
发布于2024-07-06 05:44,全文约 26594 字


hello everyone! My surname is su. You can call me "little Su Su".

Welcome to Xian. It is an ancient civilized city with a long history. Inancient times, more than ten dynasties including Zhou, Qin, Sui and Tangestablished their capitals here. Its prosperity has been more than 1100 years.It can be said that Xian is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation andChinese civilization.

There are 72 mausoleums of ancient emperors around Xian. There are morethan 700 ancient buildings (big wild goose pagoda, small wild goose pagoda,terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang, bell tower, ancient city wall,etc.), as well as Famen Temple in Baoji, Huashan Mountain in Xiyue, Huaqingpool, etc. At the same time, it is also the shooting place of many large-scaleTV and movies, such as the front-end hot spots of "that year the moon was full"and "White Deer Plain".

The beauty of Xian is more than that. I hope you can experience ityourself.

When it comes to Xian food, its mouth watering. As a native of Shaanxiand a responsible tour guide, Id like to introduce you to the special food ofXian, Shaanxi. 1、 Mutton bubble bun, saw a bowl of thick and authentic muttonsoup out, floating on a layer of transparent mutton oil. A basket of pancakesand a few sugar garlic become authentic Shaanxi flavor. 2、 Rougamo, in Xian,almost every staple food is made of wheat flour. Rougamo, a thick pancake, iscut into two halves evenly, and stewed pork is the most simple and deliciousfood. Oil noodles, thorn stem noodles, hollow noodles, Qishan whistle noodles,millet porridge all kinds of. Shaanxi people are looking for the true taste insimplicity.

Oh, lets all get off when we get to the wild geese. Please get off one byone in order. Dont be crowded. When you get off the bus, take the garbage bagswith you. Dont litter. Pay attention to protecting the environment and be acivilized outsider with social morality. Thank you!

The beauty of Xian is endless. I hope you can enjoy it!













Dear tourists

How do you do!

Welcome to the ancient city of Xian. Im your tour guide. My family nameis Xu. Please call me director Xu. The first scenic spot to visit today is theterracotta warriors and horses, one of the world heritage sites. The scenic spotis located in Lintong, Xian. Our bus also goes to Lintong. The journey is about40 minutes. I want to mention Lintong in Xian. You must think of theunparalleled toilet of Qin soldiers in the world. OK, we have arrived at QinShihuang mausoleum now. Please get off in order. Do you know the origin of theterracotta warriors and horses of the Qin Dynasty? In the previous dynasties,emperors were buried with living people when they died. Later, in the QinDynasty, a minister said to Qin Shihuang, "in the previous dynasties, livingpeople were buried with them. I dont think its proper for you to do this. Letthe craftsmen build a clay army. How about your invincible army? "Qin Shihuangthought this idea was very good, so he agreed. In fact, if it had not been forthe nod of Qin Shihuang at that time, we would not have seen the magnificentTerracotta Army today. The terra cotta warriors and horses are of great scale.At present, three terracotta pits have been excavated, covering a total area ofnearly 20000 square meters, about the size of 50 basketball courts. There areabout 8000 terracotta warriors and horses in the pits.

Now we come to the No.1 pit, which is also the largest of the three pits.It is 230 meters long from east to west and 62 meters wide from north to south,with a total area of 14260 square meters. You can see that the total area of thethree pits is more than half! Since the area is so large, the number is alsovery large, there are more than 6000. A huge arched hall has been built on thetop of pit No.1. We can go into the hall and enjoy it carefully. We should alsopay attention to safety when touring. Please see, the figure with big body, hat,armor, sword and high head is the general figurine. Some of them areself-confident and have bright eyes. At first glance, they know that they areexperienced in the battlefield and shoulder heavy responsibilities. Some of themare nodding and thinking, as if they are thinking about defeating the enemy ifthey fight. Its full of generals. Then look at the warriors. They are allstrong and strong. They are wearing war robes and armor, and their feet are onthe front of their boots. It seems that they are waiting for the bugle. Then wecontinue to look at the terracotta cavalry figures. We can see that they arewearing short armor, tight trousers, boots, rein in the right hand and bow andarrow in the left hand. It seems that they are ready to mount at any time.During the war, there must be a group of good horses. Looking ahead, the potteryhorses are the same size as the real horses, and they are strong. That eager totry, if you give an order, you will spread your hooves, soar into the air andjump on the journey. Whether they are generals, warriors or cavalry, they allseem to be making up their minds to fight for the unification of the Qin state.Even Tao Ma seems to be planning to be loyal to his country. When he walks intoit, he seems to feel the breath of love The terracotta warriors and horses ofQin Dynasty are unique in the history of sculpture at all times. It vividlyreproduced the grand momentum of the Qin army with millions of soldiers andthousands of chariots, and vividly demonstrated the powerful power and heroicspirit of the Chinese nation.

Dear tourists, time flies. Todays journey of Qin Bing and Ma Neng has cometo an end. Now we are ready to leave for our hotel!


西安城墙建于明洪武年间(1370-1378)年,以公元6世纪时隋唐皇城墙为基础扩展形成,周长13912米。墙体高12米,底宽18米,顶宽 15米,厚度大于高度,建筑稳重坚固。自1983年开始的环城建设工程,逐步建成以古城墙为主线,辅以环城绿化,护城河环绕,风格古朴、粗犷,有野趣,具有浓郁地方特色的环城公园。




Dear ladies and gentlemen, today, we are going to visit the Qin army toiletMuseum. Qinbing toilet museum is located 35 kilometers east of Youan city. Ittakes about 50 minutes to get there by car from Sheraton Hotel. Since itsopening on October 1, 1979, the museum has been visited by Party and governmentleaders of many countries, and millions of Chinese and foreign tourists havecome to visit this human miracle. French President Jacques Chirac once said:"the discovery of Qin Bing Ma Bai, the original seven wonders in the world, canbe said to be the eighth miracle. If you dont look at the pyramids, you dontreally have been to Egypt. "If you dont look at the Qin servants, you dontreally have been to China." Former vice president Mundell also said, "this is areal miracle. People all over the world should go there and have a look. " Fromthese highly concise words, we can easily see the historical and artistic valueof Qin Yong. Next, Id like to introduce the first emperor of the case, ahistorical giant who has made great achievements for a generation, so that youcan have a more detailed understanding of the first emperor of the casesmilitary toilet and its related history. When talking about the toilet, we mustfirst introduce the head politics. In 259 BC, a great man named Yingzheng wasborn. At the age of 13, after his father died, he inherited the throne.According to Thai practice, the king was not able to take power until he was 22years old and had a coronation ceremony. At that time, the power of the state ofQin was still in the hands of the empress dowager, the prime minister LV Buwei,and the eunuch muxiu (1606i). Unusual is Luo Zhen. Holding power, hot, he sawWangai gradually grow up, then plot rebellion and seize power. In 238 BC,22-year-old Ying Zheng went to the new year palace in Yongcheng, the formercapital, to hold a coronation ceremony. The fallacy lies in

On the way back to Xianyang from barnian palace, he buried an ambush tokill Yingzheng. When Ying Zheng noticed this, he defeated the helmet with hissuperior forces, captured him alive and killed him by splitting the car. AfterYing Zhengqin, he exiled RI Buwei in the name of LV Buweis indulgence inmarrying Liang. After that, LV Buwei drank poison and sprinkled it to death.

In this way, Yingzheng successfully eliminated the two hostile forceswithin the regime and consolidated its position. In order to further consolidatethe power of the monarch, Huizheng selected a group of elite generals, such asWei Liao, who was in charge of military affairs, and Li Si, who was in charge ofEurope. After that, Yingzheng formulated the policy of making long-distance andshort-range attacks, alienating foreign enemies, and breaking through eachother, and began to unify China, ending the chaotic situation of more than 500years since the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. From 230B.C. to 221 B.C., in less than 10 years, Thailand destroyed six countries,finally completed the great cause of reunification, and established the firstcentralized feudal state, which laid the foundation for the rapid development offeudal societys economy, politics, ideology and culture. This once again showsthe great talent of Yingzheng.

Yingzheng called himself the first emperor because he expected hisdescendants to pass on the regime he founded from generation to generation. Tothis end, he reorganized the bureaucracy. First, he was responsible for all theofficials from the central government to the local government; second, heabolished the enfeoffment system and implemented the county system. Third, QinShihuang also unified laws, characters, currency, weights and measures, etc.These measures greatly promoted the development of politics, economy and culturein feudal society. In addition, he also expropriated labor and extensively builtroads to facilitate transportation and economic and cultural exchanges. Heconnected the Great Wall built by Qin, Zhao and Yan during the Warring Statesperiod, and then extended it to form the Great Wall from Lintiao in GansuProvince in the west to Yinshi in Liaodong Province in the East, whicheffectively curbed the harassment of the nomadic tribes of TJB to the court.Most Chinese emperors built huge and luxurious mausoleums for themselves. Onthis point, the first emperor of the case is no exception. When he ascended thethrone at the age of 13, he ordered the construction of a mausoleum for him.Although eroded by wind, rain and man-made destruction, this huge mausoleum witha height of 120 meters and a circumference of more than 20__ meters is still 76meters high and 400 meters long. The first emperor of the case reduced thecapital Weiyang to his own mausoleum, and its layout is almost the same. Thenorthwest of the inner city of the cemetery is the Xiandian building area, thedepression in the northeast of the cemetery is the fish pond for memorial, thenorthwest corner of the outer city of the cemetery is the stone processingplant, and the outer city of the west of the cemetery is a large cemetery.According to historical records, the total population of the Qin Dynasty wasabout 20 million, and the number of strong men was 7 million. When the mausoleumwas built, the number of strong men reached 700000 at most, which shows thevastness of the project. The mausoleum of the first emperor of the case is likea huge underground palace, which is really an underground "paradise of goodfortune". There is astronomy on the roof of the tomb

In the constellation chart, t is made up of all kinds of bright jewelry,with Wuyue, Jiuzhou and rivers and lakes made up of mechanically driven mercurybelow. In addition, there is no hall for officials to worship the first emperor.In order to prevent stealing power, there are automatic bows and arrows on thedoor of each tomb. The whole mausoleum can be said to be a magnificent, solidunderground crown. The first emperor of the case also moved everything heenjoyed underground for him to enjoy in another world. He did not even let go ofthe maids who had never given birth and the craftsmen who worked hard to buildthe underground mausoleum. He ordered that all these people should be buriedalive when others were in danger, so that the maids would not marry others andthe secrets inside the mausoleum would not be revealed.

At the moment, what we are dealing with is No.1 pit of qinbaiguan, which iscalled "the eighth wonder of the world" of Qins toilet. In order to deal withthe huge military array, you must have the following questions in your mind: Howdid these Qin maids find out? 7 Why did they look different? 7 Why did they makethese chants? How many hundred of them are in pits 1, 2 and 3. OK, now I willanswer your questions. These chants were discovered by Xiyang Caiqu farmers inthe process of drilling wells in March 1974. According to the old people in thevillage, Qin Xiang was found there as early as the Ming Dynasty. One day, therefugees in the village ordered a well in the outer space of the village. Thewater in the well was very clear and gratifying. But the next day, they foundthat the water at the bottom of the well was gone. The audacious of them tied arope around their waist and went down to check. After a while, a scream camefrom the well, and the people on the top pulled the people up. The man said hesaw a standing monster in armor. He reached for him. The listeners were veryafraid and wanted to fill the well with soil as soon as possible. But theyfinally decided to report it to the cultural relics department. After theexploration and identification of archaeological experts, pits T, 2 and 3 in theqintiao museum were identified as the accompanying burial pits of the firstemperor of the case. From 1974 to 1979, after five years of hard work, amagnificent building with scientific structure was erected on the site of Pit 1.This is Pit 1 of the Subing toilet, which was opened to tourists at home andabroad in October 1979. Pit 3 was opened to the public on September 27, 1989,world tourism day. Now, on the site of Pit 2, a marble building has beencompleted. It began to receive tourists in November 1994. Since then, all threepoking pits have been protected

Buildings, no longer subject to wind, sun and rain. For visitors to watch,nostalgic at the same time, archaeologists are still there to continue toexcavate the toilet. According to the survey, No. 1 pit is 330m long from eastto west, 62m wide from north to South and covers an area of 14260m2. At theeasternmost end of Dongkeng, there are 3gf warriors facing east, 7 in each row,with a total of 210 pokes. They are the vanguard of the army. Behind thevanguard is the main body of the army. They are divided into 38 columns,standing in 11 tunnels. Each tunnel is paved with green bricks, and there is acolumn every 2 meters on both sides of the tunnel. The columns support thewooden roof, which is covered with woven "herringbone" mats. The mats arecovered with soil. The whole tunnel is 5 meters deep from the surface. Inaddition, on the south, North and west sides of the tunnel, there are a line ofwarriors facing outward. They are the right wing, left wing and guard of thearmy. At the moment, more than 1000 pottery barrels have been unearthed from Pit1. According to the campaign, more than 6000 military toilets will be unearthedin Pit 1 after all excavation. Its pit 2, which opened in November 1994. It isa square array of chariots, cavalry and infantry. It is estimated that more than1000 soldiers and Dong, and more than 500 chariots, horses and pommel horses canbe unearthed. Pit 2 covers an area of 6000 square meters. Its east part is asmall square array with 6334 curved barrels. In the south of pit No.2, there are64 chariots forming a Na square array, each row has 8 chariots, a total of 8Fei; in the middle, there are 19 chariots and unarmed soldiers with chariots; inthe north, there are chariots and cavalry. In the north is a cavalry formationcomposed of 6 chariots, 124 pommel horses and 124 cavalry. Now, we come to pit3, which is 25 meters west of Pit 2. The pit was discovered in 1976. It isconcave shape, covering an area of 520 square meters. stay

In Pit 3, archaeologists found only one chariot and 64 Samurai stabs. Theystand opposite each other, holding the weapon man (SH6).



inside the fourth courtyard, there is a structure called the phoenix pavilion, a place where worshipers wait for services. the pavilion, in fact, is a complex of three small buildings. the six-gabled structure in the central part is adjoined by two three-gabled buildings on each side which make it look like a flying phoenix; hence its name. just at the back of the pavilion there is a fish pond, and beyond it is a platform with an area of 700 square meters. acrothe platform stands the 1,300-square-meter prayer hall. it holds over 1,000 worshipers at a time. the ceiling is decorated with over 600 panels. the walls of the hall, as well as the panels, are decorated with patterns of trailing plants and arabic letters. the shrine at the western end of the hall is where the imam and worshipers chant the koran and pay homage while facing in the direction of mecca.

the moslems in china share much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. they worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night.

the constitution of china acknowledges that each citizen has the right freedom of religion, and that each ethnic group has the freedom to preserve or reform its own customs. of course, the moslems in china enjoy equal rights with other ethnic groups, and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.

huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of xi’an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs.

huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li means a black horse).

the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in winter days. when winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. however, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. it owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. this is the frost drifting hall that greets us today.

































此刻,我们来到了骊山顶上,先来到了鸟语林,林里有许很多多的鸟类,如:白鸽、鹦鹉,路上还可以看到野山鸡。可以让 人感受到有一种大天然的感受。接下来我们来到了道庙,内里曾是陕西省闻名道人的聚积之地,至今内里尚有一些和尚在内里拜佛、念佛,我们也可以进去拜佛、求签,以求安全。然后我们来到了狼烟台,这是周幽王“狼烟戏诸侯”时的处所,其时,周幽王获得了一个美男,名叫褒姒,但她成天忽忽不乐的,周幽王为了让他笑,就听信了奸臣的话,在狼烟台上焚烧,诸侯觉得仇人来了就领兵来看,功效扑了空,褒姒看了,就给笑了起来。其后,仇人真的来了,诸侯觉得是周幽王在和褒姒玩,就没来,功效周幽王被捕,周朝便衰落起来了,这就是“褒姒一笑失全国”的典故,具有奇异的汗青意义。


















张学良第宅旧址在西安市开国路甲字 69号(原金家 巷五号),总面积约7703平方米,附近砌筑青砖围墙,大 门北向。第宅以东、中、西3幢砖木布局中西式楼房及20余间平房。楼的平面呈“十”字形。楼分3层,第1层为地下 室,室外有缓坡台阶通 2层大门,门向北开,小青瓦盖顶。院内东南有保镳职员栖身的平房,西南有中西餐厅。 昔时张学良住在西楼。西安事务产生后,以周恩来为首的中共中央代表团到西安调停,住在第宅东楼。12月23~24日,中共代表团、张杨 两将军、南京代表团在西楼进行三方交涉,告竣“六项协议”。今朝举行有“西安事务史实陈列”、“千古元勋——张学良将军平生陈列”和张学良旧居复兴陈列。

1984年创立西安事务旧址打点处,1986年对张学良 第宅、止园、五间厅、新城大楼、杨虎城将军新城第宅举办维修,根基恢复兴貌。此刻张学良第宅旧址成立了西安事务眷念馆。 杨虎城止园别墅位于西安市青年路117号,今止园饭馆西侧,占地面积2331m2,其主体为一座中西合璧气魄威风凛凛的砖木布局三层楼房,并有平房10余间。原为杨虎城将军的别墅,又称杨虎城第宅,情形很是寂静。这座别墅现已辟为杨虎城将军眷念馆,内铺排有杨虎城将军的遗物和西安事务的部门文件,在旧址内举行有“杨虎城将军平生陈列”和杨虎城旧居复兴陈列。