迪斯尼的店铺,仿佛走进檐下就可以买到彩球、魔力棒等各式各样圣诞树的装饰。雪檐大都一两米宽,半尺来厚,伸出房檐三四尺还低悬不落,叫人很容易联想到生日宴会上巨大的奶油蛋糕,让人馋涎欲滴。最有趣的是,有的雪檐竟在空中拐了个弯,一直伸到地上,和雪地长在了一起,于是就把房子严严实实地包起来,成了一个完整的雪屋。

雪乡的房子多是木格棱式的老房子,一场大雪过后,它们就像是从雪地里刚长出来的一株株矮矮胖胖的“雪蘑菇”,慵懒而立。老房子外面的小院儿,都是用木栅栏围起来的,线条简洁却不规则,如同炭笔画漫不经心的勾勒。当栅栏的木枝披上了银色外衣之后,则酷似一根根即将融化的奶油冰棍,和中间的“蛋糕”相映成趣。  漫步雪乡,看着那些“雪蘑菇”、“雪蛋糕”和“奶油冰棍”,仿佛置身于《绿野仙踪》里北风女神的宫殿,一切的一切,都被雪公主的巧手做成了冰清玉洁的雕塑。称这里是一座天然的“雪雕城”,真是一点也不过分。在冰天雪地中思绪飘飞,无疑也是一种新奇的体验。这个美丽的冰雪世界,是怎样造就的呢?林场的老场长为我们解开了疑团。由于双峰林场所处的地理位置,使它同时受到海洋性气候和大陆性季风气候的双重影响,加上这里海拔高、坡度大,山区小气候对它也产生了一定的作用。因此,双峰林场夏季降雨充沛,冬季则降雪早、雪期长,是我国降雪最大的地区。每年10月初,外面还是仲秋时节,双峰已经开始下雪,雪下到最大时,地上的积雪可达到2米深,积雪期长达6个月。双峰的雪,雪质细腻,晶莹剔透,而且随物现形,于是才有了我们眼前这些千姿百态的天然雕塑。

我们进山的这条公路,到双峰林场就是尽头,本地人在这里谋生显然有些艰难。虽然獐子、狍子满山跑,猎户们也无法忍受这里长久的寂寞。只有那些闯关东的人们,被大兴安岭无尽的宝藏吸引着,扛着油锯义无反顾地走进这冰天雪地的老林子。所以,现在双峰林场的职工,大都是外乡人。每个职工都有属于自己的一方天地。一到冬天,每个小院儿里都堆着一座小雪山,那是铲雪开道时堆下来的。老职工说,现在这样的雪不算大了,早年间,经常是下了一夜大雪,第二天早上家家大门就被封住了,要费好大的劲儿才能推开。林场人家没有什么家用电器,大雪堆就是天然的“冰箱”,有什么食物需要储藏,往雪堆里一扔就行了。 您正浏览的文章由第一'范文网www.diYifanwen.com整理,版权归原作者、原出处所有。

从前,双峰林场的居民收入主要靠木材,如今树砍光了,经济来源也随着减少,出门打工吧,舍不得雪乡。留下来的职工说,在大山里工人不比农民,还有土地可以种,森林资源一贫乏,整个林业系统都艰难起来。在上世纪80年代那几个闯进雪乡的摄影师,成了使双峰振兴的功臣。当时他们拍掉了身上所有的胶卷,意犹未尽地离开这里。次年,他们再进双峰,身后大批的摄影发烧友一拥而至。随着一幅幅让人痴迷的雪乡图景在媒体上发表,双峰的名气也越来越大,来这里旅游的人数开始成倍增长。每年冬季,有近万人来到这个偏远的小山村。双峰人热情好客。遇到外地人到此观光,当地的老百姓会热情的把客人带到自己的家中,吃纯天然绿色食品、住东北小火炕,乘狗拉爬犁。闻着雪后的山野气息,那淳朴浓厚的乡土人情浓得让你化也化不开。 而近期也传来了一个好消息,海林林业局已宣布双峰林场正式停止采伐,这对雪乡森林生态的保护无疑是一个福音。这个季节,中国东北方向是刺骨的天寒地冻。那种冷比北方的冷“结实”,因为常冻到耳朵和手指尖,那种冷又比北方的冷真实,因为带着只有那片土地才能酝酿出的醇厚乡情。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 249 字

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请大家跟我走,我们先到的是,蓝天、白云、雪山、森林、尽融于瀑、河、滩、缀成一串串宛若从天而降的珍珠;篝火、烤火、锅庄美丽的传说,展出藏族人的好客。 游客们,下面请大家跟我去看彩林的美丽神奇吧!


游客们,九寨沟的景色太多了,是走不完的,请游客们细细游赏。 鹿山小学四年级:黄月倩



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good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen:

may i have your attention, please?

in 20 minutes,we will arrive our today’s destination,九寨沟national park, 九寨沟national park is located in 九寨沟 county,the 阿坝 tibetan and 羌 nationality autonomous prefecture in sichuan province,九寨沟literally means 9 tibetan village valleys,they are all located in the scenic area,the names of the villages are 荷叶 ,树正,则查洼,黑角,盘亚,牙拉,尖盘,热西 and郭都。

the diet in the tibetan areas is based primarily on tasted barley flour,wheat flour as well as mutton and beef.they drink a brew, 青稞酒,made from barley,tea and salt are their daily necessities.two of the most popular varities are 糌粑 and 雅茶。

糌粑is roasted with 青稞 barley flour,it is the staple food of tibetans,similar to fried flour,but its major ingredients are highland barley,peas and oat,tibetans bring 糌粑 with them when they go to work ,herd or travel.

as for 雅茶 tea,it is made of large leaves of the tea shrubs and produced in 雅安,so it gets the name “雅茶”, it is a very strong tea and smells fragrant,tibetans eat much meat daily,so they drink 雅茶 tea to digest food.

the tibetan new year is one of the most important tibetan holidays,it occurs about the same time as the chinese new year,but it is caculated according to the tibetan lunar calender.

well ,there are many other interesting customs in the tibetan new year,such as horse racing and offering 哈达,let ’s have a break,later, i will tell you more about the tibetans,thanks.



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The Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen


Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! Speaking of Cuiheng Village, Chinese citizens will have a familiar and friendly feeling. It is because this village is the home town and birth place of the man behind Chinas first democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen. It is located southeast of Nanlang Town, Zhongshan City. It is near the Pearl River to the east, while Qiao Island, Zhuhai City is directly opposite the village, across the South China Sea. Finally, Wugui Hill is directly west of Cuiheng Village. The village is now home not only to Sun Yat-sens former residence, but to a Sun Yat-sen monumental middle school and movie city as well, all of which are related to or named after the father of modern and democratic China .

Besides being rich in history, Cuiheng village is next to mountains and the sea. This good geographical setting and its exquisite natural environment make the villages inhabitants carefree and happy. While walking in the village or stepping onto the Cuishan road, one will feel like he/she is in a forest “paradise” of trees, flowers and birds. Even within the village, you can gaze at the distant hills and cliffs. The vegetation here is well protected, so the forest is verdant and luxuriantly green. Along the two sides of the Cuishan road, the dark green umbrage helps cool the air and provides Cuiheng village with a natural air-conditioner. Even during the sultry summers, you can enjoy the mountains cool breezes and green shade.

Sun Yat-sens former residence is located at the Cuiheng Village and faces west. The residence sits on a 500 square meter area site and is itself 340 square meters. Sun Yat-sen built it with the money sent from Honolulu by his elder brother Sun Mei in1892. We are now standing in front of Sun Yat-sens former residence. The building is a half-timber house and combines Western and Chinese architectural styles with a wall surrounding the courtyard. Its outward appearance imitates a Western building and its upper floor has seven ember ornamental arches. The middle of the houses penthouse is decorated with aureole under which there is an annotated hawk with a silver ring in its mouth. Going inside, we can see that the buildings interior is designed in traditional Chinese architectural style. The parquet is in the middle, while separate penthouses are off to two of the parquets sides. The four brick walls are grey with white line outlining every brick, and the windows each with two leaves open under the-main roof beam. There are doors at all the four sides of the house that lead out to the street. A well is off to the right side of the courtyard, and the area of about 32 square meters surrounding the well is the place where San Yat-sen was born on November 12,1866.

Now we are in the parquet of the former residence. The ornaments of the hall were decorated by Sun Yat-sen himself. Please look at the two kerosene burners put on the abutment; Sun Yat-sen brought them here from Honolulu in 1883. The penthouse off to the right is Sun Yat-sens bedroom. The bedroom still contains his big wooden bed, dresser table and the wooden bench. Sun Yat-sen lived here from 1892 t0 1895 and in 1912. Stepping up to the second floor, the south part of the floor has Sun Yat-sens study. Sun Yat-sens photo, taken when he was 17 years old, hangs on the wall. This study also has some of the things Sun Yat-sen used everyday, such as his desk, chair and iron bed.

Lets return to the courtyard. There is a wild jujube tree off to the left. It was brought by Sun from Honolulu in 1883 and he planted it himself. It grows well. Off to the right, there is a brick raised flowerbed.

There is a big banyan tree in front of the former residence. There Sun Yat-sen used to listen to the stories of the Taiping generals against Qing told by the old farmers who had fought in the Taiping army.

Everyone, that is all. Thank you for visiting Sun Yat-sens former residence!





现在我们来到了故居的正厅,厅内摆设是孙中山亲自布置的。请看放置在桥台上的两盏煤油灯,这是1883年,孙中山从檀香山带回来的。右边的耳房是孙中山卧室,当年所用的大木床、梳牧台和凳子等,仍旧摆放着。1892 ——1895年、1912年,孙中山都曾在此住过。走上二楼,南边是孙中山的书房,墙上挂着孙中山十七岁时的照片,室内有孙中日常使用过得书桌、台椅、铁床。






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Hello, I am your little guide. Today I will take you to visit huangshan.

Speak of the "four unique" huangshan ranked first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pine has a very strong force. They are not afraid of cold, evergreen, shape differences, dazzle you.

The second is the stone. The stones are various of huangshan. There are more than 120 have been named after the peak. Some wings like a big cock crows, so named "golden call tianmen", some like five old man dressed in robes, the so called "five old heaven all".

The third is the hot spring. We often make peace visit hot springs is a former mountain huangshan hot spring hotel, in ancient times called essence, Wells from purple stone mountain. Keep the spring all the year round in 42 degrees, water quality is very good, but not to drink.

Finally, we come to huangshan sea of clouds. The cloud of huangshan is different from the usual, like the flood water.

Well, today is here, welcome to visit huangshan next time.



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Dear ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, everyone:

Very honored to be your tour guide, my name is xu, you can call me Mr. Xu guide, if you have any questions, you can ask me.

We went to the attractions is the Great Wall.

You see, today we go to one of the world famous heritage of the Great Wall like a dragon? He winding between mountains, we now stand at the foot of the mountain, look, you may be more than only a few thousand miles, in fact, he has more than thirteen thousand. We are now on to take a look! Everyone to see, how magnificent Great Wall spirit show in front of our eyes, look! Our feet stepping is square brick, now lets hold the stone on the wall, a walk, you feel? Right, before how hard working people, they put their own wisdom and sweat to the Great Wall, we must cherish now the Great Wall, the Great Wall is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, there are square lookout on buttress and the nozzle mouth, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, there is a square more than three hundred miles every ChengTai, is the bulwark of station troops.

As we all know the story about the badaling and the legend of the Great Wall? Badaling the title of the story is called "must play leud" : the zhou dynasty had a king named zhou you king, he has a beauty called praised si, her temper is very strange, always dont smile, you think of some way to the king. So he lit up a distress signal (fire), as a result, drew leud come white, but praised si ha ha laugh, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, and he was killed by the enemy.

The legend of the Great Wall is also very good to listen, named "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall" : the story of meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall, is Chinas famous ancient folklore, it in the form of drama, songs, poems, rap, etc, widely circulated, household can stomach. Mouth hard heavy when qin shihuang, young men and women Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu just married three days, the groom was forced to start to build the Great Wall, soon died of cold and tired, bones buried under the long wall. Meng jiangnu with woolies, through hardships, wanli predicament came to the Great Wall, got the news of her husband. More than three days and three nights, she cry at the gate, the city of cleft, revealing Fan Xiliang corpses, meng jiangnu sea died in despair. From then on, shanhaiguan is considered by later generations as "meng jiangnu cry the Great Wall", and cover the meng jiangnu temple, there are often stationed here with one of the leaders of tears.

Now, stories and legends to listen to, we can free to play, remember after 1 hour, we set here, pay attention to, dont litter.



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Dear visitors friends:


Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya.


Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720xx0, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure.


This is the meridian gate, is the main entrance of the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of "exit the meridian gate beheaded" this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, dont look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace to folk, it gradually became "exit the meridian gate beheaded"


? Dont be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us!



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Welcome you to Beijings Forbidden City! Also called the Forbidden City, here are two generations of the Ming dynasty in the imperial palace, for our country is now the largest and most prosperous of ancient architectural complexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden City has 10 meters high walls, corners of the wall have a magnificent strange watchtower.


From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden City, and then along the central axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palace, zhonghe palace, Ming palace, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, can pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palace of gathering excellence, yi kun palace, YongShou palace, salty fu palace, longevity palace, tai chi temple, and then the right door to dry bright square, east into the inside the left door, can, in turn, to visit the jubilee palace, yonghe palace, palace, sunell group by the palace. Visiting the east sixth changqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremely door, can visit Huangji Palace, tranquility and palace, actors floor, chang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen princess well, finally a zhen shun the west door the creature can leave the palace door.


Today I can give you when I feel very honored to guide, I followed all of you to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palace, spent a happy day. I hope you come back to Beijing the imperial palace please when I when the tour guide, I can better explain the beautiful palace.



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Ever been to hangzhou west lake said: "there sky is blue, water is green, the air is fresh, people is enthusiasm". Nominal or real?

从杜桥坐车到杭州大约4个小时。走出车门,风儿吹来那挺拔的柳树在风中热摇着,枝叶梳理自己独一无二的长头发,那一根根如丝般的秀发在你眼中舞动着,那是柳树在挥动手臂在欢迎你。只见那湖中一层层的小波浪你挤我挤地到了河岸边,碧波里的西湖在轻轻地吟唱着。岸上蜿蜒曲折的小路如同一缕轻烟缭绕,很温柔地缠绕在丛林之间。只见那生意人手中的丝巾,花雨伞……看见游人来了一拥而上,为了一桩小买卖而寸步不离、不 其烦地推销,这过分热情有时把游客追得如鸟散。我们站在湖边纷纷好姿势,“咔嚓……”让自己的倩影永远留在千年文化的杭州。

About 4 hours from Du Qiao to hangzhou by car. Out of the door, and the wind is blowing the tall willow thermal shook in the wind, leaves comb their unique long hair, that their such as silky hair dancing in your eyes, it was the willows waving arms to welcome you. See the layers of small waves in the lake you crowded I crowded into the river, blue waves of the west lake is gently singing. Shore meandering path like a ray of light smoke fills the air, very gently winding between the jungle. See that the business of silk scarves, take an umbrella... Set saw visitors come, pockets for a small business, dont bother to sell, the excessive enthusiasm sometimes chase visitors such as birds. We stood by the lake have good posture, "kacha..." The beautiful image of yourself forever culture in hangzhou in one thousand.


In a lake, heaven on earth, water is all around, set foot on the island of deeply in love with her, fall in love with this piece of land. Hits the trees there is our friend. The pieces of rock is your main "sofa", if you feel special is bad, so charming scenery can make you eliminate troubles, and the layers of small waves come, she also to share happiness with you in the sad, then with the help of wind the mother-in-law the willows dance the graceful dance.


You see, where is your closest friend, nature nature can let a person so cheerful! Nature can let you always remember her good friend - human beings.


Just swim and eat farm-style, a good friend to get to know the nature, carefree, enjoy the beauty of west lake. When I think of wanli "xiao the net Keats temple to send Lin Zifang" : after all, the west lake in June, the scenery in four. Next day even leaves endless blue, video on lotus red.


I revel in the beautiful scenery and the poem.



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各位游客:大家好! 欢迎各位到九寨沟观光游览!


Hello and welcome to Jiuzhaigou for sightseeing. From now on, were going to start our trip to Jiuzhaigou. I am your tour guide, surnamed Li, in the future we just call me Xiao Li.

Now, let me give you a brief introduction to Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou is located in Sichuan province of China. It is named after nine Tibetan villages in the gully. Jiuzhaigou has charming scenery all the year round. In the original ecological environment, clean fresh air and snow capped mountains, forests, lakes into wonderful, fantastic, beautiful natural scenery, show “ natural beauty, natural beauty, known as ” “ &rdquo “ fairy tale; fairyland ”. Now lets go into Jiuzhaigou to enjoy its beautiful scenery.

First, we came to the bonsai beach, crystal clear water here, all kinds of high and low shrubs in the water, forming a natural picture.

Now, the place where we stand is the famous waterfall in Jiuzhaigou. Here, the river course is vertical and horizontal, and the water flows down a river valley with a stepped shape, forming countless waterfalls. Some small trickling water; some rapids down; if some wave jade belt like some rush down the Milky Way. The width or length of more than the Huangguoshu Waterall in Guizhou is six, of which NuoRiLang falls, the width of 100 meters, 60 meters higher than the water, air, honeysuckle splash, rumble.

There are a lot of lakes in the village. There are 114 large and small ones. The local people call it &ldquo, and the sea ”. Tourist friends, Jiuzhaigou, there is a magical legend that is the legend of rhinoceros sea. Legend has it that an old Lama of Tibet was seriously ill, riding a rhinoceros and dying here. I do not know why he drank the water here. The disease is miraculously good. After that, the old Lama drank the water here every day. At last, he went into the water with the rhinoceros. From here, it was called rhino sea.

Its getting late, and the tourists, the trip to Jiuzhaigou, are over. In the end of this happy trip, please remember that the beautiful scenery, although nature has given to mankind, can not be separated from the protection acquired by mankind, so we must take good care of the environment.



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Each guest hello:


I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start todays trip!

故宫是明、清朝时的皇宫,也是当今世界规模最大建筑最雄伟,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿。故宫又叫紫金城。子进程是中国五个世纪以来最高权力中心,他以园林景观和容纳了家具及工艺品的9000个房间的庞大建筑群,成为明清时代中国物价历史的见证,1987年,北京故宫被联合国列入[ 世界遗产名录]。

In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era Chinas prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations on the world heritage list.


The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please!


Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of the Palace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy.



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Lijiang, yunnan, a long history, a picturesque town, the seat of the old town of lijiang.

We went to lijiang city bus from the airport, stay in a hotel, that day, we didnt go to the ancient city, only stood at the window looking out over the towering at a small house. They are under the night is so quiet, not the slightest sound. They are so simple, vaguely see the footprint of the history; They are so charming, white wall HeiWa ancient house, from a distance, between the high-rise buildings seem so low, almost imperceptible fineness from the glass of the window after give the lamp light, not too much time, gradually the light went out.

The next day, when the east out of, the sky was a fish-belly grey on has not been the half-light of the morning wake up the old town of lijiang, all covered with thin thin fog still so quiet, only occasionally a few array breeze blown grass "abundance" ring, "ding ding" blown stream flow, blowing leaves "shua shua" shake. In a few minutes, the sun shot on the high mountain, the ancient city is lively, every family opened the "noise" of wooden door, the tourists also poured into the maze of lijiang. I also, along with the crowd as a flowing brook, entered the city.

For the first time into the beautiful ancient city, the first intimate contact this old place, I felt the excitement of novelty, special also carefully watch the scenery here. In the broad streets, with smooth SLATE, after a history of weathered rain and snow, after many people trample, stone has become ten piece of smooth edges and corners, trample on it will fall down carelessly. In the stone road, a small stream, with a clear stream all over the ancient city, is also out of this big "maze" an important signpost. Besides this a low and simple little house, mottled walls there are a variety of impressions, a two-tone ke marks, have crossed shoes print, also have different direction of many scratches. Covering the roof was shabby black tiles, suddenly see something that was a long time ago. Everything is sending out a full-bodied aroma of history.



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Everybody is good, go to the Summer Palace by me to take you to visit this time. Rightness, forgot to say, my name is Wu Yang sheep, you call me the sheep.


Quick to the Summer Palace, I introduce to you first. The Summer Palace is located in the northwest Beijing, is mainly with longevity hill and kunming lake. Remind you again what time. 1. Dont litter, to throw it in the surrounding the trash. 2. To closely to me, the Summer Palace is very big, would get lost carelessly. 3. Take valuables myself.


This is the gate, the Summer Palace is very large, very wide.


Everyone come together with me.


Look, this is the famous promenade, the total length of 728 meters, a total of 273 rooms, is the longest in the garden landscape in the veranda, was identified as the worlds longest art gallery in 1992, listed in the "guinness book of world records," gallery on each fang liang have coloured drawing or pattern, there are pictures of more than 14000, including landscapes, flower, such as characters and their stories. No two picture is the same, not a bit similar.


Dont forget to look on both sides of the flowers and plants, is also very beautiful.


Now walk the promenade, came to the foot of longevity hill. Everybody looked up and look up, the anise three layers of pyramid building, is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is used to be a beautiful cloud temple. Everyone with me to climb to the longevity hill, have.


Is now in the longevity hill, take a look at the head of the scenery. The head is kunming lake.


You go down with me.


This is the kunming lake, clear as a mirror, like a piece of green jade. Want to take a cruise ship can go to, come to that later.


Now, on this side of the bridge, that the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, because it has the 17th hole. There were hundreds of pillar in the bridge railing, pillars carved with a lion. So many lions, different attitude, which is just the same.


Todays tour is over, see you next time. Bye bye!



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Clear zhaoling is the second generation of the founding emperor qing dynasty emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bor dhi corps tomb, covers an area of 160000 square meters, is the largest "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty, imposing manner is the most magnificent one. Located in the ancient city of shenyang (shengjing) NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", is in the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern landscape architecture.

Clear zhaoling scenic spot ancient pine trees towering, grass green, the lake ripples, building the temple, watts, fully shows the royal tombs of the majestic, magnificent, and the modern garden of elegant and beautiful. The main building at the back of the cemetery is composed of mahjong layout, crescent city and city. Mahjong layout is castle type, the center of the south wall monarch coupons door, long door, three double-hipped roof is built on the yellow glazed tile from the top of the mountain gate house. The city has four corners watchtower, are faced cross ridge, yellow glazed tile roof.

Clear zhaoling is the second generation of the founding emperor qing dynasty emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bor dhi corps tomb, covers an area of 160000 square meters, is the largest "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty, imposing manner is the most magnificent one. Located in the ancient city of shenyang (shengjing) NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", is in the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern landscape architecture. Garden ancient pine trees towering, grass green, lake water ripples, and building the temple, watts, fully shows the royal tombs of the majestic, magnificent, and the modern garden of elegant and beautiful. Zhaoling besides buried with emperor after, also buried the have no opinion of GongChen princess, toe GongGuiFei, 洐 GongShuFei etc. A batch of empresses beauty, is the most representative in the mausoleum of the commissioner of the qing dynasty of the mausoleum of hadrian, is our country one of the most complete existing ancient imperial mausoleum building.



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北陵又称清昭陵是清朝第二代开国君主太宗皇太极以及孝端文皇后博乐济吉特氏的陵墓,占地面积 16万平方米,是清初“关外三陵”中规模最大、气势最宏伟的一座。位于沈阳(盛京)古城北约十华里,因此也称“北陵”,是清代皇家陵寝和现代园林合一的游览胜地。园内古松参天,草木葱茏,湖水荡漾,楼殿威严,金瓦夺目,充分显示出皇家陵园的雄伟、壮丽和现代园林的清雅、秀美。昭陵除了葬有帝后外,还葬有关睢宫宸妃、麟趾宫贵妃、洐庆宫淑妃等一批后妃佳丽,是清初关外陵寝中最具代表性的一座帝陵,是我国现存最完整的古代帝王陵墓建筑之一。






民国十六年五月(1920xx年),以陵寝为中心辟为“北陵公园”,如今占地面积332万平方米。其总体规划是以陵寝为中心,分陵寝、陵前和陵后三部分。园内的自然景观千姿百态,五彩缤纷,其中芳秀园是北陵公园的园中园,总面积4万平方米,种植了近 200种植物,四季分呈,各具特色。初春樱花盛开,满园飘香;盛夏荷花竞放,柳浪闻莺;深秋满山红叶,层林尽染;寒冬银装素裹,苍松挺拔。纵观整个园林,春有花,夏有阴,秋有果,冬有青,奇花异石,小桥流水,颇有江南之秀。园内建筑与景观巧妙结合,用中国传统园林建筑艺术将自然美和人工美合为一体,构成了一幅天然画卷,吸引大量的中外游客来此参观。北陵公园拥有30万平方米的人工湖水面,夏天碧波荡漾,柳岸成荫,乘坐脚踏船、快艇观光游玩,泛舟湖上,别有一番情趣。现在北陵公园已是闻名中外的旅游景区。现为国家重点文物保护单位。




Zhao Mausoleum called clear zhaoling is the second generation of the founding emperor qing dynasty emperor taizong huang taiji and filial piety end wen queen bo le dhi corps tomb, covers an area of 160000 square meters, is the largest "commissioner of three ling" at the beginning of the qing dynasty, imposing manner is the most magnificent one. Located in the ancient city of shenyang (shengjing) NATO ten li, so also known as "Zhao Mausoleum", is in the qing dynasty royal mausoleum and the resort of the unity of modern landscape architecture. Garden ancient pine trees towering, grass green, lake water ripples, and building the temple, watts, fully shows the royal tombs of the majestic, magnificent, and the modern garden of elegant and beautiful. Zhaoling besides buried with emperor after, also buried the have no opinion of GongChen princess, toe GongGuiFei, 洐 GongShuFei etc. A batch of empresses beauty, is the most representative in the mausoleum of the commissioner of the qing dynasty of the mausoleum of hadrian, is our country one of the most complete existing ancient imperial mausoleum building.

Zhaoling mausoleum was built in the qing chong DE eight years (in 1643), to shunzhi eight years (1651 years) basic completion of after reconstruction and Labour market and present it with many times the size of the now. Mausoleum building layout follow lay after the "power" of the catacombs principle from south to north by the before, during and after the three parts, the main buildings are built on the central axis, symmetrically arranged on both sides, is imitated from the tomb of the Ming dynasty and has the characteristics of the manchu mausoleum.

Zhaoling mausoleum all covers an area of 180000 square meters, is divided into three parts. From south to north in the order: the front, from the horse monuments to the red door, including huabiao, stone lions, stone memorial arch, change clothes, slaughter hall hall; Central, from red gate to mahjong layout, including huabiao, stone animal, monuments, buildings and buildings for sacrifice; Back, is a mahjong layout, crescent city and city, this is the body of the mausoleum.

Mahjong layout called long gate, main entrance on the gate house. Mahjong layout has four corners watchtower. Mahjong layout inside the long house, things peidian peidian, things dry fruit room and burn silks. Long behind the surface there are two columns and door, five for David and vouchers, coupons hole at the top is daming. After mahjong layout is the crescent city and city, in the city, to treasure top, for dungeons. Treasure mountain city is long behind industry, mountain climbing, cemetery landscape panoramic view.

Zhao LingQian in sheet wall, went on both sides of the pavilion have huabiao, shishi, change clothes, etc., and the middle is arched. Arch is the front of the main body construction, bluestone, four pillars three layers, carving exquisite, elegant, is a rare art treasures. Swim alone arched, then to red gate, this is the beginning of the tour in central. Is red door for sheet wall is the south gate, storeys tall, very solemn, and its two wings adornment coloured glaze is panlong wall, because of the shape and vivid, more conspicuous. Is red and went up on both sides of the door, huabiao, stone and large column, they two relatively. Slash and solemn. The beast is the most admirable in "white" and "white". The two stone horse horse image lifelike, as if, in love ride two horses were alive as the prototype carve. Appreciate the stone horse ", then to the pavilion. Pavilion and was relatively red door, to celebrate were built, inside the vertical tablet called "zhaoling alkaloids in SAN DE tablet".

The pavilion is to long. Long the door is mahjong layout is the south gate, as opposed to a pavilion. Mahjong layout for the back, as it has built the city, is located in the sheet wall, asing if is a city within a city. To travel to swim long temple city first. Long temple in mahjong layout center, and have long before the door, after the Ming building, about peidian peidian, four corner has turrets, like month, so it was extremely ambitious. Long temple carved granite steps as base, with golden yellow glazed tile roof, coupled with the painted carved beams, jinbian red walls, so it is extremely magnificent. Long stay behind after Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously.

Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927) in May, bi is "Zhao Mausoleum park" for the center with mausoleum, now covers an area of 3.32 million square meters. Centered on the overall planning of tomb, tomb, LingQian and ling after three parts. Campus beautiful natural scenery, colorful, aromatic show garden is the YuanZhongYuan Zhao Mausoleum park, a total area of 40000 square meters, planted nearly 200 kinds of plants, four points are, each has its own characteristics. Early spring cherry blossom in full bloom, garden fragrance; A new summer lotus, the willows; Late autumn full mountain red leaves, CengLinJinRan; Winter snow mountains, pine and forceful. Across the garden, spring flowers, summer has Yin, autumn fruit, winter green, strange flowers, stone Bridges, there is quite a show of jiangnan. Campus architecture and landscape clever union, with Chinese traditional garden architecture combines natural beauty and artificial beauty as a whole, constitute a natural landscape, attract a large number of tourists to visit. Zhao Mausoleum park has 300000 square meters of artificial lake water, rippling in summer, life in suzhou as the shadow, a pedal boat, the boat for sightseeing, boating on the lake, dont have a taste. Is now Zhao Mausoleum park is a world-famous tourist scenic spot. Now the national key cultural relics protection units.

Visit long temple ", after the Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously. Now zhaoling has warded Zhao Mausoleum park.

Another feature of zhaoling is boundless example in several groups. Existing ancient pine trees more than two thousand, more than three hundred years old, tall and straight, swaying towering our day. These green ling loose in its golden tiles zhaoling and composed a magnificent landscape, one of the "making", "flame", "husband and wife tree", "sisters" trees, "turtle tree" is distinctive, etc.

Shenyang zhaoling ancient history, mysterious tomb, beautiful natural landscape, as tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind, linger for browsing resort, also become the window of the people all over the world understand China, know about shenyang.



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Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

In northwest China, the beautiful city of xi an is a famous ten dynasties ancient capital. A landmark tower, Ming Great Wall ruins, huaqing pool and so on. Can be the most magnificent, the most famous is the wild goose pagoda.

Since the tang dynasty of great wild goose pagoda, built by master xuan zang, used to store the scriptures pagoda. Day it was built in the temple, historically, intact, for visitors to visit and tour, and now is the famous tourist attractions in our country, the symbol of the famous ancient city of xi an. Xi an ever central is printed on the wild goose pagoda, the wild goose pagoda is a sign of worthy of xi an.

The origin of the wild goose pagoda magic the occult. According to legend, in India the ogre tuo, a temple monks believe in hinayana, eats three net (that is, the wild goose, deer, calf meat). One day, a group of geese fly sky. A monk saw group of geese, letter said: "everybody not to eat today, bodhisattvas should know we are hungry!" Taking a wild geese fell dead in his word, the monk in front, he was pleasantly surprised, all times against temple monks, all think that this is the tathagata in educating them. Hence in the place where wild goose fell to the solemn ceremony was buried goose a tower, and called the wild goose pagoda. Xuan zang in the allusions, built the wild goose pagoda.

The earliest due to insufficient financial resources, wild goose pagoda is a building five floors, afterwards because of wu zetian believe in Buddhism, it built the ten layers. Unfortunately, five generations of war and down to seven layers, today is the seven layers of the blue brick flies in the tower. 64.5 meters high tower, each have a door on the ground, modelling concise, magnificence, is a rare masterpiece of buddhist art in our country.

From a distance, you will find that the wild goose pagoda is slightly tilted, this but there is a lot of. Xian a few times in the past, earthquake, earthquake tower like side slightly tilted, later, the tower body part for soil and groundwater is not uniform, the settlement of wild goose pagoda accelerated the tilt, now gradually recover the groundwater, the wild goose pagoda "right".

Wild goose pagoda is the first batch of national key protected cultural relics, after repeated repairs, the seven layers of blue bricks tower become solid, wild goose pagoda in the protection of cultural relics, social construction in the future, dont reduce the beauty of the classical past, this layer charming, mysterious veil. Attracts the world search for buddhist culture and the ancient Oriental civilization.



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Clear zhaoling now for the national key cultural relics protection unit, and on July 1, 20__ and the imperial palace in shenyang, shenyang fu mausoleum and fushun ling, after a vote by the 28th world heritage committee meeting, on the world heritage list.

Zhaoling mausoleum was built in the qing chong DE eight years (1643 years) to shunzhi eight years (1651 years) basic completion, after repeated after rebuilding and Labour market and the size of the present now. Mausoleum building layout follow lay after the "power" of the catacombs principle from south to north by the before, during and after the three parts, the main buildings are built on the central axis, symmetrically arranged on both sides, is imitated from the tomb of the Ming dynasty and has the characteristics of the manchu mausoleum.

Zhaoling mausoleum all covers an area of 180000 square meters, is divided into three parts. From south to north in the order: the front, from the horse monuments to the red door, including huabiao, stone lions, stone arches, change clothes, slaughter hall hall. ; The middle, from the red door to mahjong layout, including huabiao, stone animal, stone floor, and sacrifice to occupancy. ; Back, is a mahjong layout, crescent city and city, this is the body of the mausoleum.

Mahjong layout called long gate, main entrance on the gate house. Mahjong layout has four corners watchtower. Mahjong layout inside the long house, things peidian peidian, things dry fruit room and burn silks. Long behind the surface there are two columns and door, five for David and vouchers, coupons hole at the top is daming. After mahjong layout is the crescent city and baoqing zhaoling city, in the city, to treasure top, for dungeons. Treasure mountain city is long behind industry, mountain climbing, cemetery landscape panoramic view.

The front of zhaoling swim, swim first. Front sheet wall, went on both sides of the pavilion have huabiao, shishi, change clothes, etc., and the middle is arched. Arch is the front of the main body construction, bluestone, four pillars three layers, carving exquisite, elegant, is a rare art treasures. Swim alone arched, then to red gate, this is the beginning of the tour in central. Is red door for sheet wall is the south gate, storeys tall, very solemn, and its two wings adornment coloured glaze is panlong wall, because of the shape and vivid, more conspicuous. Is red and went up on both sides of the door, huabiao, stone and large column, they two relatively. Slash and solemn. The beast is the most admirable in "white" and "white". The two stone horse horse image lifelike, as if, in love ride two horses were alive as the prototype carve. Appreciate the stone horse ", then to the pavilion. Pavilion and was relatively red door, to celebrate were built, inside the vertical tablet called "zhaoling alkaloids in SAN DE tablet".

The pavilion is to long. Long the door is mahjong layout is the south gate, as opposed to a pavilion. Mahjong layout for the back, as it has built the city, is located in the sheet wall, asing if is a city within a city. To travel to swim long temple city first. Long temple in mahjong layout center, and have long before the door, after the Ming building, about peidian peidian, four corner has turrets, like month, so it was extremely ambitious. With beautifully carved granite qing long temple zhaoling is base rock steps, with golden yellow glazed tile roof, coupled with the painted carved beams, jinbian red walls, so it is extremely magnificent.

Visit long temple ", after the Ming building, you can treasure. Treasure city in the northern end of the mahjong layout, as crescent. City is also called the treasure treasure top, namely dungeons underneath, and placed the coffins were couples and interred. , looking on treasure top, looked round, green trees and cyclization, beautiful scenery, like the trees in the city, a ease feeling arises spontaneously. Now zhaoling has warded Zhao Mausoleum park.

Another feature of zhaoling is boundless example in several groups. Existing ancient pine trees more than two thousand, more than three hundred years old, tall and straight, swaying towering our day. These green ling loose in its golden tiles zhaoling and composed a magnificent landscape, one of the "making", "flame", "husband and wife tree", "sisters" trees, "turtle tree" is distinctive, etc.

Sixteen years of the republic of China (1927) in May, bi is "Zhao Mausoleum park" for the center with mausoleum, now covers an area of 3.3 million square meters. Centered on the overall planning of tomb, tomb, LingQian and ling after three parts. Campus beautiful natural scenery, colorful, aromatic show garden is the YuanZhongYuan Zhao Mausoleum park, a total area of 40000 square meters, planted nearly 200 kinds of plants, four points are, each has its own characteristics. Early spring cherry blossom in full bloom, garden fragrance; A new summer lotus, the willows; Late autumn full mountain red leaves, CengLinJinRan; Winter snow mountains, pine and forceful. Across the garden, spring flowers, summer has Yin, autumn fruit, winter green, strange flowers, stone Bridges, there is quite a show of jiangnan. Campus architecture and landscape clever union, with Chinese traditional garden architecture combines natural beauty and artificial beauty as a whole, constitute a natural landscape, attract a large number of tourists to visit. Zhao Mausoleum park has 300000 square meters of artificial lake water, rippling in summer, life in suzhou as the shadow, a pedal boat, the boat for sightseeing, boating on the lake, dont have a taste.



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