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瞿塘峡又称为夔峡,它西起重庆奉节白帝城,东到巫山县的大溪镇,全长8km,在长江三峡中最短,但是却是景观最雄伟壮观的一个峡,峡中水深流急,波涛汹涌,令人惊心动魄。 三峡的第二段峡就是巫峡,巫峡西起重庆巫山大宁河口,东到湖北省巴东县,全长45km。由于巫峡谷深峡长,日照时间短,水汽不易扩散,容易成云致雾,云雾千姿百态,似烟非烟,似雾非雾,似云非云,在阳光的照射下形成巫峡佛光,因此古人留下:“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”的千古绝句。巫峡十二峰是巫峡景观之最,在十二峰中神女峰最为俏丽。






巫山小三峡被誉为 “人间仙境”、 “中华奇观”、 “天下绝境”。巫山小三峡即是大宁河小三峡,小三峡南起巫山县,北至大昌古城,全长50km。小三峡是龙门峡、巴雾峡和滴翠峡的统称,这段河流也是大宁河风景的精华所在。









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明万历十五年 (1587),海瑞卒于南京都察院右都御史任上,消息传到北京,万历皇帝下诏南京、北京二都举行公祭,丧出江上,奠祭哭拜的人,百里不绝。朝廷专门派行人司行人,海瑞的同乡、学生许子伟护送其灵柩回琼州安葬。

万历十七年 (1589)二月廿二日,海瑞的灵柩终于运回海南,安葬在海口市滨涯村。





海瑞是海南岛琼山县人,生于明正德九年(公元1520xx年)。他40岁 中举,最初在福建做官,后升任浙江省淳安县知县、嘉州通判等职,15 64年,海瑞升任户部云南司主事,入朝为官,在任期间,大胆革除弊端, 惩办权奸,为民请命,平反冤狱,深得民心,但也得罪了不少权贵。当 时明世宗酒色朝政,只想寻找长生不老药,而朝廷上下无人敢谏。海瑞 视死如归,自备棺木,上奏一本《治安疏》,结果锒铛入狱,世宗死后, 海瑞获释,官复原职。 1569年出任右佥都御史,钦差总督粮道巡抚应天十府。他秉公执法,打击贪官污吏,使骄奢淫逸之风大为收敛。但不 久受到奸佞排挤,被罢官还乡为民,在琼山老家闲居20xx年。 72岁时, 海瑞被明神宗起用,到南京为官。 1587年,海瑞在南京去世。

海瑞一生居官清廉,刚直不阿,清廉正直,深得民众的尊敬与爱戴。同样也在官场上得罪了很多人。在南京当吏部尚书时就被民众称赞甚至拿他的画像当门神。据说听到他去世的噩耗时,当地的百姓如失亲人,悲痛万分。当他的灵柩从南京水路运回故乡时,长江两岸站满了送行的人群。很多百姓甚至制作他的遗像,供在家里。关于他的传说故事,民间更广为流传。后经文人墨客加工整理,编成了著名的长篇公案小说《海公大红袍》和《海公小红袍》,或编成戏剧《海瑞》、《海瑞罢官》、《海瑞上疏》等。海瑞和宋朝的包拯一样,是中国历史上清官的典范、正义的象征。 明代著名的思想家李贽对海瑞的评价: “先生如万年青草,可以傲霜雪而不可充栋梁”,入骨三分。

海瑞一生刚直不阿,是杰出的政治家、历史上有名的清官。死后财物只有俸银8 两、旧袍数件,但却留下了“南包公”、“海青天”的美名。他的灵柩还乡启程那天,南京市民罢市数天来悼念他。



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一张嘴要说。说什么?要说山要道水。怎么说?要洋洋洒洒,尽情发挥;要指点江山,激扬文字;要热情洋溢,慷慨激昂;要侠骨柔情,荡气回肠。两条腿要走。怎么走? 即不走回头路,不走重复路,不走冤枉路,不走失败路。引领游客观赏大中华的名胜古迹和走遍祖国的山山水水。
















常言道,“三百六十行,行行出状元”,现在看来是远远不止了。“状元”指什么呢?是指某一专业领域内的佼佼者。何为佼佼者?就是在导游工作的各方面都出类拔萃者。具体表现在那里呢? 主要表现在思维方式,表达能力,办事效率,应变能力等方面的与众不同。就是我们平时所说的要有“大将风度”。大将风度:要胆大心细,遇事不慌,要胸有成竹,指挥若定;要临危授命,力挽狂澜。“将在外君命有所不受”, 遇到突发事件要果断处理,能独挡一面;因为“沧海横流,方显英雄本色”。

形态的:手拿小旗子,肩背小喇叭;别着bp机,拿着大哥大;身扎大腰包,叽哩又哇啦。精神的:干干净净,大大方方;雷厉风行,意气风发。作风的: 走路风风大大,说话响响亮亮,回答干干脆脆,办事利利落落。说走咱就走,风风火火闯九州。路见不平一声吼,该出手时就出手。艰苦性:起早摸黑,披星戴月,跋山涉水;从鸡叫忙到鬼叫,忙得象个赤佬。有人说,爱情两个字好辛苦,我说,旅游两个字好辛苦。因此,要以苦为乐,苦中作乐。



首先要认真负责。世界上怕就怕“认真”二字,无论什么事,也无论大小,只有“认真”了,才能敢于“负责”。除了“认真’’了,还要“熟练”。要“熟”只有一个方法,那就是要多练! 练到什么程度呢?要练到“滚瓜烂熟”。知识这个东西是“待到用时方恨少”。所以平时要“拳不离手曲不离口’,到用时才能从容不迫,如数家珍一般。只有“熟”了才能“生巧”,也只有“熟能生巧做到这一步还只是个“熟练工”,离我们所说的好导游、优秀导游还有很大的距离。不要灰心,既然入了门,就得下恒心。入门既不难,深造也是办得到的。“世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要工夫深,铁棒磨成针”。功夫定会不负有心人。还要一专多能,多才多艺。导游队伍是个藏龙卧虎之地,因此不管你是什么原因进旅游业的,入行就要遵循行规。随着导游工作时间的增长,经验的增长,还要向导游工作的深度和广度进军, 如有机会还要进一步的深造。






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Everyones heart has a built in fantasy of Paris, may be the atypical "Notre Dame DE Paris" romantic, maybe its "human comedy" latter-day flashy. Everyone who has been to Paris to evaluate different, some people say it cold, some people say that it is expensive, some say it chaos. But there is one word always are in Paris, that is: vogue. More than one hundred years ago, people in Paris is proud to walk on the champs elysees, led the European way. In this article along the avenue, dotted with these names: the place DE la Concorde, the arc DE triomphe, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris......

On the perfect axis extension, stood a completely different, modern Paris: skyscrapers, glass curtain wall, rush around financiers, like every modern city in the world. Really? It is a model as the arch of the building, and has been dubbed the "la defense, the arc DE triomphe" name. The pride of the Paris people will never forget yesterday, maybe because of this, to always stand in the forefront of fashion in Paris.

Feel about Paris fashions ankles should be a shopping crazy. They knew all about fashion trends, eyes sharp, both quick and accurate. Maybe only have so many senior department store in Paris, so many famous brand stores, can satisfy their unremitting pursuit of fashion.

Paris presents different features in different peoples eyes, if you want to know what she will be how to smile to you, lets go to visit her.



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"Lherbe sauvage près du pont zhuque, le coucher de soleil à lentrée de laruelle Wuyi..."Cétait ma première connaissance du temple Confucius quandjétais enfant.

Je ne sais pas, jai peur.Si vous êtes un touriste, vous êtes déjà venu àNanjing, mais vous nêtes pas allé au temple Confucius, cest vraimentblanc!

Le temple Confucius est un lieu pittoresque célèbre à Nanjing avec unelongue histoire.Le temple Confucius sappuie sur la rivière Qinhuai, qui est laRivière mère de Nanjing, tout comme la rivière Yangtze et la rivière jaune rivière Qinhuai est bordée de vagues bleues et scintillantes. De tempsen temps, de jolis petits poissons sautent de leau. Asseyez - vous sur lebateau de peinture du temple Confucius et regardez le paysage. Il ny a pas dego?t.

Pour voir le temple du ma?tre, venez la nuit.? ce moment - là, le templeConfucius était lumineux et lumineux avec des néons colorés. Il semblait quelaurore sétait produite au - dessus de la ville. Il était magnifique. En cemoment, les gens sont venus au temple Confucius pour errer malgré la fatigue dela nuit.Faim? Ha ha ha, pas de problème! Folloe me! Soupe de vermicelles de sangde canard, sac de soupe de jus de poulet, kebabs dagneau, pas assez pour KFC!McDonalds aussi! Et des collations classiques comme le tofu puant deNanjing...Oui! Et le canard deau salée! Le canard deau salée est unespécialité de Nanjing! Bienvenue à déguster! Lun des canards deau salée est lecanard osmanthus, qui est raffiné au niveau du Canard d deau salée et contientlodeur douce de losmanthus.Le temple Confucius quand les gens ne sont pas "lepont lion n° 2" juste manger, il ya aussi beaucoup de magasins à la mode pourvous.Bien s?r, vos yeux ne seront pas oisifs, le temple Confucius est un ancienb?timent il y a longtemps, contient la saveur de lancien Nanjing, les murs dela sculpture fine, le toit des motifs nationaux magnifiques, ne peut pas êtrebeau.De plus, la rivière Qinhuai était plus belle cette nuit - là, et leauclaire reflétait le ciel étoilé, les arbres verts, les b?timents et les lumièrescolorées qui illuminaient la rivière Qinhuai.

Au festival des lanternes, le temple Confucius est encore plus bondé degens. Il y a de petits magasins vendant des Lanternes dans les rues et lesruelles. Il y a de belles lanternes de lapin, des Lanternes de cheval ancienneset des Lanternes de Confucius.En plus des lanternes, il y a beaucoup de magasinsde lanternes dans le temple du ma?tre pendant les jours du Festival deslanternes.Les lanternes sont grandes et petites, les grandes contiennent dusésame, les petites bulles deau sucrée, sont très savoureuses.

Nous croyons que non seulement le temple Confucius, mais aussi Nanjing,cette ville historique, lavenir sera plus beau!



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探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。









下一站是幻想世界,在这里你可以找到最心爱的迪士尼人物:维尼、米老鼠…… 想当年我来的时候还没有这些东西,你们太幸运了!













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Dear friends, hanshan temple is known for its inscriptions, and the most famous one is the poem of the maple bridge. Ladies and gentlemen,

Now lets go to the stele. Since ancient times, in the temple, "the maple bridge night mooring" has a few pieces of poetry. The answer is: a poem. Wang GUI (1019-1085), the king of the northern song dynasty, was the first stone in the poem of "the maple bridge", the first stone of zhang jishi, which could be lost in the early years of this monument. In order to restore historical relics and carry forward the national culture, the first stone of zhang jishi, which was integrated with wangs calligraphy, was re-established next to puminta in 1996, with the efforts of people on both sides of the Chinese Taiwan straits. Thanks to Chinese Taiwan SiNian library, they free get-together of generous Ph.D. More than 3000 words handwriting epitaph rubbings, the suzhou famous calligrapher FeiZhiXiong set word, suzhou museum of stone inscription loyalty as heavy carved sculpture artists, and shows the world the first stone Zhang Jishi spirits, to understand a get-together chirography provides physical characteristics and style.

Full of poetry only 28 words, but can directly select a get-together to complete the original words only 14, namely: month, full day, jiang, fire, for, gu, outside the city, and cold, hill, temple, night, half, the rest are through a mix of the original word radical. For example, "frost", combined with "rain" and "facies"; The people are composed of "eyes" and "people". The word is in block letters, between the yan and liu shushu. The stone tablet has been used for a certain period of time. It is 2.5 meters high, 0.84 meters wide, 0.2 meters thick and 1.66 meters high, about 13 centimeters per word. The stele was collected by the Palace Museum in September 1996.

The second tablet is written in Ming dynasty. The temple is in fire. There are only remnants of the monument, and less than 10 words remain. The third tablet is written by yu yue in the qing dynasty. It is well preserved. The most common "night mooring" in the market is the first inscription of yus books. The tablet is displayed in the gallery. The fourth tablet was written on December 14, 1947 by zhang, a member of the hebei cangzhou dynasty, with the same name as the tang dynasty. Zhang succeeded in writing this tablet, and unexpectedly died the next day, and the ink became a veritable masterpiece. This stele is well preserved and is now on display in the hospital of pu-minta, where the original poems are preserved in the central history museum of the kuomintang (KMT) in Chinese Taiwan. The fifth tablet we have seen in the songmao pavilion in the house of hanshan. It is the one li dazhao wrote. The sixth tablet is a contemporary painting

Liu haisus works. In the winter of 1981, the 86-year-old painter locked himself in his room for about five hours, using the whole body and soul to complete a masterpiece -- the "maple bridge night". When liu finished the work, he fell ill for many days, but he was very satisfied with the work and thought it was no less than yus book. According to lius wish, this tablet was engraved in 1994 and placed in the corridor of hanshan temple.

The seventh tablet was written by the revolutionary predecessor Chen yun in the "maple bridge poetry gallery" in 1998. The original was a gift given to liu yuna, a famous critic, when he was 82 years old. The inscription on the tablet stands in contrast to the poems written by kang youwei in the han shan temple in 1920. "the bell has been crossing the sea, and the wind is cold and cold. Dont let feng dry and rap again, to make people not empty." Loss of kang youwei was generous in clocks to Japan, he quips: also blame gab abundant dry monk, to zhejiang taizhou high disturbing the satrap pavilion hanshan, picked up are two manjusri, samantabhadra bodhisattva incarnation of cat. Had it not been for the leak of the celestial machine, there would have been no longer the ancient clock in the temple.



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Sanya – la ville touristique c?tière tropicale la plus méridionale deChine. Sanya Tropical beach est lessence du paysage c?tier de Hainan et a descaractéristiques uniques en Chine.Sanya couvre une superficie de 1919,58kilomètres carrés et 209,1 kilomètres de littoral.Situé à 18°09′ - 19° delatitude Nord, il est comparable à la station balnéaire tropicale de renomméemondiale et à lextrémité sud dHawa? aux ?tats - Unis. Il appartient au climatde mousson océanique température moyenne en janvier est de 11,7 ?,la température moyenne en juillet est de 28,3 ?, et la température moyenneannuelle est de 25,4 ?; la température de leau de mer est de 22 ? - 28 ?, et latransparence est de 8 - 12 mètres.Sanya nest pas seulement une grande serrenaturelle en Chine, cest une base de reproduction et de légumes dhiver dans leSud, mais aussi un endroit idéal pour la natation dhiver et la plongée sous -marine.Par conséquent, bien que Sanya ne compte que 482,1 millions de personnes,cest une ville célèbre.LAdministration nationale du tourisme a fait de Sanyalune des attractions touristiques les plus populaires de Chine au pays et àlétranger, et les dirigeants concernés lont comparée à la ? tour pyramidale ?des vacances et des voyages dagrément en Chine.Sanya Enchanted Tropical beachscene, Rich Historical and cultural features, let the unrealed wanted, let theTravelers Dream around the soul.En hiver, pendant le Festival du printemps enChine, le tourisme à Sanya doit être décrit par le mot "chaud".Beaucoupdinvités qui viennent en vacances sont des visiteurs de retour!

Cependant, lancienne Sanya a été considérée comme un cheminintimidant.Sanya était autrefois connu sous le nom de Yazhou. En raison de lacirculation bloquée et de la rareté de la population, il a été gouverné par leféodalisme comme un endroit sauvage pour exiler les fonctionnaires et lesfonctionnaires rétrogradés.Seulement les trois dynasties Tang, Song et yuan ontété rétrogradés à Sanya, cest - à - dire jusquà quarante ou cinquantepersonnes, parmi lesquelles il ny a pas de pénurie de fonctionnaireséminents.Comme le célèbre ministre Li deyu et Wei Zhiyi de la dynastie Tang, lePremier Ministre Lu duoxin, Zhao Ding et le célèbre Ministre Hu Shuan de ladynastie Song, le Premier Ministre Wang shixi de lhistoire impériale de ladynastie Yuan, etc."Un voyage de dix mille milles, pas un millier.Où est létatdes falaises?Le poème de Yang Yan dans la dynastie Tang reflète les sentimentsdes gens à Sanya.Cependant, le beau paysage naturel de Sanya, les produitsriches et uniques et le style rustique simple ont également changé létatdesprit de certaines personnes.Lhistoire de Sanya pour diverses raisons parmiles fonctionnaires, les érudits, les moines et les gens du peuple, beaucoup ontlaissé un patrimoine culturel précieux à Sanya.Les experts estiment que lesressources touristiques de Sanya sont uniques, rassemblant des ressourcestouristiques telles que le soleil, leau de mer, la plage, le climat,lenvironnement, les animaux, les sources thermales, les coutumes ethniques, lessites dintérêt et les paysages ruraux tropicaux.On peut dire que Sanya est leplus beau paysage naturel tropical de Hainan, les ressources touristiqueshumaines les plus riches.Lorsque les gens sont fascinés par le charme de la merde coco, les faits historiques, les mythes et les folklores émouvants liés aupaysage quils voient sont souvent très imaginatifs.

Les principaux sites touristiques et stations balnéaires du littoralsubtropical de Sanya sont Yalong Bay, Dadonghai, Luhui, TianyaHaijiao, SanyaTropical Ocean zoo, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area, sea Mountain Wonders (Smalland Small Dongtian), wuzhizhou Island, etc.

Leurs caractéristiques communes ne sont pas seulement le soleil ensoleillé,la plage de sable blanc fin, le vent de coco Vert, le charme de la mer, maisaussi dans un environnement écologique pur et non pollué.La qualité de leaudans les zones c?tières est conforme à la norme nationale de classe I pour leaude mer et lenvironnement atmosphérique est supérieur à la norme nationale declasse I.Les résultats des troisième et quatrième recensements nationauxmontrent que lespérance de vie à Hainan est la plus élevée du pays, tandis quela c?te subtropicale de Sanya est la plus longue du Hainan.En outre, de nombreuxsites pittoresques ont une histoire légendaire qui ajoute encore plus demystère.

La fleur de la ville de Sanya est la prune triangulaire, peu importelendroit pittoresque, ou les deux c?tés de la route, vous pouvez voir partoutun vert épais, flottant une série de belles plantes avec des fleurs rouges,comme un feu dhiver, cest la prune triangulaire.Larbre de Sanya est unharicot aigre.Il a un grand corps darbre, des branches et des feuilles denses,et des arbres magnifiques. Cest un arbre de paysage isolé de pelouse trèsprécieux.Cependant, dans la zone touristique culturelle de Nanshan, on peut voirdes parcelles de la forêt de haricots aigres.Sanya a re?u le surnom de Lucheng àcause de lhistoire magique du dos du CERF.



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九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县境内,以有九个藏族村寨而得名。九寨沟海拔在2千米以上,遍布原始森林, 它的总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。水是九寨沟的精灵,湖、泉、滩、瀑将108个海子连成一体, “鱼在天上游,鸟在水中飞,树在水中生,水在林间流”等神奇景观只有在这里才得一见,九寨沟是全国重点风景名胜区,是我国唯一一个拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两顶桂冠的圣地。








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 303 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 18229 字

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Dear tourists

Im very happy to be your guide today. When you know that Wudang Mountainis a famous Taoist mountain, you can feel that the fresh air nourishes your bodyand relieves your fatigue. Do you know what this means? This is a gift of healthand longevity given by Wudang people when they welcome you. I hope you can enjoyit during your visit to Wudang Mountain To the Sutra of prolonging life. Well,let me give you a brief introduction to Wudang Mountain.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe mountain, is located in DanjiangkouCity, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Neijiaquan is a famous Taoist Holy Land inChina. It is the birthplace of neijiaquan. With its gorgeous natural scenery,rare ancient architecture, profound Taoist culture and mysterious Wudang martialarts, it forms an ideal fairyland of Taoism and the unity of heaven and man.They are listed as "national key cultural relics protection units, national keyscenic spots, National Wushu hometown, national 4A tourist area and worldcultural heritage" respectively.

Around eight hundred million BC, the mountain rose from the ancient ocean.About thirty thousand years ago, the Indochina plate collided with the Eurasiancontinent, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rose strongly, and the Wudang Mountains andthe Dabashan Mountain Rose simultaneously, making it an integral part of thesecond steps of our country. The main peak, Tianzhu peak, stands at 1612 metersabove sea level, straight into the sky, and the rest of the peaks vie forgreatness and wonder. It integrates the beauty of Emei, the danger of Huashan,the seclusion of Lushan, and the greatness of Huangshan into one, forming amagnificent landscape with the main feature of strangeness, masculinity, danger,seclusion, and beauty. It was worshipped by countless literati and poets, and byemperors of all dynasties. The great calligraphers of Song Dynasty praised it as"the first mountain", and the Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty named it "the greatmountain Taihe mountain", which means that Wudang Mountain is not among the fivemountains, but it is above them. Wudang Mountain is backed by Daba Mountain ofQinling Mountains, facing the broad Jianghan Plain, with the Han Riverstretching thousands of miles on the left and the Yangtze River flowingthousands of miles on the right.

The peculiar natural landscape of Wudang Mountain always fascinates people.The main scenic spots are: 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 24 streams, 11 caves, 3 pools, 9springs, 10 stones, 9 wells, 9 palaces, 9 temples, 36 nunneries, 72 rocktemples, etc. Wudang Mountain is located in the hinterland of central China witha pleasant climate. Animals and plants from north and South can grow andmultiply here. In spring, the mountains are green and the flowers are beautiful;in summer, the wind and thunder are stirring and the clouds are shrouded; inautumn, the trees are sparse and the leaves are red and fresh; in winter,icicles are propping up the sky and Qiongyao are everywhere. Wang Shizhen, awriter of the Ming Dynasty, praised Wudang Mountain highly: "the victory of themountain is the best in the world.".

Wudang Wushu is a famous school of Chinese Wushu, known as "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Neijiaquan founded by Zhang Sanfeng has its ownsystem of Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua due to the inheritance and development ofcelebrities in the past dynasties. Especially Taijiquan has a wide range ofdevelopment with its own characteristics. It has formed many schools, such asChen style, Yang style, sun style, Wu style, etc Fitness, self-defense,longevity for the purpose, widely accepted by people, is the most preciouscultural heritage of all mankind. According to statistics, there are nearly 500million people practicing Taijiquan all over the world. As the ancestor ofTaijiquan, Wudang Mountain shoulders the historical responsibility ofinheritance and promotion. On May 26, 1999, when Comrade Jiang Zemin inspectedWudang Mountain, he said: Wudang boxing is good. Everyone should practice it andkeep fit.

Wudang Mountain is known as the "natural medicine storehouse". Li Shizhen,a medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, visited famous mountains and rivers allover the world and found Mantuoluo flower in Wudang Mountain, which solved a bigproblem of Chinese surgical anesthetics shortage. He also recorded more than 400kinds of Wudang Mountain herbs in compendium of materia medica. WudangMountains famous herbs include seven leaves and one branch of flower, one pearlon the head, a bowl of water by the river and a pen by King Wen And so on,Huangjing, Ganoderma lucidum, golden fork and other precious medicinal materialswere all tributes in the Imperial Palace at that time.

When you come to Wudang Mountain, you can not only visit mountains, butalso play with water. The largest man-made freshwater lake in Asia is located atthe foot of Wudang Mountain. It is like a colorful ribbon that makes WudangMountain look enchanting. The mountains and rivers are connected, and they areeach others wonders. The lakes and mountains echo each other from afar. Themiddle route of South-to-North Water Diversion lies here. In the Ming Dynasty,Wudang was built in the South and the Forbidden City was built in the north. Inthe present period, the vast projects of "Wudang South Water Diversion" and"Beijing for North Water Diversion" have been carried out. History always actsas a matchmaker (beauty), linking Beijing with Wudang Mountain and forming anindissoluble bond.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Yu. As people often say,meeting is fate. I feel very honored to meet you in the beautiful Jiangcheng andspend this wonderful time with you. This is our driver, Master Wang. We willserve you today. If you have any questions, you can raise them. We will try ourbest to help you solve them. We hope to exchange our enthusiasm, patience andcarefulness for your confidence and happiness.

Today, I will take you to visit Wudang Mountain. Lets enjoy its beautifulnatural scenery and rich Taoist culture.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain is located in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. TheDanjiangkou reservoir, facing the rippling blue waves, is backed by the vastShennongjia forest region, covering more than 400 kilometers. The scenery hereis beautiful, and the four seasons are different: prosperous in spring, lushmountains in summer, fragrant osmanthus in autumn and white snow in winter. Nomatter when we come, we can appreciate her beauty. There is a saying that "theworlds famous mountains are occupied by Buddhas", but in Wudang Mountain,Taoism dominates the world. It is said that the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountainwas originally occupied by Wuliang Buddha. Later, Emperor Zhenwu was able tocultivate immortals and traveled here. He saw that there were many peaks here.Tianzhu peak, the main peak, towered into the clouds. Around 72 peaks, he bentover each other, forming a spectacle of "72 peaks facing the great summit".Emperor Zhenwu fell in love with this treasure land, so he went to Tianzhu peakto discuss with Wuliang Buddha about borrowing the land, and proposed to borrowonly eight steps. When Wuliang Buddha saw that he didnt have much, he agreed.Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhenwu had boundless power. He took eight steps from thetop of Tianzhu peak, 100 Li at a time. Eight steps actually took the whole ofWudang and won the right of permanent residence. Therefore, Wudang Mountainbecame the site of Taoism.

Its not only the incense resort of Taoism, but also the hometown of Wudangboxing. There has always been a saying in Chinese Wulin that "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Many people do not know Wudang Mountain but knowWudang boxing. It is said that the founder of Wudang boxing is Zhang Sanfeng, afamous Taoist in the Ming Dynasty. I think friends who like martial arts mayknow something about this through novels. It is said that when he was practicinghere, he saw the scene of fighting between cranes and snakes. He was inspiredand realized the thirteen forms of Tai Chi. Therefore, he was respected as thefounder of Wudang school.

Having said so much, I think you cant wait. Now that we are at the foot ofWudang Mountain, please take your belongings and get out of the car to start ourpilgrimage

Zixiao Palace

Now the green glazed tile hall in front of us is Zixiao palace. Because thehills around this place naturally formed a treasure chair for Erlong Xizhu, andEmperor Yongle named it "Zixiao blessed land". In the shrine on the stone Xumiseat in the hall, the statues of Zhenwu God in old age, middle age and youth andthe sitting statues of Wenwu immortal are worshipped. They are different inshape and lifelike, which are the art treasures of Ming Dynasty. It is said thatthe fir which is several feet long on my right hand side suddenly came fromafar, so it is called Feilai fir. It is said that if you tap one end of the fir,you can hear a clear sound at the other end, so it is also called xianglingshan.As for why it flies here, I think it is also attracted by its beautifulscenery

Nan Yan

There are 36 rocks in Wudang Mountain. Now we come to Nanyan, which isconsidered to be the most beautiful of the 36 rocks. Wudang Mountains naturallandscape and exquisite architecture are integrated, which can be fullyreflected here. The stone hall on the cliff was built in the Yuan Dynasty. Thereis a carved dragon stone beam beside the cliff. The stone beam stretches out 2.9meters and is only 30 cm wide. The top of the dragon head is carved with acenser, which is the famous "dragon head incense". In the past, some pilgrimsrisked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show their piety, which showstheir deep belief in Taoism. For the sake of safety, if we all want to make awish and pray, we can go to other places. If we are sincere, we will be wise

(for example, 36 rock in Wudang Mountain is a great spectacle. What we seenow is the most beautiful Nanyan rock among 36 rocks. This stone hall, whichstands on the edge of Nanyan cliff, was built in the Yuan Dynasty. On the edgeof the cliff of the stone hall, this small building is carved dragon stone beam.The stone beam stretches out 2.9 meters in the air and is only 30 cm wide. Thereis a dragon carved on the stone beam and a censer carved on the top of thedragon head. This is the stone hall The famous "dragon head incense", it leapsout of the sky, next to the deep valley, has a high artistic and scientific. Inthe past, some pilgrims risked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show theirpiety. It can be seen that they have a deep faith in Taoism. Because they areclose to the abyss, for safetys sake, if you want to make a wish, you can go toother places, because if you are sincere, you will be wise. ))

Tianzhu peak (Jinding)

After a lot of efforts, we finally climbed the main peak Tianzhu peak.Tianzhu peak is 1612 meters above sea level, known as "a pillar of heaven".Standing here, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of "72 peaks facing thetop". And the golden palace on the top of Tianzhu peak is the golden palace.Jindian is the largest gilded hall in China, built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall didnt use a nail. It was made by casting all the partsand then transporting them up the mountain. The mortars and mortars were verytight. It seemed to be an integral whole. Look, its said that the ever burninglamp here never goes out. So the mountain top is open and windy. Why cant it beblown out by the wind? Its said that its because of the "fairy bead" on thecaisson. It is said that this fairy bead can suppress the mountain wind andprevent the wind from blowing into the hall, thus ensuring the brightness of themagic lamp. In fact, the real reason why the lamp is always bright is that allthe castings of the temple door are very strict and accurate, which can changethe direction of the wind. This shows the wisdom and skills of the ancientworking people in China

(dear tourists, the glittering statues you see now are in the stone hall.They also bear witness to the historical and artistic value of the stone hall,which is full of Taoist culture. We generally follow a bottom-up route. Lookingback at Nanyan, after some efforts, we have now climbed the Tianzhu peak with analtitude of 1612 meters, which is known as "one pillar supporting the sky": ifyou stand on Tianzhu peak, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of"seventy-two peaks towards the top", and on the top of Tianzhu peak stands amagnificent palace, that is everyone Now you can see the golden hall. It isanother famous palace in Wudang Mountain. The golden hall is Chinas largestHall of steel casting and gold gilding. It was built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall was built without a nail. It was all cast and thentransported up the mountain. It was riveted tightly. It looks like an integralwhole. You can also enter the hall to pray for happiness and health. ))

OK, everybody follow me to Jinding. Now its Nantianmen. There are threedoors in Nantianmen. Why dont the two doors open? Theres something particularabout it. In the middle is the gate of heaven, also known as the gate of God,where God goes in and out. Mortals cant go, only emperors, Queens, princes andgrandchildren can. A door over there is a ghost door. Of course, the ghost doorcant be opened to let people go. The door we go through is called "peoplesdoor".

Well, friends, we are now standing on the top of the Golden Summit to seethe clouds floating and the mountains coming. Its spectacular. Its interestingto see all the mountains are small. Every peak inclines to Jinding, so there are72 peaks facing Dading. Here, you can enjoy the natural Xuanwu, which is made upof Jinding, Taihe palace, Tianzhu peak, the Forbidden City wall, and thesurrounding mountains. It is both mysterious and ingenious.

The main building in Jinding is Jindian. On the left is qianfang and on theright is Xiangfang. The golden hall is the essence of Wudang Mountains. MingChengzus concern for the golden hall can be said to be meticulous. Hepersonally arranged every link from the casting of the Golden Hall components tothe escort installation. According to the craftsmans principle, the hall ismade of copper, with double eaves and double arches_ With the imperial edict of"golden fan, gold statue of Emperor Xuan, left and right Lingguan, jade girl,holding sword to hold flag and sky general", after casting all the components inBeijing, He Jun, the imperial governor, issued the imperial edict on the ninthday of September in the fourteenth year of Yongle (1416): "today I will escortthe ships of the golden hall to Nanjing, and the ships along the way should becareful. When the sky is clear, feng shui will go smoothly. The ship should bevery clean. Therefore, the imperial edict was issued From the canal to theYangtze River and Hanjiang River in Nanjing, the components were escorted toWudang Mountain, then tenoned and welded.

On the top of Tianzhu peak, the peak of Wudang, stands a palace likebuilding with bronze gilding and wood imitation structure. This splendid anddazzling palace built in the Ming Dynasty weighs more than 100 tons, which isunique in the world. How was such a huge integral component cast and transportedto the peak of 1612m?

The golden hall and statues are national first-class cultural relics, whichare very precious. There are 7.44 taels of gold per square meter. After 400years of history, they are still brilliant. There are many magical legends andtrue stories about the golden palace. An oil lamp was lit in the 14th year ofYongle in the Ming Dynasty (1416). No matter how strong the wind is, it isalways full of flames. It never shakes and never goes out. It has continued tothis day. It hasnt been put out for more than 600 years. This lamp is dedicatedto the altar in the golden hall. It is the lamp under the bead of Dingfeng fairyin journey to the west, in which Monkey King visits Wudang Mountain and asksXuanwu emperor for help. Is Dingfeng Xianzhu able to suppress the mountainbreeze, or is it due to other reasons that the magic lamp has remained brightfor more than 500 years? In fact, the structure of the golden hall is ingenious,airtight and can not form convection, so the lamp will not go out naturally.

In order to prevent people from stealing from the golden hall, it is saidthat Thor often visits the golden hall and washes the hall with electricity andfire to warn villains that if they dare to steal from emperor Zhenwu, they willnot be spared. Under the lightning strike, the golden hall is as new as ever.Surprisingly, the golden hall is not damaged by lightning strike. The secret ofthis is difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is the famous "thunderfire Lian Dian" spectacle. "Thunder fire refining hall", that is, the fireballformed by lightning rolling on the golden hall, is very spectacular.

Transit Hall

Now, were at the transit hall. Zhenwu, Jintong, Yunv and Shuihuo areworshipped in the hall. They are all made of copper and gilded with exquisiteworkmanship. This bronze hall was cast in Wuchang in the Yuan Dynasty and is theoldest existing one in China. It is known as "the first copper hall in China".It has the style of Buddhist architecture, but it is skillfully combined withTaoist architecture, and is regarded as "transit hall" by countless believers.How did the first copper hall in China become the palace of the palace? Letsguess. The reason why this hall is called transshipment hall is that people arelooking forward to good luck. I hope my friends who are always lucky can go inand walk around, and remind them that when you walk around, you will hear theold Taoist priest ask, "did you turn around?" you should shout "turn around,turn around." Luck will turn better and better with you.

Concluding remarks

Wudang Mountain stretches eight hundred Li. Dear tourist friends. Aftervisiting Wudang Mountain, the "fairy mountain Pavilion" with high peaks andcloud all the year round, are you interested in the majestic momentum of themountains and the Taoist culture with secluded immortal bones_ Todaysexplanation can make you have a deeper impression on Wudang Mountain. Finally, Iwish you all happiness, good luck and a happy family!
